Tender NO. 3700004409 Refreshing The SAP Server Hardware at DC and DR As Per Tender Specification
Tender NO. 3700004409 Refreshing The SAP Server Hardware at DC and DR As Per Tender Specification
Tender NO. 3700004409 Refreshing The SAP Server Hardware at DC and DR As Per Tender Specification
Mode EPS
13. Bids without EMD (If applicable) & Integrity Pact(where applicable)duly NOT
signed in all pages will be summarily rejected, without any further reference to
the Bidder.
14. In case of manual tenders, all the Rates given in the Tender must be expressed
both in words and in figures and in case of difference between the two, the rates
given in words would be final and considered correct. In case of any differences
between unit rates and totalised rates quoted by the bidder, then the unit rates
shall prevail.
15. Any corrigendum / amendment to the tender will be uploaded on MRPL
website http://mrpl.co.in/ e-Procurement site
www.tenderwizard.com/MRPLand will not be published through press
advertisement. Prospective bidders should visit the above MRPL website/ e-
Procurement site from time to time to make note of corrigendum / amendment if
any. MRPL will not be responsible for non-receipt of communications in this
16. MRPL tenders are also displayed in Central Public Procurement Portal –visit
https://eprocure.gov.in/cppp/latestactivetenders and select MRPL.
17. Deviation on Pre-Qualification Criteria(as applicable) and Bidders’ Evaluation
Criteria is not acceptable and such Bids having any deviation are liable for
18. Date format should be “DD.MM.YYYY” (Date/Month/Year) format in respect of
dates mentioned by bidders in their offer.
19. The tender terms/ conditions as per SCC (Special conditions of the contract)
Supersedes all similar terms/conditions prescribed under GCC and in case of
ambiguity of similar tender terms/conditions, the stricter terms shall prevail.
20. Where applicable, offers of those vendors who do not accept and submit the duly
signed Integrity Pact are liable to be rejected.
21. Wherever applicable if EMD/Integrity Pact are not submitted in original along
with the Technical bid, such offers shall be liable for rejection.
22. Suppliers shall send GST Invoices/ Debit Notes/ Commercial Invoices for the
associated delivery costs including Freight and TPI if any along with the main
invoice for material supply, failing which MRPL shall not be responsible for
payment of such dues subsequently.
23. In case of annual rate contracts (ARC), the total freight charges for the entire
contract value shall not exceed the sum of the actual freight charges of individual
deliveries as issued through individual delivery instructions during the
implementation of the contract.
24. In case any of the documents/details submitted are found to be
false/fake/incorrect, before finalisation of tender/after placement of Purchase
Order, MRPL reserves right to reject such bids/forfeiture of EMD/Security
Deposit/Cancellation of Purchase Order/including placing such vendor(s)/
Bidder (s)on Holiday Listing.
25. A) The Guidelines and procedures for Holiday Listing are available in MRPL
website as Holiday Listing Policy and shall be applicable in the context of all
tenders and consequently all Orders / Contracts / Purchase Orders. This can be
accessed at URL www.mrpl.co.in refer to Tenders - Holiday Listing Policy.
Further, Bidders shall not be banned/holiday listed by any entity during the
tendering process, failing which MRPL reserves right to reject such bids. An
undertaking shall be given by the bidder in section-2 of Tender Documents.
B) Agencies participating in tenders are deemed to have read, understood,
accepted and agreed for the terms under the Holiday Listing Policy of MRPL and
shall not seek any damages/compensation from MRPL on account of the
Holiday Listing of business with the Agency.
26. Pre bid conference will be held on 07th September, 2018 at MRPL Materials
Dept., at 10.30 hrs. Any and all queries related to the tender shall be sent by fax
to Materials Department at the address given at least 1 day in advance. All
Bidders are invited to attend the Pre bid conference. No deviation to any of the
terms will be permitted after freezing of the same at Pre bid conference.
2. Offers received online on the e-procurement portal only will be considered for
4. Bidders are responsible for obtaining the digital certificates for participation / submission of
bids at their cost/ updating necessary software(s)/ browsers from time to time which are
compliant with the e-tendering portal.
6. Bidder shall download the bidding manual, system requirement and vendor registration
manual and JRE setup for portal https://www.tenderwizard.com/MRPL to get acquainted
with the procedures for submitting the online bids.
7. MRPL shall not be responsible for any delays occurred due to reasons whatsoever in
receiving as well as on line submission of offers, including internet connectivity, document
uploading/downloading issues etc.
8. In case of any queries regarding Registration, Bid Submission procedure and system related
issue, the bidder shall contact help desk of our e-procurement service provider M/s.
Antares Systems Limited.
Mangaluru Helpdesk eps@mrpl.co.in
+91-88800 48887
Bengaluru Helpdesk 080-49352000
2) The bidder shall have an annual turnover not less than Rs. 5.43 crores at least during one
year out of the last 3 years. The Audited Financial Statements (B/S & P&L). In case the
financial statements are not audited for 2017-18, Company Auditors shall certify them.
Document evidence shall be submitted.
3) The Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) can quote either directly or through their
authorized Business partner (BP). The BP should submit a valid Manufactures
Authorization Form (MAF) on OEM’s letterhead valid for 5 years duly signed and stamped
by OEM’s authorized signatory. A Business partner (BP) should submit one bid from one
OEM only.
4) The OEM/BP should provide at least ONE reference customer in India where a solution
comprising of "SAP certified Scale-up HANA Appliance" and any HCI has been supplied &
implemented in any of the last 5 years of value not less than Rs. 3.26 crores as on the date of
submission of the bids. The bidder/OEM should have to submit the order copy along with
completion certificate.
5) The OEM should certify that the equipment offered would not be 'End of Life' and 'End of
Support' for a minimum of seven years from date of PO. Relevant document to be submitted
in the technical bid.
6) The bidder should not be under Holiday listing / Blacklisting period by any Govt. Body /
PSU during the period in which tender is invited. An undertaking to this effect to be
submitted by the participating Bidder & OEM along with the tender documents.
2. The bidder should quote for all items in the tender. A Confirmation to this effect shall be
attached. Part offering bids are invalid for technical evaluation.
3. Technically accepted bids will be evaluated on commercially Overall L1 basis, i.e. lowest
landed cost to MRPL.
Rejection Criteria
The bids are liable for rejection in following cases:
a. Bids received after the due date and time of bid submission.
b. Non submission of EMD, in original is not found in Technical bid of the offer.
However, PSU/ firms registered with NSIC or MSE vendors (Micro Small Enterprises)
registered with DIC (District Industries Centres) or Udhyog Aadhaar or any other body
specified by Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MoMSME) are exempted
from submission of EMD (as applicable). Such bidder needs to submit relevant and valid
documents along with technical bid of tender. The benefits of PP Policy are not
applicable to bidders who are traders/ dealers/resellers/ distributors/authorized
agents for the indented items as per MSME guidelines. The MSEs registered bidders are
exempted from payment of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD).
f. The bidder does not submit duly signed copy of Integrity pact shall be liable for
(To be attached with technical bid)
Price Reduction Schedule (PRS)
Security Deposit (SD)
Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) Needs To Be Accepted
Warranty/Guarantee As Per MRPL General
Purchase Conditions
Payment Terms (GPC)
Offer Validity (Minimum 120 Days)
Acceptance of All Terms & Conditions of Tender
Terms & Conditions:
This is mandatory format to be filled in all rows & signed by bidder. None entry will be treated as
"ACCEPTED/ INCLUSIVE". Bidders commercial terms given elsewhere will not be considered for
evaluation and shall be treated as null and void.
1. If Bidder is not accepting tender terms as per MRPL GPC and is not submitting this declaration
as per above format, their offer is liable for rejection. Any correction/deletion/applying
correction fluids etc. in this format will result in rejection of offer.
2. Bidder shall agree to supply the part order (wherever applicable) without any pre-conditions.
Request of vendors asking for assured quantities for part order will be rejected.
3. Bidder should supply the material upto MRPL Refinery Site. Transportation Charges extra if
any shall be quoted.
4. Bidder shall provide correct GST No. & Address details in the space provided below.
5. Vendors shall fill MSE/NON MSE bidder details format attached. Further, MSE bidders are
required to submit copies of valid and duly authorized documentary evidence as proof of the
same and are also advised to register themselves in MSE databank.
6. Evaluation shall be done on Landed Cost after considering set off on Taxes and Duties. The
basic Prices/Quoted shall not include any taxes and duties.
7. In case the Actual Freight charges are higher than the freight charges quoted in the price bid, the
difference in Freight charges shall be debited from the Vendors account at the time of bill
payment along with corresponding taxes applicable.
8. Invoice in proper format to be submitted for availing input tax credit.
9. QAP/Material Test Certificate to be submitted along with supply wherever applicable.
It is the responsibility of the vendor to ensure the address of PO vendor and invoicing
vendor shall be same.
In case of any change in bank details, vendor is required to update in MRPL Format attached.
Place :
Date :
Contact Person Name :
Designation :
Telephone/Mobile :
E-Mail ID :
This RFP solicits proposals from prospective vendors who can supply and implement the complete above
solutions with backup/recovery offerings etc. at MRPL’s refinery site at Mangaluru and disaster recovery
site at Bengaluru.
The detailed scope describes the proposed SAP landscapes along with SAP certified backup solutions.
Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited (MRPL) is a schedule ‘A’ Miniratna, Central Public
Sector Enterprise (CPSE) under the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas. MRPL is located in a beautiful
hilly terrain, north of Mangaluru city, in Dakshina Kannada District of Karnataka State (India). The 15
Million Metric Tonne Refinery has got a versatile design with complex secondary processing units and a
high flexibility to process Crudes of various API, delivering a variety of quality products.
MRPL, with its parent company Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC), owns and operates
ONGC Mangalore Petrochemicals Limited (OMPL), a petrochemical unit capable of producing 1 Million
Tonnes of Para Xylene. OMPL, situated in the adjacent Mangalore Special Economic Zone (MSEZ), is
integrated with the refinery operations. Para Xylene from OMPL is sold in the export market.
MRPL has implemented SAP ECC 6.0 (ERP) during year 2010 with its core functions (Finance, Materials,
Sales & Distribution, HR etc.) for major business related activities. The state of the art data centre was
setup at Mangalore Refinery campus, Mangalore and disaster recovery strategy, DR site was set up at
NEXTRA Datacentre Bangaluru.
SN Description Unit Qty @MLR @BLR Unit
1. SAP HANA Appliance.
Specification and Deployment architecture as No. 4 3 1
per Annexure – 1
2. Hyper converged Infrastructure (HCI) for SAP
Applications which includes HCI / Hypervisor Quoted
No. 2 1 1
S/W perpetual enterprise licenses for 5 years. Yes/No
(4-Nodes/site)as per Annexure – 2
3. Quoted
Backup Server as per Annexure – 3 Set 1 1 1
4. Quoted
Tape library as per Annexure – 4 Set 1 1 1
5. HCI Management console server as per Quoted
No. 2 1 1
Annexure – 5 Yes/No
6. 42U, 800x1000mm, Fully perforated server rack Quoted
No. 2 1 1
as per Annexure – 6 Yes/No
7. TOR multi-rate Gigabit Ethernet switch with
48 ports of 10GBaseT, 4 port x 100GbE (QSFP) No. 4 2 2
as per Annexure – 7
8. IP based (end-to-end) 16-port KVM switch with Quoted
No. 2 1 1
local access consoles as per Annexure – 8 Yes/No
9. Scope of work as per Annexure – 9
SN Payment Schedules
1. Vendor has to submit the valid GST invoices to release the payment after certification by EIC.
Annexure – 1
Annexure – 2
Annexure – 3
Annexure – 4
Annexure – 5
Annexure – 6
SN Item Specification
3. Top & Bottom Cover Bolted to Fame with Required Cut Outs.
Annexure – 7
SN Item Specification
8. Functionality IEEE Compliance with Priority-based flow control, data centre bridge.
Annexure – 8
SN Item Specification
Keyboard / Mouse
4. USB
Encryption Algorithm
5. DES, Triple DES, AES, 128-bit SSL
6. server connection Cat5 cabling between the server and the switch
Annexure – 9
1. Bidder shall include OEM support for the HANA appliances and the entire HCI
implementation, includes patching, update, upgrade as and when required.
2. All licenses related to HCI, Hypervisor, O/S and Backup/Recovery should be perpetual with 5
years support/subscription in the name of MRPL.
3. Should coordinate with SAP team, MRPL and other resources required during the migration
from existing system to newly configured system.
4. Configure the system(s) to automatic notification to proactive team, system administrator and
MRPL team in case of any incident (H/W, S/W and environmental issues).
5. Harden the O/S as per the best practices security guidelines and integrate with SIEM, SSO and
other applications as and when required.
6. Integrate with AD-DS and setup NTP across all the servers, switches etc. to maintain uniform
7. All weekdays, round-the-clock proactive and reactive direct priority support from OEM with
response time of 1 hour for H/W, O/S and backup S/W and advanced part replacement
(onsite) of 24 hour.
8. Remote/Onsite Heath Check Services for HANA appliances &its Report to be made available
every 12 months. Re-validation of the HANA appliances and make appropriate
recommendations. Compliance against best practices in the areas of server configuration,
performance and security should be delivered post health check.