Tender NO. 3700004409 Refreshing The SAP Server Hardware at DC and DR As Per Tender Specification

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मंगलूर रफ़ाइन र एंड पे ोके िमक स िलिमटेडMangalore Refinery & Petrochemicals Limited

ऑइल एंड नेचरु ल गैस कॉरपोरे शन क सहायक कं पनीA

(ऑइल पनी subsidiary of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd.)
पंजीकृ त कायालय:कु ेतुर पो ट, वाया काटीप ला, मंगलू , भारत - 575 030
Registered Office: Kuthethoor P.O., Via Katipalla, Mangaluru, Karnataka, India - 575030

Tender NO. 3700004409

Refreshing the SAP server hardware at DC and DR as per tender specification.



1. Notice Inviting Tender (NIT)
2. Instruction to Bidders (ITB)
3. General Guidelines of E-Procurement System (EPS)
Pre Qualification Criteria, Bid Evaluation Criteria and Rejection
5. Technical (Unpriced) Bid Format
6. Technical Specifications, Scope of Work, Drawings etc.


1. General Purchase Conditions (GPC)
Conditions for Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs)/Conditions
for Start-Up Companies & Preference to Make in India
Declaration & Undertaking By Micro & Small Scale Enterprises
/ Start-up Companies
General Guidelines to Suppliers for Environment and Energy
Statement of Credentials/Declaration for Relationship with
6. Declaration for Holiday Listing/Blacklisting
Vendor Form For Electronic Funds Transfer Payment & Tax
8. Bank Guarantee Format for EMD
9. Format for Security Deposit
10. Format for PBG
11. Integrity Pact/IEM
12. Check - List
Tender No. 3700004409 Refreshing the SAP server hardware at DC and DR as per tender specification.


Refreshing the SAP server hardware at DC and DR

Brief Description of the requirement
as per tender specification
Tender Type Open

Bid Type Two Bid

Mode EPS

Tender Document sale start date 27.08.2018

Tender Document sale closing date 28.09.2018 @ 15.00 Hrs. (IST)

Date / Time of Technical Bid Opening 28.09.2018 @ 15.30 Hrs. (IST)

Pre Bid Conference 07.09.2018 @ 10.30 Hrs. (IST)

Offer Validity 120 days from Bid Closing Date

Delivery Period As per SCC of Tender Specification

EMD Applicable Rs. 10,64,000/-

EMD (BG or DD) drawn in favour of MRPL Mangaluru, to be sent directly to Materials Department,
MRPL, Kuthethoor PO, Via Katipalla, Mangaluru. Please super-scribe on envelope “EMD for
Tender No 3700004409 for Refreshing the SAP server hardware at DC and DR as per tender
Sudhir T. / sudhirt@mrpl.co.in /0824-288-3072 and
For Technical Queries contact V. V. Lakshmana Murthy / vvlmurthy@mrpl.co.in /
Sampath Rai B/ sampath_rai@mrpl.co.in /0824-288-
For Commercial Queries contact 2225 and Venugopal V.J./ gopal@mrpl.co.in/0824-
For Queries related to E-tendering
Mr. Dilip Ranganath/eps@mrpl.co.in/0824-288-2248
Bidders are informed to check tender link on MRPL website http://mrpl.co.in for replies to
queries raised during pre-bid meeting, any clarifications, corrigendum, addendum etc.
In case of E-Tenders, the Technical & Price Bid Formats should be downloaded, filled &
uploaded in the EPS portal (https://www.tenderwizard.com/MRPL
Materials Department, Mangalore Refinery and
Address to submit the tender Petrochemicals Ltd , Mangalore -575030, Karnataka,
document (in case of Manual Tender) India
(Please mention tender number on the envelop)

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Tender No. 3700004409 Refreshing the SAP server hardware at DC and DR as per tender specification.


1. All bidders are required to read these conditions carefully and submit one set
duly signed by them as token of having read, understood and accepted the
conditions, along with information called for by MRPL.
2. The Bidding document shall be read in conjunction with any amendment(s)
3. Bidders should get clarified all the technical doubts and other points related to
the tender before submitting the priced and un-priced offer.
4. No assumption, stipulation, deviations from terms and conditions or
presumptions, etc. shall be made by the Bidder while submitting the offer in the
Price Part of the Tender. The liability of obtaining all necessary clarity with
respect to the tender, its technical aspects and pricing shall be on the Bidder.
MRPL shall be under no obligation whatsoever to entertain any tender bid which
is based on any assumption, stipulation, deviations from terms and conditions or
presumptions, etc. and would have the option to reject such bid.
5. Bidder shall submit the offer in two parts, i.e. Technical Bid and Price Bid in
separate sealed covers through post (in case of manual tender)/ uploaded in the
system (in case of E Tender).
6. In case of manual tender, both the sealed covers containing Part-1 (Un priced
Technical Bid) and Part-2 (Priced Bid) shall be put in one single cover and
submitted by duly super-scribing Tender Number & Bid Closing date. In case
offer received without super-scribing Tender Number it will be treated as
unsolicited offer.
Bidders are required to serially number all the pages being appended by them as
part of submission to the Technical bid. Such numbering shall include, Covering
letter, Technical specifications, items list being offered, Drawings, Specification,
Certificates, Catalogues, Compliance or Deviation statements, etc. as applicable
to this Tender and create an Index Page with headings and corresponding page
numbers. In addition to this, all pages of the Tender Documents issued by MRPL
shall be signed on all pages and to be submitted by post (in case of manual
tender)/ uploaded in the system (in case of E Tender).


7. In case, PRICE BID is included in TECHNICAL BID portion, or PRICES are
mentioned in the technical bid itself the entire bid will be rejected.
8. Bidders may attend Pre Bid Meeting (If applicable), Technical Bid/ Price Bid
Opening at own expense and interest. Queries if any, to be sent 2 days prior to
pre bid meeting.
9. Date and Time of Price bid opening shall be advised separately to the technically
qualified bidders.
10. In case of /EMD, the parties are requested to send EMD of prescribed value by
way of DD/BG issued by a Scheduled/ Nationalised Bank in the name of MRPL,
payable at Mangaluru along with a request letter. MRPL will not be responsible
for any loss or postal delay / non receipt of tender/ EMD etc. Date format

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Tender No. 3700004409 Refreshing the SAP server hardware at DC and DR as per tender specification.

should be “DD.MM.YYYY” (Date/Month/Year) format. In case the EMD is/are

paid electronically, then proof of the same shall be provided.
11. EMD, as mentioned above in the form of DD/BG drawn in favour of MRPL,
Mangaluru to be couriered to Materials Department, MRPL, Kuthethoor PO, Via
Katipalla, Mangaluru- 575030 and bidder shall ensure to submit the same at
MRPL before bid closing date and time. In case payment is done electronically,
bidder shall ensure to submit the proof within the bid closing date/time.
12. The Bank Guarantee by Indian Bidders will be given on non- judicial stamp
paper as per stamp duty applicable at the place where the tender has emanated.
The non-judicial stamp paper should be in name of the issuing Bank. The Bank
Guarantee by Indian bidders will be given from Nationalized /Scheduled Banks

13. Bids without EMD (If applicable) & Integrity Pact(where applicable)duly NOT
signed in all pages will be summarily rejected, without any further reference to
the Bidder.
14. In case of manual tenders, all the Rates given in the Tender must be expressed
both in words and in figures and in case of difference between the two, the rates
given in words would be final and considered correct. In case of any differences
between unit rates and totalised rates quoted by the bidder, then the unit rates
shall prevail.
15. Any corrigendum / amendment to the tender will be uploaded on MRPL
website http://mrpl.co.in/ e-Procurement site
www.tenderwizard.com/MRPLand will not be published through press
advertisement. Prospective bidders should visit the above MRPL website/ e-
Procurement site from time to time to make note of corrigendum / amendment if
any. MRPL will not be responsible for non-receipt of communications in this
16. MRPL tenders are also displayed in Central Public Procurement Portal –visit
https://eprocure.gov.in/cppp/latestactivetenders and select MRPL.
17. Deviation on Pre-Qualification Criteria(as applicable) and Bidders’ Evaluation
Criteria is not acceptable and such Bids having any deviation are liable for
18. Date format should be “DD.MM.YYYY” (Date/Month/Year) format in respect of
dates mentioned by bidders in their offer.
19. The tender terms/ conditions as per SCC (Special conditions of the contract)
Supersedes all similar terms/conditions prescribed under GCC and in case of
ambiguity of similar tender terms/conditions, the stricter terms shall prevail.
20. Where applicable, offers of those vendors who do not accept and submit the duly
signed Integrity Pact are liable to be rejected.
21. Wherever applicable if EMD/Integrity Pact are not submitted in original along
with the Technical bid, such offers shall be liable for rejection.
22. Suppliers shall send GST Invoices/ Debit Notes/ Commercial Invoices for the
associated delivery costs including Freight and TPI if any along with the main
invoice for material supply, failing which MRPL shall not be responsible for
payment of such dues subsequently.

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Tender No. 3700004409 Refreshing the SAP server hardware at DC and DR as per tender specification.

23. In case of annual rate contracts (ARC), the total freight charges for the entire
contract value shall not exceed the sum of the actual freight charges of individual
deliveries as issued through individual delivery instructions during the
implementation of the contract.
24. In case any of the documents/details submitted are found to be
false/fake/incorrect, before finalisation of tender/after placement of Purchase
Order, MRPL reserves right to reject such bids/forfeiture of EMD/Security
Deposit/Cancellation of Purchase Order/including placing such vendor(s)/
Bidder (s)on Holiday Listing.
25. A) The Guidelines and procedures for Holiday Listing are available in MRPL
website as Holiday Listing Policy and shall be applicable in the context of all
tenders and consequently all Orders / Contracts / Purchase Orders. This can be
accessed at URL www.mrpl.co.in refer to Tenders - Holiday Listing Policy.
Further, Bidders shall not be banned/holiday listed by any entity during the
tendering process, failing which MRPL reserves right to reject such bids. An
undertaking shall be given by the bidder in section-2 of Tender Documents.
B) Agencies participating in tenders are deemed to have read, understood,
accepted and agreed for the terms under the Holiday Listing Policy of MRPL and
shall not seek any damages/compensation from MRPL on account of the
Holiday Listing of business with the Agency.
26. Pre bid conference will be held on 07th September, 2018 at MRPL Materials
Dept., at 10.30 hrs. Any and all queries related to the tender shall be sent by fax
to Materials Department at the address given at least 1 day in advance. All
Bidders are invited to attend the Pre bid conference. No deviation to any of the
terms will be permitted after freezing of the same at Pre bid conference.

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Tender No. 3700004409 Refreshing the SAP server hardware at DC and DR as per tender specification.

General Guidelines of E-Procurement System (EPS):

1. Tenders are invited on-line on the website https://www.tenderwizard.com/MRPL from

the firms having Class IIB or above Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) (with Signing &
Encryption Certificate) issued by any agency authorized by Controller of Certifying
Authority (CCA), Govt. of India.

2. Offers received online on the e-procurement portal only will be considered for

3. The server date and time as appearing on website https://www.tenderwizard.com/MRPL

shall only be considered as cut-off time for receipt of tenders. Offers received by any other
mode will not be considered.

4. Bidders are responsible for obtaining the digital certificates for participation / submission of
bids at their cost/ updating necessary software(s)/ browsers from time to time which are
compliant with the e-tendering portal.

5. The digital certificate shall be registered on the portal https://www.tenderwizard.com/MRPL

6. Bidder shall download the bidding manual, system requirement and vendor registration
manual and JRE setup for portal https://www.tenderwizard.com/MRPL to get acquainted
with the procedures for submitting the online bids.

7. MRPL shall not be responsible for any delays occurred due to reasons whatsoever in
receiving as well as on line submission of offers, including internet connectivity, document
uploading/downloading issues etc.

8. In case of any queries regarding Registration, Bid Submission procedure and system related
issue, the bidder shall contact help desk of our e-procurement service provider M/s.
Antares Systems Limited.

Support Location Contact No. Email ID

Mangaluru Helpdesk eps@mrpl.co.in
+91-88800 48887

Bengaluru Helpdesk 080-49352000

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Tender No. 3700004409 Refreshing the SAP server hardware at DC and DR as per tender specification.

PQC (Pre-Qualification Criteria)

1) The Bidder should be a Registered Company in India for the last 5 years. The Certified copy
of the Certificate of Incorporation issued by the Registrar of Companies and Certificate of
Commencement of business issued by the Registrar of Companies to be furnished.

2) The bidder shall have an annual turnover not less than Rs. 5.43 crores at least during one
year out of the last 3 years. The Audited Financial Statements (B/S & P&L). In case the
financial statements are not audited for 2017-18, Company Auditors shall certify them.
Document evidence shall be submitted.

3) The Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) can quote either directly or through their
authorized Business partner (BP). The BP should submit a valid Manufactures
Authorization Form (MAF) on OEM’s letterhead valid for 5 years duly signed and stamped
by OEM’s authorized signatory. A Business partner (BP) should submit one bid from one
OEM only.

4) The OEM/BP should provide at least ONE reference customer in India where a solution
comprising of "SAP certified Scale-up HANA Appliance" and any HCI has been supplied &
implemented in any of the last 5 years of value not less than Rs. 3.26 crores as on the date of
submission of the bids. The bidder/OEM should have to submit the order copy along with
completion certificate.

5) The OEM should certify that the equipment offered would not be 'End of Life' and 'End of
Support' for a minimum of seven years from date of PO. Relevant document to be submitted
in the technical bid.

6) The bidder should not be under Holiday listing / Blacklisting period by any Govt. Body /
PSU during the period in which tender is invited. An undertaking to this effect to be
submitted by the participating Bidder & OEM along with the tender documents.

Bid Evaluation Criteria (BEC)

1. The bidder should comply with the Technical specification & Scope given in the tender in

2. The bidder should quote for all items in the tender. A Confirmation to this effect shall be
attached. Part offering bids are invalid for technical evaluation.

3. Technically accepted bids will be evaluated on commercially Overall L1 basis, i.e. lowest
landed cost to MRPL.

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Tender No. 3700004409 Refreshing the SAP server hardware at DC and DR as per tender specification.

Rejection Criteria
The bids are liable for rejection in following cases:
a. Bids received after the due date and time of bid submission.

b. Non submission of EMD, in original is not found in Technical bid of the offer.
However, PSU/ firms registered with NSIC or MSE vendors (Micro Small Enterprises)
registered with DIC (District Industries Centres) or Udhyog Aadhaar or any other body
specified by Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MoMSME) are exempted
from submission of EMD (as applicable). Such bidder needs to submit relevant and valid
documents along with technical bid of tender. The benefits of PP Policy are not
applicable to bidders who are traders/ dealers/resellers/ distributors/authorized
agents for the indented items as per MSME guidelines. The MSEs registered bidders are
exempted from payment of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD).

c. Non adherence to technical/commercial terms, incomplete bids, bids in deviations to

tender conditions, bids with falsified or incorrect information, bids not meeting
PQC/BEC, bids not conforming to Unpriced/Priced Bid format, manipulated or
unsigned bids.

d. If price bid is submitted along with technical bid.

e. Consortium / joint bids shall not be accepted.

f. The bidder does not submit duly signed copy of Integrity pact shall be liable for

g. Offer submitted in any currency other than INR shall be rejected.

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Tender No. 3700004409 Refreshing the SAP server hardware at DC and DR as per tender specification.

(To be attached with technical bid)

HSN GST Quoted

SN Item Code Description QTY UOM
Code (%) Yes/No
To be quoted
1 1000114387 DEPLOYMENT 4 EA
in EPS system
2 1000114388 2 EA
LICENSES FOR 5 YEARS. (4- directly
3 1000114389 1 SET
ANNEXURE in EPS system
4 1000114390 1 SET
ANNEXURE in EPS system
5 1000114391 2 EA
42U FLOOR MOUNT RACK To be quoted
6 1300012947 2 EA
To be quoted
7 1000114392 PORTS OF 10GBASET, 4 PORT X 4 EA
in EPS system
8 1000114393 2 EA

To be quoted in Price Bid of

Third Party Inspection % or Rs. N. A
To be quoted in Price Bid of
Packing & Forwarding charges extra if any %
GST Rate %

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Tender No. 3700004409 Refreshing the SAP server hardware at DC and DR as per tender specification.

Any other taxes and levis if applicable (Please specify) % or Rs.

To be quoted in Price Bid of
Freight up to MRPL Refinery Site extra if any % or Rs.
GST rate on freight cost %

Any other charges (if applicable please specify)

Transit Insurance MRPL A/c

To be quoted in Price Bid of
Grand Total Rs.

Delivery period: (As per SCC/Tender Specification)

Price Basis/Inco terms(Ex Works or For MRPL Site)
Currency of Offer INR

Whether ITC benefits will be passed on to MRPL

Price Reduction Schedule (PRS)
Security Deposit (SD)
Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) Needs To Be Accepted
Warranty/Guarantee As Per MRPL General
Purchase Conditions
Payment Terms (GPC)
Offer Validity (Minimum 120 Days)
Acceptance of All Terms & Conditions of Tender
Terms & Conditions:
This is mandatory format to be filled in all rows & signed by bidder. None entry will be treated as
"ACCEPTED/ INCLUSIVE". Bidders commercial terms given elsewhere will not be considered for
evaluation and shall be treated as null and void.
1. If Bidder is not accepting tender terms as per MRPL GPC and is not submitting this declaration
as per above format, their offer is liable for rejection. Any correction/deletion/applying
correction fluids etc. in this format will result in rejection of offer.
2. Bidder shall agree to supply the part order (wherever applicable) without any pre-conditions.
Request of vendors asking for assured quantities for part order will be rejected.
3. Bidder should supply the material upto MRPL Refinery Site. Transportation Charges extra if
any shall be quoted.
4. Bidder shall provide correct GST No. & Address details in the space provided below.
5. Vendors shall fill MSE/NON MSE bidder details format attached. Further, MSE bidders are
required to submit copies of valid and duly authorized documentary evidence as proof of the
same and are also advised to register themselves in MSE databank.
6. Evaluation shall be done on Landed Cost after considering set off on Taxes and Duties. The
basic Prices/Quoted shall not include any taxes and duties.
7. In case the Actual Freight charges are higher than the freight charges quoted in the price bid, the
difference in Freight charges shall be debited from the Vendors account at the time of bill
payment along with corresponding taxes applicable.
8. Invoice in proper format to be submitted for availing input tax credit.
9. QAP/Material Test Certificate to be submitted along with supply wherever applicable.

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Tender No. 3700004409 Refreshing the SAP server hardware at DC and DR as per tender specification.


Technical deviations, if any

Commercial deviations, if any


Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited
Kuthethoor via Katipalla,
Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka-575030


It is the responsibility of the vendor to ensure the address of PO vendor and invoicing
vendor shall be same.

In case of any change in bank details, vendor is required to update in MRPL Format attached.

Place :
Date :
Contact Person Name :
Designation :
Telephone/Mobile :
E-Mail ID :


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Tender No. 3700004409 Refreshing the SAP server hardware at DC and DR as per tender specification.




For supply, installation and configuration of

SAP HANA DB Appliances and

Hyper-converged Infrastructure for SAP Applications

At MRPL Datacentre and Disaster Recovery sites at

Mangalore and Bengaluru

मंगलूर रफाइनर ए डपे ोके मक स ल मटे ड

A Subsidiary of ONGC Ltd.,
Kuthetoor Post, Via Katipalla, MANGALORE – 575 030

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Tender No. 3700004409 Refreshing the SAP server hardware at DC and DR as per tender specification.



6. SAP Certified HANA Appliance with in-built storage – 4 No.s
7. Hyper converged Infrastructure – Server’s with in-built storage (4-Nodes/site)
8. Backup Server Specification – 1 Set (2 No.s)
9. Backup Tape Drive and Media Specification – 1 Set (2No.s)
10. Management console server Specification – 2 No.s
11. 42U, 800x1000mm, fully perforated server rack – 2 No.s
12. Top-Of-Rack, Datacentre multirate Gigabit Ethernet switch – 4 no.s
13. 16-port end-to-end IP based KVM Switch – 2 No.s

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Tender No. 3700004409 Refreshing the SAP server hardware at DC and DR as per tender specification.


The main objective of this proposal is to replace the complete existing SAP infrastructure. We would like
to implement appliance based SAP HANA in-memory database and HCI for SAP applications.

This RFP solicits proposals from prospective vendors who can supply and implement the complete above
solutions with backup/recovery offerings etc. at MRPL’s refinery site at Mangaluru and disaster recovery
site at Bengaluru.

The detailed scope describes the proposed SAP landscapes along with SAP certified backup solutions.

Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited (MRPL) is a schedule ‘A’ Miniratna, Central Public
Sector Enterprise (CPSE) under the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas. MRPL is located in a beautiful
hilly terrain, north of Mangaluru city, in Dakshina Kannada District of Karnataka State (India). The 15
Million Metric Tonne Refinery has got a versatile design with complex secondary processing units and a
high flexibility to process Crudes of various API, delivering a variety of quality products.

MRPL, with its parent company Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC), owns and operates
ONGC Mangalore Petrochemicals Limited (OMPL), a petrochemical unit capable of producing 1 Million
Tonnes of Para Xylene. OMPL, situated in the adjacent Mangalore Special Economic Zone (MSEZ), is
integrated with the refinery operations. Para Xylene from OMPL is sold in the export market.

MRPL has implemented SAP ECC 6.0 (ERP) during year 2010 with its core functions (Finance, Materials,
Sales & Distribution, HR etc.) for major business related activities. The state of the art data centre was
setup at Mangalore Refinery campus, Mangalore and disaster recovery strategy, DR site was set up at
NEXTRA Datacentre Bangaluru.

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Tender No. 3700004409 Refreshing the SAP server hardware at DC and DR as per tender specification.

SN Description Unit Qty @MLR @BLR Unit
1. SAP HANA Appliance.
Specification and Deployment architecture as No. 4 3 1
per Annexure – 1
2. Hyper converged Infrastructure (HCI) for SAP
Applications which includes HCI / Hypervisor Quoted
No. 2 1 1
S/W perpetual enterprise licenses for 5 years. Yes/No
(4-Nodes/site)as per Annexure – 2
3. Quoted
Backup Server as per Annexure – 3 Set 1 1 1
4. Quoted
Tape library as per Annexure – 4 Set 1 1 1
5. HCI Management console server as per Quoted
No. 2 1 1
Annexure – 5 Yes/No
6. 42U, 800x1000mm, Fully perforated server rack Quoted
No. 2 1 1
as per Annexure – 6 Yes/No
7. TOR multi-rate Gigabit Ethernet switch with
48 ports of 10GBaseT, 4 port x 100GbE (QSFP) No. 4 2 2
as per Annexure – 7
8. IP based (end-to-end) 16-port KVM switch with Quoted
No. 2 1 1
local access consoles as per Annexure – 8 Yes/No
9. Scope of work as per Annexure – 9


1. Item No.1, 2, 3 and 5 should be from same OEM.

2. Vendor should clearly mention about the applicable taxes in the price bid.

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Tender No. 3700004409 Refreshing the SAP server hardware at DC and DR as per tender specification.


SN Payment Schedules

1 80% against on-site supply and acceptance by MRPL.

2 15% against installation, registering the products and S/W licenses upon subscription in
the name of MRPL.
3 5% after integration, end-to-end testing and the technical migration/ Go-Live on
certification of EIC.


SN Description Duration Confirmation from


On-site Supply of items from the date of 3 Months

releasing the P.O.
2 Installation, registering the products and 15 Days
S/W licenses in the name of MRPL after
3 Balance of 5% after integration, end-to-end 3 Months
testing and the technical migration/Go-Live
on certification of EIC.


1. Vendor has to submit the valid GST invoices to release the payment after certification by EIC.

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Tender No. 3700004409 Refreshing the SAP server hardware at DC and DR as per tender specification.

Annexure – 1

SAP Certified HANA Appliance with in-built storage – 4 No.s

Technical Specification per Appliance
SN Item Specification
a. 1.5 TB, Scale-up HANA Appliance.
b. The certification should not be older than 1 year.
c. The hardware should be based on Intel Skylake processor.
d. The hardware should support, scale-up SoH/S4H/BWoH/BW4H/DM.
e. The appliance should certify for SUES for SAP 12 SP3 or higher for
SAP solutions.
1. HANA Appliance f. Complied with HANA-HWC-AP SU 1.1
g. The offered model should appear in:
2. Form Factor Rack optimized.
At least2 x Intel Xeon Platinum 8176 2.1G, 28C/56T,10.4GT/s , 38M
3. Processor
Cache, Turbo, HT (165W) DDR4-2666
4. Memory 1536 GB LRDIMM, 2666MT/s, Quad Rank
5. File System XFS file System
Min. 4 x 10Gb Base-T Network Adapter and 4 x 1Gb Base-T Network
6. Networking
Appliance should have required in-built storage capacity only.
7. Storage a. HANA Data should be on SSD Cache.
b. Log, HANA-Application and O/S should be on HDD storage.
a. Pre-installed, configured and optimized HANA 2.0 or latest supported
at the time of delivery.
8. HANA Software
b. SLES v12 SP3 with priority support should be provided.
c. SAP HANA license will be provided by MRPL.
a. Proposed solution should provide replication to DR site.
b. Necessary integration with current SAP infrastructure should be
9. Replication provided as part of solution.
c. Appliance vendor should provide necessary S/W components and
H/W connectivity provisions for integration.
a. Proposed solution should provide Inter-cluster connectivity
using10GbE switch (N+N configuration, switches will be provided by
Network MRPL) on 10G-Base-T.
Connectivity b. Proposed solution should provide necessary connectivity to integrate
with current setup for implementation and migration activities.
c. Manage all components in proposed solution centrally.
a. Proposed solution should support LAN based backup-to-backup
11. Backup
server (Disk-to-Disk).

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Tender No. 3700004409 Refreshing the SAP server hardware at DC and DR as per tender specification.

Technical Specification per Appliance

b. Appliance vendor should provision necessary connectivity /
integration components to backup server.
The Management should include following:
a. Browser based Management Software for Monitoring,
Managing and Configuring Server.
b. Web-based out-of-band control, SSL and LDAP Support, Serial over
System LAN, IPMI over LAN.
12. management c. Must have the capability to provide proactive notification of actual or
Software impending component failure alerts.
d. Automatic Event Handling should be supported to configure actions
to notify to appropriate user of failures through e-mail.
e. Must have automatic execution of scripts or event forwarding to
enterprise platform management like SIEM Software.
a. Provision of redundant power supply for all individual units.
Power Supply &
13. b. N+1 Redundant Hot-Swap Power supply and FAN.
c. Dual AC Input from two different Grid / Source should be supported.
a. Vendor should provide all allied components required for
14. Accessories provisioning and integration of the solution.
b. Appliance should be housed in rack.

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Tender No. 3700004409 Refreshing the SAP server hardware at DC and DR as per tender specification.

Annexure – 2

Hyper converged Infrastructure – Server’s with in-built

storage (4-Nodes/site)
Technical Specification for Hyper converged Infrastructure (HCI)
SN Item Specification
The solution shall be leader in the 2018 Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for
1 Market place
Hyper converged Infrastructure.
Appliance based node (a pre-installed, pre-configured software that
includes HCI component, hypervisor, and disaster recovery and high-
availability and cluster functionalities) with single OEM support for both
HCI software and hardware.
2 Node Type
Ready-node hardware configuration with enterprise licenses of HCI and
Hypervisor, which includes disaster recovery, high-availability, cluster
functionalities, comprehensive data protection capabilities.
a. The hyper-converged software that allows delivery of enterprise class
storage services using Skylake processor or latest x86 server.
b. Infrastructures that combine, compute, storage and networking
hardware with virtualization, data protection and cluster
management software without dependence on a separate Storage
Area Network & associated components such as SAN Switches &
c. The software defined storage as part of the HCI solution should be
integrated within the hypervisor kernel/hypervisor as a virtual
appliance. The additional core and memory resources needed for
software defined storage to be provided accordingly per node.
d. A separate RAID-1SSD to be dedicated for the HCI component and
the hypervisor on each node apart from evenly distributed cluster
e. Non-disruptive rolling upgrades of Hyper converged system software
and system firmware from the same management GUI console.
f. The solution should provide a centralized management and reporting
functionality console for managing the software defined storage
environment, underlying hardware and associated components, VMs
g. Should support VM Provisioning, Management, replication, fail-over,
snapshot, backup (bare-metal, incremental etc.).
h. Configuring/integrating the HCI with Backup server as per MRPL
backup/replication policies and requirement.
i. Solution must have snapshots, cloning and replication functionality.
j. Atleast5vms per node replication licenses should be provided.
k. HCI solution should use VM or data store based replication to
asynchronously replicate VMs or data stores across hyper
converged systems in different sites based on configurable

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Technical Specification for Hyper converged Infrastructure (HCI)

The solution should tolerate to:
i. minimum one disk failure per node.
ii. minimum one node failure per site.
iii. HCI network failure.
Moreover, should provide zero data loss.
l. Usable storage should be minimum of 32 TiB per cluster per site.
m. Disaster recovery, failover features are to be provided between the
two sites (DC, DR).
HCI should support Windows Server-2012, 2016, SUSE Ent Linux, RHEL
4 Virtual Machines
Ent. Linux.
a. Eight processor license with all cluster, redundant features of HCI,
unlimited VMs.
b. 8-processor license of Hypervisor with all cluster, redundant features
and centralized management.
c. 8-processor license of SUSE Ent. V12 or above.
d. The HCI Solution Should be available with Active-Active Stretch
Cluster support from day one.
5 S/W Licenses e. The proposed Virtualization& Management software licenses in the
solution should be PERPETUAL and should NOT have any dependency
on particular hardware make and model.
f. Bidder should ensure successful implementation of the software
components by the respective OEM's.
g. All licenses should be perpetual with 5-year OEM
h. Support/subscriptions should be in the name of MRPL.
Technical Specification per Node
1. Form Factor Rack optimized.
2 xIntel Scalable processor Gold 3.0 GHz, 25M Cache, 10.4 GT/s 2666
2. Processor
MHz Memory, 18C Turbo or higher.
3. Memory 512 GB per node (8 x 64GB LRDIMM, 2666MT/s, Quad Rank).
a. Overall, 32 TB usable storage cluster capacity which should be evenly
distributed across all the 4 nodes excluding the overhead of
Hardware Raid, Network RAID/erasure coding, Replication Factor,
4. Storage Compression, de-duplication & data optimization etc.
b. Each node should have 4 volume groups, each volume group should
contain at least a Write Intensive SAS SSD and rest should be of
12Gbps 512e 2.5in Hot-plug Drives.
5. LAN ports Minimum 4x 1GB, 4x 10GB Base-T
Dual redundant, hot swappable power supply capable of supporting full
6. Power supply
Dual redundant, hot swappable cooling system capable of supporting full
7. FAN

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Annexure – 3

Backup Server Specification – 1 Set (2 No.s)

Technical Specification per Node
1 Form Factor Rack optimized.
2 x Intel Scalable processor Gold 3.0 GHz, 25M Cache, 10.4 GT/s 2666
2 Processor
MHz Memory, 18C Turbo or higher.
3 RAM 2 x 32 GB LRDIMM, 2666MT/s, Quad Rank.
2 x 400GB SSD SAS Mix Use 12Gbps 512e 2.5in Hot-plug Drives in RAID-1.
10 x 12TB, 7200 RPM NL-SAS Hard Drive 12Gbps 512e 3.5in Hot-plug
Hard Drive,inRAID-6.
Scalable up to 4 x 3.5” SAS, SATA (total 16 disk bays).
12Gb/s SAS, 6Gb/s SATA, PCI-e 3.1, 8GB NV Flash Backed Cache,
5 RAID Card
supporting RAID levels 0,1,5,6,10,50,60.
6 FC SAS HBA 1 x 8Gb LC-FCHBA to tape library with 5m suitable patch cord.
7 LAN ports Minimum 2x 10GB+2 x 1GB Base-T.
Dual redundant, hot swappable power supply capable of supporting full
8 Power supply
Dual redundant, hot swappable cooling system capable of supporting full
10 O/S Windows 2016 standard or above necessary license should be provided.
Backup Software
Backup software must support GUI with centralized management / Single interface for
management of all backup activities.
The offered software must support Advanced sharing of different media across the
environment (disk, tape and optical).
The offered software must support multiple level of backups including full, incremental,
differential and synthetic full.
The offered software should provide application and database aware backup (unlimited license
4. for online backup) for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL, Exchange and Oracle on Windows, Linux and
Proposed backup solution must have inbuilt capability to protect the backed up disk volume
from Ransomware.
The software must be able to perform inline block-level de-duplication of data across different
6. electronic data repository like physical server, Virtual machine from different hypervisor, user
machines etc.
The software must be able to Compress and Encrypt data at the Client- side and this feature
should be available even during de-duplication.
The offered software must have minimum three Encryption algorithms (like 128 bit AES,
8. 256 BIT AES etc.) and it should not demand for additional license, any such license if
needed should be quoted for the total backup capacity license.
The offered software must support complete integration of SAP HANA backup and HCI
9. infrastructure, which includes backup of VMs, archival/replication, bare metal backup of VMS
with a single console.
10. Backup software should support Bare Metal recovery for physical-to-physical, physical to

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virtual, virtual to physical.

Backup solution should support granular restore options like complete VM, Databases, files,
folder etc.
12. Should support seamlessly to the supplied tape libraries.
Bidder should offer 30 TB of capacity based license (20TB at DC, 10 TB at DR). The capacity
license should not limit the number of physical and virtual server, which can be backed up.
14. The backup software should be “Backint for SAP HANA” Certified.

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Tender No. 3700004409 Refreshing the SAP server hardware at DC and DR as per tender specification.

Annexure – 4

Backup Tape Drive and Media Specification – 1 Set (2No.s)

Technical Specification for Tape Library with robotic arm and Media
SN Item Specification
1. Form Factor 2U
2. Drive type LTO-8 Ultrium
3. No. of Drives 2
4. No. Magazines 3
5. Number of slots 24
6. Host interface 8Gb FC, FO Module included
7. Barcoded Reader Integrated standard bar code reader
8. R/W compatibility LTO-7 Media
9. Transfer Rate At least 1TB/hr. per Drive
Support for partitioning to interface with different backup server,
10. Partitioning
regardless of their connectivity type.
11. Encryption Support for H/W encryption
12. Management Support Control panel and Web Management
13. Interface cable Supported interconnecting FO cables
Media Specification
1. Cartridge Type LTO-7 Ultrium
2. Speed 300MB/s transfer rate per drive
3. Encryption Support needed
4. Media format Re-writable Data Cartridge
23 x LTO-7, 6TB, barcoded
5. No. tapes required
1 x cleaning media

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Annexure – 5

Management console server Specification – 2 No.s

Technical Specification for Tape Library and Media
SN Item Specification
1 Form Factor Rack optimized.
2 x Intel Scalable processor Gold 3.0 GHz, 25M Cache, 10.4 GT/s 2666
2 Processor
MHz Memory, 18C Turbo or higher.
3 RAM 2 x 32 GB LRDIMM, 2666MT/s, Quad Rank.
4 HDD 2 x 800GB SSD SAS Mix Use 12Gbps 512e 2.5in Hot-plug Drives in RAID-1.
12Gb/s SAS, 6Gb/s SATA, PCI-e 3.1, 2GB NV Flash Backed Cache,
5 RAID Card
supporting RAID levels 0,1,5,6,10,50,60.
6 LAN ports Minimum 2x 10GB+2 x 1GB Base-T.
Dual redundant, hot swappable power supply capable of supporting full
7 Power supply
Dual redundant, hot swappable cooling system capable of supporting full
Necessary licenses of Hypervisor, O/S and Management S/W should be
9 S/W

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Annexure – 6

42U, 800x1000mm, fully perforated server rack – 2 No.s

Technical Specification per Rack

SN Item Specification

1. Size 42U, 800x1000mm

2. Basic Frame Steel Folded

3. Top & Bottom Cover Bolted to Fame with Required Cut Outs.

4. Front Door Lockable Perforated Dual Steel Door.

5. Rear Door Lockable Perforated Dual Steel Door.

6. 19” Mounting Angle Formed Steel.

7. Finish Powder coated.

8. Mounting Free standing on Plinth with wheels and break.

9. PDU 2 x 24 IEC Sockets Metered Power Distributions Unit

2 x Vertical Cable Organizer/4” Front & Back

10. Cable Manager
2 x Horz. Cable Organizer/2U Channel On Front & Back

11. Tray 1 x 19” tray

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Annexure – 7

Top-Of-Rack, Datacentre multirate Gigabit Ethernet switch –

4 no.s
Technical Specification for ToR Ethernet Switch

SN Item Specification

1. Form Factor 1U rack optimized

L2 and L3 supported. Multi-functional 1/10/25/40/50/100 GbE

2. Manageable

3. 10 GbE ports 48 ports of 10GBaseT ports

4. Uplink ports 4 ports of 100GbE (QSFP28)

5. Transceiver 2 x 100GbE, SR4 QSFP28 with 30m patch cord

6. Switching capacity Min. 1.76Tbps (full-duplex) non-blocking

7. Throughput Min. 1320Mpps

8. Functionality IEEE Compliance with Priority-based flow control, data centre bridge.

9. Power/Fans Redundant, hot-swappable power supplies and fans

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Annexure – 8

16-port end-to-end IP based KVM Switch – 2 No.s

Local access consoles – 2 No.s

Technical Specification for IP Based KVM Switch

SN Item Specification

1. Form Factor Rack-mountable – 1U or 2U

2. KVM User Min. support for 2 local user, 1 IP user

3. Ports Min. 16 x KVM ports end-end IP Based

Keyboard / Mouse
4. USB
Encryption Algorithm
5. DES, Triple DES, AES, 128-bit SSL

6. server connection Cat5 cabling between the server and the switch

Support to share a directly connected USB storage device to all

7. Virtual Media
server connected to a KVM switch
BIOS-level access to the attached server regardless of the health or
8. OS Independent
type of operating system
a. 1 RU – at least 18.5” LED LCD panel with a 16:9 aspect ratio.
b. Supports resolutions up to 1600 x 1200 at both full screen and
aspect ratio.
9. Local Access
c. Console should seamless compatible with supplied IP based KVM
d. All connecting cables and connectors to access 16-server.

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Annexure – 9


A. HANA Appliance at DC and DR

1. The SAP HANA Appliance and HCI platform should be integrated and perform end-to-end
testing with end-user.
2. Configure the HANA appliance for Failover.
3. Replicate the data to HA and DR.
4. Configure the SAP application with HANA appliance.
5. Configure HANA appliance with backup server.
6. Configure the HANA appliance for complete management.
7. Necessary Network configurations.
8. Necessary NTP configuration.
B. Hyper Converged Infrastructure at DC and DR
1. HCI and virtual Machine Implementation to be done as per the requirement of MRPL.
2. Configure the Management console and integrate with HCI.
3. Configuring VMs and integrate with backup server.
4. Install, configure OS, Backup software and assist SAP to install Application servers.
5. Replicate the production VM’s to DR.
6. Necessary network configurations i.e., VLAN, failover across switches.
C. Backup Server, Application and Tape library integration at DC and DR
1. The backup software should be certified for HANA 2.0 and above. The API to backup data
from SAP HANA appliance should be licensed and provided along with backup software.
2. Necessary integration should be done between backup servers and Tape Library.
3. Backup polices and automatic schedules to backup HANA data, VMs and recovery methods
and replication policies are to be defined as per the requirement of MRPL.
4. Backup Client installation, configuration and integration on all servers with backup server.
5. Installing the tape library, identify magazines and barcode configuration of data cartridges.
D. Rack, KVM Switch and N/W Switches
1. Installing the RACK at DC and DR.
2. Mounting the servers , switches, tape library, KVM etc.
3. Configuring the KVM to access all the servers.
4. Necessary connectivity and end-to-end testing.
E. Support/Warranty etc.

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Tender No. 3700004409 Refreshing the SAP server hardware at DC and DR as per tender specification.

1. Bidder shall include OEM support for the HANA appliances and the entire HCI
implementation, includes patching, update, upgrade as and when required.
2. All licenses related to HCI, Hypervisor, O/S and Backup/Recovery should be perpetual with 5
years support/subscription in the name of MRPL.
3. Should coordinate with SAP team, MRPL and other resources required during the migration
from existing system to newly configured system.
4. Configure the system(s) to automatic notification to proactive team, system administrator and
MRPL team in case of any incident (H/W, S/W and environmental issues).
5. Harden the O/S as per the best practices security guidelines and integrate with SIEM, SSO and
other applications as and when required.
6. Integrate with AD-DS and setup NTP across all the servers, switches etc. to maintain uniform
7. All weekdays, round-the-clock proactive and reactive direct priority support from OEM with
response time of 1 hour for H/W, O/S and backup S/W and advanced part replacement
(onsite) of 24 hour.
8. Remote/Onsite Heath Check Services for HANA appliances &its Report to be made available
every 12 months. Re-validation of the HANA appliances and make appropriate
recommendations. Compliance against best practices in the areas of server configuration,
performance and security should be delivered post health check.

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Tender No. 3700004409 Refreshing the SAP server hardware at DC and DR as per tender specification.

Creation of Mock Environment with the help of SAP at DC, MRPL:

1. Create a mock environment for the complete end-to-end testing using one of the supplied HANA
2. Creation of desired VMs on HCI for SAP ECC, SAP EP (Portal) and SAP PI/XI (Interface) etc.
applications for mock.
3. Create the end-user access to mock environment for end-to-end testing.

At Datacentre, Production Environment, Mangalore

A. SAP-HANA Appliance (with the help of SAP)
1. Installation of supplied rack, dismantling/mounting the server, appliances, N/W switches, Tape
library, KVM switch etc.
2. Testing the power sources.
3. Install, configure and integrate the N/W switches with Appliances, Backup Server, HCI
environment, DR-Site, KVM Switches, and Management Console etc.
4. Configure the SAP HANA appliances for Primary and secondary (HA) with features of HA at DC.
5. Configuring the standby HANA appliance for Quality and Development.
6. Install, configure and integrate with backup server, tape library and automatic the backup policies
as desired by MRPL.

B. Configure HCI and Backup Server:

1. Installation, Configuration HCI components to created high available cluster.
2. Creation of VMs, Installation O/S, creation of partitions for Production, Quality and Development
landscape for ECC, EP, PI/XI and DMS as desired by SAP.
3. Creation of virtual server for Solution Manager, Web dispatcher, Gateway Server etc. as desired by
4. Configure and test the backup/recovery, replication functionality with DR.

At Disaster Recovery, Bangalore

A. SAP-HANA Appliance (with the help of SAP)
1. Installation of supplied rack, dismantling/mounting the server, appliances, N/W switches, Tape
library, KVM switch etc.
2. Testing the power sources.
3. Install, configure and integrate the N/W switches with Appliances, Backup Server, HCI
environment, DR-Site, KVM Switches, and Management Console etc.
4. Configure the HANA appliance for DR site with replication features and enable async replication
with DC production appliance using SAP-HANA replicator.
5. Create a Sandbox VM server on HANA appliance.
6. Install, configure and integrate with backup server and automatic the backup policies as desired
by MRPL.
B. Configure HCI and Backup Server
1. Installation, Configuration HCI components.
2. Creation of VMs, Installation O/S, creation of partitions for Production for ECC, EP, PI/XI and DMS
as desired by SAP.
3. Creation of virtual server for Solution Manager, Web dispatcher, Gateway Server etc. as desired by
4. Configure and test the backup/recovery, replication functionality with DC.

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