Hachemaoui Sidi Mohammed

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Maghnia - ALGERIA
Iam Software Engineer since 2010, I have moved away
from Programming from 2012 to 2016 for some
Personal Reasons....
+213 774 74 71 51 I have used many Programming Languages ranging
from Logical Languages as Prolog to Functional ones
as C, Erlang and others to the most modern OO
Languages as Java, C++, C# and Python....But stabilized
hachemaouisidimohammed@gmail.com at Backend Development using Erlang/OTP and
Elixir/Phoenix as my Main Languages since I found
myself there

hachemaoui-0272b0244 University of Abou Bakr Belkaid , 20/09/2016
Tlemcen - Algeria
Master of Degree : Information Systems

https://github.com/MOQA-Solutions University of Abou Bakr Belkaid , 10/11/2010

Tlemcen - Algeria
Bachelor of Degree : Maths & Computer Sciences

Elixir/Phoenix Moqabase :
Html, Css, Javascript
Highly Scalable, Fault Tolerant, Parallel, Distributed
Backend Database Server
Based on Mnesia
Implements the Same Idea as WHATSAPP's Backend
Mnesia Cluster (Islands)
PostgreSQL Manual Parallel Replication of Data without OTP Patch
Oracle Moqa :
MongoDB Full Publish/Subscribe Chat Server
Based on Customized version of MQTT Protocol, with
FreeBSD support for up to 128 Different Type of Packets
Linux Uses Moqabase as its Backend
Windows Molqa :
Android Simple Erlang Client for Moqa Server
Molqalib :
Erlang Library for encoding/decoding Moqa Packets
04th Apr. 2022
Designed and Developed Alone and from Scratch, the Full System mentionned
above (Moqabase + Moqa + Molqa + Moqalib) in Pure Erlang

25th Sept. 2022

20th Oct. 2022

Mnesia Team Leader for Social Network development

Scaling the Backend by Redesigning and Reimplementing the Database's Architecture

Full Transition from Transaction-based Operations to Dirty Operations
Fragmentation of Mnesia Partitions and use of mnesia:activity/4

Fix, Debug and Improve existing code

02nd Dec. 2022

10th Dec. 2022

Erlang/OTP Blockchain Developer

Designed the main Supervision Tree for the Blockchain System

Implemented the Noise Protocol Framework in Erlang for P2P connections

15th Jan. 2023

02nd Feb. 2023

Elixir/Phoenix Full Stack Developer

Design and Maintain Dynamic Websites using Elixir/Phoenix Framework
Backend implementation of RESTful API and MVC for DEAD Routes
Frontend implementation of SPA using Javascript, Html and Css/Tailwind
Full Stack implementation of LIVE Routes using Phoenix LiveView
Pub/Sub Features using Phoenix Channels and/or Phoenix LiveView
Integration of different Databases using Phoenix Ecto : Default PostgreSQL,
Distributed Parallel Mnesia,....

24th Mar. 2023

14th May. 2023

Contribution to the Erlang Ecosystem Foundation website: Elixir Developer

Implement a new feature for adding, updating and deleting academic papers by
Postgres Database refactoring for adding new data
Backend implementation of RESTful API
Backend handling for both Admins and regular members
Frontend implementation of multi web pages using Html & CSS/Bootstrap
Automatic Email notifications for both Admins and regular members
Configure metadata for Social Media preview
26th July. 2023
25th Sept. 2023

Head of the Backend team at YariLabs

Implement new features for decentralised applications built on top of Algorand

Integration of Meilisearch engine and automatization of the process
Integration of RabbitMQ as message broker for both internal and external
Backend implementation of JSON API
Reviewing PRs of other developers
Improve, fix, test and debug existing code

31th Oct. 2023

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