Long-Term Reliability of Fiber-Optic Current Sensors
Long-Term Reliability of Fiber-Optic Current Sensors
Long-Term Reliability of Fiber-Optic Current Sensors
fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2019.2944346, IEEE
Sensors Journal
M. Lenner, A. Frank, L. Yang, and K. Bohnert are with ABB Switzerland Ltd, Voltage Products, 77180 Ludvika, Sweden (e-mail:
Corporate Research Center, 5405 Baden, Switzerland (e-mail: tomas.roininen@se.abb.com.
miklos.lenner@fhnw.ch, andreas.frank@ch.abb.com, lin.yang@ch.abb.com,
klaus.bohnert@ch.abb.com). T. Roininen is with ABB Sweden Ltd, High
1558-1748 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2019.2944346, IEEE
Sensors Journal
The paper is organized as follows: Section II briefly presents high temperature at dry conditions and damp heat. The
the sensor principle and sensor configuration. Section III temperature cycles were performed between -25 °C and 65 °C
describes the employed test procedures. Section IV presents the (specified temperature range of operation of the opto-
results of the component tests with particular focus on the light electronics unit) at slopes of ±1.5 °C/min and included 20 min
source and the modulator as the two most critical sensor dwelling periods at the extreme temperatures, i.e., a full cycle
components. Other investigated components include fiber lasted 160 minutes. Thermal cycling serves to discover
couplers, fiber polarizers, polarization-maintaining fiber potential failure modes associated with thermo-mechanical
connectors, and fiber coatings. Section V shows data from a stress or fatigue at repeated differential thermal expansion of
field trial of a three-phase sensor system in a 420-kV-substation the involved materials. It is important to note that the
over a period of more than three years. Finally, Section VI temperature range for the accelerated tests was within the
draws some conclusions. components’ specifications. This low-acceleration condition
avoids triggering “trivial” failures that are associated with
II. SENSOR CONFIGURATION inappropriate operation. Tests at elevated (constant)
Fig. 1 shows the sensor configuration [16]-[18]. It is temperatures are well suited to address material ageing, e.g., of
worthwhile to note that similar schemes are being used by the fiber coatings and glues. Damp heat accelerates diffusion and
majority of commercial FOCS suppliers. A superluminescent oxidation processes and is known to trigger packaging and
diode light source (1310 nm) sends two light waves with material related failure modes [21]-[23].
orthogonal polarization directions through a polarization- Tested sensor components included light sources, phase
maintaining (PM) fiber link (Panda fiber) to a coil of sensing modulators, fiber polarizers, fiber couplers, photodiodes, PM
fiber operated in reflection mode. A fiber-optic quarter-wave fiber connectors, and fiber coatings. Typically, the tests
retarder made from elliptical-core fiber at the coil entrance included several samples of each component, sometimes from
generates left and right circularly polarized light waves. As a several suppliers. An initial characterization of the components
result of the Faraday effect, the circular waves accumulate provided reference values for the crucial component parameters
during their roundtrip through the coil a differential magneto- such as light source wavelengths, polarization extinction ratios,
optic phase shift Df = 4VNI, where V is the Verdet constant of insertion losses, etc. During the accelerated ageing, the
the fused silica fiber (1.0×10-6 mrad/A at 1310 nm), N is the components were repeatedly recharacterized at defined
number of fiber windings around the current conductor, and I is intervals (interval censoring) in order to determine drifts, if any,
the current to be measured. The two light waves return again as or, in the worst case, component failure.
orthogonal polarization states to the opto-electronics unit but In addition, a complete three-phase sensor system was
subjected to a long-term field trial. During the trial, the sensor
now have swapped polarization directions. A closed-loop
detection circuit with an integrated-optic birefringence signals, various auxiliary sensor parameters, the signals from
modulator recovers the magneto-optic phase shift, similarly as corresponding conventional current transformers, and
rotation-induced Sagnac phase shifts are measured in fiber- temperatures at various locations were recorded at periodic
optic gyroscopes [19]. intervals.
Orthogonal linear light waves
Left and right
circular waves
A. Light source
Opto-electronics module
Light Phase modulator Fiber quarter-wave The FOCS light source is a 5-mW superluminescent light
source Polarizer emitting diode (SLED), with a center wavelength near 1310 nm
PM fiber
and a spectral width of about 40 nm (full width at half
Reflector maximum, FWHM). The SLED resides in a butterfly package
Current with an integrated thermo-electric cooler (TEC). The TEC
conductor maintains a constant SLED chip temperature during operation,
Photo processor
diode here 25 °C. Of particular importance is the long-term stability
Sensing fiber of SLED center wavelength l, since the Faraday effect roughly
Df (~ current) coil scales in inverse proportion to l2 [24]. Hence, accuracy to
Fig. 1. Sensor configuration. ±0.2 % requires that the wavelength remains stable within
±1.3 nm, if one disregards other error sources. In practice, the
wavelength should remain in a significantly narrower band,
III. SENSOR COMPONENTS AND TEST PROCEDURES since wavelength related errors should consume only a fraction
of the total error budget. In addition, it is of importance that the
As part of our reliability program, we initially performed an
set chip temperature does not drift over time, as the wavelength
extensive Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) [20] that
is rather sensitive to temperature (»0.6 nm/°C). Assuming a
included all essential sensor components. The FMEA helped to
stable drive current, important potential sources of wavelength
define the tests considered in the following. For reliability
shifts are ageing of the SLED chip and degradation of the
testing, the components were subjected to temperature cycles thermal contacts associated with the thermo-electric cooler and
(in some cases as many as 15000 cycles) as well as constant thermistor.
1558-1748 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
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Sensors Journal
1) Thermal cycling
Fig. 2. SLED center wavelengths vs number of temperature cycles (between -
Four SLEDs in fiber-pigtailed butterfly packages were 25 °C and 65 °C). The wavelengths were measured at a drive current of 135 mA
and a TEC temperature of 25 °C. The symbols represent the center wavelengths
subjected to extended thermal cycling as specified above. Two at an ambient temperature of 25 °C. The vertical bands indicate the residual
of the SLEDs from Supplier 1 (SLEDs 1, 2) experienced about wavelength excursions during the temperature cycles. SLED 1 – 4: Supplier 1.
15,530 cycles; the other two SLEDs (SLEDs 3, 4) were added SLED 5, 6: Supplier 2.
later and saw a total of 12,200 and 10,900 cycles. The total test
durations were 1725, 1355 and 1211 days, respectively. In We should also mention that we observed some minor but
addition, two light sources from Supplier 2 (SLEDs 5, 6) were noticeable narrowing of the SLED spectra during the ageing.
tested for about 4650 cycles (515 days). The SLED chip The width reductions were between 0.5 nm and 1.8 nm during
temperature was set to a nominal value of 25 °C by means of the up to 15000 temperature cycles (for comparison, the FHHM
the TEC, which was kept constant during the entire test period. of the spectra was about 40 nm as mentioned above).
A driving current of 170 mA (about 70 % of the rated maximum Considering the entire test duration, the variation of the
current) was applied during all cycles. The SLED center SLED output power versus temperature (-25 °C to 65 °C) was
wavelengths and output powers were measured at periodic between 0.2 dB and 0.65 dB for the SLEDs from Supplier 1 and
intervals with a wavelength-calibrated optical spectrum between 0.1 dB and 0.2 dB for the SLEDs from Supplier 2. The
analyzer (estimated long-term accuracy of about ±150 pm) and numbers essentially reflected the varying insertion losses of the
a power meter, respectively. The recorded center wavelengths fiber pigtails with changing temperature. There were no
corresponded to the center of gravity of the spectra as significant changes of the temperature dependence over time.
determined by the OSA. The OSA resolution was set to 70 pm. However, the absolute output power at room temperature of the
Fig. 2 shows the evolution of the center wavelength versus the SLEDs of Supplier 1 dropped by roughly 1 dB in average. Such
number of temperature cycles [11]. The wavelengths were a drop, while not negligible, is still uncritical for FOCS
measured at a drive current of 135 mA, a typical value for operation, though. For comparison, under the more benign
sensor operation. This value is in a range in which the conditions of the field trial (Section V), the changes in absolute
wavelength changes only little with current (see Fig. 3) and is output power remained insignificant. Other than the SLEDs
deemed least susceptible to drift in case of SLED ageing and/or from Supplier 1, the SLEDs 5, 6 from Supplier 2 did not show
drive current variations. Note that we have deliberately chosen any significant drop in the output power during accelerated
a drive current above the normal operating current but below ageing. (Note however that the test period of those SLEDs was
the maximum rating during the ageing periods (170 mA as shorter, Fig. 2).
mentioned above) in order accelerate degradation, if any.
Overall, the center wavelengths of the four SLEDs did not 2) Damp heat
exhibit obvious long-term drift. The observed variations were
within ±190 pm to ±380 pm. Common trends in the traces if Two additional SLEDs (one from each supplier) were
plotted versus real time let us conclude that in part the variations subjected to damp heat over 7200 hours at 65 °C and 85 %
were associated with limitations of the wavelength relative humidity (Rh). Similar to the test conditions of the
measurement. In any case, the variations remained well below thermal cycling test, the temperature of the SLED chips was set
critical limits for a sensor with ±0.2 % accuracy. The vertical to 25 °C and the devices were operated at a constant drive
bands indicate the residual wavelength variation current of 170 mA [12]. The center wavelengths remained
between -25 °C and 65 °C as a result of residual temperature within ±200 pm of the pristine wavelengths without signs of
variations of the temperature-stabilized SLED chips. It should long-term drift. The inset of Fig. 3 shows the SLED center
be noted that the sensor calibration accounts for such variations. wavelength versus drive current (measured at room
No obvious degradation of the TEC temperature control was temperature, TEC at 25 °C) with the mentioned plateau for
observed. currents above about 120 mA. The three other data sets show
the wavelength shifts versus current measured after different
periods of damp heat treatment. In the flat range, the
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Sensors Journal
wavelength changes remained small and insignificant but were The PER is mainly determined by the two fiber-to-waveguide
slightly larger in the slope at small drive currents. Again, no junctions. Typically, the PER of the modulator waveguide is
signs of obvious degradation were discovered. For both SLEDs, much higher and therefore not of a particular concern. A
the measured output power remained within ±5 % and did theoretical analysis of the optical circuit shows that only
exhibit signs of drift. polarization-crosstalk at the coil-side fiber pigtail affects the
sensor scale factor, whereas cross-talk at the source-side pigtail
3) SLED lifetime estimate at field conditions is largely uncritical [27], [28]. The reason is that the waves
resulting from cross-coupling at the source-side modulator end
By making use of the Coffin-Mason equation [25]-[26], we experience a phase modulation that is 180° out of phase with
can translate the thermal strains that the SLEDs accumulated respect to the modulation of the (none cross-coupled) primary
over the test period into periods of time in a field environment waves. This, in combination with opposite Faraday phase shift
over which the SLEDs would accumulate the same level of of the cross-coupled waves, nullifies the cross-coupling effect.
strain [11]. As an example, we assume an average daily In contrast, cross-coupling at the coil-side modulator end
temperature swing of 9.6 °C as observed in the field trial enhances the apparent magneto-optic phase shift Df according
described in Section V. Assuming a Coffin-Manson exponent to
of = 1, the three sets of temperature cycles mentioned above
(15530, 12200 and 10900 cycles, Supplier 1 SLEDs) then ∆ =Δ / cos(2 ) (1)
correspond to about 400, 314 and 280 years of field operation,
respectively. Note, that the assumption of q = 1 represents a Here, Df0 is the magneto-optic phase shift without cross-
conservative estimate which disregards the additional ageing coupling. In (1), we associate the cross-coupling with a
effect due to the larger temperature gradients (±1.5 °C/min) and misalignment between the principal axes of the modulator
temperature excursions in the accelerated ageing tests waveguide and the PM fiber by an angle a. The PER is then
compared to typical field conditions. Following the approach given as
described in [11], we estimate a SLED lifetime based on the
failure-free operation periods of the devices. For the mentioned PER(dB) = −10log (tan ) (2)
field conditions and with a Weibull probability function to
describe the reliability vs time, we obtain a B5%-lifetime (after In practice, fiber stress at the modulator’s V-groove fiber
which 5 % of the components are lost) of 70 years at a 95 % holders also contributes to the cross-coupling. It should be
confidence level, which translates into a mean-time-to-failure noted that only light waves which result from two-fold cross-
(MTTF) of 320 years or a survival probability of 99.5 % after coupling, i.e., both on the forward and return path, will affect
21 years of field operation. the signal. Light waves originating from a single cross-coupling
event accumulate group delays with respect to primary waves
that make them incoherent. For ±0.2 %-sensor accuracy, the
PER at the coil-side modulator pigtail should be at least above
30 dB, preferably above 32 dB, over the entire temperature
range of operation. By contrast, changes in the modulator’s
half-wave voltage, e.g., due to temperature changes or ageing,
are continuously calibrated off by the signal processing and thus
do not affect the scale factor of the sensor [19].
Modulators from several suppliers were analyzed. Both the
integral and spatially resolved cross-coupling of the modulators
were measured between -40 °C and 80 °C. For the spatially
resolved measurements, a home-built white light interferometer
was used. The PER of the initial off-the-shelf modulators that
had been developed for communication applications was often
not sufficient for FOCS applications. Typical integral
extinction ratios were only around 23-26 dB at room
Fig. 3. SLED in damp heat: The inset shows the pristine wavelength-versus- temperature and showed a significant temperature dependence.
current relationship. The three data sets show the wavelength shifts vs drive Design adaptations and improved manufacturing procedures
current measured after different periods of damp heat treatment. consistently resulted in a PER of the two waveguide junctions
above 35 dB over the entire the temperature range of operation
B. Phase modulator (-25 °C to 65 °C). The following long-term test data were
obtained from early generation modulators. Therefore, they do
not necessarily reflect the finally achieved extinction ratios,
The FOCS phase modulator (birefringence modulator) is an nevertheless, provide information on the reliability of the
integrated-optic lithium niobate device with PM fiber pigtails. modulators.
A critical parameter is the polarization extinction ratio (PER),
as a measure for the polarization cross-talk between the two
orthogonal polarization directions, and its variation with 1) Thermal cycling
temperature. Another parameter of interest is the insertion loss.
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Here, we present accelerated ageing tests on FC/PC PM PER was observed. However, the variation of the PER vs
connectors pairs that were modified for reduced angular temperature changed significantly during the ageing process.
tolerance. Additional alignment pins and notches reduced the The PER variations observable in Fig. 8 correspond to scale
alignment error from about ±3° of the unmodified pairs to ±1.8° factor variations of -0.03 % at low temperature and +0.12 % at
of the modified pairs. The corresponding PER are 25 dB and 30 high temperature. Damp heat (85 °C, 85 % Rh) tended to
dB, respectively (not taking cross-coupling by fiber stress into increase the PER over time which is indicative of stress
account). After initial characterization, the connector pairs were relaxation (Fig. 9). In all tests no particular changes in the
exposed to temperature cycling and damp heat tests. connector insertion loss were observed.
Fig. 6 depicts the PER of a modified connector pair as a In conclusion, the temperature cycling and damp heat tests
function of the connector temperature (black squares). The PER showed that the upgraded PM connectors meet the requirement
is well repeatable over several temperature cycles. The of substation protection (typically ±1 % accuracy) but would
variation is attributed to varying fiber stress in the ferrules. consume too much of the error budget in revenue metering with
The (red) triangles show the sensor signal at a constant ±0.2 % accuracy. Hence, for high-end applications fiber
applied current as a function of the connector temperature with splicing is recommended. Another alternative is a modified
the same connector now spliced into a sensor. The signal optical circuit that filters out cross-coupled light. In that case,
variation (within ±0.05 %) reflects reasonably well the variation connector PER well below 20 dB are still uncritical, as we have
in PER. (Note that a PER increase reduces the signal, see (1), shown in [28].
(2) [14]). Fig. 7 shows the variation in the sensor signal at 15
consecutive connector open/close operations. The signal
repeatability is within ±0.05 % and consistent with the reduced
angular tolerances of the connectors.
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polarizers, 1×3 fiber couplers (used in 3-phase sensors), and developed between 1600 h and 4600 h of ageing (Fig. 11). A
2×2 fiber couplers. The components were exposed to about spatially resolved measurement of the PER by means of white
16000 temperature cycles over roughly five years and 3168 light interferometry showed that the degradation was not
hours in damp heat at 85 °C, 8 5 % Rh. We tested three pristine distributed homogeneously along the fiber. Rather, increased
samples of each component in both types of tests. Two sets of polarization cross-coupling occurred at discrete points instead
two photodiodes each were subjected to 12300 temperature [15]. A visual inspection of the fiber showed a deformation of
cycles and 3168 h of damp heat. The components were the coating (deviation from circular cross-section) at those
characterized between -40 °C and 80 °C except the photodiodes points accompanied by a slight color change from clear to a
that were characterized only at room temperature. Here we yellow-brownish). With increasing ageing time both the
briefly summarize our observations: number of cross-coupling points and the coupling strength at
One out of the three 1×3 couplers failed after 7400 cycles. those points increased. At 105 °C, the same phenomena were
Obviously due to a fiber breakage inside the coupler sleeve, one observed, only their onset was delayed by a few thousand hours.
of the ports lost the optical transmission. All other fiber At 90 °C, only one of the three Type 1 samples exhibited PER
couplers survived both the temperature cycling and damp heat degradation at low temperatures, which started after 7500 h.
without significant degradation. The same was true for the fiber The other two samples remained stable until the end of the test
polarizers and photodiodes. at 20280 h. No PER degradation was observed for the Panda
fiber sample that was exposed to 105 °C.
Hence, the results indicate clear differences in the high
E. Fiber coatings
temperature behavior of the two e-core fiber types and again
Elevated temperatures can accelerate thermo-oxidation of the emphasize the importance of such investigations. Note
coating accompanied by loss of volatile by-products (coating however, that both fiber types should be suited for the vast
weight loss) and reduced mechanical strength of the fiber [29]. majority of applications, since extended periods of high
In addition, hardening of the fiber coating can lead to increased temperature operation are commonly rare.
fiber stress, especially at low temperatures, and thus to
polarization cross-coupling. Our studies focused on the
polarization maintaining properties of PM fiber samples
between -40 °C and 80 °C that were aged at elevated
temperatures [15]. The fiber retarder at the coil entrance and its
pigtail are made from e-core fiber (due to the relatively small
temperature dependence of the fiber birefringence) and are
exposed to the same environmental temperatures as the fiber
coil. A degradation of the e-core fiber performance by longtime
exposure of the coating to elevated temperature should be
avoided. Note that the sensing fiber itself is a low birefringence
fiber and resides without coating in a thin fused silica capillary
in order to exclude any coating- and packaging related stresses
[9]. Many dozens of fiber coils were subjected to temperature
cycling tests during the sensor development without failures.
Therefore, the coils were not included in the long-term
component ageing tests. Note however that their reliability was
explored in the field trial described in section V. Fig. 10. Polarization extinction ratio vs temperature after different periods of
Fiber samples from two suppliers (Type 1 and Type 2 with ageing at 115 °C (e-core fiber Type 2).
similar (phase) beat lengths of 5.3 mm and 6.7 mm,
respectively) were aged in an air atmosphere at 90 °C, 105 °C,
and 115 °C. The specified maximum operating temperature of
the fibers was 85 °C. Per fiber type and ageing condition we
prepared three samples; all with a length of 6 m, i.e., there were
18 samples in total. The total ageing periods lasted up to
20280 h at 90°C, 14940 h at 105 °C, and 13800 h at 115 °C. For
comparison, a single Panda PM fiber sample with a beat length
of 2.5 mm was exposed to 105 °C. The polarization extinction
ratio of fibers was periodically measured between -40 °C and
80 °C.
The PER of the Type 2 fiber samples did not show any
obvious degradation, not even at the highest ageing temperature
(115 °C, Fig. 10). Note that a few data sets at some intermediate
ageing times were omitted in order not to over-crowd the graph.
By contrast, ageing at 115 °C caused severe degradation of the
Type 1 samples. The degradation showed up as a significant
Fig. 11. Polarization extinction ratio vs temperature after different periods of
reduction of the PER below room temperature, which ageing at 115 °C (e-core fiber Type 1).
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2019.2944346, IEEE
Sensors Journal
source power (constant drive current), variation in the loop gain -0.4%
of the detection circuits (as a measure for changes in roundtrip 0 1 2 3
insertion loss of the optical circuits), and the p-voltage of the
Ambient temperature (°C)
modulators. 40
The optical power of the SLED of the first opto-electronics 20
unit as recorded by the SLED’s internal monitoring diode 10
varied within 0.3 %, i.e., the variation was negligible. The 0
SLED power of the second unit was slightly larger (0.8 %) but -20 winter
again far from critical limits. -30
0 1 2 3
Insertion loss variations were consistent with the temperature
Time (years)
dependence of the modulator insertion losses as determined
during the pre-characterization of the devices. No particular Fig. 13 Difference between optical and conventional current measurement
long-term drift was encountered. signals for the three phases vs time (top); ambient temperature vs. time
The modulator p-voltage changes (after correction for the p-
voltage temperature dependence) were insignificant (<±0.1 %)
for the first opto-electronics unit (modulators from Supplier 1)
and small (<0.3 %) for the second unit (modulators from
Supplier 2). Note that p-voltage changes do not immediately We investigated the long-term reliability of a state-of-the-art
affect the sensor output due to the self-calibration of the closed interferometric fiber-optic current sensor on component- and
loop circuit as already mentioned in Section IV.B [19]. In system level. Crucial optical sensor components which
included the Peltier-cooled superluminescent light emitting
1558-1748 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2019.2944346, IEEE
Sensors Journal
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2019.2944346, IEEE
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