Polarity and Phase-Relation Tests

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Polarity and phase-relation tests

Polarity and phase-relation tests are of interest primarily because of their bearing on paralleling or banking
two or more transformers. Phase-relation tests are made to determine angular displacement and relative
phase sequence.
6.1 Subtractive and additive polarity
Windings arranged for subtractive polarity and additive polarity are shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3.

Figure 2—Windings: subtractive polarity

Leads and polarity marks arranged for subtractive polarity and additive polarity are shown in Figure 4 and
Figure 5.

Figure 4—Leads and polarity marks: subtractive polarity

Figure 5—Leads and polarity marks: additive polarity

6.2 Polarity tests: single-phase transformers

Polarity tests on single-phase transformers shall be made in accordance with one of the following methods:
a) Inductive kick
b) Alternating voltage
c) Comparison
d) Ratio bridge
6.2.1 Polarity by inductive kick
The polarity of transformers with leads arranged as shown in Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4, and Figure 5 may
be determined when making resistance measurements as follows:
a) With direct current passing through the high-voltage winding, connect a high-voltage direct-current
voltmeter across the high-voltage winding terminals to obtain a small deflection of the pointer.
b) Transfer the two voltmeter leads directly across the transformer to the adjacent low-voltage leads,
NOTE—For example, in Figure 5, the voltmeter lead connected to H
will be transferred to X
as the adjacent lead,
and that connected to H
to X
c) Break direct-current excitation, thereby inducing a voltage in the low-voltage winding (inductive
kick), which will cause deflection in the voltmeter. The deflection is interpreted in d) and e) below.
d) When the pointer swings in the opposite direction (negative), the polarity is subtractive.
e) When the pointer swings in the same direction as before (positive), the polarity is additive.
6.2.2 Polarity by alternating-voltage test
For transformers having a ratio of transformation of 30 to 1 or less, the H1 lead shall be connected to the
adjacent low-voltage lead (X1 in Figure 6).

Figure 6—Polarity by alternating-voltage test

Any convenient value of alternating voltage shall be applied to the full high-voltage winding and readings
taken of the applied voltage and the voltage between the right-hand adjacent high-voltage and low-voltage
When the latter reading is greater than the former, the polarity is additive.
When the latter voltage reading is less than the former (indicating the approximate difference in voltage
between the high-voltage and low-voltage windings), the polarity is subtractive.

6.2.3 Polarity by comparison

When a transformer of known polarity and of the same ratio as the unit under test is available, the polarity
can be checked by comparison, as follows, similar to the comparison method used for the ratio test (see
Figure 9 and Figure 10):
a) Connect the high-voltage windings of both transformers in parallel by connecting similarly marked
leads together.
b) Connect the low-voltage leads, X2, of both transformers together, leaving the X1 leads free.
c) With these connections, apply a reduced value of voltage to the high-voltage windings and measure
the voltage between the two free leads.
A zero or negligible reading of the voltmeter will indicate that the relative polarities of both transformers are
An alternative method of checking the polarity is to substitute a low-rated fuse or suitable lamps for the
This procedure is recommended as a precautionary measure before connecting the voltmeter.
6.2.4 Polarity by ratio bridge
The ratio bridge described in Clause 7 can also be used to test polarity.
6.3 Polarity and phase-relation tests: polyphase transformers
6.3.1 Polarity of polyphase transformers
Each phase of a polyphase transformer shall have the same relative polarity when tested in accordance with
one of the methods described for single-phase transformers.
6.3.2 Phase-relation tests Test for phasor diagram for transformers with a ratio of transformation of 30 to 1 or
The phasor diagram of any three-phase transformer that defines the angular displacement and phase
sequence can be verified as follows:
— Connect the H1 and X1 leads together to excite the unit at a suitably low three-phase voltage.
— Take voltage measurements between the various pairs of leads.
— Either plot these values or compare them for their relative order of magnitude with the help of the
corresponding diagram in Figure 7 or Figure 8.
Typical check measurements are to be taken and their relative magnitudes also indicated. Zigzag windings
Equal zig and zag windings are usually necessary for zigzag transformers, although unequal windings may
be used for special applications.
No required test is proposed to determine the phase relationships between the line end and neutral end
sections of a zigzag winding. However, it is recommended that a test connection be made to the junction of
the two winding sections and tests be made during manufacture to prove the desired phase relationships. For
Figure 7—Transformer lead markings and voltage-phasor diagrams
for three-phase transformer connections

the purpose of designation in Figure 7, zigzag windings are arbitrarily defined as windings whose line end
section is rotated 60counterclockwise with respect to the neutral end section. Six-phase windings
Six-phase windings with no neutral connection shall be temporarily connected in delta (.) or wye (Y) for
the test for phasor diagram. Test of phase relation with ratio bridge
The ratio bridge described in Clause 7 can also be used to test phase relationships.
6.3.3 Phase-sequence test
The phase-sequence indicator may incorporate either a three-phase induction motor or a split-phase circuit.
Figure 8—Transformer lead markings and voltage-phasor
for six-phase transformer connections

It should be connected first to the higher voltage leads, the transformer excited three-phase at a low voltage
suitable for the indicator, and the direction of rotation or the indication of the instrument noted.
The indicator is then transferred to the low-voltage side of the transformer by connecting the lead that was
connected to H1 to X1, connecting the lead that was connected to H2 to X2, and connecting the lead that was
connected to H3 to X3.
The transformer is again excited at a suitable voltage (without changing the excitation connections) and the
indication again noted.
The phase sequence of the transformer is correct when the indication is the same in both cases.
Six-phase secondaries with no neutral connection also have to be connected temporarily in delta or wye for
this test. When a six-phase neutral is available, the phase-sequence indicator leads should be transferred
from H1 to X1, from H2 to X3, from H3 to X5, respectively; and the direction of rotation should be noted.
The test should then be repeated by transferring the leads from H1 to X2, from H2 to X4, and from H3 to X6,
respectively, and noting the indication, which should be the same as before. Limitation of the phase-sequence test
The preceding method (phase-sequence test) does not disclose the angular displacement of the transformer. Test of phase sequence with ratio bridge
The ratio bridge described in Clause 7 can also be used to test phase sequence.

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