Embryology 2020
Embryology 2020
Embryology 2020
We reach the Embryology sciences from aborted fetus and modern imaging technique
Week 1
The Testes
- Composed of long tubules (60cm). The testes have 350 lobules and
each lobule have 2-3 tubules.
o Seminiferous tubule: are the site of the germination, maturation,
and transportation of the sperm cells within the male testes
Spermatogenesis takes 74 days and including transport on ductal system takes 3 months.
Located in Seminiferous tubules and Epididymis for maturation and storage until ejaculation, it
starts at puberty and continues at a high age.
- Oogenesis Begins in the Fetal period, oogonia increase the number of oogonia to be 5
million at 5 months fetal life, then apoptosis happen (cell death) and 2 million oogonia
left alive at birth, At puberty the number is reduced to 40 thousand oogonia
- oogonuim (stem cells ) give us primary oocyte
- The primary oocyte duplicated its DNA enter meiosis 1 and stop at prophase until
puberty and give rise to secondary oocyteshortly before ovulation
- The secondary oocyte will enter meiosis 2 and stop at metaphase until fertilization
happen then give rise to the ovum.
- the ovum and the sperm will fuse togather to give the zygote
- layer of oocytes
The Ovary
After we have fertilization, sperm and ovum fused and from zygote, now we will cont.
with the zygote
- zygote will enter mitosis directly and it will be surrounded by glycoprotein layer
called zona pellucida, which allows only one sperm to enter the ovum
- Division of the zygote begins approximately 30 hours after fertilization, repeated
mitotic divisions of the zygote, resulting in a rapid increase in the number of cells
(which called blastomeres.)and decrease in size
- When there are 12 to 32 blastomeres, the conceptus is called a morula.
- Morula enters the uterus (4 days after fertilization), uterine fluid passes through
the zona pellucida to form a fluid-filled space—the blastocystic cavity—inside
the morula and the
blastomeres are
separated into two
o The trophoblast,
the thin outer
cells that give
rise to the
embryonic part of the placenta
o The embryoblast, a discrete group of blastomeres that is the primordium
of the embryo.
- In day 6 the zona pellucida disappears. Then the trophoblast cells next to the
embryo will be able to recognize the cells of the uterus (the mucosa) and the
blastocyst will be implanted on the wall of the uterus (usually high up on the
posterior wall)
1st week ends by implanting the blastocyst to the wall of the uterus.
Week 2
- Completing the implantation: the uterus wall is composed of inner layer called
the endometrium (simple columnar epithelium and), we need to go to the CT
Because it is very special CT and their cells can develop to specific type of cells
that are specialized in nourishing and building the placenta and they are called
decidual cells.
o As the blastocyst implants, more trophoblast contacts the endometrium
and continues to differentiate into two layers:
§ 1. The cytotrophoblast, a layer of
mononucleated cells that is mitotically
§ 2. Syncytiotrophoblast (INVADER), the
syncytiotrophoblast forms an external
layer without intercellular boundaries
(syncytium) and its cells form cords
infiltrating the endometrium.
syncythiothrophoblast derives from the
fusion of cytotrophoblast cells.
§ Syncythiothrophoblast go deep until reach the maternal lacuna to
establish utroplacental circulation
- Making a bilaminar embryonic disc composed of two
layers, the epiblast (columnar surround amniotic sac)
and hypoblast(cuboidal surround yolk sac) is formed
from embryoblast
- Cavities form: the amniotic cavity and primary yolk
Week 3
- Shortly after the primitive streak appears, cells leave its deep surface and form
mesoblast, a loose network of embryonic connective tissue known as
mesenchyme that forms the supporting tissues of the embryo
- mesenchymal cells migrate cranially from the primitive node and pit, forming a
median cellular cord called the notochorde process going toward prechordal
- Caudal to the primitive streak there is a circular area—the cloacal membrane—
that indicates the future site of the anus.
- Some cells from the primitive streak migrate cranially on each side of the
notochordal process and around the prechordal plate. They meet cranially to
form the cardiogenic mesoderm in the cardiogenic area, where the primordium
of the heart begins to develop at the end of the third week.
notochord is a cellular rod that
- processes involved in the formation of the neural plate and neural folds and
closure of these folds to form the neural tube, These processes are completed by
the end of the fourth week
- As the notochord develops, it induces the embryonic ectoderm over it to thicken and
form an elongated plate of thickened neuroepithelial cells called the neural plate. The
ectoderm of the neural plate (neuroectoderm) gives rise to the central nervous system
and other structures such as the retina
- As the notochord elongates, the neural plate broadens and eventually extends
cranially as far as the oropharyngeal membrane
- Towards the end of the third week, the neural plate invaginates along its central
axis to form a median longitudinal neural groove that has neural folds on each
- By the end of the third week, the neural folds have begun to move together and
fuse, converting the neural plate into a neural tube.
- The neural tube soon separates from the surface ectoderm. The free edges of
the ectoderm fuse so that this layer becomes continuous over the neural tube
and the back of the embryo. Subsequently, the surface ectoderm differentiates
into the epidermis of the skin.
- Neurulation is completed during the fourth week
- some neuroectodermal cells lying along the crest of each neural fold lose their
epithelial affinities and attachments to neighboring cells. These neural crest cells
migrate dorsolaterally on each side of the neural tube
- Neural crest cells differentiate into various cell types including the spinal ganglia
and the ganglia of the autonomic nervous system. The ganglia of cranial nerves
V, VII, IX, and X are partially derived from neural crest cells. Neural crest cells
also form the sheaths of the peripheral nerves and the pia mater and arachnoid
- As the notochord and the neural tube form, the intraembryonic mesoderm on each side
of them proliferates to form a thick, longitudinal column of paraxial mesoderm.
- Each column is continuous laterally with the intermediate mesoderm, which gradually
thins into a layer of lateral mesoderm.
- The lateral mesoderm is continuous with the
extraembryonic mesoderm that covers the
yolk sac and amnion.
- Toward the end of the third week, the
paraxial mesoderm differentiates and
begins to divide into paired cuboidal
bodies, somites, on each side of the
developing neural tube.
- Because the somites are so prominent
during the fourth and fifth weeks, they
are used as one of the criteria for
determining an embryo’s age
- The first pair of somites appears at the
end of the third week near the cranial end of the notochord. Subsequent pairs
form in a craniocaudal sequence.
- Somites give rise to most of the axial skeleton and the associated musculature,
as well as to the adjacent dermis of the skin