Fetal Development
Fetal Development
Fetal Development
Type of Division
• Meiosis initiated once in a finite
population of cells
1 gamete produced / meiosis
Completion of meiosis delayed
for months or years
Meiosis arrested at 1st meiotic
prophase and reinitiated in a
smaller population of cells
Differentiation of gamete occurs
while diploid in first meiotic
All chromosomes exhibit
equivalent transcription and
recombination during meiotic
• Prior to the fertilization process
commencing both the gametes
complete of a number of biological
• Oocyte Meiosis - completes Meiosis 1
and commences Meiosis 2 (arrests at
Metaphase II).
• Spermatozoa Capacitation - following
release (ejaculation) and mixing with
other glandular secretions, activates
motility and acrosome preparation.
• Migration - both oocyte and
• Membrane Depolarization
• caused by spermatozoa membrane fusion, acts
as primary block to polyspermy (fertilisation by
more than one spermatozoa)
• Cortical Reaction
• Inositol triphosphate (IP3) pathway elevates
intracellular calcium, exocytosis of cortical
• enzyme alters ZP2 so it will no longer bind
sperm plasma membrane
• Meiosis 2
• completion of 2nd meiotic division
• forms second polar body (third polar body may
be formed by meiotic division of the first polar
•The main results of fertilization are as follows:
Inner cell
Two distinct types of cells
Inner cell mass: forms the embryo
Trophoblast: layer of cells surrounding the cavity which
helps form the placenta
Floats for about 3 days
Implantation on about day 6 post conception
Trophoblast erodes uterine wall
Takes 1 week to complete
If inner cell mass of a single blastocyst divides:
monozygotic (identical) twins
Week 2
Inner cell mass divides into
epiblast and hypoblast
2 fluid filled sacs
Amniotic sac from epiblast
Yolk sac from hypoblast
Bilaminar embryonic disc: area
of contact
(gives rise to the whole body)
Week 3
(main difference
between the 3
week embryo
and the adult
body is that the
embryo is still
a flat disc)
24 day
Day 23, beginning
to fold
Lateral folds
will join ventrally
human body
plan, day 28
(about ½ cm)
cross section
abdomen of
an adult
(essentially the
same as above)
Major derivatives of the embryonic germ layers
29 day embryo
(this is when the heart starts pumping, about 4
weeks or 1 month, ½ cm size)
3 month fetus late 5th month
(6 cm) month 3 month 5 (about 19 cm)
By 8 weeks, about 2 months, all
major organs are in place in at
least a rudimentary form; this is
why drugs early in pregnancy are
so important to avoid – many
cause birth defects; baby is a little
over 1” long (below right)