Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
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ISBN: 0-439-39509-7
Copyright © 2005 by Jacqueline Clarke.
All rights reserved.
Printed in the U.S.A.
Published by Scholastic Inc.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 40 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05
About This Book .................................................................................... 4
Meet the Author-Illustrator .................................................................... 5
An Author-Illustrator Study .................................................................... 6
Fritz and the Beautiful Horses .......................................................... 8
Annie and the Wild Animals ............................................................ 13
Goldilocks and the Three Bears ........................................................ 17
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
The Mitten.......................................................................................... 22
Berlioz the Bear ................................................................................ 26
Trouble With Trolls ............................................................................ 30
Town Mouse, Country Mouse ............................................................ 34
Armadillo Rodeo ................................................................................ 38
The Hat .............................................................................................. 42
Gingerbread Baby .............................................................................. 45
Hedgie’s Surprise .............................................................................. 51
Daisy Comes Home............................................................................ 55
Teaching With Other Favorite Jan Brett Books ........................................ 58
The First Dog .................................................................................. 58
Happy Birthday, Dear Duck .......................................................... 58
Beauty and the Beast...................................................................... 59
The Owl and the Pussycat .............................................................. 59
Comet’s Nine Lives ........................................................................ 60
On Noah’s Ark ................................................................................ 60
The Umbrella .................................................................................. 61
About This Book
W ith each new book, Jan Brett creates a miniature world for children to
explore. Her “more is more” approach to illustration begs readers to
revisit her books again and again—each time finding something new to delight
their senses. Hidden in the borders or side panels of each story is a second story
just waiting to be discovered.
Jan Brett’s books are full of surprises, yet at the same time they establish a sense
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
of intimacy with readers. All reflect her love of animals and nature. Many are set
in places she has visited and include people she knows. Even her beloved pets are
central figures in many of her stories. Through her work she has found a way to
communicate with children by blending her everyday world with the one in
which she dreams.
As you share Jan Brett’s books with children, use this resource as a guide for
exploring the different facets of her work. Many of the activities are drawn from
“behind the scenes” information about how the characters, setting, plot, and even
title came to be. Here’s a look at what you’ll find:
{ About Jan Brett: “What did Jan Brett want to be when she was a child?
What were her favorite things to do?” Use the information on page 5 to
answer these and other questions about this favorite author.
{ Before Reading: Suggestions for introducing each of 12 featured books help
activate prior knowledge and teach prediction skills.
{ After Reading: This section includes discussion starters for each book that
target specific reading skills, plus activities for extending learning, including
vocabulary-building ideas, hands-on math lessons, poetry, interactive displays,
class books, and science investigations.
{ Reproducible Activity Pages: These
ready-to-use pages support teaching
with each featured book and
encourage independent learning with
mini-books, games, writing frames,
and more. Planning an Author-Illustrator Study
{ Teaching With Other Favorite Jan If you plan on reading several books by
Brett Books: For additional titles Jan Brett, you might want to conduct an
written and/or illustrated by Jan Brett, author-illustrator study. Suggestions for
and suggestions for teaching with doing so are on pages 6 and 7.
them, see pages 58–61.
Meet the Author-Illustrator
favorite books was Millions and Millions of Cats, by Wanda Gag. Inspired by the story, she
would imagine that her backyard was filled with cats and she’d picture each one. By the time
she was six years old, she’d woven her love of books and drawing into her dreams for the
future. “If you had gone to my kindergarten class and asked me what I wanted to be, I’d
have said, ‘a children’s book illustrator.’ That’s all I’ve ever wanted to be” (from Meet the
Authors and Illustrators: Volume Two, by Deborah Kovacs and James Preller; Scholastic, 1993).
In 1970, she attended the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, where she refined her artistic
abilities. She began her career in children’s literature as an illustrator of books such as St.
Patrick’s Day in the Morning, by Eve Bunting (Clarion, 1980). At the urging of an editor, she
wrote and illustrated her first book, Fritz and the Beautiful Horses (Houghton Mifflin) in 1981.
Today she lives in Norwell, Massachusetts, with her husband, Joe, a bass player with the
Boston Symphony Orchestra. When she’s not creating picture books, she enjoys horseback
riding, reading, baking, knitting, and needlepoint. She also likes to travel and visits many of
the places that become the settings for her books. “From cave paintings to Norwegian
sleighs to Japanese gardens, I study the traditions of many countries I visit and use them as a
starting point for my children’s books” (from About Jan Brett; www.janbrett.com).
Source: Content Knowledge: A Compendium of Standards and Benchmarks for K–12 Education (4th ed.). Mid-Continent Research for Education and Learning, 2004.
An Author-Illustrator Study
H elp students make deeper connections between the books, the author-illustrator, and themselves by
planning a Jan Brett author-illustrator study. By comparing characters, settings, illustrations, themes, and
so on, students begin to understand the authoring and illustrating process as well as learn how books “work.”
Author Center
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Set up a display area to use throughout your study. Include some or all of the following:
Book Tour o o o o
Many of Jan Brett’s books are set in places children have never visited, Additional
such as Norway (Trouble With Trolls), Switzerland (Gingerbread Baby),
and China (Daisy Comes Home). Resources
As you read her books, mark the setting of each story on a world
map. Explain that the author traveled to many, if not all, of these Books
places to take photographs and gather information that she would
The Author Studies Handbook
later use in her stories and pictures. At the end of the study, gather
by Laura Kotch
children around the map. Ask the following: (Scholastic, 1995).
{ “Where does Jan Brett live?” (Norwell, Massachusetts) This resource offers numerous
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
{ “Where would you like the setting of her next book to be?” Jan Brett is included in this
book of 60 profiles of authors
and illustrators. Also available,
Border Art Meet the Authors and
Illustrators: Volume One
Jan Brett’s signature style is characterized by colorful story borders. (Scholastic, 1991).
She uses these to capture her “overflow thoughts.” Annie and the Wild
Animals was the first book in which she used this technique. Web Site
Gather books by Jan Brett that use borders or story panels. Work
together with students to examine each one and identify the purpose The Official Jan Brett Web Site
of the borders or panels in each book—for example, to tell a second (www.janbrett.com)
story or to foreshadow.
Visit Jan Brett’s Web site to find
Read aloud the story Little Red Riding Hood. Let students illustrate
book-related activities and
a page from the story, using borders or panels. They can do this by printouts including masks,
showing the wolf going to Grandma’s house in the main picture while puppets, and props. Educators
Little Red Riding Hood is picking flowers in the borders. Encourage can also request a teacher’s
creativity by focusing on detail in the drawings. pack, which includes
“newsnotes” on many of her
Fascination Boxes books. An e-mail option allows
students to write to the author-
illustrator to suggest book
Jan Brett, like many authors, writes about the things that fascinate
ideas, ask questions, or tell
her, including hens, hedgehogs, and trolls. Ask students to fill a shoe
about their own writing or
box with pictures of things or objects that fascinate them. Let them drawing.
take turns sharing the items with classmates. Encourage them to use
their fascination boxes for inspiration in their writing. o o o o
Fritz and the
Beautiful Horses
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
and Themes T he citizens do not let Fritz into the walled city because they do not
consider him beautiful. Yet he is gentle, kind, surefooted, and hard
working. Through an act of bravery and heroism, he proves that there is
▲▲▲▲▲▲ more to him than meets the eye.
J horses
J diversity/tolerance Before Reading
J character
Beautiful Is...
J heroism
J perspective Introduce the story with a quick-write in which students define what they
think beautiful means. Together, look up the word in a dictionary. Let
students compare their definitions with the dictionary definition.
My Horse
of a horse
coat }
After Reading
Extension Activities
Tip Hands-On Measuring (Math) Name __________
Hands-On Me
___ Date _____
▲▲▲▲▲▲ Trace your hand
in the space below
than, larger than,
or the same size
. Use a ruler to
measure its width
Scholastic Teaching
in inches.
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
ok Links
B o horse: 14.2 hands or more
My Pony Book
by Louise Pritchard
(DK Publishing, 1998).
Each two-page spread
features photographs,
diagrams, and short
paragraphs that teach
children how to care for
a pony.
} }
} mane
My Horse
Dictionary muzzle
mane: the hair growing
muzzle: the nose and jaws
from the head and neck
Name of a horse of a horse
} } }
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Name ___________________________________________ Date _________________________
Hands-On Measuring
Trace your hand in the space below. Use a ruler to measure its width. Is it smaller
than, larger than, or the same size as the hand used to measure horses (4 inches)?
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
My hand is inches wide.
Height in Height in
Object My Hands Inches
Measure the
height of four
objects in hands.
Measure the
same objects
in inches.
Annie and the
Wild Animals
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
W hen Annie’s cat disappears, she hopes to find a new pet by leaving corn
cakes at the edge of the wood. Her plan works, but none of the animals
are quite what she expected. Just when she thinks she’ll never find a new pet,
Taffy reappears joined by many small, furry friends.
and Themes
After Reading
Extension Activities
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
think Annie is feeling lonely in this picture.
{ Ask children to share reasons someone might feel lonely—for example, a
new student might feel lonely until he or she makes a new friend or feels
more comfortable in a new classroom. Students might like to role-play
some of these situations in small groups. This will help them understand
that everyone feels like this at one time or another and also provide
opportunities to practice age-appropriate responses when such situations
arise in students’ own lives.
DO Feed the Animals! (Science) Tip
While many animals hibernate or migrate during the winter, there are
also some (like those in the book) that stay active and must adapt to Learn more about pet
care at these Web sites:
the change of season. Help students care for those animals by creating
bird feeders. Pet Place
{ Annie’s plan to find a new pet included leaving food for it to eat. Pets for Kids
Ask children if her plan would have worked as well if the story had www.petsforkids.co.uk
taken place in summer. Why not?
{ Stock a work table with sliced bread, cookie cutters, craft sticks,
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
ok Links Word Study: Too Big! Too Mean! Too Grumpy!
Bo (Language Arts)
By leaving corn cakes at the edge of the wood, Annie attracts five
animals that would not make good pets. She decides that the moose
Emma’s Pet is too big, the wildcat is too mean, and the bear is too grumpy. Use
by David McPhail this activity to help students identify adjectives from the story and
(Dutton, 1988). then use them to describe various animals.
Emma is searching for a pet, { Revisit the book to find the adjectives used to describe the
but none are as soft and moose, wildcat, and bear.
cuddly as she would like. In the
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
end, she finds the perfect “pet” { How do you think Annie would describe the stag and the gray
right in her very own home. wolf ?
The stag is too ______________________ .
I Want a Pet
The gray wolf is too __________________ .
by Lauren Child
(Tricycle Press, 1999).
{ Extend this lesson by using the pattern found in the book Dear
Longing for a pet, the child in Zoo, by Rod Campbell (Little Simon, 1999), to describe other
this story suggests many to her animals:
family members, who, for one
reason or another, dismiss I wrote to the zoo to send me a pet.
each as “unsuitable.” The “pet They sent me a ______________________,
shop lady” comes to the rescue but it was too _______________________!
with the perfect pet to meet
her family’s criteria.
A Pet or Not?
by Alvin Silverstein
(Twenty-First Century Books,
This book provides information
about unusual pets such as
armadillos, hedgehogs,
monkeys, and even potbellied
pigs. The last chapter, entitled
“Not a Pet!,” suggests that
most of the animals included
in the book are better off left
in the wild because keeping
them as pets would be quite a
Goldilocks and the
Three Bears
(PUTNAM, 1987)
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
J folktales
Guessing Game
J size relationships
Before introducing this book, play a guessing game J conventions of
that builds critical-thinking skills. Color and cut out storytelling (the
Teaching With Favorite
Jan Brett Books
the pictures of bears, bowls, chairs, and beds (page Scholastic Teaching
“rule of three”)
20). Place them in a paper bag. Pull out a picture and 20
{ Ask a volunteer to sort the pictures into categories, such as “bears,” “bowls,”
“chairs,” and “beds.” Ask: “How many objects are in each category?”
{ Explain that this folktale uses the rule of three as part of its story structure.
It includes three bear characters and three story events with three objects in
each. (Goldilocks finds three bowls, three chairs, and three beds.)
{ Can students name other stories that utilize the rule of three? (Examples
include The Three Little Pigs, by Steven Kellogg, HarperCollins, 2002; The
Three Questions, by Jon Muth, Scholastic, 2002; and The Three Sillies, by
Paul Galdone, Clarion, 1981.)
After Reading
{ Revisit the last page of the book. (It shows Goldilocks running away.)
Reread the sentence, “And what happened to Goldilocks, no one can tell.”
{ Ask students to spend a few minutes thinking about Goldilocks and what
she might do next.
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
{ Have students draw a picture and write (or dictate) a few sentences about
what they think happened to Goldilocks after she left the bears’ house.
{ Follow up by reading aloud Goldilocks Returns, by Lisa Campbell Ernst
(Simon & Schuster, 2000). This sequel tells the story of a middle-aged
Goldilocks (now called Goldie) who currently owns a lock shop and
returns to the bears’ home to make amends and ease her guilty conscience.
{ Let children compare this sequel to their own ideas about Goldilocks’s
future. What are the similarities? What are the differences?
Extension Activities
You Can Count On the Three Bears! (Math and Language Arts)
Use Goldilocks and the Three Bears as a springboard for some creative counting.
{ Copy the three-bears number line and bear counters (page 21). Cut apart
the number line segments and tape together as indicated.
{ Make multiple copies of each bear pattern. Cut out a dozen or so Baby
Bear counters and number them 3, 6, 9, 12, and so on (to skip-count by
threes, starting with three).
{ Once children are familiar with counting by threes
from three, challenge them to count by threes
using Mama Bear. Number the Mama Bear
counters according to a new counting
pattern, such as 2, 5, 8, 11, and so on.
Repeat with Papa Bear and a new
counting pattern.
Pass the Bear (Language Arts) ok Links
Retelling stories gives children a sense of how stories “work.” Play this
game to retell the story of the three bears.
{ Gather children in a circle. While holding a stuffed bear, say, “Once Deep in the Forest
upon a time there were three bears.” by Brinton Turkle
(Dutton, 1992).
{ Pass the bear to a student and invite him or her to add on to the story
with one sentence. In this wordless book, a bear
cub leaves his mother to
{ Continue playing, giving a different child a turn each time, until the
explore a cabin deep in the
story reaches its end. woods. In classic Goldilocks
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Take advantage of the size relationships found in Goldilocks and the Three The Three Bears Holiday
Bears to teach about comparative language. Rhyme Book
by Jane Yolen
{ Color and cut out the pictures of the bears (page 20) and display them
(Harcourt, 1995).
for students. Brainstorm comparative language (such as big, bigger,
biggest) to describe the bears. Record the words on a chart. Repeat the This treasury includes 15
process for the bowls, chairs, and beds. poems told from Baby Bear’s
point of view.
{ Give each student a sheet of 8- by 11-inch paper. Show students how
to fold the paper in half the long way and cut the top
flap into thirds.
{ Ask children to choose one set of comparative terms (for
example, long, longer, longest) and write one on each flap.
{ Under each flap, have children draw the corresponding
picture from the story.
{ Let students take turns sharing their flap books with
Guessing Game
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Tape A here.
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Tape B here.
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
You Can
Three Bears!
Count On the
The Mitten
( G . P. P U T N A M ’ S S O N S , 1 9 8 9 )
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
A t Nikki’s request, Baba knits him a pair of white mittens. “If you drop
one in the snow,” she warns, “you’ll never find it.” As she predicts,
Nikki loses a mitten while wandering through the wintry countryside. It’s
and Themes found by a series of woodland animals who, one by one, crawl inside the
snug mitten. At the end of the story, a bear’s big “achoo” sends the
animals soaring in all directions. Nikki eventually finds his mitten and is
J animals left wondering why it is stretched out and larger than its mate.
J winter
J habitats Before Reading
I Spy a Mitten
Share the cover of the book with students. Let them name each animal.
Ask: “What are the animals looking at?” (a mitten) Invite students to
make predictions about what the animals are thinking as they gaze at
the mitten. Students can do this orally or write the words in “thought
bubbles” for each animal.
After Reading
By not writing text for the last page of the book, the author
invites readers to draw their own conclusions about what Baba
might be thinking or saying.
{ Revisit the last page of The Mitten. It shows Baba wearing a perplexed
look as she holds the stretched-out mitten.
{ Give students time to study the picture. Ask: “What is Baba thinking?
What might she say?”
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
{ Invite children to write their own text for the page and share it with
Extension Activities
How Big Is Your Mitten? (Math)
The mitten in the story is stretched to a size large enough to hold a mole,
rabbit, hedgehog, owl, badger, fox, bear, and mouse. Invite students to measure
and compare the size of their own mittens.
{ Ask each student to bring a mitten to school. Have extras on hand for
students to use as needed.
{ Have students trace their mitten on
a sheet of paper.
{ Then have children use a ruler to
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
measure and record the length and
width of their mitten.
{ To measure volume, first have
students fill their mitten to capacity
using pieces of foam packing
material. Next, have them remove
the pieces, count them, and write
the total number on the paper.
{ Help students compare their
mittens. How many of their mittens
put together do students think it
would take to hold all the animals
from the story?
Animal Research Riddles (Science and Language Arts) o ok Links
The story shows animals
seeking shelter inside a lost
mitten. How do animals
really find shelter during The Old Man’s Mitten
the winter months? Work retold by Yevonne Pollock
with children to collect and (Mondo Publishing, 1986).
share information in the In this version of the
form of riddles. traditional tale, an old man
loses a mitten while taking his
{ Revisit the book and
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
the Bear
( G . P. P U T N A M ’ S S O N S , 1 9 9 1 )
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
W hile on his way to a village ball, Berlioz and his orchestra meet
misfortune when the wheel of their bandwagon gets stuck in a pothole.
Led by a stubborn mule that refuses to move, they enlist the help of a succession
of animals. In the end it’s the bee, stuck in Berlioz’s string bass, that makes it
possible for them to get to the ball on time.
and Themes Before Reading
Getting to the Ball on Time
J music
J responsibility Introduce the story by discussing the concept of responsibility. Explain that
Berlioz (pronounced BEAR-lee-oze) and his orchestra are responsible for
J cumulative tales getting to the village ball on time. Ask: “What might the consequences be if
the band is late?” Ask students to share their experiences with being late to
important events. Discuss ways the class works together to be on time—for
example, everyone helps pick up so that students can get to lunch on time.
It Figures!
“Stubborn as a mule” and “jump on the bandwagon” are figures of speech
that are significant to the story Berlioz the Bear. Write them on the
chalkboard and discuss their meanings with children. As you read the book
aloud, challenge students to discover how each relates to the story.
After Reading
{ Talk with students about the similarities between this book and other
cumulative tales such as The Little Engine That Could, by Watty Piper
(Grosset & Dunlap, 1978), or The Enormous Turnip, by Kathy
Parkinson (Albert Whitman, 1987). Ask: “How are they the
same? How are they different?” Encourage students to try out a
cumulative pattern when writing their own stories.
{ Ask students whether they think the author was influenced by
the saying “stubborn as a mule” when she chose a mule to lead
the wagon. Encourage them to explain why or why not. Discuss
the meaning of bandwagon as it is used in the story. Compare
this to the word’s meaning in the saying. Ask: “How does the
cumulative pattern of the story relate to the saying, ‘jump on the
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Extension Activities
2 2
3 2
Meet the Real Berlioz (Social Studies) 2
3 Name ______
2 3 2 3 23
Date ____________
23 Meet the 23
Real Berlioz 2
Paste your
Jan Brett named the character of Berlioz after
picture here.
All About
2 Hector Berlioz All About
Hector was born 2
in 1803
the French composer Hector Berlioz (from
in France. I was born in
in __________________
3 For more information about
As a child Hect
how to play the
or learned
I can play ______ 2
Hector Berlioz, the composer who
www.janbrett.com). Use the reproducible (page
flute and __________________
3 guitar.
2 Hector’s pare
2 inspired the book’s character, and
29) to help students make a connection
nts convinced
him to go to I am unhappy
medical scho
He was very unha ol. when ____________ 3
ppy there. __________________
the four families of instruments
between the story and the life and work of the 2
Hector left med
to study his real
ical school
love, music!
I love to study
_ (hear them, too), check this Web
3 __________________ 2
composer for whom the bear was named. Invite Hector is know
orchestral musi
works, and oper
n for his
c, choral
My favorite kind
of music is
3 site:
children to compare their life to his by filling 2
Teaching With Favorite .
3 Jan Brett Books
Scholastic Teaching
2 2 2
3 2 3 2 3 2 29
ok Links Meet the Instrument Families (Math and Music)
Berlioz’s band was made up of six different instruments: string bass, drum,
trombone, clarinet, violin, and French horn. Use this activity to help
students identify each one and sort it into its instrument family.
Meet the Orchestra
by Ann Hayes { On the chalkboard, write the names of the instruments in Berlioz’s
(Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, band. Have students group them by instrument “families”: strings,
1995). percussion, woodwinds, and brass.
This book makes a great { Explain that instruments are related by the similar ways in which they
introduction to the various produce sound. Students can regroup the instruments if necessary. Invite
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
musical instruments that
students to name
make up an orchestra.
other instruments
Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin
that are part of
by Lloyd Moss each family.
(Simon & Schuster, 1995). { To do more,
This musical counting book students can try
helps children learn the grouping
number of musicians (and instruments in
their instruments) that other ways, such as
make up a solo, duet, trio, for a trio or a
and so on—all the way up to quartet. (See Book
a chamber of ten! Links, left, for a
related book.)
2 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 3
3 Name __________________________________________ Date _________________________
2 23 Meet the 23
Real Berlioz Paste your
picture here.
3 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 29
With Trolls
( G . P. P U T N A M ’ S S O N S , 1 9 9 2 )
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
T reva’s troubles begin when she encounters five trolls at the top of Mount
Baldy—each of whom tries to kidnap her dog, Tuffi, and keep him as a pet.
But Treva is a quick thinker! She cleverly outsmarts each troll and skis to safety
Concepts carrying Tuffi in her arms.
and Themes
Before Reading
J trolls
J winter What’s the Trouble?
J trickster tales Read the title of the book aloud. Can students predict the kind of trouble
J problem solving Treva has with the trolls? Before reading, take students on a “picture walk”
through the book. Encourage them to describe what they see in the
illustrations. Ask students to make a story prediction by completing this
Troll Profiles
The appearance and characteristics of trolls vary from story to story. Before
reading the book, spend some time exploring students’ perceptions of these
mythical creatures.
{ Give each child a sheet of paper. Have students draw a picture of a troll
and complete these sentences:
Trolls are _________ , ___________ , and ____________ .
Trolls like _________________ .
Trolls live _________________ .
{ Invite students to share and compare their profiles. Discuss the source of
students’ images of trolls—for example, are there books or movies that
shaped their ideas?
After Reading
{ Ask students to compare their troll profiles (see Before Reading) with those in the
book. Ask: “How are they similar? How are they different? Have your images of
trolls changed since reading the book?”
{ Discuss ways in which characters such as trolls, giants, wolves, and princesses are
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
sometimes stereotyped. Explore how this may add or take away from a character’s
{ Revisit the book and draw students’ attention to the second story going on in the
underground pictures. Ask: “What are the trolls doing?” (preparing for the arrival
of their new pet) Discuss the purpose of the hedgehog in the story. (He assumes the
role set aside for the dog.) Write the text for this “second story.” Students can work
together in pairs or small groups, or you can lead the class in a whole-group
shared writing experience.
Treva used her problem-solving abilities to trick the trolls and save her dog. Tuffi and me.
Along came a
Greedy as can
{ Give each student a copy of page 33. Read aloud the rhyme. Teaching With Favorite
Jan Brett Books
Scholastic Teaching
{ Ask students to fill in the blank with the name of something they would use to
trick the troll. Invite them to illustrate the words in the space provided. Let
students take turns sharing their responses.
{ Can students think of other ways to save their dog from the troll that don’t
involve giving him things?
Tip Write a Troll Tale (Language Arts)
For troll folklore, stories, Inspire students to create their own “troll tales” based on troll mythology.
and poems, check these
Web sites: { Using books and the Internet (see Tip, left) work with students to create
Troll Forest: a list of troll folklore. For example:
Trolls have an aversion to noise and sunlight.
www.trollmoon.com Trolls can be destroyed if a person discovers their name.
Trolls can be warded off using mistletoe or bonfires.
ok Links { From the information gathered, let students choose a couple of ideas
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
and incorporate them into an original story about a troll.
{ Place the stories in a basket labeled “Troll Tales,” and keep it in your
classroom library for students to enjoy all year.
Christmas Trolls
by Jan Brett
(G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1993). Word Study: Title Track-Down (Language Arts)
In this sequel, Treva once
again has trouble with trolls! Alliteration, the repetition of the initial sounds in words, is a literary device
This time they are snitching often used in writing. Trouble With Trolls is an example of a book that uses
holiday gifts and ornaments alliteration in its title.
from her home. In an effort
to teach them the true { Have students search through the classroom library for other titles that
meaning of Christmas, she use alliteration. Display them on the chalkboard ledge and read each
helps them decorate, teaches title aloud.
them to share, and honors
them with a special gift. { Ask: “Why do you think authors use alliteration?”
The Toll-Bridge Troll { Encourage students to use this device in their own stories.
by Patricia Rae-Wolff
(Browndeer Press, 1995).
In this updated version of
a classic fairy tale scenario,
a young boy cleverly uses
riddles to outwit the terrible
troll who tries to stop him
from crossing the bridge on
his way to school.
Tricks for Trolls Name ___________________________________________ Date _________________________
Up on the mountain,
Tuffi and me.
Along came a troll,
Greedy as can be!
“I want dog!”
Is what I heard him say.
I gave him my ,
And then he went away.
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Town Mouse,
Country Mouse
( G . P. P U T N A M ’ S S O N S , 1 9 9 4 )
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Before Reading
J fables
Where Do You Live? J habitats/
Before reading the book, familiarize students with the two alternating J food chain
settings of the story—the town and the country. Have pictures on hand
that represent town (city) life and country life. Let students sort them J compare and
into two piles. Ask: “Where do you live?” Introduce the terms rural,
urban, and suburban to further describe environments.
After Reading
Town or Coun
try? Key Pattern
Extension Activities
Scholastic Teaching
Jan Brett Books
Name __________
Create a graph to show students’ preferences for living in a town or in the country.
{ Make several copies of the key-shaped graph markers (page 37). On one key,
write “Town” (or “City”) and on the other write “Country.” Use the keys to label
a two-column bar graph.
{ Give each student a key. Have students write their name on the key.
{ Ask: “Would you rather live in a town (city) or in the country?” Let students
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
place their key on the graph to indicate their response to the question.
{ Discuss the results. Is there a strong preference for one type of environment over
another? How do the results correspond to the environment (town, country) in
which students live now? Is it the same or different? Do students agree that “the
grass is greener on the other side of the fence?”
{ Give each child a blank note card. Have children write the words “Thank You” on
the front and decorate as they wish.
{ Discuss parts of a friendly letter, such as the greeting and closing. On the inside of
the card, ask children to write a note telling what they liked about the visit as well
as what they missed most about their own home.
{ Give children envelopes for their cards, and let them create imaginary town or
country addresses (including a return address) along with faux postage.
{ Have students form a large circle in an open area such as the playground or gym.
{ Choose one child to be either the owl or cat (predator) and another to be the
mouse (prey). Place a blindfold around each student’s head.
{ Invite both children to move freely inside the circle. As they do, the predator
should listen carefully for sounds of the mouse and try to tag him or her. Once
the mouse is caught, choose new students and repeat the game.
{ As an extension, ask students to think about this: “Can a mouse ever be a
predator? Can a cat or owl be prey?” Discuss their ideas.
ng Resources
n Brett Books
Name ______
_ Date ____________
C Sort
Scholastic Teaching
candy car
coat circle cent
sounds of c.
Milly and Tilly:
{ Say the two words aloud. Help students hear the difference between The Story of a Town Mouse
the hard and soft c. and a Country Mouse
by Kate Summers
{ Give each student a copy of the sorting activity (page 37). Explain (Dutton, 1997).
that the mouse with the pillow stands for the soft c and the mouse
with the rock stands for the hard c. Tilly is content with her
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Town or Country? Key Pattern
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Name ___________________________________________ Date _________________________
C Sort
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Concepts follow his new friend, he gets more than his share of excitement—Texas rodeo-style!
and Themes
▲▲▲▲▲▲ Before Reading
J safety Fact
J Texas
soil. “Dig up” other facts about armadillos and share them
J rodeos with students before reading the book. Write each fact Fact
J senses Bury the facts in a tub of sand. Let students take turns Teaching With Favorite
Scholastic Teaching Jan Brett Books
The Wanderer
Can students predict the ending after the first two pages? Show students the
cover of the book. Read aloud the first two pages, stopping after “... especially
Bo, who was always wandering off.” Challenge students to make predictions
about the rest of the story based on what they already know. Invite students to
share rules they know about “wandering off.” Explain that this can be very
dangerous, and discuss or role-play what students can do if they find
themselves separated from an adult.
After Reading
{ A fact is a piece of information that is true. In this story, children learn that
armadillos don’t see very well. Revisit the story to highlight this piece of
information. Ask: “In what ways is this fact important to the story? How
would the story be different if the author hadn’t included this information
in the book?” Guide students in finding other facts in the story.
{ An opinion reflects an individual’s view. Ask: “What do you think the
author thinks of armadillos? What is your opinion of armadillos? The
story? Texas?”
{ Make connections to other stories. Ask: “How did the author use facts
in other stories? How do those stories compare to this one?”
{ Go further by exploring the use of facts in nonfiction. Ask: “How does
this compare with the way an author uses facts in fiction?”
Extension Activities
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
{ Create a feely box by cutting a hole in a covered box (big enough for a
child’s arm to fit through).
{ Place the objects in the box (one at a time). Let students take turns
feeling each object and shaking the box. How many objects can they
identify without their sense of sight?
ok Links Rodeo Day (Movement, Art, Language Arts, and Math)
Invite students to round up some western gear and come to school dressed as a
cowboy or cowgirl for Rodeo Day. Celebrate with one or more of the following events:
Armadillo Ray
{ Horse Races: Use cones to set up a course outdoors or in the gym in a figure
by John Beifuss 8, bow tie or letter W configuration. Challenge students to race from start to
(Chronicle, 1995). finish while riding a “hobbyhorse.”
When a young armadillo is { Fancy Boots: Let each child design and decorate a boot. (Provide a cowboy
puzzled about how the boot pattern for them to trace, or let them draw their own.) Have children use
moon changes shape and catalog copy as a model for writing a description of their boots. Use the boots
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
disappears, he decides to to create a catalog of boots, complete with descriptions.
ask other desert dwellers.
Each response is more { Rodeo Talk: Using a dictionary, let teams of students race to be the first to
magical than the next but define these rodeo words: brand, chaps, earmark, and stampede.
hardly seems believable. { Rope Tricks: Cut a length of rope into several different-sized pieces (one per
Finally, the owl tells him the student). Place the rope in a bag and let each student choose a piece. Ask students
truth about the moon, which to measure their rope. Have them organize their pieces of rope in different
he discovers is the most
arrangements—for example, from shortest to longest or in concentric circles.
amazing story of all.
Armadillo Tattletale
by Helen Ketteman
Word Study: Number Words (Language Arts and Math)
(Scholastic, 2000).
One of the most amazing things about armadillos is that the mother always gives
With ears as tall as a birth to four identical babies. Use this fact to explore “number words” with students.
jackrabbit’s, Armadillo
often uses them for { Write “quadruplet” on the chalkboard. Explain that a quadruplet is one of four
eavesdropping. But each babies born at the same time. Challenge students to find and list words for
time he repeats something other multiple births—for example, twins and triplets.
that “wasn’t meant for his
ears,” the animals snip off a { Name and list other words that answer “how much” or “how many,” such as
bit of them until at last his few, couple, ton, mile, yard, handful, pinch, smidgen. Which ones reference
ears are teeny tiny. specific amounts? Which ones reference estimates?
Dig Up Some Facts
Fact Fact
Source Source
Fact Fact
Source Source
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
The Hat
( G . P. P U T N A M ’ S S O N S , 1 9 9 7 )
W hen Lisa’s woolen stocking is blown off the clothesline, curious Hedgie discovers it and
pokes his nose inside. It gets stuck on his prickles, and soon all the animals are
laughing at his “stocking hat.” To avoid embarrassment, he justifies the hat with comments
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
such as “when it rains, my hat will keep me dry” and “my ears will be warm in a
and Themes snowstorm.” This gets the other animals thinking, and soon they all find “hats” of their own.
Before Reading
J animals
J clothing Mistaken Identity
J winter Introduce the story with an activity in which students, like the animals in the book,
J perspective try to identify an object that is unfamiliar to them. Find an object that is most likely
unfamiliar to students—for example, an unusual kitchen tool or an antiquated
gadget. Pass the object around and let students examine it closely. Ask students to
give the object a name and speculate about its use. Reveal the identity of the object
and its use. Is it possible that the object could be used for other purposes such as
those suggested by students?
After Reading
{ Read aloud or revisit The Mitten (page 22). Ask: “In what ways is this book like
The Hat?” (for example, each has a cumulative story structure; each involves animals
and some item of clothing; each involves a child losing something) “In what ways are
they different?” (for example, one is set on a farm, the other in the woods)
{ In many of Jan Brett’s books, there is a second story going on in the borders. Ask
students if they noticed what Lisa was doing while the animals were talking to
Hedgie about his hat. Revisit the book and examine the oval frames on the left
side of each spread. Most show Lisa preparing for winter—for example, filling a
bird feeder and waxing skis.
{ Ask students to name ways in which their family prepares for winter. Discuss
whether the ways they prepare are the same as or different from what Lisa does. Ask:
“Does where a person lives make a difference in how someone prepares for winter?”
Extension Activities
on each page.) How did that happen? (The wind blew the clothes away.)
{ Work together with students to write number sentences that show what
happens in each picture of the clothesline.
{ To create an interactive display, staple a length of rope to a bulletin
board. Use clothespins to display hats, mittens, heavy socks, scarves, and
other winter clothing. Write subtraction number sentences on index
cards, place them in an envelope, and staple the envelope to the board.
{ Let students take turns choosing a card and manipulating the clothing
to match the number sentence.
ok Links A Hat of One’s Own (Art)
What was really a stocking became the animals’ creative interpretation of
a hat. Invite students to use their creativity to design and make hats of
their own.
Animals Should Definitely
Not Wear Clothing { Invite children to create a unique hat using found materials such as
by Judi Barrett paper bags, newspaper, foil, or even bubble wrap. Students can
(Aladdin, 1989). decorate their hats using materials such as yarn, ribbon, and
Children will enjoy the silly
illustrations of a sheep { Let students show off their millinery creations by scheduling a hat
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
wearing a wool sweater, a parade or fashion show.
giraffe wearing neckties,
and a chicken wearing
pants—each in response to
the question, “Why
shouldn’t animals wear
( G . P. P U T N A M ’ S S O N S , 1 9 9 9 )
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
and Themes F ollowing a recipe found in an old cookbook, Matti and his mom make a
gingerbread boy and place him in the oven. The directions say “Do not peek,”
but Matti finds it difficult to wait. Much to his surprise, when he opens the oven
door, out jumps a gingerbread baby! Who will catch him? In the end it’s Matti’s
clever plan that puts an end to the chase.
J problem solving
J folktales Before Reading
J cooking
J winter holidays Revisit the Folktale
J senses Read aloud several versions of the folktale that inspired Gingerbread Baby (see
Related Resources). Create a chart with students to compare the beginning,
middle, and ending of the stories. Ask: “Which part of the story showed the
most variation between versions (beginning, middle, or end)? Which
beginning did you like best? Middle? End?”
A New Ending
After Reading
Use the story to explore story structure as well as what beginnings, middles,
and endings sometimes have in common.
{ Once you’ve shared the story, record its beginning, middle, and ending on the chart.
(See Before Reading, Revisit the Folktale, page 45.) Ask: “How is this version similar
to the other versions we read? Different from the other versions?”
{ Let students compare their predictions with the ending of the story. How are their
endings alike? How are they different? What else did Jan Brett do to make her story
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Extension Activities
Dear Matti (Language Arts and Social Studies) Tip
The character of Matti empowers children because he uses his creativity to solve a problem As with
that the other characters (including many adults) weren’t able to solve. On her Web site the Gingerbread Baby,
author notes, “Matti was inspired by a real little boy named Alexander who is also creative many books follow
and always looks as if he has a plan.” Sharpen students’ problem-solving skills, and their a problem-solution
story structure.
ability to understand character, with an activity that lets them write and respond to a letter. Choose one and
read it aloud. Stop
{ Introduce letter-writing as a form of writing. Ask students what they know about
before the
writing letters. Review parts of a letter and various reasons people write letters. conclusion. Let
{ Have students write a “Dear Matti” letter that tells of a problem they are having. To children share
reinforce writing skills, encourage students to include details in their letter-writing. ways they would
solve the
{ Have students exchange papers and respond to the letter with one or more character’s
suggestions or solutions to the problem. Again, to reinforce the use of details in problem.
writing, ask students to clearly explain their solutions.
{ Follow up with a discussion that reinforces the idea that although we can often solve
problems on our own, it is sometimes helpful to seek the advice of others.
Tip The Sweet Shop (Math)
Sharpen students’ consumer skills
To make gingerbread by setting up a “sweet shop” where
cookies, use the recipe at
they can purchase items to decorate
www.janbrett.com or use
refrigerated cookie gingerbread cookies.
{ Send home a note requesting
that each student bring to
school one item that can be
used to decorate gingerbread,
such as candy, raisins, or
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
frosting. Place each item in a
separate covered container and
attach a price tag—for example,
1 cent each or 25 cents.
{ Give each student a paper bag
and the same amount of money
(play or real).
{ Invite students to visit the
Sweet Shop, make their
purchases, and use the items to
decorate a gingerbread man or
gum { Draw students’ attention to the word gingerbread on the cover of the book.
Invite students to tell what they think this kind of word is called.
{ Explain that gingerbread is a compound word, which is created by putting
two words together. Let students identify the two words (ginger and bread).
drop { Challenge students to identify other foods that are also compound words—
for example, gumdrop, meatloaf, and oatmeal. Write the words that make up
meat each compound word on a separate index card—for example, ginger, bread,
gum, drop, meat, loaf, oat, and meal.
oat { Have students put their words together to make a new compound word,
write it at the top of a sheet of paper, and illustrate the “dish.”
{ Compile the pages into a book and label it “Silly Compound Cookbook.”
To go further, students can create a recipe for their dish, complete with an
ingredient list and set of directions.
Name _______
____ Date _______
{ Copy the record sheet on page 50. Gather the and rubbing them with
ingredients listed to make gingerbread. Place them at a center. cinnamon sticks.
Give each student a record sheet.
{ Let students take turns “sniffing” each item. Show them how to color in
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
{ Copy the rhyme onto sentence strips. Glue the strips to posterboard and This classic retelling ends
laminate. on an upbeat note as it
suggests that gingerbread
{ Create strips with students’ names. Attach Velcro to the blank space on men return whenever
the chart and onto the back of each name card. someone bakes gingerbread.
{ Let students select a name to fill in the blank and then practice reading
the chart aloud.
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Name _______________________________________ Date ______________________
Ingredient Yes No
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
baking soda
brown sugar
Hedgie’s Surprise
( G . P. P U T N A M ’ S S O N S , 2 0 0 0 )
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Concepts P oor Henny! She longs to have a family just like Goosey-Goosey, but each
day her eggs are stolen by a mischievous Tomten. Unsure what to do, she
consults with her wise friend Hedgie, who devises a clever plan to trick the
and Themes
Tomten and teach him a good lesson.
After Reading
{ Make connections between the story and students’ experiences by
inviting them to tell about times they’ve played tricks on someone. Ask:
“When is it okay to play a trick on someone? When is it not okay?”
Extension Activities
{ Write the following text from the book on sentence strips and place
them in a pocket chart:
“‘Henny! Have you got a little yummy for my nearly empty tummy?’
The Tomten reached for an egg and pulled out a(n)
_______________________ .”
{ Read the sentences aloud with students. Work together to create picture
and word cards for the following objects: acorn, strawberry, mushroom,
potato. Let children take turns placing the picture and word cards in the
blank and rereading the text.
{ As an extension of the story, assign each student a letter of the alphabet.
Ask children to think of an object starting with that letter that might
trick the Tomtem. Have children copy the text from the pocket chart,
fill in the blank with the name for their object, and draw a picture.
{ Give children sheets of paper sized to cover their alphabet
objects. Have children glue the top edge of the paper to the
picture so that it covers the drawing of their object and
creates a flap. To complete the page, on the flap have
children draw a picture of Henny sitting on her nest.
{ Place the pages in alphabetical order, add a cover, and
staple. Share the book with students, and let them
take turns sharing it at home, along with a copy
of Hedgie’s Surprise.
Tip Breakfast Graph (Math)
The Tomten likes to eat porridge and eggs for breakfast. Ask students: “What
Visit these Web sites to do you like to eat for breakfast?” Guide students in conducting a survey to find
learn more about chicks
out. Display results of the survey on the chalkboard in the form of a table.
and how they develop:
Review ways of graphing data. Then let each student create a graph based on
the information collected. Discuss the graph, asking:
❋ “How many different breakfast foods are preferred by
Life Cycle of the Chicken: students in our class? Are these results surprising? Why?”
❋ “What was the most popular breakfast food? Least?”
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
❋ “How many students like eggs, like the Tomten?”
❋ “Who would find this information useful? How?”
❋ “What doesn’t this graph tell us?”
Eggs-periment (Science) ok Links
How were Henny’s chicks able to breathe while inside their eggs? Conduct
this experiment to find out.
{ Place a raw egg (in the shell) in a clear jar half-filled with warm water. Eggs: A Photographic Story
of Hatching
{ Guide students to discover the bubbles coming from the egg.
by Robert Burton
{ Have students use words and pictures to record their observations. (DK Publishing, 1994).
{ Ask: “What does this tell us about eggs?” (The eggshell is porous— Use this book to explore the
it has holes in it so that air can go in and out of the egg. The bubbles life cycles of several
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
children see are air bubbles.) Ask: “What does this tell us about chicks?” different animals that lay
(The growing chicks receive air through the holes in the egg.) eggs.
The Tomten
Rhyme Time (Math and Language Arts) by Astrid Lindgren
(Penguin Putnam, 1997).
Share a number rhyme to help children learn doubles math facts (through
This magical story, based
10 + 10).
on a poem, invites you to
Five eggs and five eggs, that makes ten. follow the Tomten around
Sitting on top is a mother hen. the farm as he tiptoes on
Crackle, crackle, crackle, small, silent feet through
What do you see? winter darkness. He speaks
to all the animals in Tomten
Ten yellow chicks, fluffy as can be.
language—a language only
{ Ask students to write a number sentence to illustrate the number of eggs they can understand.
in the poem (for example, 5 + 5 = 10). Explain that this number
sentence is called a double because the two addends are the same.
{ Make a Doubles Math Facts book
for each student. Use the sample
(right) as a pattern. Make 10 copies
for each book. Add a cover page Doubles Math Facts
that reads “I’m Seeing Double” or
“Count Your Chickens Before They
Hatch.” Staple the pages together.
{ Let students complete a page for
each of the doubles (for example,
+ =
1 + 1, 2 + 2, and 3 + 3) by writing
the number sentence in the space
provided and drawing the
corresponding eggs in each nest.
{ Encourage students to use the books + =
to help them memorize all the
doubles facts.
Daisy Comes
( G . P. P U T N A M ’ S S O N S , 2 0 0 2 )
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
W hen Daisy, the smallest of Mei Mei’s hens, is picked on by the other hens,
she decides to sleep outside in a market basket. While she rests, the river
creeps up from behind and carries her on an adventure where she learns some
useful survival skills.
and Themes
Before Reading
J survival
J China Guess the Title
J friendship Jan Brett had a difficult time deciding what to name this story. In addition
J hens to Daisy Comes Home, she considered Happy Hens and Fine Feathered Friends
(source: www.janbrett.com). Use sticky notes to cover up the title. Show the
book to students and share the three titles. Once you have read the book
aloud, ask them to name the title they think is best and tell why. Remove
the sticky notes and reveal the actual title. Let students tell why they think
the author chose this one of the three she considered. Let students share
their own ideas for other titles that work well for this story.
After Reading
Extension Activities
ok Links Word Study: Two Sounds of Y (Language Arts)
This activity will help children understand the phrase “A-E-I-O-U and
sometimes Y.”
{ Write the name “Daisy” on the chalkboard.
Count Your Way
Through China { Ask: “What sound does the letter y make at the end of the word?”
by Jim Haskins (long e) “Can you think of other names that end with this sound?”
(Carolrhoda Books, 1988). Explain that y sometimes acts as a vowel when it has the sound of a
long e or long i.
This book introduces
children to the geography { Cut out several eggs from construction paper. Place them in a box.
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
and culture of China while
teaching them to count to { As students read,
ten in Chinese. encourage them to
record on the egg
Hilda Hen’s Scary Night cutouts words that
by Mary Wormell represent the two
(Harcourt, 1997). sounds of y.
Hilda is late getting back to { Sort the words by
her henhouse. In the dark, the two sounds
she is startled by many and read them
“creatures” that turn out to aloud together.
be farmyard objects that
look much spookier at night.
Teaching With Other Favorite Jan Brett Books
A cave boy befriends a Paleowolf when he
exchanges rhino ribs for protection from
dangerous beasts of the Ice Age.
Fast-Forward Rewrite
I n a suspenseful story set in the desert, Duck gets
birthday presents that are better suited for the beach.
Duck is puzzled until Turtle finally arrives with the last
gift—a plastic pool!
Explore the prehistoric period in which the
story took place. Show children a time line A Desert Birthday
to give them a sense of how far back in
history this story goes. How would the Use the following questions to guide a discussion that
story be different if it was rewritten to take explores how the setting of a story relates to the plot:
place during present time? What food
❋ “How important is the desert setting to this story?”
would Kip have with him that the dog
would have wanted? What dangers might ❋ “Could this story work in other settings?”
the boy encounter on his adventures? How ❋ “Why is a pool a good gift for a story that takes
would the dog protect him? Work together place in the desert?”
with children to write a similar tale set in ❋ “What gifts might Duck receive if the story took
modern times about the adventures of a boy place near a lake or ocean?”
and his dog.
❋ “Do the animals in the book live in the desert? If
not, where do you think they live?”
Poetry for the Senses
The Mystery Gift
Revisit the book and draw students’
attention to the keen senses of the Paleowolf. The suspense builds in the story as Duck is about to
What did the wolf smell? What did he hear? open his last gift. What could it be? Stop reading and
What did he see? If possible, take children ask children to wonder about this last gift. Have them
outdoors and let them use their own senses name the other gifts he received. What do they have
to explore their surroundings. Have them in common? How do they think this next gift will
write descriptive phrases that tell what they relate to the others? Let each child record a prediction
smell, hear, and see. on a present-shaped cutout. Continue reading, and let
children check their predictions.
Beauty and the Beast The Owl
I and the Pussycat
( G . P. P U T N A M ’ S S O N S , 1 9 9 1 )
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
boat in search of wedded bliss.
Shadow Art
What’s a Runcible Spoon?
Revisit the book and draw children’s attention to
the shadow paintings found in the background of Some of the vocabulary used in this book may
some pages. Use these questions to explore how be unfamiliar to students. Play this game to
the illustrations help tell this story: help them learn the definitions. Divide the
class into two teams, the “owls” and the
❋ “What do these paintings show?” “pussycats.” Give each student a dictionary.
❋ “Why do you think Jan Brett included them in Write a word from the story on the
the book?” chalkboard. Let students race to be the first
❋ “What do the sayings above the paintings one to score a point for his or her team by
mean? How are they messages to Beauty?” reading aloud the dictionary definition. The
team with the most points at the end of the
❋ “How do the paintings and messages provide
game wins.
clues to the reader?”
Nonsense Poetry
Judging a Book by Its Cover
Use this book as an introduction to Edward
Explore the theme of the story and the expression Lear’s poetry. Ask: “Why is it considered
“You can’t judge a book by its cover,” using the nonsense poetry? What elements make it so?
following exercise: Are there other poets you know who also write
nonsense poetry?” (for example, Lewis Carroll)
❋ Cut out a picture of a person from a magazine.
Compare and contrast various examples and
Share it with children. Ask: “What can you tell
then invite children to write their own
me about this person?” Record students’
nonsense poems.
responses and then sort them by categories:
“On the Outside” and “On the Inside.”
❋ Discuss results of the sorting. Invite students to
tell how this relates to the theme of the story
and to the expression “You can’t judge a book
by its cover.”
Comet’s Nine Lives On Noah’s Ark
( G . P. P U T N A M ’ S S O N S , 1 9 9 6 ) ( G . P. P U T N A M ’ S S O N S , 2 0 0 3 )
Story Map
Two by Two
Invite children to chart Comet’s journey around
Nantucket Island by creating a story map. Begin by The two-by-two formation by which the
listing all the places Comet visited and then animals boarded the ark serves as a great
sequencing them according to the order they introduction to multiplication. Using
appear in the book. Next, have children draw the pairs of toy animals, let children solve
island on a sheet of paper and create pictures to problems based on the twos times table—
represent each stop he made. Children can then for example, “If there are five pairs of
connect the stops using dotted lines or arrows. animals, how many animals are on the
Help children label the map and record each of ark all together? How many pairs are on
Comet’s nine lives. the ark if there are 20 animals all
Step Books
Move Like the Animals
Use the format of a step book to sequence the
events of Comet’s Nine Lives. To create the book, The story uses descriptive language to tell
give each child five sheets of paper. Demonstrate how the animals move. On slips of paper,
how to stagger the bottom of each. Next, have write different animal names. Let each
them fold the top down, creating 10 steps. Staple child choose a slip and record an
at the top. On the first step, have children write adjective that tells how that animal might
the title of the story. move. For example, “the leopard leaped.”
Label the succeeding Place the slips in a bag and let children
nine steps 1 through take turns choosing one. Invite them to
9. Under each flap, act out the animal and its movement for
have children draw a classmates to guess.
picture and write a
sentence that tells
how each life was
lost. For nine,
children can depict
Comet’s happy new
The Umbrella
( G . P. P U T N A M ’ S S O N S , 2 0 0 4 )
Teaching With Favorite Jan Brett Books © Jacqueline Clarke, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Umbrella Reports
This book includes some animals that may be
unfamiliar to children, such as the kinkajou, tapir,
and quetzal. Divide the class into small groups and
assign each group an animal from the book. (Clip
art of each animal is available at www.janbrett.com.)
Ask children to research their animal and organize
findings using an “umbrella organizer” containing
several different spokes, one for each category of