Social Dimensions of Education
Social Dimensions of Education
Social Dimensions of Education
A Module in
· Families
· Neighbors
· Associations
· Schools
· Churches
· Banks
· Countries
What is the role of structural functionalism to education?
· As cited by Ballantine and Spade (2004), Parson believes that education is a vital
part of a modern society, a society that differs considerably from all previous societies.
From this perspective, schooling performs an important function in the development and
maintenance of a modern, democratic society, especially with regard to equality of
opportunity for all citizens. Thus, in modern societies education becomes the key
institution in a meritocratic selection process.
What is Interaction Theory?
· Interactionist theory has its origin in the social psychology of early 20th century
sociologists George Herbert Mead and Charles Horton Cooley.
· Mead and Cooley examined the ways in which the individual is related to society
through ongoing interactions.
· This theory attempt to make the “commonplace strange” by turning on their heads
everyday taken-for-granted behaviors and interactions between students and students and
between students and teachers.
· Symbolic interaction which require mental processes and views the self as socially
constructed in relation to social forces and social structures. (Ritzer, 2000)
- Mead’s approach to symbolic interaction rested on 3 basic premises:
1. People act toward the things hey encounter on the basis of what those things mean to
2. People learn what things are by observing the things they encounter people respond
to them that is through social interaction.
3. As aDimensions
Page 4 of 10|Social result of ongoing interaction, the sounds (or words, gestures, facial expressions
of Education
and body postures we use in dealing with others acquire symbolic meanings that are
shared by people who belong to the same culture.
ACTIVITY #1: Discuss the following questions.
A. Explain the relationship of the various social theories and functions of schools.
B. Interview a teacher on the influence of the conflict and consensus theories on their work as a
teacher. Submit a write-up of the interview.
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of 10|Social Dimensions of Education
Education throughout life is based on four pillars: learning to know, learning to do,
learning to live together and learning to be.
• Learning to do, in order to acquire not only an occupational skill but also, more broadly,
the competence to deal with many situations and work in teams. It also means learning to
do in the context of young peoples' various social and work experiences which may be
informal, as a result of the local or national context, or formal, involving courses,
alternating study and work.
• Learning to be, so as better to develop one's personality and be able to act with ever
greater autonomy, judgement and personal responsibility. In that connection, education
must not disregard any aspect of a person's potential: memory, reasoning, aesthetic sense,
physical capacities and communication skills.
B. Collect clippings from magazines and newspapers about peoples activities aimed at achieving
unity and solidarity in the society. Share your opinions on the ideas expressed. (Your opinions
must be encoded in a separate sheet of paper together with the clippings.)