EDUC 60 Notes

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EDUC 60: The Teacher and The resources; focuses on culture as a social product.

Community, School Culture, and theory focuses on issues of contention, power, and
inequality, highlighting the competition for scarce
Organizational Leadership.
resources; focuses on culture as a social product.
Implications to Education
Topic: Society as Foundation of Schools and
Students are labeled to be achievers and non-achievers
according to their status in society.
Sociology is a social science that studies human
Symbolic Interactionalist (George Mead)
societies, their interactions, and the
processes that preserve and change Major Concepts
This theory focuses on how people share symbols and
Sociologists provide schools with information and construct society because of their everyday interactions.
recommendations that may be of great
Uses cultural symbols, such as word and non-verbal body
help to the educational system, from the
language and gestures during interaction. Through this
simplest to the complex interaction
process, people develop a sense of self and create a
between the students and the teacher, to
reality with others.
the interaction between the school and
society. Implications to Education
Theoretical Perspective in the Sociology of Education Students learn through interaction how they are different
from others based on individual experiences, social class
Functionalist ( Talcott Parsons)
and status.
Major Concepts
Cultural Capital (Pierre Bourdieu)
This theory focuses on the positive functions performed
Major Concepts
by the education system such as creating social
solidarity, teaching skills necessary for work, teaching It refers to cultural practices, including dress and
core values, and role allocation mannerisms, language patterns and expressions, and
knowledge of the world derived from life experiences
Starts with the assumption that education is an institution,
such as visits to museums, all of which provide
to facilitate the stability of society that highlights
knowledge of class culture of the school.
interactions that focuses on getting influenced by the
other. Implications to Education
Occurs through generation to generation and acquires the Used by schools to reproduce inequality both in the
values and culture of their society. interactions and in the structure of education, is an
implication to education with this theory. Delved into
Implications to Education
education’s influences on stratification and social class,
Education needs to be systematic to avoid being non- trying to reconcile the influences of social structures on
operational. the subjective experiences of individuals.
School’s main function is to prepare students to acquire Social Capital (James Coleman)
basic knowledge.
Major Concepts
Conflict (Karl Marx)
This theory focuses on the social resources students
Major Concepts bring to their education and future involvement in school
or community.
This theory focuses on issues of contention, power, and
inequality, highlighting the competition for scarce Implications to Education
Used to explain the role of schools in reproducing social phenomenon, “cultural reproduction.”
class. Similarly, Brazilian educator Paulo Freire
observed that the teaching process,
Code Theory (Basil Bernstein)
method, and language can make a
Major Concepts difference between the oppressors and
the oppressed
This theory focuses on organizing principles used by
members of a social group which reflects and shape the Economic Aspects. Equality of opportunity assumes that
assumptions we hold about our relationship to a certain the society is comprised of a hierarchy with desirable,
group superior, and inferior positions. There is an obvious
growing gap between rich and poor.
Implications to Education
German philosopher and political theorist Karl Marx
People learn their place in the society by the language considered the economy the basic structure for getting
codes they use symbolizing social identity. power and dominance in society.
Feminist Theory (Harriet Martineau, Jane Addams) Political Conditions and its Influence. The state’s nature,
Major Concepts its political parties, along with its ideology and policy,
steer the nature of education system and its policy in
This theory focuses on the need to “hear” other voices in society. Inherent inequality is a key weakness in
the education system women’s voices, and to pay more democratic states, even if they practice ideas of
attention to the situation of women democratic education development.
Implications to Education Topic: Fundamental roles and functions of school
Led to the examination of educational policy and how it The Roles of School
affected girls, women, their future opportunities
A school is an institution created to enhance the
The linkage that connects society and the schools reflects processes of socialization and education.
the other. It comprises the dynamics for enhancing arts It builds the personality of the student
education. Arts education, aside from being a part of providing them an array of activities and
schools where it is offered, is also a part of the society experiences. It also guides the students
where it was born. Schools are considered as pillars of to develop their natural talents.
culture. Generally, the following are some of the
Education is considered as the foundation of a society basic roles of schools:
that helps in the achievement of social prosperity, political Socialization is the process of creating a social self,
constancy and economic wealth. French sociologist Emile learning one’s culture and learning the
Durkheim emphasized the role of the education system in rules and expectations of the culture.
the preservation of society and culture. This is one of the most important roles of
The Influence of Society to Education Process school.

Sociocultural Influence The education process developed Preservation and Promotion of Culture
from society’s social structure, social For the school to uphold and develop valued principles or
norms, and values system is the result beliefs, practices, and even moral and ethics, it supports
human society’s goal to transfer and protects them with the progression of time.
surviving cultural content from one
generation to the next. Transmission of Cultural Values
French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu One of the roles of school would be to teach the cultural
viewed education as a perpetrator of the beliefs, moral values, religion, and social standards that
dominant class culture. He called this its society promotes through education.
Social Agreeableness Social Control
The society takes on the school to be responsible in Molding the child’s early socialization is considered by
getting the society and the school closer through teaching Bottomore to be one of the contributions in the
of social values and ethical conducts. Thus, education conventions of social conduct. It is part of the educational
progresses into promoting teaching social sense to the system to teach and promote socialization to the children
students. to prepare them with their roles in the society when they
become adults. In this manner, the preservation of
Civic Training
cultural and social heritage of a nation are taken care of.
Emotions and attitudes of children are essential in terms
Social Integration
of having a productive social life and being trained
socially. How they respond to the social environment In a school, the incidental learning and socialization
shows the development of their social understanding. amongst the teachers, students, and others in the
Respect, love, justice, and mutual respect are some of institution is a natural way to impart values and other
those emotions that must be reflected. social skills that are crucial to the society.
Promotion of Democratic Values Determination of Status
The school shall give chances for the children in schools  One of the roles of school is to improve the life of an
to express themselves freely or be in a democratic individual for economic opportunity, people grow and
environment, allowing them to grow as individuals. develop according to their association with other people,
background, and their function in the society as well.
Development of Abilities
Provides Route for Social Mobility
A school must be able to provide not only to nurture the
students for cognitive development, but also of their skills One of the roles of school is the educational attainment of
and their affective factors. Therefore, this means that an individual makes it possible for a person to increase
there must be a balance in the learning and the abilities of one’s qualification in terms of their social status and
the students in a school. flexibility.
Fulfillment of National Aims Social Development
schools are for the children to acquire knowledge, skills, The educational system has the most important role in
and values, so as to prepare them in the fulfillment of the the development of the society. Education provides
national aims and ideals of the nation. skilled individuals who are significant to the society
through literacy programs, which upturns the political
Character Building
realization of people at the lowest point of the economy
A school would be the approach on how the students
The Multi-functions of School
would be able to build their characters toward national
ideology. Schools are expected to have multifunction which include
technical, economic, human, social,
Propagation of Civilization and Culture
political, cultural, and international levels.
Persuading the children to adopt social, religious, moral, This is provided in the detailed analysis
cultural, and ethical values of a society is to uphold the of multiplicity of school functions by
culture and civilization. This is done by schools through Cheng (1996) as presented below
teaching these values to children.
Technical/ Economic Functions
Development of Personality
One of the functions of school is the technical and
One of the roles of school includes the development of economic developments and needs of the individual, the
the three domains of learning namely, physical, mental, institution, the local community, the society, and
and emotional make-up of an individual. international community
(2)by channeling individuals into paths that lead in the
direction of different occupations or classes of
occupations The school functions as an integral part of
Human / Social Functions the process of status allocation in four ways:

Refer to the contribution of schools to human (3)by providing the particular skills needed to fulfill the
developments and social relationships at different levels requirements of various positions, and finally
of society
(4)by transferring to the individual, the prestige of the
Political Functions school itself.

Refer to the contribution of schools to the political Some of the secondary functions of school include (1)the
development at different levels of society role of the school in providing mothers or fathers with
relief from the task of taking care of their children during a
Cultural Functions significant part of the day,
Refer to the contribution of schools to the cultural (2)the part played by school in the courtship process and
transmission and development at different levels of its consequent influence on mate selection, Some of the
society secondary functions of school include
Education Functions (3)the use of the school to maintain the cultural identity
refer to the contribution of schools to the development and therefore the stability of subgroups within the society,
and maintenance of education at the different levels of and
society (4)the use of educational institutions to effect social
David Goslin (1965) of the American Institute of Research reform.
identified major functions of school in the modern society.
1.The Transmission of Culture is one of the primary Topic: School as a vehicle for Social Mobility
functions of school. Man's capacity to learn, to organize
learning in symbolic forms, to communicate this learning Social Mobility is the movement, usually individual or
as knowledge to other members of the species, and to act groups, from one social position to another within the
on the basis of learning or knowledge is the source of all socially stratified system in any society (classes, ethnic
cultural phenomena. groups, or entire nation)
2. Supporting the discovery of new knowledge as the next Social class is defined as a broad category or class of
important function, educational institutions have people in the same economic bracket which has similar
paradoxically also been expected to play an important ideas, values, and lifestyle. This concept of social class is
role in the encouragement and implementation of change. not fixed nor subject to exact measurements.
3. Allocating individuals to positions in society is also a
primary function of school. Every society must make
some provision for deciding which of its members shall
occupy the various positions in the society and perform
the roles necessary for its continuation and development.
The school functions as an integral part of the process of
status allocation in four ways:
(1)by providing a context in which the individual can Determinants of Social Class
demonstrate his or her abilities,
One of the main determinants of social class because of
its importance.  Possession of substantial amounts of this
is the main characteristic distinguishing the upper class
from other class groups in society.
One of determinants of social class,  because one’s
amount and kind of education affects the class rank s/he
will secure.
Prestige ranking of occupation Transformative Education

One of  determinants of social class,  because  this refers Is an educational process that is beyond the four walls of
to the respect and admiration with which an occupation is the classroom. This advocates a deep sense and
regarded by society. significant changes not just for the better but for the best
in person regardless of race and status.
Style of Life
The Essentials for Transformative Education
In many instances, wealth and improved lifestyle have
come from outside the Philippine economy. Must be anchored on the country’s educational goals

Heredity In line with the Article XIV. It mirrors our commitment as a

nation in our conviction in the collaboration between the
One of determinants of social class,  because  if you're state and the people in alleviating the plight of our people
from a well-known or well-off family, you are at least, the via education.
upper middle class society.
Must be functional
The teacher must be transparent and realistic enough to
present the realities of life that the students will face
outside the classroom.
Must settle for quality
The name of the game here is excellence. The teacher
himself must be the epitome of setting the tone for
Must build upon the identity of the learner as a unique
Types of Mobility individual
Vertical Mobility The learners must be encouraged to go on against all
odds and find themselves in the ranks of the successful.
Upward Mobility- individual can improve their position in
the hierarchy. The Social Psychological Model
- Two factors that give rise to upward mobility: a
highly industrialized society, highly trained
Downward Mobility- individual can worsen their status in Theory of Planned Behavior
the hierarchy.
This enables the learners to facilitate their adjustments
Horizontal Mobility- it is a change in an occupational individually or by group. This model offers some sort of
position but not a change in status. assistance in the variations or modifications of the
patterns of social organization to bring about the desired Teachers are responsible and credible for presenting
social change in the learner.
Information that is true and honest.
Student’s Motivation
Meltzer (2002) pointed out that one of the most difficult
Teachers are always challenged to provide their students
and challenging aspects of teaching is how to motivate
your students. With novel and innovation to keep up with the demands of
the competitive world.
Student Subculture
Moffit (2015) cited that subcultures are those groups of Role Model
values and norms that are distinct from those held by the
majority. Students tend to admire their teachers and become them
person who they look up for.
Mangilinan (2015) cited that there is a need to reshape Leader
the curriculum so that it can be culturally responsive to
the background of students As a leader, they can inspire others in their simple way to
act positively in solving the problems confronting the
Culture community.
Is what makes up a society’s expression.
A teacher as a trainer and the students are the
Development of Normative Systems within School
Hess (2014) cited that every school has a culture that
distinguishes it from others.
Topic: Pedagogical competencies of Teachers
What is Pedagogy?
Topic: Roles of the Teacher in Society
In Greek, Peda means children and Gogy is the art and
According to Helen Calcidott (2009), the teachers are the
science of teaching. Hence, Pedagogy, is the art and
most responsible and important
science of teaching children.
members of the society because their
professional efforts affect the fate of the Today, the teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge or
earth. PCK must be integrated and enhanced with technology.
Hence, the acronym TPCK (Technological Pedagogical
Primer Mover of Change
Content Knowledge) emerges (Serrano, 2015)
The ones who start to make a difference in this world.
Second Parent by Virtue of in Loco Parentis
Latin doctrine which means the teachers are taking the
Of being a parent to their student.
Motivator (Cherry, 2019) Purpose
Intrinsic motivation- our behavior is driven by internal
rewards. Spiritually giving a heart smile Teachers are responsible for delivering lessons that are
Extrinsic motivation- behavior that is driven by the planned, organized and implemented based on the
external rewards. objectives that are specific, measurable, attainable,
relevant, and time bound. But these should be flexible
Presenter of Information enough to provide room for the learners to make their
own personal and independent connections from the The purpose is to improve the teaching learning process
classroom to real-life situations. for the sake of the students.
Content The Demands of the Local and Global Standards
Content normally refers to a description to be covered, One of the reasons reasons why we need to continue
evident in a reference book or school documents, like, the the teacher's professional growth, as we affirm our
curriculum guide, syllabus and course outline. It has to be belongingness to the “global educational village,” we will
governed by standards designed by competent prove to the world that our teachers are at par with our
curriculum planners and developers tailored to the needs foreign counterparts.
of the learners and later to the community that is being
The Overwhelming Trends in Science and Technology
One of the reasons reasons why we need to continue
the teacher's professional growth,  as there is no stopping
for the fast-paced technology our world is exposed to. 
The Interest of the Stakeholders

It will be of great help to adapt the acronym USES which One of the reasons reasons why we need to continue
captures the essence of why content is of paramount the teacher's professional growth,  veiled by the doctrine
importance as one of the components in pedagogical of parens patriae, the State assumes its responsibility of
skills. (Serrano, 2015) protecting the public interest by promoting the health and
safety, morals, peace and order, comfort and well-being
U-Unravel of its citizens. 
Unravel the latent skills of the learners in order to provide The Teacher as Vital Link Between the School and
the learners with novel concepts, facts and experiences Community
that could satisfy their thirst for learning.
The need for teachers to establish a close effective
S- Sharpen community relationship has been underscored in the
Sharpen the mind of the students is seemingly difficult if Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers, Article III - The
the content is bordering on the practices of the past. Teacher and the Community which are stated as follows:

E- Enhance Sec 1 A teacher is a facilitator of learning and

development of the youth, he shall, therefore, render the
Enhance the learners' desire to explore by themselves best service by providing an environment conducive to
thereby allowing them to experience learning on a such learning and growth.
firsthand basis.
Sec. 2. Every teacher shall provide leadership and
S-Steer initiative to actively participate in community movements
This refers to the communicative competence of the teacher for moral, social, educational, economic, and civic
both in writing and speaking. betterment
Communication Skills Sec. 3. Every teacher shall merit reasonable social
recognition for which purpose he shall behave with honor
This refers to the communicative competence of the
and dignity at all times and refrain from such activities as
teacher both in writing and speaking and can possibly
gambling smoking drunkenness, and other excesses,
influence the way the students speak and write. 
much less elicit relations.
Professional Development
Sec 4. Every teacher shall live for and with the community areas of interconnections and establishments of
and, shall therefore, refrain from disparaging the linkages with the community
Sec. 5. Every teacher shall help the school keep the
people in the community informed about the school's
work and accomplishments as well as its needs and
Sec. 6. Every teacher is an intellectual leader in the
community especially in the barangay
Sec.7 Every teacher shall maintain harmonious and
pleasant personal and official relations with other
professionals, with government officials, and with the
people, individually or collectively. Sec. 8. A teacher shall
possess freedom to attend church and worships, as
appropriate, but shall not use his positions and influence
to proselyte others
The foregoing guide for teachers as regards "The
Teacher and the Community” motivated the author to
conceive the acronym LINK to capture the message of
Article III. The teacher should be the effective and
enduring LINK between the school and the community

The Light. The teacher should provide the driving

force to look into the dark spots" in the
community which may be in the form of
noncommitment and indifference of the parents
to get involved in the school activities of their
son/daughter in school.
The Impetus. There is a need for every teacher to
be the impetus or the prime mover to take the
initiative for parents to commit themselves in their
involvement to the Parent Teacher Association or
The News. The PTA is a fertile ground for the
school and parent's communication. It is in this
regard that the teacher must be good news to the
parents that the school cares.
The Key. If the school wants to prevent any
adversarial relationship with the community, then
it must develop the potential of its faculty in the

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