Grade: 10 Subject: English Language-Description of Dusk/evening
Grade: 10 Subject: English Language-Description of Dusk/evening
Grade: 10 Subject: English Language-Description of Dusk/evening
Grade: 10
Subject: English Language-Description of
As the light drains away there is barely enough even for shadows. Whether I like it or not the darkness comes and
under it everything in this forest is hidden. Even the stars and moon cower behind a dense layer of cloud, giving the
air that tincture I associate with the world before a storm. My ears become sharper and my mind paranoid, every
snap of a twig is a predator, even if it is a fawn. For each aroma my brain jumps to the most fearsome thing it could
be and my body prepares for flight, fright or freeze. For the most part I just freeze, running will give my position
away and I'm not much of a fighter. All I can do is wait while the blackness comes and pray that the dawn is not far
behind. So I sit on the damp ground, feeling the frigid water seep into my jeans. My heart can beat all it wants, but
this body won't move until daylight breaks through the canopy above. With hands resting in the soil and my back to
an oak, I remain, waiting, breathing...
Dusk comes sooner than expected, the last of the sun's rays cosseted behind soft grey cloud. The street takes on
the look of an old photograph, every familiar thing a shade of grey. Slowly the view fades to blackness and the night
begins. Carey retreats to the front room to the fire that roars in the hearth, pulling a blanket around her. Aside
from Tom leaving his chair to stoke the flames the evening passes in amiable silence, each of them content to hear
only the crackle of the fire and each other's steady breathing.
Sun sank lower in the sky, light of day draining away, giving way to the velvety dark of night, crickets chirping,
dusky, colors subdued in the fading light, first buzz of mosquitoes, street lights click on, day winding down, first star
in the night sky, short June darkness, air became cooler, evening landscape, twilight had fallen, the sharp shadow of
the lamppost had faded into the dark of the sidewalk, fading light, only the faintest of light shone through the
leaves, soon it grew dark, darkening sky, a close silence in the dim evening light.
The evening had sent the birds to their roosts and the crickets to sing in the swaying grasses. The sandy soil was on
its way to becoming a rich sable and the cloudless sky promised an unfettered view of the heavens.
The heat of the day has ebbed to a comforting warmth. The sunshine has lost its brightness and the colours of the
verandah are softened. My eyes drift to the cool glass of sangria in my hand and the new layer of nail polish that
helps me to know that the day's work is over. Once I can paint on that delicate shade of pink the house is clean, the
food is made and the time for relaxing has arrived. Somewhere back in my home country they are glued to
television sets, being told what to think and how to think it – not here. Here we sit under the grape-vine canopy
and talk about life, love, politics and funny stories, here we actually live instead of going through the motions and
then sucking up sit-coms. I find great satisfaction in the work I do, I make a beautiful home for our family, but these
evenings are like medicine for my soul. If I could live my life over again I'd just start it right here, cut out the urban
comprehensives that “educated” me and the grey streets crammed with grey faces.
Worksheet No:2
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Grade: 10
Subject: English Language-Description of
Worksheet No:2