MOREELL (O) - Shiver USN

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The Admiral Ben Moreell Award

for Logistics Competence

Admiral Ben Moreell is remembered for his exceptionally meritorious service to the United States Government in World War II
whereby, through the exercise of extraordinary foresight, judgment, initiative and energy, he directed the expansion of the naval shore
establishment in the United States and the building of advanced bases overseas. He displayed great originality and exceptional capacity
for bold innovations to the end that the Fleet received support in degree and kind unprecedented in the history of naval warfare.
In tribute to one who has followed a course of honored leadership in the tradition of Admiral Moreell, the Navy League of the United States
presents this award in 2016 to:

Lieutenant Joshua R. Shiver, USN

for professional achievement in the superior performance of duties as Materials Officer, Hazardous Materials Officer, Aviation Support
Officer, Transportation Officer, Beach Detachment Coordinator, Replenishment-at-Sea Coordinator and Passenger Mail Cargo
Coordinator onboard USS IWO JIMA from December 2014 to November 2015. Lieutenant Shiver’s comprehensive understanding of
Defense Logistics and Naval Logistics Integration in a deployed combat environment allowed the IWO JIMA Amphibious Readiness
Group to enjoy unprecedented success. LT Shiver created unique soluitions to manage the ARG’s Supply Chain from cradle to grave
and from CONUS Depots to the Gulf of Aden. Under his meticulous management of over 30,000 line items, USS IWO JIMA’s
inventory validity increased an average of 3% across all storerooms and Depot Level Repairable validity remained at an impressive
99.9%. His team identified, researched, and resolved 99% of all frustrated warehouse trans-shipments remotely from the IWO JIMA.
He coordinated the transfer of all passengers, mail, cargo, and provisions via 140 flights and oversaw 23 flawless RAS evolutions,
without injury or incident. His ashore and shipboard teams located from Norfolk to Djibouti tracked and handles over 2,000 high
priority parts for eight ships, resulting in an unprecedented 87.6% NMC/PMC Aviation Net Effectiveness for the MV-22 Osprey
program. His efforts were critical to coordinating and receiving the first ever Navy air cargo shipment in Duqm, Oman International
Airport. In addition, he personally located 30,000 lbs of banding coil which had been frustrated in Norfolk. Working tirelessly, he
ensured it was repacked and expedited to the ship from CONUS in time to palletize 997 tons of ammunition for an offload at sea,
alleviating major schedule changes post deployment. His tactical and operational competence across the many disciplines of modern
Naval Logistics is truly outstanding and is in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service and the Navy League
of the United States.

Presented this 21st day of June 2016.

Skip Witunski

National President
J. William Middendorf II Nancy Gorell

Chairman, National Awards Board National Corporate Secretary

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