Home For The Holidays!!!: USS Dallas Returns From Six-Month Deployment

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Vol. 50, No. 26 Thursday, January 5, 2012 Serving the Military Community in Southeastern Connecticut since 1918
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Home for the holidays!!!
USS Dallas returns from
six-month deployment
By Lt. Cmdr. Jennifer Cragg
Commander, Submarine Group 2 Public Affairs
GROTON, Conn. - Los Angeles-class attack submarine USS Dallas
(SSN 700) returned to Naval Submarine Base New London, Dec. 14,
following a regularly scheduled six-month deployment.
Dallas, which departed on its deployment June 14, conducted
operations in the Central Command area of responsibility, supporting
national security interests and maritime security operations.
Im extremely proud of the Dallas and our Sailors, said Commander
George Arnold, commanding officer, USS Dallas. Ive never seen a
crew more dedicated and committed to the mission, whether that was
operating submerged in a challenging littoral environment or serving
as ambassadors of our Navy while on liberty.
During the deployment, Dallas visited ports in Rota, Spain; Toulon,
France; Bahrain; Diego Garcia; Fujairah, Jebal Ali and United Arab
The support we receiving throughout our deployment was phenom-
enal, said Arnold. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to the Submarine
Force leadership, 5th and 6th Fleets for their superb assistance, advice
and guidance.
Arnold added that taking care of the Sailors families was a huge
undertaking but superbly accomplished by the Dallas ombudsman.
On the home front, our ombudsman, Jill Henry, and the Family
Readiness Group were truly remarkable. I cant say enough about how
Photo by MC1 Virginia K. Schaefer
GROTON, Conn. - USS Dallas (SSN 700) is tugged to the pier at Naval Submarine Base
New London in Groton, Conn., Dec. 14. The Los Angeles class fast-attack submarine
has just returned from their regularly scheduled six-month deployment.
USS Miami returns from
five-month deployment
By Commander, Submarine Group 2 Public Affairs
GROTON, Conn. - The families of Sailors assigned to the Los
Angeles-class attack submarine USS Miami (SSN 755) received an
early holiday gift when the submarine returned to Naval Submarine
Base New London, Dec. 15, following a regularly scheduled five-
month deployment.
Miami, which departed for deployment July 14, conducted mari-
time security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in
the U.S. 6th Fleet area of responsibility.
Commanded by Commander Roger Meyer, Miami visited ports
in Haakonsvern, Norway; Faslane, Scotland; Portsmouth, England
and Rota, Spain.
The entire crew of USS Miami fully embraced their role as
ambassadors for our Navy and country, said Meyer, a native
of Blue Grass, Iowa, who assumed command of USS Miami in
September 2010.
Throughout their deployment, the crew fine-tuned their skill sets,
becoming true undersea warriors.
Our team integrated the talents of multiple commands into one
cohesive team, developing undersea warriors with the skills neces-
sary to be competent and disciplined operators and maintainers
while executing missions vital to national security, said Meyer.
Recognizing their contributions to the submarine force, several
crew members aboard Miami were advanced to the next rank and
earned warfare qualifications during a ceremony on Nov. 30 while
in port Portsmouth, England.
Continued on page 4
Photo by MCSA Gabriel Bevan
GROTON, Conn. - Line handlers wait on Pier 8 as USS Miami (SSN 755) returns
home from a five month deployment, Dec. 15. The Miami was deployed to the U.S.
6th Fleet area of operations.
Continued on page 4
SUBSCOL canned goods
collection drive is work of art
By William Kenny
GROTON, Conn. -
Intended to challenge and
inspire other Sailors, staff and
students, at Naval Submarine
School, three shipmates in
Radioman Apprentice train-
ing, Seaman Kyle Nelson,
Seaman Apprentice Jordan
Ryerson and Seaman
Apprentice Cameron Roth,
created a sprawling and
towering sculpture from the
canned and dry goods col-
lected as donations for the
annual Submarine School
food drive.
As Roth explains, we
started out just stacking the
items to take up less floor
space in a passageway and
as we stacked, it just took on
a life and shape of its own.
Pretty soon people would
drop by to see how we were
coming along and add a few
cans or boxes theyd pur-
chased to help us expand.
A large donation late in
the collection drive from
the staff and students of
the Submarine Officer Basic
Course, added to the dona-
tions from shipmates in the
Pipeline Technical Training
Department as well as the
Advanced Training and
Readiness Department.
The collection, which fin-
ished Dec. 14, benefits the
New London Community
Meal Center who serves 200
meals a day and provides
those without other resourc-
es food items to take home.
Learn more about the center
at http://nlcommunitymeal-
Photo by William Kenny
GROTON, Conn. - (left to right) Radioman Apprentice Training students, Seaman Kyle Nelson, Seaman Apprentice
Cameron Roth and Seaman Apprentice Jordan Ryerson pose and pause before their Canned Goods Sculpture
created from some of the donations collected during the 2011 Naval Submarine School Canned Goods Drive. All
donations will be delivered to the New London Community Meal Center.
2012 Brings new uniform changes across the Navy
By MCSN Gabriel Bevan
GROTON, Conn. In
accordance with the Chief
of Naval Operations new
uniform policy, which
became effective Jan. 1st,
the restrictions for wear of
the Navy Working Uniform
(NWU) off base have been
relaxed. NAVADMIN
instruction 366 1.1 lays
out the new rules for wear-
ing the NWUs off base.
The instruction states
that NWUs may now be
worn off base to a broader
range of establishments
such as shopping malls
and restaurants after
working hours, however
the uniform may not be
worn while using com-
mercial transportation
such as planes and trains
for long distance travel.
The NWU uniform may
be worn on public trans-
portation to and from
base on buses and metro
The new rules, although
more lenient, require that
Sailors maintain a neat
and clean appearance
while wearing their NWUs
in public.
For more information in
regards to the new uni-
form policy for the NWUs
the information can be
located in NAVADMIN
366 1.1 and www.navy.
We started out just stacking the
items to take up less oor space in a
passageway and as we stacked, it just
took on a life and shape of its own ...
Seaman Apprentice Cameron Roth
2 THE DOLPHIN Thursday, January 5, 2012
This newspaper is an authorized publication for personnel
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or the Department of the Navy.
Commanding Officer Naval Submarine Base New
Capt. Marc W. Denno
Executive Officer Naval Submarine Base New London
Cmdr. Michael A. Pennington
Command Master Chief Naval Submarine Base New
CMDCM(SS) Thomas Vatter
Public Affairs Officer - Christopher Zendan
Editor - Sheryl Walsh
Editorial Assistant - Christina Lough
Public Affairs Staff - MCC(SW) James ODonnell,
MC1(AW) Peter Blair and MCSA Gabriel Bevan
NEWS - The editorial content of this newspaper is prepared,
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ideas and questions can be directed to Christopher Zendan at
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ADDRESS - The Dolphin staff can be reached at 694-3514
or write to: The Dolphin, Naval Submarine Base New London
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News in your community
Sunday Chapel
Services at SUBASE
Shepherd of the Sea
Catholic Mass - 9:30 a.m.
CCD - 11 a.m. to noon
Chapel on the Thames
Protestant Worship - 11
Catholic Mass - 6 p.m.
Soup Kitchen
Volunteer the first
Tuesday of every month.
For more information, call
(860) 694-3232.
Volunteer for
The Cove
The Cove Center for
Grieving Children is offer-
ing training this winter open
to all interested individuals.
All five Cove sites are cur-
rently recruiting volunteers
for the current and upcom-
ing program years!
The training consists of
three modules. Attendance at
all three sessions is manda-
tory. All sessions will be held
in Madison, Conn. - contact
The Cove for more details.
There is a $75 administra-
tive fee to cover the costs of
a mandatory criminal and
DCF background check. A
unique fundraising oppor-
tunity exists for interested
volunteers to underwrite the
cost through First Giving.
To register, contact Karen
at (203) 634-0500 or via e-
mail at karen@covect.org.
Space is limited, register
By William Kenny
GROTON, Conn. -
Sixty-nine Sailors, Class
11500/11510, USS Tirante
(SS 420), graduated from
Basic Enlisted Submarine
School, Nov. 18.
Electronics Technician 1st
Class (SS) Beau Joly, ET2
(SS) William Perez and Fire
Control Technician 2nd Class
(SS) Matthew Westover were
class instructors.
Seaman Apprentice
Nathan Lunsford was
Class Honorman with a
97.90 Grade Point Average.
Lunsford, who continues
in Basic Mechanical Skills,
BMS, training, was also mer-
itoriously advanced because
of academic achievement.
Seaman Recruit Wyatt
Tate was recipient of the
Submarine Leagues William
Purdum Award for most
improved student. Tate con-
tinues in the Apprentice Team
Training, ATT, pipeline.
SA Matthew Blythe received
the Navy League Award for
his academic efforts and joins
Tate in ATT.
Electricians Mate 3rd Class
Mark Brady received the
Submarine Veterans Heritage
Award as Class Leader and is
also enrolled in ATT.
With Grade Point Averages
exceeding 90.0, Fireman
Recruit Ryan Fontaine, SR
Charles Eames, SR Arthur
Dworniczek, SN Craig
Broulik, Fireman Apprentice
Dylan Perkins, SR Colin
Kasper and SR Daniel
Kelso were Graduates with
Twenty Sailors of
Class 14RO 11-08 gradu-
ated from the Submarine
Communications Electronic
Rating Field, SCERF,
Apprentice Course, Nov. 17.
SCERF, through the
employment of Interactive
Media, enhances the vari-
ous sub-courses of Pipeline
Technical Training, PTT.
Electronics Technician 1st
Class (SS) Jason Smiddy and
ET2 (SS) Brandon Trudeau
were class instructors.
ETSN Matthew Starlin was
Class Honorman and ETSN
Matthew Nabors was named
Graduate with Distinction.
ETSA Jimmy Camachoperez
was also meritoriously
advanced for academic per-
MM A School
Nine Sailors of Class
11220 graduated from
Machinist Mate (Weapons)
A School, Dec. 2.
Chief Machinist Mate
(Submarines) Mark Cella
was the class instructor.
MM1 Peter Edmondson
received the Torpedoman
Plaque as Class
Sixty-two Sailors, Class
12020, USS Columbia (SSN
771), graduated from Basic
Enlisted Submarine School,
Dec. 2.
Sonar Technician 1st Class
(Submarines) Jeremy Myers,
Electronics Technician 2nd
Class (SS) David Sikorakis
and Fire Control Technician
2nd Class (SS) Christopher
OMary were class instruc-
Seaman Apprentice
Michael Latch was Class
Honorman with a 97.00
Grade Point Average.
Latch, who continues in the
Apprentice Team Training,
ATT, pipeline, was also
meritoriously advanced
because of his academic
SA Stephen Cordova was
recipient of the Submarine
Leagues William Purdum
Award for most improved
student. Cordova also con-
tinues in ATT.
Fireman Apprentice Isaac
Butts received the Navy
League Award for his aca-
demic efforts and continues
in Basic Mechanical Skills,
BMS, training.
Equipment Operator
3rd Class Andrew Smith
received the Submarine
Veterans Heritage Award
as Class Leader and is also
enrolled in ATT.
With Grade Point Averages
exceeding 90.0, Seaman
Recruit Daniel Kaluza, FA
Connor Cantwell, SR Justin
Decker, ET3 Jacob Paulson,
Electricians Mate 3rd Class
Neal Dacaymat and SA
Todd Short were Graduates
with Distinction.
Forty-one Sailors of Class
11140 graduated from the
Submarine Electronics
Computer Field, SECF,
Apprentice course, Dec. 9.
The SECF A school
combines a core curriculum
of Electronics, Fire Control
and Sonar Technician skills
and abilities while empha-
sizing team training and
cross rating familiarization.
Electronnics Technician
1st Class (SS) Jesse Reed,
Fire Control Technician 1st
Class (SS) Dustin Bragg and
Sonar Technician 2nd Class
(SS) Joseph Camerlin were
Electronics Technician
Seaman Apprentice
Jason Robinson, FTSA
Thomas Fisch and STSSA
Jacob Lewis were Class
Electronnics Technician
Seaman Spencer Flynn,
FTSA Christopher Trevino,
FTSA Travis Baker and
STSSA Jonathan Aldred
were honored for Personal
Robinson and Lewis
joined by FTSA Derek
Shelton were all meritori-
ously advanced because of
overall academic perfor-
MM A School
Six Sailors of Class
12010 graduated from
Machinist Mate (Weapons)
A School, Dec. 9.
Machinist Mate 1st Class
(SS) Travis Boyer was the
class instructor.
Machinist Mate
Fireman Apprentice David
Hancock received the
Torpedoman Plaque as
Class Honorman.
Eighty-six Sailors, Class
12040, USS Bang (SS 385),
graduated from Basic
Enlisted Submarine School,
Dec. 15.
Fire Control Technician
1st Class (SS) Boris Skopovi,
FT1 (SS) Terrill Bennett,
Electronics Technician 2nd
Class (SS) Mario Hose and
Sonar Technician 2nd Class
(SS) Adam Gabor were class
Seaman Apprentice
Bradley Sowers was Class
Honorman with a 94.80
Grade Point Average.
Sowers, who continues
in the Apprentice Team
Training, ATT, pipeline, was
also meritoriously advanced
because of his academic
Seaman Apprentice Ian
Johnson was recipient of
the Submarine Leagues
William Purdum Award
for most improved student.
Johnson also continues in
Electricians Mate 3rd
Class Terrill Bolton received
the Navy League Award for
his academic efforts and
continues in ATT.
AT1 (AW) Joseph Rios
received the Submarine
Veterans Heritage Award
as Class Leader and is also
enrolled in ATT.
With Grade Point Averages
exceeding 90.0, Fireman
Recruit Jeremy Clark, SR
Brandon West, SN Don
Torres, Fireman Apprentice
Michael Hatfield, SN Gerard
Balatbat, SN Iain McCoy, SN
Joseph Fisher, SN Cameron
Smith, SN Eric Bowden,
SR Bryan Cooper and ET3
Kevin OConnor joined EM3
Bolton as Graduates with
Classes graduate from SUBSCOL
GROTON, Conn. - In
the past, a dependent wife
who accompanied her
husband to a duty station
in another state became
a resident of that new
state for tax purposes.
As such, shed ordinarily
have to pay income tax
on any income she earned
in the new state (unless
of course the state didnt
have an income tax!).
Congress recently passed
a new law, however, that
could change all that.
Under the Military
Spouses Residency Relief
Act (MSRRA), a spouse
now has the option of keep-
ing her state of residence
when he or she accompa-
nies a military member on
orders to a new state. The
law is effective beginning
with tax year 2009.
For example, lets say
a sailor and depaendent
spouse meet in Florida
and get married. After
a few months, the Sailor
gets orders to New Jersey.
Under the old rules, the
spouse would have to
become a New Jersey res-
ident. Since New Jersey
has a state income tax, the
spouse would have to pay
and have part of his or her
earnings withheld. Under
the new law, however, the
spouse could keep her sta-
tus as a Florida resident
and avoid having to pay
New Jersey income tax!
A couple of final points.
First, since the law is
so new, there are still
uncertainties about how
it will be interpreted and
applied. Currently, some
states appear to require
a spouse to claim the
same state of residency
as the military member
to qualify other states
do not. Second, the law
does not allow a spouse
to simply pick a state to
be a resident of for tax
purposes. The law just
says a spouse may keep
the same state of resi-
dency that he or she cur-
rently has. For questions
and updates, contact the
Navy Legal Service Office
at (860) 694-3349 to dis-
New law could mean big changes
Where do dependent spouses
reside for tax purposes?
Branch and Unit 20 of
the Fleet Reserve Association
will host the first of their
bi-monthly breakfasts for
members and their guests,
Jan. 7 from 8 to 11 a.m.,
at the Branch Home, 242
Thames Street, Groton. The
second monthly breakfast
will take place Jan. 21.
These breakfasts boast an
extensive menu for a dona-
tion of only $5. Volunteers
to help with the breakfasts
are always welcome. Call
(860) 445-0731 and leave a
message for Charlie.
Branch and Unit 20 will
hold their regular month-
ly meetings Jan. 19 at the
Branch Home. Unit 20 will
meet at 6 p.m., Branch 20
at 7 p.m. All members in
good standing are encour-
aged to attend these meet-
ings. Membership in the
FRA is open to all active
duty, retired, and veterans
of the sea services, i.e., the
Navy, Marine Corps, and
Coast Guard. Membership in
the FRA Auxiliary, or Unit, is
open to all spouses, children
and step children over age
16, parents and grandparents
of FRA members in good
standing. For more informa-
tion, call the Branch Home at
(860) 445-0731.
Club 20 will host its
Super Bowl Party Feb. 5.
Come on down and join
your friends to watch the
final game of the season!
The February Board of
Directors meeting will be
held Feb. 7 at the Branch
Home at 6 p.m. All mem-
bers in good standing are
invited at attend.
FRA announces January events
Begin your tobacco
free lifestyle with
the New Year
By Edward Doyle, Pharm.D.
and April Childs, PhD
GROTON, Conn. -
According to the American
Cancer Society, smok-
ing is the leading cause of
preventable deaths in the
United States. Half a million
deaths a year are attributed
to tobacco use.
Do you currently smoke or
chew tobacco products? Are
you interested in quitting?
Have you previously tried to
quit but were unable to suc-
ceed? Well, Naval Branch
Health Clinic (NBHC)
Groton has some exciting
news. The pharmacy is add-
ing some new items to its
Over-the-Counter program.
If youre interested in quit-
ting tobacco use, youre in
luck. Nicotine Replacement
Therapy is now available
over-the-counter at your
local Navy pharmacy.
Nicoderm (nicotine patch-
es) and Nicorette (nicotine
gum) can now be obtained at
the pharmacy without a pre-
scription. Quitting has never
been easier. Pharmacy and
Health Promotion Services
are here to help!
If youve tried to quit in
the past, dont be discour-
aged. Most smokers try
to quit seven times before
theyre successful! This
could be one of the most
difficult challenges you ever
face. The good news is that
as active duty, retiree or
beneficiary, you have access
to some of the best tools
for quitting on the market.
While there are no magic
pills, your NBHC health care
providers are here to make
quitting as easy as possible.
If your New Years resolu-
tion is to quit using tobac-
co, come by the pharmacy
today. Our tobacco cessation
facilitators can provide you
with the nicotine-containing
gum or patches and give
you the knowledge to help
you successfully quit.
Call (860) 694-3104 or
(860) 694-4466 today for
more information or to get
started. Just imagine the
potential if you quit tobac-
co in 2012!
for Military Children
Applications for the
2012 Scholarships for
Military Children pro-
gram are now avail-
able at commissaries
worldwide as well
as online through a
link on http://www.
c o mmi s s a r i e s . c o m
and directly at http://
www. mi l i t aryschol -
ar.org. The program
awards at least one
$1,500 scholarship to
a student at each com-
missary. Scholarships
are funded by dona-
tions from commissary
vendors, manufactur-
ers, brokers, suppliers
and the general public.
To be eligible for a
scholarship, the stu-
dent must have a cur-
rent military ID card
and be an unmarried
child, no older than 21
or 23 if enrolled as
a full-time student at
a college or university
of a service member
on active duty, reserv-
ist, guardsman, retiree
or survivor of a mili-
tary member who died
while on active duty
or survivor of a retir-
ee. Applicants must
submit an essay on a
topic which is avail-
able on http://www.
mi l i t aryschol ar. org.
Applications must be
turned in to a commis-
sary by close of busi-
ness Feb. 24, 2012.
Ronald McDonald
House Charities
Ronald McDonald
House Charities
of Connecticut and
Western Massachusetts
announces it will award
a total of $50,000 to
22 local high school
seniors this academic
year through its schol-
available for high
school students
Continued on page 3
NEX has made return-
ing gifts as easy as possible.
Since gifts could have been
purchased well before they
were given, all NEXs will
accept returns through Jan.
29, 2012. This includes items
typically covered by the 14-
day return policy, such as
computers, computer equip-
ment, software, digital cam-
eras and the 45-day return
policy for all other merchan-
dise. This extended return
policy applies to original
purchases made Nov. 24
through Dec. 24, either in
a NEX or through the NEX
web store, www.myNavyEx-
change.com. Customers are
asked to include any pack-
aging material along with
the receipt when making a
return. Any returns without
a receipt will be placed on a
NEX Gift Card.
NEX Holiday return policy
means satisfaction guaranteed
Thursday, January 5, 2012 THE DOLPHIN 3

Dates Times
The FollowingClasses will be held in theExecutive Conference Room
unless otherwise specified
1. TobaccoCessati on 05,12, 19, 27JAN (1st Group) 1100-1230
(2ndGroup) 1330- 1500
2. DiabetesEducation 30 JAN (Monday) 1330-1430
3. DiabetesNutrition 10JAN (Tuesday) 1400- 1600
4. DiabetesSupport Group 23JAN (Monday) 1300-1400
5. Healthy Heart Class 11 JAN (Wednesday) 1400-1600
27JAN (Friday) 0830-1030
6. WeightManagement 11, 25JAN (Wednesday) 1000-1130
5. BariatricClass (ByReferral Only) 20JAN (Friday) 0830-1030
8. BariatricSupport Group 06JAN (Thursday) 0930-1100
9. GAMEPLAN ByAppointment Ongoing
Lifestyle Modification forBetterHealth; Weight Loss)
10. Unit SpecificGMT By Appointment Ongoing
11. ShipShape (AD Only) ByAppointment Ongoing
Healthy Weight Facts
Accordingtothe AmericanCouncil on Exercise(2001), a complete
fitness programmustinclude aerobicexercise, muscularstrength
and enduranceconditioning,and flexibilityexercise.
Tipsfor weightcontrol: 1)Drink Plenty of Water6-8 glasses

Goals A safe rate of weightlossis 1/2 to 2poundsper week.
If youhavehit aplateau andstopped losing weight,varyyourpro-
Phone: 860.694.3104
Fax: 860.694.5585
Educational Services
* Weight Management
* HealthyHeart
* Blood Pressure
* DiabetesEducation
* General Nutrition
* Tobacco Cessation
* Game Plan (Lifestyle
Modification Program)
* Glucometer Education
Contact: 694-2379
Active DutyOnly:
* ShipShape
* General Military
Training (at your
Healthy Weight
2011 Sea, Shore Senior and Junior Sailors of Year announced

By Lt. Cmdr. Jennifer Cragg
Submarine Group 2 Public Affairs
Commander, Submarine
Group Two announced the
2011 Sea and Shore Senior
and Junior Sailors of the
Year during a ceremony at
the Naval Submarine Library
and Museum, Dec. 7.
The 2011 Senior and
Junior Sea Sailors of the Year
were Electronics Mate 1st
Class (SS) William Nagel,
USS Albany (SSN 753),
Commander, Submarine
Squadron Six and Electronics
Technician 2nd Class (SS)
Clair Dopson IV, USS
Alexandria (SSN 757),
Commander, Submarine
Development Squadron 12.
Its surreal, I have striven
to excel in my career and this
is the culmination of it and
made it all worth it, said
Nagel. To me it also means
Im being recognized for the
hard work that I have been
doing, such as mentoring my
Dopson echoed Nagels
comments on what this
accomplishment means. Its
nice to be recognized for
all of my hard work, said
Dopson. Its a great accom-
plishment and it is an honor
to be selected.
The 2011 Senior and Junior
Shore Sailors of the Year for
Shore were Boatswains Mate
1st Class (SW/EXW) Sean
McLaughlin, Commander,
Submarine Squadron Six
and Boatswains Mate 2nd
Class (SW) Alexander Hiller,
Naval Submarine Support
Facility New London.
Im still in disbelief,
being a surface Sailor in the
submarine community has
been beneficial to my career
and I wished I would have
thought about the submarine
side when I first joined, said
During Hillers acceptance
speech he thanked all of the
Sailors who have mentored
him leading up to this point
in his naval career.
This recognition, is really
is for all of the other great
people who couldnt be here
today, said Hiller.
Commander, Submarine
Group Two Command
Master Chief Wesley
Koshoffer reflected on the
Sailor of the Year selections
and the wisdom gained from
this rite of passage.
Being around this excep-
tional group of Sailors goes a
long way toward recharging
our batteries and brightening
our outlook on the future.
Their accomplishments are
amazing and their attitude is
contagious. They truly rep-
resent what is right with the
Navy and our Nation, said
Commander Submarine
Squadron Six Command
Master Chief (SS) Russ
Mason visited Groton during
the Senior and Junior Sea
and Shore Sailor of the Year
competition and emphasized
the pride he had for all Sailors
who were nominated.
It is a great honor for me
to be around these Sailors
this week. As a Command
Master Chief I am fortunate
to be around good Sailors all
the time, but these Sailors
are the best and brightest the
Navy has to offer and I know
that our Submarine Force
and our Navy will be in good
hands for many years to
come. I am thrilled that both
the Shore and Sea Sailors of
the Year selected are from
Submarine Squadron Six in
Norfolk, VA, said Mason.
The other 2011 Senior
Sea and Shore Sailors of the
Year nominated include:
Hospital Corpsman 1st Class
Conner Retroyed, USS New
Mexico (SSN 779); Legalman
1st Class Danelle Slack,
Naval Submarine Support
Center Groton; Electronics
Technician 1st Class Shaun
Blouin, Commander,
Submarine Forces Atlantic;
Machinists Mate 1st Class
(SS) Richardo Mora, Naval
Support Torpedo Facility
Yorktown, Va.; and Hospital
Corpsman 1st Class (SS/
FMF) Aaron McKnight,
USS Toledo (SSN 769),
Commander, Submarine
Development Squadron 12.
The other 2011 Junior
Sea and Shore Sailors
of the Year nominated
include: Machinists Mate
2nd Class (SS) John Moon,
USS Hartford (SSN 768);
Machinists Mate 2nd Class
(SS) Patrick Bush, Naval
Support Torpedo Facility
Yorktown, Va.; Information
Systems Technician 2nd
Class (SS/AW) Lurita Hough,
Commander, Submarine
Forces Atlantic; Electronics
Technician 2nd Class (SS/
DV) Tripper Meason, USS
Boise (SSN 764), Commander,
Submarine Squadron
Six; Yeoman 2nd Class
Jenilie Hiatt, Commander,
Submarine Squadron 6;
and Machinists Mate 2nd
Class (SS) Paul Sturges, USS
Virginia (SSN 774).
Photo courtesy Commander, Submarine Group 2 Public Affairs
GROTON, Conn. - (From left to right) Boatswains Mate 1st Class (SW/EXW) Sean McLaughlin, CSS6, Sailor of the Year (Shore); Electronics Mate 1st Class (SS) William Nagel,
USS Albany (SSN 753), Sailor of the Year (Sea); Electronics Technician 2nd Class (SS), USS Alexandria (SSN 757), Junior Sailor of the Year (Sea); and Boatswains Mate 2nd
Class (SW) Alexander Hiller, NSSF, Junior Sailor of the Year (Shore).
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Continued from page 2
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We Cater To Cowards
By Army Sgt. 1st Class
Tyrone C. Marshall Jr.
American Forces Press Service
Defense Department contin-
ues to seek ways to enhance
energy security while
investing in alternative fuel
resources, a senior Pentagon
official said recently during
a conference at Georgetown
Military operations are a
fairly energy-intense under-
taking, and energy security
is particularly important to
our ability to project mili-
tary power and to protect the
nation, said Edward Thomas
Morehouse Jr., principal
deputy assistant secretary of
defense for operational ener-
gy plans and programs.
The availability of those
transportation fuels is par-
ticularly critical, Morehouse
said. Of all of the consum-
ables, of all the commodities
that we use in the Department
of Defense, ... energy and fuel
have a particular [functional-
Morehouse participated in
a seven-member panel that
discussed alternative fuels
and energy security during
the Commercial Aviation
Alternative Fuels Initiative
Conference. He noted how
critical fuel is on an opera-
tional level for the Defense
Without fuel, the airplanes
dont fly, the ships dont
steam and the tanks dont
roll, so this is a very impor-
tant issue to us, he said. It
was recognized in our 2010
Quadrennial Defense Review
and we have a number of
energy-related risks within
the department.
Morehouse noted some
of the longer-term risks are
strategic, global and related
to energy markets and price
[These risks are] related to
the increasingly concentrated
sources of petroleum world-
wide getting in the hands of
actors who are not always
necessarily friendly to our
causes, he said.
Morehouse also highlighted
inherent risks the department
faces while transporting fuel
from the point where it is
bought commercially to where
it is used on the battlefield.
First and foremost, our
real near-term energy chal-
lenge is to reduce the amount
of stuff we have to haul, he
said. We buy it at a refinery,
and we move it to forces that
are forward deployed. Often
times, we have to move that
fuel through areas which are
contested by our adversaries.
Morehouse noted that the
Defense Department now
verifies that systems could
use alternative fuels as they
are developed.
We were an early pioneer
in certifying our own systems
to use the fuel to provide
confidence that the fuels were
viable, Morehouse said. We
have also continued that cer-
tification program to make
sure that all the systems in
our inventory are capable of
using the fuels when they
become available.
We are also engaged in
demonstration projects, he
added, to buy fuels and to
fly squadrons of airplanes,
to sail fleets of ships and to
demonstrate that these fuels
have the potential to be used
Morehouse shared some of
the Pentagons future opera-
tional energy strategy.
Weve got a number of
milestones laid in within our
own programs about what
we will certify by when and
what we will demonstrate by
certain time frames, he said.
And those imply various
purchases of fuel between
now and 2016 and 2020.
DoD officials expect invest-
ments in the alternative fuels
industry will get us to a
place where alternative fuels
are sustainable, scalable and
affordable, Morehouse said.
I want to say thanks,
Morehouse said, for all the
great partnerships that weve
had with the Department of
Defense and our other agen-
cies and with the civilian sec-
tor to move this issue along.
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Defense Department seeks to boost use of alternative fuel resources
4 THE DOLPHIN Thursday, January 5, 2012
they took care of the families and our Sailors,
said Arnold.
Henry discussed the support role both the
ombudsman and the families perform while
their spouses are deployed.
I do my best to support and encourage the
families so that they are able to stay positive
and focused here at home, said Henry.
Henry added that it was nice to have Santa
aboard USS Dallas as the submarine moored at
Naval Submarine Base New London.
With a successful deployment completed,
Arnold discussed the team effort by everyone
involved from sea to shore.
Its important to recognize the significant
contribution provided by dedicated Sailors
working on Naval Submarine Base New
London, said Arnold. The Regional Support
Group and Naval Submarine Support Facility
worked many long hours to ensure Dallas
deployed in great material condition and they
provided the technical support, parts and
assistance to keep us in top shape while on
Arnold added that the backbone of their
success was the training and advice from the
Submarine Squadron 2 and Naval Submarine
The training and advice provided by
Submarine Squadron Two and Naval Submarine
School were essential; they helped us develop
the skills and perspective to succeed in all of
our endeavors, said Arnold.
Naval Submarine Base New London will
welcome another Los Angeles-class attack
submarine, USS Miami (SSN 755), back to
Groton Dec. 15.
Dallas, built by Newport News Shipbuilding
and General Dynamics Electric Boat Division,
is the first Navy vessel to bear the name of the
City of Dallas, Texas.
Continued from page 1
GROTON, Conn. Above, USS
Dallas (SSN 700) families
wait anxiously pierside as
Dallas is moored, Dec. 14.
GROTON, Conn. Right,
Santa rides in on USS Dallas
(SSN 700) as the boat arrives
at SUBASE after a regularly
scheduled six-month deploy-
GROTON, Conn. Left,
family members and their
Sailors greet each other
after USS Dallas (SSN
700) returns home from
a regularly scheduled
deployment, Dec. 14.
GROTON, Conn. Right,
a USS Dallas Sailor and
his family leave for home
after USS Dallas home-
coming, Dec. 14.
GROTON, Conn. - Right,
Chief Yeoman (SS)
Matthew Gilliam spends
his first moments back
from deployment with
daughter, Esme. Gilliam
is attached to the Los
Angeles class fast-
attack submarine USS
Dallas (SSN 700), which
just returned from a
regularly scheduled six-
month deployment.
GROTON, Conn. - Left, USS Dallas (SSN 700) Sailors rush to meet
their families on the pier.
GROTON, Conn. - Below, Sonar Technician Submarine 1st Class (SS)
Patrick Fonner spends his first moments back from deployment with
daughters, Rebecca and Erin.
GROTON, Conn. - Right,
USS Dallas (SSN 700)
Commanding Officer,
Commander George Arnold,
takes a moment to wave
to families waiting on
the pier while mooring at
Naval Submarine Base New
London, Dec. 14.
GROTON, Conn. Left, a
USS Dallas (SSN 700)
Sailors son holds up a sign
welcoming his father home
as Dallas pulls into the pier
at SUBASE, Dec. 14.
Christmas came early
Photos by
MC1 Virginia K. Schaefer
Welc me H me
USS Dallas
Thursday, January 5, 2012 THE DOLPHIN 5
the greatest gift of all
During that ceremony,
five Sailors received their
enlisted submarine war-
fare qualification pins,
and eight others were
advanced to the rank of
Petty Officer 3rd Class
aboard the historic British
Royal Navy ship HMS
Victory, which is the old-
est commissioned warship
in the world.
Other Sailors had rea-
sons to celebrate. During
their deployment seven
babies were born. One
of the lucky fathers was
Senior Chief Electricians
Mate Ryan Rolfe, who
was able to hold his three-
month old son, Joseph, for
the first time.
During the Miamis
deployment, Rolfes wife
Lillian was chosen to par-
ticipate in a group baby
shower with 19 other
military wives. The event,
sponsored by the non-prof-
it organization Operation
Shower and Birdies for
the Brave, marked the
first time it was held in
Connecticut and for wives
of submariners.
As military spouses,
we forget how different
our lives are. We are used
to having an empty bed to
crawl into and end of the
day, making big decisions,
planning birthday parties,
attending school events,
and finding housing on
our own, said Rolfe.
USS Miami Ombudsman
April Holtmeyer, a moth-
er of two, expressed her
excitement for the reunion
of Sailors and their fami-
lies, as well as the remain-
ing crew members just in
time for the holidays.
Holiday Homecomings
add an extra special sense
of reunion. Our families
exemplified strength dur-
ing this deployment by
utilizing the greatest asset
- each other. This sister-
hood was essential in the
success of maintaining
normal, said Holtmeyer.
As the Sailors departed
the submarine and reunit-
ed with their families, the
fathers recognized their
children by presenting them
with medals as a token of
their appreciation.
With nearly 50 percent
of the 134-member crew
aboard Miami being mar-
ried with children, sup-
port for families had new
meaning for the deployed
fathers, said USS Miami
Family Readiness Group
President Christy Thomas,
a mother of two.
The kids are the heroes
in their dads eyes because
they have thrived in their
daily lives while they have
been gone, said Thomas.
During the submarines
deployment, Thomas,
Holtmeyer and other
wives coordinated with
the non-profit organiza-
tion Operation Gratitude
to receive gift boxes.
More than 150 children
of the deployed Sailors
were recognized during
National Military Family
Appreciation Month,
which occurs in November
every year.
Miamis family-focused
homecoming included
Santa riding aboard Miami
as the submarine pulled
into Naval Submarine Base
New London. In addition,
the Steve Elci & Friends
band performed, a first for
the Connecticut perform-
ers, best known for writ-
ing the song, Submarine
The submarine,
built by Newport News
Shipbuilding and General
Dynamics Electric Boat
Division, is the third
Navy vessel to bear the
name of the city of Miami,
Florida. The submarines
crew compliment includes
133 officers and enlisted
Miamis return was
preceded by Los Angeles-
class attack submarine USS
Dallas (SSN 700) Dec. 14.
Continued from page 1
Welc me H me USS Miami
Photo by MC1 Virginia K. Schaefer
GROTON, Conn. - Electronics Technician 1st Class (SS) Joel Watson
looks at son, Archer, after returning from deployment, Dec. 15.
Photo by MC1 Virginia K. Schaefer
GROTON, Conn. Santa Claus takes a ride on USS Miami (SSN
755) as the boat returns from a regularly scheduled five-month
deployment, Dec. 15.
GROTON, Conn. Left, USS Miami (SSN 755) family members rush
to greet their loved ones after Miamis return to Naval Submarine
Base New London, Dec. 15.
GROTON, Conn. Below, a family member holds up a sign for her
Sailor as USS Miami (SSN 755) pulls into SUBASE from a deploy-
ment, Dec. 15.
Photos by MC1 Virginia K. Schaefer
GROTON, Conn. Above, a USS Miami (SSN 755) Sailor is greeted with happy tears as
family members look on, Dec. 15, during the Miamis homecoming.
GROTON, Conn. - Left, Machinist Mate 2nd Class (SS) Michael Flowers plays with son,
Michael, after returning from deployment.
Photo by MCSA Gabriel Bevan
GROTON, Conn. - Senior Chief Machinist Mate Ryan Rolfe (SS) greets his children after
returning from a five month deployment aboard the Los Angeles fast-attack submarine
USS Miami(SSN 755). The Miami was deployed to U.S. 6th Fleet area of operations.
GROTON, Conn. - Right, Machinist Mate 3rd Class (SS) Ashton Lande holds son, Hayden,
after returning from deployment with USS Miami (SSN 755).
Photo by MC1 Virginia K. Schaefer
Holiday Homecomings add an
extra special sense of reunion.
April Holtmeyer, USS Miami Ombudsman
6 THE DOLPHIN Thursday, January 5, 2012
By Commander, Submarine
Group Two Public Affairs
- Pre-Commissioning Unit
North Dakota (SSN 784)
joined forces with a 16-
year-old local teenager to
donate nearly 200 toys
for the U.S. Marine Corps
Reserve Toys for Tots
Program Dec. 21.
Danielle Guth, a sopho-
more at the Saint Bernard
School in Uncasville,
didnt spend the days
leading up to her 16th
birthday thinking about
all the gifts she would get,
like so many do. Instead
of focusing on herself
for her Sweet 16 birth-
day party, celebrated Dec.
3, she organized a plan
for all guests to bring an
unwrapped toy for the
Toys for Tots Program.
More than 100 people not
only celebrated Guths
birthday but joined her
cause to remember others
this holiday season.
PCU North Dakota
Executive Officer
Lieutenant Commander
Jeremiah Minner is
Guths neighbor. Hes
known the Guth family
for the past two years and
their daughter frequently
baby sits for his three-
year-old son. Minner said
that Guth devised the
plan shortly after her 15th
birthday party. As the
year progressed Guths
plan matured to include
the PCU North Dakota,
when Minner found out
he was going to the sub-
On her own and with-
out influence she asked to
donate the toys from her
Sweet 16 birthday party
in conjunction with the
PCU North Dakota, said
Minner, who checked into
the command this month.
Guths mother,
Deborah, added that the
idea to give back to others
was solely her daughters
doing. Deborah reflected
on her daughters selfless
act for other children who
werent as fortunate and
recalled a conversation
she had with her daugh-
ter nearly a year ago.
When we were plan-
ning for her birthday
party, Danielle told me
that When it comes time
for my Sweet 16 birthday
party instead of everyone
bringing gifts for me, I
want everyone to bring
Toys for Tots, said
Minner added that this
year the boat celebrated
their first holiday together
as a command and held
their first holiday party
Dec.16, which marked the
first of many to stretch the
lifespan of this Virginia-class
submarine. All 47 presently
assigned Sailors followed
Guths lead and brought
unwrapped toys to be donat-
ed to Toys for Tots.
Giving back to the
community is what these
Sailors are about and it
wouldnt surprise me that
these Sailors might bring
more than two presents
for the charitable organi-
zation, said Minner prior
to the party.
According to the Toys
for Tots Programs web
site, the program col-
lects new, unwrapped
toys during October,
November and December
each year, and distributes
those toys as Christmas
gifts to needy children in
the community where the
campaign is conducted.
North Dakota will be
the second ship of the
United States Navy to be
named for the state of
North Dakota.
Photos by Lt. Cmdr. Jennifer Cragg
UNCASVILLE, Conn. - Above,
Danielle Guth, a sophomore
at the Saint Bernard School in
Uncasville, collected toys dur-
ing her Sweet 16 birthday party
on Dec. 3. Pre-Commissioning
Unit North Dakota (SSN 784)
joined forces with Danielle
to donate nearly 200 toys for
the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve
Toys for Tots Program Dec.
UNCASVILLE, Conn. - Left,
Sailors assigned to Pre-
Commissioning Unit North
Dakota (SSN 784), the Guth
family and Justin Eldridge, a
U.S. Marine Corps Toys for
Tots representative, pose after
donating nearly 200 toys for
the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve
Toys for Tots Program Dec.
PCU North Dakota, local teenager combine
forces to donate gifts for Toys for Tots
By FFSC New London
GROTON, Conn. - Experienced Navy families say
continuous readiness and knowing about available
resources are the keys to successful deployments.
Sailors and their families must always be ready for
deployment. In contrast to an individual who deploys
with a boat, squadron or unit, a single Sailor who
leaves their assigned command to deploy individu-
ally or with a small group is known as an Individual
Augmentee (IA). Most serve under Central Command
region and deploy to Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait,
Bahrain and the Horn of Africa, however, some fill
needs in other locations around the world.
It is important to remember that IA Sailors are not
replacing infantry or front-line combat soldiers. IA
Sailors work in their skill sets to provide combat sup-
port. IAs may augment security, supply, food service,
health care, transportation, engineering, communi-
cation and many other specialties. Sailors may be
assigned or may have volunteered for IA orders that
come through their command. Active duty orders are
negotiated with detailers while Reserve commands
receive information on available orders and assign
service members to them.
Parent commands are the commands that Sailors
leave for Temporary Additional Duty (TAD) or
detach from for an IA deployment. Parent com-
mands, ombudsmen and command IA coordinators
retain the IA and family support responsibilities
throughout the deployment. A Sailor should have
at least 60 days to prepare for an IA assignment,
except in emergency situations where an immediate
fill is essential to fulfill the mission. Pre-deployment
preparation information is available at www.ia.navy.
Every Sailor must complete a pre-deployment
checklist that includes updating wills, powers of
attorney, family-care plans, ID cards, and family con-
tact information in the Navy Family Accountability
and Assessment System (NFAAS). NFAAS can be
found at https://navyfamily.navy.mil. It is critical
for every IA to log in and ensure that family con-
tact information is correct. This is the system that
the Navy and the Fleet and Family Support Centers
(FFSC) use to provide deployment support and disas-
ter services. Contact information listed in NFAAS
is used by FFSC Independent Deployment Support
Specialists to communicate with family members at
home and to provide information on family support
available to them during the deployment. If you
relocate during the deployment or evacuate for a
disaster, log in to NFAAS and update your contact
The Navys Fleet and Family Support Programs
provide information that can help meet the unique
challenges of the military lifestyle. By continuing
support for IA Sailors and their families, FFSC con-
tact reminds families that they remain a part of the
military family community. For more information
about Fleet and Family Support Programs, or to join
the conversation about IA deployments and military
life, visit the following web sites: www.ia.navy.mil
, www.ffsp.navy.mil, www.facebook.com/Navyffsc,
and http://twitter.com/Fleet_Family.
While IA and traditional deployments have many
similarities, an IA separation is unique in several
ways making even the most experienced Sailor and
family member uncertain about what is to come. The
Fleet and Family Support Center staff can provide a
wide array of information, on-line, in print and in
person to help make the IA experience a success.
Call the FFSC weekdays at (860) 694-3383 or e-mail
ffscnewlondon@ navy.mil for assistance.
SUBASE Reindeers deliver holiday cheer
Photo by MC1(AW) Peter D. Blair
GROTON, Conn. Naval Submarine Base New London (SUBASE) Executive Officer, Commander Michael Pennington and volunteers
from the SUBASE Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) Department sing We Wish You a Merry Christmas to duty crewmem-
bers of USS Miami (SSN 755) on Christmas Day, during Reindeer on Patrol. The reindeers delivered more than 150 gift bags to
personnel who were on duty across SUBASE on Christmas Day.
What is an IA, anyway? What you should know
Thursday, January 5, 2012 THE DOLPHIN 7
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SUBASE Police win volleyball title
Photo by MCSA Gabriel Bevan
GROTON, Conn. Naval Submarine Base New London (SUBASE) Command Master Chief Thomas Vatter (second row far right)
presents the Intramural Volleyball League 1st place trophy to the SUBASE Police Department, Dec. 8 as the championship playoff
concluded at Morton Hall Gymnasium. The event was sponsored by the Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Department. SUBASEs
Police Department Volleyball squad: Krista Alexander, Eileen Vandunk, Fred Ah-mu, Tony Burns, Tamalega Tuinei, Matthew
Matty Fortin, Dave Moeller and his wife Julie Moeller (not pictured).
Register for the PMC
The calendar may say January, but 5,500 cyclists
from across the country have August on their
minds. They are gearing up to ride up to 190 miles
in the 33rd annual Pan-Massachusetts Challenge
(PMC) and raise money for cancer research. Online
registration opens to the public Jan. 17.
The Pan-Mass Challenge, which is set for Aug. 4
and 5, is the most successful athletic fundraising
event in the nation. It raises two to three times
more money for charity than any other and it con-
tributes 100 percent of every rider-dollar raised
directly to the cause.
And its growing. The 33rd annual event will
offer 11 routes that range from 25 to 190 miles
over one or two days. Cyclists come from 36 states
and eight countries to ride in the annual event.
The PMC is a well-supported and beautiful ride
that takes cyclists through 46 cities and towns,
provides food, water, medical and mechanical
attention every 20 miles, serves full meals at lunch
and dinner, supplies lodging, transportation, and
luggage carriage for riders, and converts 5,500
cyclists and 3,000 volunteers from strangers to
members of one big family, all working toward a
unified goal.
Since 1980, the PMC has raised and contributed
$338 million to Dana-Farber.
The environment created on PMC weekend is
not easily replicated. Its a unique event, said
PMC Founder and Executive Director Billy Starr.
Registering for the PMC is like lining up for Red
Sox tickets the first day they go on sale. People
want to be involved with the PMC and they say
thanks through their inspired fundraising.
For more information about the PMC, or to reg-
ister to ride, visit pmc.org.
Lisa D King, LMT with Blue Moon Natural
Living has joined with Hands for Heroes to
provide therapeutic bodywork at no fee basis
to veterans. Lisa will provide a predetermined
number of bodywork sessions each month to
help the veteran in dealing with the stress
encountered while on duty, as well as physi-
cal complaints common to our service men and
Hands for Heroes is a nationwide organi-
zation of health care professionals who have
donated their time and skills to provide thera-
peutic bodywork for our nations veterans.
Lisa D King, LMT, as a Hands for Heroes
Partner, will make a significant contribution
to the healing of our service men and women
and their families. Hands for Heroes founders
encourages you to support Blue Moon Natural
Living in this therapeutic practice healing our
returning service men and women.
King can be contacted at (860) 440-6418;
http://www.bluemoonnl.com; http://www.
facebook.com/bluemoonnaturalliving and on
Twitter: Bluemoonnl.
Hands for Heroes provides
veterans with free therapy
Events at the Mashantucket Pequot Museum
Free admission for kids
The first Saturday of the
month (Jan. 7 and Feb. 4)
is free for children ages 15
and younger. Explore the
exhibits, buy lunch in the
cafeteria, and browse in the
gift shop from 9 a.m. to 5
p.m. Cannot be combined
with any other offer.
Winter survival skills
Throughout the day,
Jan. 21 (11 a.m. to 3
p.m.) on the Farmstead,
Head Curator Steve Cook
demonstrates winter sur-
vival skills commonly
used in the past, includ-
ing starting fires, dried
and smoked food prepa-
ration, and identifying
animal tracks. At 2:30
p.m. in the Auditorium,
watch John Houstons
documentary, Diet of
Souls, about the Inuits
relationship with the
animals he hunts. (48
min.) This event is free
with museum admis-
sion, and free to muse-
um members.

Meet the author
Larry Spotted Crow
Mann (Nipmuc) talks
about his book, Tales
from the Whispering
Basket, and his inspi-
ration for writing the
stories, Jan. 21 at 11:30
a.m. Buy a copy for
yourself or as a gift and
get it autographed. This
event takes place in the
Research Library, and is
geared toward ages 14
and older due to mature
content. The event is
ree. Snow date is Jan.
Finding winter food
Join Senior Researcher
Dr. Jason Mancini
to identify and locate
important foods for win-
ter survival, Jan. 21
from 1 to 2 p.m. Food
and beverage samples
will be provided. Dress
appropriately and bring
snowshoes if there is
snow. The ethnobota-
ny walk begins on the
Farmstead. This event
is limited to 25 partici-
pants, is free with muse-
um admission, and free
to museum members.
Call (800) 411-9671 or
e-mail seleazer@mptn-
nsn.gov by Jan. 20 to
SLRD is recruiting now!
Shoreline Roller Derby
(SLRD) is looking for new
skaters, referees, non-skat-
ing officials and volunteers.
Shoreline Roller Derby will
host an open recruitment
clinic Jan. 15 and Feb. 12,
from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., at
Galaxy Roller Rink. These
are two separate events,
interested parties dont
need to come to both.
Skaters must be at least 21
years old and need: proof
of primary health insur-
ance, ID, equipment (hel-
met, knee and elbow pads,
wristguards and mouth-
guards). Skates will be
available to rent. Skaters
should get there at 6:15
p.m. to gear up. All skat-
ing skill levels welcome!
To RSVP or ask questions,
e-mail recruitment@shorel
8 THE DOLPHIN Thursday, January 5, 2012
Miami welcomes Santa in style
Photo by MC1(AW) Peter D. Blair
GROTON, Conn. The Los Angeles Class Attack submarine USS Miami (SSN 755) sits moored to her berthing at Naval Submarine Base New London (SUBASE) with Christmas lights and a large
inflatable Santa waving from the bow. Many of the submarine crews stationed at SUBASE took time out of their schedules to decorate their subs for the holidays.
Mystic Seaport will host a Pub Sing and Chantey
Blast in support of the Museums 33rd annual Sea
Music Festival, Jan. 7 from 1 to 5 p.m. Snow date is
Jan. 8.
Attendees are invited to join with the Mystic Seaport
chantey staff and many outstanding performers from
throughout the Northeast as they share maritime bal-
lads, chanteys and songs of the sea. Admission is free,
but a donation of $15 per person is suggested.
The event seeks to raise support for the Museums
upcoming Sea Music Festival, one of the worlds
premier sea music events. Several thousand people
gather each year to hear the best American and inter-
national performers of maritime music celebrate the
classic musical traditions of the Golden Age of Sail.
The event is co-sponsored by the New York Pinewoods
Folk Music Club and will be held at Frohsinn Hall, locat-
ed at 54 Greenmanville Ave. in Mystic, across from the
Museums main entrance. For more information, visit
The fundraising event is organized as part of the
Friends of the Festival program that seeks to gen-
erate support for the annual Sea Music Festival to
be held June 7 through 10. For more information
about Friends of the Festival, contact the Museums
Advancement Department at (860) 572-5365. For
details about the June festival, go to www.mysticsea-
For more information about Mystic Seaort, visit
Mystic Seaport to
sponsor Pub Sing
and Chantey Blast
January Preschool
Film Festival
The Groton Public
Library continues its
popular Preschool Film
Festival, Jan. 6 at 10 a.m.
Join them for 45 minutes
of short films based on
childrens books. The pro-
gram is open to the public;
no registration is needed
for individuals. Groups of
10 or more should call
(860) 441-6750 for res-
ervations. The theme for
January is Mo Willem
Monday Movie Matinee
to screen The Help
As part of its Monday
Movie Matinee series, the
Groton Public Library will
show the film, The Help,
Jan. 9, at 1:30 p.m. A sec-
ond showing of the film
will take place Jan. 23, at
6 p.m. The film is an adap-
tation of Kathryn Stocketts
bestselling novel of the
same name. The film was
recently nominated for
five Golden Globe Awards.
The movie stars Emma
Stone and Viola Davis, is
rated PG-13, and runs for
146 minutes.
Set in Mississippi dur-
ing the 1960s, Skeeter, a
southern society girl who
aspires to be a writer, turns
a small Mississippi town
upside down when she
decides to interview the
black women who have
spent their lives taking
care of prominent southern
families. Although reluc-
tant to be interviewed, the
housekeepers start to talk
to Skeeter, after Aibileen,
a housekeeper to Skeeters
best friend Hilly, recounts
the many prejudices and
hardships she endured on
a daily basis.
This film is free and
open to the public. For
further information, con-
tact the Library at (860)
Classic Cinema to screen
Hitchcock classic
As part of its Classic
Cinema series, the Groton
Public Library will show
the Alfred Hitchcock clas-
sic, Rear Window, Jan.
17 at 2 p.m. This romantic
thriller runs for 112 min-
utes and is rated PG.
James Stewart stars as
professional photogra-
pher L.B. Jeff Jeffries.
Recuperating from a bro-
ken leg and confined to
his New York apartment,
he spends his time look-
ing out his rear window
observing the neighbors.
He begins to suspect that a
man across the courtyard
may have murdered his
wife. Jeff enlists the help
of his high society fashion-
consultant girlfriend, Lisa
Freemont played by Grace
Kelly, to investigate.
This movie is free
and open to the pub-
lic. Reservations are not
required. For further infor-
mation, contact the library
at (860) 441-6750.
Events, programs at GPL
Direct from Russia, the Moscow Festival Ballet will
perform the timeless production of The Sleeping
Beauty the under the direction of Sergei Radchenko,
Jan. 7 at 7:30 p.m., at New Londons Garde Arts
Tickets to The Sleeping Beauty are $50 for loge,
$42 for orchestra, $36 for front balcony and $30 for
rear balcony and are available at the Garde Box Office,
325 State St. in New London. The Garde Box Office is
open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
and two hours prior to curtain on performance days.
Beginning March 21, the Garde Box Office will change
its hours to 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., but will continue to open
two hours prior to performances. Tickets may be pur-
chased online at www.gardearts.org or by phone dur-
ing regular box office hours at (860) 444-7373, Ext. 1.
Fairytale ball clic com to the Garde
The worlds foremost
mentalist, The Amazing
Kreskin, who dazzled New
London with his mind-bog-
gling feats more than 20
years ago, will return to the
Garde Arts Center, Jan. 15
at 3 p.m. Before and after
the performance, the Garde
will also host a Psychic
Fair presented by Mystical
Horizons at 1:30 p.m. The
performance is sponsored
by A Touch of Grey.
With a showmans flair,
a comedians wit, and the
capacities of a bona fide
mentalist or thought read-
er, The Amazing Kreskin
has been baffling his audi-
ences for six decades with
his accurate predictions,
and for a large percent-
age of his audience, telling
them things about them-
selves that only they, a
close friend, or their fam-
ily would know!
For the Garde perfor-
mance, The Amazing
Kreskin has requested that
his check be hidden some-
where within the Garde
Theater. During the show,
he will attempt to find the
check. If he fails to do
so, he will forfeit his fee,
and it will be donated to
the Garde for educational
programming. In addi-
tion, Kreskin is offering
$50,000 to anybody that
can prove that he employs
paid secret assistants or
confederates in any phase
of his performance.
Patrons are encour-
aged to come early at
1:30 for a Psychic Fair,
hosted by Mystical
Horizons, Southeastern
Connecticuts premiere
purveyor of all things
Tickets to The Amazing
Kreskin are $30 for orches-
tra, $30 for loge, $22 for
balcony and $45 for Garde
Circle and are available
at the Garde Box Office,
located at 325 State St. in
New London. The Garde
Box Office is open Monday
through Friday, 10 a.m.
to 5 p.m., and two hours
prior to curtain on perfor-
mance days. Tickets may
be purchased online at
www.gardearts.org or by
phone during regular box
office hours at (860) 444-
7373, Ext. 1.
World-famous mentalist
returns to the Garde
The Three Kings Day also known as the Epiphany, takes place Jan. 6. According
to the Scriptures, on this day the three Kings followed a star onto the way to
Bethlehem where baby Jesus, had born. Each of the three kings (wise men) pre-
sented newly born Jesus with a gift (myrrh, gold and frankincense, respectively).
In many Hispanic communities, the Three Kings Days is very meaningful, and
the tradition is celebrated in a similar way to that of Santa Claus. The children
wait enthusiastically for the arrival of the Three Kings, and so the day before they
collect hay or grass and put it under their beds or somewhere in the house for the
camels. If they were good for the past year, they get sweets or toys.
Centro de la Comunidad is hosting a Three Kings Day Celebration Jan. 7 from
noon to 2 p.m., at 109 Blinman Street in New London. They will provide light food
and beverages along with some performances for entertainment. Come join the
celebration and give the good little boys and girls a gift!
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Centro or Mike Doyle at (860)
Three Kings Celebration
WESTERLY, R.I. The show will go on and con-
tinue for many years, but the Chorus of Westerlys 2012
production of A Celebration of Twelfth Night, running
Jan. 14 and 15 at 1, 4, and 8 p.m. (with a preview perfor-
mance Jan. 13 at 7:30 p.m.) in Westerlys George Kent
Performance Hall, marks a bittersweet ending.
Tickets for all performances are now on sale for $18
to $68.Tickets are also on sale for the annual Twelfth
Night Peasants Feast, a special light dinner with extra
on stage entertainment served in the performance hall
at 6 p.m. both Jan. 14 and 15. Tickets for the shows
and the feast are available by calling the Chorus of
Westerly Box Office at (401) 596-8663 or through the
web at chorusofwesterly.org. All Twelfth Night events
take place in the historic George Kent Performance
Hall located at 119 High Street in Westerly, R.I. Kent
Hall is handicap accessible.
For further information about this performance
or for tickets, call Lee Eastbourne at the Chorus of
Westerly Box Office at (401) 596-8663 or visit choru-
The Chorus of Westerly presents A Celebration of Twelfth Night
Kristin Hartnett will be
teaching Improv classes
at the Mystic Workshop,
Tuesdays from 6:30 to
8:30 p.m., Jan. 24 through
March 13. Improvisation
is a form of theater based
on the unknown. Without
script or prop, using ran-
dom suggestions and a
loose game framework,
performers create a scene
on the spot.
Intro to Improv runs
Tuesdays, Jan. 24 through
March 13, from 6:30 to
8:30 p.m., at the Mystic
Workshop, located at 40
Washington St. in Mystic.
The eight-week course
costs $120. For more infor-
mation or to sign up, call
Kristin at (860) 460-7186
or send a check and a note
to Laughworks, PO BOX
124, Mystic, CT 06355 by
Jan. 19.
Improv classes in Mystic

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