Transportation Engineering II
Transportation Engineering II
Transportation Engineering II
BEG 365 CI
Course Objective:
After the completion of the course, students will be able to design, construct, supervise repair
and maintain the roads. They will be familiar with the traffic design, control and operation. The
course provides glimpses on the bridge and tunnel as well.
Course Contents:
A practical assignment of highway and pavement design that includes data collection
will be included in this course. The following studies will be conducted:
(i) Determination of CBR in the laboratory.
(ii) Measurement of spot speed and data analysis.
(iii) Measurement of deflection of pavement surface.
S.B.Sehgal and K.I. Bhanot. A Text-book on Highway Engineering and Airports, S.
Chand and Co. Publishers Ltd., New Delhi
S.K. Sharma, Principles, Practice and Design of Highway Engineering, S. Chand and
Co. Publishers Ltd., New Delhi
Dr. S.K. Khanna and Dr. C.E.G.Justo, Highway Engineering, Nem Chand & Bros
Roorkee (U.P.)