Development of Economical Microcontroller-Based Soil Moisture Sensor Using Time Domain Reflectometry
Development of Economical Microcontroller-Based Soil Moisture Sensor Using Time Domain Reflectometry
Development of Economical Microcontroller-Based Soil Moisture Sensor Using Time Domain Reflectometry
∆t = t1 − t2 = t3 − t4 (1)
Rh(%)=(−530+292Ka−5.52Ka2+0.043Ka3)/100 (2)
However, the complete period of signal
reconstruction will be done after the n period on the
signal 3. Therefore, the necessary calculations to
determine influence of the trigger signal’s frequency
to the sampling time is needed. There are several
variables that influence in this method, namely: the
input signal frequency (fs), the period of the input
signal (Ts), the frequency trigger signal (ft), the period
of trigger signal (Tt), delay of reflected signal (Δt),
sampling resolution (tres), and the acquisition time
(tacc). The relation between those parameters is Fig. 5. Block diagram of the designed sensor system
described in following equations,
The whole sensor system is then designed
according to the diagram depicted in Fig. 5. The main
tacc = 1 / (fs−ft) (3) module of the sensor system will comprises of sensor
probe, coaxial cable as connector, input signal
module, trigger signal module, data acquisition
tres = Tt − Ts = (fs−ft) / (fs x ft) (4) module, and data processing module. Some push
button and LCD screen are added as input-output
tacc ≈ 1 / (fs2 x tres) (5)
GPIO Channels
3 BNC ports
Button Button
Coax cable
User Input
Input Signal
Trigger Signal
The probe for the sensor system is developed
using a 3-plates coplanar sensor probe, made of
stainless steel. The other module is implemented
using ARM Cortex M4 Microcontroller in the form of
STM32F429I development kit. The main reason for
selecting the microcontroller is that the main clock
frequency was claimed to exceed 168 MHz, and the
minimum ADC sampling frequency according to
datasheet STM32F429 is 62.5 KHz, so that the
minimum sampling requirements at 50 kHz have been
met. In addition, the microcontroller of this type have
also been equipped with an LCD and keypad input so Fig. 9. Measurement result of the developed sensor system. The
that the design of the interface to do more easily. The measurement is calibrated using %VWC
total cost for the implementation of the sensor is less
than USD 50. Moisture calculation performed only after
hundreds of soil measurements, as the data is become
The probe and main module of the implemented convergent to certain value and the fluctuation is less
sensor depicted in Fig. 6. Fig 7 shows the than 5%. Typically, after ~400 times of measurements
interconnection between microcontroller and the other the data become convergent (stable). The average
feature parts. total measurement time for a soil sample is around 2,5
In order to achieve resolution time tres much
smaller than 5ns, an ideal sensor system should be The developed sensor system is then tested to
utilizing a signal generator that is capable of measure several soil samples, whose moisture level is
generating high frequency input signal of order determined using volumetric water content methods.
several GHz, as well as generating accurate trigger The result of the soil moisture measurement is
signal whose frequency is differ to the input signal in depicted in Fig. 9. Error of the measurement
order Hz to KHz range. Using microcontroller calculated to be 3.49%.
resulting in low resolution of the sensor system,
therefore systematic errors are introduced to the V. CONCLUSION
extracted data. Two approaches were used to
overcome the problem. We present the development of a cheap-
economical soil moisture sensor system. The sensor
The data extraction is considered valid only in system was developed based on time domain
certain measurement voltage, i.e. several mV below reflectometry. Equivalent time sampling was utilized
the highest voltage reading in the ADC. The to extent measurement frequency range. While
measurement voltage range is determined using the implemented using relatively cheap microcontroller,
result of manual measurement on a soil sample and special approach used to eliminate systematic error, so
careful inspection to the resulted signal on that the sensor system had good accuracy in
oscilloscope. A typical manual measurement result is measurement range 0-100% Rh, error 3,49% and
depicted in Fig. 8. measurement time around 2,5 minutes. The total cost
of the implementation is less than USD 50, so that the
developed soil moisture sensor is a good alternative to
be used for farming soil measurement application.
This study is financed under ITB Research and
Research Group Innovation Program (Program Riset
dan Inovasi KK ITB) 2015.
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