Ohlen 2016
Ohlen 2016
Ohlen 2016
Abstract — Modern technology and developments in Adding just a few operating years to the expected end-of-
signal acquisition and analysis techniques have provided life for a transformer or cable means substantial cost
new tools for transformer diagnostics. Of particular interest savings for the power company.
are Dielectric Response Measurements, DFR (also known as
Frequency Domain Spectroscopy, FDS), a tool for
The most common insulation diagnostic test is the
investigating insulation properties of specific materials and measure of capacitance and dissipation factor/power
material combinations, e.g., oil-paper systems. factor (DF/PF) at 50/60 Hz. This is the standard test
performed whenever there is a need for investigating
DFR was first introduced about 20 years ago and has insulation properties. Analysis is based on (historical)
been thoroughly evaluated in a number of research projects statistics and comparing factory values. This is a standard
and field tests with good results (see reference list). test which takes little time to perform; the major time
Moisture assessment and bushing diagnostics in
involved is getting access to the test object and preparing
transformers as well as cable diagnostics and insulation
testing in rotating machinery are important applications for test itself. The actual measurement is less than a
where DFR in combination with insulation modeling minute per test. The DFR test, however, requires more
provides accurate information for decisions on maintenance time to perform, typically some minutes up to hours
and/or replacement. depending upon the insulation state and temperature of
the insulation. Today, time is essential and everything
One drawback of the DFR methodology is that it takes a needs to go fast, including the tests performed on the
longer time to measure compared to traditional single- insulation. Some different techniques have been used to
frequency tan delta measurements. For the first generation decrease test time for moisture determination and one
systems introduced more than 15 years ago, the
new approach is the multiple frequency signals.
measurement time was often hours. With the latest
technology, using AC signals containing multiple frequency II. MULTIPLE FREQUENCY SIGNALS
content, the measurement time is significantly reduced and
a typical measurement down to 1 mHz takes only about 20 The principal idea with DFR testing is to perform
minutes. repetitive measurements on the dielectric while the
applied test signal changes in frequency across a
Keywords – Dielectric frequency response; DFR; frequency predefined range; of primary interest are the multiple
domain spectroscopy; FDS; power factor; dissipation factor; data points of capacitance and tan d that are collected;
multiple frequencies; three tone.
see Fig 1.
Fig. 2. Pure sinusoidal signal applied at 930 Hz. Applied voltage (red),
measured current (White)
Y 1-Y
ε spacers ε∗oil
ε barriers X
Fig. 4. DFR test setup
Fig. 7. XY model of the transformer [6]
barriers, ε barriers
, are complex functions of both
frequency and temperature. The equivalent permittivity
of the XY model is given by:
Y 1− Y
ε (ω , T ) = +
1− X X 1− X X
+ +
ε spacer ε barrier ε oil ε barrier
[1] IEEE Guide for Diagnostic Field Testing of Electric Power
Apparatus – Part 1: Oil Filled Power Transformers, Regulators,
and Reactors, IEEE Standard 62-1995, Dec. 1995.
[2] P. Werelius, B. Holmgren, and U. Gäfvert, “Diagnosis of Medium
Fig. 8. MODS® moisture analysis for a transformer Voltage XLPE Cables by High Voltage Dielectric Spectroscopy,”
in Proceedings of the IEEE 6th International Conference on
DFR measurements on a distribution transformer at Conduction and Breakdown in Solid Dielectrics, Va stera s,
Sweden, 1998.
various temperatures are shown in Fig 9. As expected the [3] S.M. Gubanski et al, “Reliable Diagnostics of HV Transformer
moisture analysis (moisture in paper insulation) shows Insulation for Safety Assurance of Power Transmission System.
the same values independent of insulation temperature REDIATOOL - a European Research Project,” CIGRE, paper D1-
207, Paris, France, 2006.
(insulation temperature was estimated as winding [4] S.M. Gubanski et al, “Dielectric Response Methods for
temperature obtained by winding resistance Diagnostics of Power Transformers,” in IEEE Electrical
Insulation Magazine, 19(3):12-18, Jun. 2003.
measurements). [5] U. Gäfvert et al, “Dielectric Spectroscopy in Time and Frequency
Domain Applied to Diagnostics of Power Transformers,” in
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Properties
and Applications of Dielectric Materials, Xi'an, China, 2000.
[6] “Swedish Bushings Plant Sees Growth in RIP Designs,” INMR
Quarterly, Issue 68, 2005.
[7] J.M Braun et al., “Accelerated Aging and Diagnostic Testing of
115 kV Type U Bushings,” in Conference Record of the IEEE
International Symposium on Electrical Insulation, Anaheim, CA,
USA, 2000.
[8] P. Werelius and M. Ohlen, “Dielectric Frequency Response
Measurements on Power Transformers,” presented at the 6th Euro
TechCon, Liverpool, UK, 2008.
[9] M. Ohlen and P. Werelius, “Dielectric Frequency Response and
Temperature Dependence of Power Factor,” in Conference
Record of the IEEE International Symposium on Electrical
Insulation, San Diego, CA, USA, 2010.
[10] M. Ohlen and P. Werelius, “Bushing Insulation Diagnostics Based
on Dielectric Response,” presented at INMR World Congress
Seoul, Korea, 2011.
Fig. 9. DFR measurements and analysis for a transformer at different
[11] M. Ohlen, P. Werelius and J. Cheng, “Dielectric Response
temperatures Measurements in Frequency, Temperature and Time Domain,”
presented at the 18th International Symposium on High Voltage
IV. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Engineering, Seoul, Korea, 2013.
The dielectric frequency response in terms of
capacitance and dissipation factor of an electric VI. BIOGRAPHIES
insulation material or an insulation system depends not Matz Ohlen was born in Sundsvall, Sweden,
1952. He graduated from the Royal Institute of
only on insulation condition but also on temperature. Technology (M.Sc. EE) in Sweden in 1975
When restricted to power frequency measurements the and started his professional career at IFM
effect of temperature is unknown. Akustikbyran AB, a consultant company in
signal analysis, acoustics and noise &
Fortunately, most insulation materials have a simple vibration control. He continued working in
relation between capacitance and dissipation factor industrial automation and measurement
technique at Karlson Instruments and
measured as function of temperature and as function of Programma Electric, specializing in
frequency that can be effectively used when predicting instrumentation for diagnostic testing of power
the temperature effect on the insulation system by industry components.
In 2000 he started to work in the semiconductor business as
measuring the insulation system as a function of Product Manager for Bluetooth products at National Semiconductor. In
frequency. This relation become a bit more complex, but 2007 he returned to the power industry business as Marketing and Sales
still manageble, for an insulation system consisting of e.g. Manager for Pax Diagnostics, specializing in test systems for SFRA
(Sweep Frequency Response Analysis) and FDS/DFR ((Frequency
impregnated cellulose and insulating liquids as in power Domain Spectroscopy/Dielectric Frequency Response Measurements)
transformers. in transformers, generators and cables. In October 2008 Pax
The implementation of a technique that uses a mixed Diagnostics was acquired by Megger and Matz is now working as
Director – Transformer Test Systems.
frequency output signal significantly reduces the Matz Ohlen has presented/written a number of papers/articles on
measurement time for lower frequency data points. It is Measurement Techniques, Signal Analysis and Test and Maintenance
important ©2016
to choose frequencies that are IEEE
orthogonal to of Power System Components for international
conferences/publications. He is member of IEEE and holds several
eliminate influence from the neighboring frequencies. patents within the field of transformer testing.
Jill Duplessis is the Global Technical
Marketing Manager for Megger and member
of IEEE. She was previously Director of
Power Programs for SmartSenseCom,
Inc. where she was responsible for developing,
testing and deploying new applications of
SmartSenseCom’s optical monitoring systems
for transmission and distribution utilities. She
has over 17 years of experience in the
condition assessment of substation assets, first
as a Principal Engineer at Doble Engineering Company and following
as a Primary Manager and Regional Application Specialist,
Transformers, for OMICRON electronics USA. Jill is considered a
specialist in power transformer diagnostics, including emerging test
technologies, and in addition to a number of papers, is the author of a
book titled, ‘‘Electrical Field Tests for the Life Management of
Transformers’’. She has prior electric utility work experience, with
exposure to a wide breadth of engineering functions. Jill received a
BSEE degree from Georgia Institute of Technology in 1991 and has
completed extensive studies in electrical power engineering at
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY.