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Taped for Recovery
Exploring therapeutic taping for treatment ot sports injuries.




outb and adults are participating in sports and tbe body in acbieving bomeostatic regulation. Altbougb 90% of
recreational activities at an increasing rate. By far, tbose wbo use tberapeutic tape rely on it for nonsports uses, it is
tbe most common sports injuries are sprains and being widely accepted in tbe arena of rebabilitation and prevention
O strains.' ^ Popular Internet searcb engines display of sports injuries. It is also gaining popularity witb regard to sports
results in tbe millions for "sport injury treatments." performance.
To narrow tbe investigation, one can add "tberapeutic (or elastic)
tape." To furtber tbe wbittling process, one can seek specific body REHABILITATION
regions. Here, one will find information about plantar tasciitis, Along tbe road of tbe bealing process, acute, subacute, and cbron-
ankle sprain, knee pain, bamstring strain, low back pain, and ic present witb cbanging pbysiologic scenarios. Tberapeutic
sboulder impingement among just a few. taping, as Kenzo, DC, intended, can be used in a variety of ways
Pédiatrie, ortbopedic, neurologic, and sports are just some of tbrougbout tbe rebabilitation pbases. Of course, to determine tbe
tbe groups in wbicb tbis tape is used. Clinicians wbo specialize in stage of bealing, and tberefore wbicb treatment plan is appropriate,
tbe treatment of lympbedema bave also recognized tbe benefits a clinician must be able to properly as.sess an individual's condition.
of tbis unique tape. Naturopatbic doctors (NDs) and licensed Assessment of tbe condition as rebabilitation progresses is a vital
acupuncturists (LAcs) are also among groups wbo bave seen tbe part of optimal recovery and return of function.
value of including tbis tape in tbeir treatment plans. To observe tbe effects of tberapeutic tape tbrougbout tbe reba-
How can tberapeutic tape bave sucb a wide effect on so many bilitation process, let's take a look at one specific case: A 49-year-
different populations and conditions? In bis book. Every Second old bealtby male presented to a pbysical tberapy clinic 4 days after
CAHints, professional cyclist Lance Armstrong writes, "It is a special a severe bamstring strain. Tbe injury occurred at tbe beginning
bot-pink atbletic tape tbat came from Japan and seemed to bave of track season during pole vaulting practice (Figures 1 and 2).
special powers." Recently, we are gaining a better understanding as During a tborougb evaluation, tbe initial findings included: antalgic
to bow tberapeutic tape is baving tbe effects of "special powers" on gait patterns, pain, swelling, ecchymosis, muscle spasm, bamstring
our bodies. Researcb is ongoing to provide more evidence as to tbe weakness, and loss of range of motion at tbe knee and bip. Over tbe
efficacy of tberapeutic tape and tbe application metbod. Studies are course of rebabilitation, treatments included: soft tissue mobiliza-
demonstrating positive results in support of tbe benefits tbat bave tion, ultrasound, interferential mu.scle stimulation, ice, tberapeutic
been observed since tbe mid 1970s. Tbese studies bave looked at exercise (in tbe clinic and via a bome exercise program [HEP)), and
tbe effect on decreasing pain; increasing muscular strengtb/endur- tberapeutic taping. He was seen for 10 visits. At 23 days post injury,
ance; improving range of motion, neuromuscular control, and be was able to run up and down a 40-yard bill, run 100 yards on
circulation; and allowing for 24-bour treatment.' " a track, and perform a strengtb and conditioning program geared
Once tbe tape is applied to tbe skin, tbere is an effect on tbe toward pole vaulting. Not only was be able to return to bis recre-
superficial lympbatic system, vascular system, and neurologic ational activity sooner tban anticipated, but be continued to work in
mecbanisms.'"" Tbe goal in treatment witb tbis metbod is to assist tbe construction field. He did not lose a day from work.

26 March 201 ' Rehab Management

fascia, muscle, swelling, and pain. To have these effects, the tape was
applied in a thoughtful and skilled manner, specifically tailored to this
individual's condition and clinical presentation. There was clear prog-
ress at each visit. Therefore, treatments were adapted and advanced
consistently. Therapeutic taping applications also advanced in order
to keep pace with the changing physiology of the healing process.
The value of the therapeutic tape was the ability to use it from the
onset of rehabilitation until discharge. Understanding the principles
and application method enabled an appropriate taping technique to
match what was assessed during each treatment session. He did not
9ré require taping after rehabilitation because his body recovered fully.

A 35-year-old female who was training for her first marathon
presented with complaints of bilateral knee pain that occurred fol-
Figures 1 and 2. A iiamstring injury (ieft) is reguiariy taped at onset lowing her training runs. Upon assessing her condition, observation
of rehab (rigint) tiirough disciiarge to affect iymphafic and vascuiar
demonstrated pes planus bilaterally and internal tibial and femoral
circuiation, fascia, muscie, swelling, and pain.
rotation bilaterally. During dynamic movement analysis, she per-
What were the components to the speed of recovery and rapid formed bilateral and unilateral squats, which only magnified the
return of function? Patient motivation played a strong role: he was very static postural observations.
diligent about performing his HEP. Early intervention of skilled reha- The therapeutic taping applications aimed to address these pos-
bilitation services was another important factor, as was thorough and tural deficits. Muscle applications included rectus femoris and ante-
consistent assessment in order to update the treatments in keeping pace rior tibialis facilitation. Corrective applications included mechanical
with his physiology of healing. Therapeutic tape also played a crucial correction of the medial longitudinal arch bilaterally.
role. The tape helped to bridge the gap between treatments. As Based on the general principles of therapeutic taping, the theory
intended, the therapeutic effects continued once the patient left the in these applications was to: 1. Improve lower kinetic chain alignment
office. Due to the fact that this tape can be worn for multiple days, the via proprioceptive input through the skin, and 2. Improve lymphatic
physiologic effects continue even when the patient is between visits. and vascular circulation during running to reduce fatigue.
The therapeutic taping component of the rehabilitation program During subsequent runs, she had no pain complaints during or
was included in order to affect lymphatic and vascular circulation. after the run. She went on to complete her first marathon without

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28 March 2011 Rehab Management

injury. Since tbat time, she has continued to train for and run long
distance events.

Sherrington's law of reciprocal inhibition states that a hypertonic
antagonistic muscle may be reflexively inbibiting its agonist. Vladimir
landa's Approach to Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain" discusses the issue
of reciprocal inhibition for helping to improve postural alignment. The
PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular tacilitation) theory of proximal
stability and distal mobility has been used since the early 1940s when
tbe concepts of Herman Kabat, MD, began to have a role in rebabilita-
tion. Bringing tbese concepts and tbeories togetber, tberapeutic taping
applications may be proven to demonstrate improvements in physical
capacity and performance due to posture alignment.
There have been anecdotal reports relating tbe use of tberapeutic
tape for improving posture alignment to improvements in pbysical
performance in cyclists, runners, and swimmers. Once again, the
particular therapeutic taping application for postural misalignment
is determined based on tbe particular as.sessment of an individual.
An example (Figure 3) is an application for a cyclist using one
strip of 2-incb-widtb tberapeutic tape to facilitate lumbar and tbo-
racic extensors and tbe lower trapezius. Figure 3. Two-inch-width therapeutic tape is used on a cyciist to
tacilitate lumbar and thoracic extensors and the iower trapezius.
The unique qualities of the therapeutic taping method have Rob Brandon, MPT, ATC, CKTI, is the owner of Rob Uramion Seminars
many uses in sports injury rehabilitation, injury prevention, and ( He teaches the therapeutic taping meth-
likely performance. Promising research is developing steadily in od internationally. In addition, Brandon works as a physical therapist and
this arena. Skilled assessment and application of the taping method athletic trainer at Napa Valley Physical Therapy Center Inc, Napa, Calif
provide tbe clinician/practitioner with an added component in their He also volunteers as a certified athletic trainer at American Canyon High
approach to sports medicine and health care, RM School. For more information, contact RehabEditor(S)

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