Introduction: - : Ganpat University U.V. Patel College of Engineering Mechatronics Engineering Department Experiment: - 4

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Experiment: -4
Start Date: - 28/08/2020
End Date: - 07/09/2020

AIM: - Introduction of Robo Analyzer Software.

➢ Introduction: -
✓ RoboAnalyzer® is a 3D model-based software that can be used to teach and learn
the Robotics concepts. It is an evolving product developed in Mechatronics Lab,
Department of Mechanical Engineering at IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India.

✓ Its development started under the guidance of Prof. S.K. Saha in order to support
the learning/teaching of the topics covered in his book "Introduction to
Robotics" published by Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi (First Edition in 2008 and
Second Edition in 2014) and also brought out in Mexico (2009 in Spanish), China
(2010) and Singapore (2010).

✓ Virtual Robot Module, a part of RoboAnalyzer, has been developed as an

application which has joint and Cartesian motion. It has also been made as a
COM server, using which one can integrate VRM with MATLAB, MS Excel and
other applications that has a COM interface. It also has been integrated
with Robotics Toolbox for MATLAB by Prof. Peter Corke of QUT, Australia.

✓ Mathematics involved in the study of robotics, e.g., forward and inverse

kinematics etc. is initially difficult to understand by students and same is the case
by a teacher to convey the essence of mathematics of robotics to the students.
This is due to fact that, for example, forward and inverse kinematics involve 3D
transformations etc. It is also to be noted that the industrial robots are
represented using Denavit and Hartenberg (DH) parameters which are difficult
to perceive and visualize in 3D. RoboAnalyzer aims to ease out the above
difficulties for students and teachers. In essence learn/teach the physics of
robotics with the joy of RoboAnalyzer animations before attempting to learn the
mathematics of robots, as covered in the books of Robotics, for example,
"Introduction to Robotics" by S.K.Saha.
➢ Features: -
✓ Serial manipulator with prismatic and revolute joints
✓ DH parameters as input
✓ 3D model generated based on DH parameters
✓ Visualize DH parameters
✓ Forward Kinematics
✓ Inverse Kinematics
✓ Inverse Dynamics (Based on ReDySim Algorithm)
✓ Forward Dynamics (Based on ReDySim Algorithm)
✓ Animation with trace of end-effector
✓ Plot graphs
✓ Virtual Robot Module (17+ CAD Models of Industrial Robots)
1. Joint-level jogging
2. Cartesian-level jogging
3. Cartesian straight-line motion
4. Integration with MATLAB (Robotics Toolbox) and
MS Excel

✓ Save and Open Robot Models

✓ More features to come…

➢ 3D Model Based on DH Parameters: -

➢ 3D CAD Model of KUKA KR5: -

➢ Graph plots to view kinematic and dynamic analyses results: -

➢ Inverse Kinematic of KUKA KR5: -

➢ Joint-Level Jogging in Virtual Robot Module: -

➢ Cartesian Motion in Virtual Robot Module: -

➢ Integration of Virtual Robot Module (VRM) and MATLAB: -

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