The One Who Is Not Loyal To The Motherland... Can Never Be Loyal To Anyone... - Kush

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The one who is not loyal to

the motherland...
Can never be loyal to
anyone...  Refers to the loss of highly trained people through
-Kush emigration, primarily from developing countries.
  The movement of highly skilled and qualified people to
a country where they can work in better condition and
earn more money
 Seek the countries in which they could legally get
employment permit and stay permit especially in the
First World; the rich industrial countries in the world.
 They seek not only job opportunity but also citizenship
of the rich countries especially in the US and Europe
  The concerned nation loses the educated people of new
generation which are human resources.

For example,
 computer specialists, medical doctors and skilled
technicians seek decent jobs abroad.
 almost all people who are highly educated but who live
in a third-world country find jobs in the US and leave
their home country.
 Refers to the gain or immigration of highly
trained people to developed countries from
developing ones.
 defined as ‘an increase in the number of highly
trained, foreign-born professionals entering a
country to live and work where greater
opportunities are offered. For example,
 local people are trained by the alien academics  If professionals decide to return to their home country
or intelligentsia or intellectuals or cognoscenti after a period of working abroad.
for widening knowledge and skill in order to
23,000 Senate Bill 1324
To stop brain drain supposedly being
There is an estimated shortage of experienced by the country, Sen. Grace
23,000 nurses nationwide, according to Poe has filed a bill that aims to lure back
the Private Hospitals Association of the
Filipino experts and professionals who
Philippines Inc. The situation is so
had left the Philippines in search of
severe that most Filipinos die without
even seeing a medical professional, a
greener pastures to return and share their
lawmaker said. knowledge and help strengthen the
52.9% 3.17 million
52.9 percent of Philippine youth aged 15 CHED announced that students in all the
to 35-years-old would like to work country's public medical schools would receive
overseas. This migration trend now free education under a P317m student financial
aid fund. Under the social responsibility
resonates with the country's youth,
arrangement, medical students taking the fee
especially the newer generation (Gen Z), waiver will have to work in the country for
as they begin to enter the workforce. several years after graduating. 

2.3 million UAQTE

With the enactment of the Universal
According to the Philippine Statistics Access to Quality Education (UACTE)
Authority, there were 2.3 million Law, government is ready to provide
Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) ample budgetary support to scale up
across the world in 2018. ongoing technical education and
vocational training efforts.



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