Review of Chemistry Concepts

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Topic Outline:

 Definition of chemistry

 Definition of matter

 States of matter

 Properties of matter

 Classifying matter

 Measurement (Accuracy, Precision, Conversion of units, Significant figures)


 Understand the properties of matter and its application

 Differentiate accuracy and precision

 Determine significant figures in measurements

Chemistry - is the study of matter, its properties, the changes it undergoes, and the energy associated
with these changes.

Matter - anything that has mass and volume. Example: clothes, books, planets, air, structural materials,
trees, water, etc..

Matter in perspective:

Macroscopic - noticeable or observable, the things we can see (substances and their changes)

Microscopic - particulate matter, we cannot see, smallest components (atoms, molecules, ions)

Symbolic - means of communicating effectively the concepts of material substance. It represents

the atoms or molecules.

Aluminum frame

Aluminum particles Atomic symbol

Macroscopic Microscopic Symbolic

Fig.1. Particulate view of matter in different states.

Solid - constituent particles (ions, atoms, or molecules) are closely packed together.

- Forces between particles are so strong, cannot move freely but can only vibrate. As a result, a
solid has a stable, definite shape, and definite volume. Solids can only change their shape by an
outside force, as when broken or cut. Solids are not compressible.

Crystalline solids - the particles (atoms, molecules, or ions) are packed in a regularly ordered,
repeating pattern.

Example of crystal structures:

Body-centered cubic – Fe (iron) at temperatures below 912 oC

Face-centered cubic – Fe (iron) at temperature between 912 and 1,394 oC

Amorphous solids (non-crystalline solid) – particles are packed in any order or irregular order.

Example: Glass

Solids can be transformed into liquids by melting, and liquids can be transformed into solids by

freezing. Solids can also change directly into gases through the process of sublimation, and

gases can likewise change directly into solids through deposition.

Liquid - is a fluid (can flow) that conforms to the shape of its container. Particles are not closer to each
other as in solids but inter-particle forces are enough to move around freely between them in
such to compensate their ability to flow. This means that a liquid has no definite in shape but
rather conforms the shape of its container but has definite volume. Degree of compressibility is
very small.

Example: Water (H2O) at room temperature

A liquid can be converted into gas through the process called evaporation.
Gas - inter-particle forces have either very weak or no forces between them and they are spaced
very far apart from each other, so they can move freely and quickly in such way gases conform
to the shape of their container and it will also expand to completely fill the container. As a
result, they have no definite shape, no definite volume, and compressible. Gasses are fluids.

Example: Air (mixture of gaseous particles like oxygen (O2), nitrogen (N2), carbon dioxide (CO2)
and other gasses).

Phase transitions

Melting Vaporization
Freezing Condensation




Physical properties - are characteristics of matter that can be measured without changing the
composition of the matter under study. These properties are the identity or amount of each
material. Some examples: mass or weight, volume (amount of space it occupied), color, boiling
point, freezing point, density, viscosity (resistance to flow), hardness (resistance to indentation
under static load or to scratching), malleability (capability to form into different shapes),
ductility (capability to drawn out into wires).

Extensive properties – are physical properties that are dependent on the amount of the
material. It includes mass, weight, and volume.

Intensive properties - are physical properties that are not dependent on the amount of the
material. It includes color, density, melting point, boiling point, electrical property, and
other physical characteristics…

For example: At 1 atmospheric pressure and room temperature, water is a liquid, has
a density of 1.0 g/ cm3, and boils at 100 oC, no matter what the amount of water is,
these properties are the same.
Chemical properties - the characteristics of matter to undergo changes or react to form new
substances. It includes flammability (ability of material to burn) and corrosion (susceptibility to

Exercise: Physical and Chemical properties

Determine whether the following examples are physical or chemical properties.

1. Melting of ice

2. Evaporation of water

3. Rusting

4. Digestion

Exercise: Extensive vs Intensive Properties

Determine whether the following examples are extensive or intensive properties.

1. Boiling point

2. Weight

3. Volume

4. Density

Physical change - changes of matter without formation of new substance during the change.

Example: - Changes of phases or state (from solid to liquid or from liquid to gas)

-Ice cubes melt to liquid water (no new substance formed, still water

-Separation of mixed substances (sand-gravel mixture passes into mesh to

separate sand and gravel component) –no new substance formed

-Preparation of solution (sugar dissolves in water) – no new substance formed

Chemical change - changes of matter that produces new substance during the change.

Example: - Burning gasoline (produces smoke, indicates the formation of new substance)
Some indicators of chemical change: - changes in color, formation of gasses (bubbles),
changes in odor, formation of precipitate (solid particles).

Exercise: Physical change vs Chemical change

Determine whether the following example is physical change or chemical change.

1. Burning paper
2. Dialysis of blood
3. Melting ice
4. Evaporation of alcohol
5. Rusting of iron nail
6. Table salt dissolves in water
7. Digestion of foods
8. Boiling water forms vapor
9. Burning of woods
10. Cutting the tin can into strips


1. Pure substance or substance - form of matter that has definite (fixed)composition and distinct
a. Elements – are substances that cannot be decompose into simpler substances. Each
element is composed of only one kind of atom.

Example : element Fe (iron) composed only iron atoms with atomic number 26.

b. Compounds – are substances composed of two or more elements and thus composed of
two or more kinds of atoms.

Example: H2O (water) composed of two atoms of H (hydrogen) and one atom of
O (oxygen).

Amount of substance: Reported in mole (mol), 1 mol of substance contains as many entities as
exactly as 12 g of carbon-12.

Avogadro’s constant: NA = 6.02 x 1023 particles/mol

2. Mixtures – combinations of two or more substances of which each component substance retain
their chemical identity and properties. Mixtures have variable compositions.

Example: A cup of sweetened coffee composed of 1 teaspoon sugar and 1 teaspoon of

coffee or it can be ½ teaspoon sugar and 1 teaspoon coffee.

a. Homogeneous mixture – type of mixture where its components are mixed together
resulting to one phase or appearance and uniform throughout the mixture.

Example: -A cup of sweetened coffee – composed of water, sugar, and coffee

powder are mixed together resulting to only one phase or appearance
and uniform throughout. You cannot distinguish their components in
the resulting mixture.

-Air - mixture of oxygen gas, nitrogen gas and other gasses

-Alloy – mixture of iron, copper, aluminum and other metals

Homogeneous mixtures are also called solutions. Air is gaseous solution, alloy is
a metal solution.

b. Heterogeneous mixture – type of mixture where its components are mixed together to
form two or more phases or appearances and are not uniform throughout the mixture.
You can distinguish each component in the mixture.

Example: -Sand and gravel mixture – you can distinguish the sand and also the
gravel in the mixture.

Since each component in the mixture retains its chemical identity and properties, mixtures can
be separated into each component. Here are some processes in the separation of mixtures:

1. Filtration – is a process of separating heterogeneous mixture by passing the mixture into a

filtering equipment ( filter paper, screen mesh, cotton cloth and etc..).

2. Evaporation – is a process of separating homogeneous mixture specially aqueous solution.

In case of salt solution, water evaporates from the solution leaving the salt retained on the
evaporating disc.

3. Distillation – separation of homogeneous mixture by temperature gradient using distilling

apparatus. Components having different boiling points can be separated in this process.
4. Decantation – is a process of separating heterogeneous mixture by simply pouring
completely the liquid component into other vessel and retaining the solid particles in the

Exercise: Mixtures

Identify the given mixture whether homogeneous or heterogeneous mixture.

1. A pinch of table salt and a cup of water

2. Iron nails and a liter oil
3. Bronze
4. A cup of water and a cup of oil
5. Black pepper and chicken soup


Measurement – is a process of quantifying the amount or property of materials by using measuring


-All information obtained from measurement consist a number and a unit.

Ex. Measurement of length or distance: 1 m, 10 cm, 100 km

-There are no exact number or values in measurement, it is always accompanied with error.

-Exact numbers are numbers obtained from counting. Ex. 12 eggs, 5 children

-Defined numbers in measurements are exact numbers. Ex. 1 dozen is defined as 12 pieces, 1 m
is defined as 100 cm, 1 kg = 1000 g, 1 km = 1000m

-Exact numbers have infinite number of significant figures.

Units of measurement:

1. English system of measurement units (adopted by USA)

Ex. Mass – Pounds (lb), Length – foot (ft.)
2. Metric system - SI (Systeme Internationale) measurement units (adopted by most countries
including Philippines).
Ex. Standard for length - meter (m), standard for mass - Kilogram (kg)
Seven SI base units

SI derived units
Conversion of temperature formulas:

Celsius to Fahrenheit ( oC to oF)

F = [9/5 ( oC )] + 32

Fahrenheit to Celsius ( oF to oC)

C = 5/9 ( oF - 32 )

Celsius to Kelvin ( oC to K )

K = oC + 273

Using Prefixes as Multipliers

Rather than using exponential notation, we often use prefixes to express large or small quantities. Use
prefixes from Table 1-3 to express large or small quantities.

For example, consider the pressure of ozone(O3) in the upper atmosphere. Ozone is important because
it absorbs ultraviolet radiation from the sun that damages many organisms and causes skin cancer.
Converting Between Units

Although SI is the internationally accepted system of measurement in science, other units are
encountered. Useful conversion factors are found in Table 1-4.

For example, common non-SI units for energy are the calorie (cal) and the Calorie (with a capital C,
which stands for 1 000 calories, or 1 kcal). Table 1-4 states that 1 cal is exactly 4.184 J (joules).

Sample problem. Your basal metabolism requires approximately 46 Calories per hour (h) per 100
pounds (lb) of body mass to carry out basic functions required for life, apart from doing any kind of
exercise. A person walking at 2 miles per hour on a level path requires approximately 45 Calories per
hour per 100 pounds of body mass beyond basal metabolism.
Exercise: Conversion of units

1. Convert 200.0 cm to meter

2. Convert the density of water from 1kg/liter to g/mL

3. Convert 150 pounds to kilogram

4. Convert 175 oC to oF

5. Convert 650 K to oC

6. Convert 300 K to oF

Uncertainty in measurements

• A measurement always has some amount of uncertainty

• Uncertainty comes from limitations of the techniques used for comparison

• To understand how reliable a measurement is, we need to understand the limitations of the
Reporting Measurements

• To indicate the uncertainty of a single measurement, scientists use a system called significant

• The last digit written in a measurement is the number that is considered uncertain

• Unless stated otherwise, the uncertainty in the last digit is ±1

Measurement uncertainties (errors) are expressed in terms of accuracy and precision. Error in
measurement is unavoidable.

Accuracy – degree of agreement (closeness) between measured value and a known value (standard
value or accepted value). Obtained values in measurement closer to the standard value are more
accurate than values farther to the standard value. Accuracy is measured in terms of % error.

% Error = [(measured value – accepted value)/accepted value] x 100

Precision – degree of agreement (closeness) between measurement values obtained under the same
condition. Precision of measurement is express in terms of standard deviation or Relative standard
deviation (RSD). Lower RSD means better precision of results.

Types of errors in measurement: Affects accuracy and precision of measurement method.

1. Systematic error (determinate error) - arises from a flaw in equipment or the design of an experiment.
This type of error can be discovered and corrected.

2. Random error, also called indeterminate error, arises from the effects of uncontrolled (and maybe
uncontrollable) variables in the measurement. Random error has an equal chance of being
positive or negative. It is always present and cannot be corrected.

Significant figures – measured values consist of several digits where in the last digit is uncertain.

Suppose you weigh a sample on an analytical balance capable of measuring to the nearest 0.0001 g. You
must report the mass as 1.2312 ± 0.0001 g. The ± notation is a way to express the uncertainty of
measurement. In scientific work, the ± notation is dropped with the understanding that uncertainty exist
in the last digit of the measured value. So, 1.2312 g is called significant figures since it contains certain
digits (1.231) with last digit (2) is uncertain.

The value 1.2312 has 5 significant figures which indicates the accuracy of a measurement.
Rules in determining significant figures in measured quantity:

• Nonzero integers are always significant. – 124 cm (3 significant figures)

• Zeroes:

• Leading zeroes never count as significant figures – 0.02 g (1 sig. fig.), 0.003 g (1 sig. fig.)

• Embedded zeroes are always significant – 1005 kg (4 sig. fig.), 1.002g (4 sig. fig.)

• Trailing zeroes are significant if the number has a decimal point – 1.00 g (3 sig. fig.)

• Exact numbers have an unlimited number of significant figures

Calculations with significant figures

• Calculators/computers do not consider significant figures.

• Exact numbers do not affect the number of significant figures in the final answer.

• Answer to calculations must be rounded to the proper number of significant figures – just the
final answer.

Multiplication/division with significant figures.

• Result has the same number of significant figures as the measurement with the smallest number
of significant figures

• Count the number of significant figures in each measurement

• Round the result so it has the same number of significant figures as the measurement with the
smallest number of significant figures

Ex. 2.15 cm x 0.3 cm = 0.645 cm2 (2.15 has 3 sig. fig. , 0.3 has 1 sig. fig.) -the answer must
be in 1 sig fig. since 0.3 cm has the smallest sig. fig. among the measurements. So, the answer must
be rounded off to 1 sig. fig. to get the final answer. The final answer is 0.6 cm2 not 0.645 cm2.

2.15 cm x 0.3 cm = 0.6 cm2 (final answer)

Addition/Subtraction with significant figures.

• Result is limited by the number with the smallest number of decimal places

• Count the number of decimal places in each measurement

• Add or subtract the values of measurements

• Round answer to decimal place the same as the smallest number of decimal places among the
measurement values.
Ex. 5.24 cm + 0.5 cm = 5.74 cm (5.24 has 2 decimal places, 0.5 has 1 decimal place)- The
answer must be in 1 decimal place. So, the sum must be rounded off to 1 decimal place to get
the final answer. The final answer is 5.7 cm not 5.74 cm.

5.24 cm + 0.5 cm = 5.7 cm (final answer)

Exercise: Measurement

1. The following units are S.I unit of measurements except?

a. Meter b. kilogram c. Pound d. Mole

2. The density of a substance is equal to its mass divided by its volume. The possible unit is…
a. kg.m/m3 b. kg/sec3 c. kg.m/sec2 d. kg/m3

3. The closeness between measured result and true value.

a. significant figures b. accuracy c. precision d. uncertainty

4. Measurement value which consist of certain digits and an estimated or uncertain one.
a. significant figures b. accuracy c. precision d. scientific notations

5. The closeness between replicate results done under the same condition.
a. significant figures b. accuracy c. precision d. scientific notations

6. A defined values and or values as a result from counting.

a. measured value b. exact number c. precise result d. precise value

7. The following given numbers are exact except..

a. 1000 g b. 1 in = 2.54 cm c. 15 cars d. 300 sacks

8. Express the result with proper number of significant figure. 1.25 cm x 0.5 cm x 1.5 cm.
a. 0.938 cm3 b. 0.94 cm3 c. 0.9 cm3 d. 0.9375 cm3

9. Express the result with the proper number of significant figure. 30 kg + 5.25 kg + 9.0 kg
a. 44.25 kg b. 44.3 kg c. 44.0 kg d. 44 kg

10. Three students have conducted experiment to measure the molar mass of carbon. Data
collected were tabulated below. The known molar mass of carbon is 12.01 g/mol.

Student A (g/mol) Student B (g/mol) Student C (g/mol)

12.05 11.75 12.03
12.05 12.35 12.05
12.05 12.00 12.02
Mean 12.05 Mean 12.03 Mean 12.03

a. Which student obtained the most accurate result?

b. Which student has the most precise measurement?

c. Compare the accuracy and precision of results between Student A and Student B.

d. Compare the accuracy and precision of results between Student A and Student C

e. Compare the accuracy and precision of results between Student B and Student C.

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