Fruit of The Spirit - Peace and Patience
Fruit of The Spirit - Peace and Patience
Fruit of The Spirit - Peace and Patience
This is another major quality that we all need operating in our lives,
especially with all the uncertainty of this life and never knowing what is
going to happen next.
Jobs are no longer as secure as they used to be. You never know when the
company you work for maybe bought out and your job will be gone in a
Half of all marriages are still ending up in divorce. We are all forced to
constantly live under the threat of future terrorist activity, never knowing
when or where the next attack will come from.
With all this kind of heightened activity that we are all forced to deal with
daily bases, it becomes very easy to lose your sense of peace, especially
your peace in the Lord.
Again, this is one of the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit can
really help you pick up the slack if you start losing your own sense of peace
over some of the storm clouds that could come against you in this life.
Realize that the Holy Spirit has His peace to give to you and that He
can give it to you in great abundance.
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I have found that once His peace starts to flow up into your mind, soul, and
emotions, it really is as the Bible says – a peace that surpasses all human
understanding – especially when that peace comes in right in the middle of
a severe storm cloud that you may be going through.
Here is how the quality of peace is described in some of the different Bible
Dictionaries and Commentaries:
1. The presence and experience of right relationships
2. The tranquility of soul
3. Sense of well-being and fulfillment that comes from God and is
dependent on His presence
4. The inner tranquility and poise of the Christian whose trust is in
God through Christ
5. Tranquility, rest, harmony, the absence of agitation or discord
The quality of peace should be one of the main qualities that you should try
and get worked up into your soul through the Holy Spirit in the sanctification
process. Without the peace of God operating in your life, you could become
very easily rattled, shaken, tormented, and knocked right off your game in
the Lord the first time any kind of adversity should ever come your way.
We are born at war. At birth, our sinful nature has already declared war on
God and His truth. Our heart’s desire is to be separated from Him, and if
we persist in this desire until death, He will give us what we want.
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battle, He sent us the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). Jesus’ goal in coming to
earth was more than simply to cease hostilities; He came to bring about a
full and abiding relationship of restoration and love. The cost of this peace
was His life (Isaiah 53:5).
But, just as we cannot force another to be at peace with us, even Jesus’
sacrifice on the cross did not ensure that we would accept His terms of
peace. Romans 3:10b-11 explains, "There is none righteous, not even one;
there is none who understands, there is none who seeks for God." None of
us can accept Jesus’ offer of peace through our own will and power. Our
natural selves do not want it. Only God can lead us to want peace with
Him; the Holy Spirit leads us to want Jesus and His message. Once the
Spirit draws us, we believe in Jesus, and the peace comes. “Since we have
been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord
Jesus Christ” (Romans 5:1).
However, the fruit of the Spirit includes a peace that goes beyond that of
salvation. It is a sweet relationship. We are called to His presence
(Ephesians 2:11-18) and called to be confident in that presence (Hebrews
4:16) because we are His friends (John 15:15). As Isaiah 26:3 says, "The
steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace, because he trusts in You."
When two people are at peace with God, they will also be at
peace with each other. Jesus told the seventy disciples,
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"Whatever house you enter, first say, 'Peace be to this house!'
And if a son of peace is there, your peace will rest upon him.
But if not, it will return to you" (Luke 10:5-6 ). If the owner of the
home had peace with God, he would naturally be at peace with
God's messenger. Romans 14:13-19 shows that those who
value the kingdom of God will live in peace. And Ephesians
2:14 says that Jesus is more than just an example of peace or
the bestower of it; He is our peace.
God's peace will guard our hearts and minds during times of
trouble (Philippians 4:7 ). It is a peace unlike anything the world
can give and is the antidote to fear and anxiety (John
14:27 ). John 16:33 says, "I have said these things to you, that
in me you may have peace. In the world you will have
tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." Peace
with God overshadows conflict in the world.
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much better to let the Spirit have control and perform His work of growing
fruit to the glory of God!
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Road rage is still a major problem on some of our highways. Look at
someone the wrong way and they will want to try and take your head off.
Many people have been killed or seriously injured because someone lost
his temper over something that was very trivial.
With the fast-paced ways of our society, many people have had their fuses
shortened up and it thus takes very little to set them off. As a result, many
people have very little patience operating in their personalities today.
For Christians, this poses a major dilemma. One of the ways of our God is
that He is a very patient and longsuffering God. His ways are not our ways.
And one of the things you will find out very early on about His ways is that
He works on a much slower time frame than we do. And unless you learn to
adjust to His slower way of working things out, you will find yourself easily
losing your patience with Him and how He wants to work things out in your
God operates on a much longer and slower time frame than we are used to
operating in the fast-paced world in which we live in.
You will really have to work with the Holy Spirit on this particular quality to
get it properly worked up into your personality.
The reason for this is that your own impatience will start to act up and try to
override the patience and longsuffering that the Holy Spirit will try and
transmit to you. At times, it may become of battle of wills – your will against
His will.
But once the Holy Spirit starts to try and manifest this quality up into your
personality, then you must try and move with it and allow it to get worked
into your mind and emotions. If you do, then His patience will start to
override your impatience, and before you know it, your fuses will start to
lengthen and you will not lose your patience like you used to do.
Here are the different definitions for the word longsuffering:
1. Forbearance, patience
2. Patient endurance and steadfastness under provocation
3. Forbearance under ill-will, with no thought of retaliation
4. Patience, endurance, steadfastness and forbearance
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5. Forbearance under suffering and endurance in the face of
6. Ability to endure persecution and ill-treatment
With the way all of these definitions are reading, you can really see why we
all need the patience and longsuffering of the Holy Spirit to start operating
in our souls and personalities – especially when we are forced to face any
kind of adversity. Sometimes it will be the patience and longsuffering of the
Holy Spirit that will be the only thing that will give you the ability to last the
entire length of a bad trial.
Learn how to ride and flow with the patience of the Holy Spirit in your
daily life and walk with the Lord – and you will then be able to enter
into a much more restful, peaceful state within your mind and
Patience comes from a position of power. A person may have the ability to
take revenge or cause trouble, but patience brings self-restraint and careful
thinking. Losing patience is a sign of weakness. We are patient through
trying situations out of hope for a coming deliverance; we are patient with a
trying person out of compassion. We choose to love that person and want
what is best for him.
God is patient, and His Spirit produces the fruit of patience in us. When we
are patient, we leave room for God to work in our hearts and in our
relationships. We lay down our schedule and trust in God’s. We thank the
Lord for what and whom He is brought into our lives. We let God be God.
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In what way is patience a fruit of the Holy Spirit?
The Greek word for "patience" used in Galatians
5:22 is makrothumia, which means "forbearance" or
"longsuffering." The Greek word is a compound of two words
meaning "long" and "temper." Makrothumia is the equivalent of
our English idiom "having a long fuse"; a patient person can
take a lot of provocation before reacting. Patience is one
aspect of the fruit of the Spirit . As the phrase "fruit of the Spirit"
implies, we can only have patience when the Holy Spirit works
through us.
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