Philippine Politics & Governance Written Report
Philippine Politics & Governance Written Report
Philippine Politics & Governance Written Report
The power exercised by our political leaders emanates from thr authority
conferred to them by the law. If their actions are beyond the scope of their
authority, the courts may, in a proper case declare such as act as without legal
effect. The President is clothed with executive power. There is however, no
definition of what executive power is under the Constitution, although the
fundamental law of the land gives us examples Presidents executive powers.
These powers are the following :
1. the power to control over all executive departments, bureaus and offices;
There was provision for a strong Philippine President under the 1935
Constitution with broader powers than the US President.
2. Enforce all laws and ordinances and implement all LG programs, project,
services, and activities.
3. Initiate and maximize the generation of resources and revenues and apply
them to priorities defined in the LGC.
5. Exercise such powers and perform such other duties as may be prrscribed by
law or ordinance. (Sections 444, 455, 465, LGC)