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French mathematician Varignon (1654–1722) gave the following theorem which is also known as
principle of moments:
The algebraic sum of the moments of a system of coplanar forces about a moment centre in their
plane is equal to the moment of their resultant force about the same moment centre.
Proof: Referring to Fig. 2.6 let R be the resultant of forces F1 and F2 and B the moment centre.
Let d, d1 and d2 be the moment arms of the forces, R, F1 and F2, respectively from the moment centre
B. Then in this case, we have to prove that:
Rd = F1 d1 + F2 d2
Join AB and consider it as y axis and draw x axis at right angles to it at A [Fig. 2.6(b)]. Denoting
by the angle that R makes with x axis and noting that the same angle is formed by perpendicular
to R at B with AB1, we can write:

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