University of Wollongong Lab Report Wear Test Report: Content

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Student number:6055850 student name:guanchong chen

University of Wollongong
Lab report

Wear test report

Student Name: guanchong chen

Student number:6055850

1.Introduction 3

2.Experiment 5

2.1Experimental equipment5

2.2Summary of Test Method 5

Student number:6055850 student name:guanchong chen

2.3Test samples and sample preparation 6

2.4Procedure 6

2.5Calculation and Reporting 7

2.6Experimental data 7

2.7Experimental result 9

3.Reference 11

Material wear is a phenomenon that will exist in the use of materials. For different
materials, their wear performance and anti-wear ability are different. This is why
there is a wear test. The definition of wear test is to predict wear performance and
study wear mechanism
For abrasion testing, from the point of view of the material, perform abrasion test to
evaluate the material performance to determine whether the material is suitable for
different wear environments; from the perspective of the surface research of the
material, the wear test is used to determine the wear performance of the material,
and the surface Research and improve the material to obtain stronger wear

Student number:6055850 student name:guanchong chen

Three levels of wear testing

(1) Laboratory test;
(2) Component simulation test;
(3) In-service testing.
For this article, only the process and methods of laboratory wear testing are
The abrasion tester is the instrument used in the abrasion test. According to the
usage habits of different regions, there are various wear testing devices and
procedures in laboratories all over the world. For general laboratories, Bruker
Universal Testing Device (UMT) is the most commonly used wear testing instrument,
which can use ASTM G99 standard as the test procedure and result display. However,
no matter which method is used, the abrasion test instrument always contains two
components, and these components abut against each other and move relative to
each other during the abrasion test to form a wear mechanism. Generally, the
material or component under study is called the specimen, and the component in
relative motion is called the counterpoint(Friction and wear screening test methods
The test methods and usage mechanisms of three different wear testers are given

Figure 1: Abrasive wear tester

Figure 1 is a schematic diagram of an abrasive wear tester, in which a wheel or ball is
driven by a motor and rotates and slides relative to a fixed sample in the presence of
abrasive particles. The specimen is plate-shaped or massive. The contact pressure is
controlled by the weight of the load rod. Abrasive particles are added through a
nozzle connected to the upper hopper, causing wear. After a set running time, the
sample is taken out and the amount of wear is measured. The parameters to be
controlled include contact load, sliding speed, type of abrasive particles and their
flow rate.

Student number:6055850 student name:guanchong chen

Figure 2: Rolling and sliding wear test

The rolling and sliding wear tester is the most popular tribometer for investigating
the wear and friction properties of materials under rolling, sliding or a combination
of the two conditions. As shown in the figure, two discs (wheels) are fixed on two
parallel shafts and pressed against each other under a constant contact load. The
motor is driven by a gear transmission, and the sample rotates with the shaft. The
speed can be controlled so that when the linear speeds of the two wheels are equal
at the contact point (V1 = V2), pure rolling contact can be achieved. When V1 and V2
are different (V1≤V2) and both wheels rotate, a combined roll-slip can be achieved.
When one sample is fixed and the other rotates, the wear is pure sliding. In this case,
the fixed specimen can be one piece in order to use the name "stop on the wheel".
Abrasive particles can be added to the contact area to achieve a three-body abrasive
wear test.

a) Pins on the optical drive

b) The layout of the sample and the geometry of the pin

Figure 3 Schematic diagram of the dial-type abrasion test and the arrangement of the samples
In the pin-disk abrasion tester, the pin is placed against a flat rotating disk sample so
Student number:6055850 student name:guanchong chen

that the machine describes a circular wear path. The machine can be used to
evaluate the wear and friction properties of materials under pure sliding conditions.
Either a disc or a pin can be used as a specimen, while the other side can be used as
the opposite side. Pins of various geometric shapes can be used. A convenient
method is to use a ball made of commercially available materials such as bearing
steel, tungsten carbide or aluminum oxide (Al2O3) as the butting surface, hence the
name "ball on the disk"(Friction and wear screening test methods 2013).

2.1Experimental equipment
UMT tester, needle drum wear tester

2.2Summary of Test Method

(1)For the pin-on-disk wear test, two specimens are required. One, a pin with a
radiused tip, is positioned perpendicular to the other, usually a flat circular disk. A
ball, rigidly held, is often used as the pin specimen. The test machine causes either
the disk specimen or the pin specimen to revolve about the disk center. In either
case, the sliding path is a circle on the disk surface. The plane of the disk may be
oriented either horizontally or vertically.
(2) The pin specimen is pressed against the disk at a specified load usually by means
of an arm or lever and attached weights. Other loading methods have been used,
such as hydraulic or pneumatic.
(3) Wear results are reported as volume loss in cubic millimetres for the pin and the
disk separately. When two different materials are tested, it is recommended that
each material be tested in both the pin and disk positions.
(4) Wear results are usually obtained by conducting a test for a selected sliding
distance and for selected values of load and speed. One set of test conditions that
was used in an interlaboratory measurement series is given in Tables 1.

Student number:6055850 student name:guanchong chen

2.3Test samples and sample preparation

Materials—This test method may be applied to a variety of materials. The only
requirement is that specimens having the specified dimensions can be prepared and
that they will withstand the stresses imposed during the test without failure or
excessive flexure. The materials being tested shall be described by dimensions,
surface finish, material type, form, composition, microstructure, processing
treatments, and indentation hardness (if appropriate).
Test Specimens—The typical pin specimen is cylindrical or spherical in shape. Typical
cylindrical or spherical pin specimen diameters range from 2 to 10 mm. The typical
disk specimen diameters range from 30 to 100 mm and have a thickness in the range
of 2 to 10 mm.

(1) Immediately prior to testing, and prior to measuring or weighing, clean and dry
the specimens. Take care to remove all dirt and foreign matter from the specimens.
Use nonchlorinated, non-film-forming cleaning agents and solvents. Dry materials
with open grains to remove all traces of the cleaning fluids that may be entrapped in
the material. Steel (ferromagnetic) specimens having residual magnetism should be
demagnetized. Report the methods used for cleaning.
(2)Measure appropriate specimen dimensions to the nearest 2.5 µm or weigh the
specimens to the nearest 0.0001 g.
(3) Insert the disk securely in the holding device so that the disk is fixed
perpendicular (61°) to the axis of the resolution.
(4) Insert the pin specimen securely in its holder and, if necessary, adjust so that the
specimen is perpendicular to the disk surface when in contact, in order to maintain
the necessary contact conditions.
(5) Add the proper mass to the system lever or bale to develop the selected force
pressing the pin against the disk.
(6) Start the motor and adjust the speed to the desired value while holding the pin
specimen out of contact with the disk. Stop the motor.
(7) Set the revolution counter (or equivalent) to the desired number of revolutions.
(8) Begin the test with the specimens in contact under load. The test is stopped when
the desired number of revolutions is achieved. Tests should not be interrupted or
(9) Remove the specimens and clean off any loose wear debris. Note the existence of
features on or near the wear scar such as: protrusions, displaced metal,
discoloration, microcracking, or spotting.
(10) Remeasure the specimen dimensions to the nearest 2.5 µm or reweigh the
specimens to the nearest 0.0001 g, as appropriate.
(11) Repeat the test with additional specimens to obtain sufficient data for
statistically significant results.

Student number:6055850 student name:guanchong chen

2.5Calculation and Reporting




2.6Experimental data

Figure 4, the quality of the steel ball in the needle plate experiment

Figure 5, the quality of the experimental steel plate of the dial

Student number:6055850 student name:guanchong chen

Figure 6, sample weight before pin-on-drum experiment

Figure 7, the quality of the pin-on-drum sample after wear

Student number:6055850 student name:guanchong chen

2.7Experimental result

Table 2








0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Table 3








0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Student number:6055850 student name:guanchong chen

Figure 3-1(a) (b) (c) (d) Picture of aluminum trajectory and wear debris

Figure 3-2 (a) (b) (c) (d)100Cr ball low carbon steel disc wear image

Student number:6055850 student name:guanchong chen

1. Friction and wear screening test methods. (2013). Principles and Applications to
Tribology, 789-803. doi:10.1002/9781118403020.ch12


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