Heat-Recovery Steam Generators: Understand The Basics
Heat-Recovery Steam Generators: Understand The Basics
Heat-Recovery Steam Generators: Understand The Basics
Understand the Basics
Gas turbines with heat-recovery - steam The HRSG generates steam utilizing the
generators(HRSGs) can be found in energy in the exhaust from the gas
By understanding virtually every chemical process turbine. However, some plants also have
industries (CPI) plant. They can be the capability of producing steam when
how gas-turbine operated in either the cogeneration mode the gas turbine is shutdown. This is done
or the combined-cycle mode (Figure 1). using a separate forced-draft fan along
heat-recovery steam with a burner to generate hot gases, which
In the cogeneration mode, steam produced
from the HRSG is mainly used for are then used to generate steam. An
generators differ isolating damper system (also called a
process applications, whereas in the
bypass damper) with seal air fans is re -
from conventional combined-cycle mode, power is generated
quired in these units to ensure that hot
via a steam turbine generator.
steam generators, Gas turbines have several advantages as a gases do not leak to the fan when the gas
power source: they can be started up turbine is running and that maintenance
engineers can quickly; they come in packaged modules, can be performed on the gas turbine when
with power outputs ranging from 3 MW the fresh air fan is operating. Bypass
design and operate to 100 MW, that can be easily assembled dampers are also used in some units to
and erected; they have high efficiencies of ensure that the gas flow to the HRSG can
HRSG systems that 25% to 35% (on a lower heating value be modulated in order to match steam
[LHV] basis); and they require little or no generation with steam demand. However,
produce steam cooling water. Recent developments in- if fresh air firing is not used, an isolating
clude large-capacity units of up to 250 damper is not required.
efficiently. MW, with low emission characteristics Recent trends in HRSG design include
(less than 10 ppmv NOx), as well as high multiple-pressure units for maximum en-
combustor operating temperatures (in the ergy recovery, the use of high-
range of 2,200°F), which results in effi- temperature superheaters or reheaters in
V. Ganapathy, ciencies higher than 35%; the exhaust gas combined cycle plants, and auxiliary
ABCO Industries temperature is also higher, which helps to firing for efficient steam generation. In
generate high-pressure/high-temperature addition, furnace firing is often employed
superheated steam, making the Rankine in small capacity units when the exhaust
cycle efficient. gas is raised to temperatures of 2,400-
The HRSG forms a major part of the 3,000°F to maximize steam generation
steam system. In the combined-cycle and thus improve fuel utilization.
mode, the efficiency of the combined gas- This article highlights some of the basic
turbine-plus-HRSG system can reach 55- facts about gas turbine HRSGs. This
60% (LHV basis) with today's advanced information can help plant engineers,
machines, while in the cogeneration consultants, and those planning co-
mode, system efficiency can be as high as generation projects make important deci-
75-85%. sions about the system and performance
related aspects.