Unit 3. Formal Invitation
Unit 3. Formal Invitation
Unit 3. Formal Invitation
Kadang - kadang, kita memiliki situasi dan juga harus mengundang beberapa teman untuk datang. Ada banyak situasi
yang mungkin terjadi dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari, seperti pertemuan, pesta ulang tahun, pesta kelulusan dll. Tentu
saja, kita harus membuat undangan untuk tamu kita. Akan ada dua jawaban untuk mereka yang diundang oleh kita,
mereka dapat datang atau menerima undangan dan mereka tidak dapat datang atau menolak undangan. Situasinya
akan dibagi menjadi formal dan informal. Ada perbedaan ekspresi yang digunakan dalam konteks situasi yang berbeda
A: “We’re going to the Italian restaurant. Would you care to join us?”
B: “I’d love to, but I’m afraid I have another commitment this evening. Maybe another time.”
“Would you care to join us?” is used in more formal conversation.
“Maybe another time” means that person B would like to be invited by person A again in the future. Another phrase
used for this is “Can I take a raincheck?”
Dialogue 5
Ria: Hi Lia. Where are you going?
Lia: I’m going to the market.
Ria: Would you like to come to my wedding next week?
Lia: Sure. Why not?
Ria: Thank you.
Lia: You’re welcome.
Dialogue 7
Joni: It’s a boring day.
Jono: Why?
Joni: I have a lot of homework.
Jono: Me too. Could you come to my home tonight?
Joni: I’m sorry, I don’t think I can.
Jono: Why? You said that you had a lot of homework. Let’s learn together.
Joni: I’m not feeling well. Maybe I will not go to school tomorrow.
Jono: Poor you. You’d better get some rest.
Joni: Thanks for your advice.
Jono: You’re welcome.
Invitation is one of functional texts which should be understood by students of high school. We focus on invitation for
school activities What is actually an invitation?
Undangan adalah salah satu teks fungsional yang harus dipahami oleh siswa sekolah menengah. Kami fokus pada
undangan untuk kegiatan sekolah Apa sebenarnya undangan?
2. Informal Invitation: this kind of invitation is found a lot in social interaction. The informal invitation can be written or
spoken and commonly given or addressed to family member, friend, mate etc ( Undangan Informal: undangan
semacam ini banyak ditemukan dalam interaksi sosial. Undangan informal dapat ditulis atau diucapkan dan biasanya
diberikan atau ditujukan kepada anggota keluarga, teman, pasangan dll
Undangan bahasa Inggris untuk acara resmi biasanya bersifat formal seperti acara perusahaan, agenda
pemerintahan, acara organisasi, dan lainnya
formal invitation card
Undangan 1.
name of Host
Special instrucion
Request to
Undangan 2
Undangan 3
2. Undangan tidak Resmi
Susunan kalimat, frase, atau paragraph sebuah invitation biasanya disebut generic structure atau schematic structure.
Pada umumnya setiap undangan mempunyai keunikan sendiri-sendiri namun secara keseluruhan bisa digaribawahi
bahwa undangan (invitation text) akan ditulis dengan struktur sebagai berikut:
Undangan untuk acara tidak resmi yang paling sering kita dapatkan adalah acara ulang tahun (birthday invitation),
acara keluaraga (famiily gathering invitation), dan lainnya
Undangan 2
Undangan 3
Undangan 4
Undangan 5
Write out guests' full names. Don’t use the shortened versions of guests’ names.
Write “Stephanie Smith” instead of “Steph Smith" and always use last names.
Stephanie Smith √
Steph Smith X
Include the hosts. One of the most important parts of the formal invitation is the
inclusion of the event's host(s). Listing the hosts tells your guests who is inviting
them to the event. How you write the hosts' names and the order in which you
should list them varies depending on who is hosting. These rules are particularly
important if you are writing a formal wedding invitation.[2]
o For example, you should start a dinner invitation by saying "Sam and Ellen Smith
invite you to a dinner celebrating the graduation of their daughter Leslie from graduate school."
the graduation
of their daughter
Leslie Smith
Bride’s parents on the first line , groom’s on the third. “and” in between
List the hosts in the correct order. Who is hosting the wedding – usually defined
by who is paying for the wedding – will affect the order of names listed on the
invitation. The bride's parents always go on the first line, followed by the groom's on
the third line. "And" should get its own line in between The bride's name should
always come before the groom's.
o If you are writing an invitation for a same-sex wedding, you can list the parents’
names in whatever order makes sense to you. This might be alphabetical order or you might just
want to flip a coin to see who goes first.[3]
Write the host(s)' names correctly. There are a lot of rules regarding how you
should write out the hosts' names, depending on who the hosts are. Generally, the
hosts related to the bride go first, followed by the groom's relatives.
o If the parents of the bride or groom are still married write “Mr. and Mrs." followed by
the bride's father's name. So Tiffany Smith's parents should be written as "Mr. and Mrs. John
Smith” or “Mr. and Mrs. James Carter” on the first line of the invitation. The groom's parents should
be written the same way, on the third line (with "and" on its own on the second line).
o If both families – including the bride and groom – are hosting, you should write
“Together with their families," on the first line, then the name of the bride, "and," and the name of
the groom on the second, third, and fourth lines respectively.
o If the bride’s parents are divorced and remarried but hosting together, you should
write list the mother's new name first, followed by the father's name. So for example, you might
write “Mr. and Mrs. Jill Willby and Mr. and Mrs. Greg Smith." Again, each couple gets their own line
with “and” on the second line.
o If someone other than parents or stepparents are hosting, write the host(s) name(s)
and their relationship to the bride or groom. So, for example, if the bride’s brother is hosting, you
should write “Mr. Stanley Smith requests the honor of your presence of the marriage of his sister
Stephanie Smith.”
Invite your guests to the wedding. Once you’ve established the hosts of the event
(in the right order), you need to actually invite the guest(s) to the wedding.
Regardless of who hosts, the next line after the hosts’ names should be either
“requests the honor of your presence” or “requests the pleasure of your company.”
That should be followed by either “at the marriage of” if someone other than the
bride(s) and/or groom(s) are hosting or “at their marriage” if the bride(s) and/or
groom(s) are hosting as well.
o For example, you might say “ [Hosts' names] request the pleasure of your company
at the marriage of their daughter Tiffany Smith to Adam Jones” (if the bride’s parents are hosting)
or “[Hosts' names] request the pleasure of your company at the marriage of Tiffany Smith to their
son Adam Jones” (if the groom’s parents are hosting.[4]
Reception to follow
o If you include the reception information on the invitation itself, it should come last on
the invitation and include the time and place. So, for example, you could say “Reception to follow
at 5 pm at The Country Club 3000 Country Club Lane Minneapolis, Minnesota.” “Reception to
follow” and “at 5 pm” should get their own lines, as should the street address, venue name, and
venue city.
o If you include a separate reception card, write it as you would on the bottom of the
invitation.[5] Tell your guest how they should respond
o For example, a standard RSVP card will say “M.______________ __ will attend __
will not attend.” The “M.” at the beginning allows them to write “Ms.,” “Mr.,” “Mr. and Ms.,” or “Mr.
and Mrs.” and lets you know how many people are attending.
o If you are asking your guests to make a meal selection, this should be listed on the
RSVP card as well. List their meal options and leave a space underneath each for the names of
the guests requesting that particular meal.
Method 3
Using the Proper Form for Non-Wedding Events
We request the
At a dinner
o You may or may not have hosts to lists for a formal dinner, but if you do, their
names should go at the top of the invitation.
50 th wedding anniversary
Invite guests to an anniversary celebration. Writing an invitation to an
anniversary celebration is similar to writing one for a wedding. You should include
the hosts’ names, the date, and the venue, but you should also note that it is an
anniversary celebration.[8]
o For example, you could write “Dan and Carol Smith are celebrating their 50th
wedding anniversary. Their children invite you to join them for a reception at The Country Club.”
o If you do not wish guests to bring gifts for the couple, you can simply note “No gifts
please” at the bottom of the invitation.
Tiffany Smith
On November 5 that 6 pm
Minneapolis , Minnesota
Ask guests to RSVP. The RSVP etiquette for events other than weddings varies
widely. You should ask your guests to let you know if they're attending or not, but it's
up to you how you'd like them to respond. Formal dinner invitations should include
an RSVP card similar to the kind you would send for wedding, but anniversary
parties and bridal or baby showers can simply ask guests to call the host with their
Method 4
Addressing the Invitation
o For example, you could write “Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Smith,” “Mr. Stanley Smith and
Mrs. Emma Stone,” or “Mrs. Julia Gould and Mrs. Elizabeth Gould.”
2.Address the invitation of a couple with one or more distinguished titles. If any of your
guests have distinguished titles - like “Dr." - you should be sure to use them. If one member of a
couple has a distinguished title, use that title and then "Mr." or "Mrs." or "Ms." for the other member
of the couple
For example, you could write “Dr. Stephanie and Mr. James Smith” if they have the same last
name, “Dr. Stephanie Jones and Mr. James Smith” if they have different last names or “Dr.
Stephanie Jones and Dr. James Smith” if they have different last names but both have
distinguished titles.
Address invitations to adults 18 and over. Unless they live with their parents, any
adult over the age of 18 should receive their own invitation. You can use “Ms.” or
“Mr.” in the addresses if they are single.[12]
8. Jane : Would you like to go to a concert on Saturday 14. RSVP stands for ‘Respondez S’il Vous Plait which
night ? means …...
Tia : Ehm, yes……….. a. Make sure you come b. Please Reply
a. anyway d. I can’t c. I want you to come d. Don't forget
b. I’d like e. I’d be delighted
c. I’m busy
The text is for questions 1 to 3.
The text below is for number 1 – 3 31. Irgi :Some of our friends will join the concert
Aji : Would you like dinner with me tonight? tomorrow. Would you like to go with me?
Tania : Thank you, I’d love to Egga : ..................... it will very interesting.
I need to refresh my mind this time.
a. I’d love to but I don’t think I can come
24. From the dialogue above we conclude that ….. b. I’m really sorry. I already have my own plan
a. Aji invites Tania to have dinner together c. What a great idea!
b. Aji make a date with Tania d. Well, I’m not sure
c. Tania love Aji e. I like concert
d. Aji want to have dinner
e. Tania declines the the invitation 32. Gery : I want to tell you that I will be held a birthday
party tomorrow. I hope you could join us.
25. “Thank you, I’d love to” Fania :............................. My mom is sick, so i have
What is the underlined expression means? to take care of her now.
a. Agreeing an appointment b. Greeting a. What a great idea
c. Canceling invitation d. Refusing help b. I’m so happy
e. Accepting invitation c. I like it
d. Unfortunately I can't
e. I must study hard
26. Is Aji inviting Tania to the party?
a. Yes, it isn’t d. Yes, she isn’t 33. Kim : Me with my friends will held the friendly football
b. No, she doesn’t e. Yes, he is match in the school field in sunday. I wish you
c. No, they aren’t could join with our team.
The Dialog below is for answers number 4 – 5 Febri : ..............................That would be very
Diana : Come to my party? interesting!
Rezki : _______________ (27) a. Ok, I'd love to come!
Diana : See you in my party ! b. Why must that?
Rezki : _______________ (28) c. I’m sorry i can’t
d. I wish i could but i have another plan
27. a. I’m afraid I’ve already promised e. Sorry, I’m very busy
b. I think I can’t
c. Unfortunately, I can’t
d. I’m very sorry
e. Thank you very much for inviting me