PC14 Bandits
PC14 Bandits
PC14 Bandits
By Merric Blackman
An AD&D adventure set in the World of Greyhawk for 1st level characters
Bandits! The soldiers of the See of Medegia have long kept such rabble away from the
towns and villages of the provinces, but chaos is rising everywhere. His equitable nemesis,
Spidasa, the Holy Censor of Medegia, has issued a proclamation of bounty on those
poor fools who dare hinder the wayfarers on his roads!
Special thanks to: Merric, for permission to post his excellent first edition Greyhawk
INTRODUCTION the dread necromancer Daglan to
Bandits - the soldiers of the See of locate an artifact of the old Suloise
Medegia have long kept such rabble Empire – the Rainbow Portal.
away from the towns and villages of the The mercenaries were tasked to only
provinces, but chaos is rising find the portal, but they became
everywhere. His equitable nemesis, distracted by the prospects of easy
Spidasa, the Holy Censor of Medegia, plunder from a lightly guarded
has issued a proclamation of bounty on merchant caravan, thus provoking the
those poor fools who dare hinder the response of the authorities. They are of a
wayfarers on his roads! vain bent, and believe (foolishly) that no
The latest attack has occurred near one in this realm could follow them or
the town of Cofston, and Lady pose a threat if such were to occur.
Cassandra d'Felis, Lady Mayor and The Rainbow Portal is an artifact
Mage, has rounded up a group of allowing travel between places on the
adventurers to prosecute the Oerth – portals have been discovered in
chastisement of the bandits – to follow the Sea of Dust, Crystalmist Mountains
them to their lair and relieve them of and even below Castle Greyhawk – and
their spoils. indeed into certain planes where the
All treasures taken from them will be Suel had allies of fiendish nature.
the adventurers to keep (for the The activation of the portal requires
merchants whose property they were the use of seven gems (each worth at
proved themselves weak and unworthy least 5,000 g.p.) of the seven rainbow
when they failed to protect their colors. The order in which they are
belongings), and an extra prize of 100 placed into the portal determines the
g.p. each will also be awarded. destination. The gems belonging to this
The word of a village boy has led the portal are now dust, and the activation
brave adventurers to a cave in which codes are beyond the scope of this
the rabble have sheltered. product.
Onwards for the glory of Hextor and You are encouraged to invent your
Medegia! own codes and destinations if you feel
that this element should be expanded
Unknown to the authorities and the
players, the bandits have been sent by
THE ADVENTURE Fire Beetle: (AC 4, MV 12”, HD 1+2, HP 6,
The PCs are presumed to have #ATT 1, D 2-8, AL N, SZ M)
tracked the brigands to their lair; you
may, of course, run a preparatory 3. CAVE OF HORSES: The brigands have
adventure beforehand dealing with chosen this cave to stable their horses.
such matters. The PCs will have been More moss and fungi cling to the walls,
given their mission by a servant of Lady and there are piles of straw and oats in
Cassandra, for that one is too busy for the center of the cavern. Eight horses
such minor matters at present. are here in all, tethered by rope to
A stream flows out of the cave, and stakes pounded into the floor.
the sound of a waterfall can be heard
from within the cave. Adventure awaits! 4. HIDDEN CAVE: Behind the waterfall is
where the brigands have stored their
1. WATERFALL CAVE: The air in this loot: various crates and barrels
chamber is moist from the waterfall that containing foodstuffs and cloths. The
flows from high on the rock wall to the real prizes is a large chest containing
east. Six brigands are on guard here; valuables, however this chest is both
they are meant to be more alert than locked and trapped with a poison
they are, and so the party has a chance needle (save vs. poison at +2 on the die
of surprising them. or be slain!). Also problematic are the six
skeletons that the bandit leader has
Brigands (6): (AC 7, MV 12”, HD 1d6, HP tasked to guard the chest – they move
6, 1, 3, 5, 1, 2, #AT 1, D 1-6, AL CE, SZ M); from hidden positions around the room
leather + shield and short swords; each to engage the party if the chest is
has 2d4 gold. approached or one or more of them are
It is a surprisingly tall chamber, some
twenty-five feet to the height. The Skeletons (6): (AC 7, MV 12”, HD 1, HP
waterfall comes from an underground 5,3,4,5,3,3, #ATT 1, D 1-6, AL N, SZ M)
stream that is not accessible from here,
and is slightly warm, besides. The tunnels The chest can be broken open with no
out are of no more than 10 feet in ill effects, although such noise will draw
height. the attention of the brigands in area 5,
The brigands have a campfire and as will any combat that lasts more than 2
various roasting meats and vegetables. rounds with the skeletons. Within the
All in all, they are quite comfortably set chest is stored 2,000 gold pieces, 5 gems
up – if foolish in their arrogance that no (100 gp base) and a collar made of
one can hurt them. gold and studded with gems worth 5,000
Investigation will discover a concealed gp!
passage behind the waterfall (treat as a Once matters have been resolved, the
standard concealed door for chances secret door to the south may be
of elves noticing it just by passing). discovered and the further investigation
of the complex begun. In the case that
2. CAVE OF LIGHTS: This chamber has the PCs do not discover the door, then
many beautiful crystals that reflect have the brigand of area 5 enter from
strangely in the light created by a lone there, assuming that they have not
fire beetle (hp 6) that is grazing on the already done so due to the PCs being
moss that grows on the walls. It does not noisy!
react well to being disturbed!
5. ANTECHAMBER: The corridor that leads
to this chamber is natural rock, but the
door is made of copper-sheathed iron, which holds 2,000 copper pieces and a
and inscribed with runes of safety and gem worth 50 gp. A hammer +1 lies
magic. (Historians and Bards may note under a pile of rat-droppings.
that the runes are of ancient form, and
were used in the Suel Empire at its 8. KITCHEN: This room is quite clean
height). At this point, it has been compared to the pantry. Cupboards
battered down and broken by the containing pots, plates, cups, cutlery
intruding mercenaries. and other kitchen implements line the
The chamber beyond is beautiful: a walls, and chopping boards, benches
lush blue carpet, white marble walls and and a sink complete the picture of a
ceiling, and beautiful paintings on the well-stocked kitchen. In fact, unseen
walls. All are protected magically, and servants are still active in the kitchen,
none may be removed without access cleaning and replacing items. (A PC
to spells such as limited wish or wish. who puts a knife in their pack may be
Six brigands have been set to watch bemused to see it floating back towards
any intrusion to this chamber. Four will its proper place).
investigate noise in area 4., the other
two will wait for their reports. 9. DINING ROOM: A long table set with
plates, glasses and cutlery is the most
Brigands (6): (AC 7, MV 12”, HD 1d6, HP noticeable feature of this room,
2, 5, 6, 2, 6, 3, #AT 1, D 1-6, AL CE, SZ M); although the fully stocked (and
leather + shield and short swords; each restocking) wine and liquor cupboard
has 2d4 gold. on the west wall may interest the PCs
more than this!
All further interior doors in the complex
are of wood; the walls are marble (black Six brigands are currently eating a
for the corridors, white for the repast at the table, having discovered
chambers), and the impression of great that the
luxuriousness pervades throughout. magic of this place is still active. Most
common meals will be prepared and
6. RING CORRIDOR: Soft glow-globes set served by the unseen servants if
in the walls illuminate the corridor, which someone speaks their desire while
as noted above is of black marble. The seated at the table. Due to their
carpet here is red and soft, and distracted state, the brigands will be
magically repairs and cleans itself, surprised 4 in 6.
causing all tracks to disappear within
minutes. Brigands (6): (AC 7, MV 12”, HD 1d6, HP
6, 4, 5, 4, 1, 4, #AT 1, D 1-6, AL CE, SZ M);
7. PANTRY: Spells of create food and leather + shield and short swords; each
water were laid on this pantry in has 2d4 gold.
antiquity, and continue to function,
replacing supplies as they are removed. You may find it amusing to serve a PC
The ten giant rats that now lair here with a roasted rat instead of some other
have become quite fat on the bounty, meal, that animal being unfortunate
and viciously protect their lair. enough to be in the wrong place when
the PC ordered roast beef!
Giant Rats (10): (AC 7, MV 12” //6”, HD
1-4 hp, HP 4(x2), 3(x4), 2(x2), 1(x2), #AT 1, 10. RUINED LIBRARY: The door to this
D 1-3, AL N(E), SZ S) room is locked, but the wood of the
door is failing and it may be opened as
A gnawed upon skeleton lies in one a normal stuck door. Within is a sea of
corner, clutching a rotted leather sack moldy paper and collapsed shelves, the
magic on this area having failed long smashed. Glass and multicolored
ago. fragments of gemstones litter the floor. A
If the PCs enter, they will discover that concealed cache in the wall holds 1,400
the ceiling is unsafe - the first characters copper pieces and 400 gold pieces,
into the room provoke some falling rocks and a military pick +1 is hidden beneath
from the ceiling, indicated by the “T” on some toppled shelves.
the map (save vs. paralyzation or take
2d6 damage). Further investigation will Ghouls (2): (AC 6, MV 9”, HD 2, HP 12, 17,
cause rocks to fall 2 in 6 for each turn #ATT 3 D 1-3/1-3/1-6, SA Paralyzation, AL
characters remain in the room . CE, SZ M)
Persistence will discover a pair of silver
candlesticks, tarnished but still valuable, 13. CHAPEL OF WEE JAS: The left-hand
worth a total of 50 g.p. wall of this chamber is covered with
pictures glorifying the use of magic in
11. MASTER'S CHAMBERS: The door to this the Suel Empire: Wizards creating
place has been smashed by the leader magical staves, armies being destroyed
of the brigands, Uldo, and his two by fireballs, and the like. The right-hand
henchmen (regular brigands). The trio is wall contains scenes of the Suloise
currently looting the room, although underworld, with a beautiful woman
they are not finding much of value. (Wee Jas) greeting the dead, exalting
Uldo is cruel and vain. He is utterly loyal the wizards and casting the warrior
to the necromancer Daglan due to down low.
magical compulsions on that one's part. The far wall is dominated by a statue
He prefers to taunt his opponents and to of Wee Jas and an altar to her and the
make them suffer in preference to a chapel is full of pews and other religious
clean kill. ornaments.
The entire place is guarded by four
Uldo: (F3, AC 2 (plate mail + shield), MV zombies (hp 13, 14, 13, 13), who drive
6”, hp 18, #AT 1, D 1-8 (long sword), AL out any that do not speak words of
CE) devotion to Wee Jas. (“I am a servant of
Wee Jas; let me pass!” would suffice).
Brigands (2): (AC 7, MV 12”, HD 1d6, HP
6, 4, #AT 1, D 1-6, AL CE, SZ M); leather + Zombies (4): (AC 8, MV 6”, HD 2, HP 13,
shield and short swords; each has 2d4 14, 13, 13, #ATT 1, D 1-8, AL N, SZ M)
The chamber was once a bedroom, behind an iron door that has been
and the PCs can observe unseen wizard locked is the true prize of this
servants putting things back to rights complex: the Rainbow Portal. As noted
following any battle – the bed will be in the DM's notes, this device allowed
made, various clothes replaced in their the Suloise Empire quick travel to other
wardrobes and so forth. places. A great platinum column rises in
the middle of the chamber, and an altar
12. MASTER'S FATE: Once the secret emblazoned with a rainbow-motif and
chambers of the master of these place, seven holes that will admit the seven
he and his servant were “saved” by their gems that activate the portal.
patron, Wee Jas, when the Suel Empire
fell. Now they are both ghouls and This entire place is by a skeletal
ferociously attack once the chamber is equiceph, a strange humanoid-equine
opened. creature that once served Wee Jas on
This room once had many things of another plane. It attacks all who enter
magical value in it, but now most are with its great halberd.
that transports those who enter it to an
equivalent complex somewhere else.
Lady Cassandra d'Felis will be most
pleased if the PCs return with news of
the successful chase of the bandits, and
even more pleased if the PCs give her
information about the Suel complex.
A prize of 100 gp each is awarded to
the PCs who killed the bandits, this prize
Skeletal Equiceph: (AC 6, MV 12”, HD 4, is doubled if news of the complex is
hp 18, #AT 1, D 1-10, SD as skeleton, AL brought to the authorities.
N, SZ L, XP 157) From here, the PCs will be spoken of
favorably amongst those loyal to the
If the seven gems are placed in the altar Holy Censor and Lady d'Felis, and further
in the proper order, the platinum column contracts may be given to them if they
will be transformed into a pillar of light remain in the area.
Map of the Bandit Lair