Becker, Paton, Johnston, Ronan - McClure

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International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 22 (2017) 179–193

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The role of prior experience in informing and motivating earthquake MARK


Julia S. Beckera, , Douglas Patonb, David M. Johnstona,c, Kevin R. Ronand, John McCluree
Joint Centre for Disaster Research, GNS Science, P.O. Box 30368, Lower Hutt 5040, New Zealand
School of Psychological and Clinical Sciences, Charles Darwin University, Darwin, Northern Territory 0909, Australia
Joint Centre for Disaster Research, School of Psychology, Massey University, P.O. Box 756, Wellington 6140, New Zealand
School of Human, Health and Social Sciences, CQ University Australia, Rockhampton, Queensland 4702, Australia
Victoria University Wellington, P.O. Box 600, Wellington, New Zealand


Keywords: Motivating household preparedness for earthquakes can be difficult, especially given the infrequent and varying
Earthquakes nature of major events. Past research has shown that people's experiences contribute to their beliefs about
Disasters whether, and how, they should prepare for earthquakes. Direct experience of a disaster can be a strong motivator
Preparedness of preparedness; however, most people will not directly experience a large damaging earthquake in their
lifetimes. They instead need to rely on experience of small earthquakes, experience of different disasters, adverse
Adjustment adoption
life experiences (e.g. accidents), or vicarious experience. This paper explores the influence of such experiences
New Zealand on earthquake preparedness. The research found that experience has seven different influences on the
preparedness process including: prompting thinking and talking; raising awareness and knowledge; helping
individuals understand the consequences of a disaster; developing beliefs; developing preparedness; influencing
emotions and feelings; and prompting community interaction on disaster issues.

1. Introduction tic study. One reason why more systematic research into the relation-
ship between disaster experience and preparedness is required derives
An important component of earthquake Disaster Risk Reduction from the Sendai recommendations (United Nations, 2015), particularly
(DRR) is encouraging sustained household preparedness (e.g., collect- in relation to the Build Back Better (BBB) recommendation. The BBB
ing survival items such as food and water; undertaking mitigation concept has implications beyond the physical and can encompass using
actions such as retrofitting buildings; securing household items; making disaster experience as a catalyst for developing future DRR capabilities,
a household emergency plan; learning survival skills; and participating such as preparedness. To pursue this, however, it is important to
in social preparedness activities (Kirschenbaum, 2002, 2004; Lindell develop understanding of how and why experience contributes to
et al., 2009; Mulilis et al., 1990; Russell et al., 1995; Spittal et al., preparedness. A need for a deeper understanding of the experience-
2008). One area that has been recognized as influencing preparedness is preparedness relationship can be traced to the fact that people in
experience. Experience is a complex variable. It can encompass direct hazard-prone areas will accumulate indirect and vicarious experience of
personal experience of hazard events. The infrequent and diverse hazard events and their consequences over the course of their lives.
nature of major hazard events means that people often lack such Recognition of this fact raises several methodological and concep-
personal experience. They will, however, have indirect experience (e.g. tual issues. For example, most work in this area has focused on direct
experience of small hazard events that did not impact them directly), experience and its implications. This belies the fact that actual
vicarious experience (e.g., media reports of national or international experience is likely to be preceded and succeeded by indirect and
events, accounts of prior events from relatives), and challenging life vicarious experiences. These will interact in complex ways with direct
event experience (e.g., of accidents, crime etc.), all of which could play experiences and, especially, in the post-event settings where BBB
independent and interdependent roles in future preparedness decision activities will be planned, could influence interpretive processes and
making and actions. actions. At present, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, there have
There exist several reasons why experience deserves more systema- been no studies into how direct, indirect, vicarious and life experiences

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (J.S. Becker), (D. Paton), (D.M. Johnston), (K.R. Ronan), (J. McClure).
Received 4 July 2016; Received in revised form 9 March 2017; Accepted 14 March 2017
Available online 21 March 2017
2212-4209/ © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
J.S. Becker et al. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 22 (2017) 179–193

co-exist and influence preparedness processes and action. This paper people assuming they could cope with any future event and did not
draws upon a qualitative study in New Zealand to explore the need to prepare. With Normalisation Bias, people assume that they
interdependent influence of such experiences on the hazard prepared- fared adequately in a previous event (i.e. in the Johnston et al. study,
ness process. First, the paper reviews work on the experience-prepared- people believed they coped well and did not have to call on their
ness relationship and its existence within the emergency management preparedness measures) and develop the belief that they do not need to
context in which both DRR will occur and, potentially, BBB activities do anything different (e.g. prepare) to survive a future event.
will be organized. A comparable outcome can arise from people's interpretation of
There are several levels to Disaster Risk Reduction in New Zealand. experiencing relatively moderate earthquakes (e.g. magnitude 5.5,
At a national level the Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Modified Mercalli Intensity VI). This can lead people to form the
Management (MCDEM) administers the Civil Defence Emergency opinion that they are not a problem or to think that a ‘big one’ is not
Management Act 2002, as well as the associated National Strategy. likely or imminent (Simpson-Housley and Curtis, 1983). Also, interac-
They have a responsibility for improving resilience and preparedness as tion between experience and their magnitude calculations, can lead
outlined in the legislation. Civil Defence Emergency Management them to underestimate the effects of a potential future earthquake,
(CDEM) Groups are responsible for regional resilience and prepared- reducing the likelihood of their preparing (Celsi et al., 2005).
ness. Other agencies, such as the Earthquake Commission, also have an In the Paton et al. (2014) study, people's experience of the 2010
interest in improving earthquake resilience, and have developed their Darfield earthquake, which had little impact on Christchurch partici-
own educational strategies to target preparedness. Understanding how pants, resulted in an example of the Gambler's Fallacy (e.g., Barron and
people's experience contributes to the preparedness process is useful for Leider, 2010), the assumption that a future earthquake would not occur
such agencies in helping them design effective BBB activities in post- for several hundred years, resulted in some abandoning their prepared-
event settings and DRR programmes that can incorporate experience as ness.
a motivator of preparedness. Adding to the complexity, some studies have found only small or
non-significant correlations between earthquake experience and pre-
2. Research and theory on experience and the preparedness paredness (e.g. Kiecolt and Nigg, 1982; Lehman and Taylor, 1987;
process Mileti and Darlington, 1997; Mileti and Fitzpatrick, 1992; Tanaka,
2005), while others have found that experience can motivate prepared-
Prior research has highlighted the complexities of investigating the ness (e.g. Farley, 1998; Lindell and Prater, 2002; Mulilis et al., 1990).
experience-preparedness relationship. Several preparedness theories Whether people prepare or not appears to be dependent on the
and approaches suggest that prior experience of earthquakes and other nature of the experience and how that experience has been interpreted.
disasters has an influence on the preparedness process (e.g. Protection For example, people have undertaken additional preparedness actions
Motivation Theory (Rogers, 1983); Person Relative to Event theory depending on the number of earthquakes experienced (Russell et al.,
(Mulilis et al., 2003) – also summarised in Ejeta et al. (2015); the 1995); after feeling shaking (Nguyen et al., 2006); experience of
Protective Action Decision Model (Lindell and Perry, 2011); and the damage (Davis, 1989; Palm and Hodgson, 1992; Perry and Lindell,
mental models approach (Bostrom, 2008). However, these and other 2008); the amount of earthquake damage and losses (Heller et al.,
studies have also identified how complex the experience-preparedness 2005; Jackson, 1977, 1981; Russell et al., 1995); whether a person was
relationship is, with different types of experience having a range of more directly impacted (Palm and Hodgson, 1992); proximity to the
influences on the preparedness process. Such complexities are described epicentre (Nguyen et al., 2006; Russell et al., 1995); experience of
further in Sections 2.1–2.2. personal loss by a family member (Turner et al., 1986); being
physically, financially or emotionally injured (Nguyen et al., 2006);
2.1. The influence of earthquake experience (and other disasters) being evacuated (Russell et al., 1995); knowledge of and contact with
recovery agencies (Russell et al., 1995); participating in rescue and
The first issue that arises when attempting to systematically solidarity activities in previous earthquakes (Tekeli-Yeşil et al., 2010);
investigate the experience-preparedness relationship concerns the fact thinking about the earthquake after the event (Russell et al., 1995);
that the definitions of direct and indirect experience differ across hearing a prediction of a larger earthquake event (Russell et al., 1995);
studies but may include experiencing injury and loss (both damage and experiencing an earthquake that scared an individual (Dooley
and fatalities), being disrupted by events, and helping out in an event et al., 1992; Russell et al., 1995). It is, however, important to consider
(e.g. Palm and Hodgson, 1992; Perry and Lindell, 2008; Nguyen et al., that action following experience can result in people adopting low cost/
1996; Russell et al., 1995; Tekeli-Yeşil et al., 2010). This issue reflects easy to adopt measures rather than engaging in comprehensive
researchers imposing their definition of experience on their analysis, or preparedness (McGee et al., 2009; Palm and Hodgson, 1992; Paton
where a study has focused on one aspect of the multifaceted nature of and McClure, 2013; Russell et al., 1995).
experience. An alternative approach, and the one adopted in this study, Some researchers have noted that earthquake experience can
involves inviting citizens (whose preparedness is being encouraged) to influence risk perceptions (e.g. Clark et al., 1993; Dooley et al., 1992;
identify what they see as “experience” and invite them to give their Karanci and Aksit, 1999; Lindell and Prater, 2000; Palm and Hodgson,
accounts of how different types of experience have facilitated or 1992; Wachinger et al., 2013), but this need not translate into
constrained preparedness (individually and collectively). The impor- preparedness. The Johnston et al. (1999) study introduced above was
tance of including the latter in a preliminary study of the experience- also interesting in that the authors noted that an increase in the level of
preparedness relationship derives from findings in previous studies that volcanic risk perception was accompanied by a reduction in prepared-
this relationship can be resolved in several ways; reducing prepared- ness. Consequently, the link between experience, risk beliefs and
ness, having no effect, and increasing preparedness. preparedness may be contingent on, for example, whether individuals
For example, Johnston et al. (1999) and Paton et al. (2013, 2014) experienced loss (Davis, 1989; Helweg-Larsen, 1999; Mileti and
described how hazard experience, of the 1995 eruption at Ruapehu O'Brien, 1992; Solberg et al., 2010; Weinstein, 1989); experienced
volcano (New Zealand), and the 2010 Darfield/2011 Christchurch injury, or whether they knew of someone who had experienced an
(New Zealand) earthquake sequence respectively, resulted in significant injury (Helweg-Larsen, 1999). An increase in perceived vulnerability
reductions in post-event levels of preparedness. In the first study, this may motivate people to become more prepared (Russell et al., 1995).
was attributed to the Normalisation Bias (Mileti and Fitzpatrick, 1992; The latter may be influenced by people's affective reaction to an event.
Russell et al., 1995). The experience of relatively minor volcanic hazard The experience-preparedness link could be mediated by how
consequences that had a limited impact on populations resulted in disaster experience influences levels of fear or anxiety (Dooley et al.,

J.S. Becker et al. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 22 (2017) 179–193

1992; Heller et al., 2005; Karanci and Aksit, 2000; Rüstemli and (Flynn et al., 1999; Lindell and Perry, 2011; Sjöberg, 2000).
Karanci, 1999; Siegel et al., 2003). Rüstemli and Karanci (1999) suggest
that fear actually shapes cognitions and motivates adaptive responses. 2.2.1. Vicarious experience
A link between fear and preparedness has also been found in a flood In terms of vicarious experience via others, studies have reported
experience context, with (Takao et al., 2004) suggesting that “emo- that knowing someone who has experienced personal loss or injury, can
tional response has a stronger effect on preparedness for floods than a alter risk perception or motivate an individual to get prepared (Helweg-
cognitive response”. Siegel et al. (2003) found a direct relationship Larsen, 1999; Turner et al., 1986). McClure et al. (2011) found changes
between prior perceived ‘emotional injury’ and application of prepa- in risk perception following vicarious experience of the 2010 Darfield
redness for the El Niño. earthquake in Canterbury region, New Zealand. Following the earth-
Conversely, Palm and Hodgson (1992) found that while experience quake, people living in two New Zealand cities outside Canterbury
of the Loma Prieta earthquake increased concern about future earth- (Palmerston North and Wellington) felt that an earthquake was more
quakes, this did not translate into high rates of adjustment adoption for likely to occur somewhere in New Zealand. When asked specifically
most mitigation measures. This may be possibly due to the level of about their own cities, however, only the Palmerston North residents
concern experienced, with lower levels or too high levels of concern rated the likelihood of an earthquake in their own city as being
being less likely to motivate preparedness (Paton et al., 2005, 2003). An significantly higher than before the Darfield earthquake. The difference
important issue here is whether elevated anxiety is accompanied by between Palmerston North and Wellington occurred because Well-
information about how to mitigate the source of anxiety (Paton and ington had higher levels of risk perception before the earthquake,
McClure, 2013) and whether people can act on this information. That suggesting that vicarious experience may only be influential on risk
is, the degree to which they can exercise control. perceptions if baseline levels of risk perception are low. In terms of
Several researchers have found that belief in personal control vicarious experience via the media, a Turkish study following the
(associated with locus of control) has an impact on whether people Maramara earthquake found people's awareness of the consequences of
prepare for subsequent events. Rüstemli and Karanci (1999) found that an earthquake were raised, and people's beliefs they would have to rely
fear and belief in personal control were the two most important on their own resources in a future event were developed (Karanci and
indicators of whether people would prepare for future events. Aksit, 2000).
Direct experience of a disaster has an impact on memory of an
event. Neisser (1996) undertook a study following the Loma Prieta 2.2.2. Life experience
earthquake and found that individuals who had direct experience of the Paton et al. (2000) highlight that other types of hazard-related life
event (as participants) had better recall of the event a year and a half experiences, such as crime, accidents, economic adversity or unemploy-
later, when compared with those who had only heard about the event ment, may be more salient to community members, than natural
through the news. While unconfirmed, they suspect that this was likely hazards. Norris (1997) found in her study across different domains of
due to those with direct experience talking about the event afterwards precautionary behaviour (hazards preparedness, crime prevention,
in the form of narratives. It was unclear as to whether the repetition of vehicular safety and health maintenance) that many people tend to
the narratives made the earthquake more memorable, or because it take a general precautionary stance to a range of environmental threats.
increased the distinctiveness of the experience. Lee's (1999) study with She states that, “‘Be prepared’ is a motto that many people seem to have
children after Hurricane Andrew found that a year and a half after the taken to heart. In contrast to a view of the public as unconcerned with
hurricane, children expressed vivid memories of their experiences, as the management of risk, precautionary behaviours appear to be a
did people questioned by Norris and Kaniasty (1992) when asked about common element of life” (Norris, 1997, p. 574). Her findings suggest
what they remembered of their experience with Hurricane Hugo. Norris that because people already have precautionary beliefs and behaviours
and Kaniasty (1992) suggest that people remember disastrous events across different aspects of life, a multi-hazard approach to encouraging
because they cause great change in people's lives, and their vividness self-protective behaviour is useful (Norris, 1997; Norris et al., 1999).
distinguishes them from other life events. Spittal et al. (2008) also found that people's propensity for risk
It is evident from this brief review that the (direct) experience- precaution predicts earthquake preparedness, indicating that “people
preparedness link is not a straightforward one. Such complexity who take precautions about potentially adverse life events are more
illustrates the need for more systematic research into this relationship likely to prepare for earthquakes”.
if experience is to be used effectively within a BBB strategy. The A note of caution is required however; differences do occur when
diversity of findings reflects how different elements have been salient in comparing the uptake of different precautionary measures (for exam-
specific studies. Recognizing this diversity, the present study sought to ple, more people wear seatbelts than collect survival items for a
build an understanding of the contingent influences on the experience- disaster, which may be reflected in other motivating factors such as
preparedness relationship based on the accounts of people living with legislative requirements). Therefore, it is important to note that while
hazardous circumstances. This paper also recognizes that direct and taking a multi-hazard approach certainly has value, the mechanisms for
other forms of experience co-exist and, it is argued, collectively motivating preparedness for life-related hazard experiences are unlikely
influence preparedness decisions and actions. Consequently, the paper to be exactly the same as for earthquake preparedness, and that specific
next introduces other types of experience that could affect the strategies may be required to target certain aspects of earthquake
experience-preparedness relationship. adjustment adoption.

2.2. Other types of experience and its influence on the preparedness process 2.3. Gaps in research

Many people will not directly experience a disaster such as an The preceding discussion highlights several issues that need to be
earthquake in their lifetimes, and especially not a large one. They must considered in researching the experience-preparedness relationship.
rely on other types of experience in deciding whether a future earth- One concerns the fact that people can bring direct, indirect, vicarious
quake is important enough to motivate them to prepare. In this case, and life experiences to bear on their risk assessments and preparedness
people might either draw upon vicarious experience (i.e. the disaster decision making. Consequently, a significant gap in the existing
experience of others, information in the media) or hazard-related ‘life’ research has been a tendency to focus on one type. This study sought
experiences that are indirectly related to earthquake preparedness (e.g. to fill this gap by exploring whether people identify their risk and
traumatic life events, safety experiences). Previous research has identi- preparedness beliefs and actions as being influenced by diverse types of
fied vicarious and ‘life’ experiences as precursors of preparedness experience. A second issue that emerged from the above review was

J.S. Becker et al. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 22 (2017) 179–193

that the effectiveness of the experience-preparedness relationship was about any past experiences you have had with hazards?” (including
affected by contingent influences from several factors (e.g., memory of earthquakes and other natural or life hazards)”; and, “What types of
an event, nature and context of the experience, risk perceptions, information have you seen or heard about hazards?” (which assisted in
cognitive biases, control beliefs, and anxiety, fear and concern. The enquiring about vicarious experience). The full set of questions can be
present study sought to elicit clearer understanding of how experience found in Appendix A.
(of different types) influences perceptions and actions based on people's Interviews were taped with the interviewees’ consent and tran-
accounts of their choices. This research thus aimed to improve knowl- scribed into a word processing program. The files were then loaded into
edge about the roles that different types of experience can play in the the qualitative software analysis package “Atlas.Ti” and an iterative
earthquake preparedness process and the interactions that occur as part process of coding, analysis, and definition of core thematic categories
of that process. undertaken according to the grounded theory approach suggested by
Strauss and Corbin (Strauss and Corbin, 1990).
3. Research outline
4. Results
This research was performed using the perspective of symbolic
interactionism (Blumer, 1969). Such a perspective allowed for experi- Four core categories related to experience were identified, including
ence-related meanings and interactions to be explored in a quest to direct disaster experience; indirect disaster experience; vicarious ex-
elucidate how these relate to the earthquake preparedness process. In a perience; and life experience. A number of additional core categories
practical sense, a grounded theory approach was used for data were also found that linked to these different types of experience. Fig. 2
collection and analysis (Strauss and Corbin, 1990). depicts the core categories that were identified, a selection of individual
Data collection was qualitative, as this method is appropriate for codes that fell under each category and the number of times these codes
both the symbolic interactionism perspective and grounded theory were allocated throughout the interviews (i.e., specific numbers are
approach. Qualitative data was considered the best fit for helping indicated in Fig. 2, noting that most categories had more than 5
define the details that are necessary to understand experience-related mentions each by participants). It is important to note that some
meaning and interactions. Consequently 48 interviews were conducted individuals made reference to a concept several times (which was then
with residents from three towns in New Zealand. Interviews took place coded several times to reflect the frequency of it being mentioned),
from April to June 2008. while others may not have mentioned a concept at all (and thus no
Interview breakdowns included 18 interviews in Timaru, 16 in codes were ascribed for that individual).
Napier and 14 in Wanganui. Interview locations were selected to ensure Following the coding and definition of core categories, to promote
that the towns being studied had a degree of earthquake risk (with increased rigour, credibility and trustworthiness in the analyses,
Napier subject to the greatest risk followed by Wanganui and Timaru – process diagrams were constructed to identify linkages between types
see Fig. 1), and were similar in terms of population size (between of experience, and the influence that experience had on the prepared-
25,000 and 55,000 based on the 2001 census data) (Statistics New ness process. Fig. 3 shows an example of a process diagram constructed
Zealand, 2001), facilities available, institutional representation and for Interview 41. This illustrates how people have had, and can draw
legislative environment, and in their propensity for relative geographic upon direct, indirect, vicarious and life experience to inform how they,
isolation in a disaster. DRR activities (e.g. emergency management for example, interpret their risk and make their preparedness choices.
planning, information dissemination, etc.) for all locations were also This Figure also introduces a need to accommodate all types of
consistent in that they aligned to legislative and guidance frameworks experience in DRR planning.
provided by the New Zealand Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Process diagrams were developed for each individual interviewee,
Management. and these were then analysed, merged and summarised to depict the
The largest and most recent earthquake disaster that had occurred overall influence of each type of experience on the preparedness
in New Zealand at the time of the interviews was the major 1931 process. Table 1 presents an overview of the merged process diagrams.
Hawke's Bay earthquake (magnitude 7.8), which devastated Napier and It shows the number of interviewees who described a link between the
caused 256 deaths. Since then, Napier had experienced earthquakes of type of experience they had (i.e. direct disaster, indirect disaster,
moderate size and other events such as floods. The most recent hazard vicarious or life experience) and how it was influential. It is evident
event for Timaru was a large snowstorm in 2006 which caused from the table that each type of experience influenced aspects such as
widespread disruption but no deaths (Hendrikx, 2007). Wanganui had thinking and talking, raising awareness and knowledge, understand
been most recently affected by flooding and storms, with the worst consequences and influencing beliefs. However, some specific types of
flood event occurring in 1990 causing damage to property, and several experience were seen to be more likely to develop aspects such as
other floods since then threatening property and causing evacuations. preparedness, and influence emotions and feelings. The nature of this
While Timaru had not experienced any significant damaging earth- will be discussed throughout the course of the paper.
quakes at the time of the study, Wanganui had experienced several, The following sections of this paper use the qualitative data to
including a magnitude 7.5 earthquake in 1843 and a magnitude 6.5 describe the types of experience identified, and the interactions and
earthquake in 1991 (Wanganui District Council, 2011). The 4 Septem- influence those types of experience had on aspects of the preparedness
ber 2010 Darfield earthquake (magnitude 7.1) and 22 February 2011 process. It does not seek to describe the preparedness process in full, but
Christchurch earthquake (magnitude 6.3), both located in the Canter- rather how the nature of different aspects of experience contribute to
bury region north of Timaru, occurred after data collection had taken the preparedness process. For further information on understanding the
place. preparedness process in the context of this study refer to Becker et al.
Invitations to participate in the study were sent to local community (2012).
groups in the areas introduced above, and advertised in local publica-
tions. As per the grounded theory approach, participants were asked to 4.1. What does ‘experience’ mean?
talk freely about earthquakes, other hazards, and preparedness and
discuss any information they had seen on the aforementioned topics. People's accounts of their experiences (Fig. 2) provided confirma-
A series of questions to ask participants was drawn up prior to the tion of the fact that people's experience was sourced from:
interviews, and these questions were asked only if the participant did
not freely offer the answer themselves during the interview. The two • direct experience (i.e. physically feeling the event or being directly
questions that specifically related to experience included: “Tell me impacted by a disaster including experiencing injury or damage)

J.S. Becker et al. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 22 (2017) 179–193

Fig. 1. The positions of the study locations relative to areas of earthquake risk, current at the time of the 2008 interviews (updates in earthquake risk have occurred since then). The map
shows the distribution of Modified Mercalli (MM) shaking intensity with a current annual exceedance probability of 1/475, derived from the national probabilistic seismic hazard model.
Timaru was situated within MM6 (i.e., falling items, slight damage, e.g., cracked plaster), Wanganui within MM7 (i.e., buildings cracked, bricks, and chimneys falling), and Napier within
MM8 (i.e., damaged and partially or fully collapsed buildings) (personal communication, Smith, 2001); based on data from Stirling et al., 2000).

• indirect experience (i.e. being directly exposed to the real or People's experiences were informed to some extent by exposure to
potential impacts of a disaster, but not being personally affected. the geographic locations they lived in and the risks they faced, but also
This included being indirectly impacted by an event (e.g. unable to by other events that had happened over the course of their lives.
travel to work because of transport disruptions); observing the Only one of the interviewees had directly experienced a large
effects of a local event but not being impacted in any way; damaging earthquake (the 1942 Wairarapa earthquake) and all 48
preparing, planning or responding to an event (e.g. as a volunteer, participants reported having some direct disaster experience of minor
or in an emergency management role); and assisting with relief events, including storms, flooding and minor earthquakes. People's
efforts) direct minor experiences were mostly related to experiencing damage
• vicarious experience (i.e. individuals interacting with others such as to property during a disaster event. In terms of location, fourteen
family members or friends who have had disaster experience; or interviewees in Timaru mentioned they had experienced a significant
tapping into experience via the media); and snowstorm in 2006 and eight participants had been in a windstorm in
• life1 experience (i.e. applying experience of potentially adverse the 1970s. Some mention was also made of flooding. In Wanganui,
event or situation to a disaster context e.g. experiencing a car flooding was the most common type of event that participants had
accident and applying experiences from that event to a disaster experienced, followed by minor earthquakes. In Napier, flooding and
scenario). Life experience in this context is distinct from disaster moderate to minor earthquakes were most commonly experienced by
experience.2 interviewees. Five interviewees in Napier and Wanganui also spoke

Also referred to as “indirect event experience” in Becker et al. (2012). (footnote continued)
Our categories of disaster and life related-experience are developed from the interview data, and may differ from other definitions of experience in the literature.

J.S. Becker et al. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 22 (2017) 179–193

Fig. 2. Core categories and codes identified during the analysis (VE=vicarious experience). Most codes attempt to reflect people's comments as closely as possible, using similar words or
concepts that they used themselves in their discussions.

about volcanic eruptions from Mt. Ruapehu and minor ash effects (e.g. as a civil defence volunteer); being involved in preparing, planning
experienced as a result of those eruptions. or responding as part of a particular role (e.g. workplace health and
Twenty-six participants reported having indirect experience of safety or emergency management; being indirectly impacted by an
disasters. This included, for example, their responding to an event event (e.g. unable to travel to work because of transport disruptions);

Fig. 3. Example of an experience-preparedness process diagram constructed during the analysis (for Interview 41).

J.S. Becker et al. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 22 (2017) 179–193

Table 1
Number of people who described a link between a type of experience they had, and how it had been influential.

Direct disaster experience Indirect disaster experience Vicarious experience Life experience (N=48)
(N=48) (N=26) (N=48)

Count % Count % Count % Count %

Prompted thinking and talking about hazards and 19 39.6 2 7.7 22 45.8 18 37.5
preparedness issues
Raised awareness and knowledge 12 25.0 6 23.1 11 22.9 7 14.6
Helped individuals understand the consequences of 4 8.3 2 7.7 3 6.3 2 4.2
a disaster
Influenced or developed beliefs 22 45.8 11 42.3 18 37.5 18 37.5
Developed preparedness 13 27.1 1 3.8 0 0 7 14.6
Influenced emotions and feelings 22 45.8 3 11.5 3 6.3 2 4.2
Prompted community interaction 2 4.2 8a 30.8 2 4.2 3b 6.3

People primarily reporting they helped out in response to a disaster (e.g. emergency response, disaster relief, etc.).
People primarily getting involved in promoting preparedness.

observing the effects of a local event but not being impacted in any way; how they would talk about experiences such as vehicle accidents or
and assisting with relief efforts. Flooding was the most common type of personal accidents. With respect to vicarious experience, even though
disaster of which people had indirect experience. Napier interviewees had not directly experienced the Hawke's Bay
Interviewees also included vicarious experiences in their accounts. earthquake, they often mentioned that they would ask other family
Interviewees often discussed how the experience of other people members or friends to discuss their experiences in the 1931 Hawke's
influenced them, or how they had seen information about disasters Bay earthquake with them. With the vicarious experience of others,
through other sources. Many had also been exposed to media reports people most often talked about what happened in the event and what
about disasters that had occurred overseas or within New Zealand, and they had gone through. However, this did not always culminate in the
related how this information had impacted upon them. topic of preparedness for disasters being included in conversations.
All 48 interviewees discussed diverse life experiences related to Vicarious experience via the media appeared to prompt conversations
other adverse events. Such experiences included accidents (e.g. vehicle about hazards, including preparedness, as part of regular social
accidents, personal accidents), personal health events, industrial ha- conversations. This is consistent with the findings introduced above
zards, and infrastructure failure (e.g., power, telecommunications). regarding critical awareness (Paton and McClure, 2013).
Discussion of these events in a hazards context reflected issues that
were salient to people, particularly in the absence of having experience 4.2.2. Awareness and knowledge
of a significant disaster such as a damaging earthquake. Interviewees who had directly or indirectly experienced disasters, or
had some type of adverse life experience, often felt that the experience
4.2. Effects of experience had raised their awareness and knowledge. The types of awareness
raised included both awareness of hazards and awareness of prepared-
Results from this research confirm that disaster experience was used ness. Interviewee 26 summed up how experience can raise awareness
to inform people's understandings and actions. That is, it represented a by saying, “The way I see it, if… when people have experienced
form of ‘information.’ People's experiences of disaster and other something, have experienced some disruption, then they are likely to be
hazardous events had several influences on the preparedness process aware of what can happen and what they can do about it beforehand for
for disasters (see Table 1). themselves. You think afterwards, well, I should have done this, that
and the other thing". Vicarious experience also raised awareness, but
4.2.1. Thinking and talking was more likely to be related to awareness about the hazard itself,
Participants’ experiences promoted more thinking and talking about rather than preparedness. Four people whose knowledge and awareness
hazards and preparedness. Being either directly or indirectly involved was raised by various direct and vicarious experiences, choose to
in a disaster or some other kind of event would commonly trigger explicitly seek further information to verify what they had seen or
thoughts and act as a catalyst for conversations (about hazards and heard, or find out more about hazards or preparedness. The importance
preparedness). For example, Interviewee 41 directly noted that for of this finding derives from providing people with opportunities to
conversations to begin, the “conversation needs to be stimulated by personalize their awareness and knowledge, with personalization being
something [such as] an event…” Another example highlighted addi- an important precursor to sustained preparedness (Lindell and Perry,
tional issues raised in interviews: Interviewee 29 from Timaru described 2011).
how experiencing an event can trigger conversations, “… after things
like the snow or the floods - yes, you are talking, that's your 4.2.3. Understanding consequences
conversation all the time. How prepared were you? How did you Disaster experiences were linked to increasing the likelihood of
manage?” Both interviewees 41 and 29 made reference to the snow- people understanding the consequences that hazardous events could
storm event which they had experienced; however, people did not generate. People suggested that an experience of a past disaster can
necessarily have to have experience of a disaster per se for conversation make a future event seem more “real”. Taken together, these outcomes
to occur. This finding has significant implications for preparedness. further support people's ability to personalize their knowledge and
Critical Awareness theory (Paton and McClure, 2013; Paton et al., make future events more salient. In particular, the development of
2005) has identified direct links between thinking and discussing knowledge of consequences and their (local) causes and implications
hazard issues and preparedness. Thinking and talking linked to plays a role in people developing (local) risk beliefs and preparedness
experience could be more effective if it helps people personalize their needs (Paton and McClure, 2013). Those that had direct or indirect
preparedness circumstances and needs (Paton and McClure, 2013). disaster experience spoke of the disaster or event leading them to the
Hazard-related discussions could also be stimulated by life or realisation that disasters can actually happen, the impact disasters can
vicarious experiences. For example, interviewees commonly discussed have, and the preparedness that needs to be undertaken to counter the

J.S. Becker et al. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 22 (2017) 179–193

impacts of those disasters. them, and helped with motivation in getting prepared. As interviewee
People also described experiencing a disaster event as a “wake-up 46 stated:
call”. Such an understanding of the consequences prompted a number
“…if you go back to that big tsunami event that happened in Bali,
of people to get more prepared. This was most evident in participants
around in those islands […] within two days you've got photographs
from Timaru who had experienced the 2006 snowfall event. A major
taken by these people […] that were there standing on the balcony
issue during the event was that electricity went off, so following the
of a hotel, and you could actually see a wave come in, hit – knock
event many interviewees went out and purchased items (e.g. transistor
over things and go zooming back. Now, the only way that you ever
radio, batteries, candles, gas cookers, a phone that doesn’t run off
could talk to anybody about it was to say, “Oh, it's like a big wave, it
power, a generator) to ensure they could deal with future electricity
will come in and it might come further up the shore”. Now, you
outages. Interviewee 29 described the experience of the snowstorm,
could only, you could verbalise that but it's not until you actually see
how it assisted people's understanding of consequences, and how it
visually what its impact is and how in actual fact it's so destructive
became a prompt for preparedness:
as it comes back. In fact you have an understanding of what a
“…after the snow situation here […] – there was no power, we tsunami is really like.”
didn’t have power for what was it – 5 days, we didn’t have
Having a true understanding of the consequences (i.e. a realisation
telephone, so there was just no power. Some of the homes had it
of what the impacts would be, a reflection on their own vulnerability,
longer than that – I think it was a couple of weeks with no power. So
and a realisation “why” individuals needed to prepare) helped develop
it really brought it home to people how prepared they should be …”
and cement beliefs about hazards and preparedness. For example, some
Life experience also helped with understanding the consequences of people had never thought about the impacts and consequences of
something adverse happening, but in a more generic way, as the nature disasters before an event, and this was the first time they developed
of the experience was usually different to that experienced during a beliefs based on what they had experienced. Others had heard key
disaster. Life experience assisted with understanding the impacts of an messages through information sources, but had not really taken these
adverse event in general, and helped individuals understand how being messages on board until the experience had “brought it home” or made
prepared for adverse events might make one's life easier or lessen the it seem “real”. One of the examples that emerged was that related to an
impact. For example, individuals discussed how being prepared for understanding of “being on your own”. New Zealand Ministry of Civil
accidents or adverse health events by having a first aid kit or first aid Defence & Emergency Management information has in the past pro-
training could lessen the impact of such an event. Interviewee 3 moted the idea that people might be on their own in the “Get Ready,
described how experience of vehicle accidents has helped him become Get Thru” campaign. The “Emergency Services” television advertise-
more conscious of hazards in general, understand the consequences of ment running at the time of the interviews, for example, stated that it is
having an accident, and alter his behaviour to ensure his safety: necessary to prepare because, “…you and your family will be on your
own for up to three days or more…” (Ministry of Civil
“Riding a motorbike you tend to be quite conscious of hazards. A
Defence & Emergency Management, 2011).
truck going around the corner spilling some shingle – on a
While several interviewees were aware of the message promoted in
motorbike it would be like ball-bearings and you would be flying.
the MCDEM advertising, it wasn’t often until people had actually
When it is wet, and diesel spills and things like that. My speed goes
experienced a hazard event in some way that they really understood
down by 20–30% when I’m riding in the wet, because of that – I
why the message was important, and began to cement it as a belief
don’t like it. I have come off a few times and yeah, you are conscious
worthy of attention. Interviewee 48 summed up how experience can
of that then.”
bring home such messages, “… we had floods here - as a lot of people
The vicarious experience of others also helped with understanding did in – in 2004, about February, but people were cut off. […] You
the consequences of disasters. However, because these experiences did know, and it really brought it home that people can be isolated”. The
not happen to the individual themselves, they tended to be less aforementioned findings by Karanci and Aksit (2000) support the
personalized and did not necessarily lead to reports of direct behaviour concept that disaster experience helps people understand that they
change. Interviewees described how their understanding of certain need to rely on their own resources in a disaster.
elements of disasters increased after talking with family or friends
about experiences they had been exposed to. For example, after the 4.2.4. Formation of beliefs
2006 snowstorm, Interviewee 35 from Napier spoke with friends in From the analysis, a relationship was observed between the type of
Canterbury who explained to her that access to electricity was a experience a person had encountered and the kinds of beliefs that were
significant problem following the event. Interviewee 28 spoke to friends formed. These beliefs could facilitate or hinder preparedness. Both
living in rural Wanganui, and during this conversation became aware of direct and indirect disaster experiences were valuable for forming
the isolation and problems that floods could cause: beliefs. After directly or indirectly experiencing a disaster, people were
more likely to believe that a disaster “Can happen anytime”, that “You
“During the last flood in Wanganui I had friends calling me up that
could be on your own” in an event, and that “Preparing is important”.
knew [my husband] was with the emergency services, asking if [my
This “personalizing” outcome can be important in stimulating prepa-
husband] could please get someone out to them. They had babies,
redness (Lindell and Perry, 2011).
had no food, they had no milk, they couldn’t get out, the water was
People also developed more comprehensive views about the risk
up to their front door, sort of thing. So even they weren’t always
posed by natural hazards. Some of these views could be accurate; for
example, people in Wanganui had a good understanding of the
Vicarious experience via the media helped with understanding the potential impacts of flooding (i.e. the damage it could cause to property
consequences of event. Visual information, such as camera footage seen and the impact it could have on people) from the direct and indirect
on television had a greater impact than written or verbal information experiences they had been through.
alone. The impact and influence of visual media such as television has Other risk perception beliefs could reduce the likelihood of people
been noted in other studies (e.g. Turner et al., 1986). A number of considering alternatives to their past experiences. For example, this
interviewees stated that they couldn’t imagine what an event might be hindsight bias was evident in several people suggesting that the hazards
like, because they had never experienced one, and visual information they were most at risk from were the same as those experienced in the
helped with that “imagination”. Understanding the actual consequences past, rather than undertaking a rational assessment of all the risks posed
of an event helped people understand what an event might mean to by hazards in the local area. When Interviewee 11 was asked why she

J.S. Becker et al. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 22 (2017) 179–193

chose wind as the event most likely to affect her in future she said, earthquake occurring. This engendered a lack of motivation to prepare.
“Because that's what has affected us [in the past].” In the context of a large earthquake, Interviewee 6 described how her
As disaster experience often involved physically dealing with the grandmother and father fell subject to Normalisation Bias following
impacts of an event, individuals could develop useful skills that they their experience of the Hawke's Bay earthquake. She stated, “… they
could apply in future both with respect to responding to a future event were never too concerned with earthquakes. They thought about them
and preparing. The practice gained during this experience helped and they’d lived through them and figured that they’d managed to get
develop people's self-efficacy beliefs that they would be able to do through one, they’d probably get through the next one (laughter).”
something to respond to a future event, or that they could do something Evidence of Unrealistic Optimism Bias and the Gambler's Fallacy
to prepare. could also be discerned in people's accounts of the relationship between
Life experience appeared to promote a slightly different set of experience and (non) preparedness. Participants accounts provided
beliefs in individuals. As with disaster experience, life experiences evidence of Unrealistic Optimism bias (Helweg-Larsen, 1999; Becker
inspired a belief in many individuals that preparing was important. et al., 2013; Burger and Palmer, 1992; Spittal et al., 2005), with
However, it was more likely to encourage beliefs related to general participants stating that they would not be affected in future, that a
safety issues. For example, this type of experience led people to believe future event would not strike them directly, or that their current state of
that “Safety is important”, “Survival is important”, and that preparedness would see them through. Evidence of the Gambler's
“Preparedness should be a ‘way of life’” rather than a one-off activity fallacy was also present in people's accounts. For example, people
(see also Becker et al., 2013). The development of such beliefs, discussed how the fact that now an earthquake had occurred, it
particularly those that lead people to internalise preparedness (as a wouldn’t happen again or it would not happen the same way again,
“way of life”), increased the likelihood of people asking questions about not happen for many years to come (e.g., based on their interpretation
their needs and what they need to do (Lindell and Perry, 2011; Paton of return periods for events in their area), or that any future event
and McClure, 2013). For example, Interviewee 14 stated, “I have got would be as benign as its predecessor. Interviewee 35 described how
one leg […] – when I was aged 29 I had bone cancer which probably despite her experience, she believed another event wouldn’t occur in
shook me out of my comfort zone. That I wasn’t bullet proof, and future, and thus she did not prepare:
probably I have thought about personal safety because of that a little
“When we lived in Opotiki in the Bay of Plenty, that whole township
more than others probably would”. While Interviewee 25 said, “I’ve had
flooded when we lived there… but I didn’t learn a lesson from it, if
a lot of personal life disasters which probably prepare you for the next
you know what I mean, coming to live here.”
event all the time, you know, serious car crash and those sorts of things.
So why do you think it didn’t stick with you?
And heart attacks and all those sorts of things. But, you know, I mean,
“Because you think it's not going to happen again, sort of thing.”
you know, you become a bit wiser by events”. Interviewee 6 described
how life experience from being in the army helped develop some of her A variation on the above was evident in some people describing the
core beliefs around survival and safety which she also applied in a disaster events they had experienced as “unusual”. For example, the
disaster context, “…we were both in the army so we kind of have a little majority of interviewees from Timaru thought that the 2006 snowstorm
bit of a survival background too. […] I think once you’ve done that sort was an unusual event and, as such, was unlikely to occur again in
of thing the seeds are well sown, it's about keeping yourself safe and future.
knowing where to get help”.
While vicarious experience did have some influence on beliefs (such 4.2.5. Developing preparedness, including skills
as forming beliefs that people will be on their own, or thinking a Direct and indirect disaster experience and life experience also
disaster could happen locally), this type of experience did not appear to assisted with motivating some people to get directly prepared for a
cement beliefs as profoundly as other direct and indirect experiences future disaster (see Table 1). This preparedness related to gathering
did. This may be due to the fact that the experience did not happen to together physical preparedness items and developing plans, as well as
the individual themselves, and thus was not personalized (see above developing skills to get ready for and respond to a disaster. Life
regarding the importance of personalization) by the individual. With experience in particular was seen to be useful for developing personal
regard to media sources of vicarious experience, one particular set of skills on how to prepare and respond, leading to the development of
beliefs that was found related to fatalism. Several participants sug- self-efficacy beliefs in these areas. For example, Interviewee 47
gested that many reported disasters were so big that they felt they described how growing up in a place with a lot of crime taught her
couldn’t do anything about a similar disaster if it were to happen skills about how to think laterally about how to deal with adverse
locally. Research by McClure et al. (2001, 2007a, 2007b) note that situations, “I grew up in South Africa. We’re from South Africa and I
many initial media reports of disasters are exaggerated and ‘instance think that teaches you to, just because of the criminal climate and the
based’, focusing on damage and destruction and thus contributing to way things are there, it teaches you to look broader, or, “How else can
the formation of fatalistic beliefs. I?”
All types of experience had an influence on trust-related beliefs, in
both positive and negative ways, depending on the nature of the 4.2.6. Emotions and feelings
experience. For example, in a negative context, experience of a disaster Experience had a strong influence on people's emotions and feelings.
where a civil defence emergency management response did not go well In particular, direct or indirect disaster experience often made people
lead some people to believe that “civil defence was underprepared” and think an event was “frightening”, “scary” or “horrific”. They might then
a consequent lack of trust in civil defence. Life and vicarious experi- transfer this emotion to future potential disasters, thinking about the
ences (e.g. dissatisfying interactions with police with respect to crime; risks that may be posed by those events, how they might feel, and what
conflicting newspaper information about flood protection) could also they might need to do to avert any adverse feelings. For example,
lead a lack of trust in agencies. Becker et al. (2012) discusses the Interviewee 35 was “frightened by heavy rain now” after her experience
influences of experience on trust in more detail. of having her house flooded, and acted to prepare by ensuring her
People's varied experiences were also found to prompt several gutters were clear to avert such a disaster happening again. Interviewee
biases. First, some experiences were found to contribute to 25 discussed how his indirect disaster experience of responding to a
Normalisation Bias (Johnston et al., 1999; Becker et al., 2013; Mileti flood in Invercargill filled him with horror, and prompted him to think
and O'Brien, 1992; Russell et al., 1995). This was seen particularly in about and check his own preparedness.
the context of earthquakes, where people who had experienced many
“[The] Invercargill flood was a very dirty flood because, if you
smaller earthquakes had become blasé and not concerned about an

J.S. Becker et al. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 22 (2017) 179–193

compare it with a sink, where someone's put a plug in the sink and empathy in people, which prompts a desire to assist others in a hazards
filled it up with water over say a period of 24 h, and while it was and preparedness context (Sattler et al., 1995). Interviewee 13 sug-
there it was like a lake filling and all the debris and rubbish and gested that seeing the impacts on her elderly mother isolated by the
sewage and everything was all - it was horrible […] I rang my wife 2006 Timaru snowstorm has meant that she will make sure she gets to
halfway through the week, and I said to her, tomorrow please ring know her neighbours so she can help them in a future event.
the insurance company and double our contents policy. When I got Interviewee 2's indirect experience of past flooding has meant he was
home, I mean I found that we already had enough, but it just able to empathise with the flood victims, and was keen to help the
stunned me…” community in future events:
Those with direct disaster experience were more likely to use words “Back in 1990 we were called out to the floods and we were helping
like “scary” to describe the event, or say that it was a “bad event”. people move out - move all their belongings out - this was on Anzac
Emotions such as excitement, concern, nervousness and unease were Parade over there – we were wading in water up to here (points to
often conveyed if an individual had indirect disaster experience. thigh height) and it was absolutely – it was a real experience but it
Emotions such as an event being “scary” were not connected as was just heart-wrenching for those people. And after that we have
strongly with life experience (e.g. personal health issues, accidents). As had some big ones since then and gone out and helped people get
with life experience, the vicarious experience of others did not appear their stuff out.”
to produce the same depth of emotion in an individual as disaster
experience did; however, it still did have some impact. In terms of the
5. Discussion
vicarious experience of other people, while an experience was vicarious
for the interviewee; it was still direct to the other person who had
5.1. The role of experience in the preparedness process
experienced it. This caused the other person to be persuasive about
their experience and have an influence on the interviewee. For
While previous research has focused on specific aspects of experi-
example, Interviewee 10 said that his wife's experience of Cyclone
ence and its implications, it is clear from the present study that people
Tracey had made him more sensitive to windstorms, “My wife is
do not compartmentalize experience. In making judgments about, for
petrified of strong winds. She was in Darwin when a cyclone hit in
example, risk and preparedness, they draw on all aspects of their
1974 I think it was – and that gave her one hell of a fright. So whenever
hazardous experiences including direct disaster experience, indirect
we get strong winds she is petrified. That has made me a lot more
disaster experience, vicarious experience (in relation to the experience
sensitive to them. Now that she has experienced the destructive nature
of other people, and the media), and life experience. The importance of
of a tropical cyclone”.
these categories or types of experience and the need to pay more
In terms of vicarious experience via the media, one strong emotion
attention to experience derives from the fact that they emerged from
that was frequently triggered on seeing overseas or local disasters was
people's own accounts of the kinds of experiences that informed their
concern or anxiety. Interviewees reported being uncomfortable watch-
preparedness thinking and decision making. While more work is
ing or hearing some media information (e.g. death and destruction in
required to test this, the findings presented here identify a need to
the wake of earthquake or tsunamis), and in some cases this anxiety was
include all aspects of experience in DRR planning and adopt a holistic
enough to cause denial, whereby people would “switch off” from the
planning and intervention process which accommodates all aspects of
information or not want to hear about it anymore.
experience. That is, when developing a BBB program to enhance
preparedness within social recovery and reconstruction planning, it
4.2.7. Community interaction may be necessary to develop community engagement strategies that
Finally, all types of experience were seen to prompt community include people's indirect, vicarious and life experience in the process of
interaction or participation with respect to disaster issues. For example, mobilizing future DRR activities.
some individuals who had been directly involved in a disaster reported The data discussed here were obtained during a period of hazard
interacting with other community members during the disaster re- quiescence. Participants readily called on all types of experience to
sponse and recovery process. The Timaru snowstorm provided the best discuss preparedness in this context. Currently, DRR preparedness
examples of this, with people checking on family, friends and neigh- strategies do not generally include experience, and they certainly do
bours during the event to see if they were okay, and offering to help out not include all the types of experience that community members called
where possible (e.g. clear snow, deliver essential items such as food and on (direct, indirect, vicarious and lived) when asked to discuss
medication). preparedness. The findings discussed here identify a need for “experi-
Interviewees who had indirect disaster experience were also often ence” to be included as a core component in community-based DRR
involved in the community in some way. For example, some partici- strategies.
pants spoke of being involved in the community as part of a civil This study found that the various types of disaster experience have
defence response team during an event. Both types of vicarious seven predominant influences on the process of information interpreta-
experience could also lead to community interaction on hazard and tion and preparedness:
preparedness issues. This could be seen in the form of a desire by
community members to provide disaster assistance either before (i.e. in 1. Prompts thinking and talking about hazard and preparedness issues;
collating preparedness items) or after a disaster event had occurred 2. Prompts community interaction on disaster issues.
(e.g. raising money for disaster relief). The importance of this finding These first two outcomes provide the social context in which
derives from recognition that, particularly when dealing with uncertain other preparedness-related activities occur, and these include:
future circumstances, people's view about risk and what they can do to 3. Raises awareness and knowledge;
manage their risk is socially constructed. For example, Community 4. Helps individuals understand the consequences of a disaster;
Engagement Theory (Paton, 2008; Paton and McClure, 2013) discusses 5. Influences or develops beliefs (including helpful and unhelpful
how community characteristics and processes, such as levels of active beliefs and biases);
participation in everyday community activities and the development of 6. Develops preparedness, including personal skills;
processes such as collective efficacy derived from experience of 7. Influences emotions and feelings.
collaborating on meaningful community activities, stimulates prepared-
ness. This list introduces another significant finding that can be discerned
Having either direct or indirect experience of an event can produce in the work discussed here. That is, how community members describe

J.S. Becker et al. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 22 (2017) 179–193

how experience manifests not in specific competencies (e.g., risk Weinstein, 1989). The present research has confirmed that life experi-
perception) but in the development of the community processes and ences do help inform people's interpretations and decisions about
structured interactions (e.g., thinking and talking about hazards and hazards and preparedness. To make hazards relevant to the general
preparedness, community interaction). Such processes and interactions public, DRR practitioners could consider reinforcing the idea that
represent the crucible in which key risk and preparedness capabilities “Preparedness is a way of life” in general, and that this philosophy
can be forged through structured engagement with community mem- can be applied to a disaster context, including leveraging on recent
bers. events to maximise messaging impact.
This paper has identified several issues that inform understanding of The interview data illustrated how direct and indirect disaster
the relationship between people's direct, indirect, vicarious and life experience can contribute to the formation of cognitive biases (Becker
experiences during a period of earthquake quiescence and the earth- et al., 2013). Prominent here were Normalisation Bias (Johnston et al.,
quake and general disaster preparedness process, and builds on and 1999; Mileti and O'Brien, 1992; Russell et al., 1995), Optimistic Bias
extends previous recent research (Becker et al., 2012, 2013, 2014). The (Helweg-Larsen, 1999; Burger and Palmer, 1992) and the Gambler's
interview data has confirmed that people's experiences act as a form of Fallacy (Paton and McClure, 2013). This finding reinforces the im-
information for them, and depending on the nature of the experience, portance of utilizing experience as a driver of preparedness within
exert influence in various ways on decision making for earthquake community-based DRR programmes. Active engagement with people
preparedness. These findings support the ‘experiential learning’ process and community groups is essential for education programme's attempts
whereby “knowledge is created through the transformation of experi- to address these biases (Dooley et al., 1992; Karanci and Aksit, 2000;
ence” (Kolb, 1984, p. 38). Strategies in DRR programmes have to be McGee et al., 2009; Paton and McClure, 2013; Pennebaker and Harber,
developed and delivered to people who have either not experienced an 1993; Russell et al., 1995; Sattler et al., 2000; Tanaka, 2005).
earthquake or who have not experienced the range of magnitudes and The vicarious experience of other citizens and the media, while not
durations that could occur. Experiential learning would fit well in a often a direct motivator of preparedness, does play an important role in
contemporary DRR context because it is concerned with understanding people's interpretation of information about hazards and preparedness
continuous adaptation arising from interactions between an individual and in people's decisions about whether to prepare or not. Vicarious
and the environment (Kolb, 1984). It is also argued in this paper that experience can trigger an increased willingness to pay attention to
experience should be considered by those working in the DDR sector as hazard-related issues, including thinking and talking about hazard
an important form of information itself and can be given the term issues, assisting with understanding the consequences of future events,
‘experiential information’. and helping with the formation and cementation of beliefs about
While it remains tentative until subject to additional research, the hazards and preparing.
analyses identified potential differences in the relationship between The downside is, however, that there are limitations with respect to
type of experience and DRR outcomes. Direct disaster experience is vicarious experience. First, in their thoughts and conversations, vicar-
known to be more powerful and vivid, which leads to better recall of ious experience was more likely than its direct and indirect counter-
information that people can use to inform future decisions (Lee, 1999; parts to result in people talking about what happened during an event,
Neisser et al., 1996; Norris and Kaniasty, 1992; Sattler et al., 1995; rather than issues related to future preparedness or response, limiting
Weinstein, 1989), improve people's estimation of impacts in a future their undertaking of problem-solving actions designed to advance
disaster (Sattler et al., 1995), increase the likelihood of people preparedness. Vicarious experience also limited opportunities for
personalizing hazards and their consequences (Lindell and Perry, personalizing hazard experience, reducing the capacity of this source
2011; Weinstein, 1989), and help people develop skills related to of information to facilitate individuals’ understanding of the conse-
preparing and responding (e.g., enhanced self-efficacy) (Mulilis et al., quences of disasters or developing the kinds of risk beliefs that motivate
2003). The present study showed that people recalled their direct preparedness (Jackson and Mukerjee, 1974; Lindell and Perry, 2011;
experiences well, and were often motivated to prepare based on their Tierney et al., 2001; Weinstein, 1989). Vicariously-sourced information
experience. In general, the more direct an experience was, the more was also more likely to manifest as Unrealistic Optimism Bias and
likely people were to relate to the experience, have raised awareness fatalism, both of which hinder preparedness (Paton and McClure,
and knowledge, engage in thought and discussion, understand the 2013).
consequences of disasters, think about their experience in the context of Finally, the vicarious experience of others appeared to have less
future disasters, form or cement relevant beliefs, have relevant emo- influence than direct and indirect experience on emotions, which is one
tions and feelings, and have a motivation to prepare. Adaptive beliefs key to the preparedness process (Dooley et al., 1992; Heller et al., 2005;
formed from disaster experience included: a disaster “Can happen Rüstemli and Karanci, 1999; Siegel et al., 2003). Given these findings,
anytime”, “You could be on your own”, “Preparing is important” and education programmes should ensure that messaging about hazard
beliefs about the level and nature of risk (Becker et al., 2013). issues are directed first to include discussions about the experience
Indirect disaster and life-related experience, was less powerful a itself. This initial focus may then help to capitalise on getting people's
driver of preparedness than its direct counterpart, but it was still found attention and be leveraged in various ways. This could include counter-
to contribute to the preparedness process. Indirect disaster and life ing various biases (e.g., Normalisation, Optimistic Biases), promoting
experience could prompt people to engage in thought and discussion, personalization, amplifying emotional impacts while simultaneously
raise awareness and knowledge, help people understand the conse- providing information and specific guidance on what can be done to
quences of disasters, think about their experience in the context of mitigate the adverse effects of future hazard experiences. This could
future disasters, form relevant beliefs about hazards and preparing, then result in turning anxiety into a source of preparedness motivation
stimulate emotions and feelings, and provide motivation to prepare. (Demuth et al., 2016; Paton et al., 2005; Siegrist and Gutscher, 2008).
While less effective than direct experience, indirect disaster experi- Because those with indirect disaster or life experience used less
ence contributed to developing beliefs regarding specific aspects of emotive terms, such as “excitement”, “concern”, “nervousness” and
preparedness (e.g., while less potent than direct experience, it encour- “unease,” to describe their experience, a similar strategy of mobilizing
aged levels of thinking and talking that facilitated preparedness out- emotions may be required to optimise the value of indirect experience
comes). Life experience, on the other hand, formed more general beliefs as a motivator of preparedness. Where direct experience (which
related to safety issues, such as “Safety is important”, “Survival is produced the most profound emotions, with people using terms such
important” and “Preparedness is a way of life” (see also Becker et al., as “frightening”, “scary” or “horrific,”) can be called upon, there may
2013). Previously, researchers have speculated upon whether life be less need to mobilize emotions, so more attention should be directed
experiences are helpful or not to disaster preparedness (Norris, 1997; to providing advice and guidance required to mitigate anxiety and

J.S. Becker et al. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 22 (2017) 179–193

mobilizing preparedness (Paton and McClure, 2013). all (relevant) types of experience in DRR strategies. The findings
Different experiences and emotional reactions, leading to different discussed here also have other practical implications.
influences in the preparedness process is consistent with the literature. Studies of the experience-preparedness relationship have tended to
For example, Sjöberg (1998) suggests that natural disasters are linked focus on the content of experience. That is, their research has explored
to strong sensory experiences and may be more likely to cause the whether constructs, such as cognitive biases, self-efficacy etc., known to
formation of perceptions related to emotional risk, while more every- predict preparedness, have emerged from experience. By developing an
day events are more likely to influence cognitive risk. Emotional risk is inventory of “experience” based on people's own accounts, the work
more likely to create anxiety about perceived threat, which may then discussed in this paper has drawn attention to the need to understand
become a motivator of preparedness. how experience creates social contexts through its ability to encourage
It is important to appreciate that it is not the emotional reactions per people to talk about hazard and preparedness issues and its capacity to
se that motivate preparedness. The levels of stress and anxiety triggered act as a catalyst for community interaction and how these contexts
by experiencing the consequence of a disaster have long been recog- represent the contexts in which DRR activities can be undertaken.
nized as being able to adversely affect people's performance. For While more work is needed to explore this in detail, this opens
example, high arousal can lead to less efficient information processing opportunities for using community-based DRR activities to capitalise
and recall, or lead to people having trouble with tasks, particularly on people's experience. In the aftermath of a disaster, this could
complex ones (Tiegan, 1994). The magnitude of these effects corre- complement a BBB strategy. If a BBB strategy is extended to the social
sponds to the immediacy of the emotional experience; it is greater for domain and used to develop preparedness, it is essential that the nature
direct experience and less so for indirect disaster experience. Direct of people's experience is understood and that such understanding is
experience generates higher levels of arousal and potential memory and used to inform the development of DRR strategies.
performance impairments, with indirect and neutral (vicarious) experi- While direct disaster experience appears to have the greatest
ence having lower arousal and better recollection of central details influence on behaviour, difficulties arise in that few members of the
(Dutton and Carroll, 2001). However, high levels of arousal can be public are exposed to direct experience. Perry and Lindell (2008) note
managed more effectively, depending on the context of the experience the fact that emergency managers cannot recreate direct experience for
(Hanoch and Vitouch, 2004). For example, restricting information people and that other ways of delivering this experience must be found.
during states of high arousal can lead to an improvement in perfor- They issue a challenge for identifying how we can better use vicarious
mance. In a practical earthquake education sense, this could entail experience (both from the media and via other individuals) to more
focusing on essential or goal-relevant information to assist with closely mirror direct experience, and assist with adjustment adoption. It
directing individuals to appropriate actions. Relatedly, planning and has been suggested that information could be released well before a
practice can help people modulate emotional arousal through increases disaster occurs that vividly describes the experiences of a past event.
in flexible problem-focused coping abilities, enhanced self-efficacy and This would assist people who experienced a disaster to remember what
actual practice of emotional modulation (Ronan and Towers, 2014). happened in the past, and to inform those who have not experienced a
Finally, people's experience of disasters or events often provides a disaster what a future event might be like (Sattler et al., 1995, 2000).
prompt for interaction with the community, a known, and important, Other challenges in making use of experiential information include
predictor of increased preparedness behaviour (e.g., Becker et al., 2012, the evolution of experience. This study was undertaken in a period of
2014; Paton, 2008; Paton and Irons, 2016; Wood et al., 2012). During relative earthquake quiescence, and thus people's reported experiences
the interviews, this was most often seen in terms of directly helping out reflect a snapshot in time. Since data collection took place, several
other community members during an event, or though contributing to significant damaging earthquakes have occurred in New Zealand (i.e.
relief efforts. Disaster experience makes hazards and preparedness more Darfield, 2010; Christchurch, 2011; Kaikoura, 2016), altering the
salient to people, and more willing to engage in a participatory fashion. landscape of direct, indirect and vicarious experience for people. This
Consequently, better use could be made of people's willingness to may have changed the way in which people interact with and use
engage after disasters. Earthquake education programmes should make experiential information, and potentially may affect behavioural out-
provision to use the ‘window of opportunity’ post-event to engage comes. For example, McClure et al. (2011) reported that risk percep-
communities in participatory risk reduction activities for future events. tions about the likelihood of an earthquake in New Zealand were raised
In summary, earthquake educators should be aware that experience by the Canterbury earthquakes. In terms of actual preparedness, Russell
does have an influence on the way people interpret hazard and et al. (1995) found that in comparing preparedness before and after the
preparedness issues with respect to making decisions about prepared- Sylmar, California earthquake, different predictors of preparedness
ness. Therefore, it should be considered a relevant and valuable source were found. In their study pre-earthquake, socio-economic factors
of information for the general public. DRR practitioners should ensure tended to be dominant drivers of preparedness, while in the post-
that the aforementioned aspects discussed in this paper are tailored for impact period, socio-economic, psychological and situational variables
inclusion in future earthquake education programmes. tended to be key influences. Differences between pre-and post-earth-
quake motivators have been found by other researchers (Heller et al.,
5.2. Challenges for earthquake education 2005; Paton et al., 2015). Future research should focus on following
individuals’ experiences over time to ascertain how experience evolves
Understanding experience and the many forms that it comes in has and the influence this has on interactions between cognitive, emotive,
several implications for DRR. While the potential for experience to fall social and environmental factors, and the overall preparedness process.
into one of several categories has been acknowledged in the prepared- This research has several noted limitations. Interview participants
ness literature, studies of the relationship between experience and were self-selected volunteers and as a consequence there may be some
preparedness has generally focused on only one type of experience at a bias present in the sample. In particular, there is an over-representation
time rather than recognizing that different types of experience co-exist. of older people in the sample (i.e. over half the sample were 60 years or
This study has provided confirmation that not only do different types of over) and an over-representation of ‘community-minded people’ (as the
experience (direct, indirect, vicarious and life experience) co-exist, but majority of invitations were sent to community groups). People who
people may draw on all of them to interpret their hazardous circum- were more interested in the topics of earthquake hazards and prepared-
stances and make preparedness decisions. So, from a practical perspec- ness were also more likely to have answered the request to participate.
tive, this study identifies a need for DRR strategies to make better use of As the research data was collected via interviews it also may be prone to
experience as a predictor of preparedness than has hitherto been the desirability biases and interviewer demand effects. Finally, these
case and to adopt a comprehensive approach, one that accommodates findings are from one study using one small group of interviewees

J.S. Becker et al. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 22 (2017) 179–193

and one methodology. questions and hypotheses that could inform future comprehensive,
The findings presented here are informative, but should be regarded systematic, longitudinal studies of the experience-preparedness rela-
as tentative. The findings provide a foundation for developing research tionship.

Appendix A. Interview questions asked by the researcher to prompt discussion

• On a scale of 1–10 how important do you think it is that people should prepare for natural hazards/disasters (with 1 the least, and 10 the most
• What can you tell me about natural hazards in New Zealand?
1. In your town/city?
• How do you think people should go about dealing with hazards?
• What can you tell me about earthquakes?
• How do you think people should go about dealing with earthquakes?
• What types of information have you seen or heard about hazards?
1. (If none, you do intend to “seek” any? Why? Where from?)
• Where did you see/hear this information?
• What did you think about this information?
1. (e.g., Liked/disliked, understood/did not understand it, clear/unclear, trusted/not trusted, useful/not useful, etc.).
• What do you think people should do with this type of information? Why?
• What did you do with this information? Why?
• How do you think people can practically make use of this type of information?
• What have you done to prepare for hazards?
1. For earthquakes?
• Why would you prepare/not prepare for hazards?
• Are there any benefits/negatives of preparing? Why do you say this?
• What do you think the outcome will be if you prepare? Why?
• Who do you talk to about hazards?
• What do you talk about with respect to hazards?
1. What kind of things do you ask/talk about?
2. What kind of things do other people say/talk about?
• Why do you talk/not talk about hazards?
• Why do you talk about hazards with the people/organizations you identified?
• How do you feel about hazards? About earthquakes? Why?
• When do you think a hazard event might occur next?
1. An earthquake?
• What would you do if there was an earthquake today, in your current situation
1. (During the earthquake? After the earthquake?).
• Tell me about any past experiences you have had with hazards?
1. (e.g., Hazards general and earthquakes)
• Whose responsibility is it to look after/deal with hazards (or the impact of hazards)? Why did you say those people are responsible?

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