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Isopoly and Heteropoly Acids and Salts:

 Isopoly and Heteropoly Acids and Salts of Mo and W: Structures of Isopoly
and Heteropoly Anions
The term polymetalate acid or simply poly acid may be defined as the condensed or polymerized form
of the weak acids of amphoteric metals like vanadium, niobium, tantalum (VB group metals) or chromium,
molybdenum, and tungsten (VIB group metals) in the +5 and +6 oxidation states. The anions of these poly
acids contain several molecules of the acid anhydride and the corresponding salts are called as polysalts.
Furthermore, if these polymerized acids contain only one type of acid anhydride, they are called as
isopoly acids. However, these anhydrides can also condense with some other acids like phosphoric or silicic
acid to form heteropoly acids. In other words, isopoly acids contain only one metal along with hydrogen and
oxygen while heteropoly acids contain two elements other than hydrogen and oxygen. The corresponding salts
of isopoly and heteropoly acids are called as isopoly and heteropoly salts, respectively.
Consider the polymerization of chromate ion to form different isopoly chromates anions. CrO3
dissolves in an alkali to give yellow colored CrO42– ions solution. At very high pH, above 8, the chromate ions,
CrO42–, exist as the discrete entities but as the pH is lowered down, the protonation and dimerization take place.
For instance:

2H2 CrO4 ⟶ H2 Cr2 O7

– H2 O


3H2 CrO4 ⟶ H2 Cr3 O10

– 2H2 O


4H2 CrO4 ⟶ H2 Cr4 O13

– 3H2 O

The polymeric anions Cr2O72–, Cr3O102– and Cr4O132– produced by the polyacids H2Cr2O7, H2Cr3O10 and
H2Cr4O13, can successfully be isolated from their aqueous as sodium or potassium polysalts like K 2Cr2O7,
K2Cr3O10 and K2Cr4O13, respectively. Among the isopoly-anions of V5+, Nb5+, Ta5+, Cr6+, Mo6+ and W6+, only
Cr6+ is found to have tetrahedral CrO42– units joined through the corners. The other metal ions form
isopolyanions by the sharing of edges of octahedral MO6 units. This may be attributable to the small size of
Cr6+ which can afford only four oxide ions around itself.

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[CrO4]2– [Cr2O7]2–



Figure 1. The structure of chromate and isopoly anions of chromium.

The tri-chromate and tetra-chromate anions can be crystallized as their alkali metal salts only from strongly
acidic solution and no polymerization beyond the tetrameric entity is observed. The Cr–O–Cr bond angle of
all polychromates is approximately 120°.

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 Isopoly Acids and Salts of Mo and W

When molybdenum trioxide is dissolved in highly basic aqueous solutions of sodium hydroxide or
potassium hydroxide (alkali solutions), molybdate ions with tetrahedral geometry are formed as:

MoO3 + 2NaOH ⟶ Na2 MoO4 + H2 O

These normal molybdates, Na2MoO4, containing discrete MoO42– units, can easily be crystallized out of them.

Figure 2. The discrete MoO42–.

When the pH of the solution is lowered down, the protonation of molybdate ions starts followed by the
condensation yielding the first major polyanion i.e. paramolybdate. The whole process of condensation can be
depicted as follows:

Although the entropy (ΔS) of the second reaction is negative yet it is as fast as the first reaction which may be
attributed to the large negative enthalpy for the second reaction, compensating the entropy loss. The Mo(OH)6,
thus formed during the course of the second reaction, reacts with [MoO3(OH)]– ions present in the acidic media

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The complete reactions giving different isopoly molybdates can be written as:

7MoO2– + 6–
4 + 8H ⟶ [Mo7 O24 ] + 4H2 O

8MoO2– + 4–
4 + 12H ⟶ [Mo8 O26 ] + 6H2 O

It is worth noting that the hepta-molybdate or para-molybdate is the first stable form of isopoly-molybdates
and when the acidification of the solution further continues, Mo8O264– is obtained. If the pH of the solution is
dropped below 1, yellow colored, molybdic acid (MoO3.2H2O) is formed which can be converted into
monohydrate form just by warming it up.

pH pH pH
[MoO4 ]2– ⟶ [Mo7 O24 ]6– ⟶ [Mo8 O26 ]6– ⟶ MoO3 . 2H2 O
6 1.5 − 3.0 >1
It is worth noting that during the condensation process, from MoO42– to Mo7O244–, the coordination number of
molybdenum ion changes from four to six and the building block unit of the polyhedral entity becomes MoO6

(a) (b)

Figure 3. The structure of (a) ideal edge sharing octahedrons and (b) distorted edge sharing octahedrons.

These octahedral units bind to each other by the sharing of corners or edges. Moreover, the terminal
Mo–O bond lengths are less than that of Mo–O bond lengths in Mo–O–Mo bridge and hence the two joining

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CHAPTER 5 Isopoly and Heteropoly Acids and Salts: 127

octahedra are somewhat more or less distorted. This increment in the distance between two metal centers can
be explained in terms of reduced inter-metal ion repulsion.
Keeping in mind that electrostatic repulsion between is metal centers is a governing factor in
justifying the structures of isopoly and heteropoly anions and acids, corner-sharing among octahedrons is
expected more frequently than edge-sharing as it separates the metal centers more profoundly. But in actual
practice, edge-sharing is preferred over the corner-sharing because the edge-sharing reduces the number of
oxide ions required to pack the polyhedral units which in turn decreases the unwanted anionic charge from O2–
ions. Therefore, the edge-sharing stabilizes the polyanions to a greater extent than corner-sharing. The order
of removal of O2– anionic charge by different types of sharing, face > edge > corner, suggests a face sharing
of the octahedron units as the most favorable choice for the condensation but it is actually the least favored
due to the incorporation of highest inter-metal ion repulsion.
The structure and properties of different types of isopoly-molybdate are discussed below.
1. Dimolybdate: The general formula for dimolybdates system is M2O.2MoO3.xH2O (M = Na, K or NH4) and
are observed in the pH range of 5-6.

Na2 O. 2MoO3 . 𝑥H2 O ⇌ Na2 Mo2 O7

Na2Mo2O7 is not stable and hence dimolybdate systems do not contain Mo2O72– ions. The compounds like
M2Mo2O7 have been isolated from anhydrous melts or aqueous solutions but discrete ions like Mo 2O72– are
found to be absent. These systems are the mixture of simple (MoO42–) and paramolybdate (Mo7O246–) ions in
general. However, molybdate ions as a salt of tetrabutylammonium, [(C4H9)4N]2Mo2O7, is one of the very few
compounds which is known to have discrete Mo2O72– ions.

Figure 4. Mo2O72– ion in tetrabutylammonium dimolybdate.

2. Trimolybdate: The general formula for trimolybdate system is M2O.3MoO3.xH2O where M represents Na
or K.

Na2 O. 3MoO3 . 𝑥H2 O ⇌ Na2 Mo3 O10

Na2Mo3O10 is not stable and hence trimolybdate systems do not contain Mo3O102– ions. These systems are
prepared by crystallising paramolybdate in the presence acetic acid or by saturating molybdenum oxide in the
presence of alkali.

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3. Tetramolybdate or metamolybdate: The general formula for tetramolybdate system is M2O.4MoO3.xH2O

where M represents Na or K.

Na2 O. 4MoO3 . 𝑥H2 O ⇌ Na2 Mo4 O13

Na2Mo4O13 is not stable and hence tetramolybdate systems do not contain Mo4O132– ions. These systems are
the mixture of simple (MoO42–) and octamolybdate (Mo8O264–) ions in general.
4. Heptamolybdate or paramolybdate: The general formula for paramolybdates is M6Mo7O24 where M
represents Na, K or NH4. M6Mo7O24 is quite stable and contains discrete Mo7O246– ions.
The edge connections of seven ideal MoO6 octahedrons in paramolybdate ion can be visualized in
terms of one front unit (composed of four MoO6) and one rear unit (composed of three MoO6). As the name
suggests, the front unit is placed above the rear unit in such a way that each octahedron shares three edges with
its neighbors.



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Figure 5. The (a) front unit and (b) rear unit are combined to produce the (c) overall structure of
paramolybdate ion.

The structure shown (Figure 5) is an idealized one with perfect octahedrons; but in actual practice, the
distortions play its role giving a range of Mo–O bond lengths in MoO6 units.
5. Octamolybdate: The general formula for octamolybdates is M4Mo8O24 where M represents Na, K or NH4.
M4Mo8O26 is quite stable and contains discrete Mo8O264– ions. These molybdates can be synthesized by adding
stoichiometric amount of MoO3 in paramolybdate solution or by treating alkali molybdate solutions with 1.75
molar hydrochloric acid. These molybdates exist in three forms.



Figure 6. Continued on the next page…

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Figure 6. The (a) front unit and (b) rear unit and two tetrahedral units as capping are combined to produce
the (c) overall structure of α–octamolybdate ion.



Figure 7. Continued on the next page…

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Figure 7. The (a) rear unit and (b) mid-unit and (c) front unit are combined to produce the (d) overall
structure of the β–octamolybdate ion.


Figure 8. Continued on the next page…

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Figure 8. The (a) upward unit and (b) downward units are combined to produce the (c) overall structure of
the γ–octamolybdate ion.

The first two isomeric forms of octamolybdate anion, α–[Mo8O26]4– and β–[Mo8O26]4–, are in equilibrium with
each other in solution phase. α– and β– isomers have been obtained from non-aqueous and aqueous solutions
respectively. A γ– form has also been suggested as an intermediate between α– and β– isomers.
The edge connections of eight ideal MoO6 octahedrons in β–octamolybdate ion can be visualized in
terms of one front unit (composed of two MoO6), one mid-unit (composed of four MoO6) and one front unit
(composed of two MoO6). It must be noted down that one octahedra of the rear unit is completely hidden in
the overall idealized structure of β–octamolybdate.
6. Hexamolybdate: The hexamolybdates are derived from discrete Mo6O192– ions and are not as conventional
as hepta or octamolybdates. Crystallographic studies have shown that these isopoly anions are formed by

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molybdenum ions in octahedral pattern and each ion is further surrounded by six oxide ions. Each MoO 6 unit
has only one terminal O2– ion.

Figure 9. The hexamolybdate anion.

7. Decamolybdate: The decamolybdates are obtained as (NH4)8Mo10O34 and the corresponding molybdate ion
Mo10O348– are found to have one Mo8O28 unit and two MoO4 tetrahedral units attached at corners. The structure
of decamolybdate can be visualized as an extension of γ–[Mo8O26]8– in which two additional tetrahedral units
are attached at corners of two opposite octahedrons.

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Figure 10. The (a) upward unit and (b) downward unit and two tetrahedral units are combined to produce
the (c) overall structure of dacamolybdate ion.

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8. Mo36-polymolybdate: The largest polymolybdate under non-reducing conditions known till recent times is
[Mo36O112(H2O)16]8– and can be synthesized at a pH of 1.8 as:

36MoO2– + 8–
4 + 64H ⟶ [Mo36 O112 ] + 32H2 O

The structure of Mo36-polymolybdate contains the [(Mo)Mo5]-type unit comprising a central MoO7 pentagonal
bipyramid sharing edges with five MoO6 octahedra.
When tungsten trioxide is dissolved in highly basic aqueous solutions of sodium hydroxide or
potassium hydroxide (alkali solutions), tungstate ions with tetrahedral geometry are formed as:

WO3 + 2NaOH ⟶ Na2 WO4 + H2 O

These normal tungstates, Na2WO4, containing discrete WO42– units, can easily be crystallized out of aqueous
solution. The normal tungstate of other metals can be synthesized from sodium tungstate via double

Figure 11. The discrete WO42–.

When the pH of the solution is lowered down in the range of 9–5, the protonation of tungstate ions starts
followed by the condensation yielding the W7O246– i.e. paratungstate A. The whole process of condensation
can be depicted as follows:

Although the entropy (ΔS) of the second reaction is negative yet it is as fast as the first reaction which
may be attributed to the large negative enthalpy for the second reaction, compensating the entropy loss. The
W(OH)6, thus formed during the course of the second reaction, reacts with [WO3(OH)]– ions present in the
acidic media as:

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In the early times, it was believed that the paratungstate A is formed as a hexamer in solution but later studies
showed that it is actually a heptamer. If the acidification of the solution further continues, metatungstate,
[H2W12O40]6–, is obtained. Metatungstate is more soluble than paratungstate and can be crystallized out by
prolonged heating of the solution or by standing for a long time.
If the pH of the solution is maintained in the range of 2–1, a yellow-colored tungstate [W10O32]4–,
tungstate Y, is obtained. Moreover, if pH is lowered down below 1, yellow-colored, tungstic acid (WO3.2H2O)
is formed which can be converted into monohydrate form just by warming it up.
The complete reactions giving different isopoly molybdates can be written as:

7WO2– + 6–
4 + 8H ⟶ [W7 O24 ] + 4H2 O

12WO2– +
4 + 14H ⟶ [H2 W12 O42 ]
+ 6H2 O

12WO2– + 6–
4 + 18H ⟶ [H2 W12 O40 ] + 8H2 O

The has been proven that W2O72– never exists in the solution phase and no discrete W2O72– ions in
the crystal phase are obtained. However, Na2W2O7 can be prepared by fusing tungsten oxide with sodium oxide
in the required stoichiometry. Recent studies have shown that no W6 is obtained in solution phase but discrete
salts with [W6O19]6– ions can be crystallized out.
The reaction scheme for the condensation of tungstate ions in aqueous solutions (along with the pH range
required) is given below:

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Just like in isopoly-molybdates, the condensation process changes the coordination number of tungsten ion
from four to six and the building block unit of polyhedral entity becomes WO6 octahedron. These WO6
octahedrons are joined together by the sharing of edges and corners rather than the faces which we have already
discussed in isopoly anions of molybdenum.
The structure and properties of different types of isopoly-molybdate are discussed below.
1. Paratungstate A: The general formula for paratungstate A is M6W7O24 where M is normally Na, K or NH4
and contains discrete W7O246– ions. The edge connections of seven ideal WO6 octahedrons in paratungstate-A
ion can be visualized in terms of one front unit (composed of four WO6) and one rear unit (composed of three
WO6). As the name suggests, the front unit is placed above the rear unit in such a way that each octahedron
shares three edges with its neighbors. It should be noted that W6O246– is isostructural with Mo6O246–.

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Figure 12. The (a) front unit and (b) rear unit are combined to produce the (c) overall structure of the
paratungstate A ion.

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2. Paratungstate B: The paratungstate B is derived as the alkali metal salts of dodecameric anions,
[H2W12O42]10–, from the acidification of normal tungstate aqueous solutions. The protons reside in the
polyhedral cavity and are involved in rapid exchange solvent water.




Figure 12. The (a) upward - downward units and (b) mid left - mid units are combined to produce the (c)
overall structure of the metatungstate anion.

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3. Metatungstate: The metatungstates are derived as the alkali metal salts of dodecameric anions,
[H2W12O40]6–, from the acidification of normal tungstate aqueous solutions. The protons reside in the
polyhedral cavity and are not involved in rapid exchange with solvent water as in peratungstate B.




Figure 13. The structure of metatungstate anion is obtained by joining four equivalent tritungstate units
along tetrahedral faces.

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4. Tungstate Y: These isopoly tungstates are derived as the alkali metal salts of [W10O32]4– anions and are
yellow in color. The discrete [W10O32]4– anions are found to be present in both solution and crystallized form.

Figure 14. Continued on the next page…

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Figure 14. The structure of tungstate Y.

The structure of tungstate Y can be visualized from hexa-tungstate systems in which two meridians, composed
of WO6 octahedral units are joined to form W6–polyhedra. When one octahedron from each [W6O10]2– unit is
removed, the resulting structural units can be combined through the corners to form the overall geometry of
decameric isopoly anion.
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5. Hexatungstate: These isopoly hexatungstates are obtained from methanolic solutions and contain discrete
[W6O19]2– ions both in solution and in crystallized form.

Figure 15. The hexatungstate anion.

It is worth noting that hexatungstate is isostructural with hexamolybdate anion in which the coordination
number of the oxide ion situated at the center of the [W6O19]2– anion is six.
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6. Tetratungstate: The crystal form of Li14(WO4)3(W4O16).4H2O, obtained from aqueous solution, is found to
have discrete W4O168–. However, the presence of this isopoly anion in the solution phase is still unknown.



Figure 16. The (a) upward and downward units are combined to produce the (b) overall structure of
[W4O16]8– anion.

 Heteropoly Acids and Salts of Mo and W

One of the founders of modern chemistry, a Swedish chemist, Jacob Berzelius found that the
acidification of the solution containing phosphate and molybdate results in a yellow-colored precipitate. This
crystalline substance was actually the first example of a heteropoly anion, [PMo 12O40]3–, which has been
frequently used in the quantitative estimation phosphates. A large number of heteropoly anions with a wide
range of hetero-atoms, metal as well as non-metal, have been prepared in the following years. The thermal
stability of heteropoly salts is found to be greater than their isopoly analogs. One of the major application of
these heteropoly anions is in the petrochemical industry where they are used as a catalyst, as flame retardants
and as precipitants for dyes.
The hetero-atoms of these polymetallates generally reside in the baskets or cavities formed by the
parent MO6 octahedron units. The hetero-atoms are bonded to the neighboring oxygens of surrounding

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octahedrons. The shape of the cavity, generally decided by the ratio of hetero to parent atoms, greatly
influences the stereochemistry of heteroatom. The acidification of simple monomeric anions can yield
condensed heteropoly systems as:

HPO–2 2–
4 + 12MoO4 + 23H
⟶ [PMo12 O40 ]3– + 12H2 O

HPO–2 2–
4 + 12WO4 + 23H
⟶ [PW12 O40 ]3– + 12H2 O

The structure and properties of different types of heteropoly-metallates are discussed below.
1. 1:12 (Tetrahedral heteroatom): The general formula for these types of heteropolyanions is [Xn+M12O40](8–
, where M is Mo or W and X represents the heteroatom which is generally P, Si, As, Ge or Ti. The labeling
of this category of polyanions is justified on the basis of the number ratio of heteroatom to the parent atom
which is one to twelve. The small heteroatom is present in the inner tetrahedral cavity of the polyanion and
hence is surrounded by six oxygen atoms of different MO6 octahedron units.
The structure of this type of heteropolyanions is of either T d symmetry (Keggin structure) or a C3V
one which can be obtained as a derivative of Keggin structure by rotating one of the four sets of trimetallate
(composed of three MO6) units through 60°. The first structure is perfect tetrahedral with four three-fold axes
of rotation but the second structure contains only one three-fold axis of rotation. The stability of both the
structures is the same. [XM12O40]4–, with X as Ge4+ or Si4+, is found to be present in both of the isomeric forms.


Figure 17. Continued on the next page…

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Figure 17. (a) Four M3O13 units are combined to produce a tetrahedral cavity occupied by the heteroatom.
(b) The overall structure of [Xn+M12O40](8–n)– anion.

One of the most common examples of these types of heteropoly anions is [Co2+W12O40]6–, which can be
oxidized to [Co3+W12O40]5–. In both of the anions, the heteroatom is present the tetrahedral void and is
surrounded by four oxygen atoms of nearby MoO6 octahedrons.
2. 2:18 (Tetrahedral heteroatom): The general formula for this type of heteropolyanions is [X 25+M18O62]6–,
where M is Mo or W and X represents the heteroatom which is generally P or As. The labeling of this category
of polyanions is justified on the basis of the number ratio of heteroatom to the parent atom which is two to
eighteen. The potassium or ammonium salts of these polyanions can be crystallized out by standing a mixture
of salts of 1:12 [Xn+M12O40](8–n)– heteropoly anions.


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Figure 18. The (a) upward and downward units are combined to produces the (b) overall structure of
[X25+M18O62]6– anion.

The structure is generally referred as the “Dawson structure” and can be visualized from Keggin structure
easily. The [X25+M18O62]6– can be considered as a fusion of two M9–units each of which is derived from the
Keggin structure by the removal of three corner linked Mo6 octahedrons. Both of the heteroatoms are present
in the inner cavity of the polyanion made by different MO6 octahedron units.
3. 1:6 (Octahedral heteroatom): The general formula for this type of heteropolyanions is [X n+M6O24](12–n)–,
where M is Mo or W and X represents the heteroatom which is generally Te, Co, I or Al. The labeling of this
category of polyanions is justified on the basis of the number ratio of heteroatom to the parent atom which is
one to six. The tendency form 1:6 heteropoly anions is found to be greater in the case of Mo than in W. The
heteroatoms are generally larger in size and are surrounded by six oxygen atoms of edge-sharing MO6
octahedron units. It is worth noting down that all the six MO6 octahedron units are parallel to each other.

Figure 19. Continued on the next page…

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Figure 19. The (a) left and right units are combined to produce the (b) overall structure of [Xn+M6O26](12–n)–
heteroploy anion.

4. 1:9 (Octahedral heteroatom): The general formula for this type of heteropolyanions is [X n+M9O32](10–n)–,
where M is Mo or W and X represents the heteroatom which is generally Mn or Ni. The labeling of this
category of polyanions is justified on the basis of the number ratio of heteroatom to the parent atom which is
one to nine.
The nine MO6 octahedron units are joined through the edges to form an octahedral cavity for the
heteroatom present. Two of the most studied examples of these types of heteropoly anions are [NiMo9O32]6–
and [MnMo9O32]6–. It must also be noted down that Ni and Mn are present in +4 oxidation state which is highly
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Figure 20. The (a) upward and (b) downward units are combined to produces the (c) overall structure of
[Xn+M9O32](10–n)– anion.

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5. 1:12 (Icosahedral heteroatom): The general formula for this type of heteropolyanions is [Xn+M12O42](12–n)–
, where M is Mo or W and X represents the heteroatom which is generally Ce, Th or U. The labeling of this
category of polyanions is justified on the basis of the number ratio of heteroatom to the parent atom which is
one to twelve. The heteroatom is present in an icosahedral void and is surrounded by 12 oxygen atoms of the
nearby polyhedral unit of the parent atoms.



Figure 21. Continued on the next page…

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Figure 21. (a) Five M2O10 units are fused to create (b) M10O30 fragment which, in turn, covers by the sixth
M2O10 unit resulting in the (c) overall structure of [Xn+M12O42](12–n)– anion.

In recent years, bigger heteropoly anions with crown i.e. [Mo36O110(NO)4(H2O)14] and double crown i.e.
structure [NaP5W36O110]14–, [H7P8W48O184]33–, have also been prepared.

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 Problems
Q 1. Define isopoly and heteropoly metallates.
Q 2. Explain the condensation process involved in the formation of paramolybdates.
Q 3. Draw and discuss the structure of paramolybdate anion, Mo7O246–, in detail.
Q 4. Draw and discuss the structure of octamolybdate anion.
Q 5. Write down the reaction scheme giving the tungstic acid from normal tungstate with special reference to
paramolybdate A.
Q 6. Explain the structure of metatungstate, [H2W12O40]6–, in detail.
Q 7. How can a Keggin structure with Td symmetry be changed into a C3v isomer?
Q 8. Draw and explain the structure of [NiMo9O32]6– and [MnMo9O32]6–.
Q 9. Why do the isopoly and heteropoly acids of molybdenum and tungsten prefer edge-sharing over the corner
connection? Also, explain the highly unusual face sharing.
Q 10. Write down the general formula for 1:12 and 2:18 heteropoly anions.

Copyright © Mandeep Dalal

CHAPTER 5 Isopoly and Heteropoly Acids and Salts: 153

 Bibliography
[1] B. R. Puri, L. R. Sharma, K. C. Kalia, Principals of Inorganic Chemistry, Milestone Publishers, Delhi,
India, 2012.
[2] J. E. Huheey, E. A. Keiter, R. L. Keiter, Inorganic Chemistry: Principals of Structure and Reactivity,
HarperCollins College Publishers, New York, USA, 1993.
[3] A. F. Wells, Structural Inorganic Chemistry, Oxford University Press, London, UK, 1975.
[4] F. A. Cotton, G. Wilkinson, C. A. Murillo, M. Bochmann, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, John Wiley &
Sons, New Jersey, USA, 1999.
[5] J. D. Lee, Concise Inorganic Chemistry, Chapman & Hall, New York, USA, 1994.
[6] N. N. Greenwood, A. Earnshaw, Chemistry of the Elements, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, Britain,
[7] M. Pope, Heteropoly and Isopoly Oxometalates, Springer Verlag GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany, 2013.

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Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 ..................................................................................................................................... 11
Stereochemistry and Bonding in Main Group Compounds: ........................................................ 11
 VSEPR Theory ................................................................................................................................ 11
 dπ–pπ Bonds .................................................................................................................................... 23
 Bent Rule and Energetic of Hybridization....................................................................................... 28
 Problems .......................................................................................................................................... 42
 Bibliography .................................................................................................................................... 43

CHAPTER 2 ..................................................................................................................................... 44
Metal-Ligand Equilibria in Solution:................................................................................................. 44
 Stepwise and Overall Formation Constants and Their Interactions ................................................ 44
 Trends in Stepwise Constants .......................................................................................................... 46

 Factors Affecting Stability of Metal Complexes with Reference to the Nature of Metal Ion and
Ligand .............................................................................................................................................. 49
 Chelate Effect and Its Thermodynamic Origin................................................................................ 56
 Determination of Binary Formation Constants by pH-metry and Spectrophotometry .................... 63
 Problems .......................................................................................................................................... 68
 Bibliography .................................................................................................................................... 69

CHAPTER 3 ..................................................................................................................................... 70
Reaction Mechanism of Transition Metal Complexes – I: ............................................................ 70
 Inert and Labile Complexes............................................................................................................. 70
 Mechanisms for Ligand Replacement Reactions ............................................................................ 77
 Formation of Complexes from Aquo Ions ....................................................................................... 82
 Ligand Displacement Reactions in Octahedral Complexes- Acid Hydrolysis, Base Hydrolysis .... 86
 Racemization of Tris Chelate Complexes ....................................................................................... 89
 Electrophilic Attack on Ligands ...................................................................................................... 92
 Problems .......................................................................................................................................... 94
 Bibliography .................................................................................................................................... 95
CHAPTER 4 ..................................................................................................................................... 96
Reaction Mechanism of Transition Metal Complexes – II:...................................................... 96
 Mechanism of Ligand Displacement Reactions in Square Planar Complexes ................................ 96
 The Trans Effect .............................................................................................................................. 98
 Theories of Trans Effect ................................................................................................................ 103

 Mechanism of Electron Transfer Reactions – Types; Outer Sphere Electron Transfer Mechanism and
Inner Sphere Electron Transfer Mechanism .................................................................................. 106
 Electron Exchange ......................................................................................................................... 117
 Problems ........................................................................................................................................ 121
 Bibliography .................................................................................................................................. 122

CHAPTER 5 ................................................................................................................................... 123

Isopoly and Heteropoly Acids and Salts: ........................................................................................ 123
 Isopoly and Heteropoly Acids and Salts of Mo and W: Structures of Isopoly and Heteropoly
Anions ............................................................................................................................................123
 Problems ........................................................................................................................................ 152
 Bibliography .................................................................................................................................. 153

CHAPTER 6 ................................................................................................................................... 154

Crystal Structures: ............................................................................................................................... 154
 Structures of Some Binary and Ternary Compounds Such as Fluorite, Antifluorite, Rutile, Antirutile,
Crystobalite, Layer Lattices - CdI2, BiI3; ReO3, Mn2O3, Corundum, Pervoskite, Ilmenite and

 Problems ........................................................................................................................................ 178

 Bibliography .................................................................................................................................. 179

CHAPTER 7 ................................................................................................................................... 180

Metal-Ligand Bonding: ....................................................................................................................... 180
 Limitation of Crystal Field Theory ................................................................................................ 180
 Molecular Orbital Theory – Octahedral, Tetrahedral or Square Planar Complexes...................... 184
 π-Bonding and Molecular Orbital Theory ..................................................................................... 198
 Problems ........................................................................................................................................ 212
 Bibliography .................................................................................................................................. 213
CHAPTER 8 ................................................................................................................................... 214
Electronic Spectra of Transition Metal Complexes: .................................................................... 214
 Spectroscopic Ground States ......................................................................................................... 214
 Correlation and Spin-Orbit Coupling in Free Ions for 1st Series of Transition Metals ................. 243
 Orgel and Tanabe-Sugano Diagrams for Transition Metal Complexes (d1 – d9 States) ................ 248
 Calculation of Dq, B and β Parameters ......................................................................................... 280
 Effect of Distortion on the d-Orbital Energy Levels ..................................................................... 300
 Structural Evidence from Electronic Spectrum ............................................................................. 307
 Jahn-Tellar Effect .......................................................................................................................... 312
 Spectrochemical and Nephelauxetic Series ................................................................................... 324
 Charge Transfer Spectra ................................................................................................................ 328
 Electronic Spectra of Molecular Addition Compounds................................................................. 336
 Problems ........................................................................................................................................ 340
 Bibliography .................................................................................................................................. 341

CHAPTER 9 ................................................................................................................................... 342

Magnetic Properties of Transition Metal Complexes: ................................................................. 342
 Elementary Theory of Magneto-Chemistry ................................................................................... 342
 Guoy’s Method for Determination of Magnetic Susceptibility ..................................................... 351
 Calculation of Magnetic Moments ................................................................................................ 354
 Magnetic Properties of Free Ions ................................................................................................... 359
 Orbital Contribution: Effect of Ligand-Field ................................................................................ 362
 Application of Magneto-Chemistry in Structure Determination ................................................... 370
 Magnetic Exchange Coupling and Spin State Cross Over ............................................................ 375
 Problems ........................................................................................................................................ 384
 Bibliography .................................................................................................................................. 385

CHAPTER 10 ................................................................................................................................. 386

Metal Clusters: ...................................................................................................................................... 386
 Structure and Bonding in Higher Boranes ..................................................................................... 386
 Wade’s Rules ................................................................................................................................. 401
 Carboranes ..................................................................................................................................... 407
 Metal Carbonyl Clusters- Low Nuclearity Carbonyl Clusters....................................................... 412
 Total Electron Count (TEC) .......................................................................................................... 417
 Problems ........................................................................................................................................ 424
 Bibliography .................................................................................................................................. 425

CHAPTER 11 ................................................................................................................................. 426

Metal-Π Complexes: ............................................................................................................................ 426
 Metal Carbonyls: Structure and Bonding ...................................................................................... 426
 Vibrational Spectra of Metal Carbonyls for Bonding and Structure Elucidation .......................... 439
 Important Reactions of Metal Carbonyls....................................................................................... 446

 Preparation, Bonding, Structure and Important Reactions of Transition Metal Nitrosyl, Dinitrogen
and Dioxygen Complexes.............................................................................................................. 450
 Tertiary Phosphine as Ligand ........................................................................................................ 463
 Problems ........................................................................................................................................ 469
 Bibliography .................................................................................................................................. 470

INDEX ............................................................................................................................................. 471

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