Economic Functions of The Financial Institutions
Economic Functions of The Financial Institutions
Economic Functions of The Financial Institutions
Financial Assets
A financial asset is …
A claim against the income or wealth of a business firm, household, or unit of
Represented usually by a certificate, receipt, computer record file, or other legal
And usually created by or related to the lending of money.
Characteristics of Financial Assets
Financial assets are sought after because they promise future returns to their owners
and serve as a store of value (purchasing power).
They do not depreciate like physical goods, and their physical condition or form is
usually not relevant in determining their market value.
Their cost of transportation and storage is low, such that they have little or no value
as a commodity.
Financial assets can easily be changed in form and substituted for other assets.
Different Kinds of Financial Assets
Money: any financial asset that is generally accepted in payment for the purchases of
goods and services. Examples include currency and checking accounts.
Equities: represent ownership shares in a business firm and are claims against the
firm’s profits and proceeds from the sale of its assets. Common stock and preferred
stock are equities.
Debt securities: entitle their holders to a priority claim over the holders of equities to
the assets and income of an economic unit. They are either negotiable or
nonnegotiable. Examples include bonds, notes, accounts payable, and savings
Derivatives: have a market value that is tied to or influenced by the value or return
on a financial asset. Examples include futures contracts, options, and swaps.
The Creation Process for Financial Assets
To acquire assets, households and business firms may use current income and
accumulated savings – internal financing.
An economic unit may also raise funds by issuing financial liabilities (debt) or stock
(equities), provided that a buyer can be found – external financing.
The act of borrowing or of issuing new stock simultaneously gives rise to the creation
of an equal volume of financial assets.
For example, a $10,000 financial asset held by a household that had lent money
will be exactly matched by a $10,000 liability of the business firm that had
borrowed the money.
Volume of financial assets created for lenders
= Volume of liabilities issued by borrowers
For the balance sheet of any economic unit,
Total assets = Total liabilities + Net worth
where assets = real assets + financial assets
For the whole economy and financial system,
Total financial assets = Total liabilities
So, for the economy as a whole,
Total real assets = Total net worth
Maturity Intermediation and Liquidity
Banks accept small amounts from small investors as deposits and transform them
into longer-term loans
Bank customers can write checks backed by the bank and do not have to carry
cash. They can also use a credit card or have funds electronically wired. These
services increase the economy’s liquidity