Rizal Bio PDF
Rizal Bio PDF
Rizal Bio PDF
Don Francisco Mercado (1818-1898)
-born in Binan, Laguna on May 11, 1818
-studied Latin and Philosophy at the College of San Jose in Manila
-became a tenant-farmer of the Dominican-owned hacienda
-a hardy and independent-minded man, who talked less and worked more, and was strong in body and
valiant in spirit
-died in Manila on January 5, 1898 at the age of 80
-Rizal affectionately called him “a model of fathers”
Dona Teodora Alonso Realonda (1826-1911)
-born in Manila on November 8, 1826
-educated at the College of Santa Rosa, a well-known college for girls in the city
-a remarkable woman, possessing refined culture, literary talent, business ability, and the fortitude of
Spartan women
-is a woman of more than ordinary culture: she knows literature and speaks Spanish (according to Rizal)
-died in Manila on August 16, 1911 at the age of 85
· Night of January 20, 1872- about 200 Filipino soldiers and workmen of the Cavite arsenal under the
leadership of Lamadrid, Filipino sergeant, rose in violent mutiny because of the abolition of their usual
· Fathers Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos and Jacinto Zamora- were executed at sunrise of February
17, 1872, by order of Governor General Izquierdo
· The martyrdom of Gom-Bur-Za in 1872 truly inspired Rizal to fight the evils of Spanish tyranny and
redeem his oppressed people
· Rizal dedicated his second novel, El Filibusterismo, to Gom-Bur-Za
· Before June, 1872- Dona Teodora was suddenly arrested on a malicious charge that she and her
brother, Jose Alberto, tried to poison the latter‘s perfidious wife
· Antonio Vivencio del Rosario- Calamba‘s gobernadorcillo, help arrest Dona Teodora
· After arresting Dona Teodora, the sadistic Spanish lieutenant forced her to walk from Calamba to Santa
Cruz (capital of Laguna province), a distance of 50 kilometers
· Dona Teodora was incarcerated at the provincial prison, where she languished for two years and a half
· Messrs. Francisco de Marcaida and Manuel Marzan- the most famous lawyers of Manila that defend
Dona Teodora
The second confusion was their failure to understand the underlying principles behind the anti-friars and
anti-UST writings of Rizal particularly the El Fili. After seeing the documents at the UST Archives and
reading Fr. Villaroel‘s well-written study on Rizal and the University of Santo Tomas, I can only scoff at
those who bask at their ignorance and use many of the myths to advance their cause. Such is the case of
some pexers here who undoubtedly use these myths for their own good. In the words of Dr. Serafin
Quiason, former chairman of the National Historical Institue, ―it is a great virtue of his (Fr. Villaroel) study
that he sweeps away many of the myths which have passed for facts for almost three quarters of a
century. He has solved many difficult questions and the readers can be grateful for a valuable and
devoted piece of work.‖ This thread intends to rectify some issues pertaining to the negative pictures
projected about Rizal‘s relationship with his alma mater, the University of Santo Tomas based on the
study by Fr. Villaroel who had diligently dug through the archival materials of UST and Archivo de la
Provincia del Sto. Rosario. Was Rizal discriminated and treated shabbily by the Dominicans? Why did he
leave UST? Why did he criticize the University years later? How are the stories of El
Filibusterismo to be understood?
(2) It can hardy be said that Rizal was discriminated and treated shabbily by the Dominicans since he was
granted the rare privilege of studying simultaneously in the Preparatory Course of Medicine and the First
Year of Medicine. Records likewise show that six Spaniards were enrolled with Rizal in the first year of
Medicine, of whom three were Peninsular and three Philippine-born. If the criticism of some biographers
were true, these six students would have been favored by the friars. Yet at the end of the fourth year
there remained only one Philippine-born Spaniard, Jose Resurreccion y Padilla, who managed to get only
a poor passing grade (aprobado), last among successful students, and who in the following year received
a crushing suspenso. It would be unkind to rejoice over failures, whether of Spanish or of Filipinos, but
the biographers of Rizal will not be convincing unless they prove with valid documents the existence of
―racial discrimination‖ in UST in the 19th century when it came to academic grades.
(3) Rizal‘s inclinations and abilities must be taken into account. While he was undoubtedly inclined to, and
remarkably fitted for, the arts and letters, he was not much attracted to Medicine. ―Perhaps – says Leon
Ma. Guerrero – Medicine was not his real vocation‖. Medicine was a convenient career taken up in
consideration of the poor health of Rizal‘s mother, whom he wanted to help, and eventually helped as a
(4) When Rizal transferred to Spain and continued his studies at the University of Madrid, he showed
there similar characteristics. He was sobresaliente in the humanistic studies (literature, languages,
history), while in Medicine he fared worse than at the University of Santo Tomas. Ye no historian or
biographer has ever complained about his poor performance in Madrid or hinted that Rizal was
discriminated against in that Central University.
(5) Rizal had Dominican friends in the persons of Fr. Evaristo Arias and Fr. Joaquin Fonseca. It was while
studying at UST that Rizal obtained public recognition as a poet. It was the Dominican; Fr. Arias who
helped him cultivate his craft in poetry. During his Thomasian years, Rizal composed the best poems of
his pre-European period, one of them being A la Juventud Filipina, winner of the first prize in the contest
organized by the Liceo Artistico-Literario in 1879.
Rizal is said to have left UST for the following reasons:
a. because a certain professor of UST caused him displeasure (P. Pastells, SJ, 1897)
b. because the atmosphere in UST (meaning Thomistic atmosphere) suffocated him, and ―it is presumed
that because of it he left‖ (E. Retana, 1907)
c. because in his class of medicine the lay professor made a statement contrary to the textbook and then
he refused to permit discussion or to give explanations; ―so Rizal decided he was wasting his time to
remain in the University‖ (Craig, 1909)
d. because he found unfriendliness in the University, (Lauback, 1936)
e. because UST could not give ―fuller learning‖ to the youth, and its ―usefulness was almost, if not
altogether nil.‖ (D. Abella, 1965)
Twenty authors quoting from the same erroneous source commit the same error twenty times over.
Therefore, what the quoted authors have said must be submitted to scrutiny. More significantly, all the
authors quoted above have one thing in common: none of them quote any historical source, like words
from Rizal‘s correspondence, his articles, etc. If any source is ever mentioned it is infallibly the novel El
Fili. But is there not, we ask, a better source to support historical facts than a novel? In the present case,
there seems to be no other, and for one fundamental reason: because Rizal never revealed in clear terms
why he left the Philippines in 1882. Neither he nor his brother Paciano, nor his uncle Antonio Rivera, nor
his most intimate friends. Not a clear word from them, who were the only persons who could have known.
This fact leads us to conclude that the writers who put the blame for Rizal‘s departure on the University of
Santo Tomas are only guessing, honestly guessing of course, but mistakenly. It is almost needless to
enter into discussion with those writers who lay the responsibility for Rizal‘s departure at the door
of UST. But let us face the question squarely.
(1) It has been stated that a certain professor, more concretely a lay professor of medicine, disagreed
with the textbook and refused to entertain discussion on the topics of his subject (so Pastells and Craig).
This professor is identified by Craig as one who, some years later, was classmate of Rizal at the
University of Madrid. He was Dr. Jose Franco who, as professor of Rizal in Santo Tomas, had threatened
to fail the whole medical class (P. Pastells). But granting that Professor Franco was speaking seriously, it
is quite improbable that Rizal decided to leave the Philippines for an incident with one professor, who
besides did not fail him in the final examinations. Rizal‘s companions and friends did not seem to have
noticed any misunderstanding between Rizal and any professor, as shown in a letter of Jose M. Cecilio:
―Your departure without notice has caused surprise among many friends to the point of stirring their
curiosity. They ask whether there were serious matters going on which prompted you to leave.‖
(2) To attribute Rizal‘s departure to what one author calls ―rampant bigotry, discrimination and
persecution‖ existing in UST, whether said in general or whether specifically referring to Rizal, is a
gratuitous accusation expressed in readymade phrases loaded with feeling. I presume that an
educational policy like the one implied in such words has never existed in any school or university
anywhere in any period. As for Rizal, we have already explained with academic records on hand, that
there was in fact a discrimination in his favor when he was allowed to take simultaneously the Preparatory
course of Medicine and the First Course of Medicine Proper. And finally, he was one of the seven, out of
26, who reached the beginning of the fifth year course, which he started in Madrid. All this has been
shown here without rhetoric, without feeling and only with the aid of laconic, diplomatic record as basis.
(3) That the UST did not provide ―fuller learning‖ to its students, and that this prompted some of them like
Rizal to go abroad, as suggested by some authors, might be as true then as it can be true at any other
period of her history. This can also be said of any Philippine university today. The temptation to try better
institutions abroad is always better, and those who can afford it, occasionally fall for it. There is no
denying that, in the last quarter of the 19th century, Europe offered to the students of science, philosophy,
literature and every aspect of material progress, horizons of learning that no colonial land in other
continents could possibly give in such measure. But if many student like Rizal went abroad is search of
―fuller learning‖ and profited from that experience, it would be wrong to conclude that a university like UST
was therefore worthless. Whether by choice or by the force of circumstances many more students stayed
behind than left for Europe, and those who remained received a tertiary education of such quality that
enabled them to become builders of the Philippine Republic. Thomasians trained here and only here were
Pedro Pelaez and Jose Burgos, Apolinario Mabini and Cayetano Arellano, Manuel Araullo and the Mapa
brothers, Sergio Osmena and Manuel L. Quezon, Leon Maria Guererro and Anacleto del Rosario, Felipe
Calderon and Epifanio de los Santos, etc. and most of the men of the Malolos Congress, all belonging to
the generation of Rizal. Until further historical research can project more light on the life of Rizal, little
more remains to be said on this point. This little more is reduced to the following: If neither the UST
records nor the correspondence of Rizal with Paciano and his family nor his letters to or from his intimate
friends can support the alleged misunderstanding between Rizal and the University; if those documents
do not explain the reasons for Rizal‘s departure for Spain, then i believe that the only valid recourse left to
the historian is the recourse to the oral tradition. And two traditions come handily on our way, one
preserved in Rizal‘s own family and another in the University of Santo Tomas.
The ―Class of Physics‖ (Chapter 13) in El Filibusterismo is autobiographical of Rizal‘s stay in UST and
that Rizal‘s antifriars
and anti-UST writings are reflective of how the national hero loathed the University.
(1) While in Europe (1882-1892), Rizal changed considerably in at least one aspect, in his attitude
towards religion. He gave up some basic and essential tenets of his faith and ceased to be a practicing
Catholic. This was due mainly to his continuous association with many rationalist thinkers and liberal
politicians of Spain and other countries of Europe. A new rationalistic approach to life and his affiliation to
freemasonry accentuated his anti-clerical sentiments and his antipathy for the Catholic Church, for her
belief and external manifestations (dogmas, rites and rituals and devotional life). These
changes in Rizal must be taken into account when assessing his ironic criticism of the Church, the
religious Orders and the University of Santo Tomas. History showed that the attacks thrown by
propagandists at Santo Tomas, particularly the Church, were just part and parcel of the clash between
liberalism and Thomism. And that the attack thrown at Santo Tomas , which was under the Royal
patronage of Spain, was not unique since every university in Europe like Oxford received the same fate
for upholding Thomism. The Vatican in an encyclical endorsed Thomism as an instrument to counteract
rationalism, which at that time began to penetrate all spheres of society.
(2) Crucially affecting this new attitude of criticism were the events that occurred in Calamba from 1887
onwards as a result of the famous agrarian litigation between his family and the Dominican Hacienda.
Whatever reasons for dissension might have existed in previous years due to worsening economic
conditions affecting the country at large, Rizal‘s personal intervention in the affair in 1887 precipitated the
legal suit. The case ended in the courts with an adverse sentence against the family and other tenants
and the tragic deportation of some of Rizal‘s immediate relatives. That social question and lawsuit had
nothing to do with the UST, but it surely soured Rizal‘s pen when writing about an educational institution
that was run by the owners of Calamba Hacienda. We have here another factor for his critical attitude;
again he had not in mind any past academic experience.
(3) The novel El Fili was written precisely during the years of the Calamba agrarian crisis (any student of
literature or a practicing writer would agree that if there are things that affect the consciousness of a
writer, it would be the moment, the milieu, and the race). The ―Class of Physics‖ is the subject of chapter
13 of the Fili, a subject that some historians and biographers have used and abused lavishly. They have a
reason, because the story comes in very handily to illustrate the student years of Rizal at the UST,
regardless of the novelistic character of the source. The practical question here is whether the story of the
―Class of Physics‖ really happened on even one day, whether it reflects educational methods practiced in
UST in the 19th century, or whether Rizal was just creating a scene suitable to the aims of the novel, that
is, to attack and discredit the religious institutes. Some biographers easily believe Retana‘s remark that
―this chapter is an accurate picture of what happened in the Pontifical University of Manila when Rizal
studied there.‖ a remark written of course, when Retana had turned into a bitter enemy of the religious
orders. But even taking for granted that Rizal based his story on some incident that happened during his
university years, this is no reason to conclude that the general life of the University was similar. And as for
the bleak picture of the physical classroom itself, the UST still possess the schedules of classes in those
years, and the Class of Physics is invariably assigned to the Physics Laboratories, not to an ordinary
classroom. Finally, Austin Coates‘ statement that this chapter of the Fili is ―clearly autobiographical‖ is
totally unacceptable, if by autobiographical he meant that the experience of Placido was actually felt by
Rizal personally or by some of his classmates. And the reason is very simple: Rizal did not take Physics
at the UST. He had taken that course at the Ateneo
Municipal in 1876-1877. Rafael Palma who took up Physics and Chemistry in 1890 at Ateneo Municipal, a
little over ten years after Rizal, recalled later that the laboratory materials in use at the Ateneo for
teaching Natural History and Physics were ―very poor‖ (Rafael Palma, My Autobiography, Manila 1953).
The whole chapter is a caricature, very useful for the aims of the novel; it is not Rizal‘s biography.
IN SUNNY SPAIN (1882-1885)
-After finishing the 4th year of the medical course in the University of Santo Tomas, Rizal decided to
complete his studies in Spain
-Aside from completing his studies in Spain, Rizal has his “secret mission”—was to observe keenly the
life and culture, languages and customs, industries and commerce, and government and laws of the
European nations in order to prepare himself in the mighty task of liberating his oppressed people from
Spanish tyranny
-This Rizalian secret mission was likewise disclosed by Paciano in his letter to his younger brother dated
Manila, May 20, 1892
-Rizal‘s departure for Spain was kept secret to avoid detection by the Spanish authorities and the friars
· Jose Mercado- Rizal used this name; a cousin from Binan
· May 3, 1882- Rizal departed on board the Spanish streamer Salvadora bound for Singapore
SINGAPORE· Donato Lecha- the ship captain from Asturias, Spain befriended Rizal
-Rizal described him as an affable man, “much more refined than his other countrymen and
colleagues that I have met.”
· Rizal played chess with his fellow passengers who were much older than he
· May 8, 1882- while the steamer was approaching Singapore, Rizal saw a beautiful island, fascinated by
its scenic beauty, he remembered ―Talim Island with the Susong Dalaga”
· May 9, 1882- the Salvadora docked at Singapore
· Hotel de la Paz- Rizal registered here and spent two days on a sightseeing soiree of the city, which
was a colony of England
· The Noli Me Tangere was a true story of the Philippine conditions during the last decades of Spanish
· Maria Clara-was Leonor Rivera, although in real life she became unfaithful and married an Englishman
· Ibarra and Elias- represented Rizal himself
· Tasio-the philosopher was Rizal‘s elder brother Paciano
· Padre Salvi-was identified by Rizalists as Padre Antonio Piernavieja, the hated Augustinian friar in
who was killed by the patriots during the Revolution
· Capitan Tiago-was Captain Hilario Sunico of San Nicolas
· Dona Victorina- was Dona Agustina Medel
· Basilio and Crispin- were the Crisostomo brothers of Hagonoy
· Padre Damaso- typical of a domineering friar during the days of Rizal, who was arrogant, immoral and
· June 27, 1887- Rizal reached Rome, the “Eternal City‖ and also called the “City of the Caesars”
· Rizal was thrilled by the sights and memories of the Eternal City. Describing to Blumentritt, the
“grandeur that was Rome”, he wrote on June 27, 1887
· June 29, 1887- the Feast Day of St. Peter and St. Paul, Rizal visited for the first time the Vatican, the
“City of the Popes” and the capital of Christendom
· Every night, after sightseeing the whole day, Rizal returned to his hotel, very tired. “I am tired as a
dog,” he wrote to Blumentritt, “but I will sleep as a God”
· After a week of wonderful sojourn in Rome, Rizal prepared to return to the Philippines. He had already
written to his father that he was coming home
· The friars asked Governor General Terrero to deport him, but latter refused because there was no valid
charge against Rizal in court.
· Rizal was compelled to leave Calamba for two reasons: (1) his presence in Calamba was jeopardizing
the safety and happiness of his family and friends (2) he could fight better his enemies and serve his
country’s cause with greater efficacy by writing in foreign countries
· Shortly before Rizal left Calamba in 1888, his friend from Lipa requested him to write a poem in
commemoration of the town‘s elevation to a villa (city) by virtue of the Becerra Law of 1888
· Himno Al Trabajo (Hymn to Labor)- a poem written by Rizal dedicated to the industrious folks of Lipa
-Hounded by powerful enemies, Rizal was forced to leave his country for a second time in February 1888.
He was then a
full-grown man of 27 years of age, a practicing physician, and a recognized man-of-letters
· February 3, 1888-Rizal left Manila for Hong Kong on board the Zafiro
· February 7, 1888- Zafiro made a brief stopover at Amoy
· Rizal did not get off his ship at Amoy for three reasons: (1) he was not feeling well (2) it was raining hard
(3) he heard that the city was dirty
· February 8, 1888- Rizal arrived in Hong Kong
· Victoria Hotel- Rizal stayed while in Hong Kong. He was welcomed by Filipino residents, including
Jose Maria Basa, Balbino Mauricio, and Manuel Yriarte (son of Francisco Yriarte (son of Francisco
Yriarte, alcalde mayor of Laguna)
· Jose Sainz de Varanda- a Spaniard, who was a former secretary of Governor General Terrero,
shadowed Rizal‘s movement in Hong Kong
-it is believed that he was commissioned by the Spanish authorities to spy on Rizal
· “Hong Kong”, wrote Rizal to Blumentritt on February 16, 1888, “is a small, but very clean city.”
-Macao is a Portuguese colony near Hong Kong.
-According to Rizal, the city of Macao is small, low, and gloomy. There are many junks, sampans, but
few steamers. It looks sad and is almost dead.
· February 18, 1888- Rizal, accompanied by Basa, boarded the ferry steamer, Kiu-Kiang for Macao
· Don Juan Francisco Lecaros- A filipino gentleman married to a Portuguese lady
-Rizal and Basa stayed at his home while in Macao
· February 18, 1888- Rizal witnessed a Catholic possession, in which the devotees were dressed in blue
and purple dresses and were carrying unlighted candles
· February 20, 1888- Rizal and Basa returned to Hong Kong, again on board the ferry steamer Kiu Kiang
· February 22, 1888- Rizal left Hong Kong on board the Oceanic, an American steamer, his destination
was Japan
· Rizal‘s cabin mate was a British Protestant missionary who called Rizal “a good man”
-One of the happiest interludes in the life of Rizal was his sojourn in the Land of the Cherry Blossoms for
one month and a half (February 28-April 13, 1888)
· February 28, 1888- early in the morning of Tuesday, Rizal arrived in Yokohama. He registered at the
Grand Hotel
· Tokyo Hotel- Rizal stayed here from March 2 to March 7
· Rizal wrote to Professor Blumentritt: “Tokyo is more expensive then Paris. The walls are built in
cyclopean manner. The streets are large and wide.”
· Juan Perez Caballero-secretary of the Spanish Legation, who visited Rizal at his hotel who latter
invited him to live at the Spanish Legation
· Rizal accepted the invitation for two reasons: (1) he could economize his living expenses by staying at
the legation (2) he had nothing to hide from the prying eyes of the Spanish authorities
· March 7, 1888- Rizal checked out of Tokyo Hotel and lived at the Spanish Legation
· Rizal was favorably impressed by Japan. The things which favorably impressed Rizal in Japan were: (1)
the beauty of the country—its flowers, mountains, streams and scenic panoramas, (2) the cleanliness,
politeness, and industry of the Japanese people (3)the picturesque dress and simple charm of the
Japanese women (4) there were very few thieves in Japan so that the houses remained open day and
night, and in hotel room one could safely leave money on the table (5) beggars were rarely seen in the
city, streets, unlike in Manila and other cities
· Rickshaws-popular mode of transportation drawn by men that Rizal did not like in Japan
· April 13, 1888-Rizal left Japan and boarded the Belgic, an English steamer, at Yokohama, bound for
the United States
· Tetcho Suehiro- a fighting Japanese journalist, novelist and champion of human rights, who was forced
by the Japanese government to leave the country
-passenger which Rizal befriended on board the Belgic
· April 13 to December 1, 1888- eight months of intimate acquaintanceship of Rizal and Tetcho
· December 1, 1888- after a last warm handshake and bidding each other ―goodbye‖, Rizal and Tetcho
parted ways—never to meet again
· May 25, 1888- a day after docking at Liverpool, Rizal went to London
· Rizal stayed as guest at the home of Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor, an exile of 1872 and a practicing
lawyer in London. By the end of May, Rizal found a modest boarding place at No. 37 Chalcot Crescent,
Primrose Hill
· Dr. Reinhold Rozt- librarian of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and an authority on Malayan languages
and customs
-He was impressed by Rizal‘s learning and character and he gladly recommended him to the authorities
of the British Museum. He called Rizal “a pearl of a man” (una perla de hombre)
· Both good and bad news from home reached Rizal in London. Of the bad news, were the injustices
committed by the Spanish authorities on the Filipino people and the Rizal Family
· The greatest achievement of Rizal in London was the annotating of Morga’s book, Sucesos de las
Islas Filipinas (Historical Events of the Philippine Islands), which was published in Mexico, 1609.
· September 1888- Rizal visited Paris for a week in order to search for more historical materials in the
Bibliotheque Nationale
· Rizal was entertained in this gay French metropolis by Juan Luna and his wife (Pas Pardo de Tavera),
who proudly showed him their little son Andres (nickname Luling)
· December 11, 1888-Rizal went to Spain, visiting Madrid and Barcelona
· Rizal met, for the first time, Marcelo H. del Pilar and Mariano Ponce, two titans of the Propaganda
· December 24, 1888-Rizal returned to London and spent Christmas and New Year‘s Day with the
· Rizal sent as Christmas gift to Blumentritt a bust of Emperador Augustus and a bust of Julius Caesar to
another friend, Dr. Carlos Czepelak (Polish scholar)
· The Life and Adventures of Valentine Vox, the Ventriloquist-a Christmas gift from Rizal‘s landlady,
Mrs Beckett
· While busy in research studies at the British Museum, Rizal received news on Fray Rodriguez‘
unabated attack on his Noli
· La Vision del Fray Rodriguez (The Vision of Fray Rodriguez)-pamphlet wrote by Rizal which
published in Barcelona under his nom-de-plume Dimas Alang in order to defense his novel
-In La Vision del Fray Rodriguez, Rizal demonstrated two things: (1) his profound knowledge of religion
(2) his biting satire
· Letter to the Young Women of Malolos- a famous letter wrote by Rizal on February 22, 1889 in
-this letter is to praise the young ladies of Malolos for their courage to establish a school where they could
learn Spanish, despite the opposition of Fr. Felipe Garcia, a Spanish parish priest of Malolos
· The main points of this letter were: (1) a Filipino mother should teach her children love of God,
fatherland, and mankind (2) the Filipino mother should be glad, like the Spartan mother, to offer her sons
in the defense of the fatherland (3) a Filipino woman should know how to preserve her dignity and honor
(4) a Filipino woman should educate herself, aside from retaining her good racial virtues (5) Faith is not
merely reciting long prayers and wearing religious pictures, but rather it is living the real Christian way,
with good morals and good manners
· Dr Reinhold Rost, editor of Trubner‘s Record, a journal devoted to Asian studies, request Rizal to
contribute some articles. In response to his request, the latter prepared two articles—(1) Specimens of
Tagal Folklore, which published in the journal in May, 1889 (2) Two Eastern Fables, published in June,
· March 19, 1889- Rizal bade goodbye to the kind Beckett Family and left London for Paris
-In March, 1889, it was extremely difficult for a visitor to find living quarters in Paris
· Valentin Ventura- a friend of Rizal where he lived—No. 45 Rue Maubeuge, where he polished his
annotated edition of Morga‘s book
· Rizal used most of his time in the reading room of the Bibliotheque Nationale (National Library)
checking up his historical annotations on Morga‘s book
· Rizal was a good friend of the three Pardo de Taveras—Dr. Trinidad H. Pardo de Tavera, a physician
by vocation and philologist by avocation, Dr. Felix Pardo de Tavera, also physician by vocation and an
artist and sculptor by avocation, and Paz Pardo de Tavera, wife of Juan Luna
· June 24, 1889- a baby girl was born to Juan Luna and Paz Pardo de Tavera, she was their second
· Her baptismal godfather was Rizal, who chose her name ―Maria de la Paz, Blanca, Laureana,
Hermenegilda Juana Luna y Pardo de Tavera‖
· May 6, 1889- opening of Universal Exposition of Paris
· The greatest attraction of this exposition was the Eiffel Tower, 984 feet high, which was built by
Alexander Eiffel, celebrated French engineer
· March 19, 1889-the same day when he arrived in Paris from London, Rizal organized his paisanos
(compatriots) into a society called Kidlat Club
· Kidlat Club-purely a social society of a temporary nature
-founded by Rizal simply to bring together young Filipinos in the French capital so that they could enjoy
their sojourn in the city during the duration of the Universal Exposition
· Rizal was enchanted by the dignified and proud bearing of the American Indians in a Buffalo Bull show
· Indios Bravos (Brave Indians)- replaced the ephemeral Kidlat Club
-its members pledged to excel in intellectual and physical prowess in order to win the admiration of the
-practiced with great enthusiasm the use of the sword and pistol and Rizal taught them judo, an Asian art
of self-defense, that he learned in Japan
· Sociedad R.D.L.M. (R.D.L.M Society)- a mysterious society founded by Rizal in Paris during the
Universal Exposition of 1889
-its existence and role in the crusade reforms are really enigmatic
-Of numerous letters written by Rizal and his fellow propagandists, only two mentioned this secret society,
as follows (1) Rizal’s Letter to Jose Maria Basa, Paris, September 21, 1889 (2) Rizal’s Letter to Marcelo
H. del Pilar, Paris, November 4, 1889
· According to Dr. Leoncio Lopez-Rizal, grandnephew of the hero, the society has a symbol or
countersign represented by a circle divided into three parts by two semi-circles having in the center the
intwerlocked letters I and B meaning Indios Bravos and the letter R.D.L.M. placed outside an upper,
lower, left and right sides of the circle
· The letters R.D.L.M. are believed to be the initials of the society‘s secret name Redencion de los
Malayos (Redemption of the Malays)—Redemption of the Malay Race
· It was patterned after Freemasonry. It had various degrees of membership, “with the members not
knowing each other.”
· The aim of the secret society, as stated by Rizal, was “the propagation of all useful knowledge—
scientific, artistic, and literary, etc.—in the Philippines. Evidently, there was another aim that is, the
redemption of the Malay race
· It must be noted that Rizal was inspired by a famous book entitled Max Havelaar (1860) written by
Multatuli (pseudonym of E.D. Dekker, Dutch author)
· Rizal was accompanied by Jose Albert when he moved to Brussels. They lived in a modest boarding
house on 38 Rue Philippe Champagne, which was run by two Jacoby sisters (Suzanne and Marie). Later
Albert, left the city and was replaced by Jose Alejandro, an engineering student
· Rizal was the first to advocate the Filipinization of its orthography
· Sobre la Nueva Ortografia de la Lengua Tagala (The New Orthography of the Tagalog Language)-
was published in La Solidaridad on April 15, 1890
-in this article, he laid down the rules of the new Tagalog orthography and with modesty and sincerity, he
gave credit for the adoption of this new orthography to Dr. Trinidad H. Pardo de Tavera, author of the
celebrated work El Sanscrito en la Lengua Tagala (Sanskrit in the tagalog Language) which was
published in Paris, 1884 ** ―I put this on record,‖ wrote Rizal, ―so that when the history of this orthography
is traced, which is already being adopted by the enlightened Tagalists, that what is Caesar‘s be given to
Caesar. This innovation is due solely to Dr. Pardo de Tavera‘s studies on Tagalismo. I was one of its
zealous propagandists.‖**
· Letters from home which Rizal received in Brussels worried him. (1) the Calamba agrarian trouble was
getting worse (2) the Dominican Order filed a suit in court to dispossess the Rizal family of their lands in
· In his moment of despair, Rizal had bad dreams during the nights in Brussels when he was restless
because he was always thinking of his unhappy family in Calamba
· Rizal feared that he would not live long. He was not afraid to die, but he wanted to finish his second
novel before he went to his grave.
· In the face of the sufferings which afflicted his family, Rizal planned to go home. He could not stay in
Brussels writing a book while his parents, relatives, and friends in the distant Philippines were persecuted
· July 29, 1890- another letter to Ponce written at Brussels by Rizal, he announced that he was leaving
Brussels at the beginning of the following month and would arrive in Madrid about the 3 rd or 4th (August)
· “To my Muse’” (A Mi…)- 1890, Rizal wrote this pathetic poem, it was against a background of mental
anguish in Brussels, during those sad days when he was worried by family disasters
-To seek solace for his disappointments in Madrid, Rizal took a vacation in the resort city of Biarritz on the
fabulous French Riviera. He was a guest of the rich Boustead family at its winter residence—Villa Eliada
· February, 1891- Rizal arrived in Biarritz
· Frustrated in romance, Rizal found consolation in writing. Evidently, while wooing Nellie and enjoying so
“many magnificent moonlight nights” with her, he kept working on his second novel which he began to
write in Calamba 1887
· March 29, 1891- the eve of his departure from Biarritz to Paris, he finished the manuscript of El
· March 30, 1891-Rizal bade farewell to the hospitable and friendly Bousteads and proceeded to Paris by
· April 4, 1891-Rizal wrote to his friend, Jose Ma. Basa, in Hong Kong from Paris, expressing his desire
to go to that British colony and practice ophthalmology in order to earn his living
· Middle of April, 1891- Rizal was back in Brussels
· Since abdicating his leadership in Madrid in January, 1891, owing to the intrigues of his jealous
compatriots, Rizal retired from the Propaganda Movement or reform crusade
· May 1, 1891-Rizal notified the Propaganda authorities in Manila to cancel his monthly allowance and
devote the money to some better cause
· Rizal‘s notification was contained in a letter addressed to Mr. A.L. Lorena (pseudonym of Deodato
· May 30, 1891-revision of the finished manuscript of El Filibusterismo was mostly completed
· June 13, 1891-Rizal informed Basa that he was negotiating with a printing firm
-Rizal was busy revising and polishing the manuscript of El Filibusterismo so that it could be ready for the
-Rizal had begun writing it in October, 1887, while practicing medicine in Calamba, the following year
(1888), in London; he made some changes in the plot and corrected some chapters already written. He
wrote more chapters in Paris and Madrid, and finished the manuscript in Biarritz on March 29, 1891. It
took him, therefore, three years to write his second novel
· July 5, 1891- Rizal left Brussels for Ghent, a famous university city in Belgium
· Rizal reasons for moving to Ghent were (1) the cost of printing in Ghent was cheaper than in Brussels
(2) to escape from the enticing attraction of Petite Suzanne
· Rizal met two compatriots while in Ghent, Jose Alejandro (from Pampanga) and Edilberto Evangelista
(from Manila), both studying engineering in the world-famed University of Ghent
· F. Meyer-Van Loo Press (No. 66 Viaanderen Street)-a printing shop that give Rizal the lowest
quotation for the publication of his novel, who was willing to print his book on installment basis
· August 6, 1891-the printing of his book had to be suspended because Rizal could no longer give the
necessary funds to the printer
· Valentin Ventura- the savior of the Fili
-When Ventura learned of Rizal‘s predicament and immediately sent him the
necessary funds
· September 18, 1891- El Filibusterismo came off the press
-Rizal immediately sent on this date two printed copies to Hong Kong—one for Basa and other for Sixto
· Rizal gratefully donated the original manuscript and an autographed
printed copy to Valentin Ventura
· La Publicidad- a Barcelona newspaper, wherein it published a tribute eulogizing the novel‘s original
style which “is comparable only to the sublime Alexander Dumas” and may well be offered as
“a model and a precious jewel in the now decadent literature of Spain”
· El Nuevo Regimen- the liberal Madrid newspaper that serialized the novel in its issues of October,
· Rizal dedicated El Filibusterismo to Gom-Bur-Za (Don Mariano Gomez, 73 years old; Don Jose Burgos,
35 years old; Jacinto Zamora, 37 years old)
· The original manuscript of El Filibusterismo in Rizal‘s own handwriting in now preserved in the Filipiana
Division of the Bureau of Public Libraries, Manila. It consists of 270 pages of long sheets of paper
· Two features in the manuscript do not appear in the printed book, namely: the FOREWORD and the
WARNING. These were not put into print to save printing cost
· The title page of El Filibusterismo contains an inscription written by Ferdinand Blumentritt
· El Filibusterismo is a sequel to the Noli. It has little humor, less idealism and less romance than the Noli
Me Tangere. It is more revolutionary, more tragic than the first novel
· The characters in El Filibusterismo were drawn by Rizal from real life. Padre Florentino was Father
Leoncio Lopez, Rizal‘s friend and priest of Calamba; Isagani, the poet was Vicente Ilustre, Batangueno
friend of Rizal in Madrid and Paulita Gomez, the girl who loved Isagani but married Juanito Pelaez, was
Leonor Rivera
-After the court-martial, Rizal returned to his cell in Fort Santiago to prepare his rendezvous with destiny
-During his last 24 hours on earth—from 6:00am December 29 to 6:00am December 30, 1896—he was
busy meeting visitors
· Santiago Mataix- Spanish newspaper correspondent
· Pearl of the Orient Sea- Rizal called the Philippines
· Pearl of the Orient- Rizal‘s last poem in an article entitled “Unfortunate Philippines” published in The
Hong Kong Telegraph on September 24, 1892
First romance—“that painful experience which comes to nearly all adolescents”
· Julia
-from Dampalit, Los Banos, Laguna
· Segunda Katigbak
-Rizal first romance that was then sixteen years old
-a pretty fourteen-year old Batanguena from Lipa
-In Rizal‘s own words: “She was rather short, with eyes that were eloquent and ardentat times and
languid at others, rosy-cheeked, with an enchanting and provocative smile that revealed very
beautiful teeth and the air of a sylph; her entire self diffused a mysterious charm.”
-she was the sister of Rizal‘s friend, Mariano Katigbak
-close friend of Rizal‘s sister Olimpia, was a boarding student in La Concordia College
-engaged to be married to her town mate, Manuel Luz
*The love of Rizal and Segunda was indeed ―a Love at first sight‖
*The last time they talked to each other was one Thursday in December, 1877 when the Christmas
vacation was about to begin
*Rizal returned home, dazed and desolate, with his first romance ―ruined by his own shyness and
· Miss L (Jacinta Ibardo Laza)
-young woman in Calamba
-Rizal describe her as ―fair with seductive and attractive eyes
*After visiting her in her house several times, Rizal suddenly stopped his wooing, and the romance died a
natural death
*Rizal gave two reasons for his change of heart namely (1) the sweet memory of Segunda was still fresh
in his heart
(2) his father did not like the family of “Miss L”
· Leonor Valenzuela
*During Rizal sophomore year at the University of Santo Tomas, he boarded in the house of Dona
Concha Leyva in Intramuros wherein the next-door neighbors of Dona Concha were Capitan Juan and
Capitana Sanday Valenzuela
-charming daughter of Capitan Juan and Capitana Sanday Valenzuela from Pagsanjan, Laguna
-a tall girl with a regal bearing
-Rizal sent her love notes written in invisible ink—ink consisted of common table salt and water—the
secret of reading any note written in the invisible ink by heating it over a candle or lamp so that the words
may appear
-Orang was her pet name
-Rizal stopped short of proposing marriage to Orang
· Leonor Rivera
-Rizal‘s cousin from Camiling, Tarlac
*In 1879, at the start of his junior year at the university, Rizal lived in ―Casa Tomasina‖ at No. 6 Calle
Santo Tomas, Intramuros owned by his uncle Antonio Rivera
-a student at La Concordia College, where Soledad, youngest sister, was then studying
-born in Camiling, Tarlac on April 11, 1867
-she was a frail, pretty girl “tender as a budding flower with kindly, wistful eyes
-in her letters to Rizal, she signed her name as ―Taimis‖ in order to camouflage their intimate relationship
from their parents and friends
-died on August 28, 1893
· Consuelo Ortiga y Perez
- a young woman in Madrid
-prettier of Don Pablo Ortiga y Rey‘s daughters
-Rizal was attracted by Consuelo‘s beauty and vivacity
-Rizal composed a lovely poem on August 22, 1883 dedicated to her, entitled A La Senorita C.O.y.P (to
C.O.y.P) expressing his admirations for her
*Before Rizal romance with Consuelo could blossom into a serious affair, he suddenly backed out for two
reasons: (1) he was still engaged to Leonor Rivera (2) his friends and co-worker in the Propaganda
Movement, Eduardo de Lete, was madly in love with Consuelo and he had no wish to break their
friendship because of a pretty girl
· Seiko Usui
-Rizal affectionately called her O-Sei-San
-a pretty Japanese girl that Rizal saw walking past the legation gate
-Rizal was attracted by her regal loveliness and charm
-a lonely samurai‘s daughter of 23 years old and had never yet experienced the ecstasy of true love
-Rizal saw in her the qualities of his ideal womanhood—beauty, charm, modesty and intelligence
*The beautiful romance between Rizal and O-Sei-San inevitably came to a dolorous ending. Sacrificing
his personal happiness, Rizal had to carry on his libertarian mission in Europe, leaving behind the lovely
-married Mr. Alfred Charlton, a British teacher of chemistry, and was blessed by only one child—Yuriko
-died on May 1, 1947 at the age of 80
· Gertrude Beckett
-oldest of the three Beckett sisters
-called Gettie or Tottie by her friends
-a buxom English girl with brown hair, blue eyes, and rosy cheeks
-Rizal affectionately called her ―Gettie‖, in reciprocation; she fondly called him ―Pettie‖
*Rizal suddenly realized that he could not marry Gettie for he had a mission to fulfill in life
· Petite Suzanne Jacoby
-pretty niece of his landladies
*Rizal found certain bliss in the company of this pretty Belgian girl
*Rizal might flirted with Petite Suzanne, but he could not stoop low to a deceptive amorous relationship
-she fell in love with Rizal and cried when Rizal left toward the end of July, 1890 for Madrid, stopping for a
few days in
· Nellie Boustead
-the prettier and younger daughter of Eduardo Boustead
-Rizal found her to be a real Filipina, highly intelligent, vivacious in temperament, and morally upright
-also called Nelly
*Rizal wrote to his intimate friends, except Professor Blumentritt, of his love for Nellie and his intention to
propose marriage to her
*Rizal‘s marriage proposal failed for two reasons: (1) he refused to give up his Catholic faith and be
converted to Protestantism, as Nelly demanded (2) Nelly‘s mother did not like Rizal as a son-in-law
· Josephine Bracken
-an Irish girl of sweet eighteen, ―slender, a chestnut blond, with blue eyes, dressed with elegant simplicity,
with an atmosphere of light gayety.‖
-born in Hong Kong on October 3, 1876 of Irish parents—James Bracken, a corporal in the British
garrison and Elizabeth Jane Macbride
-she was adopted by Mr. George Taufer, who later became blind
*Rizal and Josephine fell in love with each other at first sight
*After a whirlwind romance for one month, they agreed to marry but Father Obach, the priest of Dapitan,
refused to marry them without the permission of the Bishop of Cebu
*Since no priest would marry them, Rizal and Josephine held hands together and married themselves
before the eyes of God. They lived as man and wife in Dapitan
-Rizal wrote a poem for Josephine
*In the early part of 1896, Rizal was extremely happy because Josephine was expecting a baby
*Unfortunately, Rizal played a prank on her, frightening her so that she prematurely gave birth to an eight-
month baby
boy who loved only for three hours
*The lost son of Rizal was named ―Francisco‖ in honor of Don Francisco (hero‘s father) and was buried in
-In Spain, Rizal came in close contact with prominent Spanish liberal and republican Spaniards, who were
mostly Mason.
-Rizal was impressed by the way the Spanish Masons openly and freely criticized the government
policies and lambasted the friars, which could not be done in Philippines
-Rizal‘s reason for becoming a mason was to secure Freemasonry‘s aid in his fight against the friars in
the Philippines. Since the friars used the Catholic religion as a shield to entrench themselves in power
and wealth and to persecute the Filipino patriots, he intended to utilize Freemasonry as his shield to
combat them
-As a mason, Rizal played a lukewarm role in Freemasonry
-Rizal had no natural aptitude for music, and this he admitted. But he studied music because many of his
schoolmates at the Ateneo were taking music lessons.
-By sheer determination and constant practice, Rizal came to play flute fairly well. He was a flutist in
various impromptu reunions of Filipinos in Paris.
-Rizal‘s research studies in the British Museum (London) and in Bibliotheque Nationale (Paris) enriched
his historical knowledge. His splendid annotations to Morga‘s book showed his familiarity with the basic
principles of historiography.
-As Rizal once told Isabelo de los Reyes: ―A historian ought to be rigorously imparted… I never assert
anything on my own authority. I cite texts and when I do, I have them before me.‖
-His knowledge of foreign languages enabled Rizal to read historical documents and books in languages
in which they were originally written