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Levite [E]

Pentateuch. The Hebrew word for Levite (lew") indicates a descendant of Levi, the
son of Jacob and Leah ( Gen 29:34 ). There were three family clans within the tribe
of Levi — Gershon, Kohath, and Merari but it was only Kohath who supplied the
Aaronic priests. Subsequent to the induction of Aaron and his sons into the
priesthood, the entire tribe of Levi was "set apart" following the golden calf
incident ( Exod 32:26-29 ). They were blessed and chosen because their actions
signified their loyalty to the covenant. Thus, the prophecy of Jacob that Levi's
descendants would be scattered throughout Israel ( Gen 49:5-7 ) was fulfilled, not
as a curse but as a blessing ( Exod 32:29 ; Deut 33:8-9 ). Their zeal for the Lord
caused the male Levites (except for Aaron's family, who were already designated as
priests) to be set apart as caretakers of the tabernacle and as aides to the
priests ( Num 1:47-53 ). Each clan in the tribe now had specific duties related to
the tabernacle ( Num 3:14-18 ). Because this appointment came about due to their
actions and was not based on their relationship with Aaron or his family, it was
"providentially coincidental" that it was the tribe that contained the priests.
Because of this a progression can be demonstrated in terms of separation and
responsibilities from nation to tribe (Levi) to priesthood.

The Levites' "set apart" status is demonstrated by their taking the place of the
firstborn, who by right belonged to God ( Num 3:41 ). Another indication of Levi's
distinction is found in Numbers 1:47-54, where God instructs Moses not to number
the Levites with the other tribes. The Levites were set apart but their status must
still be seen as significantly different from that of the priests (even though all
priests were Levites too). As aides, not officiating priests, theirs is an
intermediate status between the people in general and that of the priesthood (i.e.,
the priests were made holy, the Levites were made clean; the priests were anointed
and washed, the Levites were sprinkled; the priests were given new garments, the
Levites washed theirs; blood was applied to the priests, but was waved over the
Levites). The Levites were explicitly permitted to go near the Tent of Meeting, and
this special privilege more than any other duty distinguished them from ordinary
Israelites ( Num 8:19 ; 16:9-10 ).

Part of the support of the Levites was to come from the tithe they were to be
allotted of the income of the other tribes ( Num 18:20-25 ). Since the reception of
this tithe was dependent on the faithfulness of all the people, the financial
position of the Levite was unpredictable. The Levites are therefore included in the
legislation, along with the aliens, fatherless, and widows, as those whom the
people must remember to care for ( Deut 12:19 ; 14:27-29 ).

In Deuteronomy, with a view to entering the land, the Levites were given an
additional duty since their tabernacle transport obligations would be diminished.
It was now the important duty of the Levites and the levitical priests, who would
live throughout the land, to instruct the people in the law ( Deut 33:10 ).

Preexilic Historical Books. At the conquest the Levites received no tribal

inheritance but were given forty-eight cities with their pastures ( Joshua 21:1-
42 ). This along with the tithe was to be their means of support as they pursued
their work as aides to the priests and helpers at the sanctuary. This lack of land
inheritance is to be understood by the statement that "the priestly service of the
Lord is their inheritance" ( Joshua 18:7 ).

During the temple period, with the ark permanently in Jerusalem and in view of
their numbers, the Levites were given additional responsibilities as officials,
judges, gatekeepers, and musicians, all of which assisted the priests ( 1 Chron
23:4-5 ). They also continued to serve as teachers and administrators of the law.
That function was not always carried out well; hence the need for specific times of
teaching ( 2 Chron 17:7-9 ; 35:3 ).
Postexilic Historical Books. While 4, 289 priests (approximately one-tenth of the
entire returning number of exiles) returned from captivity with Zerubbabel, only
341 Levites, singers, and gatekeepers are recorded as returning ( Ezra 2:36-58 ).
Ezra succeeded in persuading only thirty-eight Levites to return with him ( Ezra
8:15-19 ). The fact that many of the menial tasks of temple service were the
responsibility of the Levites and that the temple first had to be rebuilt and when
it was, it was not as glorious as Solomon's temple ( Ezra 3:12 ), may have affected
the willingness of the Levites to return. Some of the Levites became involved,
however, in the interpretation and teaching of the law ( Neh 8:7-8 ) and in the
leading of the people in worship ( Neh 9:4-5 ; Nehemiah 12:8-9 Nehemiah 12:27-47 ).

Prophets. Though rarely referred to in the prophets, and even then usually in the
context of priests who are Levites, the Levites as distinct from the Zadokite
priests are mentioned in Ezekiel 44:11. The future acquisition and redistribution
of the land would include a specific area in which the Levites could live ( Eze
45:5 ).

The New Testament. The term "Levite(s)" is only used three times in the New
Testament. They were still a distinct class connected to the temple in Jerusalem
along with the priests ( John 1:19 ). As teachers of the law, the Levites, together
with the priests, were probably sent with this role in mind, to question John the
Baptist. It is possible that many scribes were Levites. In the parable of the good
Samaritan both a priest and Levite are mentioned, though not in a commendable
manner ( Luke 10:31-32 ). Barnabas is referred to as a Levite ( Acts 4:36 ).

In summary, though the conclusions of the majority of modern critical scholars

concerning the identity and purpose of the Levites (and priests) are in sharp
contrast to the view presented here, the Scriptures clearly indicate that the
Levites should be seen as a tribe that was below the priestly group of Aaronic
priests but still distinct from other Israelites. They were "set apart, " handled
the sacred articles of the tabernacle, served as substitutes for the firstborn who
belonged to God, taught the law of God, served as judges, enhanced the worship at
the temple in music, and guarded the treasures and moneys associated with the
temple, but did not serve as mediators of the covenant. Their significant
contribution was that they made it possible for the people to worship and fulfill
their obligations to God. Along with the honor that the Levites had in their unique
appointment, there was the need for their total dedication to the work of the Lord,
not that of pursuing material gain, and the necessity to look to him to supply some
of their needs through the people. It was a life of sacrifice and service with
their service to the Lord being their valuable inheritance that they could pass on
to the next generation. They did not always value their function and inheritance,
as evidenced after the exile.

Stephen J. Bramer

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