Assesment of Newborn
Assesment of Newborn
Assesment of Newborn
The most important activity incare of newborn is to perform
physical assessment.As an infant is born he/she requires a thorough skilled observation
and adjustment to the extra uterine life.During physical assessment it is required that you
should not disturb the infant so that successful examination can be done.The physical
examination represents the screening procedure to identify likelihood of disease conditon
or the abnormality present in the system.
To identify the normal characteristics in the newborn.
To identify existing abnormalities ifany.
To carry out immediate actions if there is any deviations.
To establish a baseline for future physiologic changes.
Keep your hands neat ,clean ,dry and warm.
Keep your nails sahort and free from nail polish.
Do not expose the baby unnecessarily.
Do not expose the baby to drafts and chill.
Eamine the baby swiftly and notmore thsn 8-10 minutes.
Inform the baby about the outcome of the baby.
Apgar score
Estimatuion of gwestational age
Neuroplogical assessment
Neurological function
General and specific examination
Apgar score is the best indicator to tell the
physiological status of the neonate and its ability to adjust to the extrauterine
life. Record the apgar score at 1 minute and at 5 minute.If the score at 1
minute is low it indicates the respiratory distress and the neonate requires
immediate resuscitative measures.If score is less even after 5 minutes it
indicates neurological damage due to hypoxia and brain damage.
It is made up of eight neurological criteria which have high
significance with gestational age.
place the infant supine and quiet.observe the arm, hip and knee for
extension and flexion.
b)Square Window
hand is flexed upon the wrist .Gentle pressure is exerted to obtain as
much flexion as possible.The wrist should not be rotated .The square window is the angle
formed between the hypothenar eminenceand anterior forearm.
c)Ankle dorsiflexion
The foot is flexed on the ankle with gentle pressure but sufficient
pressure to obtain maximum flexion.The angle between the top of the foot and front of
the leg is measured.
d)Popliteal Angle
The infant is placed on his back with pelvis flat on a firm surface .The
legs are first flexed on the thigh then flex the thigh fully with one hand,with the other
hand extend the leg until maximum angle is obtained.
e)Heel to Ear
The infant still lying on his back.Grasp each forearm just above the
wrist and gently pull the infant to the sitting position .Observe the relation between head
and the trunk as the infant is raised forward beyond 90 degree from the body’s surface