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Deficit Financing – Causes, Consequences and Potential Cures

Arvind Jadhav
University of Dallas

James Neelankavil
Hofstra University

The interest in the level of National Debt accumulated by countries has peaked recently due to difficulty
in repayment of maturing debt experienced by a number of countries. Current efforts in determining a
sustainable level of debt are focused on setting a global standard for sustainable level of debt and annual
deficit as per cent of GDP, irrespective of the specific economic structure of a country. This paper
attempts to identify specific economic factors that contribute to national debt, identifies a number of early
warning indicators and suggests a portfolio of fiscal, financial, and regulatory corrective measures for
avoiding default.


The analysis undertaken in this paper disaggregates the issue into two subcomponents. First, debt
servicing analysis is undertaken to determine the balance between debt servicing requirements and
budgetary resources available to meet these annual charges. This exercise also establishes conditions for
incurring annual budgetary deficit. Second, debt causation analysis is undertaken to identify the
underlying factors that contribute to accumulated deficits. This analysis leads to identification of early
warning indicators of an approaching unsustainable level of national debt and also recommends measures
to avoid a potential default.
Fiscal, financial, and regulatory intervention is necessary to reduce annual as well as accumulated
deficits because an economy creeping towards oligopolistic structure does not automatically generate
corrective measures to reduce or eliminate this imbalance, particularly when deficit is ‘structural’.
Effectiveness of such intervention also depends on the share of the public sector in gross domestic
The scope of this study includes international comparison and individual country analysis of data for
Greece and the U.S. Analytical techniques used in this analysis include multiple regression and VAR.

Academic interest in sovereign defaults is not new. Researchers have studied this phenomenon for
many years. It appears that data is available for loans to sovereign governments from private foreign
creditors dating back to the 1820s (Tomaz and Wright, 2007). A country's tolerance for debt is often the
result of many factors including the size of the debt, history of previous defaults, balance of payments
weaknesses, its inflation history and weak political institutions.

Journal of Applied Business and Economics vol. 12(6) 2011 83

Research studies have focused on sovereign debt from various angles including causes of defaults, the
effects of defaults, prescriptions to solve defaults, and early warning systems to predict pending defaults.
Although this paper outlines an early warning system, the main emphasis is on understanding the causes
of unsustainable national debt that could lead to sovereign defaults.
Political risks in the form of instability and/or more polarized experience have known to cause higher
defaults (Citron and Nickelsburg, 1987; Brewer and Rivoli, 1990; Balkan 1992, and Cuadra and Sapriza,
2008). Other researchers have determined that sovereign liquidity crises are mainly driven by economic
fundamentals or by sudden shifts in private creditors’ default expectations (Calvo, 1988; Alesina et al.,
1990; Detragiache, Cole and Kehoe, 2000; Detragiache and Spilimbergo, 2004).
Another area that has drawn some attention is the link between debt crisis and currency
destabilization, especially among countries that have severe debt problems at the same time (Herz and
Hui, 2008). The currency crisis models have looked at the effects of fixed exchange rates on sovereign
debts. Because, fixed exchange rates might lead to an expansionary fiscal policy resulting in an
incompatible monetary policy which in turn might give rise to a successful speculative attack against the
exchange rate peg (Krugman, 1979; Flood and Garber, 1996). The collapse of the Mexican peso in
December 1994; is a good example of such interventions gone wrong.
The economic crises faced by a few Latin American countries in the 1990s and the falling bond prices
of these countries was influenced by global, regional and country specific factors. In a study conducted by
Diaz and Gemmill, the authors estimated that each country’s distance-to-default on a monthly basis for
1994–2001 could explain up to 80% of the variance of the estimated distance-to-default for each Latin
American country (Diaz and Gemmill, 2006). A country’s banking system is another factor that might
contribute to sovereign debt problems. For example, Kaminsky and Reinhart showed that debt crisis is
often initiated by both a weakness in the banking sector combined with currency crises (Kaminsky and
Reinhart, 1999). Based on review of the literature, it is apparent that the causes of sovereign default are
varied and not one factor alone can explain the reasons for defaults. This might be one of the reasons that
researchers have had difficulty in developing early warning systems to predict sovereign defaults.
One way to avoid sovereign defaults is by developing a system that is able to warn the serial
defaulting countries of an impending crisis. Many systems have been proposed and they appear to focus
on single variables or specific situations. For example, one possible approach is to identify benchmarks
that evaluate the level of optimal foreign debt and a maximal foreign debt (debt-max), when risk is
explicitly considered. Using an application of the stochastic optimal controls models Stein and Paladino
were able to explain how a country could anticipate default risk. In their research, the authors tried to
measure ‘vulnerability’ to shocks, when there is uncertainty concerning the productivity of capital (Stein
and Paladino, 2001). Another warning system proposed by Stein uses the dynamic
programming/stochastic optimal control (DP/SOC). In his research, Stein used variables such as the
optimal foreign debt, consumption, capital and the growth rate of GDP. By comparing the actual debt to
the optimal debt he was able to derive a measure of the sustainability of the debt and vulnerability to
default problems (Stein, 2005).
Research has also shown that focusing on foreign currency borrowings could be a useful early
warning system, especially for developing countries. Most developing countries borrow in world capital
markets. Typically this borrowing is denominated in one of the major currencies that require periodic
servicing. The foreign exchange required to meet the service obligation is often dependent on the export
of one or a small number of commodities. This demand usually competes with a number of other claims
on export earnings, including both consumption and import of capital goods. Therefore, if a developing
country uses commodity-linked borrowing and the interest and/or principal payments on external debt are
linked to the price of a country's principal exports, the risk of default is multiplied (Chamberlin, 2006).
Although there are many early warning systems proposed, the fact that countries continue to default on
sovereign debt assumes that these systems are not employed to forestall defaults.

84 Journal of Applied Business and Economics vol. 12(6) 2011

This paper proposes to develop a set of criteria which could be customized to develop a model for a
country specific sustainable level of national debt, warning indicators when this critical level is being
approached, and corrective fiscal, financial, and regulatory measures that can avoid national default. Role
of regional economic groups (EU) as well as international financial institutions such as the World Bank
and IMF as an external stabilizing force is also incorporated as additional policy variables when internal
measures are insufficient to accomplish the objectives. For the purposes of this paper deficit is defined as
government spending that is in excess of government receipts. This paper focuses on both the annual
budgetary deficit and gross national debt.

The objective in seeking deficit financing is to finance the shortfall between government expenditures
and tax receipts. Tax increases are not politically palatable. Governments often resort to deficit financing
when other components of GDP such as private consumption decline during recessionary periods. Such
deficits, if undertaken for a short period with an action plan to create equivalent surplus in near future,
could reverse decline in real GDP and stimulate growth in real GDP for the benefit of citizens of the
nation. Structural deficits are indicative of inability to reduce entrenched government expenses.
The sustainable level of accumulated deficits can also be determined with reference to both the deficit
servicing requirements and deficit servicing sources. This analysis will entail identification of cause and
effect relationships that determine the factors influencing each of these two areas. As shown by other
researchers, the explanatory variables leading to deficits include domestic budgetary receipts; tax
structure; budgetary endowments; budgetary discretionary expenses; trade deficit; growth in real GDP;
private consumption; domestic capital formation; and foreign direct investment flows. Deficit servicing
requirements analysis takes into account accumulated deficit; expected additions to deficit; deficit held by
Government Accounts, by Federal Reserve System, by public–domestic entities, by overseas public &
governments, maturity term; and cost of debt.

Current Situation
The current debt crisis has produced some conflicting arguments in identifying and dealing with this
global issue. Some economists feel that when aggregate demand is far shorter than required for reaching
full GDP potential, deficits are justified (Krugman, 2010). As economy resumes growth, demand for
goods and services as well as tax receipts will increase to generate offsetting budgetary surpluses. If a
country does incur deficits, one way to address the issue is by introducing radical fiscal reform to reduce
budgetary expenses and deficits while increasing taxes. This would result in increasing the confidence of
both consumers and business leaders - a necessary precondition to improve the overall economy. The
assumption is businesses fear deflation and uncertainty more than cyclical deficits (Ferguson, 2009). In
contrast, some economists feel that spending cuts, specifically by reducing social transfers and
government payroll, is a preferred solution (Hassett, et al., 2009). These economists observe that “cold
shower” treatments, i.e., immediate reduction, in expenditure produces better results as compared to
cumulative cuts in government spending over the consolidation years.
In a study of the OECD countries on fiscal adjustments, Alesina and Perotti concluded that successful
adjustments are mainly expenditure based, with a focus on primary current expenditure (Alesina and
Perotti, 1995). On the other hand, Larch and Turrini in their research of the European Union countries
found that fiscal consolidation did not reduce debt due to resurgence of expenses (Larch and Turrini,
2008). Interestingly, based on a study of forty countries, Reinhart and Rogoff suggest that as long as the
gross debt to GDP ratio is between 30% and 90%, the negative impact of higher public debt is likely to be
modest. Ratio above 90% reduces GDP growth. (Reinhart and Rogoff, 2010).
On the practical side, evolution of Euro as a common currency in 17 EU countries has brought forth a
new set of issues. The financial policy of the Eurozone countries is common but the fiscal policy of each
country is different. Thus these countries cannot employ full spectrum of remedies (i.e., devaluation of
currency) needed to resolve problems consequential to unsustainable national debt. The bailout of

Journal of Applied Business and Economics vol. 12(6) 2011 85

countries on the brink of insolvency by EU and IMF comes with imposition of a few common fiscal
policy restrictions that may not take into account country specific economic situation.

Causes of Deficit
The preceding sections listed causes of deficit and corrective actions as presented in research studies
that investigated the deficit issues. In this section, a discussion of the causes of deficit is presented from
theoretical as well as structural perspective.
From a theoretical point of view the causes of sovereign deficits are equally diverse. Primary cause of
deficit is that some components of government spending have a built-in growth multiplier that is much
higher than the rate of growth of tax receipts. Government expenses can be broken down into
discretionary and non-discretionary. Over time, non-discretionary component grows as a percentage of
total budgetary expenses, thereby reducing government’s ability to reduce expenses without
disenfranchising the electorate. Deficits incurred to meet national emergencies present a special case
where the expenditure is incurred without any considerations for fiscal sacrifices. Secondary causes of
deficits include shifts in government spending, changes in the competitive environment, globalization,
presence of shadow economies, fraud in government programs, role of multinationals, and income
distribution that affects private consumption expenditures.
During periods of economic downturn, governments often tend to stimulate demand through either
direct expenditure on specific projects or through reduction in direct taxes. Stimulation through direct
expense is intended to increase employment or save jobs, while stimulation through reduction in direct
taxes is aimed at increasing disposable income and, therefore, consumption as well as investments.
Reduction in taxes does not necessarily lead to increased consumption and its impact on increasing
employment has a longer lag than that of direct expenses. Reduction in taxes on higher income groups
and corporations has not always increased investment since higher savings could be hoarded in bank
accounts or in retained earnings by corporations. It should be noted that once taxes are reduced, it is
difficult to raise them for reducing the budget gap at a later date.
The role of competitive forces in allocation of resources and setting prices, especially in free market
economies, has been diminishing. Competition has been replaced in reality by oligopoly where a few
firms dominate a business sector. Although the number of buyers is large, product is not necessarily
homogeneous; information is asymmetric; and the seller has considerable control in setting prices and
output level. Oligopolistic firms influence elections and issues to their own benefit by funding elections
and lobbying on issues. This often leads to either unintended direct government expenses or increased tax
expenditures contributing to deficits. Similarly, increased globalization tends to reduce the effect of
domestic multipliers for income and employment due to leakages beyond the borders of a country. Thus
growth of a business in a country does not necessarily mean increase in employment in the country as
anticipated by historical income and employment multipliers. Presence of shadow economy also accounts
for some problems as this unaccounted portion of GDP outside the reach of fiscal measures increases
deficit by reducing potential tax revenue.
Another factor that might influence deficits is fraud in government run programs that often leads to
unintended excess government expenditure. Government bureaucracies can also be included in the list of
factors that affect deficits. Bureaucracy often leads to redundant government agencies that essentially
perform the same tasks resulting in an increase in government expenses without providing any additional
benefits or services.
Income distribution impacts both consumption and investments in a country. A summary measure of
inequality of income is Gini index. The more unequal a country's income distribution, the farther its
Lorenz curve from the 45 degree line and the higher its Gini index. If income was distributed with perfect
equality, the Lorenz curve would coincide with the 45 degree line and the index would be zero; if income
was distributed with perfect inequality, the index would be 100.

86 Journal of Applied Business and Economics vol. 12(6) 2011


Country GDP Gini Population below Population % income in

US$ trillion Index poverty line decile each decile
Greece 0.3 33.0 20% Lowest 10% 2.5%
Highest 10% 26.0%
India 1.7 36.8 25% Lowest 10% 3.6%
Highest 10% 31.1%
U.S. 14.9 46.0 15% Lowest 10% 2.0%
Highest 10% 31.0%

A number of studies have linked fiscal deficit as one of the causes of current account trade deficit
(Gupta and Jadhav, 2009). A few other studies have concluded that fiscal deficits are caused by trade
deficit (Aridyato, 2006). With an increase in openness of economies to external trade, i.e., globalization, it
is desirable to treat trade deficit as a contributor to fiscal deficit. Trade deficit could be viewed as deferred
exports. Thus it has an intertemporal dimension, which is not inherently self-correcting. As seen here, the
causes of deficits are varied and quite difficult to assess.
A variable that increases expenditure without generating compensating revenues is aging population.
For the U.S., current median age is 36.8 years and is expected to be higher in future. Future entrants in
labor force will be a smaller number while population over 65 years of age will grow considerably. As a
result, domestic consumption will diminish and Social Welfare as well as healthcare expenses will
increase. Unfortunately, there is very little that a country can do to change its population pyramid.


Data for selected countries was obtained from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, CIA database,
European Commission, and IMF. The level of accumulated deficit is measured in absolute terms for
statistical analysis and in relative terms as a percentage of GDP for international comparison. Other
variables considered include domestic savings and investment balance, private consumption, government
consumption, interest rate, current account trade balance, unemployment rate, and foreign direct
investment. The analysis was conducted by utilizing multiple regression and VAR techniques.
If a causal relationship between deficit and contributing factors can be established by identifying
factors that contribute significantly to the level of deficit, then it will be possible to identify early warning
benchmarks prior to national debt reaching the default point.
This analysis will decompose the issue into two areas:
1. Debt servicing analysis; and
2. Debt causation analysis;

Debt Servicing Analysis

Ongoing budgetary deficits increase national debt and lead to increased debt servicing burden, which
in turn leads to even higher deficits due to higher interest payment on outstanding debt. The situation is
made worst if the principal is to be refinanced at a higher rate of interest. The sustainable level of
accumulated deficits can be determined in flow terms with reference to both the National debt servicing
requirements and fiscal resources available for debt servicing. It is important to note that effective deficit
is the national debt held by public. However, analysis of deficit undertaken in this study is based on total
deficits. National debt can be reduced only through successive budgetary surpluses. The percentages in
Figure 1 relate to U.S. national debt at the end of 2010.

Journal of Applied Business and Economics vol. 12(6) 2011 87


Available Funds = f (budgetary receipts; government expenses; foreign trade deficit; growth in real GDP;
private consumption; private investment; net exports, etc.)

Deficit servicing requirements = f (annual deficit servicing cost; budgetary receipts; national debt; term of
maturity; cost of debt; etc.)

Criteria for incurring new deficits:

A potential solution for managing deficits based on our analysis suggests that countries facing national
debt default often have marginal rate of growth of annual deficit higher than its historical rate. It is,
therefore, desirable to establish conditions for incurring new fiscal deficits. This is not to ignore the
importance of reduction in government expenses and an iterative exercise may be necessary. Impact of
deficit on GDP can be stated as:

αD = δGDP - GDP = GDP (δ - 1) Equation 1

Where, α is coefficient of deficit’s (D) marginal contribution or stimulus multiplier to GDP where (α >
0) and δ is growth multiplier to GDP (δ > 1) as a result of stimulus from deficit. Levels of α and δ will
depend on the extent of productive content of deficits. For a non-productive use of deficit, α will be
closer to zero and δ will be closer to 1. As shown in Table 2, taking the case of the US, it is interesting to
note that δ, the GDP growth multiplier, can also be an approximation of tax revenue multiplier
τ depending on tax policy as evidenced in the growth patterns for the U.S. over the past three decades.

88 Journal of Applied Business and Economics vol. 12(6) 2011


Period National debt GDP Revenue Tax

Growth Growth Growth Policy

1981-1990 222.3% 85.5% 72.2% Reduce

1991-2000 56.4% 66.1% 92.0% Increase
2001-2010* 142.6% 42.9% 8.6% Reduce

* The revenue and GDP growth is impacted by the recession of 2008 – 2010.

Designating ‘r’ for the expected rate of annual interest on new debt; net marginal contribution from the
deficit (i.e., after deducting debt servicing requirements) to GDP can be stated as:

Net [GDP(δ - 1)] = αD –rD Equation 2

Where rD denotes annual interest payments on new deficit or new debt servicing requirements. Since it is
imperative that δ >1, except when deficit is needed for mitigating a national emergency, this formulation
enables development of a minimum critical condition for incurring new deficit as:

αD > rD Equation 3

Therefore, α must be greater than r. ‘τ', the revenue growth multiplier, which is observed to be only
marginally lower than δ, also has to be higher than 1 and could be restated as:

αD ≅ τ {tax revenues | tax policy} Equation 4

Another implication of the data in Table 2 is that growth of GDP does not automatically reduce
deficit unless reduction in government expenses is higher than reduction in taxes or taxes are increased
concurrent with reduction in expenses. During 1991-2000 periods, the tax increase exceeded government
expenses, thereby reducing deficit and creating budgetary surpluses. Please note that the effect of α on δ
and τ are lagged, lag depending on the severity of recession. Additional empirical studies are necessary
to estimate values of α, δ, and τ.
The above analysis suggests that the true magnitude of deficit should be measured in comparison with
budgetary expenses for the same period rather than as a per cent of GDP. Relating deficits to GDP
underestimates the severity of the situation. Therefore, implications and key conditions for incurring new
deficit are:

a) New deficit and accumulated deficit or national debt will require different remedial measures and
should be analyzed separately.
b) It may be necessary to introduce different criteria for the relative measurement of new deficit.
New or marginal deficit should be related to contemporaneous budgetary expenses rather than
c) Stimulus multiplier of new or additional deficits for government receipts must be greater than the
interest rate on new debt. Simply stated new deficit must be used for productive expenditure and
generate new revenues greater than the new deficit servicing requirements, albeit with a short lag.

Journal of Applied Business and Economics vol. 12(6) 2011 89

This will discourage incurring deficits for non-productive purposes, contribute to reduction of
accumulated deficit, and require that the government put forth a deficit elimination plan at the
time deficit is incurred.
d) If new deficit is necessary to meet a national emergency, it should be made budget neutral over a
short period. The deficit plan should include a phased short-term plan to reduce other expenses
or a temporary tax increase or some combination of the two until the deficit is completely
eliminated. Budget neutrality of such deficit may not be contemporaneous, but should be
accomplished with a short lag.

Debt Causation Analysis

GDP could be divided into three components, public, private and external sectors (Keynesian theory).
Since public sector expenditure has rarely showed any decline, economic slowdown was traced to
downturn in private aggregate demand. Keynes also ascribed deflation to private hoarding. In contrast,
economists led by Prof. Frederick Hayek were of the opinion that a reduction in private aggregate
investment was the culprit in recessions (Ebeling, 2010). Empirical evidence suggests that private
investment lags private and public consumption. This analysis considers a broader interpretation of
Keynesian theory and does not assume that government has to increase its expenses to make up the entire
shortfall in consumption. Government can also initiate measures that lead to an increase in private
consumption and investments. Following this approach:

Y = C + I + G + (X – M) and also

Where Y is GDP, C is private consumption, I is private investment, G is government spending,

(X – M) gives foreign trade balance, S is savings of private sector; and T represents taxes.
Combining the equations, deficit will equate to:

(T – G) = (X – M) – (S – I)

Where (T – G) represents fiscal deficit, (X – M) denotes current account trade deficit; and (S – I)
describes difference between domestic savings and total investment needs.

Collapsing and elaborating the functional relationships enumerated above into a single equation will
enable development of the final specification of the model through a ‘test down’ approach. Care is
exercised in retaining the final set of explanatory variables that could be influenced through policy
decisions. Policy variables could be further dichotomized into domestic and international. A country
could exercise control over domestic policy measures. Involvement of institutions such as IMF, World
Bank, and WTO will be necessary for dealing with international variables. However, such institutional
assistance may impose stringent conditions on a country. In order to qualify for EU and IMF bailout,
Greece and Ireland had to undertake budgetary expense cuts leading to considerable social unrest. Irish
bond investors could also be required to share the burden after 2013.
A cross section data for 2009 for 31 European countries was analyzed through stepwise multiple
regression technique. Treating deficits in positive terms, the variables that impact government deficits
significantly are shown in the following stepwise regression coefficient matrix.

90 Journal of Applied Business and Economics vol. 12(6) 2011


Government Government Real GDP Current Account Interest Unemployment

Deficit Constant Expenses Growth Trade Balance Rate Rate R^2
= -12.078 0.129 -0.284 0.46 2.579 0.987 0.909
= -11.748 0.128 -0.307 0.46 1.051 0.908
= -11.666 0.128 0.464 0.007 0.858 0.908
= -11.646 0.128 0.464 0.858 0.908
= -5.167 0.128 0.333 0.483 0.905
‘t’ values suggest that government expenses, current account trade deficit, and unemployment rate have
significant impact on government deficit.

VAR analysis for the U.S. data (1960 to 2009) and Greece (1980 to 2009) was conducted with lags
varying from one year to six years. Partial results for optimum lag are given in the following table.


First row of the U.S. 7x7 VAR matrix. Deficit in positive terms.

Lagged Domestic Private Government Net Unemploy- FDI

Deficit S-I Consumption Consumption Exports ment rate
Deficit 3.246 3.139 - 0.479 4.137 - 0.658 21.639 - 1.412

First row of Greece 5x5 VAR matrix. Deficit in positive terms.

Lagged Trade Private Unemploy- Net Foreign Dir-

Deficit Deficit Consumption ment rate ect Investment
Deficit 0.192 0.001 0.0001 1.209 -2.648

Explanation of VAR matrices is not easy; however, the first row often indicates the magnitude and
nature of relationships between the dependent and independent variables. Government consumption,
unemployment rate, and domestic savings shortfall are important contributors to deficit in the U.S. For
Greece, unemployment rate and net FDI are significant variables. Private consumption is not very
important in Greece since annual government consumption is about 50 per cent of GDP of the country.

International Comparison
The most likely scenario for default of national debt is a country’s inability to repay the principal on
its maturity. International cooperation for avoiding a national default has reduced the probability of such
an event but not without strict conditions. Another way of looking at default is a country’s inability to
raise new debt to repay the principal at maturity. Payment for debt servicing can be handled through an
adjustment in budget either through increased taxes and/or reduction in expenses or through a tide over
loan and may not constitute default. The following figure represents a sample of countries (IMF Staff

Journal of Applied Business and Economics vol. 12(6) 2011 91

Paper, 2010) and ranks them on a scatter diagram on the basis of the level of national debt as per cent of
GDP for the year 2010.


Countries Deficit as Deficit as

% of GDP % of GDP
Japan 227.1 250
Greece 133.2
Italy 118.6
Belgium 100.1
USA 92.6 200
Portugal 86.6
Canada 83.3
India 79.0
Hungary 78.9
Ireland 78.8
U.K. 78.2
Austria 70.7 100
Brazil 67.2
Netherlands 64.2
Turkey 44.5
Switzerland 39.8 50
S. Korea 33.3
China 20.0
Russia 8.1
0 Countries
Hong Kong 0.6

The comparison depicted in the above diagram suggests that the critical level national debt as per cent
of GDP will vary for different countries based on the underlying economic situation.

Consequences of Unsustainable National Debt

a) A country’s solvency is degraded. Credit rating is lowered, making it difficult to raise additional debt
either to finance new deficits or replace retiring national debt. Greece has $186 billion debt maturing
in 2015 and has requested EU and IMF to extend repayment of assistance loan of $145.7 billion from
2015 to 2024. Refinancing requirements over 2011-2013 period for Ireland are placed at $89 billion,
for Portugal at $70 billion, and for Spain at $47 billion.
b) Government bonds will no longer be considered risk free and the cost of government debt will
increase. EU and IMF rescue packages have raised average cost of Euro zone countries’ debt to 5.2%
which could be as high as 5.8% for Greece and to 6% for Ireland. Prof. Ferguson views bond market
performance as an early indicator of economic growth. Currently, bond market is comparatively good
to the U.S. because European economies are not doing well in comparison to the U.S. economy. Once
European economies improve, cost of sovereign debt in the U.S. will increase. Currently the U.S. is
paying average interest on national debt at 2% but this could go up to 4%. Mega-deficits could reduce
creditworthiness of a country and push up long-term interest rates, thereby lowering the pace of
recovery. U.S. municipal bonds, worth $2.8 trillion at the end of 2010, are no longer risk free and are
experiencing an increase in interest rate. 30-year AAA municipal bond yield was 4.66% in December,
2010 as compared to 3.86% in October, 2010.
c) Internal solutions are often insufficient to remedy the situation. This requires financial assistance
from friendly countries or international organizations such as EU and IMF. EU has established a
European Financial Stability Fund of $583 billion. External assistance often comes with restrictive

92 Journal of Applied Business and Economics vol. 12(6) 2011

conditions for raising taxes and reducing expenses that may not be acceptable to citizenry. Greece
assistance package of $145.7 billion has strict conditions and Ireland’s rescue package of $89 billion
has an additional condition that existing investors accept some losses after July 2013.
d) These conditions often result in forced cuts in government payroll, salaries, pensions, and social
security safety net. This invariably leads to social discontent and unrest. U.K.’s budget cuts amount to
$127 billion over 4 years beginning 2010. Budget deficit in 2010 is placed at $155 billion or 11.5% of
GDP. British budget reduction includes education, home office, defense, and Business Innovation &
skills. Britain plans to integrate defense with France. British retirement age will be raised from 65 to
66 in 2020. A Goldman Sachs analysis (Phillips 2011) released in February, 2011 estimates that a $61
billion reduction in U.S. Federal government expenses will reduce GDP growth by up to 1.5% and
affect 1 million jobs. The study, however, points out that the rate of growth will be back to earlier
level once the economy adjusts to lower government expenditure.
e) In the U.S., state governments plan to reduce budget gaps by cutting assistance to state universities,
hospitals, local bodies, and schools. States and local bodies are also considering privatization of
roads, parking places, and other public services.
f) If government is a significant employer in a country, reduction in employment could lead to higher
unemployment through multiplier effect. Britain estimates loss of 490,000 jobs by 2015. Spanish
unemployment rate has already risen to 21%. Austerity measures have a potential to reduce growth of
g) Efforts to repay national debt through printing new currency can result in spiraling inflation. A
number of countries that did not suffer consequences of global recession but increased their national
debt are facing increased inflation. These countries are raising short-term interest rates to combat
inflation. China and Singapore, countries with minimum deficits, were the first to raise short-term
interest rates to combat inflation. Reserve Bank of India has raised short-term interest rate to 6.25%.
Australia has raised the prime rate to 4.75%.
h) Increased oversight of the financial sector will be one of the most likely measures implemented by
countries to avoid future financial crisis which did contribute to fiscal deficits.


Empirical evidence and generalized statistical analysis suggest there is no single indicator that can act
as an early warning benchmark to warn of approaching unsustainable level of national debt. The same
holds true for any single corrective measure. Therefore, these benchmarks should not be treated as
standalone indicators but they should be properly weighted and combined in a manner that takes into
account a country’s unique economic situation. This subject will be evaluated in detail in future research
planned by the authors. Overall conclusions of the current research are:

1. When unemployment level is below 6 %, it is an indication that the economy is near its full
potential. Current unemployment rate for Spain is 21%, it is 12.9% for Ireland, for Portugal
10.2%, and for Turkey at 11.6%. When unemployment rate is below 6%, new deficit is structural
and should not be incurred.
2. Following practical interpretation of new deficit criteria, critical benchmark for inflation and can
also be placed 5%, indicating growth phase of the economy, beyond which no structural deficit
should be incurred. 5% rate of inflation could translate into a 6% or higher long term interest rate.
3. Using deficit to government expenditure ratio, an empirically observed rule indicates that when
new deficit exceeds 15 per cent of government expenditure, it is an early warning of impending
unsustainable addition to the national debt. U.S. deficit to government expenditure ratio is about
30 % in 2012. For Greece it stands at 36%, it is 29% for Spain and 18% for Portugal for the year
2009. At 34%, Turkey is flirting with insolvency.

Journal of Applied Business and Economics vol. 12(6) 2011 93

4. Current account trade deficit above 8% of GDP is another danger point. Greek trade deficit is
14% of GDP, Portugal is at 12%; and Spain is at 8%. U.S. current account trade deficit fell to
27% of GDP in 2009 from earlier much higher level.
5. A country’s financial rating determines its ability to refinance maturing national debt at a
reasonable rate of interest. Since EU and IMF bailout of EU nations will require sacrifice by
investors after 2013, increased risk will mean higher rate of interest. This will inevitably raise the
cost of servicing national debt. Mere passing of extension of tax cuts (implying increase in
deficit) in the U.S. congress raised 10-year bond interest from 3.24% to 3.3%. Irish cost of bailout
fund stands at a higher rate of 6%, for Portugal the interest cost has risen to 4.5%. Spain must
refinance $ 230 billion of its national debt in 2011. Empirical evidence shows that this is a
lagging indicator and the critical point in time is when financial rating is lowered. A country
should monitor credit ratings assigned by agencies like Moody, Standard and Poor, and Fitch
closely to avoid this consequence. When the rating falls below ‘good’, it will be difficult to avoid
higher refinancing cost.
6. Domestic savings and investment balance could not be analyzed in detail because of lack of
availability of data in a number of countries. As long as a country’s financial rating is good or
better, the imbalance will be made up by foreign direct investment. It should be noted that such
rating for countries is more a ranking than absolute level. Thus, the cost of debt has not gone up
too much in the U.S. because of foreign capital finding the U.S. as a better prospect for
investment. In this context, a fall in FDI level is a good benchmark for initiating measures to
reduce national debt.
7. Heavy dependence on consumption, domestic and net exports, is often a source of growth of GDP
which in turn improves tax revenues and keeps deficit lower. Increase in income inequality in
favor of highest income groups reduces total domestic consumption and often increases imports.
Exports have been a major source of economic growth for European countries such as Germany.
Recessions often lead to declining personal consumption expenditure but also reduce current
account trade deficits. The best early indicators for consumption level can be found in income
inequality GINI index and migration of population pyramid. GINI index of 30 can be considered
a warning point for decline in domestic consumption. Similarly, when per cent of population in
65 and above age group exceeds per cent of population below 19 years of age, it is a certain
indicator of not only decline in total consumption but also an increase in social welfare and
healthcare expenses.


Unemploy- Long-term Annual deficit as Current account Country's Foreign GINI

Indicator ment rate Interest % of government Trade deficit financial Direct Index
rate expenditure as % of GDP rating Investment

Warning Below 6% Above 6% Above 15% Above 8% Lowered Decreased Above 30

Action No new No new Reduce annual Increase exports Reduce Reduce Tax structure
structural structural deficit and/or national national & expenses
deficit deficit reduce imports debt debt rationalization

Potential Solutions
Having suggested both the criteria for incurring new deficits, causes of deficit; and benchmarks after
which the national debt could reach unsustainable level, the solutions are aimed at the common goal of

94 Journal of Applied Business and Economics vol. 12(6) 2011

reducing deficits. As indicated at the beginning of ‘Conclusions’, the solutions suggested below should be
packaged in a country specific solution. This aspect will be handled in the follow up research planned by
the authors.

Expense Reduction
It is advisable that expense reduction should be undertaken in preference to any tax increase with a
caveat that the reduction in economic growth due to lower government expenses is minimized or offset.
Such reduction in expenses may require a simultaneous incentive to increase private consumption through
appropriate tax structure changes, again with a caution that tax reduction does not add to the deficit.
Expense reduction is often talked about in macro terms but the solution should identify specific areas of
reduction with a phased approach rather than a cold shower wipeout. The process for determining
optimum level of government should start with identifying services and service levels that a government
should provide. The size of government and government expenditure should be derived from these
conclusions. A reduction in central government expenditures should not be passed down as increased
expenses to states, local bodies, and eventually to individuals who are already overwhelmed with
mortgage debt. The brunt of austerity should not be borne by lower income individuals since it will
further increase income disparity.

a) For the U.S., initial targets should include reduction in fraud, in programs such as Medicare,
Medicaid, defense contracting process, and foreign aid. The level of fraud was estimated at $110
billion by OMB in July, 2010.
b) Subsidies integral to a number of programs such as agriculture and oil exploration should be
phased out. Care should be taken in not eliminating support for education because it has potential
to reduce investment in human capital which will further lower skills of labor force much needed
for productivity increase and innovation.
c) Reduction in Federal/Central government bureaucracy can be achieved by eliminating redundant
departments and streamlining functions of departments.
d) Since current account trade deficit contributes to fiscal deficit, exports should be encouraged by
reducing trade barriers and burdensome processes.
e) Trust funds like Social Security and Medicare should be treated separate accounts and their
receipts should not be integrated with General Funds. This will raise ‘on-budget’ deficit in the
near future but will reduce future tax increases or subsidies to these funds when their receipts will
be inadequate to cover expenses.
f) Internal subsidies from EU to member countries and from federal government to states and local
bodies in the U.S. should be phased out. Deficit reduction should not be limited to Federal or
central government, each recipient of such within government subsidy should bear responsibility
to reduce expenses and/or increase receipts.
g) Participation in government social welfare programs should be made voluntary as of a future
h) A government organized health care program should require universal participation in order to
reduce health care expenses. If universal participation cannot be accomplished through a fiat, a
non-participant should be treated on a pay as you go basis. There should be no subsidy from a
participant to a non-participant. Healthcare programs like Medicare and Medicaid are essentially
insurance programs operated by the government. Actual healthcare is provided by private sector.

Tax Rationalization
The level of optimum government and government expenses provides the basis for determining the
amount of tax revenue necessary to cover the expenses. Tax revenue could be further broken down into
current taxes and future taxes, i.e. deficit. For current taxes, a simplified tax structure should be devised
which balances consumption as well as investment requirements and also reduces income disparity. This

Journal of Applied Business and Economics vol. 12(6) 2011 95

is easier said than done. Simplified tax code can itself reduce the size of a department charged with
administering taxes. The tax structure should have fewer taxable income groups with progressive flat tax
rate levels. Such tax structure should also serve to reduce income inequality. Care should be exercised
that reduction in federal taxes and expenses does not result in an increase in state and local taxes, because
it will merely mean passing federal tax burden to state and local government with no relief in total taxes
paid by individuals. Measures for stimulation of economy should integrate both expense reduction and tax
rationalization measures. Recommendations on exact tax levels are beyond the scope of this study.

a) Tax structure should be designed to be consistent with economic cycle. Taxes should be lower
during downturn to increase consumption and higher during upturn of the economy to produce
budgetary surpluses without hampering growth. Empirical analysis suggests that level of taxes is
only one of the variables impacting economic growth and by itself has limited impact on growth
of an economy.
b) First steps should involve phased reduction in tax expenditures for both individuals and
corporations. An exception could be tax credits for activities that generate positive externalities.
This principle justifies tax credits for R & D.
c) A potential increase in total tax as a result of elimination of tax exemptions can be adjusted
through lowering of tax rates. This adjustment could be either tax receipts neutral or based on tax
receipts requirements consistent with the phase of economic cycle.
d) Certain taxes reduce negative externalities and should be given a fair hearing. An increase in gas
tax will bring some reduction in domestic consumption, reduce trade deficit, encourage
infrastructure improvements and use of efficient public transportation, reduce trade surpluses of
oil producing countries as well as their support of nefarious activities around the globe. It is
interesting to note that consumers accept price increases by oligopolistic oil companies with very
little protest.
e) Reduce or eliminate tax loopholes. Tax code should ensure that multinational corporations do not
hide their income in tax haven countries. EU has already initiated activities in this direction.

Financial Policy Measures

The traditional remedy of lowering prime rate during recessionary periods may control inflation but
not necessarily bring about an increase in GDP growth rate during recovery if lack of demand is the
culprit. Additional measures may be necessary.

a) Federal/Central Reserve Bank should link member bank reserve requirements to risk associated
with the specific lending.
b) If deflation is a near term possibility, a limited short-term increase in liquidity in domestic
economy is justified. A side effect of this policy is de facto devaluation of currency which could
increase exports and reduce trade imbalance. This option may not be available to countries within
an economic union such as EU.

Streamlining of Regulations
The term regulation is often interpreted as stifling constraints on individual or corporate activities.
Non-intrusive regulations should be treated similar to laws of the land that protect citizens from actions of
those persons or companies who do not follow the norms of the society. For example, Food and Drug
regulations have overwhelming health benefits for citizens.

a) Appropriate rules should be formulated to reduce the size of shadow or non-monetary segment of
the economy. This should reduce tax evasion and increase tax receipts.
b) Foreign banks should be required to disclose the names and balances by individuals who have
illegally transferred funds to avoid tax liability in home country. An experiment by U.S. tax

96 Journal of Applied Business and Economics vol. 12(6) 2011

authorities for lenient tax treatment for those individuals who voluntarily disclose this
information had met with some initial success.

Legislative Limitations
A few writers (Zakaria, Fareed, 2011) have pointed out the archaic rules that enable one senator to put
a hold on a bill without giving any reason bring the democratic process to a halt. Two-year election cycle
for U.S. House of Representatives is blamed for making the representatives preoccupied with reelection,
be dependent on special interest funding for election, and focus on short-run maximization rather than on
long range improvements in economy. An improvement in legislative processes could facilitate prompt
implementation of measures to reduce national debt.


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