This document establishes the Philippine Environmental Policy and creates an environmental impact statement system. Key points:
1) It declares the state policy to create harmony between man and nature, fulfill social/economic needs of current and future generations, and ensure environmental quality for a dignified life.
2) All government and private projects significantly affecting the environment must prepare an environmental impact statement assessing environmental effects and alternatives.
3) The document establishes guidelines for agencies to assess projects, and allows the president to declare critical projects/areas requiring compliance certificates.
This document establishes the Philippine Environmental Policy and creates an environmental impact statement system. Key points:
1) It declares the state policy to create harmony between man and nature, fulfill social/economic needs of current and future generations, and ensure environmental quality for a dignified life.
2) All government and private projects significantly affecting the environment must prepare an environmental impact statement assessing environmental effects and alternatives.
3) The document establishes guidelines for agencies to assess projects, and allows the president to declare critical projects/areas requiring compliance certificates.
This document establishes the Philippine Environmental Policy and creates an environmental impact statement system. Key points:
1) It declares the state policy to create harmony between man and nature, fulfill social/economic needs of current and future generations, and ensure environmental quality for a dignified life.
2) All government and private projects significantly affecting the environment must prepare an environmental impact statement assessing environmental effects and alternatives.
3) The document establishes guidelines for agencies to assess projects, and allows the president to declare critical projects/areas requiring compliance certificates.
This document establishes the Philippine Environmental Policy and creates an environmental impact statement system. Key points:
1) It declares the state policy to create harmony between man and nature, fulfill social/economic needs of current and future generations, and ensure environmental quality for a dignified life.
2) All government and private projects significantly affecting the environment must prepare an environmental impact statement assessing environmental effects and alternatives.
3) The document establishes guidelines for agencies to assess projects, and allows the president to declare critical projects/areas requiring compliance certificates.
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1151 responsibilities of each generation as trustee
PHILIPPINE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY and guardian of the environment for succeeding generations, (b) assure the people of a safe, WHEREAS, the individual and, at times, decent, healthful, productive and aesthetic conflicting, demands of population growth, environment, (c) encourage the widest urbanization, industrial expansion, rapid natural exploitation of the environment without resources utilization and increasing degrading it, or endangering human life, health technological advances have resulted in a and safety or creating conditions adverse to piecemeal-approach concept of environmental agriculture, commerce and industry, (d) protection; preserve important historic and cultural aspects of the Philippine heritage, (e) attain a rational WHEREAS, such tunnel-vision concept is not and orderly balance between population and conducive to the attainment of an ideal resource use, and (f) improve the utilization of environmental situation where man and nature renewable and non-renewable resources. can thrive in harmony with one another; and Section 3. Right to a Healthy Environment. In WHEREAS, there is now an urgent need to furtherance of these goals and policies, the formulate an intensive, integrated program of Government recognizes the right of the people environmental protection that will bring about to a healthful environment. It shall be the duty a concerted effort towards the protection of the and responsibility of each individual to entire spectrum of the environment through a contribute to the preservation and requirement of environmental impact enhancement of the Philippine environment. assessments and statements: Section 4. Environmental Impact Statements. NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, Pursuant to the above enunciated policies and President of the Philippines, by virtue of the goals, all agencies and instrumentalities of the powers vested in me by the Constitution, do national government, including government- hereby order and decree: owned or controlled corporations, as well as private corporations firms and entities shall Section 1. Policy. It is hereby declared a prepare, file and include in every action, project continuing policy of the State (a) to create, or undertaking which significantly affects the develop, maintain and improve conditions quality of the environment a detail statement under which man and nature can thrive in on productive and enjoyable harmony with each other, (b) to fulfill the social, economic and (a) the environmental impact of the proposed other requirements of present and future action, project or undertaking generations of Filipinos, and (c) to insure the attainment of an environmental quality that is (b) any adverse environmental effect which conducive to a life of dignity and well-being. cannot be avoided should the proposal be implemented; Section 2. Goal. In pursuing this policy, it shall be the responsibility of the Government, in (c) alternative to the proposed action; cooperation with concerned private organizations and entities, to use all practicable (d) a determination that the short-term uses of means, consistent with other essential the resources of the environment are consistent considerations of national policy, in promoting with the maintenance and enhancement of the the general welfare to the end that the Nation long-term productivity of the same; and may (a) recognize, discharge and fulfill the (e) whenever a proposal involve the use of depletable or non-renewable resources, a finding must be made that such use and commitment are warranted.
Before an environmental impact statement is
issued by a lead agency, all agencies having jurisdiction over, or special expertise on, the subject matter involved shall comment on the draft environmental impact statement made by the lead agency within thirty (30) days from receipt of the same.
Section 5. Agency Guidelines. The different
agencies charged with environmental protection as enumerated in Letter of Instruction No. 422 shall, within sixty (60) days from the effectivity of this Decree, submit to the National Environmental Protection Council (NEPC), their respective guidelines, rules and regulations to carry out the provisions of Sec. 4 hereof on environmental impact assessments and statements.
Section 6. Repealing Clause. All Acts,
Presidential Decrees, executive orders, rules and regulations or parts thereof which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Decree are hereby repealed, amended or modified accordingly.
Section 7. Effectivity. This Decree shall take
effect immediately.
Done in the City of Manila this 6th day of June
in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and seventy-nine. PRESIDENTIAL DECREE No. 1586 Section 3. Determination of Lead Agency. The Minister of Human Settlements or his ESTABLISHING AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT designated representative is hereby authorized STATEMENT SYSTEM, INCLUDING OTHER to name the lead agencies referred to in Section ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT RELATED 4 of Presidential Decree No. 1151 which shall MEASURES AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES have jurisdiction to undertake the preparation of the necessary environmental impact WHEREAS, the pursuit of a comprehensive and statements on declared environmentally critical integrated environment protection program projects and areas. All Environmental Impact necessitates the establishment and Statements shall be submitted to the National institutionalization of a system whereby the Environmental Protection Council for review exigencies of socio-economic undertakings can and evaluation. be reconciled with the requirements of environmental quality; Section 4. Presidential Proclamation of Environmentally Critical Areas and Projects. The WHEREAS, the regulatory requirements of President of the Philippines may, on his own environmental Impact Statements and initiative or upon recommendation of the Assessments instituted in pursuit of this National Environmental Protection Council, by national environmental protection program proclamation declare certain projects, have to be worked into their full regulatory and undertakings or areas in the country as procedural details in a manner consistent with environmentally critical. No person, partnership the goals of the program. or corporation shall undertake or operate any such declared environmentally critical project or NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, area without first securing an Environmental President of the Philippines, by virtue of the Compliance Certificate issued by the President powers vested in me by the Constitution do or his duly authorized representative. For the hereby order and declare: proper management of said critical project or area, the President may by his proclamation Section 1. Policy. It is hereby declared the policy reorganize such government offices, agencies, of the State to attain and maintain a rational institutions, corporations or instrumentalities and orderly balance between socio-economic including the re-alignment of government growth and environmental protection. personnel, and their specific functions and responsibilities. Section 2. Environmental Impact Statement System. There is hereby established an For the same purpose as above, the Ministry of Environmental Impact Statement System Human Settlements shall: (a) prepare the founded and based on the environmental proper land or water use pattern for said critical impact statement required, under Section 4 of project(s) or area (s); (b) establish ambient Presidential Decree No. 1151, of all agencies environmental quality standards; (c) develop a and instrumentalities of the national program of environmental enhancement or government, including government-owned or protective measures against calamituous controlled corporations, as well as private factors such as earthquake, floods, water corporations, firms and entities, for every erosion and others, and (d) perform such other proposed project and undertaking which functions as may be directed by the President significantly affect the quality of the from time to time. environment. Section 5. Environmentally Non-Critical Projects. All other projects, undertakings and areas not declared by the President as environmentally Pesos (P50,000.00) for every violation thereof, critical shall be considered as non-critical and at the discretion of the National Environmental shall not be required to submit an Protection Council. environmental impact statement. The National Environmental Protection Council, thru the Section 10. Environmental Revolving Fund. Ministry of Human Settlements may however Proceeds from the penalties prescribed in the require non-critical projects and undertakings preceding Section 9 and other penalties to provide additional environmental safeguards imposed by the National Pollution Control as it may deem necessary. Commission as authorized in P.D. 984, shall be automatically appropriated into an Section 6. Secretariat. The National Environment Revolving Fund hereby created as Environmental Protection Council is hereby an exemption to P.D. 711 and P.D. 1234. The authorized to constitute the necessary fund shall be used exclusively for the operation secretariat which will administer the of the National Environmental Protection Environmental Impact Statement System and Council and the National Pollution Control undertake the processing and evaluation of Commission in the implementation of this environmental impact statements. Decree. The rules and regulations for the utilization of this fund shall be formulated by Section 7. Management and Financial the Ministry of Human Settlements and Assistance. The Ministry of Human Settlements submitted to the President for approval. is hereby authorized to provide management and financial support to government offices and Section 11. Repealing Clause. The Inter-Agency instrumentalities placed under its supervision Advisory Council of the National Pollution pursuant to this Decree financed from its Control Commission created under Section 4 of existing appropriation or from budgetary P.D. 984 is hereby abolished and its powers and augmentation as the Minister of Human responsibilities are forthwith delegated and Settlements may deem necessary. transferred to the Control of the National Environmental Protection Council. Section 8. Rules and Regulations. The National Environmental Protection Council shall issue the All other laws, decrees, executive orders, rules necessary rules and regulations to implement and regulations inconsistent herewith are this Decree. For this purpose, the National hereby repealed, amended or modified Pollution Control Commission may be availed of accordingly. as one of its implementing arms, consistent with the powers and responsibilities of the Section 12. Effectivity Clause. This Decree shall National Pollution Control Commission as take effect immediately. provided in P.D. No. 984. DONE in the City of Manila, this 11th day of Section 9. Penalty for Violation. Any person, June, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred corporation or partnership found violating and seventy-eight. Section 4 of this Decree, or the terms and conditions in the issuance of the Environmental Compliance Certificate, or of the standards, rules and regulations issued by the National Environmental Protection Council pursuant to this Decree shall be punished by the suspension or cancellation of his/its certificate or and/or a fine in an amount not to exceed Fifty Thousand
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