SMAR2013fullpaper - Son
SMAR2013fullpaper - Son
SMAR2013fullpaper - Son
Special considerations may be required for structures equipped with buckling restrained braces
(BRBs) located in near-fault regions. Unsymmetrical protocols to account for near-fault effects
of earthquakes are quite limited. Experimental and numerical studies have been conducted to
promote the application of different types of BRBs. Takeuchi et al. (2008, 2012) proposed a
simple method for predicting the cumulative deformation and energy absorption capacities of
BRBs under random amplitudes. Vargas and Bruneau (2009a, 2009b) proposed an alternative
design approach for systems with metallic fuses. An experimental work was also conducted on a
three-story frame designed with BRBs to verify the proposed design procedure. A series of
performance tests and analyses were carried out by Usami et al. (2009) to clarify the
requirements of high-performance BRBs for the damage controlled seismic design of steel
bridges. To increase the efficiency of buckling restrained braced frames (BRBFs), a novel
connection where the gusset is only connected to the beam and is offset from the column face
was proposed and tested in a three-story frame under quasi-static loading by Berman and
Bruneau (2009). Celik and Bruneau (2009, 2011) analytically investigated the best geometrical
layout to maximize the dissipated hysteretic energy in ductile diaphragms with BRBs end
diaphragms in straight and skewed steel bridges. Component tests were conducted by Zhao et al.
(2012) to address the effect of brace end rotation on the global buckling behavior of pin-
connected BRBs with end collars. Mostly, the concepts of BRBs published or applied for
patents are essentially similar and the BRB’s core brace member is mostly manufactured of steel
owing to its great hysteretic performance. As an alternative to commercially available BRB
types, produced under the patent of various firms in the U.S.A and Japan, a total of 8 BRBs (4
as preliminary studies, 2 with steel core and outer tube, 2 with aluminum alloy core and outer
tube) having the same yield strength and simple end connection details are designed, produced,
and tested (Karatas and Celik 2011, 2012, Karatas 2012). Examining the possible superiorities
of steel core BRBs that are developed herein is considered to be of importance in terms of
earthquake engineering research and design applications. Although component testing of BRBs
is conducted under various symmetrical cyclic displacement loading protocols, the use of
unsymmetrical protocols in testing to account for near-fault effects of ground shaking are quite
limited (Tsai and Lai 2002, Ookouch et al. 2006). To investigate the performance under such a
loading, one full scale steel-core BRB specimen (named as TURKBRACE BRB-SC1) with
simple details has been designed to AISC specification, fabricated, and cyclically tested in the
Structural and Earthquake Engineering Laboratory (STEEL) of the Technical University of
Istanbul. The specimen is well-instrumented to gather significant data during testing. Details of
the test set-up, specimens, cyclic testing of specimens, experimental observations, and
conclusions are summarized in this work.
(a) (b)
Figure 1. Test set-up (a) general view (b) instrumentation for specimen.
2.2 Material characteristics
Three tensile test specimens (coupons) were prepared in prototype samples according to the
recommended standard (ASTM-A370-08a, 2008). TURKBRACE BRB-SC1 was made of
S235JR normal strength steel. Prior to testing, these material data were used in static pushover
analyses of the specimens, using SAP2000 v14 (CSI 2009) to predict the load-displacement
curves of the specimens. The average coupon test results of the specimen are listed in Table 1.
Here, y, u, Fysc, Fu, E are yield strain, total tensile strain at fracture, yield strength/stress,
ultimate tensile strength, and modulus of elasticity, respectively. Compression tests of the
infill/mortar material revealed that the specified 7-day and 28-day mortar strengths were
52.3MPa and 64.1MPa, respectively. Steel bolts used are fully-tensioned, high-strength
A490Grade (10.9) in gussets-to-BRB and gussets-to-L frame connections. Specially designed
gusset-plates were used for the BRB to avoid out-of-plane buckling.
(a) (b)
Figure 2. Specimen details, (a) General views from the end connection, (b) Elevation.
Table 2. General geometrical parameters of the steel core
Lysc bysc t Lcon bcon Ltr btr
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
TURKBRACE BRB-SC1 1410 30 16 185 165 249 100
According to AISC-341 (2010), the axial yield strength of the BRB, Pysc, shall be determined by
Pysc βωR y Fysc A sc (1)
where and are the compression and strain-hardening adjustment factors, respectively, Ry is
the ratio of the expected yield stress to the specified minimum yield stress, F ysc is the specified
actual yield stress of the core as determined from the coupon test, and A sc is the net area of the
core. The factor is calculated as the ratio of the maximum tension force (T max) measured from
the qualification tests to the yield force, Pysc, of the test specimen. The factor is calculated as
ratio of the maximum compression force (Pmax) to the maximum tension force. Numerical values
of and at the point of maximum deformation were obtained from previous studies (e.g.,
Meritt et al. 2003, and Lopez and Sabelli, 2004) as 1.15 and 1.45. Further details regarding the
specimen can be found in Karatas and Celik (2012), and Karatas (2012).
Figure 4a shows TURKBRACE BRB-SC1 installed in the test set-up and ready for testing. Two
gusset-plates are placed at both ends to ensure a proper anchoring to the test set-up. Loading
protocol was rearranged since the actuator’s capacity would have been exceeded during
compression loadings. According to the low-cycle-fatigue loading protocol, the number of
cycles which will enable the cumulative inelastic axial deformation () for the specimen to be
200by at levels of ±2.03by and ±12.00mm lateral displacement (0.65% drift), was found as 96.
After 96 cycles, was calculated as 201.76by. value at the end of near-fault loading
protocol was 381.56by. General views from the axial displacements at upper end of brace at
+6% and -2% drifts are given in Figure 4b and 4c, respectively. No fracture in steel core, brace
instability or no brace-to-end connection failures of any kind were observed in TURKBRACE
BRB-SC1. Using experimental hysteresis, some behavioral characteristics of the specimens
such as maximum strengths in tension and compression cycles, cumulative inelastic
deformation, Eh cumulative hysteretic energy dissipation, and effb equivalent damping ratio
value are summarized. Experimental horizontal force-horizontal displacement hysteretic curve
representing the cyclic behavior for specimen is given in Figure 5a. Out-of-plane displacement
hysteretic curve is depicted in Figure 5b. Out-of-plane displacement of mid-span of the
specimen’s outer tube was measured between -0.18mm+0.44mm. These values prove that out-
of-plane buckling was effectively prevented during testing.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 4. Images during testing (a) Overall view from the specimen prior to testing, (b) Axial
displacement of upper end of brace at +6% drift, (c) Axial displacement of upper end of brace at -2%
The experimental value of by was obtained as 5.91mm. Also, the reached maximum tension
(Tmax) and compression capacities (Pmax), , by the first cycle at ±by (0.32% drift) were
+98.62kN, -165.90kN, 0.78, and 1.68, respectively.
(a) (b)
Figure 5. Experimental hysteretic curves for specimen, (a) Lateral force vs. lateral displacement,
(b) Lateral force vs. out-of-plane displacement.
This research was supported in part by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
(TUBITAK) and the Istanbul Technical University Research Projects Unit (ITU-BAP). Steel gusset plates
and bolts were produced by CIMTAS. Unbonded material was provided by FIBERFLON. High strength
grout was provided by KOSTER. Technical assistance from the staff at Istanbul Technical University,
Structural and Earthquake Engineering Laboratory (ITU-STEEL) and Bogazici University, Civil
Engineering Department, Structures Laboratory are gratefully acknowledged and appreciated. However,
any opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations presented in this paper are those of the authors
and do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsors.
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