Amm 166-169 33
Amm 166-169 33
Amm 166-169 33
Keywords: composite beam, metal decking floor, pre-cast floor, solid floor
Abstract. This paper presents the structural behaviour of composite beams with various floor
systems tested in full-scale arrangement. Six full-scale specimens with staggered and non-staggered
arrangement of studs on the composite beams were tested until failure. The moment capacities
obtained from the experiment are compared with the theoretical values established from BS 5950
and Eurocode 4. The experimental results showed good agreement with theoretical predictions
while no significant influences were found between staggered and non-staggered arrangement of
The use of composite beam in buildings has known to be more economical against bare steel
beams, which the composite action between steel and concrete has results in significant savings in
steel weight and reduce the beam depth [1]. The advantages of composite beam contributed to the
dominance of composite beam in the commercial building in steel construction industry. To date,
the advantages of composite beam have been further extended with the use of pre-cast floor and
metal decking floor, to minimized or eliminate the use of formwork. The performance of such floor
systems depends on the interaction of the concrete slab and the steel section connected together by
shear connectors. This interaction depends on the strength of the studs, the concrete strength, and
the continuity preserved along the horizontal interface so that the concrete slab and the steel section
respond as one unit. This paper presents the experimental investigation on composite beam with
three types of slab system namely solid slab (in-situ slab), pre-cast slab (half-slab system) and
profiled metal decking slab. The shear studs are 19 mm in diameter and were positioned either as
staggered or non-staggered arrangement. A total of 6 full-scale composite beams were tested until
failure and the performance of each floor system will be discussed based on the maximum moments
and deflections.
Experimental Programme
Mechanical Properties of the Materials. The concrete grade of C30 was used in the slab system
throughout the specimens and 9 pieces of cubes were tested for compression to verify the concrete
strength [2]. The cube tests have shown an average value of 36.78 N/mm2 which has achieved the
minimum requirement of 30 N/mm2. A total of 12 coupon specimens were cut from the web and the
flange of the steel section to obtain the mean values of yield strength (fy), ultimate strength (fu) and
the elastic modulus (E) [3]. From the tensile test, the mean values for fy = 324 N/mm2; fu = 392
N/mm2; and E = 202 kN/mm2. The values obtained from the material tests are then used to calculate
the moment capacities of the composite beams in accordance to BS 5950 [4] and Eurocode 4 [5].
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34 Progress in Structures
Full-Scale Bending Test. 6 full-scale composite beams consist of 3 different types of slab system
and 2 types of stud arrangement were tested until failure. The slab systems used are solid slab, pre-
cast slab and steel decking slab while the studs are positioned either in staggered or non-staggered
arrangement. The detail dimensions of each specimen are summarized in Table 1 and Fig. 1. The
arrangement of the test rig and measuring equipments are shown in Fig. 2. The DARTEC hydraulic
actuator was used to exert 2 point loads on the specimen at a distance of 1 m from the mid span of
the beam. This distance is to represent an area for a pure bending moment developed in the beam.
The LVDTs were placed at the mid span of the beam and also the loading point. Strain gauges are
also installed along the beam depth as shown in Fig. 2. An increment of 10 kN is applied to the
composite beam so that a uniform data and gradual failure of the specimen can be monitored. The
specimen is further loaded until substantial deflection of the beam can be observed. At this point,
the loading sequence is controlled by the increment of deflection as a small increment of load has
resulted to substantial increase in the deflection. The failure condition is considered to have reached
when an abrupt or significantly large reduction in the applied load.
By observing the failure modes of the specimens, shear studs are dislodged from its position on
the specimen and showed significant deformation, which demonstrate the characteristics of partial
shear connection between steel and concrete. Slippage between steel and concrete was recorded at
about 10 mm that did not contribute significantly to the failure of the composite beam. Composite
beams with staggered’ studs arrangement are slightly higher in both moment capacity and initial
stiffness as compared to non-staggered studs. Both theoretical and experimental results showed the
performance of composite beams with metal steel decking are low in moment capacity as compared
to solid slab and precast slab system, while the composite beam with precast slab system showed
largest values in the maximum deflection as compared to the other 2 slab system.
The concluding remarks from the experimental results of the composite beam with 3 different slab
systems and stud arrangement are listed as follows:-
1) BS 5950: Part 1 Section 3.1 [4] and Eurocode 4: Part 1.1 [5] are suitable to be used to predict
the moment capacity of composite beams for the tested slab systems and stud arrangement.
2) No significant difference in terms of moment capacity was found between staggered and non-
staggered stud arrangement in a composite beam.
3) Composite beam with precast slab systems showed higher capacity in bending and high
ductility, but relatively low in initial stiffness as compared to solid slab system and metal
decking system.
The authors would like to acknowledge special thanks and gratitude to MOHE and UTM for
providing the funding and facilities to this project under Vot Q.J13000.7122.00J18.
[1] R.M. Lawson. SCI P055 Design of Composite Slabs and Beams with Steel Decking. The Steel
Construction Institute, Berkshire, UK. (1993)
[2] British Standards Institution, BS 8110: Structureal use of concrete. Part 1: Code of practice for
design and construction. (1997)
[3] British Standards Institution BS EN 10002-1. Tensile Testing of Metalic Material, Part 1.
London: British Standards Institution. (2001).
[4] British Standard Institute, BS 5950 Structural use of steelwork in building, Part 3: Design in
composite construction, Section 3.1 Code of practice for design of simple and continuous
composite beams. (1990).
[5] Eurocode 4: Design of composites steel and concrete structures Part 1.1 General rules for
buildings. (1994).
[6] N. Jamaluddin, Performance of composite beam with various slab system, M.Eng Thesis,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (2002).