Ballast Calculation

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Ballast Calculation

Ramp Positions
Points X[m] Y[m] Z[m]
CoG of system 1 47.497 0 10.481
Centre of Floatation 2 49.11 0 2.905
3 25.31 -12.163 7.1
Sea Fastening 4 69.265 -1 7.1
Locations 5 21.96 14.64 7.1
6 67.31 14.64 7.1
D1B Jacket 7 37.886 3.108 30.44
Boat Landing 8 93.33 -8.815 7.6

damping Ratio 9.36 % of critical damping

Summary of highest values of the most probable extreme motions and accelerations

Roll natural Frequency 0.76 8.25 0.12 8.25

Pitch Natural Frequancy 0.63 10.01
Barge Particulars Lightship Weight

Particulars Symbol Value Unit Weight 2946 Tonne

Length Overall L 100.65 m LCG 50.325 m
Breadth B 36.6 m VCG 4.27 m
Depth D 6.1 m TCG 0 m

Internal Properties Barge Draft

Properties Symbol Value Unit Aft 3.395 m

Displacement ∆ 9491.4 tones Fore 2.391 m
Roll Radius of gyration Kxx 16.39 meters
Pitch Radius of gyration Kyy 31.76 meters
Yaw Radius of gyration Kzz 30.95 meters

Sea State data

Sl.No. Hs (m) Tp(sec)

1 4.6 7.73305
2 4.6
3 4.6
4 4.6 11.7473

Motion and acceleration points

Points X[m] Y[m] Z[m]

CoG of system 1 47.497 0 10.481
Centre of Floatation 2 49.11 0 2.905
3 25.31 -12.163 7.1
4 69.265 -1 7.1
Sea Fastening Locations
5 21.96 14.64 7.1
6 67.31 14.64 7.1
D1B Jacket 7 37.886 3.108 30.44
Boat Landing 8 93.33 -8.815 7.6
Jacket Weight COG of the System

Weight 2434 Tonne LCG 47.497 m

LCG 37.886 m VCG 10.481 m
VCG 30.44 m TCG 0 m
TCG 3.108 m

COG with respect to the barge coordinate axis

Wave Added Mass Critical Viscous
Roll RAO
Frequency moment of inertia Damping Damping
Radian/sec (Radian/m) (t.m2) (t.m2/Sec) (t.m2/Sec)
Bcr Bf
0.45 0.02 2576762.10 7891230.20 112329.0
0.48 0.03 2595991.70 7906016.90 144409.0
0.52 0.03 2595991.70 7906016.90 192637.7
0.57 0.04 2567147.30 7883826.50 269701.1
0.63 0.06 2509458.60 7839257.40 414562.2
0.70 0.11 2403696.00 7756882.20 783365.5
0.74 0.16 2336392.50 7704003.00 1294477.6
0.76 0.22 2297933.40 7673622.80 1779396.8
0.79 0.27 2259474.20 7643121.80 2275246.9
0.90 0.08 2124867.30 7535396.00 789578.8
0.97 0.05 2067178.60 7488753.50 490713.0
1.05 0.03 2019104.60 7449661.70 326206.8
1.14 0.02 1999875.10 7433967.40 217002.1
1.26 0.01 1990260.30 7426107.80 137428.4
1.57 0.00 2009489.90 7441818.60 39944.0
1.80 0.00 2047949.00 7473141.30 16829.8

(Bf / Bcr)*100
Barge Particulars

Particulars Symbol Value Unit

Length Overall L 100.65 m
Breadth B 36.6 m
Depth D 6.1 m

Module Mass(t) COG

x y a
Barge 2946 50.325 0 4.27
Jacket 2434 37.886 3.108 30.44
Sea Fastening 169.13 51.834 4.763 6.975
Bastlancling 61.59 93.33 -6.815 7.6
Tans. Piece 39 50.325 0 7.3
Tank 4P 968.269 14.745 -5.49 3.093
Tank 5P 307.14 29.28 -14.61 1.45
Tank 55 653.4.89 29.28 14.626 3.059
Tank 11P 417.579 73.2 -14.618 1.963

Tank 11S 653.489 73.2 14.626 3.059

Tank 14S 541.705 86.8 5.49 3.11
Total 9491.391

Module Mass(t) COG

x y z
Barge 2946 50.325 148257.45 0 0 4.27
Jacket 2434 37.886 92214.524 3.108 7564.872 30.44
Sea Fastening 169.13 51.834 8766.68442 4.763 805.56619 6.975
Bastlancling 61.59 93.33 5748.1947 -8.815 -542.91585 7.6
Tans. Piece 39 50.325 1962.675 0 0 7.3
Tank 4P 968.269 14.745 14277.1264 -5.49 -5315.7968 3.093
Tank 5P 307.14 29.28 8993.0592 -14.61 -4487.3154 1.45
Tank 55 653.489 29.28 19134.1579 14.626 9557.93011 3.059
Tank 11P 417.579 73.2 30566.7828 -14.618 -6104.1698 1.963

Tank 11S 653.489 73.2 47835.3948 14.626 9557.93011 3.059

Tank 14S 841.705 86.8 73059.994 5.49 4620.96045 3.11
Total 9491.391 450816.043 15657.061

47.50 1.64960657

COG of the System

LCG 47.497 m
VCG 10.481 m
TCG 0 m

Box shape l_own l_eg

L B D )ipc yy zz ra yy
1 00.65 36.6 6.1 337997 2496154 2815681 500674.5 2662392
92.4 26.76 27 293114 1879608 1876991 1.28E+240 3074052
45.4 26.8 2 14179.37 29106.71 39173.33 16095.23 34366.92
8.56 13.73 9.1 1392.565 841.0.991 1343.619 6689.575 130692.2
2.8 2.8 2.8 50.96 50.96 50.96 445.5917 757.4975
14.64 14.98 6.1 12730.35 20296.5 27021.97 95361.66 1112420
14.64 7.32 6.1 2323.831 6438.156 6857.208 84843.71 125325.6
14.64 7.32 6.1 4944.32 13698.2 14589.8 180624.1 266650
14.64 7.32 6.1 3159.417 8753.138 9377..869 11 544-8.8 307652.9

14.64 7.32 6.1 4944.32 13698.2 14589.8 1.8 0,324.1 481 507.4
12.81 10.98 6.1 11066.34 14120.03 19966.4 82914.17 1 ae 0 502
6819023 4432725 4825787 2550379 9576649

Box shape l_own l_cg

L B D xx yy zz xx yy
12579.42 100.65 36.6 6.1 337997 2496154 2815881 500674.5 2662392
74090.96 92.4 26.76 27 293114 1879608 1876991 1.28E+240 3074052
1179.68175 45.4 26.8 2 14179.37 29106.71 39173.33 16095.23 34366.92
468.084 8.56 13.73 9.1 1392.565 801.0991 1343.619 6689.575 130692.2
284.7 2.8 2.8 2.8 50.96 50.96 50.96 445.5917 757.4975
2994.85602 14.64 10.98 6.1 12730.35 20296.5 27021.97 95361.66 1112420
445.353 14.64 7.32 6.1 2323.831 6438.156 6857.208 84843.71 125325.6
1999.02285 14.64 7.32 6.1 4944.32 13698.2 14589.8 180624.1 266650
819.707577 14.64 7.32 6.1 3159.417 8753.138 9322.869 11 544-8.8 307652.9

1999.02285 14.64 7.32 6.1 4944.32 13698.2 14589.8 1.8 0,324.1 481 507.4
2617.70255 12.81 10.98 6.1 11066.34 14120.03 19966.4 82914.17 1 ae 0 502
99478.5106 685902.473 4482725 4825788 1.28E+240 7714309.12

10.481 6.82452233

137207.313 475204.313
20296.4997 Radius of gyration for roll (m)
27021.9671 Radius of gyration for Pitch (m)
Radius of gyration for Yaw (m)
174 544.1

5861 0.7.8
1 345539

2839442 148257.45
2125334 92214.524
46191.5 8766.68442
135549.3 5748.1947
362.8658 1962.675
1094862 14277.1264
174544.1 8993.0592
371254.3 19134.1579
374424.3 30566.7828

586107.8 47835.3948
1345539 73059.994
9093611.17 450816.043


Kxx ###
kyy 28.51
kzz 30.95
Item Weight
x y z Long.Mom Tran.Mom Vert.Mom x y z
JMC3 2343 45.51 0.00 3.93 106629.9 0.0 9208.0 9.75 26.54 26.54
cargo1 2286.329 63.49 2.44 17.98 145169.9 5580.7 41115.9 9.95 15.41 14.01
cargo2 135.4927 14.93 0.04 13.70 2022.9 5.4 1856.0 8.15 7.43 9.84
misc 50 45.51 0.00 6.00 2275.5 0.0 300.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
1P 429.46 12.33 -11.62 2.77 5295.2 -4990.3 1189.6 0.00 0.00 0.00
1PC 23.73 13.11 -4.00 0.16 311.1 -94.9 3.8 0.00 0.00 0.00
1S 429.46 12.33 11.62 2.77 5295.2 4990.3 1189.6 0.00 0.00 0.00
1SC 23.73 13.11 4.00 0.16 311.1 94.9 3.8 0.00 0.00 0.00
2P 94.96 23.17 -11.62 0.60 2200.2 -1103.4 57.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
2PC 23.87 22.71 -4.00 0.14 542.1 -95.5 3.3 0.00 0.00 0.00
2S 21.6 23.41 11.62 0.14 505.7 251.0 3.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
2SC 23.87 22.71 4.00 0.14 542.1 95.5 3.3 0.00 0.00 0.00
3P 21.6 34.21 -11.62 0.14 738.9 -251.0 3.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
3PC 390.58 33.92 -4.00 2.25 13248.5 -1562.3 878.8 0.00 0.00 0.00
3S 21.6 34.21 11.62 0.14 738.9 251.0 3.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
3SC 23.87 34.21 4.00 0.14 816.6 95.5 3.3 0.00 0.00 0.00
4P 21.6 45.01 -11.62 0.14 972.2 -251.0 3.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
4PC 23.87 45.01 -4.00 0.14 1074.4 -95.5 3.3 0.00 0.00 0.00
4S 21.6 45.01 11.62 0.14 972.2 251.0 3.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
4SC 23.87 45.01 4.00 0.14 1074.4 95.5 3.3 0.00 0.00 0.00
5P 21.6 55.81 -11.62 0.14 1205.5 -251.0 3.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
5PC 23.87 55.81 -4.00 0.14 1332.2 -95.5 3.3 0.00 0.00 0.00
5S 21.6 55.81 11.62 0.14 1205.5 251.0 3.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
5SC 23.87 55.81 4.00 0.14 1332.2 95.5 3.3 0.00 0.00 0.00
6P 21.6 66.61 -11.62 0.14 1438.8 -251.0 3.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
6PC 477.36 66.3 -4.00 2.75 31649.0 -1909.4 1312.7 0.00 0.00 0.00
6S 21.6 66.61 11.62 0.14 1438.8 251.0 3.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
6SC 23.87 66.61 4.00 0.14 1590.0 95.5 3.3 0.00 0.00 0.00
7P 146.62 77.15 -11.62 0.93 11311.7 -1703.7 136.4 0.00 0.00 0.00
7PC 23.87 77.41 -4.00 0.14 1847.8 -95.5 3.3 0.00 0.00 0.00
7S 21.6 77.41 11.62 0.14 1672.1 251.0 3.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
7SC 23.87 77.41 4.00 0.14 1847.8 95.5 3.3 0.00 0.00 0.00
BP 8.48 6.13 -11.62 0.94 52.0 -98.5 8.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
BPC 9.37 6.13 -4.00 0.94 57.4 -37.5 8.8 0.00 0.00 0.00
BS 8.48 6.13 11.62 0.94 52.0 98.5 8.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
BSC 9.37 6.13 4.00 0.94 57.4 37.5 8.8 0.00 0.00 0.00
SP 13.22 83.73 -11.62 0.62 1106.9 -153.6 8.2 0.00 0.00 0.00
SPC 14.61 83.73 -4.00 0.62 1223.3 -58.4 9.1 0.00 0.00 0.00
SS 13.22 83.73 11.62 0.62 1106.9 153.6 8.2 0.00 0.00 0.00
SSC 14.61 83.73 4.00 0.62 1223.3 58.4 9.1 0.00 0.00 0.00

7376.8 353487.5 0.1 57383.4

LCG 47.92
TCG 0.00
VCG 7.78

Kxx 11.89
Kyy 26.38
Kzz 25.75

cargo1 2286.329 63.49 2.44 17.98 145169.9 5580.7 41115.9 9.95 15.41 14.01
cargo2 135.4927 14.93 0.04 13.70 2022.9 5.4 1856.0 8.15 7.43 9.84

2421.8 147192.8 5586.1 42972.0

Kxx 14.25
Kyy 24.85
Kzz 22.05
Ixxo Iyyo Izzo Ixxg Iyyg Izzg
222895.8 1650803 1650803 3.85 4.54 2.41 257605.369 1699108.82 1664399.22
226165.2 542582.9 448805.7 10.49 18.62 15.77 477865.223 1335338.9 1017105.23
8999.764 7474.814 13131.47 5.92 33.52 32.99 13747.7727 159678.909 160587.984
0 0 0 1.78 2.99 2.41 158.227517 448.37632 290.148803
0 0 0 12.65 35.94 37.44 68762.5256 554717.025 601929.881
0 0 0 8.61 35.63 35.04 1757.15918 30130.2181 29132.4232
0 0 0 12.65 35.94 37.44 68762.3014 554717.025 601929.657
0 0 0 8.61 35.63 35.04 1757.15492 30130.2181 29132.4189
0 0 0 13.66 25.77 27.34 17715.8828 63057.8781 70985.8789
0 0 0 8.62 26.34 25.52 1774.80999 16562.0458 15551.0801
0 0 0 13.91 25.67 27.12 4176.94778 14235.2867 15891.3817
0 0 0 8.62 26.34 25.52 1774.8057 16562.0458 15551.0759
0 0 0 13.91 15.69 17.97 4176.95905 5319.8212 6975.92751
0 0 0 6.82 15.05 14.56 18188.9308 88481.6677 82791.3671
0 0 0 13.91 15.69 17.97 4176.94778 5319.8212 6975.91623
0 0 0 8.62 15.69 14.28 1774.8057 5878.895 4867.92501
0 0 0 13.91 8.17 11.98 4176.95905 1443.20369 3099.30999
0 0 0 8.62 8.17 4.95 1774.80999 1594.87371 583.908003
0 0 0 13.91 8.17 11.98 4176.94778 1443.20369 3099.29872
0 0 0 8.62 8.17 4.95 1774.8057 1594.87371 583.903713
0 0 0 13.91 10.98 14.05 4176.95905 2605.43418 4261.54048
0 0 0 8.62 10.98 8.85 1774.80999 2879.24601 1868.28031
0 0 0 13.91 10.98 14.05 4176.94778 2605.43418 4261.52921
0 0 0 8.62 10.98 8.85 1774.8057 2879.24601 1868.27602
0 0 0 13.91 20.19 22.01 4176.95905 8806.51267 10462.619
0 0 0 6.43 19.06 18.81 19710.2465 173354.958 168920.317
0 0 0 13.91 20.19 22.01 4176.94778 8806.51267 10462.6077
0 0 0 8.62 20.19 19.11 1774.8057 9732.01192 8721.04192
0 0 0 13.49 30.02 31.46 26674.9201 132157.805 145077.517
0 0 0 8.62 30.46 29.76 1774.80999 22153.1714 21142.2057
0 0 0 13.91 30.46 31.70 4176.94778 20046.4392 21702.5342
0 0 0 8.62 30.46 29.76 1774.8057 22153.1714 21142.2014
0 0 0 13.48 42.34 43.37 1541.62554 15205.3696 15953.7623
0 0 0 7.92 42.34 41.98 588.163272 16801.2161 16512.8946
0 0 0 13.48 42.34 43.37 1541.62111 15205.3696 15953.7579
0 0 0 7.92 42.34 41.98 588.161588 16801.2161 16512.8929
0 0 0 13.65 36.52 37.65 2462.55249 17631.2809 18738.7804
0 0 0 8.20 36.52 36.03 982.525439 19485.0994 18970.0965
0 0 0 13.65 36.52 37.65 2462.54559 17631.2809 18738.7735
0 0 0 8.20 36.52 36.03 982.522813 19485.0994 18970.0939

1043373.0 5132189.0 4891705.7

Ixxo Iyyo Izzo Ixxg Iyyg Izzg
226165.2 542582.9 448805.7 10.49 18.62 15.77 477865.223 1335338.9 1017105.23
8999.764 7474.814 13131.47 5.92 33.52 32.99 13747.7727 159678.909 160587.984

491613.0 1495017.8 1177693.2

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