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*Zamboanga del Norte,

Zamboanga del Sur,

Zamboanga Sibugay,
Isabela City,
Zamboanga City

*16,823 km2 (6,495.4 )

square miles

*Total Area.
* The Zamboanga Peninsula lies between the MORO
GULF, part of the CELEBES SEA, and the SULU SEA.
*Surrounded by bodies of water, the region has, thus,
relied on fishing as one of its major industries.
* Bays: Sindangan, Sibuco, Sibuguey, Dumanquilas, Maligay, Taguite &
* Rivers: Kumalarang, Sibuguey, Dinas & Labangas
*The peninsula is connected to
the main part of Mindanao
through an isthmus situated
between PANGUIL BAY and

The boundary between the peninsula and the

mainland is artificially marked by the border
between the provinces of ZAMBOANGA DEL SUR
*ZAMBOANGA RANGE – forms the
backbone of the Zamboanga Peninsula
stretching from Mt. Dabiak in Zamboanga
del Norte and arching to Zamboanga City
in the Southwest
*No active volcanoes
• Zamboanga del Norte – hilly &
mountainous with plains along
the coastlines
• Zamboanga del Sur – flat coastal
plain with interior mountains
Type III (RED) – Seasons are not very
pronounced; relatively dry from
November to April, wet during the
rest of the year.

These areas are partly sheltered from trade

winds but are open to Habagat and sometimes
experience tropical cyclones .

Type IV (YELLOW) – Rainfall is more or less

evenly distributed through the year.

These areas have a mild and moderate climate.

*2007 Population Census: 88,574,614
ZAMBOANGA CITY – (dark brown) High population
density – 6th most populous in the country - highly
urbanized and center of economic activity in


Zamboanga del Sur (25th),
Zamboanga del Norte (26th),
Zamboanga Sibugay (36th)
Dapitan City

Zamboanga Dipolog City

del Norte

del Sur


*** Isabela
*ISABELA CITY continues to be
under the jurisdiction of Basilan
for the administration of
provincially-devolved services
and functions. But for the
administration of regional
services, the city is part of the
Zamboanga Peninsula Region
despite the rest of Basilan being
under the authority of the
Autonomous Region in Muslim
Mindanao (ARMM).


Majority of the roadways pass along
the coastlines of the region, implying
greater human activity there.

Principal Crops:

Forest Zamboanga

1970‟s: Cultivated land and Commercial forest are evenly distributed.

Open forest, perennial crop
annual crop



Closed forest,

2002: Only few patches of untouched/natural land remain in the province.

barren land Cultivated,
perennial crop
grassland Mangrove

annual crop

Built-up area
urban area)

2002: Large parts of the province are already cultivated land with few patches of grasslands.
forest, broadlea
Open ved
forest, broadlea Cultivated,
ved perennial crop

annual crop


2002: Cultivated land takes up most of the province. Over-harvesting is a potential problem.
* Total agricultural land area comprised
almost half (45.2%) of the entire land area.
* Due to the increase in the no. of farms and
area planted over 1991 estimates, the
average farm size increased from 2.87 ha.
(per farm) to 3.11 ha. in 2002.
* Area harvested likewise increased by 5.8%.

ZAMBOANGA DEL NORTE has the highest number of farms.

The total farms for the province accounted for 41.2 % of the
total farms in the region.
The number and size of farms in each province increased in the
span of a decade, implying greater efficiency, growth and reliance
on the agricultural sector within the region, despite ongoing
This was achieved through the Dept. of Agriculture‟s interventions
such as the distribution of organic fertilizers in Zamboanga del Sur.
• PALAY is the major temporary crop in the region. Total
palay production increased by 2.62%.
• COCONUT is the dominant permanent crop.
• All provinces have the same top three crops namely,
COCONUT, RUBBER & BANANA both in 2002 and 1991.
• Zamboanga City
showed the highest
improvement in palay
• Yet, Zamboanga del
Sur had the highest
production during the
• Top Crops:
banana and
* Individual system of irrigation is common in the region.
Farms planted with temporary crops benefited most from
these irrigation facilities.
* Hog raising dominated the livestock raising activity.
(But considerably less than in 1991)
* Raising of chicken is the primary
poultry raising activity. (Zamboanga
del Sur contributed most.)
* Other agricultural activities:
 Ornamental & flower gardening
(excluding orchid) are more
 High percentage increases in
mushroom culture &
sericulture/silk/cocoon activity
* Male operators dominated the agricultural operation. (30-54
age group)
 Implies that gender stereotypes persist within this region.
* Majority of the household members engaged in agricultural
activity were working in their own holding.
*Coastline is about 43% of Mindanao's
total coastline.
*Major sea products include
tuna, herring sardines, anchovies and
Shrimps, prawns, lobsters, crabs, squ
id and cuttlefish also abound.
*Zamboanga City Special Economic
Zone and Freeport Authority
 Only freeport in Visayas & Mindanao
Summary of Aquaculture Production by Culture Environment & Region, 2009

247,634 metric tons 21,650 metric tons

2,477,392 metric tons

* Zamboanga City showed a
large increase in fishery
production, which offset
the declines in other
* Region 9 makes up 10% of
aquaculture production in
the country. (2nd among
 Total Aquaculture
(Philippines): 2,477,392
 Total Aquaculture (Region
9): 247,634
*#1 in Commercial Fish
Production: 357,124.70 mt.
 i.e. With companies such as
Mega Fishing Corporation based
in the region
*Supplies 70% of the
Philippine domestic
requirements for DRIED
 Total of 104 big dried fish
processors in the region
*Dipolog City in Zamboanga
del Norte is renowned for
pioneering the production
of in-glass or bottled
sardines in the country.
*Region 9 ranks third in
terms of seaweeds
production contributing
roughly 12% of the total
national output.
Major Industry Number of Employment
Division Establishments Total

Agriculture, Fishery
& Forestry
74 5,544 *Wholesale & Retail Trade
- Most number of
Mining & Quarrying 17 985 establishments & highest
Manufacturing 2,726 15,443
employment total (1994)
Electricity, Gas &
32 2,362
Mirrors most regions in
Construction 40 1,105 the Philippines
Wholesale & Retail
14,382 38,983
*Mining & Quarrying – least
Transportation &
265 3,485
Recently, was
Banking & Finance 432 4,140 petitioned against by
Community & Social 5,215 22,394
many NGO‟s.
TOTAL 23,183 94,441
* Year 2000‟s: Similar scenario as in 1994
* Distribution of Establishments by Region & Firm Size (2009)

* 7th lowest (among regions) – number of business establishments

* While it fares better than other poorer regions, it still seems to
lack economic and industrial growth, comparable to more
developed areas.
*Zamboanga City registered the most number of
business names at 34% - implying it has more
business opportunities
AUTHORITY (Zamboanga City Special
Economic Zone Authority) -
Conceptualized to be an
economic hub that is designed to
generate local economic
activities that will serve as a
springboard for the promotion of
trade, investments, and ecology
tourism not only in Zamboanga
City but also throughout the
* Majority of construction projects are for residential purposes.
* Directly related to small number of business establishments.
* Also directly contributing to pace of region’s economic growth.
* Total number of building
construction projects in Zamboanga
Peninsula was recorded at 327 units
or valued at Php234,695,000 in the
third quarter of 2010.
* Among the provinces, Zamboanga del
Norte was noted to have the most
number of building constructions
which was recorded at 272 units,
followed by Zamboanga del Sur and
Isabela City at 53 and 2 units,
* The region spends 9.6% of total family expenditures on
housing – only a percentage higher than the even poorer
* A functionally literate person can
read, write and compute and/or
oPersons who completed high school or a
higher level of education are also
considered functionally literate.
*In 1994, the highest proportion of
out-of-school youth (OSY) was
observed in the Zamboanga
Peninsula (18.7 %).
*More OSYs in the rural areas noted
– Financial capacity is more likely
* Basic literacy is
somewhat at par with
other regions.
* But relatively lower
functional literacy rates
compared to others
* In 2003, female functional literacy
rate (70.8%) was higher than the
males‟ (69.8%) – Men are likely
compelled to work, rather than
attend school.
* Those of ages 15 to 29 years old
have a relatively higher functional
literacy rate in the region. (2003) –
Mostly high school and college
students are included in this range.
* A large percentage of the population only completed until
the elementary level.
* Also emphasizing probably substandard education or lack
of financing in the region.
*Reasons for Not Attending School

* Factors contributing to these negative indicators were the

increasing cost of education and the demands for the students to
provide extra hand in the farm especially during planting and
harvesting time for those living in the rural areas.
* Isabela City reported a very ideal ratio of 1:21 for both school
years in the elementary, while Dapitan City led in the secondary
level for a ratio of 1:29.
* The number of graduates in 2009 sharply decreased as
compared to the reported number in 2008. A total of 9,279
college students graduated in 2009 as against 14,506 in 2008 or
down by 36.0%
Proportion of Households by Ownership of Radio, TV, VCR & PC

* Most households prefer owning a radio in this region. (1994) Similar

data for urban and rural households.
* This kind of medium is also the most relied on for information on
current events/issues.
* Portable and less expensive, especially when living circumstances are
* In 1995, kerosene and electricity were the most widely used
types of fuel. – Kerosene is usually employed in the fishing
industry, which co-dominates the region‟s economic activities.
* In 1995, fuelwood was the most widely consumed, especially for
cooking and food preparation. – Electricity may not have been
accessible to everyone yet.
Region 9 Power Demand (2009)

* Zamboanga City led among the other electric

cooperatives in terms of power demand with 85,084 KW
* ZANECO – Zamboanga del Norte Electric Cooperative
* ZAMBSURECO I - Zamboanga del Sur Electric Cooperative
* ZAMSURECO II - Zamboanga del Sur II Electric Cooperative (Zamboanga Sibugay)
* ZAMCELCO - Zamboanga City Electric Cooperative
* PNOC-MCC – Philippine National Oil Company – Malangas Coal Corporation
Region 9 Power Consumption (2009)

* Residential consumer remained the largest user of

electricity with 337,491,012 kw used or around
45.35% share

* BASELCO - Basilan Electric Cooperative

Number of Energized Barangays (2009)

* As of December 2009, the region has an

energization rate of 99.86% for barangays with
only three (3) barangays not energized, one each in
Number of Energized Households (2009)

* On the other hand, energization rate for households

is at 57.62% only.
* BASELCO was far behind its target.
Crude Birth Rates (2008)

* Isabela City listed the

highest birth rate.
* 94.51% of total births,
weighed more than
2,500 grams, which is
considered the weight
of a healthy new born
Life Expectance at Birth by Sex (2005-2010)

* Relatively low life expectancy in the region.

* Especially for males
Leading Causes of Morbidity (2008)

* In 2008, there were 385,424 persons who received medical

treatment from the health care facilities due to illnesses or a
morbidity rate of 11,710.21 per 100,000 population.
* Leading Cause: Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI)/Upper
Respiratory Tract Infection (URTI) or (tonsillitis, pharyngitis,
laryngitis, sinusitis, otitis media, and the common cold)
Leading Causes of Mortality (2008)

* A total of 11,860 deaths were reported in 2008, of which,

pneumonia topped the list of leading causes of deaths.
* Implies possibly poor provision of health services, lack of
education and unsanitary environments
* In 2008, a total of 63 mothers were
reported dead in before, during and
after delivery or 91.56% per
100,000 live births from all causes.
* Eclampsia topped the list of the 10
leading causes of maternal deaths.
* The program on Pre-Natal and Post-
Natal Care is meant to address the
problems of maternal mortality,
however, with the report of
maternal deaths, this implies the
need for an intensive campaign on
the program.
* The number of infant deaths in 2008
was reported at 564, registering an
8.2% infant mortality rate per
100,000 live births from all causes.
The #1 cause of infant deaths was
pneumonia with 120 deaths.
* Children who died young were not
able to receive complete & timely
* Lack of implementation: DOH‟s
Expanded Program on Immunization
Health Manpower

* There is a need for additional nurses (49), nutritionists (153)

& sanitary inspectors (23) in order to satisfactorily meet the
demand of the population.
Hospital Bed Capacity

* The total hospital bed capacity was 2,681(1 bed:1,228 patients),

short by 228, following the government standard ratio of
* However, the four cities of Dipolog, Pagadian, Isabela and
Zamboanga had enough hospital beds to meet the government
standard ratio.

* The decrease in the number of hospitals was due to

closure of private hospitals as a result of absence of
doctors and financial problems for family-owned
* An increase of 26 accredited RHUs was reported in 2009
as a result of the expansion of membership enrolment
under the Sponsored Program
Prevalence of Malnutrition among School Children

* The number of underweight

school children was still
pronounced in 2009, although
a reduction in the prevalence
rate was noted in the region.
Poverty Data

* Poverty incidence of families (or proportion of families with

per capita income falling below the annual per capita poverty
threshold) in Zamboanga Peninsula accelerated by 2.4% from
34.2% in 2006 to 36.6% in 2009 with a magnitude of poor families
of 224,378 in 2006 and 242,285 in 2009.
Annual Per Capita Poverty Threshold, Poverty Incidence

* Increase in Annual Per Capita Poverty Threshold

* Increase in poverty incidence
Number of Families and Family Receipts by Income Decile

* Large percentage of income came from entrepreneurial

activities. (Not from wages and salaries)
* Other sources of income came in 2nd – possibly under-the-
table dealings
Average Annual Family Income (‘03 & ‘06)

* Relatively low average annual family income – further

indicating the high poverty incidence in the region
* Annual average family income, expenditure & saving all
* Yet, the magnitude of poor families in Zamboanga del Norte
increased by about 8.1%
* Zamboanga del Sur‟s and Zamboanga Sibugay‟s poverty
incidence accelerated by about 2.3% and 9.1%, respectively.
* GRDP of Region 9
increased by 7.5% or by
13,064,995 between 2008-
2008 and 2009
at current prices
* Only 4th among 7
regions in Mindanao
* Increased by 2,800 or
by 5.41%
*IRONICALLY… *Probable Causes of High
Poverty Incidence…
* Zamboanga Peninsula
economy improves as * Lack of livelihood opportunities
AFF accelerates * Illiteracy or lack of education
* Strong performance of the * Government inefficiency
Agriculture, Forestry & * Inequality in the distribution of
Fishery (AFF) sector wealth and access to resources
* Economy of the region * Peace and order situation
posted an acceleration of
6.8% in 2009 from 2.0% in * Failure to gain access to credit,
2008. technological and market
information and other services.
* Very slight increase in the unemployment rate during the 1st
quarter of 2011
* Considerable increase in overseas employment from „07-‟08
* Among all regions, Zamboanga Peninsula
recorded the 3rd highest employment rate in
2009 at 96.4%.
* While underemployment rate decreased
slightly from 23.7% to 23.6%, the region
stayed higher than the national average of
19.1% and maintained its position with the 7th
highest underemployment rate in the
country. (2008-2009)
* Labor force participation rate (LFPR)
increased from 65.7% to 66.8%, which is
again higher than the national average of
64%. (2008-2009)
* Agriculture accounts for about 50% of employment in Region 9.
* Except for Zamboanga City, wherein employment is heavily
concentrated in the Services Sector
* Major concentration of employment for the rest of the provinces
is in agriculture.

* 45.5% are Own-Account Workers, in which 38.2% comprise

self-employed persons and 7.32 are employers.
* Wage and Salaried Workers comprise 36.5% of those
employed, and more than 18% are Unpaid Family Workers.
* In the latest census count of 2007, the total
population of Region 9 reached 3.230
million, up from 2.831 million recorded
in census year 2000.
* Yearly average increase of 57,000 people
* Region IX accounts for 15% of
Mindanao’s population and about 3.6%
of the national population of 88.6 million.
* 1.83% average annual growth rate
* Population will reach 3.487 million in 2010
and 4.205 million by 2020.
* 4th smallest region in
terms of population
in the Philippines
* Average of 5.0 persons
per household – higher
than country‟s average
of 4.8
* Dependency ratio is
70.5% - higher than
country‟s 66%
* Average Annual Growth
Rates of Region 9 is
* Although the region has
the 6th fastest growth
rate among all regions.
Census Population by Province and City

* Zamboanga City has the largest and fastest growing pop‟n. (3.54%
* Compared to nat‟l average, Region 9‟s pop‟n growth rate is slower
at 1.83% from 2000 - 2007
* Population density significantly increased from 179 persons per
sq/km in 1995 to 225 persons per sq/km in 2007
* Isabela City is the most densely populated city in the region owing
to its small area (93 versus total pop‟n.
*If the pace of population
growth continues, the region
will be denser 294
persons/ in the year
*This will put pressure on
the region’s natural
resources and delivery of
basic services.
*More people reside in rural
*There are slightly more males
than females.
*People with ages 15-64 years
old comprised a larger
percentage of the population.
* Consumer Price Index (CPI) is an indicator of the change in the
average prices of a fixed basket of goods and services commonly
purchased by an average Filipino household relative to 2000 as base
* Significant increases in the CPI and the inflation rate between June
2010 and 2011.
* The Zamboanga Peninsula inflation rate in June 2011 slightly
accelerated to 6.4 percent from 6.2 percent in May 2011.
* Food, beverages and tobacco group of commodities posted
the highest inflation rate
* The absence of sharp surges in oil prices and expected
favorable agricultural output helped stabilize consumer
prices of Food Items.
* Regional inflation rates are relatively lower compared to the
entire national average inflation rate.
* Significant increase in inflation rates between August 2009
and 2010.
*Exports for 2009 amounted to
$191.18 million, or a decrease
of 49% compared to those
generated in the same period in
2008 in the amount of $284.44
*Zamboanga Sibugay and
Zamboanga City registered
increases of 60% and 28%
respectively. Zamboanga del Sur
registered the highest decrease.
* The reasons for the decrease in
exports are the following:
* Indirect exports were included in 2008.
* The focus in 2009 was on those exports
which the DTI Region 9 had direct
interventions like market
matching, trade fairs, trade missions
and marketing consultancy.
* But the ZamboEcozone, on top of
generous incentives granted to
investors and locators, also
guarantees free flow, entry ,and
movement of machineries and other
good tax free within its jurisdiction.
*There were decreases in all aspects of domestic trade.
*Likely due to trade barriers, poor product quality or
increased transportation and/or production costs
* Roughly 40.0% of exports came from traditional items such
as coco-oil, which is the biggest contributor, and rubber.
* The rest came from non-traditional items such as marine
products and seaweeds.
* Coconut Oil – top export of the region – included in
country‟s top 5 exported products
* In June 2011, Coconut Oil, including crude and refined
with export revenue of $67.42 million decelerated by
* Japan is the country‟s top trading partner: 13.7% of total trade
* USA: country‟s second largest trading partner in 2010 with a total
trade worth $13.446 billion or 12.6% of the total trade
* US is also the Philippines’ largest foreign investor, with foreign
direct investment close to $6 billion at the end of 2009.

Region 9

* All data for Region 9 are relatively lower than the national
averages. (Crude marriage rate, Crude birth rate, Crude death
rate, Infant mortality rate and Crude rate of natural increase)
* i.e. The Zamboanga Peninsula registered a 16.1% decrease in its
Crude Marriage Rate between 2003-04.
*SUBANON (“people of the river”)
* The Subanens are considered the aborigines of
Zamboanga, settling in the city before the
Spaniards occupied it.
* Subanen, derived from Suba (river), means
People of the River.
* Form a single distinctive cultural and linguistic
group and are mostly farmers who grow upland
rice, root, and tree crops.
* Settlements today are thinly spread over
southern Zamboanga del Norte and Zamboanga
del Sur, stretching northward, then eastward
to the hinterlands of the neighboring province
of Misamis Occidental.
* from the Subanon community who
submitted themselves to the practice of
intermarriages and change of faith (Islam)
* Sama-Tausug slang which literally means
"half breed”
* remain Subanon in speech and in their
* lack a distinctive political organization
* live their lives as subsistence farmers
cultivating upland rice, roots, and tree
*TAUSUG (“people of the current”)
* most politically dominant group in the Sulu
Archipelago; formed the Sultanate of Sulu in the
15th century
* experienced sailors and are known for their
colorful boats or “vintas;” superb warriors and
* amalgam of different cultures and foreign
influence that dates back to as early as the 13th
century, when Sulu was trading with China, India,
the East Indies, Arabia, and Japan.
* Fishing is one occupation many Tausugs are
engaged in
* plant upland rice inter-cropped with cassava,
coconut, abaca, and coffee
*BAJAU (“sea gypsies”)
* nomadic, seafaring people, living off the sea
by trading and subsistence fishing
* erect houses on stilts, and travel using “lepa-
lepa,” handmade boats in which many lived
* Claims to religious piety and learning are an
important source of individual prestige
* Originally expert horsemen & known for
weaving and needlework skills
* ***often intentionally rupture their eardrums
at an early age in order to facilitate diving
and hunting at sea
* The SAMALS originated from this group
* descended from migrating Dayak from
Northeast Borneo and Sama from Johore
* have Malay features, known as fierce
warriors and are primarily farmers
* boast of their intricately designed hand-
woven cloth no other tribe can imitate
* “Folk Islam" -- a combination of Islamic
principles and traditional beliefs
* prominent person of each community is the
Imam who combines birth religion and
socio-political leadership
* culturally influenced in some respect by the
1. TIRURAY – with clear proto-Malayan features; classified into 3
groups based on subsistence orientation (riverine, coastal, mountain);
artistic skill in basket weaving; animistic beliefs; traditionally use dry
cultivation; retained religion in spite of proximity to Maguindanao
2. MANOBO – traced to Malay people; primitive farming methods;
patriarchal way of life; polygamy; animistic beliefs
3. MARANAO – “people of the lake;” centered on Lake Lanao; largest
Moro & cultural minority in the country; known for Sarimanok, exotic
dances and artistry; Muslim; existence of feudal standings
4. MAGUINDANAO – “people of the plains;” kulintang music; Muslim;
carving and textiles
*CHAVACANO: Spanish-based creole
language (derived from the Spanish
word "chabacano", meaning "poor
taste," "vulgar," "common," "of low
*CEBUANO (Bisaya)
*SUBANON (Tuboy-Salog;
Kanluranin/Siocon; Lapuyan
*Hudyaka Festival – celebrate founding of Zamboanga del Norte
*Sibug-Sibug Festival – celebrate founding of Zamboanga Sibugay
*Buklog Festival - thanksgiving festival of the Subanen
*Kinabayo Festival – held in Dapitan City, Zamboanga del Norte;
colorful pageant re-enacting the Spanish-Moorish wars
* The Hermosa Festival or the Zamboanga La Hermosa Festival
or popularly known as Fiesta Pilar (held each year in Zamboanga City)
 Held in honor of the miraculous image of Our Lady of the Pillar, the
patroness of Zamboanga City which is held every October 12

*Megayon Festival - highlights the cultural diversity of the three

groups of people that populate Zamboanga del Sur
 Unique cultural dances, traditional costumes
* Art: weaving, basketry, metalwork, basketry
* Music: kulintang ensemble (gandingan, dabakan, etc.)

* Farming and fishing are the main economic activities of the

* It also has rice and corn mills, oil processing, coffee berry
processing and processing of latex from rubber.
* Its home industries include rattan and furniture craft, basket
making, weaving and brass work.
* Western Mindanao Power Corp. (diesel) - Sangali, Zamboanga City
* Pasonanca Dam – Zamboanga City
* Zamboanga International Airport – Zamboanga City
* Zamboanga Freeport & Special Economic Zone – Zamboanga City
* Roll-on, Roll-off Port – Dapitan City, Zamboanga del Norte
POVERTY (Squatting)

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