Torre 103
Torre 103
Torre 103
0 0
1.13E-07 2.59E-07
0.99824778 0.38877262
0 0
0.00159345 0.00027514
0 0
0 0
9.63E-06 0.61074564
5.51E-31 5.51E-31
4.95E-31 4.95E-31
2.59E-18 6.04E-17
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
8.45E-14 5.54E-13
0 0
0.00014903 0.00020634
0 0
Case: C:\Users\carre\Desktop\2020-CPL-P-SIMULACION-001 (final),hsc
Flowsheet: Main
Current Flowsheet Environment:
Unit Reflux To Condenser Boilup To Reboiler 23 16
Vapour Fraction 0 1 1 0 0 0
Temperature C 64.9969244 86.0706303 114.963872 114.918257 114.963872 104.923449
Pressure kPa 10 10 20 20 20 200
Molar Flow kgmole/h 1149.673 1212.91136 1155.05143 1205.71377 50.6623378 113.900699
Mass Flow kg/h 112837.056 119041.62 115663.399 120736.963 5073.564 11278.1281
Liquid Volume Flow m3/h 118.735143 125.264608 120.256881 125.531697 5.27481629 11.8042814
Heat Flow kJ/h -312024198 -270408063 -324486688 -399724953 -16808283 -33623046
Actual Liquid Flow m3/s 0.03474413 <empty> <empty> 0.039067 0.0016417 0.00362181
Actual Volume Flow m3/h 125.078872 360371.833 184643.794 140.641214 5.91011816 13.038507
22 H2
0 1
64.9969244 64.9969244
10 10
63.2026478 0.0357133
6203.15576 1.40836853
6.5273999 0.00206526
-17153361 -3111.79712
0.00191004 <empty>
6.87614296 10.0324312
Unit condensador3 reboiler3