B2B Ce-3 Project On: How The Internet Is Changing The Practices & Functional Roles in B2B

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Prof. Deepti Srivastava Ayush Patel (19BSP0610)

Deep Thakur (19BSP0768)

Business-to-business marketing, as the name implies, refers to the selling of goods or services
to other firms and organisations. It retains some key distinctions from the customer focused
B2C Marketing. How successful these approaches have clearly changed, and as digital
technology becomes more available, smarter forms such as internet marketing take
precedence over more conventional outbound marketing activities. This transformation had
significant impacts on organisations of all sizes and sector.

It is a smart idea to take a lead from B2C while designing a sound digital marketing plan for
your B2B clients. After all, the B2B customers are B2C customers when they don't work so
give them something they already know. They’re looking for the same stuff at the testing
level-a sense of professionalism and tell-tale signs that say you’re a brand to trust.

There are very distinct variations between B2B and B2C and you may need to customise your
digital platforms to meet your customers ' needs, depending on your business model. Provide
data sheets, diagrams and walkthroughs; explain how your solutions solve their challenges
and appreciate what their company is all about; make it easy for consumers to see and build
what they have seen in the past.
Q) What are the best practices in the B2B industry in international markets? Give two
company examples.


You wouldn't be surprised when you visit a foreign country to find that some habits and
behaviours are different, right By the same token, the ways customers communicate should
not be too surprising. You must do your homework before you can build an international
marketing campaign and have a better picture of your new target audience and demographics.
This means uncovering local cultural references and traditions, and figuring out what the new
target audience wants from their online experience. Doing so can help you successfully
handle the complexities of joining a new market. It's also important to consider what hurdles
you may face (such as legal obstacles, local competition, slow adoption rate, etc.) and what
your prospects for potential growth are. This awareness will affect your efforts to find your
website, as well as the specific selling points (USPs) that you want to highlight.


Localization of the website is a crucial step towards market penetration. But what does
localisation of your site mean? Website translation means, for certain businesses, actually
converting their current website into the new target language. (While we are talking about
translation, here is a valuable tip: use a skilled human translator Shortcuts like Google
Translate will inevitably leave glaring mistakes on your new audience. The design style and
colours that convert better, for example, might not be the same design and colours that
convert in some markets, in certain regions. That is because in different countries, colours
connote different emotions. For example, in western countries, the colour red is associated
with fire, anger, or passion. Although red is considered a highly auspicious colour in China,
evoking happiness and prosperity.

Another of the challenges of entering a new market is to ensure that you are an international
SEO-focused website. As you might infer from your local SEO experience, international SEO
refers to the process of setting up your website so that search engines can find the countries
that you want to enter and the languages that you are doing business in. Consider the present
SEO approach, and how it works.

There are several ways to apply the SEO globally. One is to use suitable currencies and time
zones as well as the relevant keywords in the localised language.


It's not surprising that social media is an incredibly effective method to communicate with
existing and future clients. Therefore it makes sense that using social media to better serve
clients in foreign countries can only benefit the international market expansion initiatives.

For example, on facebook and twitter you can cater for clients from other countries by
creating a page for each country. If it's too much of a hassle to have pages for each of your
different target markets, you may consider having one brand page and targeting your updates
by location and language.

The use of marketing automation is becoming increasingly common as a marketing strategy

enterprise. You can use automation to communicate with, develop, and incorporate all of
your marketing platforms.

For example, if anyone fills out a form to download a case study on your website, the
automation of marketing can be used to follow up with it Be careful not to overload your
marketing automated business contacts. If your emails become too regular or your message
becomes too customised, you might be able to unsubscribe from your marketing list.

Best Practices in the B2B Industry in Indian Market

New B2B marketing practises should generate new B2B marketing theories which are
expected to have wider applicability and relevance while originating from Indian experience
and context. Most B2B marketing literature offers theories and models grounded in
developed countries' B2B marketing strategies, which are defined by mature markets. New
and creative business marketing strategies are expected in such an enterprise environment.
One of the most effective examples of creative business marketing strategies is that of India's
biggest steel producer in the private sector, Tata Steel, which was the first company to go for
intermediate branding, and co-branding with its suppliers. Tata Steel, using some creative
methods of marketing

Co-branding is a strategic marketing and advertising alliance between two brands, in which
one brand's success often brings success to its brand of partners.

Co-branding can be a successful way to create revenue, raise exposure and expand into new
markets, and it needs to be a win-win for all players in the game if a relationship is to really

Co-branding campaign: Your Trip soundtrack Music-streaming service Spotify collaborated

with ride-hailing service Uber to create "a soundtrack for your journey." This is an
outstanding example of a co-branding relationship between two very different brands with
very similar aims— to attract more customers.

Here's how it works: Waiting for an Uber bus, riders are prompted to link with Spotify and
become The DJ's on the bus. Users may opt to choose what they'll listen to from their own

It has become a crucial procurement system that allows groups to communicate, view screens
and shortlist suppliers, regardless of whether they are met in the same area or at the same
time –enabling class managers to obtain higher outcomes on a regular basis than conventional

Suggestions for Improving Best Practices

Redefining targets:

The ability to define target demographics with great precision means we should invest in
campaigns that are far more effective.

These campaigns are available through Google searches, but can also be applied through
social media platforms. We should even refine our targets mid-campaign in most cases.

Combining this with easy access to results-based analytics, we should continue to fine-tune
your campaigns to see the best results and with the least amount of investment for failed
initiatives. Free tools such as Google Analytics will help us to understand how effective our
marketing is and how it is affecting our targets
Integrate Online & Offline marketing Efforts:

We should tie the two together seamlessly with a focus on superior customer service.
Ensuring there is always a way to reach us provides the offline support people still crave. We
should send people to your website, social media, and landing pages through print ads, radio,
and television.

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