A101 Edelson Etal 99 PDF
A101 Edelson Etal 99 PDF
A101 Edelson Etal 99 PDF
Inquiry experiences can provide valuable opportunities for students to improve their
understanding of both science content and scientific practices. However, the imple-
mentation of inquiry learning in classrooms presents a number of significant chal-
lenges. We have been exploring these challenges through a program of research on
the use of scientific visualization technologies to support inquiry-based learning in
the geosciences. In this article, we describe 5 significant challenges to implementing
inquiry-based learning and present strategies for addressing them through the design
of technology and curriculum. We present a design history covering 4 generations of
software and curriculum to show how these challenges arise in classrooms and how
the design strategies respond to them.
Students at all grade levels and in every domain of science should have the opportu-
nity to use scientific inquiry and develop the ability to think and act in ways associated
with inquiry. (National Science Education Standards. National Research Council
[NRC], 1996, p. 105)
Correspondence and requests for reprints should be sent to Daniel C. Edelson, Institute for the
Learning Sciences and School of Education and Social Policy, Northwestern University, 1890 Maple
Avenue, Evanston, IL 60201. E-mail: d-edelson@nwu.edu
Recent years have seen a growing call for inquiry to play an important role in sci-
ence education (e.g., American Association for the Advancement of Science
[AAAS], 1994; Blumenfeld et al., 1991; Linn, diSessa, Pea, & Songer, 1994; NRC,
1996). This call for inquiry-based learning is based on the recognition that science
is essentially a question-driven, open-ended process and that students must have
personal experience with scientific inquiry to understand this fundamental aspect
of science (Linn, Songer, & Eylon, 1996; NRC, 1996, Project 2061). Furthermore,
inquiry activities provide a valuable context for learners to acquire, clarify, and ap-
ply an understanding of science concepts. At the same time, computer technologies
are receiving increased attention from the science education community because of
excitement about their potential to support new forms of inquiry. These two reform
trends are coming together in the form of numerous projects to create designs for
technology-supported, inquiry-based science learning. For example, a large num-
ber of educational research and development projects are currently exploring the
use of computers and networks to collect, exchange, and analyze scientific data. In
the earth sciences alone, scores of educational projects have been initiated in the
last decade to provide data and analysis tools to the educational community. Other
projects engage learners in the collection and exchange of scientific data. Many of
these projects in the United States are the direct result of National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA) and National Science Foundation fbnding pro-
grams designed to facilitate synergies between the scientific research and educa-
tion communities. The goal of this article is to address the needs of designers of ed-
ucational experiences like these.
Over the last 6 years, the authors have been engaged in the investigation oftech-
nology-supported inquiry learning (TSIL) through the design, implementation,
and evaluation of scientific visualization tools for learners. Our goal has been to
understand the opportunities and obstacles presented by scientific visualization as
a technology to support inquiry-based learning. In the pursuit of this objective, we
have developed a series of scientific visualization environments and inquiry-based
curricula and have studied their use in both laboratory and public school classroom
settings. In the course of this research, we have confronted a number of significant
challenges to the implementation of inquiry-based learning and explored design
strategies for responding to them. In this article, we discuss these challenges and
strategies in the context of a design history covering four generations of software
and curriculum. We begin with a discussion of the opportunities for learning pro-
vided by TSIL in general and how they apply to the specific domain of climate sci-
ence and the specific technologies of scientific visualization. We then present a
summary of the challenges for implementing inquiry learning that this design his-
tory addresses, followed by the design history itself. Following the history, we
highlight the design strategies we pursued and describe how they address the chal-
lenges to inquiry-based learning. We conclude with a brief discussion of the next
steps for design and evaluation in this research.
Inquiry, the pursuit of open questions, is fundamental to the practice of science. In-
quiry-based science learning is based on the idea that science learning should be au-
thentic to science practice, an idea advocated by Dewey (1964a, 1964b). Modem
support for inquiry-based learning comes from research in cognitive science that
provides evidence for the importance of activity and authentic contexts for learning
(e.g., Greeno, Collins, & Resnick, 1996). Authentic activities provide learners with
the motivation to acquire new knowledge, a perspective for incorporating new
knowledge into their existing knowledge, and an opportunity to apply their knowl-
edge. In contrast to the passive reception of knowledge associated with conven-
tional science learning, inquiry is active. As an authentic scientific practice, inquiry
also provides a valuable context for science learning.
In this section, we provide a brief rationale for incorporating inquiry into sci-
ence education and for using technology to support inquiry-based learning. To do
so, we highlight the opportunities for learning provided by inquiry and the oppor-
tunities to support inquiry-based learning provided by computer technologies. We
discuss these opportunities both in general and in the specific case of climatology
and scientific visualization that we have explored in our research.
ent standards of evidence. Some forms of inquiry that have been explored by edu-
cational researchers include controlled experimentation (Schauble, Glaser,
Duschl, Schulze, & John, 1995), modeling (Jackson, Stratford, Krajcik, &
Soloway, 1996; Penner, Giles, Lehrer, & Schauble, 1997; Resnick, 1994;
Wilensky & Resnick, 1999), synthesis of primary sources (Linn, Bell, & Hsi,
1998; Wallace et al., 1998), and exploration of quantitative data (Hancock, Kaput,
& Goldsmith, 1992; Tabak, Smith, Sandoval, & Reiser, 1996). Each ofthese forms
of investigation has its own specific procedures and skills. Within these forms,
there are even further differences between scientific disciplines. For instance, the
design of controlled experiments in chemistry is very different from the design of
controlled experiments in psychology. The inquiry-based approach to science
learning provides learners with the opportunity to learn these scientific practices
by engaging in them themselves.
The third opportunity for learning provided by inquiry is the chance to develop
an improved understanding of science concepts. Inquiry activities can contribute
to this knowledge acquisition process by providing a meaningful context for learn-
ing. However, it is important to distinguish inquiry learning from discovery learn-
ing (Bruner, 196 1; de Jong & van Joolingen, 1998). In our conception of learning
from inquiry, students can discover scientific principles through their inquiry ac-
tivities, but discovery is not the only mechanism for learning from inquiry. Inquiry
can contribute to the development of science content understanding in all of the
following ways:
Problematize (Hiebert et al., 1996). Inquiry activities can lead learners to con-
front the boundaries of their knowledge or recognize gaps in that knowledge. The
limits of one's knowledge are often revealed by the failure of an expectation about a
particular situation (Schank, 1999) leading to curiosity. The curiosity elicited by
such problematic situations creates a focused motivation to learn (Berlyne, 1966).
Demand. Successfilly completing a scientific investigation requires science
content knowledge. The design of an inquiry activity can, therefore, place a de-
mand for knowledge on the part of a learner that will require him or her to acquire
it to complete the investigation successfully.
Discover and refine. By providing learners with the opportunity to pursue an-
swers to questions, inquiry activities can enable learners to uncover new scientific
principles and refine their preexisting understanding of scientific principles in the
answers that they construct.
Apply. Inquiry activities can give learners the opportunity to apply their scien-
tific understanding in the pursuit of research questions. The need to apply scientific
knowledge can require a learner to reorganize and re-index it in ways that will sup-
port its future use. The application of existing knowledge can also reinforce it and
enrich its connections to other knowledge.
All of the fundamental properties of computing technologies offer benefits for in-
quiry-based learning-the ability to store and manipulate large quantities of infor-
mation, the ability to present and permit interaction with information in a variety of
visual and audio formats, the ability to perform complex computations, the support
for communication and expression, and the ability to respond rapidly and individu-
ally to users. With regard to the inquiry process in particular, a variety of promising
technologies have been developed for learners, including tools for modeling phe-
nomena and processes from the real world (e.g., Model-It, Jackson et al., 1996;
STELLA, Mandinach & Cline, 1996; ThinkerTools, White, 1993),visualizing and
analyzing quantitative data (e.g., TableTop, Hancock et al., 1992; WW2010,
Plutchak et al., 1998; GLOBE, Rock, Blackwell, Miller, & Hardison, 1997;
Blue-Skies, Samson et al., 1994), exchanging data and ideas across distances
(GLOBE, Rock et al., 1997; Kids As Global Scientists, Songer, 1995), structuring
and supporting discussion (e.g., CoVis Collaboratory Notebook, Edelson, Pea, &
Gomez, 1996a; Gomez & O'Neill, 1994; CaMILE, Guzdial, Turns, Rappin, &
Carlson, 1995; SpeakEasy, Hoadley, Hsi, & Berman, 1995;CSILE, Scardamalia &
Bereiter, 1994), and providing access to information in the form of digital collec-
tions and libraries (e.g., Knowledge-Integration Environment, Linn et al., 1998;
ARTEMIS, Wallace et al., 1997). In our approach to inquiry-based learning, com-
puter technologies are used to provide investigation tools, knowledge resources,
and record-keeping tools.
The field of climate science and the technologies of scientific visualization both
provide rich opportunities for inquiry-based learning. In combination, they provide
opportunities to exploit technology as a support for inquiry to achieve the three cat-
egories of learning objectives described previously.
processes interact with the physical geography of the earth and atmospheric chem-
istry to determine climatic conditions on Earth.
Although inquiry offers compelling opportunities for science learning, there are
many challenges to the successful implementation of inquiry-based learning. For
example, researchers have documented that children have difficulties conducting
systematic scientific investigations (e.g., Kraijcik et al., 1998; Schauble et al.,
1995).Data gathering, analysis, interpretation, and communication are all challeng-
ing tasks that are made more difficult by the need for content-area knowledge. Al-
though we entered this design process with some specific ideas of how technology
could be used to address the challenges of inquiry-based learning, we found that
these challenges appeared in many forms and that responding to them effectively al-
most always required the use of both technological and curricular design strategies.
In this article, we focus on five of the most significant challenges to the successful
implementation of inquiry-based learning. The experiences described in the follow-
ing sections demonstrate that the failure to address any ofthese challenges success-
fully can prevent students from successfully engaging in meaningful investigations
and therefore undermine learning. The five challenges are as follows:
In the sections that follow we present the history of our efforts to address these
challenges in the area of climate science. In the course of this process, we em-
ployed a variety of technological and curricular design strategies, some drawn
from the work of others, some novel. These strategies include
Bridging activities. Bridging activities are designed to bridge the gap between
the practices of students and scientists. Bridging activities employ practices that
are familiar to students as a means of introducing unfamiliar scientific practices.
Supportive user-interfaces. A supportive user-interface provides scaffolding
for learners by embedding the tacit knowledge of an expert in the user-interface.
Supportive user-interfaces can make investigation tools more accessible to learn-
ers. Our approach to supportive interfaces resembles the use of scaffolds in
Learner-Centered Design (Jackson et al., 1996; Soloway at al., 1994).
Embedded information sources. An embedded information source is a library
of resources that is linked directly to an investigation tool. They can provide leam-
ers with just-in-time access to information that can provide the background knowl-
edge necessary to complete an investigation. The use of information sources in this
way resembles the use of Ask Systems (Ferguson, Bareiss, Bimbaum, & Osgood,
1992) in the Goal-Based Scenario architecture (Schank, Fano, Bell, & Jona,
Record-keeping tools. Record-keeping tools allow learners to record the pro-
cess and intermediate products of an extended activity. They can be used to support
the management and organization of inquiry activities.
In the design history presented below, we describe the selection and use of each
of these strategies in the course of the iterative design process. Following the de-
sign history, we elaborate on these strategies and their value for addressing the
challenges of inquiry-based learning.
Since we started this research in 1992, we have developed four generations of sci-
entific visualization environments for archival climate data.' This research began
under the Learning through Collaborative Visualization (CoVis) Project (Pea,
1993) and has continued under the Supportive Scientific Visualization Environ-
ments for Education Project and the Center for Learning Technologies in Urban
Schools (LeTUS). All are National Science Foundation-sponsored, educational
technology research efforts targeted at the reform of science education at the mid-
dle and high school levels. This particular research on scientific visualization for
learners is one component of a broad effort to provide authentic science experi-
ences for learners (Edelson et al., 1996b; Pea, 1993).
'We have also developed visualization environments for the investigation of real-time weather data.
That work, in collaboration with researchersin the Department of Ahnospheric Sciences at the Univer-
sity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,is described elsewhere (Fishman & D'Amico, 1994; Plutchak et
al., 1998).
Our adaptation of scientific visualization technologies for learners began with
an examination of the way that researchers use scientific visualization in their
work and an evaluation of the potential for scientific visualization as a tool to sup-
port learners (D'Amico et al., 1994; Gordin & Pea, 1995). Our earliest design ef-
forts focused primarily on technological issues, such as designing user-interfaces
to scientists' tools that provided scaffolds to enable learners to participate in the
practices of scientists. These efforts were guided by the principles of
Learner-Centered Design (Soloway et al., 1994). As we recognized the limits of
technology to fully address the challenges of inquiry-based learning, we broad-
ened our efforts to include curriculum design.
The design and evaluation described here were conducted using an informal,
collaborative approach. Design was done by teams at Northwestern University
that included faculty in education and computer science, graduate students, profes-
sional programmers, and practicing teachers. Input and feedback were sought fre-
quently from content area scientists. Use of the software and curriculum were
observed both in classroom and laboratory settings. Records of these uses were
collected through a combination of direct observation by the research team, video-
taping, interviews and journals of teachers and students, and unsolicited feedback
from teachers. With a few exceptions, the evaluation was informal because we
were involved in a rapid cycle of iterative design and implementation. The issues
discussed here were all revealed by clearly identifiable problems in classroom ex-
periences, such as the failure of learners to engage in inquiry or their inability to
complete an inquiry successfully with the time and resources available. As we be-
gin to see evidence that these obvious problems have been resolved, we are shift-
ing our efforts increasingly from identifying problems to characterizing impacts.
We are therefore launching some more formal evaluation efforts, which we dis-
cuss in the final section of this article.
Although the following discussion focuses primarily on the issues that were
raised as a result of our observations of students in classrooms, there were many
other influences on the design process. These influences included (a) scientific re-
searchers, through observation of their practices and advice they offered; (b) edu-
cational researchers, through writings, examples of software and curriculum, and
conversation; and (c) teachers, through observation of their practice and advice
they offered.
In the following sections, we describe the four generations of visualization en-
vironments and the curriculum we developed to accompany them. The four visual-
ization tools are the Climate Visualizer, Radiation-Budget Visualizer, Greenhouse
Effect Visualizer, and Worldwatcher. Throughout the design history, certain basic
characteristics of the visualization tools have remained the same. They all display
data in the same two-dimensional, gridded color map format, and they were all de-
signed to provide an integrated suite ofdata and tools. For each design, we summa-
rize the considerations that were most important in the design, data, architecture,
and features of the software, the cumculum that was designed to go with the soft-
ware, and its use. We then discuss how the design attempted to address the chal-
lenges of fostering inquiry-based learning and the issues that were raised by the
use of the design by teachers and student.
The Climate Visualizer (Gordin, Polman, & Pea, 1994) was the first visualization
environment we developed. It was first distributed to teachers participating in the
CoVis Project in the fall of 1993.Its design was heavily influenced by the research
and teaching practices of our collaborating climatologist. In fact, we conceived of
the Climate Visualizer as a direct adaptation of a scientist's tool for use by learners.
The goal of the Climate Visualizer was to put the powerful features of scien-
tists' visualization environments into the hands of high school students. Because
of the complexity of their user-interfaces and the challenges they posed to inter-
preting visualizations, we concluded that the actual tools used by scientists were
inaccessible to mainstream high school students. Therefore, the primary design
goal of the Climate Visualizer was to respond to the challenge of making investi-
gation techniques accessible to learners. At this stage in the design process, we
viewed accessibility as a technological challenge, which we addressed by design-
ing a supportive user-interface for the Climate Visualizer. This supportive inter-
face provided significantly more structure and information in its user-interface
than a comparable tool designed for scientists.
Data Library
The Climate Visualizer's data library contained basic weather data for theNorthern
Hemisphere above 20" latitude, covering a period from the early 1960s to the late
1980s. The data included measurements of temperature, wind speed and direction,
and atmospheric pressure at several levels in the atmosphere, all recorded at 12-hr
intervals. These data are used by researchers to investigate general climate patterns
and specific large-scale weather events in the Northern Hemisphere.
Curriculum Design
We did not create any cumculum to accompany the Climate Visualizer initially. At
the time we did not feel predesigned cumcula were appropriate because we were
hoping to foster an entirely student-driven form of inquiry-based learning in which
students would generate and pursue their own research questions. We designed the
Climate Visualizer with the expectation that the data and tools in the Climate Visu-
alizer would lead students to pose questions and pursue them through open-ended
investigations.To the extent that we engaged in curriculum design at all, that design
consisted of recommending to teachers that they have their students explore the
data in the Climate Visualizer in an open-ended fashion to identify interesting ques-
tions to investigate and then pursue those questions with the guidance of the teacher
through open-ended inquiry.
The Climate Visualizer was first used by students in a workshop led by CoVis
teachers in the summer of 1993. In the 1993-1 994 school year, it was used for a pe-
riod of 2 weeks in the classes of one of the six teachers participating in the CoVis
project at that time. It was used for a few days in the classes of two of the other
teachers that year.
The Climate Visualizer was designed to address the challenge of making the visual-
ization technologies used by scientists accessible to learners. One of the most sig-
nificant obstacles to the use of scientists' tools by learners is the lack of contextual
knowledge that they provide. Because scientists bring an extraordinary amount of
tacit knowledge about geography, the data being displayed, and the phenomena
that the data represent, they are able to work in a relatively information-poor envi-
ronment. For example, Figure 3 shows a screen from Transform, the popular and
extremely powerful two-dimensional visualization environment designed for re-
searchers that we used as the visualization engine for the Climate and Radia-
tion-Budget Visualizers. To a nonexpert, the visualization is almost completely un-
interpretable. The variable being displayed is encoded in the file name that serves
as the title for both windows. A careful reading of "T850-1-188-OZ" that appears
in the title bar reveals to a researcher who is familiar with this data that he or she is
viewing the average midnight Greenwich Mean Time for January 1988 at the 850
millibar equal-pressure surface in the atmosphere. The geographic range and scale
of the displayed region are not identified, and the numbers that appear in the win-
dow at the side have no units or any indication ofhow their values map into colors in
the visualization. Finally, the operations that are available to the user are all con-
cealed in menus. As lacking in support as this interface is, expert researchers have
no difficulty working with data and visualizations in this form because of the exten-
sive knowledge that they bring to the task.
In contrast to the interface displayed in Figure 3, the supportive scientific visu-
alization interface in the Climate Visualizer provided scaffolds for learners in the
form of contextual information about geography (through latitude and longitude
markings, as well as continent overlays), about units (through labels), and about
the mapping of numerical values to colors (through a color palette display). The
Climate Visualizer allowed users to specify the units in the display, so that stu-
dents who were more familiar with Fahrenheit could interpret visualizations using
values with which they were comfortable. The color palette display in the Climate
Visualizer tracked the movement of the cursor and displayed the numerical value
for the current cursor location over its corresponding color in the color bar. Finally,
all of the operations that the user could perform were displayed as permanently
visible buttons in the Climate Visualizer interface.
A second place that the Climate Visualizer provided support that was not avail-
able in general-purpose scientists' tools was in the interface for selecting the data
to visualize. Comparable tools for scientists typically require users to identify data
sets by specifying file names, which in most data libraries are abbreviated and ob-
scure, as in the "T850-1-1-88-02'' in Figure 3. In contrast, the Climate Visualizer
allowed users to select data from the data library by choosing variable names,
dates, and times from a menu of available options. This required that we customize
the Climate Visualizer to the specific data in its library, which would compromise
the generality that scientists rely on in their tools.
The third place that the Climate Visualizer provided additional support for
learners was in the form of default settings for the display parameters. The Climate
d File Edit lmaae Numbers Templates Tables Ulindows 'fiiP 12:~
> FIGURE 3 A visualization of temperature data for the Northern Hemisphere displayed by Transform, a powerful, general-purpose visualization environment
widely used by scientific researchers.
teachers and prior experience with Project INQUIRE (Hawkins & Pea, 1987), we
were concerned that students would have difficulty planning, organizing, and co-
ordinating the inquiry process when they used the Climate Visualizer. Teachers
with experience supervising open-ended projects told us that teaching students to
manage open-ended activities was the biggest challenge of implementing this ap-
proach, and experienced teachers who were considering this approach for the first
time consistently cited this issue as one of their greatest concerns. To help address
the challenges of managing the inquiry process, we developed the Collaboratory
Notebook. The Collaboratory Notebook is a structured hypermedia environment
that supports asynchronous collaboration across a network (Edelson, Gomez, &
Pea, 1996a; O'Neill & Gomez, 1994). To support inquiry using the Climate Visu-
alizer, the Collaboratory Notebook and the Climate Visualizer were bundled to-
gether as one application. Like other structured hypermedia, collaboration
environments designed for learners, such as CSILE (Scardamalia & Bereiter,
1994; Scardamalia, Bereiter, McLean, Swallow, & Woodruff, 1989), Inquire
(Hawkins & Pea, 1987), and CaMILE (Guzdial et al., 1995), the Collaboratory
Notebook uses structure as a form of scaffold. The Collaboratory Notebook pro-
vides a structure based on a task model of scientific inquiry that encourages stu-
dents to organize their work into such components as questions, conjecture,
evidence, plans, information, and commentary. By combining it with the Climate
Visualizer, we sought to create a place for students to plan and record their investi-
gations, coordinate work efforts among collaborative teams, and receive feedback
from teachers and mentors.
Although our initial experiences with the Climate Visualizer in classrooms showed
that we had increased the accessibility of visualization as an investigation tech-
nique, we were confronted by unanticipated obstacles to accessibility as well as is-
sues for motivation and compatibility with classroom constraints.
Accessibility. One concern we had about the use of the Climate Visualizer in
classrooms was that it was not being used for the full range of investigation tech-
niques it was designed to support. The Climate Visualizer was designed as an envi-
ronment for the visual interpretation of data. However, in classrooms it was primar-
ily used as an interface for making queries about data values in specific locations. In
the visual interpretation of data, a user looks for patterns in a visualization that are
revealed by the variations in color across an image. For example, an expert looks
for both smooth trends and sharp discontinuities in color. This process plays a role
in meaning-making by revealing patterns that require explanation or that provide
Practical constraints. The final design problem with the Climate Visualizer
was a practical failure to meet the constraints of the classroom.The software, as we
had designed it, took too long to display visualizationsto be practical in a classroom
setting. The need to transfer data across the network and the computation involved
in generating visualizations on the high-end personal computers of the time2meant
that students could experience a delay of up to a minute between requesting an im-
age and viewing it. In a 50-min class, this reduced the productivity of students sig-
ZTheClimate Visualizer and theRadiation-Budget Visualizer were used on Apple Macintosh Quadra
700 computers, which were high-end personal computers at the time.
nificantly, particularly because their attention typically wandered during the delay.
In subsequent designs, we experimented with several different strategies to im-
prove performance in an effort to address this problem.
The design of the Radiation-Budget Visualizer3 addressed several of the issues ex-
posed by our experiences with the Climate Visualizer. For example, in the develop-
ment of the Radiation-Budget Visualizer, we assembled a data library around the
motivating issue of global warming. We also developed a curriculum to introduce
visual interpretation and data analysis activities to students and teachers. Finally,
we modified the software architecture to improve its performance.
Data Library
'The term radiation-budget is used by scientists to refer to the balance between incoming and outgo-
ing energy in the earth-atmosphere system, which determines whether the earth experiencesa net cool-
ing or warming over a specific period of time.
The interface to the Radiation-Budget Visualizer's data library was spare. It
consisted of a menu for selecting a month of the year and a table for selecting the
variables to view. Each column in the table represented one of the three models of
the earth (i.e., the earth as observed, the earth modeled without clouds, and the
earth modeled without an atmosphere), and each row corresponded to a variable.
Thus a user could request a visualization of a variable under a specific model by se-
lecting the appropriate cell of the table.
Curriculum Design
Our classroom experiences with the Radiation-Budget Visualizer were limited, but
they helpedus to focus on an important issue ofbackground knowledge that we had
observed but not addressed previously, and they revealed that we had not ade-
quately met the challenge of practical classroom constraints.
The need for background knowledge to support investigations became a clear
issue with the Radiation-BudgetVisualizer. Although the Climate Visualizer inad-
equately addressed the need for background knowledge as well, it was not as
clearly apparent in classrooms because of the limited way in which it was used. In
the class that used the Radiation-Budget Visualizer, students were often confused
by the interface to the data library because it relied on their understanding what
each of the variables and the hypothetical models represented. Understanding
what the data sets in the tool represented and their relation to natural processes was
the goal of the activity, but the design of its user-interface made them prerequisite
knowledge for using the tool. As a result, it fell to the teacher to provide explana-
tions for the variables and models in the user-interface. However, because activi-
ties were conducted in self-paced groups, the teacher was faced with the dilemma
of explaining things to the whole class at one time when the information was rele-
vant to some groups and not others, or to be available for each group when they re-
quired it. One of the reasons that the other teachers cited for not using the
Radiation-Budget Visualizer in their classes was that they were concerned about
their ability to provide their students with the background knowledge that they felt
the tool required.
The final obstacle to inquiry-based learning with the Radiation-Budget Visual-
izer was that the new architecture had only partially achieved the objective of
meeting the practical constraints of the classroom. As with its predecessor, the
computational requirements of rendering visualizations from large data sets
strained the capacity of the classroom computers. The slow performance remained
a problem for use in standard-length class periods. In addition, the storage require-
ments of the data sets and the cost of the commercial application Transform meant
that the Radiation-Budget Visualizer was not suitable for broad distribution to
The Greenhouse Effect Visualizer (Gordin, Edelson, & Pea, 1995) succeeded the
Radiation-Budget Visualizer and was the first of the visualizers that was suitable
for broad use. The Greenhouse Effect Visualizer was created by simplifying the
Radiation-Budget Visualizer and adapting it to the World Wide Web. In develop-
ing curriculum to accompany the Greenhouse Effect Visualizer, we attempted to
addressed the issue of motivation even more completely by creating an expanded
curriculum unit that connected the science more directly to the social and political
implications of global warming. The issue of background knowledge was ad-
dressed by incorporating documentation and scientific explanations into the
user-interface, and the constraints of the classroom were addressed by moving to a
web-based interface. In addition, with the Greenhouse Effect Visualizer, we intro-
duced a new aspect to the visual interpretation of data by providing data sets at mul-
tiple temporal and spatial resolutions.
Data Library
The Greenhouse Effect Visualizer displayed the same variables showing the trans-
fer of solar energy through the earth-atmosphere system as the Radiation-Budget
Visualizer. However, the data showing the hypothetical models ofthe earth with no
clouds and no atmosphere were eliminated to simplify the interface and reduce the
storage requirements. A new feature of the Greenhouse Effect Visualizer's data li-
brary was the inclusion of data for a variety of temporal and spatial resolutions.
Each variable was available at monthly, seasonal, and yearly temporal resolutions,
and at 2.5 x 2.5,s x 5, 10 x 10,20 x 20,60 x 60, and 360 x 180" spatial resolutions.
The objective of making these different resolutions available was to enable stu-
dents to explore patterns and averages over different temporal and spatial scales.
This is particularly important for investigating global warming, for which the im-
The architecture for the Greenhouse Effect Vis alizer departed dramatically from
its predecessors. In the Greenhouse Effect Visualizer, all the available visualiza-
tions were rendered in advance and stored on a web server. Users accessed data by
selecting a variable, time interval, and spatial resolution from a list (Figure 4). Vi-
sualizationswere displayed in interactive web pages that allowed the learner to se-
lect a point in a visualization and view its latitude, longitude, and data value (Figure
5). The use of the World Wide Web greatly reduced the computational require-
In the fall and winter of 1995-1 996, we developed a 5-week project-based curricu-
lum entitled The Student Conference on Global Warming. In contrast to the narrow
focus on the greenhouse effect of the activity developed for the Radiation-Budget
Visualizer, the Global Warming Conference covered a wide range of scientific is-
sues associated with the global warming controversy. The development of the
Global Warming Conference was part of a new focus in the CoVis project on the de-
velopment of extended curriculum. Unlike the Radiation-Budget Visualizer activ-
ity, it was not developed specifically around the opportunities provided by scien-
tific visualization techniques. The conference was designed to be an engaging,
coherent, inquiry-based unit to achieve learning objectives in earth and atmo-
spheric sciences. In doing so, it took advantage of the global warming controversy
as a unifying, motivational context. As an extended inquiry-based unit, it drew
upon a number of investigation techniques and sources of data, only one of which
was the Greenhouse Effect Visualizer. The overall curriculum consisted of a 2-day
introduction to the global warming controversy, a 2-week sequence of structured 1-
to 2-day inquiry activities, and a 2-week open-ended investigation of a specific
global warming issue or country. The project unit culminated in a mock interna-
tional conference on global warming that could be conducted either within a single
classroom or by classes in multiple schools over the Internet.
The structured activities introduced learners to the science and controversies
surrounding global warming. One of these activities took advantage of the Green-
house Effect Visualizer to explore seasonal changes in solar radiation and their in-
fluences on Earth's surface temperatures. In the first part of this activity, students
looked at incoming solar radiation at several different spatial resolutions to help
develop an understanding of the concept of spatial averaging. They then were
asked to characterize the way that incoming solar energy varied by latitude and by
season and to explain this variation using knowledge they had gained through a
prior activity in which they looked at the tilt of the earth's axis relative to the sun in
different seasons. In the final part of the activity they compared surface tempera-
ture visualizations with incoming solar energy to characterize the relation between
solar energy and temperature (Figure 6).
The curriculum materials for this activity included a handout for students that
provided instructions for each stage of the activity and questions for students to an-
~ w e rThis
. ~ activity called for students to employ all of the visualization operations
of the Greenhouse Effect Visualizer. It called for them to use the variable spatial
resolutions to explore the relations between local variation and global average. It
called for them to engage in visual interpretation to characterize large-scale pat-
terns and to compare energy visualizations with temperature. Finally, it called for
41n practice, most teachers modified the handout to suit their own objectives.
them to use the data sampling capability to find specific numerical values for spe-
cific locations. The sequencing of this activity among the structured activities and
the introduction to it that was provided for teachers and students were designed to
place it in context within the larger framework of the global warming controversy.
The structured activities were presented as an exploration of natural and unnatural
variation to answer the larger question, "Are human emissions of greenhouse
gases contributing to global warming?" The different activities looked at natural
and "unnatural" variations in a number of greenhouse-related variables over a va-
riety of time scales, and this one focused on natural variation over seasonal and an-
nual intervals.
The Greenhouse Effect Visualizer was first used by the environmental science
teacher who had previously used the Radiation-Budget Visualizer in the spring of
1995. She used it for a unit on global warming that helped shape the design of the
Global Warming Conference curriculum (Gomez, Gordin, & Carlson, 1995). The
Greenhouse Effect Visualizer was then made available for a broader audience of
schools in the 1995-1 996 school year, a year in which the CoVis project expanded
from 2 local schools to approximately 25 schools scattered throughout the eastern
United States. In that year, the Greenhouse Effect Visualizer and its accompanying
curriculum were used by 24 middle and high school teachers in the CoVis Project.
In addition, we received reports from many non-CoVis teachers, including commu-
nity and 4-year college instructors,who had integrated the Greenhouse Effect Visu-
alizer into classes on earth, atmospheric, and environmental science.
The design of the Greenhouse Effect Visualizer and the cuniculum for the Global
Warming Conference addressed several issues raised by our prior experiences, spe-
cifically, motivation, accessibility, background knowledge, and practical class-
room constraints.
The Global Warming Conference curriculum was designed with the explicit
goal of connecting the climate science to the societal implications of global warm-
ing. This cumculum was designed to introduce the scientific controversy over
global warming and contextualize the investigations of the greenhouse effect us-
ing the Greenhouse Effect Visualizer as part of understanding how global warm-
ing might occur and how it might be affect energy and temperature data. The role
of the mock international conference in the curriculum was to create a demand for
this understanding of the greenhouse effect to deal with the larger social, eco-
nomic, and political implications of global warming. Although students found the
issue of global warming motivating and were engaged by the Global Warming
Conference, we still observed problems with the alignment of the motivation and
the learning objectives, which we discuss in the next section.
The Global Warming Conference curriculum was designed using a framework
that was intended to address both the challenge of making investigation techniques
accessible and the need for background knowledge. This framework, which be-
came the backbone for all curriculum units developed by CoVis, took advantage of
a class of activities that we call staging activities. The curriculum framework be-
gins with an introductory, or hook, activity that was designed to create interest in
the question or controversy covered by the curriculum. This is followed by staging
activities, which are short, structured investigations designed to build understand-
ing of the relevant investigation techniques and help develop scientific under-
standing. In an approach that is similar to the progression from problem-based to
project-based learning described by Barron et al. (1 998), staging activities are de-
signed to provide the background necessary for students to engage in an extended,
open-ended investigation that follows them. This open-ended activity builds to a
culminating, performance-based activity in which students apply the knowledge
gained through the curriculum sequence. Thus staging activities address the chal-
lenge of making investigation techniques accessible by introducing them in a
structured, guided activity, and they address the need for background knowledge
to conduct open-ended inquiry by providing its acquisition in the context of indi-
vidual investigations.
The need for background knowledge was also addressed in the Greenhouse
Effect Visualizer by linking explanatory materials directly to the Greenhouse Ef-
fect Visualizer interface. These explanations were added to provide support for
teachers and students in understanding the nature of the data, how it was gener-
ated, what it measures, what the units are, and how it can be used to understand
climate processes. Explanations of the fundamental processes of energy transfer
in Earth's energy cycle were also included, such as reflection and absorption of
solar shortwave radiation, emission of longwave radiation by the earth, and the
absorption and emission of longwave radiation by the atmosphere (greenhouse
effect). Teachers reported that these explanatory materials were valuable both
for preparing themselves and for supporting students during their use of the
Greenhouse Effect Visualizer.
As for practical constraints, the adoption of the web-based interface allowed us
to make a supportive visualization environment available to a broad audience of
learners for the first time. Rather than requiring high-end personal computers with
large amounts of memory and disk space, the Greenhouse Effect Visualizer could
be accessed from any Internet-connected computer with a color monitor and
enough memory to run a web browser. It was, in fact, used in classrooms with a
wide variety of technology infrastructures.
perature differs by approximately 20 OF. In fact, many students did find the
differences between the neat horizontal bands of incoming solar energy and
the much messier patterns of surface temperature (Figure 6) to be intriguing,
and they would spontaneously offer possible explanations. However, we be-
came increasingly aware that there were many students who recognized the
difference in the patterns and could describe these differences without finding
them remarkable or feeling a need to explain them. These students were partic-
ipating in the activity in a mechanical fashion. They were not actively resistant
or uninterested; the activity just failed to engage them. Because the students
were noticing curious phenomena without becoming curious about them, we
conjectured that they were not entering the activity with sufficiently strong ex-
pectations about the phenomena they were observing.
To address this problem, we looked for a design solution that would be more ef-
fective in activating expectations on the part of students. The solution we devel-
oped was an introductory activity in which students drew their own visualizations
of temperature with crayons on blank maps of the world. In this activity, students
were asked to draw on any prior knowledge they might have to produce their best
guess of what the average temperatures are like for a particular month of the year
(Figure 7). Students frequently describe their experience of this activity as demon-
strating both how much they know about temperature that they didn't realize and
also how much they don't know. In effect, the activity is an exercise in articulating
prior conceptions, which Hunt and Minstrel1 (1 994) have shown to be effective in
enabling learners to connect new knowledge to old. However, the critical role it
was playing in our activities was activating expectations and eliciting curiosity.
We found that after creating these visualizations representing their preconcep-
tions, students approached the investigation of temperature variation with open
questions and active expectations that produced noticeably more interest in the
subsequent seasons investigation.
After introducing this activity, we recognized it has other benefits as well. It in-
troduces the color map representation by having learners use it expressively before
they use it intepretively. It also creates a bridge to the highly technical activity of
visualization through an activity that learners are already familiar with and enjoy,
drawing with crayons. In fact, we have come to call this type of activity a bridging
activity. Bridging activities are designed with the explicit goal of providing them
with the context or knowledge they require to engage successfully in more scien-
tific activities. Unlike the investigation activities that are adapted from scientific
practices, bridging activities are invented specifically to suit the needs of learners
in bridging the gap to scientific practices. Bridging activities can address motiva-
tional, accessibility, and background knowledge issues. Following on the success
of this activity, we incorporated a visualization-drawing activity into the Global
Warming Conference curriculum and incorporated a drawing feature into the de-
sign of subsequent visualization environments.
Data Library
WorldWatcher retained the data sets from the Greenhouse Effect Visualizer
showing Earth's energy balance. These data sets were supplemented by addi-
tional data displaying physical geography and human activities. The new data
include Earth surface elevation, dominant ground cover and vegetation, precipi-
tation, human population, and carbon emissions from industry. These data sets
were added, in part, to allow students to examine potential causes and impacts of
climate change. Although the transition to an open data architecture in
WorldWatcher has made it easy to add new data sets, the climate data sets con-
tinue to be the core of the data library.
FIGURE 8 A visualization window from the WorldWatcher software displaying surface tem.
perature for January 1987.
Curriculum Design
For the initial release of WorldWatcher, we adapted the Global Warming Confer-
ence to take advantage of the new capabilities of the software. In the spring of 1998,
as part of the activities of the newly formed LeTUS Center, we developed a new
Global Warming Curriculum, tailored to the middle school science standards for
the Chicago Public Schools. The Global Warming Curriculum is a 6-week project
unit in which learners prepare science briefings for the participants in a fictitious in-
ternational conference on global warming. In addition, as the community of users
and the range of data available in WorldWatcher grow, we have assembled a library
of structured activities and open-ended investigation topics. One example is a sin-
gle-session investigation of an elevation data set for Mars. A second example is a
10-hr structured investigation called the Create-A-World activity, in which stu-
dents create a fictitious world and generate temperature data for it based on an in-
vestigation of Earth's climate (Edelson, 1998a).
WorldWatcher and its accompanying curricula contain new elements to address all
five of the challenges of implementing inquiry-based learning.
FIGURE 9 A visualization magnified to show the individual data values in each cell.
T h e inspiration for this feature was Michael Eisenberg's hypergami project (Eisenberg & Nishioka,
Background Knowledge
6TheMediaBase was still under development at the time ofwriting. It currently includes documenta-
tion to assist students and teachers with the use of WorldWatcher and background information about the
available data. Explanatory resources for science content are currently distributed on paper as part of the
Global Warming curriculum materials.
to switch from one program to another. Because the Progress Portfolio has
only recently been released, we do not yet have any experience with students
using it and WorldWatcher together.
Practical Constraints
WorldWatcher has been used in a wide range of classrooms from middle school
through college.' Although little formal evaluation has been conducted on those
uses, our observations and reports do not reveal issues of the magnitude of those
raised by their predecessors for motivation, accessibility, background knowledge,
management of inquiry, or meeting the practical constraints of classrooms. Where
prior visualizers raised issues that were clear obstacles for the use of all or most stu-
dents in the classes we observed or were in contact with, the concerns that are being
raised by the use of WorldWatcher seem to be less severe or to affect specific popu-
lations of students. Because of the progress made through the intensive design pro-
cess leading to WorldWatcher, identifying the next set of issues will require a more
careful evaluation process than was required by the previous environments. We
provide a brief overview of these evaluation efforts in the next steps described in
the final section of this article. Here, we present a brief summary of
Worldwatcher's status with respect to the specific challenges of inquiry-based
'It has been difficult to track the actual use of WorldWatcher in classrooms. Several thousand copies
of WorldWatcher have been distributed over the Internet and on CD-ROM, many of those directly to
teachers. However, we have no data on how many of those copies were actually used in classrooms. The
most conservative estimate from the schools participating in the CoVis Project and other schools in di-
rect contact with our research group is that at least 50 ofthose teachers have used WorldWatcher in their
sThis excludes histograms and scatterplots, which were added specifically for use at the undergradu-
ate level.
The most important lesson of the experiences reported here is that the implementa-
tion of TSIL requires an integrated process of both technology and activity design.
In particular, these experiences show that to address the challenges of in-
quiry-based learning successfully, the TSIL design process must coordinate four
interdependent components: the identification of a motivational context, the selec-
tion and sequencing of activities, the design of investigation tools, and the creation
of process supports. By exposing a wide range of challenges to inquiry-based learn-
ing, the design effort described here provides the opportunity to explore strategies
for each of these four components. In this section, we use these four components as
a framework to organize our discussion of the strategies we identified and the ways
those strategies address the challenges of inquiry-based learning.
To address the need for motivation, designers of inquiry-based learning must iden-
tify a motivating context for inquiry early in the design process. Our early experi-
ences with the Climate Visualizer demonstrated the risks of not establishing a
meaninghl motivating context. In addition, we found ourselves in a position where
we could not retrofit a motivating context to the existing design. Because the moti-
vational context has critical implications for the other elements of a TSIL design, it
must be identified early in the design process. In the process described here, for ex-
ample, the selection of global warming as a motivating context influenced the na-
ture and sequencing of the investigation activities and determined the contents of
the data libraries and the knowledge resources.
Our strategy for the selection of a motivating context resembles those of other
researchers in inquiry and project-based science learning in its focus on a mean-
ingful, controversial, and open scientific issue (e.g., Barron et al., 1998;
Blumenfeld et al., 1991). Through our conversations with students and teachers,
we identified four elements that give the investigation of global warming the inter-
est and value that are necessary to initiate engagement. First, the topic is familiar.
Unlike many of the topics that students study in traditional science cumcula,
global warming is an issue that they have heard about. Second, it has potential di-
rect implications for students. They are concerned that they may experience the ef-
fects of global warming. Third, the possibility of global warming and the measures
that have been suggested to reduce it have important social and policy implications
that draw on students' senses of fairness and entitlement. Fourth, the scientific is-
sues associated with global warming are a matter of legitimate uncertainty and
controversy in the scientific community. Students are intrigued by the fact that sci-
entists do not understand the science of climate completely and that they even dis-
agree. In comparison to the settled science that they are used to learning about in
school, students find the open controversy appealing. These four properties of
global warming apply to many issues in science and can serve as guidelines for the
design of inquiry learning in general. However, they do not by any means consti-
tute a complete list of features of a motivating context, and as Blumenfeld et al.
(1991) point out, there is a frustrating lack of empirical data describing the inter-
ests of learners that could be drawn on in the design of inquiry-based learning.
The selection of global warming as a motivating context had important implica-
tions for the other technology and curriculum design elements. For example, we
developed an increasingly comprehensive library of data sets that supported inves-
tigations of global warming and its potential causes and implications. We also de-
veloped and refined curricula designed to establish global warming as a
compelling issue for learners and then draw on their concern over global warming
to motivate investigations of the science of global climate and climate change.
The design of a scientific investigation tool is the process of selecting specific oper-
ations and creating user-interfaces to them. In the case of the visualization environ-
ments described here, the design of the investigation tools also included the assem-
bly of data libraries. In this work we found that the design of investigation tools
could play an important role in addressing the challenges of motivation, accessibil-
ity, and practical constraints.
In the design process reported here, we addressed motivation through the selec-
tion of data sets and through the design of operations to support bridging activities.
The selection of data sets enabled us to draw on the motivating context of global
warming. The visualizers prior to WorldWatcher had difficulty initiating and
maintaining engagement because of the limitations of their data libraries. The data
library in the Climate Visualizer was unable to initiate engagement because its
limited data did not support investigations that students found interesting. In the
design of the subsequent Radiation-Budget and Greenhouse Effect Visualizers,
the selection of data sets related to Earth's energy balance enabled us to draw on
global warming as a motivating context. However, it wasn't until the development
of WorldWatcher, when we added data addressing human contributions to possi-
ble global warming and the potential implications of global climate change, that
we were able to effectively initiate and maintain engagement for large numbers of
students. The design of operations also enabled us to address the challenge of mo-
tivation, specifically through the creation of operations to supporting bridging ac-
tivities. As we described previously, the bridging activities in which students draw
visualizations to articulate their initial conceptions can help to create interest. To
support these bridging activities, we designed a number of operations, modeled on
the interfaces of graphics programs, to enable students to create new
Worldwatcher data sets by "painting" them.
From our first designs, we recognized the need to address accessibility through
the design of investigation tools. Following the Learner-Centered Design ap-
proach, we began by creating scaffolds in the tools. We identified tacit knowledge
that scientists draw on in the creation and interpretation of visualizations and em-
bedded that knowledge in the form of contextual information in the user-interface.
We maintained this approach throughout the design history. We provided addi-
tional scaffolds in the form of default settings that enabled learners to create inter-
pretable visualizations without requiring any foreknowledge of the data. Finally,
in we created operations and representations that were specifically designed to
make the properties of the tools clear to learners. These included the spread-
sheet-like display of numerical values in magnified visualizations (Figure 9) and
the ability to project rectangular visualizations into alternative projections, includ-
ing cut-and-fold images that can be printed and assembled into a polyhedral globe
(Figure 10). All of these strategies address the problem that learners lack the back-
ground knowledge that scientists bring to their use of scientific investigation tools.
The supports in the software made investigation techniques accessible to learners
by embedding that knowledge in the interface for learners to draw on, by bypass-
ing the need for that knowledge, or by helping the learners to develop the knowl-
edge themselves.
The two practical constraints of the learning environment that we continually
confronted were limits on available time and technology infrastructure in class-
rooms. Although these issues draw designers' attention away from the fundamen-
tal processes of teaching and learning, they are nevertheless critical concerns for
the implementation of any approach to learning. In this design process, we were re-
peatedly confronted by the need to improve the performance of the software and
match its requirements to the technology infrastructure in schools. The rapidly
changing nature of technology means that the specific strategies we employed in
this process have little general value. However, these experiences do demonstrate
the critical importance of both speed and reliability for classroom technologies.
Process supports are the elements of a TSIL design that address the needs of in-
quiry-based learning beyond the direct support for the investigation techniques. In
the case of the designs described here, the process supports that proved necessary
were knowledge resources and record-keeping tools. These supports address the
challenges of background knowledge and managing extended activities.
In this design history, we addressed the need for background knowledge in the
Greenhouse Effect Visualizer and in by creating information resources within the
software environments. These resources provided a mechanism for learners to ac-
cess background information as the need arose in the course of an investigation.
By providing these resources, we attempted to reduce the demand on the teacher
and existing classroom resources, thereby simultaneously addressing practical
constraints of the leaming environment. By placing these resources within the
software environment, we took advantage of the opportunity to link them directly
to data or activities, making it possible for students to move between investigation
activities and knowledge resources with minimal interruption.
We addressed the need to support students in organizing and managing inquiry
activities by providing them with tools to record the process and the intermediate
products of their investigations. Record-keeping tools provided students with the
opportunity to create and monitor plans, articulate hypotheses, analyze evidence
carefully, and reflect on their progress. Our experiences indicate that these re-
cord-keeping facilities were helpful but that they were not sufficient to resolve the
challenges of managing extended activities.
Each of the elements of the TSIL design process can address different facets of the
challenges of implementing inquiry-based learning. Assembled into a coherent
whole, they have the potential to successfully achieve all three of the categories of
learning objectives for inquiry-based leaming that we presented earlier-specific
inquiry skills, general inquiry abilities, and scientific content. By addressing the
challenge of motivation, an effective TSIL design can create sufficient engagement
to bring about learning. By making investigation techniques accessible, a design
can engage students in inquiry activities through which they achieve mastery of
specific inquiry skills and can develop new content understanding through discov-
ery and refinement. Once engaged in inquiry, students often require additional
knowledge to complete their investigations and interpret their results. In success-
fully addressing the challenge of background knowledge, a design can meet this
need by supporting the further development of content understanding. By address-
ing the challenge of supporting extended, open-ended activities, a design can pro-
vide the opportunity to fblfill the motivating context and allow learners to develop
general inquiry abilities. Finally, addressing the practical constraints of the learn-
ing context makes it possible for such a design to achieve these learning objectives
in realistic settings. We do not claim to have fully achieved these objectives
through the designs presented here. However, the strategies we employed in these
designs have been successful at reducing the obstacles to implementing in-
quiry-based learning, bringing the designs substantially closer to achieving those
WorldWatcher and its accompanying curricula are the products of an extensive it-
erative design process. The advances made in the design of WorldWatcher and the
Global Warming Curriculum provide the opportunityto pursue new research direc-
tions. In the next stage of this research, we are initiating a new phase of evaluation,
and we are broadening our design scope to include support for the role of the
The issues for inquiry-based learning discussed here were identified through an it-
erative design and evaluationprocess. This formative evaluation has focused on the
identification and resolution of critical obstacles to the implementationof effective
inquiry-based learning with scientific visualization. However, the success of
WorldWatcher and its accompanying curricula in addressing many of the chal-
lenges raised by its predecessorsrepresents an important transition in this design re-
search process. Having reached this point, we are currently initiating a more formal
evaluation process designed to take advantage of WorldWatcher and its accompa-
nying curricula to explore the theories and assumptionsthat have guided this design
process. The goal ofthis next phase of evaluation will be to create a rich description
of the enactment of TSIL in classrooms, with attention to the variation across and
within classrooms, and to use these descriptions to help us understand the contribu-
tions ofthe design strategies discussed here to the implementationof TSIL in class-
rooms and to attitudinal and learning outcomes.
In the discussion of the design process in this article, we have focused primarily
on the needs of learners. However, over the course of this effort, we have be-
come increasingly aware of the challenges that TSIL poses for teachers. For ex-
ample, at many points in this design process, we were told by individual
teachers that they could not use our software or curriculum because they did not
feel comfortable enough with the technology, the content, or the process of man-
aging TSIL. Our experiences have convinced us that supporting the role of the
teacher raises important additional challenges for the design of both software
and activities beyond the issues for students that we have discussed here. We
have begun to explore these issues through a new program of design research fo-
cusing on support for the enactment of inquiry-based science learning by teach-
ers (Brown & Edelson, 1998). In this new research, we are investigating the
issues that confront teachers in the enactment of curricula like the Global
Warming Cumculum and how to prepare materials for teachers that will support
them in planning, customizing, conducting, and assessing them within the prac-
tical constraints of their local environment.
This work has been supported in part by the National Science Foundation under the
Grants MDR-9253462, RED-9453715, RED-9454729, ESI-9720687, and
REC-9720383. Additional support was provided by Apple Computer, Sun
Microsystems, and Spyglass, Inc.
We would like to acknowledge the crucial contributions of all of the re-
searchers and participating teachers and students in the and SSciVEE Projects
to the designs described here, as well as to the development and refinement of
the ideas in this article. We are also grateful to our reviewers and to Janet
Kolodner for helpful comments.
Important contributions to the development of the software and curriculum dis-
cussed in this article were made by Joseph Polman, Kevin O'Neill, Barry Fishman,
Laura D'Amico, Steven McGee, Joey Gray, Paul Forward, Patricia Carlson,
Eileen Lento, Matthew Brown, Duane Griffin, and Louis Gomez. Worldwatcher
was written by Brian Clark. Ray Pierrehumbert, David Hollander, and Brad
Sageman served as consultants on scientific content and practice.
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