Health Impacts Of: E-Cigarettes
Health Impacts Of: E-Cigarettes
Health Impacts Of: E-Cigarettes
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Discover the truth about how these devices can harm you.
ou may have seen or heard about kids in which typically contains nicotine, flavorings,
your school or town using e-cigarettes. and chemicals, some of which are toxic.
Some tweens and teens assume that The e-liquids often come in flavors, but the
using e-cigarettes—also known as vaping— chemicals used to create flavors can be
is a safe alternative to smoking traditional harmful to your lungs. E-cigarette aerosol
cigarettes. After all, e-cigarettes can come in can also contain other chemicals like
flavors, so how bad can they really be? The formaldehyde, which can cause cancer,
truth is that vaping exposes you to very real— and metal particles such as nickel, lead,
and very scary—health risks. These include chromium, tin, and aluminum. Breathing in
lung-damaging chemicals, as well as the e-cigarette aerosol delivers these chemicals
drug nicotine, which can harm your brain to your lungs where they can cause
and cause addiction.1 damage. The effects may be long-lasting—
and even deadly.
Lung Damage and Chemicals In 2019, the Centers for Disease Control
E-cigarettes are battery-operated and create and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Food
an aerosol for a user to inhale. When a and Drug Administration (FDA) reported an
person puffs on an e-cigarette, the liquid outbreak of serious lung illnesses in nearly
inside heats up and becomes the aerosol, every state.2 Thousands of people, including
many teens and young adults, got sick called dopamine, which is known as a
after using vaping products, including reward chemical. That means it makes the
e-cigarettes. Patients reported symptoms person feel good, encouraging them to vape
like difficulty breathing and chest pain. some more. This can lead to addiction.
Some people ended up with permanent Teens and tweens are more vulnerable
lung damage, and multiple people died. As to addiction than adults because the brain
the CDC and FDA continue to investigate continues to develop through a person’s
the cause or causes of the outbreak, one mid-twenties. Exposing an adolescent’s
finding is clear: Using any type of vaping brain to nicotine can cause effects on
product can seriously harm your health. attention, learning, and memory that
promote addiction to nicotine. Studies also
Delivering Dangerous Nicotine show that teens who vape are more likely
Toxic chemicals aren’t the only harmful to start smoking traditional cigarettes. One
thing a person breathes in when they likely explanation is that they’ve become
vape. Most vaping devices, including addicted to nicotine.
all Juul models, also contain the drug
nicotine. This is the same highly addictive What’s Being Done?
chemical found in other tobacco products Health experts are concerned about
like traditional tobacco cigarettes and youth vaping because these products
smokeless tobacco (“dip”). In fact, one Juul are dangerous, and tweens and teens
pod contains as much nicotine as a whole are becoming addicted. One in 10
pack of cigarettes.3 middle schoolers currently use e-cigarettes.5
Using nicotine causes changes in the Health officials continue to crack down on
brain that make a person crave more of the illegal sales to minors and hold retailers and
drug. When someone vapes, nicotine gets manufacturers accountable for marketing
into their bloodstream through their lungs practices. The goal: to reduce the number
SCHOLASTIC and associated logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved. © 2019
and travels to their brain within 10 seconds.4 of teens exposed to the health hazards of
The drug causes a surge of a brain chemical vaping.
Some middle schoolers say they vape because their
friends do—either to feel cool or because they’re afraid
to say no. What would you do if another kid offered
you an e-cigarette? Here are four ways to handle the
pressure—and stay safe.
1. Hiler, M, et al. (2017) Exp Clin Psychopharmacol. 25, 380-392. 2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2019)
/e-cigarettes/severe-lung-disease.html. 3. Wynne C, et al. (2018). Poster presented at Annual Meeting of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco,
Baltimore, MD. 4. St Helen, G, et al. (2016) Addiction. 111, 535-544. 5. Cullen KA, Gentzke AS, Sawdey MD, et al. (2019). JAMA.