Centropelet Zv16: Technical Instructions
Centropelet Zv16: Technical Instructions
Centropelet Zv16: Technical Instructions
Centrometal d.o.o. - Glavna 12, 40306 Macinec, Croatia, tel: +385 40 372 600, fax: +385 40 372 611
CentroPelet ZV16
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Thermostove 17
Dear Customer, Cod. 001121
We thank you for having chosen one of our products, the fruit of technological experience and of continual research for
a superior quality product in terms of safety, dependability, and service.
In this manual you will find all the information and useful suggestions to use your product with the maximum safety
and efficiency.
We highly recommend to turn to our Authorized Service Centre for the installation and the first
ignition of the device as it not only carries out the installation perfectly but also verifies the
regular operation of it.
• Incorrect installation, incorrectly performed maintenance, improper use of the product release the manufacturer from
every eventual damage derived from the use of the stove.
• The unit cannot be used as an incinerator. Do not use fuels other than pellets.
• This manual has been realized by the manufacturer and constitutes an integral part of the product and must remain
with it during its entire lifetime. If the product is sold or transferred, be sure that the booklet is present since the
information contained in it are addressed to the buyer, and to all those persons of various titles who complete the
installation, use and maintenance.
• Carefully read the instructions and the technical information contained in this manual, before proceeding with the
installation, use, and any operation on the product.
• The observance of the indications contained in the present manual guarantees the safety of people and the product,
the economy of use and a longer functioning lifetime.
• Although the carefully studied design and the risk analysis done by our company has permitted the realization of a
safe product, in any case, before effecting any operation on the stove, it is recommended to keep said manual avail-
able and pay scrupulous attention to the instructions written therein.
• Be very careful when moving the ceramic details where present.
• Check the precise flatness of the pavement where the product will be installed
• The wall where the product will be placed must not be constructed in wood, or in any case, made of an inflammable
material, and in addition it is necessary to maintain a safety distance.
• While the stove is in operation, several parts of the stove (door, handle, sides) can reach high temperatures. Therefore
pay attention and use the proper precautions, above all in the presence of children, elderly or disabled persons, and
• Assembly must be performed by authorized persons (Authorized Assistance Center).
• Diagrams and drawings are furnished for the purpose of illustration; the manufacturer, with the intent of pursuing a
policy of constant development and renewal of the product can, without any notice, make any modifications that are
believed opportune.
• When the stove is working at its maximum speed, it is strongly suggested to wear gloves while handling with the door
for pellets loading and the door handle.
• It is prohibited to install in bedrooms or in explosive environments.
• Only use replacement parts recommended by the supplier.
Never cover the body of the stove in any way or obstruct the openings placed on the upper side
when the device is operating. All our stoves are trial lighted on the construction line.
In the event of a fire, disconnect the power supply, use an extinguisher and call the fire fighters if necessary.
After that contact the Authorized Assistance Center.
This instruction booklet is an integral part of the product: make sure that it always accompanies the appliance, even in
case of transfer to another owner or in the case of transfer to another place. In the event of damage or loss, request a
copy from the area technician.
These symbols indicate specific messages in this booklet:
This warning sign indicates that the message to which it refers should be carefully read and understood,
because failure to comply with what these notices say can cause serious damage to the stove and
put the user’s safety at risk.
This symbol is used to highlight information which is important for proper stove operation. Failure to
comply with these provision will compromise use of the stove and its operation will not be satisfactory.
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GB Norms and declarations of conformity
Our company declares that the stove conforms to the fol- • Use of non-original replacement parts;
lowing norms for the EC European Directive labelling: • Exceptional events.
• 2014/30 UE (regulation EMCD) and following
• 2014/35 UE (Low Voltage Directive) and following
• 2011/65 UE (RoHS 2 directive);
• The New Rules of Construction Products (CPR-Con-
struction Products Regulation) No. 305/2011 regarding
the construction world; • Use only wood pellets;
• For installations in Italy, please refer to UNI 10683/98 or •Keep / store the pellets in a cool dry
following changes. For the water-thermo-sanitary equip- place;
ment, let the installer give you the conformity declaration • Never pour pellets directly on the hearth;
in compliance with L. 37/2008. While installing the unit • The thermostove must only be fed with quality
respect the local, national and Europen rules; 6 mm diameter pellets of the type recommend-
• EN 55014-1; EN 55014-2; EN 61000-3-2; EN 61000-3-3; ed by the manufacturer;
EN 60335-1; EN 60335-2-102; EN 62233, EN 50581. • Before making the electrical connection of the
thermostove the discharge tubes must be con-
nected with the flue;
Safety information • The protective grill placed inside the pellet con-
tainer must never be removed;
Please carefully read this use and maintenance manual • The environment where the stove is installed
before installing and operating the stove! must have a sufficient exchange of air;
If clarification is needed, please contact the dealer or the • It is forbidden to operate the thermostove with
Authorized Assistance Center. the door open or the glass broken;
• The pellet stove must only be operated in living envi- • Do not use the thermostove as an incinerator;
ronments. This stove, being controlled by an electronic the thermostove should be used only for the in-
board, permits a completely automatic and controlled tended purpose;
combustion; the exchange, in fact, regulates the lighting • Any other use is considered improper and
phase, 5 power levels and the shut down stage, guaran- therefore dangerous. Do not put in the hopper
teeing the safe operation of the stove. other than wood pellets;
• The basket used for combustion allows most of the ash • When the thermostove is operating, the surfac-
produced by the combustion of the pellets to fall into es, glass, handle and tubes become very hot:
the collection compartment. Nevertheless, check the during operation do not touch these parts with-
basket daily, given that not all pellets have high qual- out adequate protection;
ity standards (use only quality pellets recommended by • Keep the fuel and other inflammable materials
the manufacturer). off the thermostove.
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Charge pellet
Fuel is loaded from the upper part of the stove by opening
a door. Never remove the protection grille in the
Pour the pellets in the hopper; vacuum contains about hopper. When filling, do not let the sack
42 kg of pellets. of pellets touch any hot surfaces.
This is easier if performed in two steps:
• Pour half of the contents of the bag into the hopper and
wait for the fuel to settle on the bottom.
• Then pour in the second half;
• Keep the cover closed , after loading the pellets , the lid
of the fuel tank;
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GB Operating area
For proper functioning and a good temperature distribution,
the stove shoul be positioned in a location where it is able
to take in the air necessary for combustion of the pellet
(about 40 m3/h must be available), as laid down in the
standard governing the installation and in accordance with
local national standards.
The volume of the room must not be less than 30 m3.
The air must come in through permanent openings made
in walls (in proximity to the stove) which give onto the
outside, with a minimum cross-section area of 100 cm2.
These openings must be made in such a way that it is not
possible for then to be obstructed in any way. Alternatively,
the air can be taken from rooms adjacent to the one which
needs ventilating, as long as they are provided with an air
intake from the outside, and are not used as bedrooms or
bathrooms, and provided there is no fire risk such as there
is for example in garages, woodsheds, and storerooms,
with particular reference to what is laid down in current
It is not permissible to install the ther-
100 cm2
40 cm
mostove in bedrooms, bathrooms, or in a
room where another heating appliance is
installed (fireplace, stove etc.) which does not have
its own independent air intake.
Locating the thermostove in a room with an explo-
sive atmosphere is prohibited.
The floor of the room where the thermostove is
to be installed must be strong enough to take its
weight. If walls are flammable, maintain a minimum
distance of 10 cm at the rear (A), of 40 cm at the
side (B) and 100 cm at the front.
If the room contains objects which are believed to
be particularly delicate, such as drapes, sofas and
other furniture, their distance from the thermostove
should be considerably increased.
Connection to the external air intake outside, or by single or collective ventilation ducts.
For this purpose, on the external wall near the thermostove,
It is essential that at least as much air must be able to a hole must be made with a minimum free cross-section
flow into the room where the thermostove is installed as of 100 cm2. (equivalent to a round hole of 12 cm diameter
is required for proper combustion in the appliance and for or a square hole 10x10 cm) protected by a grille on the
the ventilation of the room. inside and the outside.
This can be effected by means of permanent openings in The air intake must also: communicate directly with the
the walls of the room to be ventilated, which give onto the room where the thermostove is installed be protected by
a grille, metal mesh or suitable guard, as long as this does
In the presence of wood floors, install a not reduce the area below the minimum.
floor protection surface in compliance Be positioned in such a way as to be impossible to
with the rules in force in the country obstruct.
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Connection to the flue pipe
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Fireplace flue gas Distance to objects
Avoid contact with combustible materials (example: The thermostove should be inspected on all sides, so you
wooden beams) and in any case provide for their insulation have to keep a distance of at least 40 cm at the back and
with flame retardant material. In case of pipe penetrations sides. It is also recommended to keep the pellets and all
through roofs or walls is recommended to use special flammable materials at a suitable distance
kits crossing, certificates, are available commercially. In
the event of a chimney fire, turn off the stove, disconnect
from the network and never open the door. Then call the
authorities. 40 cm
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Remote Control
The remote control (Fig. 3) used to adjust water temperature
power and the on/off functions for the pellet thermostove.
Fig. 3 Fig. 4
Technical Specification
3/ /4
4 G3 80
50 O
511 82 79
Peso I
PRECISIONE FINO A DA 6 DA 60 DA 120 DA 400 DA 1000 DA 2000 OLTRE
6 A 60 A 120 A 400 A 1000 A 2000 A 4000 4000 0g H
± 0,15 ± 0,2 ± 0,3 520± 0,8
± 0,5 ± 1,2 ±2 ± 3,5 Spessore G
12 ± 0,1 ± 0,15 ± 0,25 ± 0,4 ± 0,6 ±1 ± 1,5 ± 2.5 Errore: Nessun riferimento
LUNGH. LATO CORTO FINO A 10 DA 10 A 50 DA 50 A 150 OLTRE 150 Colore C
CAMPO TOLLERANZA ± 3° ± 2° ± 1° ± 30' B
Il presente disegno rimane di proprietà di AMG S.p.A. Scala Data A
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Nominal efficiency % 95
Tank capacity Kg 33
Nominal frequency Hz 50
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Thermostove start up
1 2
Remove any components wich might
burn from the firebox and from the glass 3
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REMARKS: is a value which can go from 0 to 5. Pressing the key to
In case of repeated ignition lock-outs, while pellets increase power you can scroll the 5 available speeds.
are fed regularly, there may be a problem caused by a If you set the value “0”, you will deactivate
failing electric glow plug. In this case, while you wait for a
technician, the pellet boiler stove can be manually started On the following example, the
by using solid fuel cubes (firelighters). fan for hot air is switched off.
The speed is set on “0”.
Manual starting procedure:
• open the door;
• take a solid fuel cube and place it inside the brazier
On the following example, the
together with some pellets;
fan for hot air is working at its
• light a match and set fire to the solid fuel inside the
highest speed 5.
• wait a couple of minutes, close the door;
• follow the regular ignition procedure.
Working power and water temperature settings Procedure to turn off the
The heating power is set by the
and . A heating Turn off the pellet boiler stove by
power at Po 9 is suggested pressing button , for a couple
during the first working hours of of seconds until “O FF” is shown
the stove. on the upper display
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Room sensor
Internal room sensor Example of operation:
Position of the probe internal environment If the room temperature detected by the sensor and
highlighted on the control panel is 15° C and the set
Only when the laying is finished recommended to check temperature is 20 ° C, the stove will follow a pre-established
that the probe is lifted from its surroundings and away ramp up to the 5 th power and to the achievement of the
from the structure of the hot thermostove, to prevent it target leads to the heater is minimum power. Once 20°
from detecting incorrect temperatures. C is reached, it will go into standby mode et displays
The room probe is located at the back of the thermostove. the word “EC O -S TO P”. When the room temperature drops
When using the internal thermostat, you should always below the value set on the control panel (for example
set a slightly higher temperature a few degrees (eg 22 ° 18° C) and a sufficient shut down time has elapsed,
C, if you want to 20 °C environmental) because the probe the thermostove will come back on automatically and
is affected, however, the influence of the hot thermostove continue running until again reaching 20° C.
The external thermostat is not included with the If you enable this functionality the thermostove, when the
thermostove and is borne by the user. set temperature is reached, The thermostove will stabilize
The thermostove can also be controlled in temperature at minimum power for a time T1 which can be from a
by a thermostat external environment. It is placed in a minimum of 1 minute, to a maximum of 30 minutes. If
median position with respect to the local installation and by this time there is a further request of temperature, the
ensure a better match between the heating temperature thermostove will automatically turn off and the display will
required and that actually provided by the same. show the message “S TO P -F I R E T EC O O F F”.
The thermostove will automatically turn on only if there
is a demand from the thermostat temperature. When the
Installation temperature drops below the value set on the thermostat
(eg 18 ° C), the heater turns back on automatically until
Connect the two wires of the cable coming from the wall again reaching 20° C.
thermostat placed in the connector clamp. Insert the
connector into the socket on the back of the thermostove.
All the operations of automatic re-igni-
Once you have connected the external tion, and in the case of lowering the am-
thermostat the stove disables the internal bient temperature of hot water demand,
thermostat. are possible if the heater is on or in ECO-STOP
mode. If the user provides manually turned off us-
ing the power button, the stove does not perform
The thermostove can work with the “stove modulation” automatic re-ignition upon temperature variation
(standard) or mode ECO-STOP. or if there is a demand for hot water. It is recom-
mended that, in the presence of the kit for the
production of domestic hot water, to disable the
The thermostove has set the standard
ECO-STOP mode to shorten the response time to
ECO-STOP mode disabled.
the hot water demand.
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GB Plumbing system connection
The connection of the stove to the plumb-
ing system must be made ONLY by spe-
cialized personnel who are capable of car-
rying out installation properly, in compliance with
current standards in the country of installation.
The manufacturer will not be held responsible for
damage to persons or things in the event of failed
operation if the aforementioned warning is not
complied with.
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necessary to move it, or when it requires routine and/or In case it is necessary additional water it is necessary to
special maintenance. Connect the stove using hoses so be made the filling process when the heater is cooled to
that the stove is not too strictly connected to the system, room temperature.
and to allow slighht movement.
These are precautions to prevent the arising of thermal
stress of the steel body of the heating stove.
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Heating timer-thermostat
The heating timer-thermostat function is used to program the pellet boiler stove to automatically turn on and off within
a period of one week.
To access programming, hold down button for around three seconds, “U T0 1” will be shown on the upper display:
by pressing button several times and referring to the table below, the stove can be programmed according to your
needs. Press button to exit the programming phase at any time.
These are the heating timer-thermostat parameters:
Parameter Description
Programmable Parameter Description
values values
Thermostove first start-up From 00:00 to 23:50 with Week day selection, third Between on/off for days
UT05 time adjustment 10-minute steps UT13
time activation from 1 to 7
Thermostove first shut- From 00:00 to 23:50 with Thermostove fourth start- From 00:00 to 23:50 with
UT06 UT14
down time adjustment 10-minute steps up time adjustment 10-minute steps
Week day selection, first Between on/off for days Thermostove fourth From 00:00 to 23:50 with
UT07 UT15 shutdown time adjust-
time activation from 1 to 7 10-minute steps
Thermostove second From 00:00 to 23:50 with Week day selection, Between on/off for days
UT08 start-up time adjustment 10-minute steps UT16
fourth time activation from 1 to 7
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UT01: Heating timer-thermostat enabling and disa- UT07: Week day selection
bling and current hour setting. Press button o select the days of the week. Press
This parameter is used to set the current day of the week button to enable (ON) or disable (OFF) the pellet boiler
or to deactivate the set programming. stove start-up day as shown in the following table:
Press buttons and to select the desired value as
shown in the following table: Upper Lower
display display
Meaning Day 1 Monday ON1/OFF1-Si o No
Day 1 Monday Day 2 Tuesday ON2/OFF2-Si o No
Day 7 Sunday In the following example, the pellet boiler stove is only
started on Saturdays and Sundays.
OFF Heating timer-thermostat disabled
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
Example: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
if today is Thursday, select “d ay 4 ”; but select “OFF” to
off 1 off 2 off 3 off 4 off 5 on 6 on 7
start the pellet boiler stove manually (without program-
ming) so that the heating timer-thermostat is disabled.
Press button to go to the following parameter. Confirm and continue with key .
UT08 UT16
UT02: Current hour setting continue as indicated above to set the second, third and
This parameter is used to set the current hour, press fourth ignition times.
buttons and to select the current hour.
Press button to go to the following parameter.
If the stove is controlled by an external thermostat,
when the thermostat reaches the preset temperature,
UT03: Current minutes setting “E C o T ER M” will be shown on the pellet boiler stove dis-
Press buttons and to adjust current minutes. play.
Press buttons to go to the following parameter.
The room temperature thermostat does
not turn off and on the pellet boiler stove;
UT04: Technical parameters setting it sets the stove in saving mode.
Press button to go to the following parameter.
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GB Safety devices
Pressure switch: monitors Reduction motor: Flue gas temperature Electrical safety: the stove
depression in the smoke if the motor stops, the ther- sensor: thermocouple that is protected against violent
duct. It is designed to shut mostove continues to func- measures the temperature surges of current (ex. light-
down the pellet feed screw tion until the flame goes out of the fumes while keeping nings) by the main fuse 4
in the event of an obstruct- for lack of fuel, and until It the operation or shuts the A which is located on the
ed flue or significant back- has cooled down to the thermostove when the flue control panel at the rear of
pressure in the presence minimum level. gas temperature drops be- the thermostove. Other fus-
of wind. At the time of the low the preset value. es to protect the electronic
pressure switch will show boards are to be found on
“AL AR - DE P - F A IL”. the boards themselves.
Safety thermostat with Water temperature probe: Automatic vent valve: this Safety valve: this valve acts
manual reset for the wa- if the water temperature valve eliminates the air in- to prevent over pressuriza-
ter temperature: if the approaches the blocking side the thermostove and tion of the hydraulic system.
temperature of the water temperature (100 °C), the of the heating system. If the pressure of the ther-
tank exceeds the preset probe requires to interrupt mostove or plant exceeds
safety level of 100 °C im- the supply of pellets. 2.5 bar it drains the water
mediately stops the op- from the circuit.
eration of the thermostove
and the display will show
“AL AR - SI C- F A IL”. To restart
you need to reset manually.
Anti-freeze function: if the probe in the thermostove detects a water temperature of less than 5°C, the circulation
pump is automatically activated to keep the system from freezing.
Pump anti-seizure function: if the pump is not used for prolonged periods, it is activated periodically for 10
seconds, to prevent it blocks.
Tampering with the safety devices is prohibited. It is only after eliminating the cause which gave
rise to the intervention of the safety system, that it is possible to relight the stove and thus reset
the automatic operation of the sensor. To understand which anomaly has occurred, consult this
manual at paragraph relating to alarms which explains what to do based on the alarm message the
stove display.
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Alarm signals
In the event of a working defect, the system informs the user about the type of failure occurred.
The following table summarises the alarms, kind of problem and possible solution:
Upper Lower
Kind of failure Solution
Display Display
NO The pellet boiler stove switched off while working Fill in the tank with pellets
The water temperature exceeds 90°C. Check the power supply on the pump.
The circulating pump is blocked or there is no water Check limestone does not block the pump
in the hydraulic system impeller
SOND The water sensor is not connected Check the water sensor is connected
ALAR H20 There is a short circuit on the water sensor Contact an Authorized Assistance Center
ALAR FAN Smokes extractor blocked or broken Contact an Authorized Assistance Center
ALAR DEP Obstructed flue Clean the flue or check there are no obstructed
FAIL grids near the smokes exhaust
The system pressure does not reach 0,5 bar or Reduce the system pressure
ALAR PRESS exceeds 2,3 bar Charge the system
Regular checks should be carried out by the user, who should only contact the Authorized Assistance Center
if no solution is found.
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GB Failure on electrical devices
Failed light-up Manual restart thermostat
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Maintenance and cleaning
All cleaning of all parts must be carried out with the termostove completely cold and unplugged
to avoid burns and thermal shock. The thermostove does not need much maintenance if used
with certified quality pellet. The need for maintenance varies depending on the conditions of use
(switching on and off repeatedly) and depending on the performance required.
Daily control
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Cleaning exchanger - stove off Cleaning of painted pats
Fouling act as insulation and the thicker they are, the Do not clean the painted parts with wet rags when the unit
lower the heat that is transmitted to the water and to the is in operation or hot to prevent thermal shock to the paint
structure generally. Therefore very important to perform which may cause it to detach. Do not use abrasive or ag-
the cleaning of the tube bundle, said exchanger also, to gressive products or materials. Clean with damp cotton
prevent the fouling of the same and prevent clogging and or paper towels. The silicon paints used by manufacturer
jamming of the cleaning device. Pull and push quickly for possess technical characteristics that make them resist-
5-6 times the lever so that the springs can remove the ent to very high temperatures. There is however a physical
soot deposited on the pipes. limit (380° - 400°) beyond which the paint begins to fade
or (over 450°) to vitrify; it may then flake and detach from
the steel surface. If this happens, it means that tempera-
tures have been reached that are far above those at which
the unit should operate properly.
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Cleaning battifiamma CLEANING BY THE TECHNICAL
The thermostove is provided with two elements in vermicu- Check every year
lite: the bottom of the combustion chamber and the battifi-
amma. Compartment ventilation flue gas cleaning
Remove the fixing screws and remove the smoke fan for
cleaning of the same. Perform the task with the greatest
care not to bend the fan blades.
Clean flue
Clean the flue system especially near the fittings to “T”,
curves and any horizontal sections. Is necessary to check
and remove any deposit of ash and soot before the same
clogging the passage of smoke.
Vermiculite is a mineral from a variety of uses in industry
and construction for its insulating properties, thermal and Cleaning the exchanger
acoustic properties. In this case, the vermiculite is used to Once a year is also recommended to clean the upper
avoid unnecessary heat dispersions. Because of its fragil- compartment of the exchanger. To make a proper clean-
ity, it is recommended to handle with extreme care bat- ing is recommended to suck the ash, remove all horizontal
tifiamma during the cleaning of the combustion chamber joints with a screwdriver, then again suck the ash.
and clean it only with a soft, dry cloth.
Lift the upper door that covers the tube by unscrewing the
screws. Pull out the 10 soft brush and wipe with a clean
Shutting the thermostove down 10 exchanger tubes.
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The transaction must be We recommend that an annual maintenance service
completed by unscrewing is carried out, preferably under a programmed service
with a screwdriver the fixing contract. The essential part of this service is a visual and
bushes (photo 1). functional check on the following components:
Remove the screws holding • reduction motor
the cleaning kit to the cam- • smoke expulsion fan
1 era body and pull it com-
pletely (photo 2-3).
• smoke sensor
• heat-exchanger fan
• ignition sparkplug
• resettable pellet thermostat
• room temperature sensor
• pressostat
• motherboard
• fuse protecting panel - motherboard
2 3
These operations must be performed by a
qualified technician, or the user who will
Now the upper section to take responsibility in the event of damage
the heat exchanger is free during maintenance.
from any encumbrance Perform this maintenance heater cold and in the
so as to allow a perfect absence of electricity. If such maintenance is
cleaning. performed by an authorized service center is the
responsibility of the customer.
Surface cleaning
Following the cleaning of the upper compartment of
the exchange section, store the upper closure cover. The thermostove is a product by heating, presents the
This cover must be closed, as well as with normal screws, external surfaces particularly hot.
with webbing in ceramic fiber rope to ensure the watertight For this reason, we recommend extreme caution when
closure of the thermostove. operating in particular:
This general cleaning should be carried out at the end • Do not touch the thermostove body and the various
of the season in order to facilitate the general removal components, do not approach the door, it could cause burns;
of all residues of combustion, without waiting too long, • Do not touch the exhaust fumes;
because with time and humidity these residues can • Do not perform any type of cleaning;
become compacted. • Do not dump the ashes;
Check the seal of the ceramic fiber gaskets on the door of • Do not open the ash tray;
the thermostove. • Be careful that children do not come close.
Then clean the flue system especially near the fittings to
“T” and any horizontal sections. All cleaning of all parts must be carried out with the stove
completely cold and the plug disconnected.
To clean the surfaces, use a rag dampened with water or
For your safety, the frequency of clean-
with water and a neutral detergent.
ing the smoke discharge system must be
determined on the basis of how the ther-
mostove is used.
The use of aggressive detergents or
thinners can damage the surfaces of the
In case of failure or inadequate cleaning of the heater
thermostove. Before using any detergent
may have function problems such as:
it is advisable to try it on a small section out of sight
• poor combustion
or contact the Authorized Assistance Centre for
• blackening of the glass
information regarding the product.
• clogging of grate with accumulation of ash and pellets
• ash deposit and excessive deposits on the heat ex-
changer resulting in poor performance.
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Warnings for cleaning Any kind of tampering or unauthorized substitution of
non-original of the thermostove can be hazardous to the
All cleaning of all parts must be carried out with the stove safety of the operator and relieves the manufacturer from
completely cold and the plug disconnected. any civil or criminal liability. Use only original spare parts.
Before effecting any maintenance operation or cleaning Replace a worn before failure promotes the prevention of
on the stove, take the following precautions: injuries resulting from accidents caused by the sudden
• be sure that all parts of the stove are cold failure of the components.
• be sure that the ashes are completely cold;
• be sure that the general switch is in the “OFF” position; After 1300 hours of operation of the
• be sure that the plug is pulled out of the socket to avoid heater will appear on the lower display
accidental contact; the word “S E R V”, please contact your
• Once the maintenance phase is completed check that Authorized Service Center for cleaning and
everything is in order as per before the intervention (the routine maintenance.
brazier is placed correctly).
Check for proper combustion of the shape and color of the flame
In normal combustion, the flame should have a tapered shape, compact, with character “lively” and with the tips tend
to be vertical or crushed towards the back of the firebox. You have to have the feeling that the flame is pulled upwards.
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1. Check that the room air intake is present and free.
Check that the pipe Ø 5 cm for air inlet is not
1. Insufficient combustion air
Pellet build up in Clean the grate and check that all the airways are clear.
2. Pellets damp or unsuitable
grate, door glass gets Carry out a general cleaning of the combustion
3. Smoke extractor motor broken
dirty and flame is chamber and the smoke duct.
4. Bad adjustment. Wrong ratio
weak Check the state of the door gaskets
between air and pellet
2. Change the type of pellet
3. Check the motor and replace if necessary
4. Contact your Authorized Assistance Center
1. No electrical supply to 1. Check the supplay voltage and the protection fuse
the thermostove 2. Check the motor and capacitor and replace
The smoke extraction
2. The motor is broken if necessary
motor does not work
3. Defective electronic board 3. Replace electronic board
4. Control panel broken 4. Replace the control panel
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High variability of
domestic hot water 1. Water flow is too high 1. Reduce the flow of water (4/6 liters per minute)
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Centrometal d.o.o. shall not be responsible for possible incorrect data caused by printing errors or error made in transcription and all figures and diagrams are for explanatory purposes only and relevant
adjustment have to be made at the spot. In any case, it reserves the right to modify its products as deemed to be required and useful without any prior notification.
e-mail: servis@centrometal.hr HEATING TECHNIQUE