Novel Study Essay Second Draft Rubric

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6-2E: Novel Study Essay (Second Draft) Evaluation Criteria:
Categories Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

(0-49%) (50-59%) (60-69%) (70-79%) (80-100%)


Shows a good Meets little or none of Displays a limited Displays some Displays a considerable Displays a thorough
understanding of the novel the requirements understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the
novel novel novel novel
/4 marks 0-1.9 marks 2-2.3 marks 2.4-2.7 marks 2.8-3.1 marks 3.2-4 marks
Thinking and Inquiry
Explains ideas and states Meets little or none of Explains few ideas or Explains some ideas Explains most ideas Explains all ideas
the significance the requirements seldom states the and states the clearly and states the clearly and states the
significance significance significance significance
/5 marks 0-2.4 marks 2.5-2.9 marks 3-3.4 marks 3.5-3.9 marks 4-5 marks
Includes quotations that Meets little or none of Includes quotations Includes quotations Includes quotations Includes quotations
effectively support the the requirements that don’t really that somewhat support that considerably that thoroughly
argument support the argument the argument support the argument support the argument
/5 marks 0-2.4 marks 2.5-2.9 marks 3-3.4 marks 3.5-3.9 marks 4-5 marks
Organizes writing with a Meets little or none of Organizes writing with Organizes writing with Organizes writing with Organizes writing
series of paragraphs that the requirements limited success some success considerable success with a high degree of
have a logical structure, success
including introduction and
conclusion paragraphs
/3 marks 0-1.4 marks 1.5-1.7 marks 1.8-2 marks 2.1-2.2 marks 2.4-3 marks
Creates an arguable, Meets little or none of Creates a thesis Creates a somewhat Creates an arguable, Creates a completely
specific, and relevant the requirements statement that is either arguable, specific, and specific, and arguable, specific,
thesis statement arguable, specific, or meaningful thesis meaningful thesis and meaningful thesis
meaningful statement statement statement
/4 marks 0-1.9 marks 2-2.3 marks 2.4-2.7 marks 2.8-3.1 marks 3.2-4 marks
Writes topic sentences Meets little or none of Writes few topic Writes topic sentences Writes topic sentences Writes topic
that are related to the the requirements sentences related to somewhat related to related to the thesis sentences completely
thesis the thesis the thesis related to the thesis
/3 marks 0-1.4 marks 1.5-1.7 marks 1.8-2 marks 2.1-2.2 marks 2.4-3 marks
Descriptive Feedback:

Final grade:

/24 marks

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