Lesson Plan: School of Education

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Time: 11.00 – 12.00 Year Level: 2 EYLF Links: Students’ Prior Knowledge:
Date: 4/9/20
Outcome 1: - Dream Time stories are told through
Learning Areas: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 generations in the Indigenous culture
- Exploration and experiences of the
- Dance Outcome 2: dance element of Body and Space to
- English 2.1, 2.2 create dance
- Visual Art
- HASS Outcome 3: Unit of Work: Dream Time Story – How
3.2 the Kangaroos got their Tails
Strand/Topic from the Australian
Curriculum Outcome 4: Lesson 1
4.3, 4.4 English - Read the dreamtime story of How
Dance the Kangaroos got their Tails by George
Making: Skills Outcome 5: Mung Mung. Students need to create a story
5.1 map of the story by writing and illustrating
Exploration of, and experimentation their own version of the story on Book
with, the element of dance – Space; Creator App.
Levels (medium, low, high) to create
dance (ACADAM001) Lesson 2
HASS – The class have been researching
Safe dance practices, including different significant landmarks to Aboriginal
being aware of the dance space culture. In groups of 4 students (each given a
boundaries when involved in dance different material: tissue paper, paint, sticks,
lessons or rehearsals clay) have to create an artwork of this
(ACADAM002) landmark which is then placed on the class
Australian map on the wall. The groups will
need to use their research to write a
paragraph about their landmark which is
displayed with the artwork.

Lesson 3
Visual Art – students need to collect natural
materials, for example, leaves, sticks, bark
and grass and use this to create a collage of
a kangaroo. Ensuring they use a stick for the
tail as told in the story.

Lesson 4 This lesson (EXPLORE)

Dance - Exploration of the dance element of
space and levels while doing animalistic
movements around the room

Lesson 5 (MAKE)
Dance - Children be in pairs. Using their
printed story board from Book Creator, they
explore levels and tradition animalistic type
of dance to tell the story of How the
Kangaroos got their Tails. This performance
will then be performed to the class.
General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
competence creative Social understanding
behaviour competence
Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australia’s engagement with Sustainability
histories and cultures Asia
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)

As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

• Demonstrate with the movements of their bodies an exploration of all three levels (low, medium and
high) while using animalistic movements of a kangaroo

• Identify and demonstrate safe dance practices by staying within the dance boundaries and not
invading others’ space

Teacher’s Prior Preparation / Organization: Provision for students at educational risk:

- Place kangaroo tails around the room - Assist children that struggle with
- Ensure the room is clear and safe to work in movement by giving them a
(remove furniture) stabilising object for example a chair
- Have book on the mat - Provide adequate scaffolding and
- Load three videos stimulus to explore while doing
1. Kangaroo and emu dance movements – talk them
2. Kangaroo dance through kangaroo actions
3. Didgeridoo music - Model and do actions with the child
to help them

Assessment of the objectives:

Complete a marking key for each student

Tick if the student demonstrated the use of all levels(low, medium and high) during their animalistic
exploration of movement. Options: yes, no, ~ kind of (Objective One)

Circle yes or no and comment if a student used safe dance practices while doing movements (Objective
Time: Introduction: Resources/References:

- Have kangaroo tails placed around the room - Kangaroo tails

- Children enter and sit in a circle
- Ask 4 children one at a time to choose a tail and
put it on
- Ask them to show you with their body what kind
of animal this tail belongs to
- Gather students on the mat facing you
- Remind students of the unit of work regarding
How the Kangaroos got their Tails and read the
- Book: How the Kangaroos got their Tails Told by
George Mung Mung and complied by Pamela Lofts
- KEY QUESTION: What types of story do we called
this? (Aboriginal Dream Time Story)
- Discuss that Dream Time stories are told through
generations and that we are able to tell them in
various ways

11.15 Body (EXPLORE)

- Begin discussion about Traditional Indigenous

- Indigenous Australians or Aboriginals express
many stories through traditional dances
- They use animalistic movements (movements
inspired by animals) to create dances
- Discuss and question students on safe dance
practices, such as rehearsal space boundaries and
spatial awareness
11.20 - Warm up
- Cardio: Animal workout (each animal for 30
- Strength and flexibility: Teacher directed class
warm up that the class have been working on it
since the beginning of the year so they are familiar
with it
11.25 - Activity
- Play Indigenous Australian music. Ask students to Didgeridoo music:
move around the room as different Australian https://www.youtube.com
animals, thinking about how they would move in /watch?v=nN-542IYoE0
the bush
- For, example: Kangaroo, emu, serpent, frog,
- Gain attention with teacher: “Macaroni cheese”
Students: “Everybody freeze”
- KEY QUESTION: Ask students if they noticed how
as they danced as different animals they changed
their levels
- Low, medium, high
- KEY QUESTION: Ask students for some examples of
how they used levels when moving like an animal
- Watch kangaroo dance and ask students to notice Kangaroo dance:
how the dances levels change throughout https://www.youtube.com
- Discuss the use of different levels in the video /watch?v=_b-vI3Nf50g
(low, medium high)
- KEY QUESTION: Ask students to stand up and
explore animalistic movements of the kangaroo
first in a low level, then medium then high
- Use stimulus to assist the children for example:
Low: “imagine you are sleeping under a tree and
you wake up and slowly stretch and start to move
Medium: “Imagine you are searching for food on
the ground or in trees”
High: “You see a predator and begin to jump away,
you are standing on your back legs looking around
and using your tail to balance”
- Next ask them to explore all three during the same
movement piece
- Cool down in a circle
- Allocate 5 students to choose a stretch card from
the box to do for today’s cool down
- As the teacher ensure every muscle group has
been stretched and if not add a few extras to
ensure the students bodies have been completely
cooled down

11.50 Conclusion (CONNECT and REFLECT)

- Ask children to get into pairs
- Label one student A and one B
- Begin with student A, they must describe what
story they told with their movement or what kind
of actions they were doing as a kangaroo and
discuss the different use of levels
- Next B will need to describe their movements
- Ask if any pairs would like to share with the whole
class what kind of movements and actions they did
including the exploration of levels

Animal Warm Up:

Stretch Cards:

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