Error Codes & Diagram DCF80-100

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The document discusses error codes for machines, including their levels, display format, and what each field in the display indicates.

The three error code levels are Stop, Warning, and Information. Stop indicates a serious issue, Warning means an issue should be addressed soon, and Information is minor.

Error codes are displayed with the error code number, level symbol, type of error, and affected function. They can come from the machine, engine, or transmission systems.

D Error codes – Error codes 3

Error codes
mm mm mm mm mm mm

Error codes, explanation


The error codes are explained in table form for Engine, Transmission
as well as Control system. They are sorted according to error code
The error code table has the following information:
• Code, error code's number, shown in field C on display.
• Description, explanation of the error code and when it's generat-
• Limitation, in case of certain error codes certain functions are im-
paired or limited to protect the machine and operator.
• Action, information of what should be checked to find the cause of
B. Error code level (symbol)
the error code.
C. Error code number
D. Cause of error (symbol) • Diagnostic menu, reference to suitable diagnostic menu to fix the
E. Function (symbol) problem, read signal value or check the function.
In addition to the explanation of the display figure, the description
of the diagnostic menus contains reference to circuit diagrams
that are found in section E Schematics and reference to function
group for further information about functions and components.
• Function group is a reference to which function group the error
code is connected. This field is used to search for more informa-
tion as necessary. The function group can be used to find different
types of information.
Sections 0-12 contain a description of the function and its compo-
nents, component position and work instructions for different

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

4 D Error codes – Error codes

Error code menu, description


The control system’s display is divided into four fields that show infor-
mation (see figure to the left).
• Field B: Error code level shown with a symbol.
• Field C: Indicates error code.
• Field D: Indicates type of error.
• Field E: Indicates which function is affected by error code.
• The book symbol means that there's information in the operator's

Field B: Error code level

The control system gives error code information in three levels which
are indicated with a symbol in the lower left corner (B) on the display
• Stop
Indicates a serious malfunction that may affect operator safety or
cause machine breakdown. The error code must be taken care of
immediately. Stop working with the machine and contact service
The error code is shown automatically on the display.

• Warning
Indicates machine malfunction that should be taken care of as
soon as possible. After finished work shift with the machine, con-
tact service as soon as possible.
The error code is shown automatically on the display.

• Information
Information to the operator that something should be fixed, e.g.,
broken bulb. Fix the cause of the error code as soon as possible.
See section 6 Inspection and maintenance in the Operator’s man-
The error code is stored in the error code list under operating
menu for service.

VDCF03.01GB Workshop Manual DCF 90-100

D Error codes – Error codes 5

Field C: Error code number

The control system gives error codes from three sub-systems:
• Machine:
Shown with error code number XXX on display.

• Engine:
Shown with error code number XXX/YY on display.

If several error codes come from the engine, the error code
level is shown for the most serious error code.

• Transmission:
Shown with error code number XX/YY on display.

Field D: Type of error

1. Too high/too low temperature.
2. Incorrect signal to solenoid valve.
3. Incorrect hydraulic pressure.
4. Incorrect sensor signal.
5. Incorrect signal from control.
6. Incorrect signal to bulb.
7. Incorrect signal, for example, open circuit.

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

6 D Error codes – Error codes

Field E: Affected function

1. Attachment
2. Rotation of attachment
3. Side shift of attachment
4. Length adjustment attachment
5. Leveling attachment
6. Twistlocks
7. Forks up/down
8. Tilt forks
9. Side shift forks
10. Spreading forks
11. Rotation forks
12. Overload protection
13. Hydraulic functions
14. Brake system
15. Steering
16. Engine
17. Transmission
18. Central lubrication
19. Control unit
20. Hardware-related error
21. Cab
22. Air conditioning system
23. Fuel system
24. Headlights
25. Windshield wipers
26. Battery voltage
27. Bulb for lighting

VDCF03.01GB Workshop Manual DCF 90-100

D Error codes – Error codes 7

Reading out error code


In case of an error code, perform the actions recommended in the
error code table to find the problem.
Error codes are stored as active and inactive. Active errors are
shown in the error code menu.
Always use error code menus for reading out error codes, other-
wise there is a risk of missing error codes.

1 Turn the start key to position I.

Risk of machine damage.

In case of error codes of level “WARNING” and

“STOP”, serious machine damage may result if the
engine is started.

Do not start the engine until the cause of the error

code has been identified or repaired.

2 Navigate to the service menu and press Enter.

3 Safety menu is shown. Hold Enter depressed for at least two sec-

4 The error code list is shown on the display. Active error code is
shown on display where field C shows error code number togeth-
er with X(Y). X shows sequence number for shown error code
and (Y) shows number of active error codes.
Scroll between error codes with key 1 and 2 (arrow function).
Error codes disappear from the list when the cause has been

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

8 D Error codes – Error codes

5 Note error code number (field C) to not forget.

• Error code level is shown with a symbol in field B
• Error code is shown in field C
• Error cause is shown with a symbol in field D
• Function affected by the error is shown with a symbol in field
The book symbol is an instruction for the operator to read the
operator’s manual.
6 Use the error code tables to find more information about the error
7 After action, check that no active error codes remain for the func-
tion in question.

VDCF03.01GB Workshop Manual DCF 90-100

D Error codes – 1 Engine 9

1 Engine
mm mm mm mm mm mm

Error codes engine, general


When contacting engine suppliers, use Volvo/Cummins codes.

• Display indicates error code according to SAE J1939
• Flash indicates error code according to a flash code specified by
the engine supplier.
• J1587 indicates error code according to SAE J1587 (for Volvo:

Table 1. Specification FMI

FMI Description SAE-text

0 Too high value. Valid data, but higher than normal operating range.

1 Too low value. Valid data, but lower than normal operating range.

2 Incorrect data. Intermittent or incorrect data.

3 Electrical problem. Abnormally high voltage or short-circuiting to higher voltage.

4 Electrical problem. Abnormally low voltage or short-circuiting to lower voltage.

5 Electrical problem. Abnormally low current or open circuit.

6 Electrical problem. Abnormally high current or short-circuiting to frame ground.

7 Mechanical problem. Incorrect response from mechanical system.

8 Mechanical problem or electrical problem. Abnormal frequency.

9 Communication error. Abnormal update rate.

10 Mechanical problem or electrical problem. Abnormally wide variations.

11 Unknown malfunction. Non-identifiable error.

12 Component error. Defective unit or component.

13 Incorrect calibration. Values outside calibration values.

14 Unknown malfunction. Special instructions.

15 Too high value. Data valid but above normal operating range - Least severe level

16 Too high value. Data valid but above normal operating range - Moderately severe

17 Too low value. Data valid but below normal operating range - Least severe level

18 Too low value. Data valid but below normal operating range - Moderately severe

19 Communication error. Received network data in error

20-30 Reserved for SAE assignment

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

10 D Error codes – 1 Engine

FMI Description SAE-text

31 FMI is not available or the condition that is Not available or condition exists
identified by the SPN exists.

VDCF03.01GB Workshop Manual DCF 90-100

D Error codes – 1 Engine 11

Error codes engine (engine

alternative Cummins QSB6.7)

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos-
tions and tic menu
Code J1587
84 / 2 P084 / 2 Machine Speed Sensor Cir- Engine speed limit- Check cabling D794 ENGINE,
cuit - Data Erratic, Intermit- ed to Maximum En- between con- menu 2
tent or Incorrect. The ECU gine Speed without trol unit and
794 lost the machine speed VSS parameter val- component.
signal. ue. Cruise control, Check the sen-
Gear-Down Protec- sor.
tion, and Road
Speed Governor
will not work.

84 / 10 P084 / Machine Speed Sensor Cir- Engine speed limit- Check cabling D794 ENGINE,
10 cuit Tampering Has Been ed to Maximum En- between con- menu 2
Detected - Abnormal Rate of gine Speed without trol unit and
Change. Invalid or inappro- VSS parameter val- component.
priate machine speed signal. ue. Cruise control, Check the sen-
Signal indicates an intermit- Gear-Down Protec- sor.
tent connection or VSS tam- tion, and Road
pering. Speed Governor
will not work.

91 / 0 P91 / 0 Accelerator Pedal or Lever Severe derate in - - ENGINE,

Position Sensor 1 - Data power output of the menu 1
Valid but Above Normal Op- engine. Limp home
erational Range - Most Se- power only.
vere Level. A frequency of
more than 1500 Hz has
been detected at the fre-
quency throttle input to the
ECU 794.

91 / 1 P91 / 1 Accelerator Pedal or Lever Severe derate in - - ENGINE,

Position 1 Sensor Circuit power output of the menu 1
Frequency - Data Valid but engine. Limp home
Below Normal Operational power only.
Range - Most Severe Level.
A frequency of less than 100
HZ has been detected at the
frequency throttle input to
the ECU 794.

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

12 D Error codes – 1 Engine

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos-

tions and tic menu
Code J1587
91 / 19 P91 SAE J1939 Multiplexing Ac- Engine may only Use diagnostic - -
celerator Pedal or Lever idle or engine will menu to find in-
Sensor System Error - Re- not accelerate to full correct seg-
ceived Network Data Error. speed. ment.
The OEM machine electron-
ic control unit (VECU) de-
tected a fault with its
accelerator pedal.

91 / 2 P31 / 2 Position sensor accelerator - - ENGINE,

pedal menu 1

91 / 3 P091 / 3 Accelerator Pedal or Lever Severe derate in Check cabling - ENGINE,

Position Sensor Circuit - power output of the between con- menu 1
Shorted High. High voltage engine. Limp home trol unit and
detected at accelerator ped- capability only. component.
al or lever position circuit. Check the

91 / 4 P091 / 4 Accelerator Pedal or Lever Severe derate in Check cabling - ENGINE,

Position Sensor Circuit - power output of the between con- menu 1
Voltage Below Normal or engine. Limp home trol unit and
Shorted to Low Source. Low capability only. component.
voltage detected at acceler- Check the
ator pedal or lever position component.
signal circuit.

94 / 1 P94 / 1 Fuel pump delivery pressure Possibly hard to - D794 -

- data valid but below normal start; low power;
operational range - moder- possible engine
ately severe level. The ECU smoke. Engine can
794 has detected the fuel possibly not start.
pressure in the fuel rail is
lower than the commanded

94 / 2 P094 / 2 Injector Metering Rail 1 The ECU 794 will - D794 -

Pressure - Data Erratic, In- estimate fuel pres-
termittent, or Incorrect. The sure, and power is
ECU 794 has detected that reduced.
the fuel pressure signal is
not changing.

VDCF03.01GB Workshop Manual DCF 90-100

D Error codes – 1 Engine 13

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos-

tions and tic menu
Code J1587
94 / 18 P94 / 0 Fuel pump delivery pressure None or possible - D794 -
- data valid but above nor- engine noise asso-
mal operational range - ciated with higher
moderately severe level. injection pressures
The ECU 794 has detected (especially at idle or
fuel pressure in the fuel rail light load). Engine
that is higher than the com- power is reduced.
manded pressure.

97 / 3 P097 / 3 Water-in-fuel indicator sen- None on perform- Check cabling D794 -

sor circuit - Voltage above ance. No water-in- between con-
normal or short circuited to fuel warning availa- trol unit and
high source. High voltage ble. component.
detected at the water-in-fuel Check the sen-
circuit. sor.

97 / 4 P097 / 4 Water-in-fuel indicator sen- None on perform- Check cabling D794 -

sor circuit - Voltage below ance. No water-in- between con-
normal or short circuited to fuel warning availa- trol unit and
low source. Low voltage de- ble. component.
tected at the water-in-fuel Check the sen-
circuit. sor.

97 / 15 P097 / 0 Water-in-fuel indicator - Possible white Drain water - -

Data valid but above normal smoke, loss of pow- from the fuel.
operational range - least se- er, or hard starting
vere level. Water has been
detected in the fuel filter.

100 / 1 P100 / 1 Engine Oil Rifle Pressure - Progressive power Check oil level - ENGINE,
Data Valid but Below Normal derate increasing in in the engine, menu 6
Operational Range - Most severity from time top up as need-
Severe Level. Oil pressure after alert. If the En- ed.
signal indicates oil pressure gine Protection
is below the engine protec- Shutdown feature is
tion critical limit. enabled, engine will
shut down 30 sec-
onds after the red
STOP lamp starts

100 / 2 P100 / 2 Oil Pressure Switch Sensor None on perform- Check cabling D794 ENGINE,
Circuit - Data Erratic, Inter- ance. No engine between con- menu 6
mittent or Incorrect. An error protection for oil trol unit and
in the engine oil pressure pressure. component.
switch signal was detected Check the sen-
by the ECU 794. sor.

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

14 D Error codes – 1 Engine

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos-

tions and tic menu
Code J1587
100 / 3 P100 / 3 Oil Pressure Sensor Circuit - None on perform- Check cabling D794 ENGINE,
Voltage Above Normal, or ance. No engine between con- menu 6
Shorted to High Source. protection for oil trol unit and
High signal voltage detected pressure. component.
at the engine oil pressure Check the sen-
circuit. sor.

100 / 4 P100 / 4 Oil Pressure Sensor Circuit - None on perform- Check cabling D794 ENGINE,
Voltage Below Normal, or ance. No engine between con- menu 6
Shorted to Low Source. Low protection for oil trol unit and
signal voltage detected at pressure. component.
the engine oil pressure cir- Check the sen-
cuit. sor.

100 / 18 P100 / 1 Engine Oil Rifle Pressure - None on perform- Check oil level - ENGINE,
Data Valid but Below Normal ance. in the engine, menu 6
Operational Range - Moder- top up as need-
ately Severe Level. Engine ed.
oil pressure signal indicates
engine oil pressure is below
the engine protection warn-
ing limit.

102 / 2 P102 /2 Intake Manifold Pressure Engine power der- Check cabling D794 ENGINE,
Sensor Circuit - Data Erratic, ate. between con- menu 6
Intermittent or Incorrect. The trol unit and
ECU 794 has detected an in- component.
take manifold pressure sig- Check the sen-
nal that is too high or low for sor.
current engine operating

102 / 2 P102 /2 Intake manifold pressure Derate in power Check cabling D794 ENGINE,
sensor circuit - data incor- output of the en- between con- menu 6
rect. An error in the intake gine. trol unit and
manifold pressure sensor component.
signal was detected by the Check the sen-
ECU 794. sor.

102 / 3 P102 / 3 Intake Manifold Pressure Derate in power Check cabling D794 ENGINE,
Sensor Circuit - Voltage output of the en- between con- menu 6
Above Normal or Shorted to gine. trol unit and
High Source. High signal component.
voltage detected at the in- Check the sen-
take manifold pressure cir- sor.

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D Error codes – 1 Engine 15

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos-

tions and tic menu
Code J1587
102 / 4 P102 / 4 Intake Manifold Pressure Derate in power Check cabling D794 ENGINE,
Sensor Circuit - Voltage Be- output of the en- between con- menu 6
low Normal or Shorted to gine. trol unit and
Low Source. Low signal volt- component.
age detected at the intake Check the sen-
manifold pressure circuit. sor.

103 / 10 P103 / Turbocharger speed - invalid Possible-low-pow- Check cabling D794 -

10 rate of change detected. The er estimated turbo- between con-
turbocharger speed sensor charger speed will trol unit and
has detected an erroneous be used. component.
speed value. Check the sen-

103 / 16 P103 / 0 Turbocharger Number 1 Engine power der- Check the D794 -
speed high - warning level. ate. The ECU 794 component
High turbocharger speed uses an estimated
has been detected. turbocharger

103 / 18 P103 / 1 Turbocharger number 1 Engine power der- Check the D794 -
speed low - warning level. ate. The ECU 794 component
Low turbocharger speed de- uses an estimated
tected by the ECU 794. turbocharger

105 / 0 P105 / 0 Intake Manifold 1 Tempera- Progressive power Check the - ENGINE,
ture - Data Valid but Above derate increasing in coolant level in menu 7
Normal Operational Range - severity from time the engine, top
Most Severe Level. Intake after alert. If the En- up as needed.
manifold air temperature sig- gine Protection Check that the
nal indicates intake manifold Shutdown feature is charge-air
air temperature above en- enabled, engine will cooler is clean,
gine protection critical limit. shut down 30 sec- clean as need-
onds after the red ed.
STOP lamp starts
flashing. Check that fan
belts are intact.
Check the sen-

105 / 3 P105 / 3 Intake Manifold Air Temper- Possible white Check cabling D794 ENGINE,
ature Sensor Circuit - Volt- smoke. Fan will stay between con- menu 7
age Above Normal or ON if controlled by trol unit and
Shorted to High Source. the ECU 794. No component.
High signal voltage detected engine protection Check the sen-
at intake manifold air tem- for intake manifold sor.
perature circuit. air temperature

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

16 D Error codes – 1 Engine

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos-

tions and tic menu
Code J1587
105 / 4 P105 / 4 Intake Manifold Air Temper- Possible white Check cabling D794 ENGINE,
ature Sensor Circuit - Volt- smoke. Fan will stay between con- menu 7
age Below Normal or ON if controlled by trol unit and
Shorted to Low Source. Low the ECU 794. No component.
signal voltage detected at in- engine protection Check the sen-
take manifold air tempera- for intake manifold sor.
ture circuit. air temperature

105 / 15 P105 / 0 Intake Manifold Tempera- Progressive power Check the D794 ENGINE,
ture High - Data Valid but derate increasing in coolant level in menu 7
Above Normal Operational severity from time of the engine, top
Range - Least Severe Level. alert. up as needed.
Intake manifold air tempera- Check that the
ture signal indicates intake charge-air
manifold air temperature cooler is clean,
above engine protection clean as need-
warning limit. ed.
Check that fan
belts are intact.
Check the sen-

108 / 2 P108 / 2 Barometric pressure: Data Engine power der- Check cabling - -
erratic, intermittent, or incor- ate. between con-
rect. The ambient air pres- trol unit and
sure sensor reads an erratic component.
value upon activation. Check the sen-

108 / 3 P108 / 3 Barometric Pressure Sensor Engine power der- Check cabling D794 -
Circuit - Voltage Above Nor- ate. between con-
mal, or Shorted to High trol unit and
Source. High signal voltage component.
detected at barometric pres- Check the sen-
sure circuit. sor.

108 / 4 P108 / 4 Barometric Pressure Sensor Engine power der- Check cabling D794 -
Circuit - Voltage Below Nor- ate. between con-
mal, or Shorted to Low trol unit and
Source. Low signal voltage component.
detected at barometric pres- Check the sen-
sure circuit. sor.

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D Error codes – 1 Engine 17

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos-

tions and tic menu
Code J1587
110 / 0 P110 / 0 Engine Coolant Tempera- Progressive power Check coolant - ENGINE,
ture - Data Valid but Above derate increasing in level. menu 7
Normal Operational Range - severity from time Check that ra-
Most Severe Level. Engine after alert. If the En- diator is clean.
coolant temperature signal gine Protection
indicates engine coolant Shutdown feature is Check if there’s
air in coolant
temperature above engine enabled, engine will
protection critical limit. shut down 30 sec- system.
onds after the red Check the cap
STOP lamp starts on the expan-
flashing. sion tank.
Check the sen-
Check thermo-

110 / 2 P110 / 2 Engine Coolant Tempera- The ECU 794 will Check cabling D794 ENGINE,
ture - Data Erratic, Intermit- estimate engine between con- menu 7
tent, or Incorrect. The coolant tempera- trol unit and
engine coolant temperature ture. component.
reading is not changed with Check the sen-
engine operating conditions. sor.

110 / 3 P110 / 3 Engine Coolant Tempera- Possible white Check cabling D794 ENGINE,
ture 1 Sensor Circuit - Volt- smoke. Fan will stay between con- menu 7
age Above Normal or ON if controlled by trol unit and
Shorted to High Source. ECU 794. No en- component.
High signal voltage or open gine protection for Check the sen-
circuit detected at engine engine coolant tem- sor.
coolant temperature circuit. perature.

110 / 4 P110 / 4 Engine Coolant Tempera- Possible white Check cabling D794 ENGINE,
ture 1 Sensor Circuit - Volt- smoke. Fan will stay between con- menu 7
age Below Normal or ON if controlled by trol unit and
Shorted to Low Source. Low ECU 794. No en- component.
signal voltage detected at gine protection for Check the sen-
engine coolant temperature engine coolant tem- sor.
circuit. perature.

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

18 D Error codes – 1 Engine

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos-

tions and tic menu
Code J1587
110 / 15 P110 / 0 Engine Coolant Tempera- Progressive power Check coolant D794 ENGINE,
ture High - Data Valid but derate increasing in level. menu 7
Above Normal Operational severity from time of Check that ra-
Range - Least Severe Level. alert. diator is clean.
Engine coolant temperature
signal indicates coolant tem- Check if there’s
air in coolant
perature is above the engine
coolant temperature engine system.
protection warning limit. Check the cap
on the expan-
sion tank.
Check the sen-
Check thermo-

110 / 16 P110 / 0 Engine Coolant Tempera- Progressive power Check coolant D794 ENGINE,
ture - Data Valid but Above derate increasing in level. menu 7
Normal Operational Range - severity from time of Check that ra-
Moderately Severe Level. alert. diator is clean.
Engine coolant temperature
Check if there’s
signal indicates engine cool-
ant temperature is above en- air in coolant
gine protection warning limit. system.
Check the cap
on the expan-
sion tank.
Check the sen-
Check thermo-

111 / 1 P111 / 1 Coolant Level - Data Valid Progressive power Check the - -
but Below Normal Opera- derate increasing in coolant level,
tional Range - Most Severe severity from time top up if need-
Level. Low engine coolant after alert. If the en- ed.
level detected. gine protection Check the sen-
shutdown feature is sor.
enabled, engine will
shut down 30 sec-
onds after the red
STOP lamp starts

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D Error codes – 1 Engine 19

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos-

tions and tic menu
Code J1587
111 / 3 P111 / 3 Coolant Level Sensor Circuit None on perform- Check cabling D794 -
- Voltage Above Normal or ance. between con-
Shorted to High Source. trol unit and
High signal voltage detected component.
at engine coolant level cir- Check the sen-
cuit. sor.

111 / 4 P111 / 4 Coolant Level Sensor Circuit None on perform- Check cabling D794 -
- Voltage Below Normal or ance. between con-
Shorted to Low Source. Low trol unit and
signal voltage detected at component.
the engine coolant level cir- Check the sen-
cuit. sor.

157 / 0 P94 / 0 Injector Metering Rail None or possible - D794 -

Number 1 Pressure - Data engine noise asso-
Valid But Above Normal Op- ciated with higher
erating Range - Most Severe injection pressures
Level. The ECU 794 has de- (especially at idle or
tected that fuel pressure in light load). Engine
the rail fuel is higher than the power is reduced.
commanded pressure.

157 / 2 P157 / 2 Injector Metering Rail 1 The ECU 794 will - D794 -
Pressure - Data Erratic, In- estimate fuel pres-
termittent, or Incorrect. the sure, and power is
ECU 794 has detected that reduced.
the fuel pressure signal is
not changing.

157 / 3 P157 / 3 Injector Metering Rail Power and or speed - D794 -

Number 1 Pressure Sensor derate.
Circuit - Voltage Above Nor-
mal or Shorted to High
Source. High signal voltage
detected at rail fuel pressure
sensor circuit.

157 / 4 P157 / 4 Injector Metering Rail Power and or speed - D794 -

Number 1 Pressure Sensor derate.
Circuit - Voltage Below Nor-
mal or Shorted to Low
Source. Low signal voltage
detected at the rail fuel pres-
sure sensor circuit.

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20 D Error codes – 1 Engine

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos-

tions and tic menu
Code J1587
157 / 16 P157 / 0 Injector Metering Rail 1 None or possible - D794 -
Pressure - Data Valid but engine noise asso-
Above Normal Operational ciated with higher
Range - Moderately Severe injection pressures
Level. The ECU 794 has de- (especially at idle or
tected that fuel pressure is light load). Engine
higher than commanded power is reduced.

157 / 18 P157 / 1 Fuel Pump Delivery Pres- Possibly hard to - D794 -

sure Low - Data Valid but start, low power, or
Below Normal Operational engine smoke. En-
Range - Moderately Severe gine can possibly
Level. The ECU 794 has de- not start.
tected that fuel pressure is
lower than commanded

167 / 1 P167 / 1 Electrical Charging System Warning lamp illu- Check batter- D794 -
Voltage Low - Data Valid but minated until very ies and alterna-
Below Normal Operational low battery voltage tor.
Range - Most Severe Level. condition is correct-
Very low battery voltage de- ed.
tected by the battery voltage
monitor feature.

167 / 16 P167 / 0 Electrical Charging System Amber warning Check fuses. D794 -
Voltage High - Data Valid lamp illuminated un- Check batter-
but Above Normal Opera- til high battery volt- ies and alterna-
tional Range - Moderately age condition is tor.
Severe Level. High battery corrected.
voltage detected by the bat-
tery voltage monitor feature.

167 / 18 P167 / 1 Electrical Charging System Amber lamp will Check batter- D794 -
Voltage Low - Data Valid but light until low bat- ies and alterna-
Below Normal Operational tery voltage condi- tor.
Range - Moderately Severe tion is corrected.
Level. Low battery voltage
detected by the battery volt-
age monitor feature.

168 / 16 P168 / 0 Battery 1 Voltage - Data Val- Possible electrical Check fuses. D794 -
id but Above Normal Opera- damage to all elec- Check batter-
tional Range - Moderately trical components. ies and alterna-
Severe Level. ECU 794 sup- tor.
ply voltage is above the
maximum system voltage

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D Error codes – 1 Engine 21

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos-

tions and tic menu
Code J1587
168 / 18 S168 / 1 Battery 1 Voltage - Data Val- Engine may stop Check fuses. D794 -
id but Below Normal Opera- running or be diffi- Check batter-
tional Range - Moderately cult to start. ies and alterna-
Severe Level. ECU 794 sup- tor.
ply voltage is below the min-
imum system voltage level.

171 / 3 P171 / 3 Ambient temperature sen- - D794 -

sor, circuit fault- Abnormally
high voltage or short-circuit
to higher voltage.

171 / 4 P171 / 4 Ambient temperature sen- - D794 -

sor, circuit fault - Abnormally
low voltage or short-circuit to
lower voltage.

190 / 0 P190 / 0 Engine Crankshaft Speed/ Fuel injection disa- Ease off throt- - -
Position - Data Valid but bled until engine tle or select
Above Normal Operational speed fails below higher gear.
Range - Most Severe Level. the overspeed limit.
Engine speed signal indi-
cates engine speed above
engine protection limit.

190 / 2 P190 / 2 Engine Crankshaft Speed/ Engine can exhibit Check cabling D794 -
Position - Data Erratic, Inter- misfire as control between con-
mittent, or Incorrect. Crank- switches from the trol unit and
shaft engine speed sensor primary to the back- component.
intermittent synchronization. up speed sensor. Check the sen-
Engine power is re- sor.
duced while the en-
gine operates on
the backup speed

190 / 2 P190 / 2 Engine Crankshaft Speed/ Engine can run Check cabling D794 -
Position - Data Erratic, Inter- rough. Possibly between con-
mittent, or Incorrect. Loss of poor starting capa- trol unit and
signal from crankshaft sen- bility. Engine runs component.
sor. using backup speed Check the sen-
sensor. Engine sor.
power is reduced.

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

22 D Error codes – 1 Engine

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos-

tions and tic menu
Code J1587
251 / 2 P251 / 2 Real-Time Clock Power In- None on perform- - - -
terrupt - Data Erratic, Inter- ance. Data in the
mittent or Incorrect. Real- ECU 794 will not
time clock lost power. have accurate time
and date informa-

441 / 3 P441 / 3 Auxiliary Temperature Sen- None on perform- Check cabling D794 -
sor Input 1 - Voltage Above ance. between con-
Normal, or Shorted to High trol unit and
Source. High signal voltage component.
or open circuit detected at Check the sen-
the OEM auxiliary tempera- sor.
ture circuit.

441 / 4 P441 / 4 Auxiliary Temperature Sen- None on perform- Check cabling D794 -
sor Input 1 Circuit - Voltage ance. between con-
Below Normal, or Shorted to trol unit and
Low Source. Low signal volt- component.
age detected at OEM auxil- Check the sen-
iary temperature circuit. sor.

558 / 2 S230 / 2 Accelerator Pedal or Lever Engine will only idle. Check cabling D794 -
Idle Validation Circuit - Data between con-
Erratic, Intermittent or Incor- trol unit and
rect. Voltage detected simul- component.
taneously on both idle Check compo-
validation and off-idle valida- nent.
tion switches.

558 / 4 S230 / 4 Accelerator Pedal or Lever Engine will only idle. Check cabling D794 -
Idle Validation Circuit - Volt- between con-
age Below Normal or Short- trol unit and
ed to Low Source. No component.
voltage detected simultane- Check compo-
ously on both the idle valida- nent.
tion off-idle and on-idle

558 / 13 S230 / Accelerator Pedal or Lever Engine will only idle. Check cabling D794 -
13 Idle Validation Circuit - Out between con-
of Calibration. Voltage at idle trol unit and
validation on-idle and off-idle component.
circuit does not match accel- Check compo-
erator pedal position. nent.

VDCF03.01GB Workshop Manual DCF 90-100

D Error codes – 1 Engine 23

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos-

tions and tic menu
Code J1587
611 / 2 P089 / 2 Auxiliary Intermediate (PTO) Intermediate speed - D794 -
Speed Switch Validation - control switch may
Data Erratic, Intermittent, or not operate correct-
Incorrect. The position of the ly.
intermediate speed control
switch 1 does not match the
position of the intermediate
speed control validation

611 / 3 S232 / 3 Sensor Supply Voltage 4 Engine will only idle. - D794 -
Circuit - Voltage Above Nor-
mal or Shorted to High
Source. High voltage detect-
ed at +5 volt sensor supply
circuit to the accelerator
pedal position sensor.

611 / 4 S232 / 4 Sensor Supply 3 Circuit - Possible hard start- - D794 -

Voltage Below Normal, or ing and rough run-
Shorted to Low Source. Low ning.
voltage detected on the +5
volt sensor supply circuit to
the engine speed sensor.

611 / 4 S232 / 4 Sensor Supply Voltage 4 Engine will only die. - D794 -
Circuit - Voltage Below Nor-
mal or Shorted to Low
Source. Low voltage detect-
ed at +5 VDC sensor supply
circuit to the accelerator
pedal position sensor.

611 / 15 S151 / 0 Turbocharger compressor Fuel is limited in an - D794 -

outlet temperature - data attempt to decrease
above normal. High turbo- the calculated tur-
charger compressor outlet bocharger com-
temperature has been calcu- pressor outlet
lated by the ECU 794. temperature.

612 / 2 P190 / 2 Engine Magnetic Crankshaft Fueling to the injec- - D794 -

Speed/Position lost both of tors is disabled, and
two signals - Data Erratic, In- the engine can not
termittent, or Incorrect. The be started.
ECU 794 has detected that
the primary engine speed
sensor and the backup en-
gine speed sensor signals
are reversed.

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

24 D Error codes – 1 Engine

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos-

tions and tic menu
Code J1587
627 / 2 S251 / 2 Power Lost without Ignition Possible no notice- Check fuses. D794 -
Off - Data Erratic, Intermit- able performance Check batter-
tent or Incorrect. Supply volt- effects or engine ies and alterna-
age to the ECU 794 fell dying or hard start- tor.
below 6.2 volts momentarily, ing. Fault informa-
or the ECU 794 was not al- tion, trip
lowed to power down cor- information, and
rectly (retain battery voltage maintenance moni-
for 30 seconds after key tor data can be in-
OFF). accurate.

627 / 2 S251 / 2 Power Supply Lost With Ig- Possible no notice- Check fuses. D794 -
nition On - Data Erratic, In- able performance Check batter-
termittent or Incorrect. effects or engine ies and alterna-
Supply voltage to the ECU dying or hard start- tor.
794 fell below 6.2 VDC mo- ing. Fault informa-
mentarily, or the ECU 794 tion, trip
was not allowed to power information, and
down correctly (retain bat- maintenance moni-
tery voltage for 30 seconds tor data can be in-
after key OFF). accurate.

627 / 2 S254 / Injector Power Supply - Bad Possible smoke, Check fuses. D794 -
12 Intelligent Device or Compo- low power, engine Check batter-
nent. The ECU 794 meas- misfire, and/or en- ies and alterna-
ured injector boost voltage is gine will not start. tor.

629 / 12 S254 / Engine Control Module - crit- Engine may not Check the con- D794 -
12 ical internal failure. Error in- start. trol unit
ternal to the ECU 794
related to memory hardware
failures or internal ECU 794
voltage supply circuits.

629 / 12 S254 / Engine Control Module No performance ef- Check the con- D794 -
12 Warning Internal Hardware fects or possible se- trol unit
Failure - Bad Intelligent De- vere power derate.
vice or Component.

VDCF03.01GB Workshop Manual DCF 90-100

D Error codes – 1 Engine 25

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos-

tions and tic menu
Code J1587
630 / 2 S253 / 2 Engine Control Module Data Possible no notice- Re-program D794 -
Lost - Data Erratic, Intermit- able performance the software in
tent or Incorrect. Severe loss effects or engine Control unit en-
of data from the ECU 794. dying or hard start- gine (D794).
ing. Fault informa-
tion, trip
information, and
maintenance moni-
tor data can be in-

630 / 31 S240 / Engine Control Module Cali- Possible no notice- - D794 -

11 bration Program Memory able performance
(RAM) Corruption - Condi- effects or engine
tion Exists. Severe loss of dying or hard start-
data from the ECU 794. ing. Fault informa-
tion, trip
information, and
maintenance moni-
tor data can be in-

633 / 31 S018 / Fueling Actuator Number 1 Possible low power. - D794 -

11 Circuit Error Conditions Ex-
ists. Fuel pump actuator cir-
cuit resistance too high or
too low.

639 / 9 S231 / 9 SAE J1939 Multiplexing One or more multi- Use diagnostic - CAN/POW-
PGN Timeout Error - Abnor- plexed devices will menu to find in- ER, menu
mal Update Rate. The Cum- not operate proper- correct seg- 2
mins ECU 794 did not ly. One or more ment.
receive a multiplexed mes- symptoms will occur
sage from an OEM VECU
within the time limit or did not
receive it at all.

639 / 13 S231 / SAE J1939 Multiplexing At least one multi- Use diagnostic - CAN/POW-
13 Configuration Error - Out of plexed devices will menu to find in- ER, menu
Calibration. The ECU 794 not operate proper- correct seg- 2
expected information from a ly. ment.
multiplexed device but only
received a portion of the
necessary information.

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

26 D Error codes – 1 Engine

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos-

tions and tic menu
Code J1587
641 / 3 S027 / 3 VGT actuator driver circuit - Possible low power. - D794 -
voltage above normal or Power removed
shorted to high source. from the turbo-
charger actuator

641 / 4 S027 / 4 VGT actuator driver circuit - Possible low power. - D794 -
voltage below normal, or Power removed
shorted to low source. from the turbo-
charger actuator

644 / 2 S030 / 2 External Speed Command Primary or second- Check cabling - -

Input (Multiple Unit Synchro- ary engines may be between con-
nization) - Data Erratic, In- shut down trol unit and
termittent, or Incorrect. The component.
throttle input signal to the Check compo-
primary or secondary engine nent.
for multiple unit synchroniza-
tion is less than 3 percent or
more than 97 percent.

647 / 3 S033 / 3 Fan Control Circuit - Voltage The fan may stay on Check cabling D794 -
Above Normal or Shorted to continuously or not between con-
High Source. Open circuit or run at all. trol unit and
high voltage detected at the component.
fan control circuit. Check compo-

647 / 4 S033 / 4 Fan Control Circuit - Voltage The fan may stay on Check cabling D794 -
Below Normal or Shorted to continuously or not between con-
Low Source. Low signal volt- run at all. trol unit and
age detected at the fan con- component.
trol circuit when commanded Check compo-
on. nent.

651 / 5 S001 / 5 Injector Solenoid Driver Cyl- Engine can misfire Check cabling D794 -
inder 1 Circuit - Current Be- or possibly run between con-
low Normal, or Open Circuit. rough. trol unit and
High resistance or no cur- component.
rent detected at Number 1 Check the in-
injector DRIVER or RE- jector.
TURN pin.

VDCF03.01GB Workshop Manual DCF 90-100

D Error codes – 1 Engine 27

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos-

tions and tic menu
Code J1587
651 / 7 S001 / 7 Injector Solenoid Driver Cyl- Engine will shut Check cabling D794 -
inder 1 - Mechanical System down. between con-
Not Responding Properly or trol unit and
Out of Adjustment. Unin- component.
tended fueling detected in Check the in-
cylinder number 1. jector.

652 / 5 S002 / 5 Injector Solenoid Driver Cyl- Engine can misfire Check cabling D794 -
inder 2 Circuit - Current Be- or possibly run between con-
low Normal, or Open Circuit. rough. trol unit and
High resistance or no cur- component.
rent detected at Number 2 Check the in-
injector driver or return pin. jector.

652 / 7 S002 / 7 Injector Solenoid Driver Cyl- Engine will shut Check cabling D794 -
inder 2 - Mechanical System down. between con-
Not Responding Properly or trol unit and
Out of Adjustment. Unin- component.
tended fueling detected in Check the in-
cylinder number 2. jector.

653 / 5 S003 / 5 Injector Solenoid Driver Cyl- Engine can misfire Check cabling D794 -
inder 3 Circuit - Current Be- or possibly run between con-
low Normal, or Open Circuit. rough. trol unit and
High resistance or no cur- component.
rent detected at Number 3 Check the in-
injector or return pin. jector.

653 / 7 S003 / 7 Injector Solenoid Driver Cyl- Engine will shut Check cabling D794 -
inder 3 - Mechanical System down. between con-
Not Responding Properly or trol unit and
Out of Adjustment. Unin- component.
tended fueling detected in Check the in-
cylinder number 3. jector.

654 / 5 S004 / 5 Injector Solenoid Driver Cyl- Engine can misfire Check cabling D794 -
inder 4 Circuit - Current Be- or possibly run between con-
low Normal or Open Circuit. rough. trol unit and
High resistance or no cur- component.
rent detected at Number 1 Check the in-
injector driver or return pin. jector.

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

28 D Error codes – 1 Engine

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos-

tions and tic menu
Code J1587
654 / 7 S004 / 7 Injector Solenoid Driver Cyl- Engine will shut Check cabling D794 -
inder 4 - Mechanical System down. between con-
Not Responding Properly or trol unit and
Out of Adjustment. Unin- component.
tended fueling detected in Check the in-
cylinder number 4. jector.

655 / 5 S005 / 5 Injector Solenoid Driver Cyl- Engine can misfire Check cabling D794 -
inder 5 Circuit - Current Be- or possibly run between con-
low Normal, or Open Circuit. rough. trol unit and
High resistance or no cur- component.
rent detected at Number 5 Check the in-
injector DRIVER or RE- jector.
TURN pin.

655 / 7 S005 / 7 Injector Solenoid Driver Cyl- Engine will shut Check cabling D794 -
inder 5 - Mechanical System down. between con-
Not Responding Properly or trol unit and
Out of Adjustment. Unin- component.
tended fueling detected in Check the in-
cylinder Number 5. jector.

656 / 5 S006 / 5 Injector Solenoid Driver Cyl- Engine can misfire Check cabling D794 -
inder 6 Circuit - Current Be- or possibly run between con-
low Normal, or Open Circuit. rough. trol unit and
High resistance or no cur- component.
rent detected at Number 6 Check the in-
injector driver or return pin. jector.

656 / 7 S006 / 7 Injector Solenoid Driver Cyl- Engine will shut Check cabling D794 -
inder 6 - Mechanical System down. between con-
Not Responding Properly or trol unit and
Out of Adjustment. Unin- component.
tended fueling detected in Check the in-
cylinder Number 6. jector.

677 / 3 S39 / 3 Starter Relay Circuit - Volt- Either the engine Check cabling D794 ENGINE,
age Above Normal or Short- will not start or the between con- menu 5
ed to High Source. Open engine will not have trol unit and
circuit or high voltage detect- starter lockout pro- component.
ed at starter lockout circuit. tection. Check the re-

VDCF03.01GB Workshop Manual DCF 90-100

D Error codes – 1 Engine 29

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos-

tions and tic menu
Code J1587
677 / 4 S39 / 4 Starter Relay Circuit - Volt- The engine will not Check cabling D794 ENGINE,
age Below Normal or Short- have starter lockout between con- menu 5
ed to Low Source. Low protection. trol unit and
voltage detected at starter component.
lockout circuit. Check the re-

697 / 3 S057 / 3 Auxiliary PWM Driver #1 - Can not control - D794 -

Voltage Above Normal or transmission.
Shorted to High Source.
High signal voltage detected
at the analog torque circuit.

697 / 4 S057 / 4 Auxiliary PWM Driver #1 - Can not control - D794 -

Voltage Below Normal or transmission.
Shorted to Low Source. Low
signal voltage detected at
the analog torque circuit.

703 / 11 S051 / Auxiliary Equipment Sensor Possible engine Check cabling D794 -
11 Input #3 (OEM Switch) - power derate. between con-
Root Cause Not Known. trol unit and
Check the

723 / 2 S064 / 2 Backup Engine Speed/Posi- Possible low power. Check cabling D794 -
tion Sensor Number 2 - Data between con-
Erratic, Intermittent, or Incor- trol unit and
rect. Camshaft engine component.
speed sensor intermittent Check the sen-
synchronization. sor.

723 / 2 S064 / 2 Engine Speed Sensor Possible poor start- Check cabling D794 -
(Camshaft) Error - Data Er- ing. Engine power between con-
ratic, Intermittent, or Incor- derate. trol unit and
rect. The ECU 794 has component.
detected an error in the cam- Check the sen-
shaft position sensor signal. sor.

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

30 D Error codes – 1 Engine

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos-

tions and tic menu
Code J1587
723 / 7 S064 / 7 Engine Speed Sensor/Posi- Engine will run der- Check cabling D794 -
tion Camshaft and Crank- ated. Excessive between con-
shaft Misalignment - smoke, hard start, trol unit and
Mechanical System Not Re- and rough idle pos- component.
sponding Properly or Out of sible. Check the sen-
Adjustment. Mechanical sor.
misalignment between the
crankshaft and camshaft en-
gine speed sensors.

729 / 3 S070 / 3 Intake Air Heater #1 Circuit - The intake air heat- Check cabling D794 -
Voltage Above Normal or ers may be ON or between con-
Shorted to High Source. OFF all the time. trol unit and
High voltage detected at the component.
intake air heater signal cir- Check compo-
cuit. nent.

729 / 4 S070 / 4 Intake Air Heater #1 Circuit - The intake air heat- Check cabling D794 -
Voltage Below Normal or ers may be ON or between con-
Shorted to Low Source. Low OFF all the time. trol unit and
voltage detected at the in- component.
take air heater signal circuit. Check compo-

974 / 3 P974 / 3 Remote Accelerator Pedal Remote accelera- Check cabling D794 -
or Lever Position Sensor 1 tor will not operate. between con-
Circuit - Voltage Above Nor- Remote accelera- trol unit and
mal, or shorted to High tor position will be component.
Source. High voltage detect- set to zero percent. Check compo-
ed at remote accelerator nent.
pedal position circuit.

974 / 4 P974 / 4 Remote Accelerator Pedal Remote accelera- Check cabling D794 -
or Lever Position Sensor 1 tor will not operate. between con-
Circuit - Voltage Below Nor- Remote accelera- trol unit and
mal, or Shorted to Low tor position will be component.
Source. Low voltage detect- set to zero percent. Check compo-
ed at remote accelerator nent.
pedal position signal.

974 / 19 P29 SAE J1939 Multiplexing Re- The engine will not Use diagnostic - CAN/POW-
mote Accelerator Pedal or respond to the re- menu to find in- ER, menu
Lever Data Error - Received mote throttle. En- correct seg- 2
Network Data Error. The gine may only idle. ment.
OEM machine electronic The primary or cab
control unit (VECU) detected accelerator may be
a fault with the remote accel- able to be used.

VDCF03.01GB Workshop Manual DCF 90-100

D Error codes – 1 Engine 31

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos-

tions and tic menu
Code J1587
1043 / 3 S221 / 3 Accelerator Pedal or Lever Engine will only idle. Check cabling D794 -
Position Sensor Supply Volt- between con-
age Circuit - Voltage Above trol unit and
Normal or Shorted to High component.
Source. High voltage detect- Check compo-
ed at sensor supply circuit nent.
for the accelerator pedal or
lever position sensor.

1043 / 4 S221 / 4 Accelerator Pedal or Lever Engine will only die. Check cabling D794 -
Position Sensor Supply Volt- between con-
age Circuit - Voltage Below trol unit and
Normal or Shorted to Low component.
Source. Low voltage detect- Check compo-
ed at sensor supply circuit to nent.
the accelerator pedal or le-
ver position sensor.

1043 / 4 S221 / 4 Engine Speed/Position Sen- Possible hard start- Check cabling D794 -
sor (Crankshaft) Supply ing and rough run- between con-
Voltage Circuit - Voltage Be- ning. trol unit and
low Normal or Shorted to component.
Low Source. Low voltage Check compo-
detected on the ECU 794 nent.
voltage supply line to engine
speed sensor.

1072 / 3 S028 / 3 Engine Brake Actuator Cir- Engine brake on Check cabling D794 -
cuit #1 - Voltage Above Nor- cylinders 1, 2, and 3 between con-
mal or Shorted to High can not be activated trol unit and
Source. Open circuit or high or exhaust brake component.
voltage detected at the en- will not operate. Check compo-
gine brake solenoid number nent.
1 signal circuit.

1072 / 4 S028 / 4 Engine Brake Actuator Cir- Engine brake on Check cabling D794 -
cuit #1 - Voltage Below Nor- cylinders 1, 2, and 3 between con-
mal or Shorted to Low can not be activated trol unit and
Source. Low voltage detect- or exhaust brake component.
ed at the engine brake sole- will not operate. Check compo-
noid number 1 signal circuit. nent.

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

32 D Error codes – 1 Engine

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos-

tions and tic menu
Code J1587
1073 / 3 S029 / 3 Engine Brake Actuator Cir- Engine brake on Check cabling D794 -
cuit #2 - Voltage Above Nor- cylinders 4, 5, and 6 between con-
mal or Shorted to High can not be activat- trol unit and
Source. Open circuit or high ed. component.
voltage detected at the en- Check compo-
gine brake solenoid number nent.
2 signal circuit.

1073 / 4 S029 / 4 Engine Brake Actuator Cir- Engine brake on Check cabling D794 -
cuit #2 - Voltage Below Nor- cylinders 4, 5, and 6 between con-
mal or Shorted to Low can not be activat- trol unit and
Source. Low voltage detect- ed. component.
ed at the engine brake sole- Check compo-
noid number 2 signal circuit. nent.

1075 / 3 S126 / 3 Electric Lift Pump for Engine Engine can be diffi- - D794 -
Fuel Supply Circuit - Voltage cult to start.
Above Normal, or Shorted to
High Source. High voltage or
open detected at the fuel lift
pump signal circuit.

1075 / 4 S126 / 4 Electric Lift Pump for Engine Engine can be diffi- - D794 -
Fuel Supply Circuit - Voltage cult to start.
Below Normal, or Shorted to
Low Source. Low signal volt-
age detected at the fuel lift
pump circuit.

1079 / 3 S212 / 3 Sensor Supply Voltage Engine power der- Check cabling D794 -
number 1 Circuit - Voltage ate. between con-
Above Normal or Shorted to trol unit and
High Source. High voltage component.
detected at sensor supply Check the sen-
number 1 circuit. sor.

1079 / 4 S212 / 4 Sensor Supply Voltage Engine power der- Check cabling D794 -
Number 1 Circuit - Voltage ate. between con-
Below Normal or Shorted to trol unit and
Low Source. Low voltage component.
detected at sensor supply Check the sen-
number 1 circuit. sor.

VDCF03.01GB Workshop Manual DCF 90-100

D Error codes – 1 Engine 33

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos-

tions and tic menu
Code J1587
1080 / 3 S232 / 3 Sensor Supply 2 Circuit - Engine power der- Check cabling D794 -
Voltage Above Normal or ate. between con-
Shorted to High Source. trol unit and
High voltage detected at component.
sensor supply number 2 cir- Check the sen-
cuit. sor.

1080 / 4 S232 / 4 Sensor Supply Voltage Engine power der- Check cabling D794 -
Number 2 Circuit - Voltage ate. between con-
Below Normal, or Shorted to trol unit and
Low Source. Low voltage component.
detected at the sensor sup- Check the sen-
ply number 2 circuit. sor.

1137 / 2 S114 / 2 Multiple Unit Synchroniza- Multi-Unit synchro- - D794 -

tion Switch - Data Erratic, In- nization feature is
termittent, or Incorrect. disabled.
Multi-Unit synchronous ON/
OFF switch and Multi-Unit
synchronous complimenta-
ry ON/OFF switch have dif-
ferent values in the ECU

1172 / 3 /3 Turbocharger Number 1 Engine power der- - D794 -

Compressor Inlet Tempera- ate.
ture Sensor Circuit - Voltage
Above Normal or Shorted to
High Source. High signal
voltage detected at the tur-
bocharger compressor inlet
air temperature circuit.

1172 / 4 /4 Turbocharger Number 1 Engine power der- - D794 -

Compressor Inlet Tempera- ate.
ture Sensor Circuit - Voltage
Below Normal or Shorted to
Low Source. Low signal volt-
age detected at the turbo-
charger compressor inlet air
temperature sensor circuit.

1347 / 3 S126 / 3 High Fuel Pressure Solenoid Engine will run - D794 -
Valve Circuit - Voltage poorly but will be
Above Normal or Shorted to severely derated.
High Source. Electronic fuel Rail pressure will be
control actuator shorted higher than com-
high. manded.

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

34 D Error codes – 1 Engine

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos-

tions and tic menu
Code J1587
1347 / 4 S126 / 4 High Fuel Pressure Solenoid Engine will run - D794 -
Valve Circuit - Voltage Be- poorly at idle. En-
low Normal or Shorted to gine will have low
Low Source. Electronic fuel power. Fuel pres-
control actuator shorted low. sure will be higher
than commanded.

1347 / 7 S126 / 7 Fuel Pump Pressurizing As- Engine will not run - D794 -
sembly 1 - Mechanical Sys- or possible low
tem Not Responding power
Properly or Out of Adjust-
ment. A pumping imbalance
between the front and rear
pumping plungers has been

1347 / 7 S126 / 7 Fuel Pumping Element Engine will not run - D794 -
Number 1 (Front) - Mechan- or possible low
ical System Not Responding power
Properly or Out of Adjust-

1378 / 31 S153 / Change Lubricating Oil and None on perform- - D794 -

11 Filter - Condition Exists. ance; maintenance
Change engine oil and filter. reminder only.

1388 / 3 P223 / 3 Auxiliary Pressure Sensor None on perform- - D794 -

Input 1 Circuit - Voltage ance.
Above Normal, or Shorted to
High Source. High signal
voltage detected at the OEM
pressure circuit.

1388 / 4 P223 / 4 Auxiliary Pressure Sensor None on perform- - D794 -

Input 1 Circuit - Voltage Be- ance.
low Normal, or Shorted to
Low Source. Low signal volt-
age or open circuit detected
at the OEM pressure circuit.

2789 / 15 /0 Exhaust gas temperature - Derate in power - D794 -

data above normal. High ex- output of the engine
haust temperature has been in attempt to de-
calculated by the electronic crease the calculat-
control system. ed exhaust gas
temperature value.

VDCF03.01GB Workshop Manual DCF 90-100

D Error codes – 1 Engine 35

Error codes engine (engine

alternative Volvo TAD760VE)

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diag-
tions and nostic
compo- menu
Code Flas J1587
94/1 3.8 PID94/1 Low fuel pressure No limitation. Change fuel filter. - -
(feed). Change fuel pre-filter.
Check if pressure can
be built up with the
hand pump.

94/3 3.6 PID94/3 Sensor fuel pres- No limitation. Check cabling be- D794/B:16 -
sure, short- tween control unit and
circuited to volt- component.
age. Check the sensor.

94/5 3.6 PID94/5 Sensor fuel pres- No limitation. Check cabling be- D794/B:16 -
sure, short- tween control unit and
circuited to ground component.
or open circuit. Check the sensor.

94/7 3.8 PID94/7 Sensor fuel pres- No limitation. Change fuel filter. D794/B:16 -
sure, short- Change fuel pre-filter.
circuited to volt-
age, ground, or Check if pressure can
be built up with the
open circuit.
hand pump.

97/0 2.1 PID97/0 Water in fuel. No limitation. Drain water separator. - -

Clean metal filter in
the fuel feed’s hose
connection on the en-
Check fuel filter and
fuel pre-filter.

97/4 2.9 PID97/4 Sensor water in No limitation. Check cabling be- D794/B:8 -
fuel short- tween control unit and
circuited to ground component.
or open circuit. Check the sensor.

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

36 D Error codes – 1 Engine

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diag-

tions and nostic
compo- menu
Code Flas J1587
100/0 6.6 PID100/ Low engine oil Engine will shut Check oil level. - EN-
0 pressure. down. Change oil filter. GINE,
menu 6
Check the system
pressure valves and
the safety valve in the
lubrication system.
Check the sensor.

100/3 3.1 PID100/ Sensor oil pres- No limitation. Check cabling be- D794/B:11 EN-
3 sure, short- tween control unit and GINE,
circuited to volt- component. menu 6
age. Check the sensor.

100/5 3.1 PID100/ Sensor, oil pres- No limitation. Check cabling be- D794/B:11 EN-
5 sure, open circuit. tween control unit and GINE,
component. menu 6
Check the sensor.

105/0 6.2 PID105/ High charge-air Engine will shut Check that the - EN-
0 temperature. down. charge-air cooler is GINE,
clean. menu 7
Check the sensor.

105/4 3.2 PID105/ Sensor charge-air No limitation. Check cabling be- D794/A:47 EN-
4 temperature, ca- tween control unit and GINE,
ble short-circuited component. menu 7
to ground. Check the sensor.

105/5 3.3 PID105/ Sensor charge-air No limitation. Check cabling be- D794/A:47 EN-
5 temperature, ca- tween control unit and GINE,
ble open circuit. component. menu 7
Check the sensor.

106/0 3.5 PID106/ Boost pressure Reduced engine Check the turbocharg- - EN-
0 too high. power. er. GINE,
Check the sensor. menu 6

Check fuel quality and


106/3 3.4 PID106/ Sensor boost Reduced engine Check cabling be- D794/A:22 EN-
3 pressure, cable power. tween control unit and GINE,
short-circuited to component. menu 7
voltage. Check the sensor.

VDCF03.01GB Workshop Manual DCF 90-100

D Error codes – 1 Engine 37

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diag-

tions and nostic
compo- menu
Code Flas J1587
106/5 3.4 PID106/ Sensor boost Reduced engine Check cabling be- D794/A:22 EN-
5 pressure, cable power. tween control unit and GINE,
open circuit. component. menu 7
Check the sensor.

108/2 - PID108/ Faulty signal from No limitation. Check cabling be- - EN-
2 charge air pres- tween control unit and GINE,
sure sensor. component. menu 6
Check the sensor.

108/3 - PID108/ Sensor boost No limitation. Check cabling be- D794/A:29 EN-
3 pressure, short- tween control unit and GINE,
circuited to volt- component. menu 6
age. Check the sensor.

108/4 - PID108/ Sensor boost No limitation. Check cabling be- D794/A:29 EN-
4 pressure, short- tween control unit and GINE,
circuited to frame component. menu 6
ground or open Check the sensor.

110/0 6.1 PID110/ High coolant tem- No limitation. Check coolant level. - EN-
0 perature. Check that radiator is GINE,
clean. menu 7

Check thermostat.
Check the cap on the
expansion tank.
Check if there’s air in
coolant system.
Check the sensor.

110/4 3.3 PID110/ Sensor coolant Preheating is ac- Check cabling be- D794/B:27 EN-
4 temperature, tivated even if en- tween control unit and GINE,
short-circuited to gine is warm. component. menu 7
ground. Check the sensor.

110/5 3.3 PID110/ Sensor coolant Preheating is ac- Check cabling be- D794/B:27 EN-
5 temperature, ca- tivated even if en- tween control unit and GINE,
ble open circuit. gine is warm. component. menu 7
Check the sensor.

111/1 2.2 PID111/ Low coolant level. No limitation. Check the coolant lev- - -
1 el, top up if needed.
Check the sensor.

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

38 D Error codes – 1 Engine

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diag-

tions and nostic
compo- menu
Code Flas J1587
158/1 3.9 PID158/ Low battery volt- Engine may be Check and charge the D794/B:57, -
1 age. difficult to start. batteries. B:60
Check the alternator.
Check the battery ca-

164/0 - PID164/ High fuel pres- No limitation. Check the fuel pump. - -
0 sure. Check the sensor.

164/2 - PID164/ Faulty signal from Engine speed Check cabling be- D794/B:16 -
2 fuel pressure sen- limited to 1100 tween control unit and
sor. rpm. component.
Check the sensor.

164/4 - PID164/ Sensor fuel pres- Engine speed Check cabling be- D794/B:16 -
4 sure, short- limited to 1100 tween control unit and
circuited to rpm. component.
ground. Check the sensor.

164/5 - PID164/ Sensor fuel pres- Engine speed Check cabling be- D794/B:16 -
5 sure, open circuit. limited to 1100 tween control unit and
rpm. component.
Check the sensor.

190/0 2.6 PID190/ Engine rpm too No limitation. Ease off throttle or se- - -
0 high. lect higher gear.

626/3 5.4 PID45/3 Preheating relay, Preheating can- Check cabling be- D794/B:25 EN-
short-circuited to not be activated. tween control unit and GINE,
voltage. White smoke at component. menu 5
cold-start. Check the relay.
Start problems in
cold weather.

626/4 5.4 PID45/4 Preheating relay, Preheating relay Check cabling be- D794/B:25 EN-
short-circuited to is activated con- tween control unit and GINE,
ground. stantly. Fuse for component. menu 5
preheating may Check the relay.

626/5 5.4 PID45/5 Preheating relay, Preheating can- Check cabling be- D794/B:25 EN-
open circuit or de- not be activated. tween control unit and GINE,
fective compo- White smoke at component. menu 5
nent. cold-start. Check the relay.
Start problems in
cold weather.

VDCF03.01GB Workshop Manual DCF 90-100

D Error codes – 1 Engine 39

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diag-

tions and nostic
compo- menu
Code Flas J1587
629/3 9.9 SID254/ Engine control The engine will Change the control - -
3 unit (D794), inter- not start. unit.
nal fault.

629/8 9.9 SID254/ Engine control The engine will Change the control - -
8 unit (D794), inter- not start. unit.
nal fault.

629/ 9.9 SID254/ Engine control The engine will Change the control - -
12 12 unit (D794), inter- not start. unit.
nal fault.

636/2 9.9 SID21/3 Faulty signal from Engine takes Check cabling be- D794/A:45, -
camshaft speed longer time to tween control unit and A:46
sensor. start than normal. component.
Engine runs nor- Check the sensor.
mally when it has

636/3 2.5 SID21/3 Sensor rpm cam- Engine takes Check cabling be- D794/A:45, -
shaft, no signal. longer time to tween control unit and A:46
start than normal. component.
Engine runs nor- Check the sensor.
mally when it has

636/8 2.5 SID21/8 Sensor engine Engine takes Check cabling be- D794/A:45, -
rpm, camshaft, longer time to tween control unit and A:46
abnormal fre- start than normal. component.
quency. Engine runs nor- Check the sensor.
mally when it has

637/2 2.4 SID22/2 Faulty signal from Engine is difficult Check cabling be- D794/A:37, EN-
engine speed sen- to start and runs tween control unit and A:38 GINE,
sor, flywheel. rough, if it starts. component. menu 2
Check the sensor.

637/3 2.4 SID22/3 Sensor engine Engine is difficult Check cabling be- D794/A:37, EN-
rpm, flywheel, ab- to start and runs tween control unit and A:38 GINE,
normal frequency. rough, if it starts. component. menu 2
Check the sensor.

637/8 2.4 SID22/8 Sensor engine Engine is difficult Check cabling be- D794/A:37, EN-
rpm, flywheel, ab- to start and runs tween control unit and A:38 GINE,
normal frequency. rough, if it starts. component. menu 2
Check that the sensor
is connected correctly.

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

40 D Error codes – 1 Engine

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diag-

tions and nostic
compo- menu
Code Flas J1587
639/2 6.5 SID231/ Communication Engine off: en- Use diagnostic menu D794/ CAN/
2 error with Engine gine cannot be to find incorrect seg- B:51, B:55 POWER,
control unit started. ment. menu 3
(D794), configura- Engine on: en- Check cabling be-
tion error. gine goes to idle tween control unit and
and can only be component.
stopped by using Check the control unit.
the emergency

639/2 9.9 SID240/ Communication It may not be pos- Re-program the con- - -
2 error with Engine sible to start the trol unit.
control unit engine.
(D794), configura-
tion error.

639/7 9.9 SID240/ Communication It may not be pos- Re-program the con- - -
7 error with Engine sible to start the trol unit.
control unit engine.
(D794), configura-
tion error.

639/9 6.4 PSID201 Communication Instruments and Use diagnostic menu - -

1675/ /9 error with Engine controls do not to find incorrect seg-
9 control unit work. ment.
(D794), configura- Check cabling be-
tion error. tween control unit and
Check the control unit.

639/ 9.9 SID240/ Communication It may not be pos- Re-program the con- - -
11 11 error with Engine sible to start the trol unit.
control unit engine.
(D794), configura-
tion error.

639/ 9.9 SID240/ Communication It may not be pos- Re-program the con- - -
14 14 error with Engine sible to start the trol unit.
control unit engine.
(D794), configura-
tion error.

651/3 7.1 SID1/3 Electric failure, in- Engine runs on 5 Check cabling be- D794/A:24 -
jector cylinder 1. cylinders, sounds tween control unit and
rough and has re- component.
duced power. Check the injector.

VDCF03.01GB Workshop Manual DCF 90-100

D Error codes – 1 Engine 41

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diag-

tions and nostic
compo- menu
Code Flas J1587
651/4 7.1 SID1/4 Electric failure, in- Engine runs on 5 Check cabling be- D794/A:24 -
jector cylinder 1. cylinders, sounds tween control unit and
rough and has re- component.
duced power. Check the injector.

651/5 7.1 SID1/5 Electric failure, in- Engine runs on 5 Check cabling be- D794/A:24 -
jector cylinder 1. cylinders, sounds tween control unit and
rough and has re- component.
duced power. Check the injector.

651/7 7.1 SID1/7 Incorrect com- Runs rough at Check fuel pressure. D794/A:24 -
pression or defec- low rpms and low Check valve clear-
tive injector load. ance.
cylinder 1.
Check cabling be-
tween control unit and
Check the injector.
Perform compression
test and check cylin-
der 1.

651/ 7.1 SID1/12 Electric failure, in- Engine runs on 5 Check cabling be- D794/A:24 -
12 jector cylinder 1. cylinders, sounds tween control unit and
rough and has re- component.
duced power. Check the injector.

652/3 7.2 SID2/3 Electric failure, in- Engine runs on 5 Check cabling be- D794/A:16 -
jector cylinder 1. cylinders, sounds tween control unit and
rough and has re- component.
duced power. Check the injector.

652/4 7.2 SID2/4 Electric failure, in- Engine runs on 5 Check cabling be- D794/A:16 -
jector cylinder 1. cylinders, sounds tween control unit and
rough and has re- component.
duced power. Check the injector.

652/5 7.2 SID2/5 Electric failure, in- Engine runs on 5 Check cabling be- D794/A:16 -
jector cylinder 1. cylinders, sounds tween control unit and
rough and has re- component.
duced power. Check the injector.

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

42 D Error codes – 1 Engine

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diag-

tions and nostic
compo- menu
Code Flas J1587
652/7 7.2 SID2/7 Incorrect com- Runs rough at Check fuel pressure. D794/A:16 -
pression or defec- low rpms and low Check valve clear-
tive injector load. ance.
cylinder 2.
Check cabling be-
tween control unit and
Check the injector.
Perform compression
test and check cylin-
der 2.

652/ 7.2 SID2/12 Electric failure, in- Engine runs on 5 Check cabling be- D794/A:16 -
12 jector cylinder 2. cylinders, sounds tween control unit and
rough and has re- component.
duced power. Check the injector.

653/3 7.3 SID3/3 Electric failure, in- Engine runs on 5 Check cabling be- D794/A:32 -
jector cylinder 3. cylinders, sounds tween control unit and
rough and has re- component.
duced power. Check the injector.

653/4 7.3 SID3/4 Electric failure, in- Engine runs on 5 Check cabling be- D794/A:32 -
jector cylinder 3. cylinders, sounds tween control unit and
rough and has re- component.
duced power. Check the injector.

653/5 7.3 SID3/5 Electric failure, in- Engine runs on 5 Check cabling be- D794/A:32 -
jector cylinder 3. cylinders, sounds tween control unit and
rough and has re- component.
duced power. Check the injector.

653/7 7.3 SID3/7 Incorrect com- Runs rough at Check fuel pressure. D794/A:32 -
pression or defec- low rpms and low Check valve clear-
tive injector load. ance.
cylinder 3.
Check cabling be-
tween control unit and
Check the injector.
Perform compression
test and check cylin-
der 3.

VDCF03.01GB Workshop Manual DCF 90-100

D Error codes – 1 Engine 43

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diag-

tions and nostic
compo- menu
Code Flas J1587
653/ 7.3 SID3/12 Electric failure, in- Engine runs on 5 Check cabling be- D794/A:32 -
12 jector cylinder 3. cylinders, sounds tween control unit and
rough and has re- component.
duced power. Check the injector.

654/3 7.4 SID4/3 Electric failure, in- Engine runs on 5 Check cabling be- D794/A:56 -
jector cylinder 4. cylinders, sounds tween control unit and
rough and has re- component.
duced power. Check the injector.

654/4 7.4 SID4/4 Electric failure, in- Engine runs on 5 Check cabling be- D794/A:56 -
jector cylinder 4. cylinders, sounds tween control unit and
rough and has re- component.
duced power. Check the injector.

654/5 7.4 SID4/5 Electric failure, in- Engine runs on 5 Check cabling be- D794/A:56 -
jector cylinder 4. cylinders, sounds tween control unit and
rough and has re- component.
duced power. Check the injector.

654/7 7.4 SID4/7 Incorrect com- Runs rough at Check fuel pressure. D794/A:56 -
pression or defec- low rpms and low Check valve clear-
tive injector load. ance.
cylinder 4.
Check cabling be-
tween control unit and
Check the injector.
Perform compression
test and check cylin-
der 4.

654/ 7.4 SID4/12 Electric failure, in- Engine runs on 5 Check cabling be- D794/A:56 -
12 jector cylinder 4. cylinders, sounds tween control unit and
rough and has re- component.
duced power. Check the injector.

655/3 7.5 SID5/3 Electric failure, in- Engine runs on 5 Check cabling be- D794/A:48 -
jector cylinder 5. cylinders, sounds tween control unit and
rough and has re- component.
duced power. Check the injector.

655/4 7.5 SID5/4 Electric failure, in- Engine runs on 5 Check cabling be- D794/A:48 -
jector cylinder 5. cylinders, sounds tween control unit and
rough and has re- component.
duced power. Check the injector.

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

44 D Error codes – 1 Engine

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diag-

tions and nostic
compo- menu
Code Flas J1587
655/5 7.5 SID5/5 Electric failure, in- Engine runs on 5 Check cabling be- D794/A:48 -
jector cylinder 5. cylinders, sounds tween control unit and
rough and has re- component.
duced power. Check the injector.

655/7 7.5 SID5/7 Incorrect com- Engine runs on 5 Check that cabling to D794/A:48 -
pression or defec- cylinders, sounds the injectors is not
tive injector rough and has re- damaged.
cylinder 5. duced power. Check cabling be-
tween control unit and
Check the injector.
Perform compression
test and check cylin-
der 5.

655/ 7.5 SID5/12 Electric failure, in- Engine runs on 5 Check cabling be- D794/A:48 -
12 jector cylinder 5. cylinders, sounds tween control unit and
rough and has re- component.
duced power. Check the injector.

656/3 7.6 SID6/3 Electric failure, in- Engine runs on 5 Check cabling be- D794/A:40 -
jector cylinder 6. cylinders, sounds tween control unit and
rough and has re- component.
duced power. Check the injector.

656/4 7.6 SID6/4 Electric failure, in- Engine runs on 5 Check cabling be- D794/A:40 -
jector cylinder 6. cylinders, sounds tween control unit and
rough and has re- component.
duced power. Check the injector.

656/5 7.6 SID6/5 Electric failure, in- Engine runs on 5 Check cabling be- D794/A:40 -
jector cylinder 6. cylinders, sounds tween control unit and
rough and has re- component.
duced power. Check the injector.

VDCF03.01GB Workshop Manual DCF 90-100

D Error codes – 1 Engine 45

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diag-

tions and nostic
compo- menu
Code Flas J1587
656/7 7.6 SID6/7 Incorrect com- Runs rough at Check fuel pressure. D794/A:40 -
pression or defec- low rpms and low Check valve clear-
tive injector load. ance.
cylinder 6.
Check cabling be-
tween control unit and
Check the injector.
Perform compression
test and check cylin-
der 6.

656/ 7.6 SID6/12 Electric failure, in- Engine runs on 5 Check cabling be- D794/A:36, -
12 jector cylinder 6. cylinders, sounds tween control unit and A:40
rough and has re- component.
duced power. Check the injector.

677/3 6.3 SID39/3 Starter motor re- The engine will Check cabling be- D794/B:29 EN-
1675/ lay, short-circuited not start. tween control unit and GINE,
3 to voltage. Engine starts im- component. menu 5
mediately when Check the relay.
ignition is turned

677/4 6.3 SID39/4 Starter motor re- The engine will Check cabling be- D794/B:29 EN-
1675/ lay, short-circuited not start. tween control unit and GINE,
4 to ground component. menu 5
Check the relay.

677/5 6.3 SID39/5 Starter motor re- The engine will Check cabling be- D794/B:29 EN-
1675/ lay, open circuit. not start. tween control unit and GINE,
5 component. menu 5
Check the relay.

679/0 - PSID97/ Faulty signal from Engine speed Check cabling be- - -
0 pressure relief limited to 1100 tween control unit and
valve. rpm. component.
Reduced engine Check the component.

679/3 - SID42/3 Pressure relief Engine speed Check cabling be- - -

valve, short- limited to 1100 tween control unit and
circuited to volt- rpm. component.
age. Check the component.

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

46 D Error codes – 1 Engine

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diag-

tions and nostic
compo- menu
Code Flas J1587
679/4 - SID43/4 Pressure relief Engine speed Check cabling be- - -
valve, short- limited to 1100 tween control unit and
circuited to rpm. component.
ground. Check the component.

679/5 - SID43/5 Pressure relief Engine speed Check cabling be- - -

valve, open cir- limited to 1100 tween control unit and
cuit. rpm. component.
Check the component.

679/7 - PSID97/ Pressure relief Engine speed Check cabling be- - -

7 valve, mechanical limited to 1100 tween control unit and
defect. rpm. component.
Reduced engine Check the component.

679/ - PSID97/ Pressure relief Engine speed Check cabling be- - -

11 11 valve, unidenti- limited to 1100 tween control unit and
fied problem. rpm. component.
Reduced engine Check the component.

679/ - PSID97/ Pressure relief Engine speed Check cabling be- - -

14 14 valve, defective limited to 1100 tween control unit and
component. rpm. component.
Reduced engine Check the component.

729/3 - SID70/3 Sensor preheat- Fuse blows. Check cabling be- D794/B:31 -
ing, short- tween control unit and
circuited to volt- component.
age. Check the component.

729/4 - SID70/4 Sensor preheat- Engine difficult to Check cabling be- D794/B:31 -
ing, short- start in cold tween control unit and
circuited to weather. component.
ground. Check the component.

729/5 - SID70/5 Sensor preheat- Engine difficult to Check cabling be- D794/B:31 -
ing, open circuit. start in cold tween control unit and
weather. component.
Check the component.

VDCF03.01GB Workshop Manual DCF 90-100

D Error codes – 1 Engine 47

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diag-

tions and nostic
compo- menu
Code Flas J1587
1079/ 9.3 SID 232/ Reference voltage No limitation. Check cabling be- D794/B:17 -
3 3 5 V no. 1 to sen- tween control unit and
sor, short- component.
circuited to volt- Check the sensor.

1079/ 9.3 SID 232/ Reference voltage No limitation. Check cabling be- D794/B:17 -
4 4 5 V no. 1 to sen- tween control unit and
sor, short- component.
circuited to Check the sensor.

1080/ - SID 211/ Reference voltage No limitation. Check cabling be- D794/A:7 -
3 3 5 V no. 2 to sen- tween control unit and
sor, short- component.
circuited to volt- Check the sensor.

1080/ - SID 211/ Reference voltage No limitation. Check cabling be- D794/A:7 -
4 4 5 V no. 2 to sen- tween control unit and
sor, short- component.
circuited to Check the sensor.

1239/ - PSID 96/ Too high fuel Engine speed Check fuel feed. - -
0 0 pressure. limited to 1100
High engine pow-
er. (Powerful en-

1239/ - PSID 96/ Too low fuel pres- Engine speed Check fuel filter, re- - -
1 1 sure limited to 1100 place if necessary.
rpm. Check fuel feed.
Reduced engine

1239/ - PSID 96/ Sensor fuel pres- Engine speed Check cabling be- D794/B:16 -
4 4 sure, short- limited to 1100 tween control unit and
circuited to rpm. component.
ground. Reduced engine Check the sensor.
Engine starting

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

48 D Error codes – 1 Engine

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diag-

tions and nostic
compo- menu
Code Flas J1587
1239/ - PSID 96/ Sensor fuel pres- Engine speed Check cabling be- D794/B:16 -
7 7 sure, mechanical limited to 1100 tween control unit and
defect. rpm. component.
Reduced engine Check the sensor.
Engine starting

1239/ - PSID 96/ Sensor fuel pres- Engine speed Check the sensor. - -
12 12 sure, defective limited to 1100
component. rpm.
Reduced engine
Engine starting

2791/ - PPID19/ Internal EGR, Internal EGR not Check cabling be- D794/B:30 -
3 3 short-circuited to working. tween control unit and
voltage. component.
Check the component.

2791/ - PPID19/ Internal EGR, Internal EGR not Check cabling be- D794/B:30 -
4 4 short-circuited to working. tween control unit and
ground. component.
Check the component.

2791/ - PPID19/ Internal EGR, Internal EGR not Check cabling be- D794/B:30 -
5 5 open circuit. working. tween control unit and
Check the component.

2791/ - PPID19/ Internal EGR, me- Internal EGR not Check sensor boost D794/B:30 -
7 7 chanical defect. working. pressure.
Check the component
Contact Volvo Penta
workshop for more in-

52019 6.8 PPID6/5 Sensor piston No limitation. Check cabling be- D794/B:14 -
2/5 cooling pressure, tween control unit and
short-circuiting to component.
voltage, ground, Check the sensor.
or open circuit.

VDCF03.01GB Workshop Manual DCF 90-100

D Error codes – 1 Engine 49

Description Limitation Action Connec- Diag-

tions and nostic
compo- menu
Code Flas J1587
- - PPID High fuel pres- Engine speed Check fuel feed. - -
435/0 sure. limited to 1100
High engine pow-
er. (Powerful en-

- - PPID Low fuel pressure. Engine speed Check fuel filter, re- - -
435/4 limited to 1100 place if necessary.
rpm. Check fuel feed.
Reduced engine

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

50 D Error codes – 2 Transmission

2 Transmission
mm mm mm mm mm m m

Error codes, transmission


Control unit transmission can generate two modes with reduced func-
tionality to protect the transmission in case of serious malfunctions:
• "Limp home", indicated in display with "LH".
In this mode only 1-2 gear in both directions can be used. If the
malfunction occurs in a higher gear then downshifting has to be
performed manually to 1st gear or 2nd.
• "Shutdown", indicated in display with "Sd".
In this mode, the transmission is in permanent neutral position as
there is no oil pressure to enable selection of a gear.

Description Limitation Action and
tic menu
Code nents

00/50 Memory error in con- Transmission locked in - - -

trol unit transmission. neutral (shutdown).

00/51 Memory error in con- Transmission locked in - - -

trol unit transmission. neutral (shutdown).

00/52 Memory error in con- Transmission locked in - - -

trol unit transmission. neutral (shutdown).

00/53 Memory error in con- Transmission locked in - - -

trol unit transmission. neutral (shutdown).

20/60 Sensor oil pressure Transmission locked in Check cabling between D793/A:2 TRANSM,
(B253) indicates low neutral (shutdown). control unit and compo- - B253 menu 10
oil pressure when nent.
there should be pres- Check the solenoid valve.

20/61 The oil pressure sen- Transmission locked in Check cabling between D793/A:2 TRANSM,
sor (B253) indicates neutral (shutdown). control unit and compo- - B253 menu 10
oil pressure when nent.
there should not be Check the solenoid valve.

21/02 Solenoid valves VFS Transmission locked in Check cabling between the D793/D1 - TRANSM,
short-circuiting to neutral (shutdown). control unit and the compo- Y6069, menu 7
voltage, ground, or nent with diagnostic menu. D793/F2 -
open circuit. Check the solenoid valve. Y6075

VDCF03.01GB Workshop Manual DCF 90-100

D Error codes – 2 Transmission 51

Description Limitation Action and
tic menu
Code nents

30/04 Low battery voltage. Control unit saves stored Check cabling to control - CAN/
information to flash memo- unit. POWER,
ry and restarts to clear Check alternator, battery menu 12
memory. and cabling between bat-
tery and alternator.

30/05 High battery voltage. Control unit receives re- Check voltage feed. - CAN/
duced proportional control If auxiliary start equipment POWER,
precision depending on re- is connected, disconnect it. menu 12
duced PWM work cycle.

31/00 Reference voltage Control unit receives re- Check voltage feed. - CAN/
sensor 8 V, too low. duced sensor signals. Check the control unit. POWER,
menu 12

31/01 Reference voltage Control unit receives re- Check voltage feed. - CAN/
sensor 8 V, too high. duced sensor signals. Check the control unit. POWER,
menu 12

40/06 Incorrect direction Control unit locks trans- Check cabling to gear se- - TRANSM,
from gear selector. mission in neutral. lector with regards to for- menu 2
ward and reverse signal.

41/06 Incorrect gear selec- Control unit doesn’t allow Check cabling to gear se- - TRANSM,
tion from gear selec- change of range, however, lector with regards to signal menu 2
tor. operation of machine is range.

42/04 Actual gear ratio too Control unit indicates that Check transmission with - TRANSM,
low. one or several clutches are purpose to understand if menu 6
slipping. and, if that is the case,
which clutch is slipping.
Check the set gear ratio for
the control unit.

42/05 Actual gear ratio too Control unit indicates that Check transmission with - TRANSM,
high. one or several clutches are purpose to understand if menu 6
slipping. and, if that is the case,
which clutch is slipping.
Check the set gear ratio for
the control unit.

43/03 Signal from Sensor Control unit indicates the Check cabling between D793/H3 - TRANSM,
engine rpm and oil error. control unit and compo- B758/766 menu 10
temperature trans- nent.
mission (B758/766) Check the sensor.
outside valid interval.

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

52 D Error codes – 2 Transmission

Description Limitation Action and
tic menu
Code nents

43/07 Torque converter Control unit indicates the Check transmission oil D793/H3 - TRANSM,
temperature exceeds error to make operator cooler, clean as needed. B758/766 menu 10
100 °C. aware of the warning’s lev- Check the thermostat in the
el. transmission oil cooler.

43/08 Torque converter The control unit protects Check transmission oil D793/H3 - TRANSM,
temperature exceeds the transmission and does cooler, clean as needed. B758/766 menu 10
125 °C. not allow the temperature Check the thermostat in the
in the torque converter to transmission oil cooler.
exceed the limit value.
The control unit locks the
transmission in neutral po-
sition, the engine is re-
stricted to 50% of max.

44/10 Faulty signal for ac- - Use diagnostic menu to find - CAN/
celerator pedal posi- incorrect segment. POWER,
tion from engine menu 4
control unit (D794)

46/05 Max. torque for inch- - - - -

ing has been exceed-

50/00 Sensor oil pressure Transmission in limp- Check cabling between D793/A:2 TRANSM,
(B253), short- home. control unit and compo- - B253 menu 10
circuited to ground. nent.
Check the sensor.

50/01 Sensor oil pressure Transmission in limp- Check cabling between D793/A:2 TRANSM,
(B253), not connect- home. control unit and compo- - B253 menu 10
ed or open circuit. nent.
Check the sensor.

51/00 Sensor engine rpm The control unit limits the Check cabling between D793/H3 - TRANSM,
and oil temperature transmission’s tempera- control unit and compo- B758/766 menu 10
transmission (B758/ ture measurement to the nent.
766) short-circuited to lowest value in its settings, Check the sensor.
ground. which results in poor tem-
perature compensation.

VDCF03.01GB Workshop Manual DCF 90-100

D Error codes – 2 Transmission 53

Description Limitation Action and
tic menu
Code nents

51/01 Sensor engine rpm The control unit limits the Check cabling between D793/H3 - TRANSM,
and oil temperature transmission’s tempera- control unit and compo- B758/766 menu 10
transmission (B758/ ture measurement to the nent.
766) not connected or highest value in its set- Check the sensor.
open circuit. tings, which results in poor
temperature compensa-

52/00 Sensor oil tempera- The control unit limits the Check cabling between D793/J3 - TRANSM,
ture (S221) short- transmission’s tempera- control unit and compo- S221 menu 10
circuited to ground. ture measurement to the nent.
highest value in its set- Check the sensor.
tings, which results in poor
temperature compensa-

52/01 Sensor oil tempera- The control unit limits the Check cabling between D793/J3 - TRANSM,
ture (S221) open cir- transmission’s tempera- control unit and compo- S221 menu 10
cuit. ture measurement to the nent.
highest value in its set- Check the sensor.
tings, which results in poor
temperature compensa-

54/00 Reference voltage - Check cabling between - CAN/

sensor 5 V short- control unit and compo- POWER,
circuiting to frame nent. menu 12
ground. Check the sensor.

54/01 Reference voltage - Check cabling between - CAN/

sensor 5 V open cir- control unit and compo- POWER,
cuit. nent. menu 12
Check the sensor.

60/00 Sensor rpm drum When only one rpm signal Check cable between con- D793/C3 - TRANSM,
(B752) short-circuited that is not the engine rpm trol unit and component. B752 menu 6
to ground. signal is incorrect, the con- Check component.
trol unit calculates the
missing rpm.
If several rpm signals or if
the engine rpm signal are
defective, the control unit
activates Limp-home.

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

54 D Error codes – 2 Transmission

Description Limitation Action and
tic menu
Code nents

60/01 Sensor rpm drum When only one rpm signal Check cable between con- D793/C3 - TRANSM,
(B752) not connect- that is not the engine rpm trol unit and component. B752 menu 6
ed. signal is incorrect, the con- Check component.
trol unit calculates the
missing rpm.
If several rpm signals or if
the engine rpm signal are
defective, the control unit
activates Limp-home.

61/00 Sensor rpm output When only one rpm signal Check cable between con- D793/D3 - TRANSM,
shaft (B758) short- that is not the engine rpm trol unit and component. B758 menu 6
circuited to ground. signal is incorrect, the con- Check component.
trol unit calculates the
missing rpm.
If several rpm signals or if
the engine rpm signal are
defective, the control unit
activates Limp-home.

61/01 Sensor rpm output When only one rpm signal Check cable between con- D793/D3 - TRANSM,
shaft (B758) not con- that is not the engine rpm trol unit and component. B758 menu 6
nected. signal is incorrect, the con- Check component.
trol unit calculates the
missing rpm.
If several rpm signals or if
the engine rpm signal are
defective, the control unit
activates Limp-home.

62/00 Sensor engine rpm When only one rpm signal Check cable between con- D793/F3 - TRANSM,
(B758/766), short- that is not the engine rpm trol unit and component. B758/766 menu 6
circuited to ground. signal is incorrect, the con- Check component.
trol unit calculates the
missing rpm.
If several rpm signals or if
the engine rpm signal are
defective, the control unit
activates Limp-home.

VDCF03.01GB Workshop Manual DCF 90-100

D Error codes – 2 Transmission 55

Description Limitation Action and
tic menu
Code nents

62/01 Sensor engine rpm When only one rpm signal Check cable between con- D793/F3 - TRANSM,
(B758/766), not con- that is not the engine rpm trol unit and component. B758/766 menu 6
nected or has open signal is incorrect, the con- Check component.
circuit. trol unit calculates the
missing rpm.
If several rpm signals or if
the engine rpm signal are
defective, the control unit
activates Limp-home.

63/00 Sensor rpm turbine When only one rpm signal Check cable between con- D793/R2 - TRANSM,
(B751) short-circuited that is not the engine rpm trol unit and component. B751 menu 6
to ground. signal is incorrect, the con- Check component.
trol unit calculates the
missing rpm.
If several rpm signals or if
the engine rpm signal are
defective, the control unit
activates Limp-home.

63/01 Sensor rpm turbine When only one rpm signal Check cable between con- D793/R2 - TRANSM,
(B751) not connect- that is not the engine rpm trol unit and component. B751 menu 6
ed. signal is incorrect, the con- Check component.
trol unit calculates the
missing rpm.
If several rpm signals or if
the engine rpm signal are
defective, the control unit
activates Limp-home.

70/00 Solenoid valve VFS Transmission in limp- Check cabling between D793/B1 - TRANSM,
front (Y630), short- home. control unit and compo- Y630, C1 menu 8
circuited to each oth- nent. - Y630
er, signal cable short- Check the solenoid valve.
circuited to voltage, or
plus-cable short-
circuited to frame

70/01 Solenoid valve VFS Transmission in limp- Check cabling between D793/B1 - TRANSM,
forward (Y630) open home. control unit and compo- Y630, C1 menu 8
circuit or short- nent. - Y630
circuited voltage. Check the solenoid valve.

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

56 D Error codes – 2 Transmission

Description Limitation Action and
tic menu
Code nents

70/02 Solenoid valve VFS Transmission in limp- Check cabling between D793/B1 - TRANSM,
forward (Y630), con- home. control unit and compo- Y630, C1 menu 9
trol current higher nent. - Y630
than 1400 mA. Check the solenoid valve.

70/03 Solenoid valve VFS Transmission in limp- Check cabling between D793/B1 - TRANSM,
forward (Y630), con- home. control unit and compo- Y630, C1 menu 9
trol current outside nent. - Y630
approved interval. In- Check the solenoid valve.
correct impedance.

71/00 Solenoid valve VFS Transmission in limp- Check cabling between D793/D1 - TRANSM,
2/4 (Y6069), short- home. control unit and compo- Y6069, menu 8
circuited to each oth- nent. E1 -
er, signal cable short- Check the solenoid valve. Y6069
circuited to voltage, or
plus-cable short-
circuited to frame

71/01 Solenoid valve VFS Transmission in limp- Check cabling between D793/D1 - TRANSM,
2/4 (Y6069) open cir- home. control unit and compo- Y6069, menu 8
cuit or short-circuited nent. E1 -
voltage. Check the solenoid valve. Y6069

71/02 Solenoid valve VFS Transmission in limp- Check cabling between D793/D1 - TRANSM,
2/4 (Y6069), control home. control unit and compo- Y6069, menu 9
current higher than nent. E1 -
1400 mA. Check the solenoid valve. Y6069

71/03 Solenoid valve VFS Transmission in limp- Check cabling between D793/D1 - TRANSM,
2/4 (Y6069), control home. control unit and compo- Y6069, menu 9
current outside ap- nent. E1 -
proved interval (incor- Check the solenoid valve. Y6069
rect impedance).

72/00 Solenoid valve VFS Transmission in limp- Check cabling between D793/F1 - TRANSM,
reverse (Y631), ca- home. control unit and compo- Y631, G1 menu 8
bles short-circuited to nent. - Y631
each other, signal ca- Check the solenoid valve.
ble short-circuited to
voltage, or plus-cable
short-circuited to
frame ground.

VDCF03.01GB Workshop Manual DCF 90-100

D Error codes – 2 Transmission 57

Description Limitation Action and
tic menu
Code nents

72/01 Solenoid valve VFS Transmission in limp- Check cabling between D793/F1 - TRANSM,
reverse (Y631) open home. control unit and compo- Y631, G1 menu 8
circuit or short- nent. - Y631
circuited voltage. Check the solenoid valve.

72/02 Solenoid valve VFS Transmission in limp- Check cabling between D793/F1 - TRANSM,
reverse (Y631), con- home. control unit and compo- Y631, G1 menu 9
trol current higher nent. - Y631
than 1400 mA. Check the solenoid valve.

72/03 Solenoid valve VFS Transmission in limp- Check cabling between D793/F1 - TRANSM,
reverse (Y631), con- home. control unit and compo- Y631, G1 menu 9
trol current outside nent. - Y631
approved interval (in- Check the solenoid valve.
correct impedance).

73/00 Solenoid valve VFS Transmission in limp- Check cabling between D793/H1 - TRANSM,
1/3 (Y6067), cables home. control unit and compo- Y6067, J1 menu 8
short-circuited to nent. - Y6067
each other, signal ca- Check the solenoid valve.
ble short-circuited to
voltage, or plus-cable
short-circuited to
frame ground.

73/01 Solenoid valve VFS Transmission in limp- Check cabling between D793/H1 - TRANSM,
1/3 (Y6067) open cir- home. control unit and compo- Y6067, J1 menu 8
cuit or short-circuited nent. - Y6067
voltage. Check the solenoid valve.

73/02 Solenoid valve VFS Transmission in limp- Check cabling between D793/H1 - TRANSM,
1/3 (Y6067), control home. control unit and compo- Y6067, J1 menu 9
current higher than nent. - Y6067
1400 mA. Check the solenoid valve.

73/03 Solenoid valve VFS Transmission in limp- Check cabling between D793/H1 - TRANSM,
1/3 (Y6067), control home. control unit and compo- Y6067, J1 menu 9
current outside ap- nent. - Y6067
proved interval (incor- Check the solenoid valve.
rect impedance).

77/02 All gear packs Transmission locked in - - -

disengaged. neutral (shutdown).

80/00 Solenoid valve RSP Transmission locked in Check cabling between D793/K1 - TRANSM,
Drive (Y6066), cable neutral (shutdown). control unit and compo- Y6066 menu 7
short-circuited to nent.
frame ground. Check the solenoid valve.

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

58 D Error codes – 2 Transmission

Description Limitation Action and
tic menu
Code nents

80/01 Solenoid valve RSP Transmission locked in Check cabling between D793/K1 - TRANSM,
Drive (Y6066), cable neutral (shutdown). control unit and compo- Y6066 menu 7
is not connected or nent.
short-circuited to volt- Check the solenoid valve.

81/00 Solenoid valve VFS Transmission in limp- Check cabling between D793/E2 - TRANSM,
2/4 (Y6074), cable home. control unit and Y6074 menu 7
short-circuited to component.
frame ground. Check the solenoid valve.

81/01 Solenoid valve VSF Transmission in limp- Check cabling between D793/E2 - TRANSM,
2/4 (Y6074), cable is home. control unit and compo- Y6074 menu 7
not connected or nent.
short-circuited to Check the solenoid valve.

82/00 Solenoid valve VFS Transmission in limp- Check cabling between D793/F2 - TRANSM,
1/3 (Y6075), cable home. control unit and Y6075 menu 7
short-circuited to component.
frame ground. Check the solenoid valve.

82/01 Solenoid valve VSF Transmission in limp- Check cabling between D793/F2 - TRANSM,
1/3 (Y6075), cable is home. control unit and Y6075 menu 7
not connected or component.
short-circuited to Check the solenoid valve.

83/00 Solenoid valve RSP Transmission locked in Check cabling to solenoid D793/K2 - TRANSM,
Drive (Y6066), cable neutral (shutdown). valve drive Y6066 menu 7
short-circuited to Check solenoid valve drive.
frame ground.

83/01 Solenoid valve RSP Transmission locked in Check cabling to solenoid D793/K2 - TRANSM,
Drive (Y6066), cable neutral (shutdown). valve drive Y6066 menu 7
is not connected or Check solenoid valve drive.
short-circuited to

90/xx - 99/ System error. Transmission locked in - D793/ -

xx neutral (shutdown). A:20

95/71 Control unit cannot in- - -

terpret input data.

99/90 Incorrect software in - -

control unit

VDCF03.01GB Workshop Manual DCF 90-100

D Error codes – 8 Control system 59

8 Control system
mm mm mm mm mm mm

Error codes machine


Cod Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos- Group

e tions and tic menu
1 Communication er- – Use diagnostic menu to D797-1 CAN/ 11.6.2 Re-
ror with frame con- find incorrect segment. POWER, dundant
trol unit (D797-1) menu 1-3 CAN-bus

2 Communication er- – Use diagnostic menu to D797-2 CAN/ 11.6.2 Re-

ror with frame con- find incorrect segment. POWER, dundant CAN
trol unit (D797-2) menu 1-3 bus

3 Communication er- – Use diagnostic menu to D791-1 CAN/ 11.6.2 Re-

ror with attachment find incorrect segment. POWER, dundant
control unit (D791- menu 1-3 CAN-bus

8 Communication er- – Use diagnostic menu to D795 CAN/ 11.6.2 Re-

ror with KID control find incorrect segment. POWER, dundant
unit (D795) menu 1-3 CAN-bus

11 Error in cable, CAN – Use diagnostic menu to Varies depend- CAN/ 11.6.2 Re-
network, segment find incorrect segment. ing on machine POWER, dundant
1. configuration. menu 1-3 CAN-bus

12 Error in cable, CAN – Use diagnostic menu to Varies depend- CAN/ 11.6.2 Re-
network, segment find incorrect segment. ing on machine POWER, dundant
2. configuration. menu 1-3 CAN-bus

13 Error in cable, CAN – Use diagnostic menu to Varies depend- CAN/ 11.6.2 Re-
network, segment find incorrect segment. ing on machine POWER, dundant
3. configuration. menu 1-3 CAN-bus

14 Error in cable, CAN – Use diagnostic menu to Varies depend- CAN/ 11.6.2 Re-
network, segment find incorrect segment. ing on machine POWER, dundant
4. configuration. menu 2 CAN-bus
and 3

15 Error in cable, CAN – Use diagnostic menu to Varies depend- CAN/ 11.6.2 Re-
network, segment find incorrect segment. ing on machine POWER, dundant
5. configuration. menu 1-3 CAN-bus

19 Accelerator pedal 2 Accelerator Calibrate the gas pedal, D790-1/K6:12 CALIBRA- 1. Engine
VBFS not pedal for rear- see the section 8 Con- – R690-2 TION:
calibrated ward opera- trol system, group DRIVE-
tion not Calibrate TRAIN,
working. En- DRIVE-TRAIN. menu 5
gine speed and 6
limited to
idling speed.

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

60 D Error codes – 8 Control system

Cod Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos- Group

e tions and tic menu
20 Accelerator pedal Accelerator Calibrate the gas pedal, D790-1/K6:11 CALIBRA- 1. Engine
not calibrated pedal for for- see the section 8 Con- – R690-1 TION:
ward opera- trol system, group DRIVE-
tion not Calibrate DRIVE- TRAIN,
working. En- TRAIN. menu 1
gine speed and 2
limited to
idling speed.

21 Communication er- Gear selec- Use diagnostic menu to D790-1/K13:1 CAN/ 11.6.3 CAN-
ror with transmis- tion not work- check communication. – D793/M2 POWER, bus drivetrain
sion control unit ing. Check the wiring be- D790-1/K13:2 menu 4
(D793) tween cab control unit – D793/L2
(D790-1) and transmis-
sion control unit (D793).

22 Communication er- Engine does Use diagnostic menu to Volvo: D790-1/ CAN/ 11.6.3 CAN-
ror with Control unit not react to check communication. K13:1, K13:2 – POWER, bus drivetrain
engine (D794). commands Check the wiring be- D794/2, 1 menu 4
from cab. tween cab control unit Cummins:
(D790-1) and engine D790-1/K13:1,
control unit (D794) K13:2 – D794/
46, 37

23 Setup file cannot be No controls Contact Kalmar Indus- D790-1 – Con-
read in cab control working in tries AB. trol unit cab
unit (D790-1). cab.

24 Electric power feed Cab fan not Check fuse F58-5/3 D790-1/K2:8 – – 9.4.3 Cab fan
to cab fan less than working. 58-5/3:2
18 V.

25 Interference during Error code Switch the ignition off D794 ENGINE,
software download. stored in en- and on. menu 8 Control unit
Buffer for error gine control Repeat software down- engine
27 codes from engine unit (D794). load.
control unit (D794),
active error code
29 when downloading.


31 Incorrect power Control in cab Check fuse F58-5/1. D790-1/K1:2, CAN/ Igni-
supply to cab con- not working. Check cabling between K1:3, K1:4 – POWER, tion voltage
trol unit (D790-1). the control unit and the F58-5/1:1, 1:2 menu 7 (15)
Voltage under 18 V component with diag-
or over 32 V. nostic menu.
Check the control unit.

VDCF03.01GB Workshop Manual DCF 90-100

D Error codes – 8 Control system 61

Cod Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos- Group

e tions and tic menu
32 Incorrect 5 V refer- Analogue Check the wiring be- D790-1/K4:5, K CAN/ Con-
ence voltage to an- controls in the tween the control unit 5:11, K5:13, POWER, trol unit cab
alogue cab cab not work- and component with the K7:2, K 9:7 menu 7
controls. Voltage ing (mini- diagnostic menu.
under 4.9 V or over wheel/joy- Check component.
5.1 V. stick, control
lever and con-
trols for air

33 No feedback signal The emer- Check fuse F58-3/8. D790-1/K11:13 CAN/
for emergency stop gency stop Check cabling between – K3009-1/87 POWER, Emergency
switch voltage from switch cannot the control unit and the menu 5 stop switch
emergency stop be disen- component with diag- voltage (15E)
switch voltage relay gaged. All hy- nostic menu.
(K3009-1). draulic
functions are

34 Faulty signal from Parking brake Check cabling between D791-1/K8:5 – HYD, 4.5 Parking
parking brake cannot be re- the control unit and the S107/7 menu 5 brake
switch (S107); indi- leased. component with diag- D791-1/K8:13
cates released and nostic menu. – S107/1
applied at same Check the switch.
time or nothing at

35 Interference during Error code Switch the ignition off D793 TRANSM, Con-
software download. stored in and on. menu 13 trol unit trans-
Buffer for error transmission Repeat software down- mission
37 codes from trans- control unit load.
mission control unit (D793).
(D793), active error
39 code when down-

41 Transistor has Windshield Check cabling between D790-1/K2:4 – CAB, 9.5.7 Wiper
been triggered due wiper rear not the control unit and the M650-2/53 menu 3 motor rear
to short circuit or working. component with diag-
open circuit in cir- nostic menu.
cuit for rear wiper Check the motor.
motor (M650-2).

42 Transistor has Rotating bea- Check cabling between D790-1/K2:5 – LIGHTS, 9.6.8 Rotat-
been triggered due con not work- the control unit and the H428 menu 6 ing beacon
to short circuit or ing. component with diag-
open circuit in cir- nostic menu.
cuit for rotating Check the component.
beacon (H428).

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

62 D Error codes – 8 Control system

Cod Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos- Group

e tions and tic menu
43 Transistor has Left cab re- Check bulb. D790-1/K2:6 – LIGHTS, 9.6.5 Back-up
been triggered due versing light Check cabling between E405L menu 8 light
to short circuit or not working. the control unit and the
open circuit in cir- component with diag-
cuit for left revers- nostic menu.
ing light (E405L).

44 Transistor has Right cab re- Check bulb. D790-1/K2:7 – LIGHTS, 9.6.5 Back-up
been triggered due versing light Check cabling between E405R menu 8 light
to short circuit or not working. the control unit and the
open circuit in cir- component with diag-
cuit for right revers- nostic menu.
ing light (E405R).

45 Transistor has Windshield Check cabling between D790-1/K2:1 – CAB, 9.5.5 Wiper
been triggered due wiper front not the control unit and the M650-1/53 menu 2 motor front
to short circuit or working. component with diag-
open circuit in cir- nostic menu.
cuit for front wiper Check the component.
motor (M650-1).

46 Transistor has Cab fan not Check cabling between D790-1/K2:2 – CLIMATE, 9.4.3 Cab fan
been triggered due working. the control unit and the M657/2 menu 6
to short circuit or component with diag-
open circuit in cir- nostic menu.
cuit for fan motor Check the motor.

47 Transistor has Recirculation Check cabling between D790-1/K2:3 – CLIMATE, 9.4.2 Fresh
been triggered due damper to the control unit and the M612/3 menu 6 air filter and
to short circuit or ventilation not component with diag- recirculation
open circuit in cir- working. nostic menu. damper
cuit for recirculation Check the motor.
actuating motor

48 Transistor has Heat in cab Check cabling between D790-1/K4:1 – CLIMATE, 9.4.5 Water
been triggered due cannot be ad- the control unit and the Y673/5 menu 7 valve
to short circuit or justed. component with diag-
open circuit in cir- nostic menu.
cuit for water valve Check the motor.

49 Transistor has Heat in cab Check cabling between D790-1/K4:2 – CLIMATE, 9.4.5 Water
been triggered due cannot be ad- the control unit and the Y673/6 menu 7 valve
to short circuit or justed. component with diag-
open circuit in cir- nostic menu.
cuit for water valve Check the motor.

VDCF03.01GB Workshop Manual DCF 90-100

D Error codes – 8 Control system 63

Cod Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos- Group

e tions and tic menu
50 Transistor has Air distribu- Check cabling between D790-1/K4:3 – CLIMATE, 9.4.14 Air dis-
been triggered due tion in cab the control unit and the Y672/5 menu 8 tributor
to short circuit or cannot be ad- component with diag-
open circuit in cir- justed. nostic menu.
cuit for actuating Check the motor.
motor (Y672).

51 Transistor has Air distribu- Check cabling between D790-1/K4:4 – CLIMATE, 9.4.14 Air dis-
been triggered due tion in cab the control unit and the Y672/6 menu 8 tributor
to short circuit or cannot be ad- component with diag-
open circuit in cir- justed. nostic menu.
cuit for actuating Check the motor.
motor (Y672).

52 Transistor has Bypass of ex- Check component. D790-1/K5:3 – - -

been triggered due ternal top lift Check the wiring.
to short circuit or attachment
open circuit in cir- not working.
cuit for bypass of
external top lift at-

53 Transistor has Windshield Check cabling between D790-1/K5:4 – CAB, 9.5.4 Washer
been triggered due washer rear the control unit and the M651-2 menu 1 motor and
to short circuit or and roof not component with diag- reservoir
open circuit in cir- working. nostic menu.
cuit for roof and Check the motor.
rear washer motor

54 Transistor has Flashing haz- Check cabling between D790-1/K5:5 – LIGHTS, 9.6.7 Flash-
been triggered due ard lights not the control unit and the S109/ menu 7 ing hazard
to short circuit or working. component with diag- lights
open circuit in cir- nostic menu.
cuit for flashing Check the switch.
hazard light switch

55 Transistor has Reduced or Check bulbs for back- D7901/K6:1, K LIGHTS, 9.1 Controls
been triggered due no back- ground lighting, change 8:15, K 9:2, all menu 14 and instru-
to short circuit or ground light- if needed. inputs of type A ments
open circuit in cir- ing in Check cable harness to Digital in
cuit for background switches and background lighting.
lighting in switches instruments
and instruments.

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

64 D Error codes – 8 Control system

Cod Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos- Group

e tions and tic menu
56 Transistor has Work lights Check cabling between D790-1/ K7:8 – LIGHTS, 9.6.10 Work-
been triggered due 20’ not work- the control unit and the R3017-2/86 menu 12 ing lights, cab
to short circuit or ing. component with diag-
open circuit in cir- nostic menu.
cuit for relay for 20’ Check the component.
working lights.

57 Transistor has Indicator light Check cabling between D790-1/ K7:9 – - 7.1.1 Control
been triggered due for levelling the control unit and the S815/7 levers/Joy-
to short circuit or lock in joy- component with diag- stick
open circuit in cir- stick not nostic menu.
cuit for indicator working. Check the component.
light for levelling
lock in joystick

58 Transistor has Twistlock on Check cabling between D790-1/ K7:10 EXT-AT- 7.9.2 Twist-
been triggered due external top the control unit and the – K3005/86 TACH, locks
to short circuit or lift attachment component with diag- menu 6
open circuit in cir- does not nostic menu.
cuit for relay for work. Check the component.
twistlock on exter-
nal top lift attach-
ment (K3005).

59 Transistor has Spreading on Check cabling between D790-1/ K7:11 EXT-AT-
been triggered due external top the control unit and the – K3006/86 TACH, Spreading
to short circuit or lift attachment component with diag- menu 6
open circuit in cir- does not nostic menu.
cuit for relay for work. Check the component.
spreading on exter-
nal top lift attach-
ment (K3006).

60 Transistor has Seat heating Check cabling between D790-1/ K10:7 CAB, 9.3.3 Heating
been triggered due does not the control unit and the – K383/86 menu 8 coils
to short circuit or work. component with diag-
open circuit in cir- nostic menu.
cuit for relay for Check the component.
heating element in
driver’s seat

61 Transistor has Work lights Check cabling between D790-1/ K10:8 LIGHTS, 9.6.10 Work-
been triggered due 40’ not work- the control unit and the – K3017-1/86 menu 12 ing lights, cab
to short circuit or ing. component with diag-
open circuit in cir- nostic menu.
cuit for relay for 40’ Check the component.
working lights

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D Error codes – 8 Control system 65

Cod Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos- Group

e tions and tic menu
63 Transistor has No ignition Check cabling between D790-1/K10:10 CAN/ Igni-
been triggered due voltage to the the control unit and the – K315-1/86 POWER, tion voltage
to short circuit or machine’s component with diag- menu 5 (15)
open circuit in cir- Control units. nostic menu.
cuit for relay for ig- Check the component.
nition voltage

64 Transistor has No emergen- Check cabling between D790-1/K10:11 CAN/

been triggered due cy stop switch the control unit and the – K3009-1/86 POWER, Emergency
to short circuit or voltage to the component with diag- menu 6 stop switch
open circuit in cir- machine’s nostic menu. voltage
cuit for relay for control units. Check the component.
emergency stop
switch voltage

65 Transistor has No emergen- Check cabling between D790-1/K10:12 CAN/

been triggered due cy stop switch the control unit and the – K3009-2/86 POWER, Emergency
to short circuit or voltage to the component with diag- menu 6 stop switch
open circuit in cir- machine’s nostic menu. voltage
cuit for relay for control units. Check the component.
emergency stop
switch voltage

66 Transistor has Windshield Check cabling between D790-1/K10:13 CAB, 9.5.4 Washer
been triggered due washer not the control unit and the – M651-1, menu 1 motor and
to short circuit or working. component with diag- M651-2 reservoir
open circuit in cir- nostic menu.
cuit for windscreen Check the component.
washer motor
(M651-1, M651-2).

67 Transistor has Wiper roof not Check cabling between D790-1/K10:14 CAB, 9.5.6 Wiper
been triggered due working. the control unit and the – M650-3 menu 4 motor roof
to short circuit or component with diag-
open circuit in cir- nostic menu.
cuit for roof wiper Check the motor.
motor (M650-3).

68 Transistor has Pause heater Check cabling between D790-1/K10:15 - 9.4 Heating,
been triggered due not working. the control unit and the – M667 ventilation
to short circuit or component with diag- and air condi-
open circuit in cir- nostic menu. tioning
cuit for circulation Check the motor.
pump, pause heat-
er (M667).

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66 D Error codes – 8 Control system

Cod Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos- Group

e tions and tic menu
69 Transistor has No voltage Check cabling between D790-1/K10:16 - Igni-
been triggered due feed to engine the control unit and the – K315-2/86 tion voltage
to short circuit or and transmis- component with diag- (15)
open circuit in cir- sion. nostic menu.
cuit for relay for Check the component.
drivetrain ignition
voltage (K315-2).

71 Transistor has Interior light- Check bulb. D790-1/K11:6 LIGHTS, 9.6.11 Interior
been triggered due ing in cab not Check cabling between – E434-1 menu 9 lighting cab
to short circuit or working. the control unit and the
open circuit in cir- component with diag-
cuit for cab interior nostic menu.
lighting (E434-1).

75 Relay ignition volt- The cab con- Check cabling between - CAN/ Igni-
age (K315-1) has trol unit the control unit and the POWER, tion voltage
jammed in position (D790-1) still component with diag- menu 5
on. has a power nostic menu.
supply and is Check the component.
thereby ac-

80 No signal from Air condition- Check drive belt for air D797-1/K1:40 CLIMATE, 9.4.10 Pres-
Pressure switch air ing not work- conditioning compres- – S246 menu 3 sure switch
conditioning ing. sor.
(S246), despite the Check that compressor
AC compressor be- for air conditioning is ac-
ing activated. tivated.
Check cabling between
the control unit and the
component with diag-
nostic menu.

81 Faulty signal from Air distribu- Check cabling between D790-1/K4:7 – CLIMATE, 9.4.6 Fresh
actuating motor tion cannot be the control unit and the Y672/9 menu 4 air and recir-
(Y672). Signal volt- changed. component with diag- culation
age under 0.2 V or nostic menu. damper
over 4.8 V. Check the motor.

85 Faulty signal from Accelerator Check cabling between D790-1/K6:11 ENGINE, 1 Engine
accelerator pedal pedal for for- the control unit and the – B690-1/2 menu 1
(B690-1). Signal ward opera- component with diag-
voltage under 0.2 V tion not nostic menu.
or over 4.8 V. working. En- Check the component.
gine speed
limited to
idling speed.

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D Error codes – 8 Control system 67

Cod Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos- Group

e tions and tic menu
86 Faulty signal from Accelerator Check the wiring be- D790-1/K6:12 VBFS, 1 Engine
auxiliary accelera- pedal for rear- tween the control unit – B690-2/2 menu 4
tor pedal (B690-2). ward opera- and component with the
Signal voltage un- tion not diagnostic menu.
der 0.2 V or over working. En- Check component.
4.8 V. gine speed
limited to
idling speed.

87 Faulty signal from Lift and lower Check cabling between D790-1/K7:3 – ELSERV, 7.1.1 Control
lifting/lower control not working. the control unit and the R8071/3 menu 1 lever
lever (R8071). Sig- component with diag- (P1)
nal voltage under nostic menu.
0.2 V or over 4.8 V. Check the lever.

88 Faulty signal from Tilt not work- Check cabling between D790-1/K7:4 – ELSERV, 7.1.1 Control
tilt control lever ing. the control unit and the R8072/3 menu 1 lever
(R8072). Signal component with diag- (P2)
voltage under 0.2 V nostic menu.
or over 4.8 V. Check the lever.

89 Faulty signal from Side shift not Check cabling between D790-1/K7:5 – ELSERV, 7.1.1 Control
side shift control le- working. the control unit and the R8073/3 menu 1 lever
ver (R8073). Signal component with diag- (P3)
voltage under 0.2 V nostic menu.
or over 4.8 V. Check the lever.

90 DCF370-500/ Spreading not Check cabling between D790-1/K7:6 – ELSERV, 7.1.1 Control
DCF90-100 working. the control unit and the R8074/3 menu 2 lever
Faulty signal from component with diag- (P4)
spreading control nostic menu.
lever (R8074). Sig- Check the lever.
nal voltage under
0.2 V or over 4.8 V.

DCF360-450CSG Extension left

Faulty signal from not working.
control lever for ex-
tension left
(R8074). Signal
voltage under 0.2 V
or over 4.8 V.

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68 D Error codes – 8 Control system

Cod Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos- Group

e tions and tic menu
91 DCF370-500/ Extra load Check the wiring be- D790-1/K7:7 – ELSERV, 7.1.1 Control
DCF90-100 handling tween the control unit R8075-1/3 menu 2 lever
Faulty signal from function not and component with the (P5)
auxiliary function working. diagnostic menu.
control lever Check component.
(R8075-1). Signal
voltage under 0.2 V
or over 4.8 V.

DCF360-450CSG Levelling not

Faulty signal from working.
levelling control le-
ver (R8075-1). Sig-
nal voltage under
0.2 V or over 4.8 V.

92 Faulty signal from Joystick Check cabling between D790-1/K9:8 – EL- 5.1.2 Mini-
steering lever steering or the control unit and the R825-1/H1 STEER- wheel
(R825-1) or mini- mini-wheel component with diag- ING, menu 5.1.3 Joystick
wheel (R825-1). not working. nostic menu. 1
Signal voltage un- Check the switch.
der 0.2 V or over
4.8 V.

93 Faulty signal from Joystick Check cabling between D790-1/K9:9 – EL- 5.1.2 Mini-
mini-wheel (R825- steering or the control unit and the R825-2/H2 STEER- wheel
2). Signal voltage mini-wheel component with diag- ING, menu
under 0.2 V or over not working. nostic menu. 1
4.8 V. Check the switch.

94 Faulty signal from Cab heat can- Check cabling between D790-1/K10:4 CLIMATE, 9.4.5 Water
cab heater water not be adjust- the control unit and the – Y673/9 menu 4 valve
valve (Y673). Sig- ed. component with diag-
nal voltage under nostic menu.
0.2 V or over 4.8 V. Check the motor.

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D Error codes – 8 Control system 69

Cod Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos- Group

e tions and tic menu
95 DCF370-500/ Extra load Check cabling between D790-1/K9:9 – ELSERV, 7.1.1 Control
DCF90-100 handling the control unit and the R8075-2/3 menu 2 lever
Faulty signal from function not component with diag- (P7)
auxiliary function working. nostic menu.
control lever Check the lever.
(R8075-2). Signal
voltage under 0.2 V
or over 4.8 V.

DCF360-450CSG Extension
Faulty signal from right not work-
control lever for ex- ing.
tension right
(R8075-2). Signal
voltage under 0.2 V
or over 4.8 V.

96 Faulty signal from Air condition- Check cabling between D790-1/K4:8 – CLIMATE, 9.4.17 Sen-
cab temperature ing not work- the control unit and the B775-1/2 menu 1 sor cab tem-
sensor (B775-1) ing. component with diag- perature
Sensor indicates nostic menu.
temperature under Check the sensor.
-43 °C or over

97 Faulty signal from Air condition- Check cabling between D790-1/K4:9 – CLIMATE, 9.4.18 Sen-
outdoor tempera- ing not work- the control unit and the B774/2 menu 2 sor outdoor
ture sensor (B774). ing. component with diag- temperature
Temperature signal nostic menu.
over 105 °C. Check the sensor.

98 Faulty signal from Air condition- Check cabling between D790-1/K4:10 CLIMATE, 9.4.16 Sen-
outlet fan tempera- ing not work- the control unit and the – B775-2/2 menu 2 sor tempera-
ture sensor (B775- ing. component with diag- ture outlet fan
2) Sensor indicates nostic menu.
temperature under Check the sensor.
-43 °C or over

99 Faulty signal from Air condition- Check cabling between D790-1/K4:11 CLIMATE, 9.4.12 Sen-
refrigerant temper- ing not work- the control unit and the – B775-3/2 menu 2 sor tempera-
ature sensor ing. component with diag- ture
(B775-3) Sensor in- nostic menu. refrigerant
dicates tempera- Check the sensor.
ture under -43 °C or
over 105 °C.

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70 D Error codes – 8 Control system

Cod Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos- Group

e tions and tic menu
101 Redundant voltage – Check cabling between D797-1/K2:7 CAN/ Re-
feed left to frame the control unit and the POWER, dundant volt-
control unit (D797- component with diag- menu 10 age feed of
1) does not reach nostic menu. control units
destination. Check the control unit.

102 Redundant voltage – Check cabling between D797-1/K2:8 CAN/ Re-
feed right to frame the control unit and the POWER, dundant volt-
control unit (D797- component with diag- menu 10 age feed of
1) does not reach nostic menu. control units
destination. Check the control unit.

103 Incorrect power No electric Check fuse F58-2/1, D797-1/K2:1, CAN/ Igni-
supply to frame power feed to change if needed. K2:9, K2:10 – POWER, tion voltage
control unit (D797- components. Check cabling between F58-2/1:1, 1:2 menu 10 (15)
1). Voltage under the control unit and the
18 V or over 32 V. component with diag-
nostic menu.

104 Incorrect emergen- Functions Check fuse F58-2:1 and D797-1/K2:11 CAN/
cy stop switch volt- normally sup- replace if necessary. – F58-2/1:1 POWER, Emergency
age to frame plied emer- Check the wiring be- menu 10 stop switch
control unit (D797- gency stop tween the control unit voltage
1) switch volt- and component with the
age have no diagnostic menu.
feed. All hy-
draulic func- Check component.
tions blocked.

105 Incorrect 5 V refer- Incorrect Check cabling between D797-1/K1:8 – CAN/ 8.2.1 Over-
ence voltage to function, lift the control unit and the B768-1/1, POWER, load protec-
pressure sensor. and tilt sensor component with diag- B768-2/1 menu 11 tion
Voltage under 4.9 V nostic menu.
or over 5.1 V. Check the sensor.

106 Transistor has Cooling fan Check cabling between D797-1/K1:14 HYD, 10.6.3 Cool-
been triggered due hydraulic oil the control unit and the – M668/1 menu 1 ing fan
to short circuit or not working. component with diag-
open circuit in cir- nostic menu.
cuit for hydraulic oil Check the motor.
cooling fan (M668).

107 Transistor has Mast work Check bulb. D797-1/K1:1 – LIGHTS, 9.6.9 Working
been triggered due lights not Check the lamp holder. E404L-1, menu 10 lights mast
to short circuit or working. E404R-1
open circuit in cir- Check cabling between
cuit for mast work the control unit and the
component with diag-
lights (E404R-1,
nostic menu.

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D Error codes – 8 Control system 71

Cod Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos- Group

e tions and tic menu
108 Transistor has High beam Check bulb. D797-1/K1:15 LIGHTS, 9.6.1 Head-
been triggered due not working. Check the lamp holder. – E402L-1, menu 3 lights
to short circuit or E402R-1
Check cabling between
open circuit in cir-
the control unit and the
cuit for high beam
component with diag-
(E402R-1, E402L-
nostic menu.

109 Transistor has Low beams Check bulb. D797-1/K1:28 LIGHTS, 9.6.1 Head-
been triggered due not working. Check the lamp holder. – E400L, menu 3 lights
to short circuit or E400R
Check cabling between
open circuit in cir-
the control unit and the
cuit for low beam
(E400L, E400R). component with diag-
nostic menu.

111 Transistor has Running Check bulb. D797-1/K1:2 – LIGHTS, 9.6.2 Run-
been triggered due lights not Check the lamp holder. H416-1, H416- menu 2 ning lights
to short circuit or working. 2, H417-1,
open circuit in cir- Check cabling between H417-2
cuit for running the control unit and the
lights (H416-1, component with diag-
H416-2, H417-1, nostic menu.

112 Transistor has Cooling fan Check cabling between D797-1/K1:3 – HYD, 4.8.9 Cooling
been triggered due brake oil not the control unit and the M674/1 menu 2 fan
to short circuit or working. component with diag-
open circuit in cir- nostic menu.
cuit for brake oil Check the motor.
cooling fan (M674).

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72 D Error codes – 8 Control system

Cod Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos- Group

e tions and tic menu
113 Electric servo Lift and lower Check cabling between D797-1/K1:4 – ELSERV, DCF370-500:
Transistor has not working. the control unit and the Y6004/1, menu 3 7.2.6 Control
been triggered due component with diag- Y6005/1 and 4 valve, load
to short circuit or nostic menu. handling
open circuit in cir- Check the solenoid DCF360-
cuit for solenoid valves. 450CSG:
valve, lift mast 7.2.5 Control
(Y6005) and sole- valve, lift and
noid valve, lower tilt
mast (Y6004)

Hydraulic servo, Mast lifting/ Check cabling between D797-1/K1:4 – FREEL- 7.2.5 Shuttle
freelift lowering not the control unit and the Y6004-1/1 IFT, menu valve, freelift
Transistor has working. component with diag- Y6005-1/1 2
been triggered due nostic menu.
to short circuit or Check the solenoid
open circuit in cir- valves.
cuit for solenoid
valve, lift mast
(Y6005-1) and so-
lenoid valve, lower
mast (Y6004-1).

Hydraulic servo Mast lifting/ Check cabling between D797-1/K1:4 – OLS, 7.10.5 Sepa-
Transistor has lowering not the control unit and the Y6045/1, menu 5 rate top lift
been triggered due working. component with diag- Y6076/1 and 6 mast
to short circuit or nostic menu.
open circuit in cir- Check the solenoid
cuit for solenoid valves.
valve, stop mast lift
(Y6045) and sole-
noid, stop mast
lower (Y6076).

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D Error codes – 8 Control system 73

Cod Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos- Group

e tions and tic menu
114 Electric servo Tilt not work- Check cabling between D797-1/K1:5 – ELSERV, DCF370-500:
Transistor has ing. the control unit and the Y6010/1, menu 5 7.7.5 Control
been triggered due component with diag- Y6011/1 and 6 valve, load
to short circuit or nostic menu. handling
open circuit in cir- Check the solenoid DCF360-
cuit for solenoid valve. 450CSG:
valve, tilt in (Y6011) 7.7.5 Control
and solenoid valve, valve, lift and
tilt out (Y6010) tilt

Hydraulic servo Carriage Check cabling between D797-1/K1:5 – FREEL- 7.2.5 Shuttle
Transistor has freelift not the control unit and the Y6004-2/1 IFT, menu valve, freelift
been triggered due working. component with diag- Y6005-2/1 2
to short circuit or nostic menu.
open circuit in cir- Check the solenoid
cuit for solenoid valve.
valve, lift carriage
(Y6005-2) and so-
lenoid valve, lower
carriage (Y6004-2).

115 Transistor has Left direction Check bulb. D797-1/K1:30 LIGHTS, 9.6.6 Direc-
been triggered due indicator not Check the lamp holder. – H422/1, menu 4 tion indicators
to short circuit or working. H426/1
open circuit in cir- Check cabling between
cuit for left direction the control unit and the
indicator (H422, component with diag-
H426). nostic menu.

116 Transistor has Right direc- Check bulb. D797-1/K1:31 LIGHTS, 9.6.6 Direc-
been triggered due tion indicator Check the lamp holder. – H423/1, menu 4 tion indicators
to short circuit or not working. H427/1
Check cabling between
open circuit in cir-
cuit for right direc- the control unit and the
tion indicator component with diag-
(H423, H427). nostic menu.

117 Transistor has Starter motor Check cabling between D797-1/K1:32 ENGINE, 1.11 Start
been triggered due not working. the control unit and the – K315/85 menu 5 and stop
to short circuit or component with diag-
open circuit in cir- nostic menu.
cuit for start relay Check the component.
(K315) for starter

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74 D Error codes – 8 Control system

Cod Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos- Group

e tions and tic menu
118 Transistor has Tail lights not Check bulb. D797-1/K1:33 LIGHTS, 9.6.3 Rear
been triggered due working. Check the lamp holder. – H412L/1, menu 2 lights
to short circuit or H412R/1
Check cabling between
open circuit in cir-
the control unit and the
cuit for tail light
component with diag-
(H412L, H412R).
nostic menu.

119 Transistor has Brake light left Check bulb. D797-1/K1:7 – LIGHTS, 9.6.4 Brake
been triggered due not working. Check the lamp holder. H411L/1 menu 8 lights
to short circuit or
Check cabling between
open circuit in cir-
cuit for left brake the control unit and the
component with diag-
light (H411L).
nostic menu.

120 Transistor has Brake light Check bulb. D797-1/K1:9 – LIGHTS, 9.6.4 Brake
been triggered due right not work- Check the lamp holder. H411R/1 menu 8 lights
to short circuit or ing.
open circuit in cir- Check cabling between
cuit for right brake the control unit and the
component with diag-
light (H411R).
nostic menu.

121 Transistor has Back-up Check cabling between D797-1/K1:10 LIGHTS, 9.7.5 Back-up
been triggered due alarm not the control unit and the – H965/1 menu 8 alarm
to short circuit or working. component with diag-
open circuit in cir- nostic menu.
cuit for reversing Check the component.
warning device

122 Transistor has Air condition- Check cabling between D797-1/K1:25 CLIMATE, 9.4.7 Com-
been triggered due ing not work- the control unit and the – M645/1 menu 6 pressor
to short circuit or ing. component with diag-
123 D797-1/K1:29
open circuit in cir- nostic menu.
– M645/1
cuit for electromag- Check the component.
netic clutch of AC
NOTE! Error code
122 and 123 apply
to the same user.

124 Transistor has Disconnec- Check cabling between D797-1/K1:34 HYD, 10.4.3 Vane
been triggered due tion of pump 2 the control unit and the – Y6062/1 menu 6 pump with
to short circuit or not working. component with diag- fixed dis-
open circuit in cir- nostic menu. placement
cuit for solenoid Check the solenoid
valve, hydraulic valve.
pump disengage-
ment (Y6062).

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D Error codes – 8 Control system 75

Cod Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos- Group

e tions and tic menu
125 Transistor has Regenera- Check cabling between D797-1/K1:11 ELSERV, 7.2.6 Valve
been triggered due tion not work- the control unit and the – Y6051/1 menu 15 block lift cylin-
to short circuit or ing. component with diag- der
open circuit in cir- nostic menu.
cuit for solenoid Check component.
valve regeneration,
lift, right (Y6051).

126 Transistor has Regenera- Check cabling between D797-1/K1:12 ELSERV, 7.2.6 Valve
been triggered due tion not work- the control unit and the – Y6052/1 menu 15 block lift cylin-
to short circuit or ing. component with diag- der
open circuit in cir- nostic menu.
cuit for solenoid Check component.
valve regeneration,
lift, left (Y6052).

132 Vehicle Data file Some func- - - - -

missing. tions in ma-
chine not

133 Faulty signal from Scales, re- Check the sensor. D797-1/K1:21 HYD, 7.2.8 Sensor
hydraulic pressure generation Check cabling between – B768-1/3 menu 3 hydraulic
sensor for lift cylin- and slack the control unit and the OLS, pressure lift
der (B768-1). chain logic, component with diag- menu 1 cylinder
not working. nostic menu.
Overload sys-
tem not work-
ing. Error
code 150 acti-

134 Faulty signal from Overload sys- Check the sensor. D797-1/K1:22 HYD, 7.7.8 Hydrau-
hydraulic pressure tem not work- Check cabling between – B768-2/3 menu 3 lic pressure
sensor for tilt cylin- ing. Error the control unit and the OLS, sensor, tilt
der (B768-2). code 150 acti- component with diag- menu 1 cylinder
vated. nostic menu.

135 No feedback signal - Check that cooling fan is D797-1/K2:6 – HYD, 4.8.9 Cooling
from brake oil cool- working. M674/2 menu 2 fan
ing fan (M674). Check cabling between
the control unit and the
component with diag-
nostic menu.

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76 D Error codes – 8 Control system

Cod Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos- Group

e tions and tic menu
137 Electric servo Lift mast not Check cabling between D797-1/K1:16 ELSERV, DCF370-500:
Faulty signal from working. the control unit and the – Y6005/2 menu 3 7.7.5 Control
solenoid valve for component with diag- valve, load
lift mast (Y6005). nostic menu. handling
Return current Check the solenoid DCF360-
does not match valve. 450CSG:
control current. 7.7.5 Control
valve, lift and

Hydraulic servo, Lift mast not Check cabling between D797-1/K1:16 FREEL- 7.2.5 Shuttle
freelift working. the control unit and the – Y6005-1/2 IFT, menu valve, freelift
Faulty signal from component with diag- 2
solenoid valve for nostic menu.
lift mast (Y6005-1). Check the solenoid
Return current valve.
does not match
control current.

Hydraulic servo Lift mast not Check cabling between D797-1/K1:16 OLS, 7.10.5 Sepa-
Faulty signal from working. the control unit and the – Y6045/2 menu 5 rate top lift at-
solenoid valve for component with diag- tachment
interrupt mast lift nostic menu.
(Y6045). Return Check the solenoid
current does not valve.
match control cur-

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D Error codes – 8 Control system 77

Cod Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos- Group

e tions and tic menu
138 Electric servo Lower mast Check cabling between D797-1/K1:17 ELSERV, DCF370-500:
Faulty signal from not working. the control unit and the – Y6004/2 menu 4 7.7.5 Control
solenoid valve for component with diag- valve, load
lower mast nostic menu. handling
(Y6004). Return Check the solenoid DCF360-
current does not valve. 450CSG:
match control cur- 7.7.5 Control
rent. valve, lift and

Hydraulic servo, Lower mast Check cabling between D797-1/K1:17 FREEL- 7.2.5 Shuttle
freelift not working. the control unit and the – Y6004-1/2 IFT, menu valve, freelift
Faulty signal from component with diag- 2
solenoid valve for nostic menu.
lower mast (Y6004- Check the solenoid
1). Return current valve.
does not match
control current.

Hydraulic servo Lower mast Check cabling between D797-1/K1:17 OLS, 7.10.5 Sepa-
Faulty signal from not working. the control unit and the – Y6076/2 menu 6 rate top lift at-
solenoid valve for component with diag- tachment
interrupt mast low- nostic menu.
ering (Y6076). Re- Check the solenoid
turn current does valve.
not match control

139 Electric servo Tilt in not Check cabling between D797-1/K1:18 ELSERV, DCF370-500:
Faulty signal from working. the control unit and the – Y6011/2 menu 5 7.7.5 Control
solenoid valve for component with diag- valve, load
tilt in (Y6011). Re- nostic menu. handling
turn current does Check the solenoid DCF360-
not match control valve. 450CSG:
current. 7.7.5 Control
valve, lift and

Hydraulic servo Lift not work- Check cabling between D797-1/K1:18 FREEL- 7.2.5 Shuttle
Faulty signal from ing. the control unit and the – Y6005-2/2 IFT, menu valve, freelift
solenoid valve for component with diag- 2
lift carriage (Y6005- nostic menu.
2). Return current Check the solenoid
does not match valve.
control current.

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78 D Error codes – 8 Control system

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e tions and tic menu
140 Electric servo Tilt out not Check cabling between D797-1/K1:19 ELSERV, DCF370-500:
Faulty signal from working. the control unit and the – Y6010/2 menu 6 7.7.5 Control
solenoid valve for component with diag- valve, load
tilt out (Y6010). Re- nostic menu. handling
turn current does Check the solenoid DCF360-
not match control valve. 450CSG:
current. 7.7.5 Control
valve, lift and

Hydraulic servo Lower not Check cabling between D797-1/K1:19 FREEL- 7.2.5 Shuttle
Faulty signal from working. the control unit and the – Y6004-2/2 IFT, menu valve, freelift
solenoid valve for component with diag- 2
lower carriage nostic menu.
(Y6004-2). Return Check the solenoid
current does not valve.
match control cur-

141 Transistor has Parking brake Check cabling between D797-1/K1:34 HYD, 4.5.3 Sole-
been triggered due cannot be re- the control unit and the – Y642/1 menu 5 noid valve
to short circuit or leased. component with diag- parking brake
open circuit in cir- nostic menu.
cuit for parking Check the solenoid
brake solenoid valve.
valve (Y642).

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D Error codes – 8 Control system 79

Cod Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos- Group

e tions and tic menu
142 DCF370-500 Tilt not work- Check cabling between D797-1/K1:35 OLS, 7.10.5 Sepa-
Transistor has ing. the control unit and the – Y6012/1 menu 7 rate top lift at-
been triggered due component with diag- tachment
to short circuit or nostic menu.
open circuit in cir- Check the solenoid
cuit for solenoid valve.
valve, stop tilt

DCF360-450CSG Disconnec- Check cabling between D797-1/K1:35 HYD, 10.4.2 Axial

Transistor has tion of attach- the control unit and the – Y6062/1 menu 6 piston pump
been triggered due ment pump component with diag- with variable
to short circuit or not working. nostic menu. displacement
open circuit in cir- Check the solenoid
cuit for solenoid valve.
valve, hydraulic
pump disengage-
ment (Y6062).

DCF90-100 Quick-lift Check cabling between D797-1/K1:35 HYD, 10.4.2 Axial

Transistor has pump en- the control unit and the – Y6062/1 menu 6 piston pump
been triggered due gagement not component with diag- with variable
to short circuit or working. nostic menu. displacement
open circuit in cir- Check the solenoid
cuit for solenoid valve.
valve, hydraulic
pump disengage-
ment (Y6062).

143 Transistor has Spreading Check cabling between D797-1/K1:36 EXT-AT- 7.10.5 Sepa-
been triggered due and twistlocks the control unit and the – Y6039/6018/ TACH, rate top lift at-
to short circuit or on top lift at- component with diag- 1 menu 5 tachment
open circuit in cir- tachment not nostic menu.
cuit for solenoid working. Check the solenoid
valve, lock twist- valve.
locks/spreading out

144 Transistor has Spreading Check cabling between D797-1/K1:37 EXT-AT- 7.10.5 Sepa-
been triggered due and twistlocks the control unit and the – Y6040/6019/ TACH, rate top lift at-
to short circuit or on top lift at- component with diag- 1 menu 5 tachment
open circuit in cir- tachment not nostic menu.
cuit for solenoid working. Check the solenoid
valve, open twist- valve.
locks/spreading in

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80 D Error codes – 8 Control system

Cod Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos- Group

e tions and tic menu
145 High brake oil tem- Reduced Check that cooling fan is D797-1/K2:6 – HYD, 4.8.10 Sen-
perature. braking ca- working. B772/1 menu 2 sor brake oil
pacity. If the Check that cooler isn’t temperature
temperature clogged.
continues to
Check the brake oil lev-
rise, speed is
limited to 5
km/h. Check the sensor.

146 Faulty signal from Speed limited Check the sensor. D797-1/K2:6 – HYD, 4.8.10 Sen-
brake oil tempera- to 5 km/h. Check cabling between B772/1 menu 2 sor brake oil
ture sensor (B772). the control unit and the temperature
Signal voltage un- component with diag-
der 0.2 V or over nostic menu.
4.8 V.

147 High hydraulic oil No limitation. Check that cooling fan is D797-1/K2:13 HYD, 10.6.4 Sen-
temperature. working. – B776/1 menu 1 sor hydraulic
Check that cooler isn’t oil tempera-
clogged. ture

Check the sensor.

148 Faulty signal from Incorrect tem- Check the sensor. D797-1/K2:13 HYD, 10.6.4 Sen-
hydraulic oil tem- perature dis- Check cabling between – B776/1 menu 1 sor hydraulic
perature sensor play. the control unit and the oil tempera-
(B776). component with diag- ture
nostic menu.

149 Faulty signal from Incorrect dis- Check the sensor. D797-1/K2:15 CAB, 1.2.2 Sensor
fuel level sensor play of fuel Check cabling between –B757/1 menu 7 fuel level
(B757). Resistance amount (emp- the control unit and the
over 180 Ω. ty or full). component with diag-
nostic menu.

150 Defective overload Overload sys- Check if there are error – OLS, 8.2.1 Over-
protection. tem not work- codes for sensors in the menu 1 – 7 load protec-
This error code ing. All lift overload system. tion
cannot be removed functions op-
with Reset. erate at re-
duced speed.

151 Redundant voltage – Check cabling between D797-2/K2:7 CAN/ Re-
feed left to frame the control unit and the POWER, dundant volt-
control unit option component with diag- menu 13 age feed of
(D797-2) does not nostic menu. Control units
reach destination. Check the control unit.

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e tions and tic menu
152 Redundant voltage – Check cabling between D797-2/K2:8 CAN/ Re-
feed right to frame the control unit and the POWER, dundant volt-
control unit option component with diag- menu 13 age feed of
(D797-2) does not nostic menu. Control units
reach destination. Check the control unit.

153 Incorrect power No electric Check fuse F58-2/3, D797-2/K2:1/9/ CAN/ Igni-
supply to frame power feed to change if needed. 10 POWER, tion voltage
control unit option components. Check cabling between D797-2/K2:1, menu 13 (15)
(D797-2). Voltage the control unit and the K2:9, K2:10 –
under 18 V or over component with diag- F58-2/3:1, 3:2
32 V. nostic menu.

154 Incorrect control Functions Check fuse F58-3/5; re- D797-F/K2:11 CAN/
switch voltage to normally sup- place if needed. – F58-3/5:1 POWER, Emergency
frame control unit, plied emer- Check cabling between menu 13 stop switch
option (D797-2). gency stop the control unit and the voltage
switch volt- component with diag-
age have no nostic menu.
feed. All hy-
draulic func-
tions blocked.

155 Incorrect 5 V refer- – Check cabling between D797-2/K1:8 CAN/ 11.5.1 Power
ence voltage to the control unit and the POWER, supply
pressure sensor. component with diag- menu 14
Voltage under 4.9 V nostic menu.
or over 5.1 V. Check the sensor.

157 Transistor has Rear high Check bulb. D797-2/K1:1 – VBFS, 9.6.1 Head-
been triggered due beam not Check the lamp holder. E402R-2/1, menu 6 lights
to short circuit or working. E402L-2/1
open circuit in cir- Check cabling between
cuit for rear high the control unit and the
beam (E402R-2, component with diag-
nostic menu.

158 Transistor has Rear low Check bulb. D797-2/K1:15 VBFS, 9.6.1 Head-
been triggered due beam not Check the lamp holder. – E401R/1, menu 6 lights
to short circuit or working. E401L/1
Check cabling between
open circuit in cir-
the control unit and the
cuit for rear low
component with diag-
beam (E401R,
nostic menu.

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82 D Error codes – 8 Control system

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e tions and tic menu
160 Transistor has Auxiliary work Check the lights. Check D797-2/K1:42 LIGHTS, 9.6.9 Working
been triggered due lights, frame the wiring between the – E404R-2/1, menu 11 lights mast
to short circuit or front, not control unit and compo- E404L-2/1 9.6.10 Work-
open circuit in cir- working. nent with the diagnostic ing lights, cab
cuit for auxiliary menu.
9.6.12 Work
work lights (E404R- Check component. lights, attach-
2, E404L-2).

161 Transistor has Joystick Check cabling between D797-2/K1:2 – EL- 5.2.10 Con-
been triggered due steering or the control unit and the Y636-3/1 STEER- trol valve joy-
to short circuit or mini-wheel component with diag- ING, menu stick steering/
open circuit in cir- not working. nostic menu. 5 mini-wheel
cuit for solenoid Check the solenoid
valve, steering right valve.

162 Transistor has Joystick Check cabling between D797-2/K1:3 – EL- 5.2.10 Con-
been triggered due steering or the control unit and the Y636-4 /1 STEER- trol valve joy-
to short circuit or mini-wheel component with diag- ING, menu stick steering/
open circuit in cir- not working. nostic menu. 4 mini-wheel
cuit for solenoid Check the solenoid
valve, steering right valve.

163 Transistor has Lift carriage Check cabling between D797-2/K1:4 – ELSERV, 7.2.6 Control
been triggered due not working. the control unit and the Y6022/1 menu 11 valve load
to short circuit or component with diag- handling
open circuit in cir- nostic menu.
cuit for solenoid Check the solenoid
valve, lift carriage valve.

164 Transistor has Lower car- Check cabling between D797-2/K1:5 – ELSERV, 7.2.6 Control
been triggered due riage not the control unit and the Y6023/1 menu 12 valve load
to short circuit or working. component with diag- handling
open circuit in cir- nostic menu.
cuit for solenoid Check the solenoid
valve, lower car- valve.
riage (Y6023).

165 Transistor has Side shift right Check cabling between D797-2/K1:30 ELSERV, 7.4.5 Control
been triggered due not working. the control unit and the – Y6021/1 menu 8 valve load
to short circuit or component with diag- handling
open circuit in cir- nostic menu.
cuit for solenoid Check the solenoid
valve, side shift valve.
right (Y6021).

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e tions and tic menu
166 Transistor has Side shift left Check cabling between D797-2/K1:31 ELSERV, 7.4.5 Control
been triggered due not working. the control unit and the – Y6020/1 menu 7 valve load
to short circuit or component with diag- handling
open circuit in cir- nostic menu.
cuit for solenoid Check the solenoid
valve, side shift left valve.

167 Transistor has Spreading in Check cabling between D797-2/K1:32 ELSERV, 7.5.5 Control
been triggered due not working. the control unit and the – Y6019/1 menu 9 valve load
to short circuit or component with diag- handling
open circuit in cir- nostic menu.
cuit for solenoid Check the solenoid
valve, spreading in valve.

168 Transistor has Spreading out Check cabling between D797-2/K1:33 ELSERV, 7.5.5 Control
been triggered due not working. the control unit and the – Y6018/1 menu 10 valve load
to short circuit or component with diag- handling
open circuit in cir- nostic menu.
cuit for solenoid Check the solenoid
valve, spreading valve.
out (Y6018).

169 Reversible opera- Driver’s seat Check cabling between D797-2/K1:7 – CAN/ Sen-
tor's seat position indi- the control unit and the S720-F/1, POWER, sor reversible
Transistor has cator not component with diag- S720-R/1 menu 14 driver’s seat
been triggered due working. nostic menu.
to short circuit or Check the sensor.
open circuit in cir-
cuit for reversible
driver’s seat sensor
(S720-F, S720-R).

Tiltable cab Cab position Check cabling between D797-2/K1:7 – CAN/ Sen-
Transistor has indicator not the control unit and the B769-1/A, POWER, sor, cab up/
been triggered due working. component with diag- B769-2/A menu 14 cab down
to short circuit or nostic menu.
open circuit in cir- Check the sensor.
cuit for sensor for
cab tilt (B769-1,

170 Transistor has Change of Check cabling between D797-2/K1:9 – VBFS, 5.2.15 Direc-
been triggered due steering an- the control unit and the Y636-1/1 menu 5 tion valve, re-
to short circuit or gle for revers- component with diag- versible
open circuit in cir- ible driver’s nostic menu. driver’s seat
cuit for solenoid seat not work- Check the solenoid
valve, steering for- ing. valve.
ward (Y636–1).

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84 D Error codes – 8 Control system

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e tions and tic menu
171 Transistor has Change of Check cabling between D797-2/K1:10 VBFS, 5.2.15 Direc-
been triggered due steering an- the control unit and the – Y636-2/1 menu 5 tion valve, re-
to short circuit or gle for revers- component with diag- versible
open circuit in cir- ible driver’s nostic menu. driver’s seat
cuit for solenoid seat not work- Check the solenoid
valve, steering ing. valve.
rearward (Y636–2).

172 Reversible opera- Front tail Check bulb. D797-2/K1:25 VBFS, 9.6.3 Rear
tor's seat lights, not Check the lamp holder. – H413R/1, menu 7 lights
Transistor has working H413L/1
Check cabling between
been triggered due the control unit and the
to short circuit or component with diag-
open circuit in cir- nostic menu.
cuit for front tail
light (H413R,

Cab sliding Cab sliding Check cabling between D797-2/K1:25 - 9.10.4 Hy-
Transistor has not working. the control unit and the – Y6080/1 draulic slid-
been triggered due component with diag- ing cab
to short circuit or nostic menu.
open circuit in cir- Check the solenoid
cuit for solenoid valve.
valve, cab sliding

173 Reversible opera- Rotation of Check cabling between D797-2/K1:29 VBFS, Con-
tor's seat driver’s seat the control unit and the – Y646-1/1 menu 2 trol valve, re-
Transistor has not working component with diag- versible
been triggered due nostic menu. driver’s seat
to short circuit or Check the solenoid
open circuit in cir- valve.
cuit for solenoid
valve, reversible
driver’s seat, clock-
wise (Y646-1).

Tiltable cab Cab tilt up not Check cabling between D797-2/K1:29 MOVING- Con-
Transistor has working. the control unit and the – Y6047/1 CAB, trol valve, cab
been triggered due component with diag- menu 4 tilt
to short circuit or nostic menu.
open circuit in cir- Check the solenoid
cuit for solenoid valve.
valve, cab tilt up

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e tions and tic menu
174 Reversible opera- Rotation of Check the wiring be- D797-2/K1:39 VBFS, Con-
tor's seat driver’s seat tween the control unit – Y646-2/1 menu 2 trol valve, re-
Transistor has not working and component with the versible
been triggered due diagnostic menu. driver’s seat
to short circuit or Check component.
open circuit in cir-
cuit for solenoid
valve, reversible
driver’s seat, anti-
clockwise (Y646-2).

Tiltable cab Cab tilt down Check the wiring be- D797-2/K1:39 MOVING- Con-
Transistor has not working. tween the control unit – Y6048/1 CAB, trol valve, cab
been triggered due and component with the menu 4 tilt
to short circuit or diagnostic menu.
open circuit in cir- Check component.
cuit for solenoid
valve, cab tilt down

187 Faulty signal from Joystick Check cabling between D797-2/K1:16 AUXILIA- 5.2.10 Con-
steering solenoid steering or the control unit and the – Y636-3/2, RY / EL- trol valve joy-
valve (Y636-3, mini-wheel component with diag- Y636-4/2 STEER- stick steering/
Y636-4). Return not working. nostic menu. ING, menu mini-wheel
current does not Check the solenoid 4 and 5
match control valve.

188 Faulty signal from Carriage lift- Check cabling between D797-2/K1:17 ELSERV, 5.2.10 Con-
solenoid valve, lift ing/lowering the control unit and the – Y6022/2, menu 11 trol valve joy-
carriage (Y6022) not working. component with diag- Y6023/2 and 12 stick steering/
and solenoid valve, nostic menu. mini-wheel
lower carriage Check the solenoid
(Y6023). Return valve.
current does not
match control

189 Faulty signal from Side shift not Check cabling between D797-2/K1:18 ELSERV, 7.4.5 Control
solenoid valve, side working. the control unit and the – Y6020/2, menu 7 valve load
shift left (Y6020) component with diag- Y6021/2 and 8 handling
and solenoid valve, nostic menu.
side shift right Check the solenoid
(Y6021). Return valve.
current does not
match control

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86 D Error codes – 8 Control system

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e tions and tic menu
190 Faulty signal from Spreading not Check cabling between D797-2/K1:19 ELSERV, 7.5.5 Control
solenoid valve, working. the control unit and the – Y6018/2, menu 9 valve load
spreading out component with diag- Y6019/2 and 10 handling
(Y6018) and sole- nostic menu.
noid valve, spread- Check the solenoid
ing in (Y6019). valve.
Return current
does not match
control current.

193 Transistor has Right front Check bulb. D797-1/K1:36 VBFS, 9.6.4 Brake
been triggered due brake light not Check the lamp holder. – H410R/1 menu 8 lights
to short circuit or working.
open circuit in cir- Check cabling between
cuit for right front the control unit and the
brake light component with diag-
(H410R). nostic menu.

194 Transistor has Left front Check bulb. D797-1/K1:37 VBFS, 9.6.4 Brake
been triggered due brake light not Check the lamp holder. – H410L/1 menu 8 lights
to short circuit or working.
open circuit in cir- Check cabling between
cuit for left front the control unit and the
brake light (H410L). component with diag-
nostic menu.

251 Redundant voltage - Check cabling between D791-1/K2:7 CAN/ Re-
feed left to frame the control unit and the POWER, dundant volt-
control unit (D791- component with diag- menu 15 age feed of
1) does not reach nostic menu. Control units
destination. Check the control unit.

252 Redundant voltage - Check cabling between D791-1/K2:8 CAN/ Re-
feed right to frame the control unit and the POWER, dundant volt-
control unit (D791- component with diag- menu 15 age feed of
1) does not reach nostic menu. Control units
destination. Check the control unit.

253 Incorrect power Functions Check fuse F58-3/1, D791-1/K2:1, CAN/
supply to attach- normally sup- change if needed. K2:9, K2:10 – POWER, Emergency
ment control unit plied emer- Check cabling between F58-3/1:1 menu 15 stop switch
(D791-1). Voltage gency stop the control unit and the voltage
under 18 V or over switch volt- component with diag-
32 V. age have no nostic menu.
feed. No at-

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e tions and tic menu
254 Incorrect control Functions Check fuse F58-3/1, D791-1/K2:11 CAN/
switch voltage to at- normally sup- change if needed. – F58-3/1:1 POWER, Emergency
tachment control plied emer- Check cabling between menu 15 stop switch
unit (D791-1). gency stop the control unit and the voltage
switch volt- component with diag-
age have no nostic menu.
feed. No at-

255 Incorrect 5 V refer- – Check cabling between D791-1/K1:8 CAN/ 11.5.1 Power
ence voltage to the control unit and the POWER, supply
pressure sensor. component with diag- menu 16
Voltage under 4.9 V nostic menu.
or over 5.1 V. Check the sensor.

256 Transistor has Central lubri- Check cabling between D791-1/K1:14 OPT, 9.14.1 Pump
been triggered due cation attach- the control unit and the – M693-2/1 menu 2 unit
to short circuit or ment not component with diag-
open circuit in cir- working. nostic menu.
cuit for central unit Check the component.
for central lubrica-
tion (M693-2).

257 Transistor has Work light at- Check bulb. D791-1/K1:1 – LIGHTS, 9.6.12 Work
been triggered due tachment left Check the lamp holder. E404L, menu 13 light
to short circuit or not working. E404UL, attachment
open circuit in cir- Check cabling between E404LL-3/1
cuit for attachment the control unit and the
work lights, left component with diag-
(E404L-3). nostic menu.

258 Transistor has Work light at- Check bulb. D791-1/K1:15 LIGHTS, 9.6.12 Work
been triggered due tachment Check the lamp holder. – E404R, menu 13 light
to short circuit or right not work- E404UR, attachment
Check cabling between
open circuit in cir- ing. E404LR-3/1
the control unit and the
cuit for attachment
work lights, right component with diag-
(E404R-3). nostic menu.

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88 D Error codes – 8 Control system

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e tions and tic menu
259 DCF360-450CSG Auxiliary at- Check bulb. D791-1/K1:28 LIGHTS, 9.6.12 Work
Transistor has tachment Check the lamp holder. – E404-4L/1, menu 13 light attach-
been triggered due work lights E404-4-R/1 ment
Check cabling between
to short-circuit or not working.
the control unit and the
open circuit in cir- component with diag-
cuit for auxiliary at- nostic menu.
tachment work
lights (E404-4L,

DCF90-100 Warning sig- Check the buzzer. D791-1/K1:28 ATTACH, 7.5.7 Buzzer,
Transistor has nal for auto- Check cabling between – H9003/1 menu 21 automatic
been triggered due matic the control unit and the spreading
to short circuit or spreading not component with diag- 20'-40'
open circuit in cir- working. nostic menu.
cuit for warning sig-
nal, automatic
spreading (H9003).

260 Transistor has Levelling of Check cabling between D791-1/K1:42 ATTACH, 7.8.4 Valve
been triggered due attachment the control unit and the – Y637-1/1, menu 15 block, level-
to short circuit or not working. component with diag- Y637-2/1 ling cylinders
open circuit in cir- nostic menu.
cuit for control Check the solenoid
valve for levelling valve.
clockwise (Y637-1,

261 DCF360-450CSG Extension left Check cabling between D791-1/K1:2 – ATTACH, 7.3.2 Control
Transistor has in of attach- the control unit and the Y6046-1/1 menu 18 valve
been triggered due ment not component with diag- attachment
to short circuit or working. nostic menu.
open circuit in cir- Check the solenoid
cuit for solenoid valve.
valve, extension left
in (Y6046-1).

DCF90-100 Spreading left Check cabling between D791-1/K1:16 ATTACH, 7.3.2 Control
Transistor has in of attach- the control unit and the – Y6019L/2 menu 18 valve
been triggered due ment not component with diag- attachment
to short circuit or working. nostic menu.
open circuit in cir- Check the solenoid
cuit for solenoid valve.
valve, spreading
left in (Y6019L).

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e tions and tic menu
262 DCF360-450CSG Extension left Check cabling between D791-1/K1:3 – ATTACH, 7.3.2 Control
Transistor has out of attach- the control unit and the Y6046-2/1 menu 17 valve attach-
been triggered due ment not component with diag- ment
to short circuit or functioning. nostic menu.
open circuit in cir- Check the solenoid
cuit for solenoid valve.
valve, extension left
out (Y6046-2).

DCF90-100 Spreading left Check cabling between D791-1/K1:16 ATTACH, 7.3.2 Control
Transistor has out of attach- the control unit and the – Y6018L/2 menu 17 valve attach-
been triggered due ment not component with diag- ment
to short circuit or functioning. nostic menu.
open circuit in cir- Check the solenoid
cuit for solenoid valve.
valve, spreading
left out (Y6018L).

263 DCF360-450CSG Extension Check cabling between D791-1/K1:4 – ATTACH, 7.3.2 Control
Transistor has right in of at- the control unit and the Y6046-3/1 menu 20 valve attach-
been triggered due tachment not component with diag- ment
to short circuit or working. nostic menu.
open circuit in cir- Check the solenoid
cuit for solenoid valve.
valve, extension
right in (Y6046-3).

DCF90-100 Spreading Check cabling between D791-1/K1:17 ATTACH, 7.3.2 Control

Transistor has right in of at- the control unit and the – Y6019R/2 menu 20 valve attach-
been triggered due tachment not component with diag- ment
to short circuit or working. nostic menu.
open circuit in cir- Check the solenoid
cuit for solenoid valve.
valve, spreading
right in (Y6019R).

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

90 D Error codes – 8 Control system

Cod Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos- Group

e tions and tic menu
264 DCF360-450CSG Extension Check cabling between D791-1/K1:5 – ATTACH, 7.3.2 Control
Transistor has right out of at- the control unit and the Y6046-4/1 menu 19 valve attach-
been triggered due tachment not component with diag- ment
to short circuit or functioning. nostic menu.
open circuit in cir- Check the solenoid
cuit for solenoid valve.
valve, extension
right out (Y6046-4).

DCF90-100 Spreading Check cabling between D791-1/K1:17 ATTACH, 7.3.2 Control

Transistor has right out of at- the control unit and the – Y6018R/2 menu 19 valve attach-
been triggered due tachment not component with diag- ment
to short circuit or functioning. nostic menu.
open circuit in cir- Check the solenoid
cuit for solenoid valve.
valve, spreading
right out (Y6018R).

265 DCF360-450CSG Clockwise Check cabling between D791-1/K1:30 ATTACH, 7.8.2 Control
Transistor has levelling of at- the control unit and the – Y6036/1 menu 16 valve attach-
been triggered due tachment not component with diag- ment
to short-circuit or working. nostic menu.
open circuit in cir- Check the solenoid
cuit for control valve.
valve, levelling
clockwise (Y6036).

DCF90-100 Levelling left Check cabling between D791-1/K1:19 ATTACH, 7.8.2 Control
Transistor has of attachment the control unit and the – Y6036/2 menu 13 valve attach-
been triggered due not working. component with diag- ment
to short circuit or nostic menu.
open circuit in cir- Check the solenoid
cuit for levelling, left valve.

VDCF03.01GB Workshop Manual DCF 90-100

D Error codes – 8 Control system 91

Cod Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos- Group

e tions and tic menu
266 DCF360-450CSG Anticlock- Check cabling between D791-1/K1:31 ATTACH, 7.8.2 Control
Transistor has wise levelling the control unit and the – Y6035/1 menu 16 valve attach-
been triggered due of attachment component with diag- ment
to short circuit or not function- nostic menu.
open circuit in cir- ing. Check the solenoid
cuit for control valve.
valve, levelling anti-
clockwise (Y6035).

DCF90-100 Levelling right Check cabling between D791-1/K1:19 ATTACH, 7.8.2 Control
Transistor has of attachment the control unit and the – Y6036/2 menu 14 valve
been triggered due not working. component with diag- attachment
to short circuit or nostic menu.
open circuit in cir- Check the solenoid
cuit for solenoid valve.
valve, levelling right

267 Transistor has Side shift left Check cabling between DCF360- ATTACH, 7.4.2 Control
been triggered due of attachment the control unit and the 450CSG menu 11 valve
to short circuit or not working. component with diag- D791-1/K1:32 attachment
open circuit in cir- nostic menu. – Y6020/1
cuit for solenoid Check the solenoid
valve, side shift left DCF90-100
(Y6020). D791-1/K1:18
– Y6020/2

268 Transistor has Side shift right Check cabling between DCF360- ATTACH, 7.4.2 Control
been triggered due of attachment the control unit and the 450CSG menu 12 valve
to short circuit or not working. component with diag- D791-1/K1:33 attachment
open circuit in cir- nostic menu. – Y6021/1
cuit for solenoid Check the solenoid DCF90-100
valve, side shift valve.
right (Y6021). D791-1/K1:18
– Y6021/2

269 Transistor has Twistlock/lock Check cabling between D791-1/K1:7 – ATTACH, Con-
been triggered due tongue not the control unit and the Y6040/1 menu 9 trol valve at-
to short circuit or working. component with diag- tachment
open circuit in cir- nostic menu.
cuit for solenoid Check the solenoid
valve, lock twist- valve.
lock/lock tongue

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

92 D Error codes – 8 Control system

Cod Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos- Group

e tions and tic menu
270 Transistor has Twistlock/lock Check cabling between D791-1/K1:9 – ATTACH, Con-
been triggered due tongue not the control unit and the Y6039/1 menu 9 trol valve at-
to short circuit or working. component with diag- tachment
open circuit in cir- nostic menu.
cuit for solenoid Check the solenoid
valve, open twist- valve.
lock/lock tongue

271 Transistor has Twistlocks Check cabling between D791-1/K1:10 CAN/ Con-
been triggered due and spread- the control unit and the – B769-1/A, POWER, trol valve at-
to short circuit or ing not work- component with diag- B777-1/A, menu 16 tachment
open circuit in cir- ing. nostic menu. B7202L/A,
cuit for voltage feed Check the sensor. B7202R/A,
to attachment posi- B7203L/A,
tion sensor. B7203R/A,

Transistor has Sensor on at- Check cabling between D791-1/K1:10 CAN/ Con-
been triggered due tachment not the control unit and the – B769-L/A, POWER, trol valve at-
to short circuit or working. component with diag- B769-R/A, menu 16 tachment
open circuit in cir- nostic menu. B777-L/A,
cuit for voltage feed Check the sensor. B777-R/A,
to attachment sen- B7203L/A,
sor. B7203LL/A,

272 Transistor has Indicator light, Check bulb. D791-1/K1:25 ATTACH, 7.9.1 Twist-
been triggered due open twist- Check the lamp holder. – H562/1 menu 10 locks
to short circuit or lock/lock
open circuit in cir- tongue not Check cabling between
cuit for indicator working. the control unit and the
light, twistlock/lock component with diag-
tongue open nostic menu.

VDCF03.01GB Workshop Manual DCF 90-100

D Error codes – 8 Control system 93

Cod Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos- Group

e tions and tic menu
273 DCF360-450CSG Indicator light Check bulb. D791-1/K1:29 ATTACH, 7.9.1 Twist-
Transistor has alignment Check the lamp holder. – H563/1 menu 10 locks
been triggered due twistlock not
Check cabling between
to short circuit or working.
the control unit and the
open circuit in cir- component with diag-
cuit for alignment nostic menu.
indicator light

DCF90-100 Indicator light, Check bulb. D791-1/K1:29 ATTACH, 7.9.1

Transistor has locked twist- Check the lamp holder. – H563/1 menu 10 Twistlocks
been triggered due lock/lock
Check cabling between
to short circuit or tongues not
working. the control unit and the
open circuit in cir- component with diag-
cuit for indicator nostic menu.
light, locked twist-
lock/lock tongues

274 Transistor has Indicator light, Check bulb. D791-1/K1:39 ATTACH, 7.9.1
been triggered due attachment Check the lamp holder. – H564/1 menu 10 Twistlocks
to short circuit or alignment not
open circuit in cir- working. Check cabling between
cuit for alignment the control unit and the
indicator light component with diag-
(H564). nostic menu.

287 DCF360-450CSG Extension left Check cabling between D791-1/K1:16 ATTACH, 7.3.2 Control
Faulty signal from of attachment the control unit and the – Y6046-1/2, menu 17 valve
solenoid, exten- not working. component with diag- Y6046-2/2 and 18 attachment
sion left in (Y6046- nostic menu.
1) and solenoid Check the solenoid
valve, extension left valve.
out (Y6046-2). Re-
turn current does
not match control

DCF90-100 Spreading left Check cabling between D791-1/K1:16 ATTACH, 7.3.2 Control
Faulty signal from not working. the control unit and the – Y6019L/2, menu 17 valve
solenoid, spreading component with diag- Y6019R/2 and 18 attachment
left in (Y6019L) and nostic menu.
solenoid valve, Check the solenoid
spreading left out valve.
(Y6018L). Return
current does not
match control

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

94 D Error codes – 8 Control system

Cod Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos- Group

e tions and tic menu
288 DCF360-450CSG Extension Check cabling between D791-1/K1:17 ATTACH, 7.3.2 Control
Faulty signal from right of at- the control unit and the – Y6046-3/2, menu 19 valve
solenoid, exten- tachment not component with diag- Y6046-4/2 and 20 attachment
sion right in working. nostic menu.
(Y6046-3) and so- Check the solenoid
lenoid valve, exten- valve.
sion right out
(Y6046-4). Return
current does not
match control

DCF90-100 Spreading Check cabling between D791-1/K1:17 ATTACH, 7.3.2 Control

Faulty signal from right not work- the control unit and the – Y6019R/2, menu 19 valve
solenoid, spreading ing. component with diag- Y6018R/2 and 20 attachment
right in (Y6019R) nostic menu.
and solenoid valve, Check the solenoid
spreading right out valve.
(Y6018R). Return
current does not
match control

289 Faulty signal from Sideshift of Check cabling between D791-1/K1:18 ATTACH, 7.4.2 Control
solenoid valve, side attachment the control unit and the – Y6020/2, menu 11 valve
shift left (Y6020) not working. component with diag- Y6021/2 and 12 attachment
and solenoid valve, nostic menu.
side shift right Check the solenoid
(Y6021). Return valve.
current does not
match control

VDCF03.01GB Workshop Manual DCF 90-100

D Error codes – 8 Control system 95

Cod Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos- Group

e tions and tic menu
290 Faulty signal from Attachment Check cabling between D791-1/K1:19 ATTACH, 7.5.2 Control
solenoid, spreading spreading not the control unit and the – Y6018/2, menu 13 valve attach-
out (Y6018) and so- working. component with diag- Y6019/2 and 14 ment
lenoid valve, nostic menu.
spreading in Check the solenoid
(Y6019). Return valve.
current does not
match control cur-

Faulty signal from Levelling of Check cabling between D791-1/K1:19 ATTACH, 7.5.2 Control
solenoid valve, lev- attachment the control unit and the – Y6035/2, menu 13 valve attach-
elling right (Y6036) not working. component with diag- Y6036/2 and 14 ment
and solenoid valve, nostic menu.
levelling left Check the solenoid
(Y6035). Return valve.
current does not
match control cur-

291 Transistor has Spreading out Check cabling between D791-1/K1:34 ATTACH, 7.5.2 Control
been triggered due of attachment the control unit and the – Y6018/1 menu 13 valve attach-
to short circuit or not working. component with diag- ment
open circuit in cir- nostic menu.
cuit for solenoid Check the solenoid
valve, spreading valve.
out (Y6018).

Transistor has Indicator light Check bulb. D791-1/K1:34 ATTACH, 7.5.2 Control
been triggered due for upper Check the lamp holder. – H564UL/1 menu 23 valve attach-
to short circuit or alignment not ment
Check cabling between
open circuit in cir- working.
cuit for indicator the control unit and the
light, upper align- component with diag-
nostic menu.
ment (H564UL).

292 Transistor has Spreading in Check cabling between D791-1/K1:35 ATTACH, 7.5.2 Control
been triggered due of attachment the control unit and the – Y6019/1 menu 14 valve attach-
to short circuit or not working. component with diag- ment
open circuit in cir- nostic menu.
cuit for solenoid Check the solenoid
valve, spreading in valve.

298 Twistlock sensor in- Lift and Check that Sensors D791-1/K2:13 ATTACH, Sen-
dicates that left spreading not twistlock are clean and menu 8 sor twistlocks
twistlock is be- working. correctly adjusted.
tween open and Check cabling between
locked position. the control unit and the
component with diag-
nostic menu.

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

96 D Error codes – 8 Control system

Cod Description Limitation Action Connec- Diagnos- Group

e tions and tic menu
299 Twistlock sensor in- Lift and Check that Sensors D791-1/K2:15 ATTACH, Sen-
dicates that right spreading not twistlock are clean and menu 8 sor twistlocks
twistlock is be- working. correctly adjusted.
tween open and Check cabling between
locked position. the control unit and the
component with diag-
nostic menu.

300 Alignment sensor Twistlock not Check that the alignment - ATTACH, Sen-
indicates unreason- working. sensors are clean and menu 7 sor alignment
able distance. correctly adjusted.
Check that alignment pin
runs smoothly.
Check cabling between
the control unit and the
component with diag-
nostic menu.

451 Redundant voltage - Check cabling between D795/K1:7 CAN/ Re-
feed left to KID con- the control unit and the POWER, dundant volt-
trol unit (D795) component with diag- menu 9 age feed of
does not reach nostic menu. control units

452 Redundant voltage - Check cabling between D795/K1:8 CAN/ Re-
feed right to KID the control unit and the POWER, dundant volt-
control unit (D795) component with diag- menu 9 age feed of
does not reach nostic menu. control units

460 No messages re- Incorrect val- Use diagnostic menu to D795/K1:10, CAN/ 11.6.2 Re-
ceived on CAN- ues in operat- check CAN-bus K1:11, K1:12, POWER, dundant
buffer 1. ing menus. K1:13 menu 1, 2, CAN-bus

461 No messages re- Error codes Use diagnostic menu to D795/K1:5, CAN/ 11.6.2 Re-
ceived on CAN- from other check CAN-bus K1:6 POWER, dundant
buffer 2. Control units menu 1, 2, CAN-bus
cannot be 17

500 Time for service. - Check that servicing has - - C Preventive

been performed. If serv- maintenance
icing has been per-
formed following the
Kalmar Industries serv-
ice schedule, reset the
service indicator; see
section 8 Control sys-
tem, group 8.2.4 Service

VDCF03.01GB Workshop Manual DCF 90-100

E Schematics 1

E Schematics

Table of Contents E Schematics

mm mm mm mm mm m m

10 Common hydraulics....................................................................................... 3
Hydraulic diagrams, compilation ............................................................................ 3
Hydraulic diagram DCF 90-100, electric servo ....................................................... 4
11 Common electrics .......................................................................................... 6
Circuit diagram, description ................................................................................... 6
Component designations ........................................................................................ 7
Circuit diagrams, compilation ................................................................................. 8

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

2 E Schematics

VDCF03.01GB Workshop Manual DCF 90-100

E Schematics – 10 Common hydraulics 3

10 Common hydraulics
mm mm mm mm mm mm

Hydraulic diagrams, compilation


Designation Drawing number

Hydraulic diagram DCF 90-100, electric servo page 4 A47749.0100

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

4 E Schematics – 10 Common hydraulics

Hydraulic diagram DCF 90-100,


electric servo

VDCF03.01GB Workshop Manual DCF 90-100

E Schematics – 10 Common hydraulics 5

1. Side shift cylinder 17. Brake valve

2. Cylinder, twistlock/lock tongue 18. NC switch, low brake pressure (S204)
3. Overcentre valve 19. Solenoid valve parking brake (Y642)
4. Control valve attachment 20. Switch (NO), parking brake (S200)
4a. Solenoid valve, side shift left (Y6020) and side shift right 21. NO switch, declutch (S220)
(Y6021) 22. NO switch, brake lights (S216)
4b. Solenoid valve, open twistlock/lock tongue (Y6039) and 23. Parking brake caliper
lock twistlock/lock tongue (Y6040)
24. Brake cylinder
4c. Solenoid valve, spreading out left (Y6018L) and spread-
ing in left (Y6019L) 25. Wheel brake
26. Drive axle block
4d. Solenoid valve, spreading out right (Y6018R) and
spreading in right (Y6019R) 27. Accumulator charge valve
4e. Solenoid valve, levelling right (Y6035) and levelling left 28. Oil cooler
(Y6036) 29. Pressure limiting valve
5. Spreading cylinder 30. Solenoid valve, quick-lift (Y6062)
6. Levelling cylinder 31. Solenoid valve, main pump relief (Y6062-2)
7. Lift cylinder 32. Return filter
8. Tilt cylinder 33. Pressure filter
9. Accumulator 34. Steering cylinder
10. Pressure reducing valve 35. Steering valve
11. Accumulator 36. Control valve for lever steering/mini-wheel, solenoid valve
12. Servo filter for steering right (Y636-3) and steering left (Y636-4)
13. Control valve for lift and tilt, control valve for lift mast 37. Quick-lift pump
(Y6005) and lower mast (Y6004), tilt in (Y6011) and tilt out 38. Hydraulic oil pump
39. Hydraulic oil pump
14. Cab tilt cylinder
40. Hydraulic oil pump, booms
15. Control valve for cab tilt, control valve for cab tilt up
41. Priority valve
(Y6047) and cab tilt down (Y6048)
42. Breather filter
16. Accumulator
42. Tank

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

6 E Schematics – 11 Common electrics

11 Common electrics
mm mm mm mm mm m m

Circuit diagram, description


A circuit diagram is divided into circuit names (drawing numbers) and

consists of a set of numbered pages.
The following is an explanation of symbols in circuit diagrams:
• X is connection terminal (followed by number)
• Designation 353-2
353 is component designation (see Component designations
page 7 for description of each component). 2 indicates that it is the
second component of this type in the specific diagram.
• Sensors etc. are drawn in resting position on circuit, that is, with-
out voltage.
• Colour cables:
White cable = ground signal
Grey cable = other cables
• Fuse box, for example F58, means fuse box with 8 fuses
• An arrow symbol indicates a reference to another circuit diagram
• 20015.0001 electrical drawings-post designations K-standard.
K-standard 1: norms, rules
K-standard 2: cables, general physical
K-standard 5: Designation and marking system, item designations
circuit drawings
• Ground connection:
1: X37-A is ground connection in the electrical distribution box. A
connection terminal for ground. Frame connection-connection ter-
minal to chassis.
2: Zero reference is found in control units.

VDCF03.01GB Workshop Manual DCF 90-100

E Schematics – 11 Common electrics 7

Component designations

The components in circuit diagrams have a prefix and number, the

prefix describes the type of component, the number which component.
Component list with component number, prefix and designation is pro-
vided as an appendix after the circuit diagrams.

Prefix Description
A Unit, sub-unit. Example: amplifier with separate components

B Converter from non-electric to electric signals or vice versa. Example: inductive sensor.

C Capacitor

D Binary element, delay unit, memory. Example: control unit.

E Lighting and heating unit.

F Protective device. Example: fuse.

G Alternator, power supply device. Example: fuse.

H Signal device. Example indicator light.

K Relay, connector.

L Inductance, reactance.

M Motor. Example: electric motor.

N Analogue element. Example: operation amplifier.

P Measuring instrument, testing equipment. Example: operating hour gauge.

Q Electrical connector for power circuit. Example: circuit breaker.

R Resistor. Example: potentiometer.

S Electric switch for control circuit, selector. Example: switch.

T Transformer.

U Modulator, converter or transformer. Example: frequency converter

V Conduit, semiconductor. Example: diode, transistor

W Transmission route, wave-guide, antenna. Example: cable, bus bar.

X Outlet/socket, connecting device Example: connection terminal.

Y Electrically controlled mechanical device: Example: solenoid valve, hydraulic valve.

Z Transformer, network, hybrid, filter, equaliser, limiter. Example: cable balancing network.

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

8 E Schematics – 11 Common electrics

Circuit diagrams, compilation


Circuit diagrams are attached as an appendix in the following order.

The circuit diagram for the basic machine has drawing number

Sheet Designation
0.0-1 Crossreference list

0.0-2 Crossreference list

0.0-3 Crossreference list

0.0-4 Crossreference list

0.1-1 Truth table opt.

1.0-1 Circuit, drivetrain, engine

1.0-2A Circuit, Volvo TAD722 engine

1.0-2B1 Circuit, Cummins QSM11 engine

1.0-2B2 Circuit, Cummins QSM11 engine

1.0-2C Circuit, Volvo 950,1240,1250 engine

1.0-2D Circuit, Volvo TAD760 engine

1.0-2E1 Circuit, Cummins QSB6.7 engine

1.0-2E2 Circuit, Cummins QSB6.7 engine

2.0-1 Circuit, drivetrain gearbox

2.0-2A1 Circuit, TE32 gearbox

2.0-2A2 Circuit, TE32 gearbox

2.0-2A3 Circuit, TE32 gearbox

2.0-2B1 Circuit, TE17 gearbox

2.0-2B2 Circuit, TE17 gearbox

2.0-2B3 Circuit, TE17 gearbox

4.0-1 Circuit, brake system

4.8-1 Circuit, brake oil cooling

5.2-1 Circuit, lever/mini-wheel steering

5.2-2 Circuit, lever/mini-wheel steering

7.0-1 Circuit, electric servo levers

7.0-2 Circuit, electric servo joystick

7.0-4 Circuit, accessory attachment

7.0-5 Circuit, accessory attachment

7.0-7 Circuit, lifting height

7.2-1 Circuit, lift/lower electric servo

VDCF03.01GB Workshop Manual DCF 90-100

E Schematics – 11 Common electrics 9

Sheet Designation
7.2-2 Circuit, freelift sensors

7.2-3 Circuit, freelift sensors

7.2-6 Circuit, mast valves

7.3-1 Circuit, gantry attachment

7.4-1 Circuit, side shift, electric servo

7.4-2 Circuit, side shift gantry

7.5-1 Circuit 20-40, 30-35 stop

7.5-2 Circuit, spreading gantry

7.5-3 Circuit, 20’-40’ opt.

7.7-1 Circuit, tilt electric servo

7.7-2 Circuit, tilt indication

7.8-1 Circuit, levelling gantry

7.9-1 Circuit, twistlock

7.9-2 Circuit, sensor gantry

7.9-3 Circuit, pliers Avesta

7.10-1 Circuit, 5th function electric servo

7.10-2 Circuit, option gantry

8.2-1 Circuit, bypassing

8.2-2 Circuit, overload system

8.2-3 Circuit, mast sensor OLS

8.2-4 Circuit RMI

9.0-1 Circuit, std. opt.

9.1-1 Circuit, optional equipment

9.1-2 Circuit, hour counter

9.3-1 Circuit, seat heating

9.3-2 Circuit, air suspension seat

9.3-3 Circuit, reversible driver’s seat

9.3-4 Circuit, reversible driver’s seat

9.3-5 Circuit, reversible driver’s seat

9.3-6 Circuit, reversible driver’s seat

9.3-7 Circuit, reversible driver’s seat

9.4-1 Circuit, climate system

9.4-2 Circuit, climate system

9.5-1 Circuit, wipers

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

10 E Schematics – 11 Common electrics

Sheet Designation
9.6-1 Circuit, work lights 20’-40’

9.6-2 Circuit, work lights, carriage

9.6-3 Circuit, work lights, mast

9.6-4 Circuit lighting

9.6-5 Circuit lighting

9.6-6 Circuit lighting

9.6-7 Circuit, direction indicators & hazard

9.6-8 Circuit, interior lighting

9.6-9 Circuit, work lights, option

9.6-10 Circuit, work lights, option

9.6-11 Circuit, entry lighting

9.6-12 Circuit, aux. lights, attachment

9.6-13 Circuit, work lights, option, hood lamp

9.6-14 Circuit, work lights, option carriage

9.7-1 Circuit, alarm, audible signals

9.7-2 Circuit, back-up alarm

9.7-3 Circuit, compressor horn

9.7-4 Circuit for horn, servo panel

9.8-1 Circuit, radio

9.8-2 Circuit, printer

9.9-1 Circuit, rearview mirror heating

9.10-1 Circuit, cab tilt/sliding cab

9.14-1 Circuit, central lubrication

10.4-1 Circuit, hydr. pump disengagement

10.6-1 Circuit, hydraulic oil cooling

11.5-1 Circuit, current

11.5-2 Circuit, current

11.5-3 Circuit, current

11.5-4 Circuit, current

11.5-5 Circuit, current

11.5-6 Circuit, emergency stop switch current

11.5-7 Circuit 24/12V

11.5-8 Circuit 24V socket

11.5-9 Circuit, option, ground power

VDCF03.01GB Workshop Manual DCF 90-100

E Schematics – 11 Common electrics 11

Sheet Designation
11.5-10 Circuit, option, ground

11.5-11 Circuit, option, ground

11.6-1 Circuit CAN bus ground

11.6-2A Circuit, CAN bus KDU opt.

11.6-2B Circuit, CAN bus KDU opt.

11.6-2C Circuit, CAN bus KDU opt.

Circuit diagrams are attached as an appendix in the following order.

The circuit diagram for the side lifting attachment has drawing number

Sheet Designation
0.0_1 Crossreference list

7.4_1 Circuit, side shift

7.5_1 Circuit, spreading

7.5_2 Circuit, spreading buzzer

7.5_3 Circuit, spreading sensors

7.8_1 Circuit, levelling

7.9_1 Circuit, open/lock

7.9_2 Circuit, open/lock sensors

7.9_3A Circuit, indicator lights

7.9_3B Circuit, indicator lights

7.9_4 Circuit, alignment sensors

7.9_5A Circuit, alignment sensors

7.9_5B Circuit, alignment sensors

9.6_1 Circuit, work lights, carriage/attachment

9.14_1 Circuit, central lubrication

11.5_1 Circuit, current

11.5_2 Circuit, current

11.6_1 Circuit, CAN bus

Workshop Manual DCF 90-100 VDCF03.01GB

12 E Schematics – 11 Common electrics

VDCF03.01GB Workshop Manual DCF 90-100

E Schema - Komponentförteckning / E Schematics - List of Components 1

Komponentförteckning / List of Components

Number Categ. Svenska English
30 G Batteri Battery
32 A Kretskort elcentral Printed circuit board, Junction box
37 X Terminal stomanslutning Earthing terminal on chassis
39 X Terminal minusanslutning Terminal, negative terminal
51 F Säkringshållare 1-polig Fuse holder, 1-pole
52 F Säkringshållare 2-polig Fuse holder, 2-pole
56 F Säkringshållare 6-polig Fuse holder, 6-pole
58 F Säkringshållare 8-polig Fuse holder, 8-pole
59 F Säkringshållare 12-polig Fuse holder, 12-pole
62 F Batterihandske 2-polig Battery connector, 2-pole
64 F Batterihandske 4-polig Battery connector, 4-pole
72 X Stickuttag 2-polig Outlet, 2-pole
77 X Stickuttag 7-polig Outlet, 7-pole
78 X Stickuttag extra 7-polig Outlet, extra, 7-pole
100 S Strömställare ljus Switch, light
101 S Strömställare omk hel/halvljus Switch, main/dipped beam
102 S Strömställare dimljus Switch, fog light
103 S Strömställare fjärrljus Switch, distance light
104 S Strömställare lastljus Switch, mast lights
105 S Strömställare arbetsljus Switch, working lights
106 S Strömställare containerljus Switch, container light
107 S Strömställare park broms Switch, parking brake
108 S Strömställare centr smörjning Switch, central lubricator
109 S Strömställare varningsljus Switch, hazard lights
110 S Strömställare rot varningsljus Switch, rotating hazard beacon
111 S Strömställare fönsterhiss Switch, window regulator
112 S Strömställare kylanläggning (AC) Switch, air conditioner (AC)
113 S Strömställare styrning alt Switch, alternative steering
114 S Strömställare läsbelysning Switch, reading light
115 S Strömställare instr belysning Switch, instrument illumination
116 S Strömställare innerbelysning Switch, interior lighting
117 S Strömställare värme Switch, heating
118 S Strömställare fläktm värme Switch, heater fan
119 S Strömställare vindrutetorkare Switch, wiper
120 S Strömställare spolare Switch, washer
121 S Strömställare blackout Switch, blackout
122 S Strömställare nöd hydraulpump Switch, emergency hydraulic pump
123 S Strömställare backspegel Switch, observation mirror
124 S Strömställare kallstart Switch, cold start
125 S Strömställare avgasbroms Switch, exhaust brake
126 S Strömställare diff spärr/broms Switch, diff. Block
127 S Strömställare värmesystem diesel Switch, heating system diesel
128 S Strömställare kraftuttag sida Switch, power take off side
129 S Strömställare kraftuttag bak Switch, power take off rear
130 S Strömställare hög/lågväxel Switch, high/low gear
131 S Strömställare färdväljare fram Switch, gear selector forward
132 S Strömställare färdväljare bak Switch, gear selector rear
135 S Strömställare växelväljare Switch, gear shift
136 S Strömställare framhjuls styrning Switch, forward wheel steering
137 S Strömställare 4-hjuls styrning Switch, 4-wheel steering
138 S Strömställare crab styrning Switch, crab steering

Verkstadsmanual / Workshop Manual DCF

E Schema - Komponentförteckning / E Schematics - List of Components 2

Number Categ. Svenska English

139 S Strömställare defroster Switch, defroster
141 S Strömställare Stegbelysning Switch, Steplight
142 S Strömställare fot Switch, foot
143 S Strömställare sitsvärme Switch, seat heater
144 Q Batterifrånskiljare Battery disconnecting switch
145 S Strömställare AT-regulator Switch, AT-regulator
147 S Strömställare körvisare Switch, direction indicators
149 S Strömställare signalhorn Switch, horn
150 S Strömställare startlås/ellas Switch, main key switch
152 S Strömställare intervalltorkare Switch, intermittent wiper
156 S Strömställare kupevärmare Switch, cab heating
157 S Strömställare stoltilt Switch, seat tilt
158 S Strömställare dimbakljus Switch, rear fog light
159 S Strömställare extra fram/back väljare Switch, extra direction selector
160 S Strömställare komb fram/back Switch, combi-forward/reverse
161 S Strömställare komb signal, ljus hel/halv Switch, combi-horn, light main/dipped beam,
spol,torkare m intervall körvisare washer, wiper (intermittent), direction
162 S Strömställare komb signal ljus hel/halv, Switch, combi horn, light main/dipped beam,
spol, torkare m 2 int, fram/bacK washer, wiper w 2int., forward/revers

163 S Strömställare start på 2-an Switch, start 2nd gear

165 S Strömställare stolvärme Switch, seat heater
166 S Strömställare låsning vändskiva Switch, interlocking of turntable
167 S Strömställare luftfjädring Switch, pneumatic springing
168 S Strömställare låsn stol Switch, interlocking of seat
169 S Strömställare stolsvändning Switch, reversible seat
170 S Strömställare förångare (LPG) Switch, evaporator (LPG)
171 S Strömställare v-skiva upp/ner Switch, fifth wheel up/down
172 S Strömställare v-skiva fr/back Switch, fifth wheel forward/reverse
173 S Strömställare v-skiva skevning Switch, fifth wheel, levelling
174 S Strömställare,utskjut Switch, projecting
175 S Strömställare hyttlyft upp Switch, cab hoist up
176 S Strömställare hyttlyft ner Switch, cab hoist down
177 S Strömställare hyttskjutning Switch, cab movement
178 S Strömställare nollställning Switch, reset
179 S Strömställare Aut/man växling Switch Aut/man gearshifting
180 S Strömställare fyrhjulsdrift Switch, 4-WD
190 S Strömställare klimatanläggning Switch, air conditioner
191 S Strömställare recirkulation Switch, re-circulation
192 S Strömställare vattenavskiljare
195 S Strömställare joy-stick X Switch, joy-stick X
196 S Strömställare joy-stick X+Y Switch, joy-stick X+Y
197 S Strömställare längs/tvärskörning Switch, length/sideways driwing
198 S Strömställare flytläge skevning Switch, equalizing fifth wheel
199 S Strömställare option Switch, option
200 S Brytkontakt lampa park broms Contact, breaking,warning lamp,parking
201 S Brytkontakt lampa färdbroms Contact, breaking, warning lamp, brake
202 S Brytkontakt lampa oljetryck motor Contact, breaking, warning lamp, oil
pressure engine
204 S Brytkontakt tryck ackumulator Contact, breaking, pressure accumulatortank

205 S Brytkontakt innerbelysning Contact, breaking, interior lighting

Verkstadsmanual / Workshop Manual DCF

E Schema - Komponentförteckning / E Schematics - List of Components 3

Number Categ. Svenska English

206 S Brytkontakt handskfack belysning Contact, breaking, glove
207 S Slutkontakt diff spärr Contact, making, diff. interlock
208 S Slutkontakt lampa temperatur spolkrets Contact, making, warning lamp temperature
bromsar brake
214 S Slutkontakt överväxel Contact, making, over drive
215 S Slutkontakt temp motor Contact, making, temperature engine
216 S Slutkontakt bromsljus Contact, making, brake lights
217 S Slutkontakt backljus Contact, making, reversing light
218 S Slutkontakt AT-regulator Contact, making, AT-control
219 S Slutkontakt lampa luftfilter Contact, making, indicating light air filter
220 S Brytkontakt drivning Contact, breaking, drive cut off
221 S Slutkontakt temp växellåda Contact, making, temperature gear box
222 S Slutkontakt lampa temp moment - Contact, making, warning lamp temperature
förstärkare torque amplifier.
223 S Släpkontakt signal Contact, brush, horn
224 S Slutkontakt insprutningspump Contact, making, injection pump
225 S Brytkontakt säkerhetsbälte Contact, breaking, seat belt
228 S Slutkontakt hyttlåsning Contact, making, cab locking
229 S Slutkontakt stolslåsning Contact, making, seat locking
230 S Brytkontakt stol Contact, breaking, seat
231 S Slutkontakt fotkontroll stolvändning Contact, making, seat rotation, foot switch

232 S Brytkontakt lampa luftanslutning släp Contact, breaking, warning lamp air
233 S Slutkontakt lampa låsning vändskiva Contact, warning, interlocking of turntable
235 S Slutkontakt sidoskjutning stol Contact, making, side shifting of seat
236 S Slutkontakt vattennivå Contact, water level
239 S Brytkontakt termisk Contact, breaking, thermic
240 S Slutkontakt termisk Contact, making, thermic
241 S Brytkontakt lampa luftmatning släp Contact, breaking, warning lamp air supply to
242 S Slutkontakt lampa oljetryck v-låda Contact, making, warning lamp, oil pressure
gear box
243 S Brytkontakt tryck kylmedia AC Contact, breaking, coolant pressure (air
244 S Slutkontakt hydraulik aktiverad Contact, making, hydraulics
245 S Slutkontakt hydraultryck styrning Contact, making, hydraulic pressure control

246 S Slutkontakt tryck kylmedia Contact, pressure refrigerant

250 S Manöverbrytare Operating Switch
251 S Slutkontakt vändbar förarstol Contact, making, VBFS
260 S Slutkontakt lyft steg 1 Contact, making, hoist step 1
261 S Slutkontakt lyft steg 2 Contact, making, hoist step 2
262 S Slutkontakt tilt Contact, making, tilting
263 S Slutkontakt gaffelspridning Contact, making, fork positioning
264 S Slutkontakt sidoföring Contact, making, sideshift
265 S Slutkontakt stativ in/ut Contact, making, lifting mast in-out
266 S Brytkontakt hyttdörr Contact, breaking cab door
267 S Slutkontakt bromstryck Contact, making, brake pressure
268 S Slutkontakt kompressor Contact, making, Compressor
269 S Slutkontakt sax inne Contact, making extender in
270 S Slutkontakt överlastskydd Contact, making, overload protection
299 S Slut/brytkontakt option Contact, making/braking option
300 K Relä hel/halvljus Relay, main/dipped beam

Verkstadsmanual / Workshop Manual DCF

E Schema - Komponentförteckning / E Schematics - List of Components 4

Number Categ. Svenska English

301 K Relä dimljus Relay, fog light
302 K Relä fjärrljus Relay, distance light
303 K Relä lastljus Relay, mast light
304 K Relä arbetsljus Relay, working light
305 K Relä backljus Relay, reversing light
306 K Relä helljus Relay, main beam
307 K Relä halvljus Relay, dipped beam
308 K Relä bromsljus Relay, brake light
309 K Relä parkeringsbroms Relay, parking light
310 K Relä körvisare vä Relay, direction indicator left
311 K Relä körvisare hö Relay, direction indicator right
312 K Relä startelement Relay,element preheater
313 K Relä vändbar förarstol Relay, rotating driver´s seat (VBFS)
314 K Relä parkeringsbroms Relay, parking brake
315 K Relä tändningslås Relay, ignition key
316 K Relä torkare Relay, wiper
317 K Relä strålkastartorkare Relay, roading lights wiper
318 K Relä AT-regulator Relay, AT-regulator
319 K Relä varningsblinkers Relay, hazard blinkers
320 K Relä elektrisk stopp Relay, electical stop
321 K Relä intervalltorkare Relay, intermittent wiper
322 K Relä kylvätskenivå Relay, coolant level
323 K Relä blinkers Relay, blinkers
324 K Relä rangespärr Relay, range interlock
325 K Relä blinkande bromsljus (back) Relay, flashing brake lights (reversing)
326 K Relä blinkande bromsljus (runt) Relay, flashing hazard brake lights
327 K Relä växel neutral Relay, gear neutral
328 K Relä växelskifte Relay, gear shift
329 K Relä växel hög/låg Relay, high/low gear
330 K Relä startspärr Relay, start interlock
331 K Relä drivning fram Relay, forward driving
332 K Relä drivning bak Relay, reversing driving
333 K Tidrelä förvärmning Time relay, automatically preheating
334 K Relä frikoppling/drivbrytning Relay, free wheel/drive disconnection
335 K Relä växelventil 1:a (diesel, gas) Relay, gear change valve 1-gear
336 K Relä växelventil 2:a (diesel, gas) Relay, gear change valve 2-gear
337 K Relä drivriktning motor Relay, motor drive direction
338 K Relä kylfläkt drivmotor Relay, cooling fan drive motor
339 K Relä kylfläkt elskåp Relay, cooling fan electrical box
340 K Tidrelä fördröjt tillslag Time relay, start delay
341 K Tidrelä fördröjt frånslag Time relay, stop delay
342 K Relä drivning 2/4 hjul Relay, switching 2/4 WD
343 K Relä dimbakljus Relay, fog light rear
344 K Relä momentförstärkare Relay, torque amplifier
345 K Relä låsning vändskiva Relay, interlocking of turntable
346 K Relä frikoppling stollåsning Relay, releasing of seat interlocking
347 K Relä stolvändning/ljussignal Relay, multifunction, seat rotation/light signal

348 K Relä fläktmotor värmare Relay, fan heating

349 K Relä fartreglage Relay, speed control
350 K Relä pumpkontaktor/pumpkontroll Relay, pump contactor/pump control
351 K Relä hyttlyft upp Relay, cab hoist up

Verkstadsmanual / Workshop Manual DCF

E Schema - Komponentförteckning / E Schematics - List of Components 5

Number Categ. Svenska English

352 K Relä hyttlyft ner Relay, cab hoist down
353 K Relä säkerhetsslinga Relay, safety loop
354 K Relä styrsystem Relay, signal control system
355 K Relä sensorstyrning Relay, sensor control
356 K Skiftrelä längskörning/tvärskörning Shift relay, length/sideways driving
357 K Relä roterande varningsljus Relay, hazard beacon
358 K Relä komressor luft Relay, compressor air
359 K Relä Hydrauloljekylare Relay hydraulic oil cooler
360 K Relä startsolenoid Relay, starting solenoid
361 K Relä kompressor AC Relay, compressor air conditione
362 K Relä vattenventil AC Relay, water valve air conditioner
363 K Relä kondensor AC Relay, condenser air conditione
364 K Relä stolsbrytare Relay seat switch
365 K Relä fönsterhiss upp Relay, electrical screen elevator up
366 K Relä fönsterhiss ner Relay, electrical screen elevator down
367 K Relä styrning Relay, steerin
368 K Relä lågt bromstryck Relay, low brake pressure
369 K Relä centralsmörjning Relay, central lubrication
370 K Relä centralsmörjning, aggregat Relay, central lubrication, attatchment
371 K Relä lyfthöjd Relay, liftheight
372 K Relä blinkande varn.ljus, höjdbegränsn. Relay, flashing beacon, lifting height limiter

373 K Relä bakljus Relay light

375 K Huvudkontaktor reglersystem Main contactor, operating control
376 K Kontaktor fram reglersystem Contactor, forward operating control
377 K Kontaktor bak reglersystem Contactor, reversing operating control
378 K Kontaktor by-pass Contactor, ¿by-pass¿ operating control/
reglersystem/Fältförsvagning Field weakening
379 K Kontaktor pumpmotor Contactor, pump motor
380 K Kontaktor Contactor
381 K Kontaktor återladdning Contactor, recharging
382 K Relä, förbikoppling säkerhetssystem Relay, by-pass safety system
383 K Relä, Stolsvärme Relay, heated seat
384 K Relä vattenseparator Relay, waterseparator
385 K Relä bränslepump insprutning Relay, fuel injection pump
386 K Relä, hög motortemperatur. Relay, high motor temperature
387 K Relä alternativ gaspedal Relay alternative throttle pedal
388 K Relä, Extra färdriktningsväljare Relay, Extra direction selector
389 K Relä, Pausvärme Relay, Paus heat
399 K Relä option Relay, option
400 E G-lampa vä fram Light bulb, roading light left hand front
400 E G-lampa hö fram Light bulb, roading light right hand rear
401 E G-lampa vä bak Light bulb, roading light left hand front
401 E G-lampa hö bak Light bulb, roading light right hand rear
402 E G-lampa fjärrljus Light bulb, distance light
403 E G-lampa lastljus Light bulb, mast light
404 E G-lampa arbetsljus Light bulb, working light
405 E G-lampa backljus Light bulb, rear light
406 E G-lampa cont belysning vänster Container light left-hand
406 E G-lampa cont belysning höger Container light right-hand
408 E G-lampa park ljus vä fram Light bulb, parking light, left-hand forward
408 E G-lampa park ljus hö fram Light bulb, parking light, right-hand forward

410 H G-lampa broms ljus vä fram Light bulb, brake light, left-hand forward

Verkstadsmanual / Workshop Manual DCF

E Schema - Komponentförteckning / E Schematics - List of Components 6

Number Categ. Svenska English

410 H G-lampa broms ljus hö fram Light bulb, brake light, right-hand forward
411 H G-lampa broms ljus vä bak Light bulb, brake light, left-hand rear
411 H G-lampa broms ljus hö bak Light bulb, brake light, right-hand rear
412 H G-lampa bak ljus vä bak Light bulb, rear light, left-hand rear
412 H G-lampa bak ljus hö bak Light bulb, rear light right-hand rear
413 H G-lampa bak ljus vä fram (VBFS) Light bulb, rear light, left-hand forward
413 H G-lampa bak ljus hö fram (VBFS) Light bulb, rear light,right-hand forward
416 H G-lampa sidomarkering vä fram Light bulb, side position light, left-hand
416 H G-lampa sidomarkering vä bak Light bulb, side position light, left-hand rear

417 H G-lampa sidomarkering hö fram Light bulb, side position light, right -hand
417 H G-lampa sidomarkering hö bak Light bulb, side position light, right-hand rear

420 H G-lampa positionsljus vänster Light bulb, position light, left-hand

421 H G-lampa positionsljus höger Light bulb, position light, right-hand
422 H G-lampa körvisare vä fram Light bulb, direction indicator left-hand
423 H G-lampa körvisare hö fram Light bulb, direction indicator right-hand
426 H G-lampa körvisare vä bak Light bulb, direction indicator left-hand rear

427 H G-lampa körvisare hö bak Light bulb, direction indicator right-hand rear

428 H G-lampa roterande varningsljus Light bulb, flashing beacon lamp

429 E G-lampa cigarettändare belysning Light bulb, cigarett lighter illumination
431 E G-lampa instrument belysning Light bulb, instrument illumination
432 E G-lampa handsfack belysning Light bulb, glove pocket light
433 E G-lampa instegs belysning Light bulb, step-in lighting
434 E G-lampa innerbelysning Light bulb, interior lighting
435 E G-lampa låsbelysning Light bulb, reading lighting
436 E G-lampa identifikationsljus Light bulb, identification light
437 E G-lampa identifikationsljus/takskylt Light bulb, identification light/roof sign
438 E G-lampa motorrumsbelysning Light bulb, engine compartment light
439 E Nummerskyltsbelysning Light license plate
440 E G-lampa värmereglage belysning Light bulb, heating control light
445 H G-lampa körvisare vä (extra) Light bulb, extra direction indicator left
446 H G-lampa körvisare hö (extra) Light bulb, extra direction indicator right
451 H G-lampa dimbakljus vänster Light bulb, fog light rear left
452 H G-lampa dimbakljus höger Light bulb, fog light rear right
453 H G-lampa bromsljus/körvisare vänster Light bulb, brake light/dir. indicator left-hand

453 H G-lampa bromsljus/körvisare höger Light bulb, brake light/dir. indicator right-hand

454 H G-lampa bromsljus blackout vänster Light bulb, brake light blackout left-hand
454 H G-lampa bromsljus blackout höger Light bulb, brake light blackout right-hand
456 E G-lampa backljus blackout IR vänster Light bulb, rear light blackout IR left-hand
456 E G-lampa backljus blackout IR höger Light bulb, rear light blackout IR right-hand

457 H G-lampa positionsljus blackout vänster Light bulb, position light blackout left-hand

Verkstadsmanual / Workshop Manual DCF

E Schema - Komponentförteckning / E Schematics - List of Components 7

Number Categ. Svenska English

457 H G-lampa positionsljus blackout höger Light bulb, position light blackout right-hand

458 E G-lampa fram blackout vänster Light bulb, roading light blackout left-hand
458 E G-lampa fram blackout höger Light bulb, roading light blackout right-hand

459 E G-lampa fram blackout IR vänster Light bulb, roading light blackout IR left-hand

459 E G-lampa fram blackout IR höger Light bulb, roading light blackout IR right-
460 E G-lampa arb.belysning hytt blackout IR vä Light bulb, working light cab blackout IR left

460 E G-lampa arb.belysning hytt blackout IR hö Light bulb, working light cab blackout IR right

461 E G-lampa arb.bel. bom 20' blackout IR vä Light bulb, working light boom20' b.out IR left

461 E G-lampa arb.bel. bom 20' blackout IR hö Light bulb, working light boom20' b.out IR
462 E G-lampa arb.bel. bom 40' blackout IR vä Light bulb, working light boom40' b.out IR left

462 E G-lampa arb.bel. bom 40' blackout IR hö Light bulb, working light boom40' b.out IR
463 H G-lampa bak ljus vänster bak, blackout Light bulb, rear light left-hand rear, blackout

463 H G-lampa bak ljus höger bak, blackout Light bulb, rear light right-hand rear, blackout

464 E G-lampa cont belysning IR vänster Light bulb,Container light IR left-hand

464 E G-lampa cont belysning IR höger Light bulb,Container light IR right-hand
465 H G-lampa röd saxagregat ute Light-bulb, red extender exended
466 H G-lampa orange vertikalhålning på Light bulb, orange vertical hold on
467 H G-lampa grön klämtryck OK Light bulb, green clamp pressure OK
468 G-Lampa Röd Maxlast Light bulb,Red Overload
500 H Kont lampa körvisare Indicating lamp, direction indicator
501 H Kont lampa körvisare (extra) Indicating lamp, direction indicator extra
503 H Varn lampa oljetryck motor Warning lamp, oil pressure engine
504 H Kont lampa helljus Indicating lamp, main beam
505 H Varn lampa laddning Warning lamp, loading
506 H Varn lampa laddning (extra) Warning lamp, loading extra
507 H Varn lampa färdbroms Warning lamp, brake
508 H Varn lampa parkerings broms Warning lamp, parking brake
509 H Varn lampa nivå kylvatten Warning lamp, coolant level
510 H Kont lampa diff spärr Indicating lamp, diff. interlock
512 H Varn lampa temp momentförst Warning lamp, temperature converter
514 H Kont lampa överväxel Indicating lamp, overdrive clutch
519 H Kont lampa halvljus Indicating lamp, dipped lights
524 H Kont lampa luftfilter Indicating lamp, air filter
525 H Kont lampa UNIKAT Indicating lamp, UNIKAT
528 H Kont lampa förvärmning Indicating lamp, preheating
530 H Kont lampa framhjuls styrning Indicating lamp, forward wheel steering
531 H Kont lampa 4-hjuls styrning Indicating lamp, 4-wheel steering
532 H Kont lampa crab styrning Indicating lamp, crab steering
533 H Kont lampa hyd.pump Indicating lamp, emergency hyd. pump
547 H Varn lampa centralvarning Warning lamp, central warning
549 H Varn lampa oljetryck v-låda Warning lamp, oil pressure gear box
550 H Varn lampa hyttlåsning Warning lamp, cab lock

Verkstadsmanual / Workshop Manual DCF

E Schema - Komponentförteckning / E Schematics - List of Components 8

Number Categ. Svenska English

551 H Varn lampa temp v-låda Warning lamp, temperature gear box
552 H Varn lampa bromstryck Warning lamp, brake pressure
554 H Varn lampa temp spolkrets bromsar Warning lamp, temp. cooling system brakes

555 H Varn lampa temp kylvatten mot Warning lamp, temperature coolant engine

556 H Varn lampa låsning vändskiva Warning lamp, interlocking of turntable

560 H Varn lampa temp drivmotor el Warning lamp, temperature, drive motor
561 H Varn lampa temp pumpmotor el Warning lamp, temperature, pump motor
562 H Varn lampa öppen twistlock Warning lamp, unlocked twist lock
563 H Varn lampa låst twistlock Warning lamp, locked twist lock
564 H Varn lampa anliggning Warning lamp, alignement
565 H Varn lampa temp motor el Warning lamp ,temperature motor
569 H Kont lampa elvärme Indicating lamp, electric heater
569 H Kont lampa elvärme Indicating lamp, electric heater
570 H Varn lampa överkoppling säkerhetssystem Warning lamp, by-pass safety system

571 H Kont lampa bränslenivå Indicating lamp, fuel level

572 H Varningslampa lyfthöjd Warning lamp lifting height
573 H Kontroll lampa motor information Indicator lamp engine information
574 H Kontroll lampa stödben nere Indicator lamp support jacks down
575 H Kontroll lampa stödben ur arb.läge Indicator lamp support jacks out of working
576 H Kontroll lampa anliggning främre ben Indicator lamp, alignment front legs
577 H Kontroll lampa anliggning bakre ben Indicator lamp, alignment rear legs
578 H Kontroll lampa klämläge främre ben Indicator lamp, clamp position front legs
579 H Kontroll lampa klämläge bakre ben Indicator lamp, clamp position rear legs
580 H Kontroll lampa främre ben uppe Indicator lamp, front legs upper position
581 H Kontroll lampa främre ben nere Indicator lamp, front legs lower position
582 H Varningslampa överlast Warning lamp overload
583 H Kontroll lampa anliggning ett ben Indicator lamp, alignment one leg
584 H Kontroll lampa anliggning alla ben Indicator lamp, alignment all legs
599 H Kont lampa option Indicating lamp, option
600 Y M-ventil avgasbroms Solenoid valve, exhaust brake
601 Y M-ventil diff spärr Solenoid valve, diff. interlock
602 Y M-ventil broms Solenoid valve, brake
603 Y M-ventil värme Solenoid valve, heater
604 Y M-ventil kraftuttag sida Solenoid valve, power take off, side
605 Y M-ventil kraftuttag bak Solenoid valve, power take off, rear
606 Y M-ventil 2/4 hjulsdrift Solenoid valve, 2/4WD
607 Y M-ventil hög/låg växel Solenoid valve, high/low gear
608 M Pumpaggregat hyttlyft Pump unit, cab hoist
609 M Ställmotor gaspådrag Regulating motor, throttle
610 Y M-ventil hydraulsystem allm Solenoid valve, hydraulics, general
611 Y M-ventil flödesbegränsning Solenoid valve, flow restriction
612 M Ställmotor recirkulation Regulating motor, re-circulation
613 Y M-ventil momentförstärkare Solenoid valve, torque amplifier
614 Y M-ventil rangespärr Solenoid valve, ranging interlock
615 Y M-ventil hjulvridning Solenoid valve, wheel turning
616 Y M-ventil kallstart Solenoid valve, cold start aid
617 Y M-ventil AT-regulator by-pass Solenoid valve, AT-regulator ¿by-pass¿
618 Y M-ventil vatten klimatanläggning Solenoid valve, water air conditioner
620 Y M-ventil vändskiva upp Solenoid valve, fifth wheel up
621 Y M-ventil vändskiva ner Solenoid valve, fifth wheel down

Verkstadsmanual / Workshop Manual DCF

E Schema - Komponentförteckning / E Schematics - List of Components 9

Number Categ. Svenska English

622 Y M-ventil vändskiva fram Solenoid valve, fifth wheel forward
623 Y M-ventil vändskiva bak Solenoid valve, fifth wheel rear
624 Y M-ventil skevning hö Solenoid valve, levelling right hand
625 Y M-ventil skevning vä Solenoid valve, levelling left hand
626 Y M-ventil AT-regulator Solenoid valve, AT-regulator
627 Y M-ventil vakuum Solenoid valve vacuum
628 Y M-ventil bränsleblandning Solenoid valve fuelmixture
630 Y M-ventil v-låda fram Solenoid valve, gear box, forward gear
631 Y M-ventil v-låda back Solenoid valve, gear box, rear gear
632 Y M-ventil v-låda spole 1 Solenoid valve, gear box, 1 gear
633 Y M-ventil v-låda spole 2 Solenoid valve, gear box, 2 gear
634 Y M-ventil v-låda spole 3 Solenoid valve, gear box, 3 gear
635 Y M-ventil klämtryck Solenoid valve, clamping pressure
636 Y M-ventil styrning Solenoid valve, steering
637 Y M-ventil flytläge skevning Solenoid valve, equalizing fifth wheel
638 Y M-ventil stopp insprut pump Solenoid valve, stop injection pump
639 Y M-ventil låsning orbitrol ls Solenoid valve, locking LS orbitrol
640 Y M-ventil gasol Solenoid valve, LPG
641 Y M-ventil förångare (LPG) Solenoid valve, evaporator (LPG)
642 Y M-ventil park broms Solenoid valve, parking brake
643 Y M-ventil låsning stol (VBFS) Solenoid valve, seat locking (VBFS)
644 Y M-ventil låsning vändskiva Solenoid valve, fifth wheel locking
645 Y Magnetkoppling komp AC Magnetic clutch, compressor AC
646 Y M-ventil stolsvändning Solenoid valve, seat rotation
647 Y M-ventil stolstilt Solenoid valve, seat tilt
648 Y M-ventil luftfjädring Solenoid valve, pneumatic springing
649 B Termostat klimatannläggning Thermostat, air condition
650 M Torkarmotor fram
650 M Torkarmotor fram
650 M Torkarmotor fram
650 M Torkarmotor fram
651 M Vindrutespolarmotor Washer motor
652 M Strålkastarmotor Light motor
653 M Strålkastarspolarmotor Light washer motor
654 M Startmotor Starter motor
655 M Kylfläkt drivmotor (EC) Cooling fan, main motor (EC)
656 M Kylfläkt elskåp (EC) Cooling fan, electrical box (EC)
657 M Fläktmotor värme Heating fan
658 G Generator (extra) Alternator extra
659 G Generator utan laddregulator Alternator without loading regulator
660 G Generator med laddregulator Alternator with loading regulator
661 M Fönsterhissmotor Screenelevator motor
662 G Laddregulator Loading regulator
663 M Doseringspump klimatanläggning Dosage pump, air condition
664 M Cirk pump klimatanläggning Circulating pump, air condition
665 V Diod Diode
666 M Fläktmotor cirkulation Circulation fan
667 M Cirkulationspump värmesystem Circulation pump heating system
668 M Kylfläkt hydraulolja Cooling fan, hydraulic oil
669 E Värmare kupe/ motor diesel Heater compartment/engine diesel
670 M Kompressor Compressor
671 M Doseringspump diesel Dosage pump diesel
672 M Spjäll motor, ECC Draught valve motor, ECC
673 Y Vatten ventil motor, ECC Water valve motor, ECC

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E Schema - Komponentförteckning / E Schematics - List of Components 10

Number Categ. Svenska English

674 M Kylfläkt bromsolja Cooling fan, brake fluid
675 M Motor, Stolsvändning Motor, Seat rotation
676 Y Solenoid Broms stolsvändning Solenoid brake , seat rotation
685 A Reglerenhet termostat AC Control unit, termostat AC
690 B Fartreglage (EC) Speed control (EC)
693 M Pump centralsmörjning Pump, central lubrication
694 M Styrmotor Steering motor
695 M Drivmotor (EC) Drive motor (EC)
696 M Pumpaggregate nödstyrning Pump, emergency steering
697 B Elbroms Electric brake
698 M Pumpmotor (EC) Pump motor (EC)
699 Y M-ventil option Solenoid valve, option
700 P Hastighetsmätare Speedometer
701 P Mätare oljetemp v-låda Gear box oil temperature gauge
702 P Klocka Clock
703 P Varvtalsmätare Engine rev meter
704 P Tryckluftsmätare Air pressure gauge
705 P Mätare oljetryck v-låda Gear box oil pressure gauge
706 P Termometer temp kylvätska motor Temperature gauge, engine coolant
707 P Bränslemätare Fuel gauge
708 P Timräknare Hour meter
709 P Kapacitetsmätare batteri Capacity gauge, battery
710 P Tidur motor/kupevärmare Timer, engine- and cab heater
711 P Räknare, impuls Counter, impulse
712 P Mätare oljetryck motor Motor oil pressure gauge
714 P Mätare, temp. Hydraulolja Hydraulic fluidtemperature, guage
715 P Extra instrument allm Extra instrument, general
720 S Givare vändbar förarstol Transmitter, revolving driver´s seat (VBFS)
740 D FleetManager kontrollenhet FleetManager control unit
741 U FleetManager batterifilter FleetManager battery filter
742 D FleetManager kortläsare FleetManager card device
743 D FleetManager accelerations givare FleetManager acceleration sensor
751 B Givare varvtal turbin Transmitter, speed turbin
752 B Givare varvtal inre växellåda Transmitter, speed internal gear chain
753 B Varvtalsgivare motor Transmitter, engine revolution
754 B Givare lufttryck Transmitter, air pressure
755 B Givare hydraulfilter indikering Transmitter, hydraulics filter indication
756 B Temperatur kylvätska motor Transmitter, engine coolant temperature
757 B Bränslenivågivare Transmitter, fuel level
758 B Varvtalsgivare v-låda Transmitter, gear box revolution
759 B Nivåindikator kylvätska Transmitter, coolant level
760 B Givare rev-spärr/aut-vxl trans Transmitter, reversing interlock / automatic
gear change system (on gearbox output
761 B Givare rev-spärr/aut-vxl motor Transmitter, reversing interlock / automatic
gear changing system (engine speed)

762 B Givare temp,spolkrets bromsar Transmitter, brake flushing circuit

763 B Givare nivå hydraulolja Transmitter, hydraulic fluid level
764 B Givare servotryck växellåda Transmitter, gear box servo pressure
765 B Givare oljetryck v-låda Transmitter, oil pressure gear box
766 B Givare oljetemp. v-låda Transmitter, oil temperature gear box
767 B Givare oljetryck motor Transmitter, oil pressure engine
768 B Givare oljetryck hydraulik Transmitter, hydraulic pressure

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E Schema - Komponentförteckning / E Schematics - List of Components 11

Number Categ. Svenska English

769 B Givare ändläge Transmitter, end position
770 B Givare rattutslag Transmitter, steering wheel angle
771 B Givare vinkel Transmitter, angle
772 B Givare temp bromsolja Transmitter, temperature brake fluid
773 B Givare närvaro Transmitter, presence
774 B Givare utomhustemp Transmitter, ambient temperature
775 B Givare temp klimatanläggning Transmitter, temperature air condition
776 B Givare temp hydraulolja Transmitter, hydraulic temperature
777 B Givare läge Transmitter, position
778 B Givare drivbrytning Transmitter, drive break
779 A Reglersystem återladdning (EC) Control system, recharging (EC)
780 A Reglersystem åkmotor (EC) Control system main motor (EC)
781 A Reglersystem pumpmotor (EC) Control system pump motor (EC)
782 A Logik interface 2 drivmotorer Logic (interface) two main motors (EC)
783 A Logik interface gaspådrag Logic (interface) throttle
784 A Logik interface bromsregl Logic (interface) brake control
785 A Logik interface styrsystem Logic (interface) control system
786 A Servoförstärkare styrsystem Servo amplifier steering system
789 B Givare allmän Transmitter, common
790 D Elektronisk kontrollenhet ECU, hytt Electronic Control Unit ECU, cab
791 D Elektronisk kontrollenhet aggregat Electronic Control Unit, attachment
792 D Elektronisk kontrollenhet styrning Electronic Control Unit, steering system
793 D Elektronisk kontrollenhet växellåda Electronic Control Unit, gearbox
794 D Elektronisk kontrollenhet motor Electronic Control Unit, engine
795 P Display Display
796 D Elektronisk kontrollenhet, lasthantering Electronic Control Unit, Loadhandling
797 D Elektronisk kontrollenhet, ram Electronic Control Unit, frame
798 D Elektronisk kontrollenhet, stolvändning Electronic Control Unit, seat rotation
799 A Logik allm (option) Logic, general (option)
800 S Startelement Start element
802 E Eluppvärmd backspegel Electrical heated observation mirror
803 E Eluppvärmd stol Electrical heated seat
804 E Cigarettändare Cigarett lighter
805 E Elvärme hytt Electrical heating cab
806 A Aggregat klimatanläggning Aggregate, air conditioner
807 R Potentiometer Potentiometer
808 E Eluppvärmd lufttorkare Electrical heater air dryer
810 A Kondensor AC, fläkt Condensor AC, fan
815 S Manöverspak Control lever
820 R Motstånd Resistor
822 Z Signalfilter Signal filter
823 U Signalomvandlare höger Signal amplifier, right
824 U Signalomvandlare vänster Signal amplifier, left
825 R Reglage spakstyrning Controls, (steering with control levers).
826 Y Ventil spakstyrning Valve, (steering with control levers).
827 A Växellåda Gearbox
828 R Shuntmotstånd Shunt-resitor
830 L Tändspole Ignition coil
835 E Tändstift Ignition plug
840 S Strömfördelare Distributor
850 H Signalhorn Horn
853 H Summer Buzzer
888 E Lufttork, kompressor Air Dryer, Compressor

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E Schema - Komponentförteckning / E Schematics - List of Components 12

Number Categ. Svenska English

900 A Radio/bandspelare Radio/tape recorder
901 U Spänningsomvandlare Voltage converter
902 B Högtalare Loud speaker
903 W Antenn radio Aerial, radio
905 A Kommunikationsradio Communication radio
906 W Antenn kommunikationsradio Aerial, communication radio
907 A Monitor Monitor
908 A Kamera Camera
909 A Skrivare Printer
910 U Spänningsomvandlare 80V/24V Voltage converter 80 V / 24 V
911 A Dataterminal Dataterminal
940 A Logik batterivakt Logic switch , battery watch
941 U Laddningsutjämnare Even charger
950 A Logik transistortändning Logic transistor ignition
955 A Logik övervarvningsskydd (LPG) Logic overspeed protection (LPG)
960 A Logik rev-spärr/aut-vxl Logic unit, reversing interlock/automatic gear
961 A Motor/kupevärmare Engine- and cab heater
962 E Logik slitageind kol elmotor Logic indication of wear, brush electrical
965 H Backvarnare Reversing alarm
1001 S Strömställare, TW Switch, TW
1002 S Strömställare, lossa TW Switch, unlocking of TW
1003 S Strömställare, låsa TW Switch, locking of TW
1004 S Strömställare, stopp vid 30'-35' Switch, stop at 30 -35¿
1005 S Strömställare, förbikoppling av Switch, overriding of the safety system
1006 S Strömställare, fällning främre ben Switch, front legs down
1007 S Strömställare, fällning bakre ben Switch, rear legs down
1008 S Strömställare, klämma/lossa ben Switch, clamping/-releasing legs
1009 S Strömställare, Motor information Switch, Engine information
1010 S Srömställare, tilt av hytt Switch, tilt of cab
1011 S Strömställare IR ljus Switch IR light
1012 S Strömställare utskjut 20¿-40¿ Switch, Extension 20¿-40¿
1013 S Strömställare stödben Switch, Support jacks
1014 S Strömställare förbikoppling rotationstopp Switch, over ride rotation stop
1015 S Strömställare förbikoppling höjdbeg/tp-beg Switch, over ride height limit/tp-limit

1017 S Strömställare diagnostik öka/minska Switch, diagnostics increase/decrease
1018 S Strömställare diagnostik on/off Switch, diagnostics on/off
1019 S Strömställare rastvärme Switch, paus heat
1020 S Strömställare automatisk släpp/kläm Switch automatic release/clamp funktion
1021 S Strömställare sax Switch extender
1022 S Strömställare vertikalhållning Switch, vertical position
1023 S Strömställare låsning övre arm Switch, lock upper arm
1024 S Strömställare Korta Armen av/på Switch, Short Arm on/off
1025 S Strömställare pappersfunktioner av/på Switch, paper funktions on/off
1026 S Strömställare omkoppling Switch, switch papper/bale clamp
1027 S Strömställare lyfthöjdsförval Switch, lift height selection
1028 S Strömställare lyfthöjdsförval öka Switch, lift height selection increase
1029 S Strömställare lyfthöjdsförval minska Switch, lift height selection decrease

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E Schema - Komponentförteckning / E Schematics - List of Components 13

Number Categ. Svenska English

1030 S Strömställare läraringång givare ultraljud Switch, teaching ultrasonic sensor
1031 S Strömställare, Over Height Upp/Ned Switch, Over Height Up/Down
1032 S Brytare backljus Switch reverse light.
1033 S Flytta korta armen Move short arm
1034 S Strömställare förbikoppling startspärr Switch Override Start interlock
1035 S Strömställare Val av klämtryck Switch, Clamp pressure selection
1036 S Strömställare Korta Armen av/på Switch , Short Arm on/off
1037 S Strömställare låsning skevning Switch, lock levelling
1038 S Strömställare Övre armpar/Sidoföring Switch Upper arms/Sideshift
1039 S Strömställare Inching Switch, Inching
1040 S Switch stopp motor Switch, Stop engine
1041 S Strömställare motorrumsbelysning Switch, light engine compartment
1042 S Strömställare höjdjustering stol Switch, Seat height level
1043 S Strömställare längdjustering stol Switch, Seat for/aft adjustment
1044 S Strömställare Tankväljare Switch, Tankselector
1045 S Strömställare Avstängning backalarm Switch, Rev. Alarm on/off
2000 D Elektronisk kontrollenhet, proportionalventil Electronic control unit, propotional valve

3001 K Relä rotation Relay, rotation

3002 K Relä tilt Relay, tilt
3003 K Relä sidoföring Relay, side shifting
3004 K Relä längdinställning Relay, length adjustment
3005 K Relä twist lock Relay, twist lock
3006 K Relä spridning Relay, spreading
3007 K Relä lyft/sänk Relay, lifting/lowering
3008 K Relä hydraulfunktion extra Relay, extra hydraulic function
3009 K Relä manöverbrytare hydr Relay, operating switch
3010 K Relä bromsljus vxl std/blackout Relay, brake light shift std/blackout
3011 K Relä backljus vxl std/blackout Relay, reversing light shift std/blackout
3012 K Relä arb.bel hytt vxl std/blackout Relay, working light cab, shift std/blackout

3013 K Relä arb.bel. bom 20' vxl std/blackout Relay,working light boom20' shift std/b.out

3014 K Relä arb.bel. bom 40' vxl std/blackout Relay,working light boom40' shift std/b.out

3015 K Relä vxl bromsljus/blinkers vä Relay, shift brake light/direction indicator left

3015 K Relä vxl bromsljus/blinkers hö Relay, shift brake light/direction indicator

3016 K Relä signalhorn relay, horn
3017 K Relä containerbelysning Relay, Container light
3018 K Relä containerbelysning IR Relay, Container light IR
3305 K Relä VBFS, backljus Relay, rotating driver´s seat, reversing light

3306 K Relä VBFS, helljus Relay, rotating driver´s seat, main beam
3307 K Relä VBFS, halvljus Relay, rotating driver´s seat, dipped beam
3308 K Relä VBFS, bromsljus Relay, rotating driver´s seat, brake light
3310 K Relä VBFS, körvisare vä Relay, rotating driver´s seat, direction
indicator left
3311 K Relä VBFS, körvisare hö Relay, rotating driver´s seat, direction
indicator right
3330 K Relä, säkerhetsbälte Relay, seat belt
3331 K Relä VBFS, drivning fram Relay, rotating driver´s seat, forward driving

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E Schema - Komponentförteckning / E Schematics - List of Components 14

Number Categ. Svenska English

3332 K Relä VBFS, drivning bak Relay, rotating driver´s seat, reversing
3349 K Relä VBFS, fartreglage Relay, rotating driver´s seat, speed control

3404 K Relä VBFS, mastljus Relay, rotating driver´s seat, mast light
3412 K Relä bak ljus Relay, rotating driver´s seat, rear light
3768 K Relä oljetryck hydraulik Relay, hydraulic pressure
3769 K Relä, blockering av hyttilt Relay, blocking of cab tilt
3770 K Relä anliggning Relay, alignment
3771 K Relä Krok Relay, Hook
3772 K Relä laddsignal (D+) Relay, charge signal (D+)
3773 K Relä 12V för minne radio Relay 12V for radio memory
3774 Relä kylfläkt olja Relay, cooling fan oil
5000 H Kont lampa tryck lyfttång Indicating lamp, pressure lift tong
5001 H Varn lampa, Over Height ben uppe Warn. Lamp, Over Height leg upper pos
6001 Y M-ventil blockering höger Solenoid valve, blocking right
6002 Y M-ventil blockering vänster Solenoid valve, blocking left
6003 Y M-ventil inkoppling av hydraulik till topplyft Solenoid valve, activation of toplift hydraulics

6004 Y M-ventil sänk Solenoid valve, lower

6005 Y M-ventil lyft Solenoid valve, lift
6006 Y M-ventil bom ut Solenoid valve, boom out
6007 Y M-ventil bom in Solenoid valve, boom in
6008 Y M-ventil vridning medsols Solenoid valve, rotation clockwise
6009 Y M-ventil vridning motsols Solenoid valve, rotation counter-clockwise
6010 Y M-ventil tilt ut Solenoid valve, tilt out
6011 Y M-ventil tilt in Solenoid valve, tilt in
6012 Y M-ventil tilt Solenoid valve, tilt
6013 Y M-ventil fällning främre ben Solenoid valve, lowering front legs
6014 Y M-ventil fällning bakre ben Solenoid valve, lowering rear legs
6015 Y M-ventil klämma/lossa ben Solenoid valve, clamping/releasing legs
6016 Y M-ventil Hyttskjutning fram Solenoid valve, cab movement forward
6017 Y M-ventil Hyttskjutning bak Solenoid valve, cab movement reverse
6018 Y M-ventil spridning ut Solenoid valve, spreading out
6019 Y M-ventil spridning in Solenoid valve, spreading in
6020 Y M-ventil sidoföring vänster Solenoid valve, side shift left
6021 Y M-ventil sidoföring höger Solenoid valve, side shift right
6022 Y M-ventil extra hydraulfunktion ut Solenoid valve, extra hydraulic function out

6023 Y M-ventil extra hydraulfunktion in Solenoid valve, extra hydraulic function in

6024 Y M-ventil stativ ut Solenoid valve, mast out
6025 Y M-ventil stativ in Solenoid valve, mast in
6026 Y M-ventil höger framhjul styrning vänster Solenoid valve, right front wheel, steering left

6027 Y M-ventil höger framhjul styrning höger Solenoid valve, right front wheel, steering
6028 Y M-ventil vänster framhjul styrning vänster Solenoid valve, left front wheel, steering left

6029 Y M-ventil vänster framhjul styrning höger Solenoid valve, left front wheel, steering right

6030 Y M-ventil höger bakhjul styrning vänster Solenoid valve, right rear wheel, steering left

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E Schema - Komponentförteckning / E Schematics - List of Components 15

Number Categ. Svenska English

6031 Y M-ventil höger bakhjul styrning höger Solenoid valve, right rear wheel, steering
6032 Y M-ventil vänster bakhjul styrning vänster Solenoid valve, left rear wheel, steering left

6033 Y M-ventil vänster bakhjul styrning höger Solenoid valve, left rear wheel, steering right

6034 Y M-ventil skevning Solenoid valve, levelling

6035 Y M-ventil skevning höger Solenoid valve, levelling right
6036 Y M-ventil skevning vänster Solenoid valve, levelling left
6037 Y M-ventil kylfläkt Solenoid valve, Cooling fan
6038 Y M-ventil frikoppling koppling Solenoid valve, lockup clutch
6039 Y M-ventil öppna twistlock Solenoid valve, unlocked twist lock
6040 Y M-ventil låsa twistlock Solenoid valve, locked twist lock
6041 Y M-ventil nöd, twistlock Solenoid valve, emergency, twistlock
6042 Y M-ventil mellan bom Solenoid valve, middle boom
6043 Y Magnetventil, fällning torn (RTCH) Solenoid valve, boom lowering (RTCH)
6044 Y M-ventil blockering twistlock Solenoid valve, blocking twistlock
6045 Y M-ventil blockering lyft Solenoid valve, blocking lift
6046 Y M-ventil utskjut Solenoid valve, projecting
6047 Y M-ventil, hyttilt upp Solenoid valve, cab tilt up
6048 Y M-ventil, hyttilt ner Solenoid valve, cab tilt down
6049 Y M-ventil, kylkrets broms Solenoid valve, cooling cicuit brake
6050 Y M-ventil blockering utskjut Solenoid valve, blocking projecting
6051 Y M-ventil, regenerering höger Solenoid valve, regeneration right
6052 Y M-ventil, regenerering vänster Solenoid valve, regeneration left
6053 Y M-ventil, körläge Solenoid valve, driving position
6054 Y M-ventil, klämma ihop Solenoid valve, clambing in
6055 Y M-ventil, klämma isär Solenoid valve, clambing out
6056 Y M-ventil, främre knä ut Solenoid valve, front knee out
6057 Y M-ventil, främre knä in Solenoid valve, front knee in
6058 Y M-ventil, bakre knä ut Solenoid valve, rear knee out
6059 Y M-ventil, bakre knä in Solenoid valve, rear knee in
6060 Y M-ventil, främre ben upp Solenoid valve, front legs up
6061 Y M-ventil, bakre ben upp Solenoid valve, rear legs up
6062 Y M-ventil, urkoppling hydraulpump Solenoid valve interruption hydraulic pump
6063 Y M-ventil, stödben upp Solenoid valve, brace up
6064 Y M-ventil, stödben ner Solenoid valve, brace down
6065 Y M-ventil, frikoppling vridbroms Solenoid valve, lockup rotation brake
6066 Y M-ventil, v-låda, drivning Solenoid valve, gearbox, drive
6067 Y M-ventil, v-låda, oljetryck till 1:a/3:e växeln Solenoid valve, gearbox,oilpressure to
1st/3rd gear
6068 Y M-ventil sax/rotation Solenoid valve externder/rotation
6069 Y M-ventil, v-låda, oljetryck till 2:a/4:e växeln Solenoid valve, gearbox,oilpressure to
2nd/4th gear
6070 Y M-ventil Over Height upp Solenoid valve, Over Height up
6071 Y M-ventil Over Height ner Solenoid valve, Over Height down
6072 Y M-ventil klämtryck Solenoid valve clamp pressure
6073 Y Propertional ventil, Opti speed Proportional valve, Opti speed
6074 Y M-ventil, v-låda, växelväljare för 2:a/4:e Solenoid valve, gearbox, gearswitch for
växeln 2nd/4th gear
6075 Y M-ventil, v-låda, växelväljare för 1:a/3:e Solenoid valve, gearbox, gearswitch for
växeln 1st/3rd gear
6076 Y M-ventil blockering sänk Solenoid valve, blocking lower
6077 Y M-ventil Inching Solenoid valve, Inching

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E Schema - Komponentförteckning / E Schematics - List of Components 16

Number Categ. Svenska English

6078 Y M-ventil,Avstängning Övre klämarm Solenoid valve, upper arm off
6079 Y M-Ventil, Sidoföring/Övre armar Solenoid valve, Sideshift/Upper arms
6080 Y M-ventil, aktivering hyttkörning Solenoid valve, activate sliding cab
7200 S Givare, axeltryck höger Sensor, axle pressure right
7201 S Givare, axeltryck vänster Sensor, axle pressure left
7202 S Givare, anliggning vänster fram Sensor, alignment left front
7202 S Givare, anliggning höger fram Sensor, alignment right front
7203 S Givare, anliggning vänster bak Sensor, alignment left rear
7203 S Givare, anliggning höger bak Sensor, alignment right rear
7204 S Givare, öppen vänster twistlock Sensor, unlocked twistlock left
7204 S Givare, öppen höger twistlock Sensor, unlocked twistlock right
7205 S Givare, låst vänster twistlock Sensor, locked twistlock left
7205 S Givare, låst höger twistlock Sensor, locked twistlock right
7206 S Givare, gaffel aggregat Sensor, fork attachment
7207 S Givare, 2WD/4WD Sensor, 2WD/4WD
7208 S Givare, hytt i körläge Sensor, Cab in drive position
7209 S Givare, oljefilter indikering Sensor, Oil filter indication
7210 S Givare, hytt i transportläge Sensor, Cab in transportation position
7211 S Givare, lyfthöjd Sensor, lifting height
7212 S Givare, körläge Sensor, driving position
7213 S Givare, Anliggning främre ben Sensor, Alignment front legs
7214 S Givare, Anliggning bakre ben Sensor, Alignment rear legs
7215 S Givare, kläm främre ben Sensor, Clamp front legs
7216 S Givare, kläm bakre ben Sensor, Clamp rear legs
7217 S Givare, främnre knä Sensor, front knee
7218 S Givare, bakre knä Sensor, rear knee
7219 S Givare, främre ben Sensor, front legs
7220 S Givare, bakre ben Sensor, rear legs
7221 S Givare, styraxel Sensor, steering axle
7222 S Givare, stödben uppe Sensor, brace up
7223 S Givare, stödben nere Sensor, brace down
7224 B Givare, mätläge våg Sensor, measurepoint scale
7225 B Givare, rotationsstopp Sensor, rotation stop
7226 B Givare, tryck lyftcylinder Sensor, pressure lift cylinder
7227 B Givare, tryck klämma Sensor, pressure clamp
7228 B Givare lyfthöjd analog Sensor lift height analogue
7229 B Givare tiltvinkel analog Sensor tilt angle analogue
7230 B Givare ultraljud last position Sensor, ultrasonic load position
7231 B Givare, Over Height, Ben uppe Sensor, Over Height, Leg upper position
7232 B Givare,IR Last position Givare,IR Load position
7233 B Givare lambda sond Sensor lambda sond
7234 B Givare vatten i bränsle Transmitter water in fuel
8071 R Potentiometer lyft/sänk Potentiometer lift/lower
8072 R Potentiometer tilt Potentiometer tilt
8073 R Potentiometer sidoföring Potentiometer side shifting
8074 R Potentiometer spridning Potentiometer spreading
8075 R Potentiometer extra Potentiometer extra
8076 R Potentiometer mast in/ut Potentiometer reach in/out
8077 R Potentiometer höger framhjul Potentiometer right front wheel
8078 R Potentiometer vänster framhjul Potentiometer left front wheel
8079 R Potentiometer höger bakhjul Potentiometer right rear wheel
8080 R Potentiometer vänster bakhjul Potentiometer left rear wheel
8081 R Potentiometer tiltvinkel Potentiometer tilt angle
8082 R Potentiometer fläkthastighet, ECC Potentiometer fan speed, ECC

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E Schema - Komponentförteckning / E Schematics - List of Components 17

Number Categ. Svenska English

8083 R Potentiometer temperatur, ECC Potentiometer temperature, ECC
8084 R Potentiometer spjäll, ECC Potentiometer draught valve, ECC
8085 R Potentiometer rotation Potentiometer rotation
8086 R Potentiometer sax Potentiometer extender
8087 R Potentiometer klämma Potentiometer clamp
8088 R Potentiometer skevning Potentiometer levelling
8089 R Potentiometer kroklåsning Potentiometer flaps
8090 V Laser, pappersaggretgat Lase, Pulp an Paper
9000 M Motor höj/sänkbar stolspelare Motor rise/lower seat column
9001 D Åkerströms fjärrkontroll Åkerströms Remote Control
9003 H Varningssignal aut. rörelse Warning alarm aut. movement
9888 A test
93774 K Relä hållkrets Relay, Holdcircuit

Verkstadsmanual / Workshop Manual DCF

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