Calculation and Analyzing of Braces Connections

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The thesis discusses the calculation and analysis of five common types of steel brace joints according to Russian norms.

The main purpose of the thesis was to calculate and analyze five the most common types of steel brace joints according to Russian norms and develop a simple Excel program to realize the analysis.

The main types of braces discussed are vertical braces between columns, horizontal roofing braces, and vertical roofing braces.

Saimaa University of Applied Sciences

Technology, Lappeenranta
Degree Programme in Civil and Construction Engineering

Serafima Tkachenko

Calculation and analyzing of braces connections

Bachelor’s Thesis 2019


Serafima Tkachenko
Calculation and analyzing of braces connections, 71 pages, 7 appendices
Saimaa University of Applied Sciences, Lappeenranta
Degree Programme in Civil and Construction Engineering
Bachelor’s Thesis 2019
Instructors: Lecturer Mr Petri Himmi, Saimaa University of Applied Sciences, Mr
Valeriy Krivitskiy, designer ”EnergoProject” company

The main purpose of the thesis was to calculate and analyze five the most
common for Russian design types of steel brace joints according to Russian
norms. The research has been performed for roll-welded rectangular hollow
sections. In addition, it was required to develop a simple-in-use program in Excel
in order to realize the analysis. The working process was organized for needs
and with the help of ”EnergoProject” company designers.

The second part is a review of general information about the types, constructions
and using of braces in steel structures. For these goals, materials of the research
papers, scientific works, textbooks and publications were studied.

The third part includes research of calculation method for brace connections and
developing of the Excel program that helps check and choose the main
parameters of joint: thickness and dimensions of plates, quantity of bolts and
length of weld. Creating and results of working of this program were inspected
and verified by the company tutor.

In the last part of the thesis I present two examples of calculation of brace joints
to use in practice a knowledge received during the research. Checking focused
on strength resistance of all joint elements. In addition the work examined
functioning and correctness of the Excel program.

Keywords: brace, brace joint, roll-welded rectangular hollow section,


1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................... 4
2 GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................... 5
2.1 Common definitions and properties ....................................................... 5
2.2 Applying of braces in industrial building ................................................. 6
2.2.1 Vertical braces between columns ................................................ 6
2.2.2 Horizontal roofing braces ............................................................. 8
2.2.3 Vertical roofing braces ................................................................. 9
2.3 Classification........................................................................................ 11
2.4 Advantages of using of roll-welded hollow section ............................... 13
2.5 Types of joints of RHS elements.......................................................... 15
3 THEORETICAL PART ................................................................................ 18
3.1 Information about norms ................................................................... 18
3.2 Rules of geometry design of joints.................................................... 18
3.3 Calculation method ........................................................................... 20
3.3.1 Calculation of Joint Type “F” ..................................................... 20
3.3.2 Calculation of Joint Type “Fsp” ................................................. 25
3.3.3 Calculation of Joint Type “Fr” .................................................... 25
3.3.4 Calculation of Joint Type “C” ..................................................... 27
3.3.5 Calculation of Joint Type “Cr”.................................................... 28
3.4 Degree of influence of basic factors and characteristics ................... 29
4 CALCULATION PART ................................................................................ 35
4.1 Program operation ............................................................................ 35
4.2 Examples of calculations .................................................................. 38
4.2.1 Type “F” for RHS 80x80x4 ......................................................... 39
4.2.2 Type “Cr” for RHS 120x120x5 .................................................... 44
5 CONCLUSION............................................................................................ 48
FIGURE ............................................................................................................ 49
DIAGRAMS ....................................................................................................... 49
REFERENCES ................................................................................................. 50

Appendix 1. Task for calculation examples
Appendix 2. Calculation example of type “F”
Appendix 3. Calculation example of type “Fr”
Appendix 4. Calculation example of type “Cr”
Appendix 5. Design and characteristics strength
Appendix 6. Cross-section area and strength characteristics ofr bolts
Appendix 7. Design strength of weld metal


A Braced Frame is a structural system that is designed primarily to resist wind

and earthquake forces. Members in a braced frame are designed to work in
tension and compression, similar to a truss. Braced frames are almost always
composed of steel members.

Braced frames are a very common form of construction, being economic to

construct and simple to analyze. Economy comes from the inexpensive,
nominally pinned connections between beams and columns. Bracing, which
provides stability and resists lateral loads, may be from diagonal steel members
or, from a concrete 'core'. In braced construction, beams and columns are
designed under vertical load only, assuming the bracing system carries all lateral

Braced frames resist gravity load in bending and axial compression, and lateral
load in axial compression and tension by triangulation, much like trusses. The
triangulation results in great stiffness an advantage to resist wind load, but
increases seismic forces, a disadvantage to resist earthquakes. Triangulation
may take several configurations, single diagonals, А-bracing, V-bracing, X-
bracing and etc. considering both architectural and structural criteria. In braced
frames the efficiency is improved by adding truss members such as diagonals
between the floor systems. (1)

The positioning of braces, however, can be problematic as they can interfere with
the design of the façade and the position of openings. Buildings adopting high-
tech or post-modernist styles have responded to this by expressing bracing as an
internal or external design feature. (2)


In this chapter basic data about braces, their applying, properties and
classification are presented.

2.1 Common definitions and properties

In typical buildings the beams and columns that form the frame carry vertical
loads and a braced frame is a structural system commonly used in structures
subject to lateral loads such as wind and seismic pressure. The members in a
braced frame are generally made of structural steel, which can work effectively
both in tension and compression (2).

Coupled with other frame members braces provide:

• consolidation of plane frames to the three-dimensional system by creating
stable frameworks in different planes inside one building or temperature
• redistribution of local loads acting on one plane frame between the
neighboring frames and involving them into the team-working
• accommodation and transmission of lateral wind loads, brakeage crane
loads and other loads acting along of the building to the foundations
• ensuring the stability of compressed frame elements by reducing their
effective lengths
• ensuring the load-carrying ability, stability and fixation in permanent
position of structure elements during the erection procedure

During design of braces it is necessary to provide sequenced load transmission

from point of load application to the foundations through the simplest method and
the shortest way.
In each temperature unit and each level independent brace system should be
provided (3).

2.2 Applying of braces in industrial building

Applying and functions are considered by an example of braces in a classic

Russian industrial building like manufacturing workshop with transverse frames
consisting of columns and truss, braces and crane beams.

2.2.1 Vertical braces between columns

The system of vertical braces between columns during operation and installation
• stability of geometrical shape of the frame
• bearing capacity of the frame and its rigidity in the longitudinal direction
• the perception of longitudinal wind loads in the end of the building and the
crane brakeage loads
• stability of the columns from the plane of the transverse frames.

There is distinction between the upper tier of the vertical braces between the
columns (links located above the crane beams) and the lower tier (below the
crane beams). (4)

Figure 1. Fragment of transverse frame

Figure 2. Scheme of vertical braces between columns

The braces of the upper tier have the following purposes:

• forces from the wind, directed to the end of the building, are transmitted to
the braces of the upper tier from the end transverse braces, located in the
plane of the lower truss chord, and then, along the stretched struts, these
efforts are transmitted to crane girders;
• the braces of the upper tier ensure the stability of the columns "out of
plane" of the frames. Thus, the design length of the above-crane-beam
part of the column (Fig. 9, dashed line) from the plane of the frame is equal
to the height of this part of the column;
• together with the lower tier of braces during installation keep the columns
not fixed by anchors from overturning.

The communication of the lower tier is assigned to the functions:

• transmit wind forces from the braces of the upper tier and from the
longitudinal braking of the cranes to the foundation;
• ensure the stability of the under-crane-beam part of the column from the
plane of the frame;
• serve as erection braces during columns installing. In high-rise buildings,
lower tier braces have an additional strut between the columns (Fig. 9). Its
purpose is to reduce the design length of the under-crane part of the
column from the plane of the frame. This arrangement is used when
checking the stability of the column "out of plane" does not give
satisfactory results due to the great slenderness of the column (5).

2.2.2 Horizontal roofing braces

Horizontal braces are located in the planes of the lower and upper chords of the
trusses. Horizontal braces consist of transverse and longitudinal.

Figure 3. Braces between trusses: a - on the upper chords; b - on the lower

chords (5)

Braces between the upper chords of trusses consist of transverse brace units
(Fig. 10 – 2) and longitudinal struts (Fig. 10 – 1). These components have the
following purposes:
• provide stability of compressed truss upper chords from the plane of
• combine the upper chords of the trusses into a single system. Wherein
each of the transverse brace unit serves as a closing block;
• struts fix upper chords of trusses against displacements, ensuring their
stability, and transverse brace units, in turn, fix these struts against

Also in the process of installation (before installing the floor slabs or purlins), the
flexibility of the upper chord from the plane of the truss should not be more than

220. If the ridge strut does not provide this condition, an additional strut is placed
between it and the strut in the plane of the columns.
Braces between the lower chords of trusses consist of transverse (Fig. 10 – 2)
and longitudinal (Fig. 10 – 3) brace units and longitudinal struts (Fig. 10 – 1).
In single-span high-rise buildings (H > 18 m), in buildings with cranes with a lifting
capacity Q ≥ 10 tons, a system of longitudinal braces along the lower chords of
trusses is obligatory because of:
• horizontal forces from cranes act in the transverse direction on one frame
and two or three adjacent ones. Longitudinal brace units ensure the team-
work of the system of frames, as a result of which the lateral deformations
of the framework due to the action of a concentrated force are significantly
• elements of the lower chords of the trusses adjacent to the columns,
especially when the truss is fixed to the column rigidly, can be
compressed. In this case, the longitudinal brace units ensure the stability
of the lower chord from the plane of the trusses;
• cross brace units fix longitudinal, and at the ends of the building they are
also necessary for the perception of wind load directed at the end of the
• in order to avoid vibration of the lower chord of the truss due to the dynamic
effect of cranes, it is necessary to limit the flexibility of the stretched part
of the lower chord from the frame plane. In order to reduce the free length
of the stretched part of the lower chord, it is necessary in some cases to
provide struts securing the lower chord in the lateral direction.
In long buildings consisting of several temperature blocks, transverse brace-units
along the upper and lower chords are placed at each temperature block (as at
the ends of one building), bearing in mind that each temperature block is a
complete spatial complex (5).

2.2.3 Vertical roofing braces

Vertical braces between trusses are installed in the same axes in which horizontal
transverse trusses are placed.


Figure 4. Vertical braces between trusses (5)



Vertical brace units are installed in the spatial brace blocks in the planes of the
vertical posts of trusses along their ends and along the ridge. Also in the span,
one or two vertical brace units are established across the span width (after 12–
15 m).

Vertical braces impart the stability of a spatial block consisting of two trusses and
horizontal cross braces along the upper and lower truss chords.
When truss consists of several pre-fabricated elements, vertical braces in rigid
blocks should also be placed at the junction points of pre-fabricated elements. In
buildings with overhead crane equipment, especially with its large carrying
capacity, it is advisable to place vertical braces in the planes of the crane tracks

2.3 Classification

Classification of braces by shape (2):

• Single diagonals
• Cross-bracing
• K-bracing
• V-bracing
• Eccentric bracing

Figure 5. Shapes of braces (6)

a, b – Single diagonals; c – Eccentric bracing; d – K-bracing; f, h – V-bracing; e, g – Cross-bracing

Single diagonals
Single diagonals, trussing, or triangulation, are formed by inserting diagonal
structural members into rectangular areas of a structural frame, helping to
stabilize the frame. If a single brace is used, it must be sufficiently resistant to
tension and compression. (2)

Cross bracing
Cross bracing (or X-bracing) uses two diagonal members crossing each other.
These only need to be resistant to tension, one brace at a time acting to resist

sideways forces, depending on the direction of loading. As a result, steel cables
can also be used for cross-bracing. However, cross bracing on the outside face
of a building can interfere with the positioning and functioning of window
openings. It also results in greater bending in floor beams. (2)

K-braces connect to the columns at mid-height. This frame has more flexibility for
the provision of openings in the facade and results in the least bending in floor
beams. K-bracing is generally discouraged in seismic regions because of the
potential for column failure if the compression brace buckles. (2)

Two diagonal members forming a V-shape extend downwards from the top two
corners of a horizontal member and meet at a centre point on the lower horizontal
member (left-hand diagram). Inverted V-bracing (right-hand diagram, also known
as chevron bracing) involves the two members meeting at a centre point on the
upper horizontal member. Both systems can significantly reduce the buckling
capacity of the compression brace so that it is less than the tension yield capacity
of the tension brace. This can mean that when the braces reach their resistance
capacity, the load must instead be resisted in the bending of the horizontal
member. (2)

Eccentric bracing
Eccentric bracing is commonly used in seismic regions. It is similar to V-bracing
but bracing members do not meet at a center point. This means there is a space
between them at the top connection. Bracing members connect to separate
points on the horizontal beams. This is so the 'link' between the bracing members
absorbs energy from seismic activity through plastic deformation. Eccentric single
diagonals can also be used to brace a frame (2).

Classification of braces by cross-section (3):

• Arc-welded pipe
• Roll-welded rectangular hollow section
• Rolled open section

• Hot rolled profile

a b c

d e

Figure 6. Types of brace sections (3)

a – Arc-welded pipe; b – Roll-welded rectangular hollow section; c – Rolled open section;
d-f – Hot rolled profile

2.4 Advantages of using of roll-welded hollow section

Due to simple shape and good strength properties providing a lightweight and
affordable construction solution rolled-welded profiles play a significant role in
modern structure design. Of the advantages can be identified:
1. Maximum saving of metal
First of all, this is a decreasing of the metal intensity of the objects being built by
25-30%. The use of shaped tubes allows getting savings in transport costs
because the weight of the required volume of profile pipes for the installation of
structures is significantly less than the weight of the required volume of high-
quality hot-rolled metal.
2. More affective applying of fire-proof, anticorrosion and other coatings
The surface area of structures made of shaped pipes is 30-40% smaller than the
area of similar objects constructed using other types of rolled metal. This
significantly reduces high cost of fire-proof coating. Also in the structures of

tubular elements there are no cracks and cavities, which are the cause of the
accumulation of dirt and the expansion of corrosion.
Structural elements made of RHS have the outer surface easily accessible to
perform painting work. Such places, difficult to paint, are in the profiles with
corners and channels like I-beams or doubled angles.
3. The minimum number of parts in the structure
Connections in the structures of elements in the form of angles and PFC are
made using additional parts made of sheet steel. So, for example, joints made of
RHS profiles contain 3 elements, while joints made of corner profiles contain at
least 11 parts.

Figure 7. Amount of joints parts

4. Simplicity of manufacturing of parts with the use of equipment common for all
metal structures factories
For the manufacture of parts from rolled-welded profiles it is required only
equipment for mechanical cutting able to cut off the tubular profile at a given
5. Reducing the size of the foundation and the cost of foundation works
Reducing the metal weight of the frame as a result of the use of roll-welded
profiles allows to reduce the load on the foundation from frame weight, which
leads to savings on the foundation of up to 10% of the total cost of construction.
6. Wide range of products
The stiffness, strength and weight of the tube profiles can be easily controlled by
wall thicknesses without altering the outer dimensions of the profile.

2.5 Types of joints of RHS elements

Due to high buckling strength and high torsional stiffness of rectangular hollow
section profiles, it is allowed to use them as braces very effectively.
Additionally, the tubular structures can be joined with simple joint details.
Joints can be welded or bolted but the preference is given to bolted joints. Bolted
joints are quick and easy to install on site. All parts of the joint that require welding
are made at the workshop and have high quality.
It is important that the joint moves the loads with respect to the profile as centrally
as possible and that all joining components are homogeneous in regard to
stiffness. Standard types of connections used in Russian practice meet the above
Generally in such types of joints bolts of diameters M12, M16, M20, M24, M30
are used. In addition, the bolts are divided into strength classes, the most
common of which are classes 8.8 and 10.9. The strength class determines the
values of the nominal yield strength of the bolt and the tensile strength.

• Type “F” (joint with flange welded to brace, brace plate and joint plate)

Figure 8. Type “F”

• Type “Fsp” (joint with flange welded to brace, brace plate, joint plate and
two additional stiffening plates on brace section )

Figure 9. Type “Fsp”

• Type “Fr” (joint with flange welded to brace, brace plate, joint plate and
additional stiffening rib on brace plate)

Figure 10. Type “Fr”

• Type “C” (joint with flanges welded to brace, cut-in brace plate and joint

Figure 11. Type “C”

• Type “Cr” (joint with flange welded to brace, cut-in brace plate, joint plate
and additional stiffening rib on brace plate)

Figure 12. Type “Cr”


3.1 Information about norms

Since 2017 in Russia a new normative document has been introduced. It is SP

294.1325800.2017 “Steel Structures. Design Rules”.
This rulebook establishes requirements and applies to design and calculation of
steel buildings and structures of various purposes, operating at a temperature not
higher than + 100 ° С and not lower than minus 60 ° C.
SP 294.1325800.2017 is non-regulatory and used as addition to the main
Russian normative document SP 16.13330.2011 “Steel Structures”.
This set of rules is made to improve the level of safety of people in buildings and
structures and the preservation of material values, as well as to harmonize
regulatory requirements with European and international regulatory documents,
the use of common methods for determining performance characteristics and
evaluation methods.

3.2 Rules of geometry design of joints

Design instructions are detailed in paragraphs 14.1 and 14.2 SP 16.13330.2017.

Dimensions of corner weld (butt-welded joints and lap-welded joint are not used
in considering brace connections) and construction of weld joint should meet the
following requirements:
• weld leg should not exceed value 1.2 ∙ , where is the least of

thicknesses of welded elements;

• minimum is 4 mm;

• design length of corner weld should be not less than 4 ∙ and not less

than 40 mm;
• design length of weld directed along the acting load should be not more
than 85 ∙ ∙ ;
• during calculation it is necessary to take away from the length 10 mm from
each end because of fusion breaks at the beginning and finishing of

The size of the screw holes and their edge and center distances are essential to
the durability and breakage mechanisms of the connection plates.
Bolts should be placed according to the requirements of the following table
(SP16.13330.2017 p. 14.2.8 table 40):
Characteristic distance and yield strength ( ) Distance at bolt
of connected elements placement
1) The distance between the centers of the bolt
holes in any direction

≤ 375 /
a) minimum
2.5 ∙
> 375 / 3∙
b) maximum in the extreme rows 8 ∙ or 12 ∙
c) maximum in the middle rows
tensile 16 ∙ or 24 ∙
press 8 ∙ or 12 ∙
2) The distance from the center of the bolt hole to
the edge of the element

≤ 375 /
a) minimum along the stress
> 375 / 2.5 ∙
b) minimum across the stress
with cut edges of element 1.5 ∙
with rolling edges of element 1.2 ∙
c) maximum 4 ∙ or 8 ∙

Bolts of accuracy class B used in considered connections should have holes of

diameter = + 1, 2 "#3$ .

Figure 13. Distance at bolt placement for standard considered types of brace

3.3 Calculation method

Joints of roll-welded rectangular hollow section braces are checked:

• to strength and stability of joint parts and the nearest to the joint brace
section area
• to strength of bolts and weld

All checking formulas are correct if: (SP 294.1325800.2017 p.14.4.3)

• ratio of cross-section dimensions is 0.75 ≤ / ≤ 1.1
• ratio of the biggest dimension ( or ) to the section thickness is ≤ 45

Figure 14. Scheme of loads acting

3.3.1 Calculation of Joint Type “F”

Tensile strength for Joints Type “F” should be checked with the use of two

1. Formula for overall section of flange and brace (SP 294.1325800.2017

p.14.4.2 formula 93)

+1 1$
& '
∙ ∙ + ∙ ∙
)3∙ *

& ' – tensile stress

– design strength of flange steel (SP 13.13330.2017 Annex B table B.3)

– thickness of flange

( – flange length along plate of brace

– section dimension across plate of brace

* – thickness of brace plate

– design strength of brace steel (SP 13.13330.2017 Annex B table B.3)

– thickness of brace section

2. Formula for section of brace plate, taking into account a Moment

appearing because of eccentricity of normal force (SP 294.1325800.2017
p.14.4.2 formula 95)
+ +1 2$
& ' & '
, * ∙ * .*∙ *

- – excentricity of normal force

, * – brace plate cross-section area

. * – brace plate section modulus

* – design strength of brace plate steel (SP 13.13330.2017 Annex B table


Analogous formulas for design resistance from EN-1993-1-1 are consisted in

p.6.2.3. The stress N in Russian norms accord with stress /01 .
Part of the study explored that in Russian SP there is not a division to different
cases: calculation of tension elements without including weakness by bolt holes
and with it. But during discussion of this question with the tutor from the company
we decided to take into account decreasing of brace plate cross-section area
because of bolt holes.

Press strength for Joints Type “F” should be checked with the use of three
1. Formula for overall section of flange and brace

+1 3$
∙ ∙ + ∙ ∙
)3∙ *

2. Formula for section of brace plate, taking into account a Moment

appearing because of eccentricity of normal force
*2&' *2&' ∙-
+ +1 4$
, * ∙ * .*∙ *

3. Formula for section of brace, taking into account compression of brace

area near the joint by using of special coefficient 3 :

*2&'' *2&'' ∙-
+ +1 5$
,∙ ∙3 .∙ ∙3
3 – conditions-of-use factor (SP 294.1325800.2017 p.14.4.3):
• 3 = 0.6 if 4̅ ≤ 0.45
• 3 = 0.54 + 0.15 ∙ 4̅ if 4̅ > 0.45 but 3 ≤ 1
4̅ – nominal brace slenderness

So length and slenderness of brace can be taken into account only in formula (5)
by factor 3 .

It is important to note that long and thin plates as all other elements having great
slenderness are able to buckle in different ways. But in the considered kinds of
joints plates are rather short and their thickness is sufficient for avoiding the
buckling. Taking into account of press influence is important only for profile of
brace because of using RHS with thin webs. This is done by adding of conditions-
of-use factor 3 .

Load bearing capacity of bolts should be checked with the using of formula:

+1 6$

69 ∙:
678 – maximum stress (tensile or press)

69 – minimal design resistance: shear resistance per shear plane ( '$ or
bearing resistance ;< $ of brace/joint plate (SP 13.13330.2017 p.14.2.9
formulas 186, 187).

' = ' ∙ , ∙ :' ∙ 3 ∙ 3=

* = * ∙ ∙ > ∙ 3 ∙ 3=

', * – shear and bearing resistance of one-bolt connection

(SP13.13330.2017 annex Г. table Г.5)

, – area of bolt section (SP 13.13330.2017 annex Г. table Г.9)
:' – amount of shear planes for one bolt
– diameter of bolt
∑ – minimal sum of thicknesses of elements are damaged in one direction
3= – conditions-of-use factor of structure (SP 13.13330.2017 p.4.3.3 table 1)
3 – conditions-of-use factor of one-bolt joint (SP 13.13330.2017 p.14.2.9
table 41)
: – amount of bolts
Analogous formulas for design resistance from EN-1993-1-8 are consisted in
table 3.4. The stress N in Russian norms accord with stress /01 .

min thickness
of bearing elements

shear plane

Figure 15. Scheme of one-bolt connection

Doing the research, it was discovered that, in accordance with Russian norms,
the tear calculation of edge of brace plate or joint plate can be avoided if the edge
distances are observed.

Damage of weld can happen immediately by weld material when its bearing
capacity is not enough for acting force or along board between structure element
and weld material when the leg of the weld is too small.

Figure 16. Parts of weld seam

1 – metal of weld; 2 – weld board

Load bearing capacity of weld should be checked for two different welds: brace
plate to flange ( @) and flange to brace section ( ). Checking should be done
according to the formulas (SP 13.13330.2017 p.14.1.16 formulas 176, 177):

≤1 7$
∙ ∙ AB ∙ B ∙ 3= ∙ 3=
– coefficient of weld joint by weld metal (SP 13.13330.2017 p.14.1.7 table 39)

– weld leg (min value of weld leg is in SP 13.13330.2017 p.14.1.7 table 38)

AB – weld length
B – design strength by weld metal (SP 13.13330.2017 annex Г. table Г.1)

3= – conditions-of-use factor of structure

3= – conditions-of-use factor of weld joint

≤1 8$

C ∙ ∙ AB ∙ BC ∙ 3= ∙ 3=

C – coefficient of weld joint by weld board

BC – design strength by weld board: min between characteristic strength of
flange steel and characteristic strength of brace plate steel (SP 13.13330.2017
annex B. table B.3)

≤1 9$
∙ AB ∙ D ∙ 3= ∙ 3=

D – design strength by metal of weld board with flange along plate thickness
(calculation depends on characteristic strength of flange steel)

3.3.2 Calculation of Joint Type “Fsp”

Sometimes only strength of RHS cross-section area can not meet the
requirements for example because of too thin web. If the web could not be
increased additional stiffening plates can be used.
Dimensions of stiffening plates usually are assigned equal to 0,6 of RHS width.
Steel of plates should be the same as brace material.
Checking formulas for bolts and weld of type “Fsp” are the same as for type “F”
(see formulas 2, 4-9) except formulas for calculation of strength.
During strength checking the thickness of stiffening plates is also taken into
consideration. In formulas 1 and 3 is changed to + 0.6 ∙ '* :

& '/*2&''
+1 10$
∙ ∙ + ∙ + 0.6 ∙ '* $ ∙
)3∙ *

3.3.3 Calculation of Joint Type “Fr”

Stiffening rib can be added to increase the rigidity, cross section area and value
of section modulus of the brace plate in joint. In this manner supportive of moment
appearing because of eccentricity of normal force happens more efficiently.
The rib is taken into account by using its characteristics during calculation of
section modulus in formulas 2 and 4 when the section of brace plate is checked.
This section modulus is calculated for T-section consisting of brace plate in the
form of flange of T-section and rib as web of T-section.
Also it is necessary to consider two checkings: applying section modulus of T-
section relative to brace plate and relative to rib.

Figure 17. T-section of brace plate and rib

As the result formulas 1, 3, 5, 6 stay the same but others are changed:
& '/*2&'' & '/*2&'' ∙ -@
+ +1 11$
, FG' ∙ * .@G@ ∙ *

.@G@ – section modulus of T-section relative to brace plate

, FG' – cross-section area of T-section (plate of brace + rib)
* – design strength of brace plate steel

-@ – eccentricity of normal force

& '/*2&'' & '/*2&'' ∙ -@
+ +1 12$
, FG' ∙ 2 .G ∙ 2

.@G@ – section modulus of T-section relative to rib

2 – design strength of rib

Weld of type “Fr” joint also has new gravity center and bears the load by a bit
different way. In this kind of joints weld has to be checked to moment appearing
because of eccentricity of normal force as T-section.
Formulas acquire the following form:
∙ -@
+ ≤1 13$
678 678
,B ∙ B ∙ 3= ∙ 3= .B ∙ B ∙ 3= ∙ 3=
,B , .B – cross-section area of weld kf1 by weld metal
∙ -@
+ ≤1 14$
678 678
,BC ∙ BC ∙ 3= ∙ 3= .BC ∙ BC ∙ 3= ∙ 3=
,BC , .BC – cross-section area of weld kf1 by weld board

∙ -@
+ ≤1 15$
678 678
,B D ∙ B D ∙ 3= ∙ 3= .B ∙ B D ∙ 3= ∙ 3=

,B D , .B D – cross-section area of weld kf1 by metal of weld board with flange

along plate thickness.

3.3.4 Calculation of Joint Type “C”

A common case is when bearing capacity requirements are not assured by weld
flange to brace or more often brace plate to flange. It is usually happened by the
reason of limitation of perimeter of brace section and dimensions of brace plate.
So the length of weld is limited too.
The weld leg also can not be increased as much as it is required by calculation
because of using not so thick webs in RHS. Generally webs thickness of standard
RHS using as braces do not exceed 6-8 mm.
The solution to these problems is to lengthen the weld by cutting-in of brace plate
into profile of brace. For this purpose, a rectangular cutout is made in the profile,
the width is equal to the thickness of the connection gusset.
Clearances are often provided to facilitate insertion of plate into the brace. When
a brace plate is installed it is welded. In this way bearing capacity can be
regulated by the length of cutting-in.

Figure 18. Cutting-in

Tensile and press strength for Joints Type “C” should be checked with the use of
two formulas:

1. Formula for section of brace
& '/*2&''
+1 16$
,∙ ∙3
, – brace cross-section area
3 – factor of cutting-in length influence

3 = 0.5 ∙ H
+ 0.18 if 0.8 ≤ H
+ 1.6
1I 1I

3 = 1 if H
> 1.6

If 0.8 > H
, length of cutting-in is not correct

A@ – length of cutting-in
– dimension of brace section (see Figure 11)
2. Formula for section of brace plate, taking into account a Moment
appearing because of eccentricity of normal force
& '/*2&'' & '/*2&'' ∙-
+ +1 17$
, * ∙ * .*∙ *

Load bearing capacity of bolts should be checked by using the same formula:

+1 18$

69 ∙:
Load bearing capacity of weld should be checked by weld material (formula 19)
and along weld board (formula 20):

≤1 19$
∙ @ ∙ AB ∙ B ∙ 3= ∙ 3=

≤1 20$

C ∙ @ ∙ AB ∙ BC ∙ 3= ∙ 3=

3.3.5 Calculation of Joint Type “Cr”

Type “Cr” is most commonly used in practice. Specially when tensile or press
load is significantly large and plates of big thickness are used that leads to
appearing of intense Moment caused by eccentricity of normal force.
The method of calculation is something common between the type “C” and type
“Fr” calculation methods.

Formulas that are used: 16, 11, 12, 5, 18- 20, 13-15.

3.4 Degree of influence of basic factors and characteristics

Different characteristics of joint like the chosen kind of steel, the dimensions of
plates, the diameter and amount of bolts and the presence of additional stiffening
elements act on the results and resistance of joint in whole with different degree
of influence.
To research the main factor some diagrams were composed. Each of the
diagrams differ by changing of value one of influencing parameters.
Research is performed for standard connection of “C” type with cut-in brace plate.
Brace is pressed with stress *2&'' = 300 . For brace section a tube of RHS
120x120x5 is chosen.

Result factors:
1. Press strength of brace
2. Press strength of brace plate
3. Load bearing capacity of bolts in regard to shear resistance per shear
4. Load bearing capacity of bolts in regard to bearing resistance of brace
5. Load bearing capacity of weld by weld metal
6. Load bearing capacity of weld by weld board

All result factors are got in the form of strength utilization ratios in other words
ratio of acting stress to resistance of considered element (plate, bolts or weld).
This ratio should be less then 1. The closer the value is to 1, the smaller the
strength reserve.

Influence of steel kind: C245 and C355

Initial data:
Brace: RHS 120x120x5, A = 6
Brace plate: * = 12 , length of cut-in A@ = 100
Joint plate: J* = 10

Bolts: 2 bolts M20, strength class 8,8
Weld: =6 , weld material Э42

0,8 0,739
Strength utilization ratio

0,296 0,296 0,318
0,3 0,249
0,209 0,207
0,2 0,156 0,156
0,107 0,123
1 2 3 4 5 6
Result factor

С245 С355

Diagram 1. Influence of steel kind

The diagram shows that kind of steel and accordingly value of design and
characteristic steel strength makes the greatest impact to resistance of brace
plate. Also a little influence is on durability of bolts and weld but only when they
are calculated with regard to characteristics of plates.
The press strength of brace increases too but not so much as the strength of
brace plate.

It is important to note that kind of steel was changed from C245 to C355 for all
elements of connection. If the steel is changed only for one of the elements, for
example only for brace plate, so there is no influence at the brace strength
utilization ratio at all.

Influence of brace plate thickness: 12 mm and 16 mm

Initial data:
Brace: RHS 120x120x5, A = 6 , C245
Brace plate: C245, length of cut-in A@ = 100

Joint plate: J* = 10 , C245
Bolts: 2 bolts M20, strength class 8,8
Weld: =6 , weld material Э42


0,8 0,739
Strength utilization ratio



0,296 0,296 0,318
0,199 0,209 0,209
0,2 0,156 0,156 0,156 0,156


1 2 3 4 5 6
Result factor

12mm 16mm

Diagram 2. Influence of brace plate thickness

Variation of the brace plate thickness first of all in the example leads to increasing
of cross-section area. So changings occur only in brace plate strength and in load
bearing capacity of bolts in regard to bearing resistance of brace plate.

Influence of cutting-in length: 100 mm and 200 mm

Initial data:
Brace: RHS 120x120x5, A = 6 , C245
Brace plate: * = 12 , C245
Joint plate: J* = 10 , C245
Bolts: 2 bolts M20, strength class 8,8
Weld: =6 , weld material Э42

The following diagram 3 compares the situations in which the value of brace plate
cutting-in length is varied from 100 mm to 200 mm. Along with increasing cutting-

in length weld length is increasing too. So strength utilization ratio of weld
resistance gets smaller and strength reserve rises proportionally to cutting-in

0,8 0,739 0,739
Strength utilization ratio

0,296 0,296
0,3 0,265 0,265
0,2 0,156 0,156
0,093 0,103
1 2 3 4 5 6
Result factor

100mm 200mm

Diagram 3. Influence of cutting-in length

In addition, the diagram shows changings in press strength of brace. This is due
to dependency of brace resistance on factor of cutting-in length influence (see
Formula 16). So the larger the cutting-in, the less its influence.

Influence of diameter of bolts: M16 and M20

Initial data:
Brace: RHS 120x120x5, A = 6 , C245
Brace plate: * = 10 , C245, A@ = 100
Joint plate: J* = 10 , C245
Bolts: 2 bolts, strength class 8,8
Weld: =6 , weld material Э42

1 0,952 0,964


Strength utilization ratio

0,5 0,463
0,4 0,318
0,209 0,209
0,2 0,156 0,156 0,156 0,156

1 2 3 4 5 6
Result factor

M16 M20

Diagram 4. Influence of diameter of bolts

Obviously, with increasing of bolts diameter, resistance of bolt connection gets

higher. It is shown in diagram 4.
In addition, it can be noticed that the strength utilization ratio of brace plate
becomes nearer to 1 with increasing of diameter of bolts. It happens because of
increasing of bolt holes in the brace plate, that leads to weakening of the brace
plate cross-section.
An important fact is also that the load bearing capacity of bolt connection with
using of bolts M16 should be finally calculated with the aid of shear resistance of
bolt per shear plane ( '$ because it is less then bearing resistance ;< $ of

brace plate (see formula 6). However, with using bolts M20 on the contrary
calculation should be performed with regard to brace plate bearing resistance.

Influence of amount of bolts: 2M20 and 4M20

Initial data:
Brace: RHS 120x120x5, A = 6 , C245
Brace plate: * = 12 , C245, A@ = 100
Joint plate: J* = 12 , C245
Bolts: bolts M20, strength class 8,8
Weld: =6 , weld material Э42

0,9 0,859

Strength utilization ratio

0,3 0,265
0,209 0,209
0,2 0,156 0,156 0,148 0,133 0,156 0,156
1 2 3 4 5 6
Result factor

2M20 4M20

Diagram 5. Influence of amount of bolts

Same as in the case of diameter change by diagram 5 we can see that with
increasing of amount of bolts the bolts resistance in relation to the shear
resistance of bolt per shear plane ( '$ and the bearing resistance ;< $ of

brace plate, both become higher. The strength durability of brace plate decreases
due to weakening by bolt holes.

Influence of moment appearing because of eccentricity of normal force

As shown in formulas 4, 5 etc. according to Russian norms it is necessary to take
into account additional stress appearing because of eccentricity of normal force
(see figure 14). Thus the load acting on connection rises. It is important to notice
that the brace plate is thicker, the eccentricity is bigger. So increasing of brace
plate or joint plate thickness should be done very carefully to avoid too intense
rising of stress.


By agreement with the head of the designing department of the company the
main goal of the work and researches is to create the program in Excel able to
check easily and fast any combination of joint parameters. This application should
help designers check and then choose the most rational variant by changing one
or more characteristics of joint components.
The principle of program operation will be considered in the following paragraph.
Then detailed examples of geometry design and calculation of two different types
of connections are demonstrated to compare the chosen variants and make some

4.1 Program operation

The Excel file contains 9 sheets. The first 5 sheets are intended to joint calculation
and conform to 5 basic connection types. The last 4 sheets include tables of
• Sections – dimensions of pipe cross-sections and values of cross-section
area, section modulus, radius of gyration and others according to GOST
30245-2012 “Steel closed rolled-welded square and rectangular profiles
for building structures. Technical conditions”;
• Steel – design and characteristics strength and design bearing resistance
of different kind of steel in accordance with SP 13.13330.2017 Annex B
tables B.3-B.5 (Appendix 5);
• Bolts – cross-section area of bolts different diameters according to SP
13.13330.2017 annex Г. table Г.9 and strength characteristics for bolts of
different strength classes from SP13.13330.2017 annex Г. table Г.5
(Appendix 6);
• Weld – design strength of weld metal in accordance with SP
13.13330.2017 annex Г. table Г.1 (Appendix 7).

The Excel sheet space is divided into several blocks, each of which has a certain
purpose. To understand how the program works, the functions of each table in
the sheet are briefly explained.

The first thing that needs to be done is to preliminarily design the geometric shape
of brace connection relying on the design experience. For this it is needed to
choose one of the basic variants of joins presented in paragraph 2.5 of the thesis.
The same pictures corresponding to each of the connection can be seen on the
Excel sheet.

Figure 19. Principle geometric shape of joint

On the picture all symbols are shown. They mark the basic dimensions and
characteristics of the chosen type of joint. In addition under the scheme note
about requirements of the brace section dimensions ratio is appeared. It refers to
limitation relating to brace pipe dimensions ratio (p. 3.3 of the thesis). This
limitation is in order to prevent using pipe sections that are too elongated in one
direction as braces.
For example RHC 300x200x8 is not desirable to be used as a brace according to
SP 294.1325800.2017 p.14.4.3. because of its dimensions ratio is
= = 1.5 ≥ 1.1
The table with title “DATA FOR INPUT” contains user input data such as acting
stress, cross section of brace and its length, information about the other
components of the joint and their characteristics such as steel mark, thickness,
bolt diameter and welding characteristics. Using this table the designer after
preliminary design could change one or more characteristic of joint components
and select the most suitable complex of characteristics.

Figure 20. Table “DATA FOR INPUT”

Next to this table locates a table with title “INFORMATIONAL DATA”. It contains
intermediate calculations and results as well as information about characteristics
taken from the tables on the last four Excel sheets and some not easy calculations
of geometric characteristics like moment of inertia or Section modulus. The user
does not have to input anything in this table, only review and check using


The last block with title “CHECKING” displays the results of calculations of each
checking point like plate strength and bolts or weld bearing resistance. All
calculations are performed in accordance with paragraph 3.3 of the thesis and
have the form of strength utilization ratio that must be less than 1 the calculation
will be right.

Figure 22. Table “CHECKING”

4.2 Examples of calculations

The examples are calculated on the basis of real design documentations provided
by the company to put into practice the skills gained through the research. The
building under construction is a metal structure for industrial use for oil and gas
refining. The construction of a processing complex takes place in Russia. The
structures are designed by Russian norms with using characteristic and design
loads appropriate for this place. Design documentation is received from the
customer and contains all the main stresses in the structure elements that the
designers of the company should use for joint design and calculation. Stresses
in the structure elements were received during calculation of the whole frame with
the aid of software complex.

The examples are taken from the part of building complex. The work and
production documentation for this part was developed by the author as well as
the calculation method and program.
The building is a frame structure of vertical columns, horizontal floors based on
beams and vertical and horizontal bracing. The last part of the work goes through
two cases of connecting vertical brace to column. In both cases, the joint plate is
used in the column, and in principle, the connections work in the same way. The
cases differ in profile size, acting load, brace length, thickness of plates and type
of joint chosen from variants considered earlier.

In the examples I check all strength characteristics explained in paragraph 3.3

of the thesis paying particular attention to tensile capacity of plates and brace
section, design resistance for individual fasteners subjected to shear and bearing
resistance and capacity of welding. However, Russian calculation method of
brace connections does not envisage the phenomena of block tearing in the same
way as Eurocode does. Instead of this in the bolts calculation part it is performed
a checking of bearing resistance of joint or brace plate, meaning capacity against
plate metal damage caused by bolt pressure. This is considered sufficient with
the obligatory observance of edge distances.

The task for the calculations is presented in the form of one sheet from the design
documentation set received from the customer in Appendix 1.

4.2.1 Type “F” for RHS 80x80x4

In accordance with the task, initial data for the first case is the following:
• Stress = ±61.5
• Effective length of brace A = 330M
• Steel of brace C245
• Steel of joint elements C245
• Bolt strength class 8.8
• 3= = 0.9
• 3 =1

Geometry design:

Figure 23. Type “F” for RHS 80x80x4

Checking part:
To decrease the mount of formulas and make this part of the thesis easier there
are not detail calculations of geometric characteristics like cross-section areas
(A) and section modulus (W). All values required in calculations are taken from
the Excel program. The tutor from the company carefully checked the used data
and formulas.
The whole calculation of the first example is presented Appendix 2.

1. Tensile/press strength of overall section of flange and brace

& '⁄*2&''
∙ ∙ + ∙ ∙
)3∙ *

= = 0.613 + 1
12 M
24 ∙ 0.6 M $ ∙ 8 M + 24 ∙ 0.4 M ∙8M
M ) 3 ∙ 1.4 M M
⇒ PQ

2. Tensile/press strength of brace plate
& '⁄*2&'' & '⁄*2&'' ∙-
+ =
, * ∙ * . * ∙ *

61.5 61.5 ∙ 1.2 M

= + = 0.982 + 1
13 M ∙ 24 /M 3.92 M R ∙ 24 /M
⇒ PQ
- = 1.4 M /2 + 1 M /2 = 1.2 M – eccentricity of normal force.

3. Press strength of brace, taking into account compression of brace area

near the joint by using of special coefficient 3 :
*2&'' *2&'' ∙-
+ =
,∙ ∙3 .∙ ∙3
61.5 61.5 ∙ 1.2 M
= + = 0.329 + 1
11.75 M ∙ 24 /M ∙1 27.74 M R ∙ 24 /M ∙1
⇒ PQ
3 – conditions-of-use factor (SP 294.1325800.2017 p.14.4.3):
• 3 = 0.6 if 4̅ ≤ 0.45
• 3 = 0.54 + 0.15 ∙ 4̅ if 4̅ > 0.45 but 3 ≤1

A 330 M ⁄M 2 24
4̅ = ∙ T ∙T
= = 3.67
S V 3.07 M 20600 ⁄M 2

4̅ – nominal brace slenderness

3 = 0.54 + 0.15 ∙ 3.67 = 1.091 > 1 ⇒ 3 =1

4. Load bearing capacity of bolts

= = 0.512 + 1

69 ∙: 60.1 ∙2
⇒ PQ
' = ' ∙ , ∙ :' ∙ 3 ∙ 3= = 33.2 ⁄M ∙ 2.01 M ∙ 1 ∙ 1 ∙ 0.9 = 60.1
' – shear resistance per shear plane

*_ * = * ∙ ∙ > ∙ 3 ∙ 3= = 48.5 ⁄M ∙ 1.6 ∙ 1.4 ∙ 1 ∙ 0.9 = 97.8

*_ * – bearing resistance of brace plate

*_J* = * ∙ ∙ > ∙ 3 ∙ 3= = 48.5 ⁄M ∙ 1.6 ∙ 1.0 ∙ 1 ∙ 0.9 = 69.8

*_J* – bearing resistance of joint plate

69 = min [ '; *I] ; *^] _ = 60.1 ⇒ it means that damage of bolts will
happen earlier than damage of one of the plates.
5. Load bearing capacity of welding brace plate to flange
=6 ; kind of welding material – Э42
• by weld metal


@∙ @ ∙ AB@ ∙ B ∙ 3= ∙ 3=
= = 0.508 ≤ 1
0.7 ∙ 0.6 M ∙ 2 ∙ 12 ) 2$ M ∙ 18 ⁄M ∙ 1 ∙ 0.8
⇒ PQ
• by metal of weld board


C@ ∙ @ ∙ AB@ ∙ BC ∙ 3= ∙ 3=
= 0.385 ≤ 1
1.0 ∙ 0.6 M ∙ 2 ∙ 12 ) 2$ M ∙ 0.45 ∙ 37 ⁄M ∙ 1 ∙ 0.8
⇒ PQ
• by metal of weld board with flange along plate thickness


@ ∙ AB@ ∙ D ∙ 3= ∙ 3=
= 0.355 ≤ 1
0.6 M ∙ 2 ∙ 12 ) 2$ M ∙ 0.5 ∙ `M ∙ 1 ∙ 0.8
⇒ PQ
6. Load bearing capacity of welding flange to brace profile
=4 ; kind of welding material – Э42
• by weld metal

∙ ∙ AB ∙ B ∙ 3= ∙ 3=
= = 0.533 ≤ 1
0.7 ∙ 0.4 M ∙ 8 ∙ 4 ) 2$ M ∙ 18 ⁄M ∙ 1 ∙ 0.8
⇒ PQ

• by metal of weld board


C ∙ ∙ AB ∙ BC ∙ 3= ∙ 3=
= 0.403 ≤ 1
1.0 ∙ 0.4 M ∙ 8 ∙ 4 ) 2$ M ∙ 0.45 ∙ 37 ⁄M ∙ 1 ∙ 0.8
⇒ PQ
• by metal of weld board with flange along plate thickness


@ ∙ AB@ ∙ D ∙ 3= ∙ 3=
= 0.372 ≤ 1
0.4 M ∙ 8 ∙ 4 ) 2$ M ∙ 0.5 ∙ `M ∙ 1 ∙ 0.8
⇒ PQ

The presented example shows that the weakest element of joint is the brace plate
because its area of cross section depends heavily on the dimensions of the brace
profile. In the example RHS tube has quite a small section that does not allow to
increase the width of the brace plate (dimension Df) sufficiently. Due to this it is
necessary to increase the thickness of the brace plate, In this case only 14 mm
comes enough. But in some cases applying of an element such a big thickness
could seem to be not very efficient.

Appendix 3 contains calculation of another variant of joint for the same situation.
All initial data is the same but the used type of joint is “Fr”. Addition of stiffening
rib of 6 mm enables to decrease the thickness if the brace plate is from 14 mm to
10 mm. Maybe on the whole it does not give a great steel saving in this example,
but in case with bigger sizes of brace profile and bigger thicknesses it will. In
addition when the thickness of the joint plate is bigger, the eccentricity of normal
force can lead to increase moment in joint and stiffening rib will be the sole
solution to provide joint strength and bearing capacity.

The use of the stiffening rib has one disadvantage that is that the production of
the brace at the manufacture becomes a more labor-intensive and time-taking
process due to an increase in the value of welding.

4.2.2 Type “Cr” for RHS 120x120x5

In accordance with the task, initial data for the first case is the following:
• Stress = ±140.0
• Effective length of brace A = 496 M
• Steel of brace C245
• Steel of joint elements C245
• Bolt strength class 8.8
• 3= = 0.9
• 3 =1

Geometry design:

Figure 24. Type “F” for RHS 120x120x5

Checking part:
As in the previous case, there are no detail calculations of geometric
characteristics like cross-section areas (A), section modulus (W), moment of

inertia (I) and coordinates of gravity center of T-section. All values required in
calculations are taken from the Excel program.
The whole calculation of the second example is presented in Appendix 4.

1. Tensile/press strength of section of brace

& '/*2&'' 140.0
= = 0.324 + 1
,∙ ∙3 22.36 M ∙ 24 /M ∙ 0.805

⇒ PQ
3 – factor of cutting-in length influence
A@ 150
0.8 ≤ = = 1.25 + 1.6
3 = 0.5 ∙ + 0.18 = 0.5 ∙ 1.25 + 0.18 = 0.805

2. Tensile/press strength of brace plate, taking into account a Moment

appearing because of eccentricity of normal force
• in relation to edge of brace plate
& '⁄*2&'' & '⁄*2&'' ∙ -@
+ =
,FG' ∙ * .@G@ ∙ *

140.0 140.0 ∙ 2.11 M

= + = 0.408 + 1
25.12 M ∙ 24 /M 70.029 M R ∙ 24 /M
⇒ PQ
• in relation to edge of rib
& '⁄*2&'' & '⁄*2&'' ∙ -@
+ =
,FG' ∙ 2 .G ∙ 2

140.0 140.0 ∙ 2.11 M

= + = 0.995 + 1
25.12 M ∙ 24 /M 16.171 M R ∙ 24 /M
⇒ PQ
3. Press strength of brace, taking into account compression of brace area
near the joint by using of special coefficient 3 :
*2&'' *2&'' ∙-
+ =
,∙ ∙3 .∙ ∙3
140.0 140.0 ∙ 1.1 M
= + = 0.34 + 1
22.36 M ∙ 24 /M ∙1 80.88 M R ∙ 24 /M ∙1

⇒ PQ
* J* 1.2 1.0
-= + = + = 1.1 M
2 2 2 2
3 – conditions-of-use factor (SP 294.1325800.2017 p.14.4.3):
• 3 = 0.6 if 4̅ ≤ 0.45
• 3 = 0.54 + 0.15 ∙ 4̅ if 4̅ > 0.45 but 3 ≤1

A 496 M 24 ⁄M 2
4̅ = ∙ T ∙T
= = 3.63
S V 4.66 M 20600 ⁄M 2

4̅ – nominal brace slenderness

3 = 0.54 + 0.15 ∙ 3.63 = 1.085 > 1 ⇒ 3 =1
4. Load bearing capacity of bolts
= = 0.802 + 1

69 ∙: 87.3 ∙2
⇒ PQ
' = ' ∙ , ∙ :' ∙ 3 ∙ 3= = 33.2 ⁄M ∙ 3.14 M ∙ 1 ∙ 1 ∙ 0.9 = 93.8
' – shear resistance per shear plane

*_ * = * ∙ ∙ > ∙ 3 ∙ 3= = 48.5 ⁄M ∙ 2.0 ∙ 1.2 ∙ 1 ∙ 0.9 = 104.8

*_ * – bearing resistance of brace plate

*_J* = * ∙ ∙ > ∙ 3 ∙ 3= = 48.5 ⁄M ∙ 2.0 ∙ 1.0 ∙ 1 ∙ 0.9 = 87.3

*_J* – bearing resistance of joint plate

69 = min [ '; *I] ; *^] _ = 87.3 ⇒ it means that damage of joint

plate will happen earlier than damage of bolts or brace plate.

5. Load bearing capacity of welding of cut-in brace plate to brace profile

@ =6 ; kind of welding material – Э46А
• by weld metal


@ ∙ @ ∙ AB@ ∙ B ∙ 3= ∙ 3=
= = 0.401 ≤ 1
0.7 ∙ 0.6 M ∙ 4 ∙ 15 ) 2$ M ∙ 20 ⁄M ∙ 1 ∙ 0.8
⇒ PQ

• by metal of weld board


C@ ∙ @ ∙ AB@ ∙ BC ∙ 3= ∙ 3=
= 0.337 ≤ 1
1.0 ∙ 0.6 M ∙ 4 ∙ 15 ) 2$ M ∙ 0.45 ∙ 37 ⁄M ∙ 1 ∙ 0.8
⇒ PQ
6. Load bearing capacity of welding of rib to flange and brace plate
As rib and brace plate create T-section, welding of these elements creates the
same section too. Calculation of geometric characteristics requires much time
and intermediate operations. The background of these calculations is also
performed in Appendix 3.
=8 ; kind of welding material – Э46А
• by weld metal
∙ -@
+ =
678 678
,B ∙ B ∙ 3= ∙ 3= .B ∙ B ∙ 3= ∙ 3=
140.0 140.0 ∙ 2.11 M
= + = 0.991 ≤ 1
26.21 M ∙ 20 ⁄M ∙ 1 ∙ 0.8 28.14 M R ∙ 20 ⁄M ∙ 1 ∙ 0.8
⇒ PQ
• by metal of weld board
∙ -@
+ =
678 678
,BC ∙ BC ∙ 3= ∙ 3= .BC ∙ BC ∙ 3= ∙ 3=
140.0 140.0 ∙ 2.11 M
= + =
37.44 M ∙ 0.45 ∙ 37 ⁄M ∙ 1 ∙ 0.8 32.27 M R ∙ 0.45 ∙ 37 ⁄M ∙ 1 ∙ 0.8
= 0.969 ≤ 1 ⇒ PQ
• by metal of weld board with flange along plate thickness
∙ -@
+ =
678 678
,B D ∙ B D ∙ 3= ∙ 3= .B ∙ B D ∙ 3= ∙ 3=

140.0 140.0∙ 2.11 M

+ =
37 37
37.44 M ∙ 0.5 ∙ `M ∙ 1 ∙ 0.8 32.27 M R ∙ 0.5 ∙ `M ∙ 1 ∙ 0.8
1.025 1.025
= 0.894 ≤ 1 ⇒ PQ

This example mainly shows how applying of cutting-in brace plate allows to rise
the bearing capacity of welding and in addition that changing of the diameter of
bolts is the primary way to increase fastener bearing capacity of joint.

A hole in RHS pipe for cutting-in brace plate and increasing of the hole`s diameter
for bolts in brace plate do not lead to reducing the strength of them.


Nowadays, using of braced frame systems is the most common and popular
solution for industrial construction of buildings like factories or storages. These
structures have to be easy and fast in regard to production and installation. To
achieve that all connections and joints in the structures should consist of a
minimum number of parts and be simple to calculate.

In this study I consider the importance of such frame elements as braces. Firstly,
definitions, properties and purposes of braces were explained. Then I focused on
rectangular hollow section pipes used as braces and presented the most common
types of brace connections corresponding to Russian practice. During the
process of compiling the theoretical part I studied Russian norm documents in
detail in relation to brace joints calculation and learned how to apply the obtained
knowledge in practice. However, it is important to notice that the information
contained in the Russian norms is not always complete and understandable.
Many topics are not considered in sufficient detail and there are not enough clear
specific methods for calculating different connections. For example, block tearing
is not counted in the calculation at all. Thus, I found out that any regulatory
documents need adjustments and additions.

The aim of my thesis was to study the specificity and particularity of brace joints
calculation and using the acquired knowledge develop the Excel program that
helps to check and choose the main parameters of joint: the thickness and
dimensions of plates, the quantity of bolts and the length of weld. I think that these
features are well achieved. The company tutor checked all the results. As a result
of my research I performed two calculations of different types of brace joints that
revealed general advantages and disadvantages of each solution. In addition, the
examples proved that in different situations with diverse initial data the
appropriate connection type should be chosen.


Figure 1. Fragment of transverse frame

Figure 2. Scheme of vertical braces between columns
Figure 3. Braces between trusses: a - on the upper chords; b - on the lower
chords (5)
Figure 4. Vertical braces between trusses (5)
Figure 5. Shapes of braces (6)
Figure 6. Types of brace sections (3)
Figure 7. Amount of joints parts
Figure 8. Type “F”
Figure 9. Type “Fsp”
Figure 10. Type “Fr”
Figure 11. Type “C”
Figure 12. Type “Cr”
Figure 13. Distance at bolt placement for standard considered types of brace
Figure 14. Scheme of loads acting
Figure 15. Scheme of one-bolt connection
Figure 16. Parts of weld seam
Figure 17. T-section of brace plate and rib
Figure 18. Cutting-in
Figure 19. Principle geometric shape of joint
Figure 20. Table “DATA FOR INPUT”
Figure 22. Table “CHECKING”
Figure 23. Type “F” for RHS 80x80x4
Figure 24. Type “F” for RHS 120x120x5


Diagram 1. Influence of steel kind

Diagram 2. Influence of brace plate thickness
Diagram 3. Influence of cutting-in length
Diagram 4. Influence of diameter of bolts
Diagram 5. Influence of amount of bolts


1. Pinero, Inrica. Braced Frames.


3. Gorev V.V, Uvarov B.U, Phlippov V.V. and others. 2004. Metal structures
(Vol II). Moscow: High school, pp.113-126

4. Kudishin Y.I, Belenya V.S, Ignateva and others. 2001. Metal structures.
Moscow: Academia. pp. 301-309



7. SP 16.13330.2011 “Steel Structures”

8. SP 294.1325800.2017 “Steel Structures. Design Rules”

9. GOST 30245-2012 “Steel closed rolled-welded square and rectangular

profiles for building structures. Technical conditions”

Appendix 1. Task for calculation examples

Appendix 2. Calculation example of type “F”

Appendix 3. Calculation example of type “Fr”

Appendix 4. Calculation example of type “Cr”

Appendix 5.

Steel kind Ry, Н/mm2 Ru, Н/mm2 Run, Н/mm2 Rbp, Н/mm2
С235 (2 mm - 4 mm) 230 350 360 475
С245 (from 2 mm to 20 incl.) 240 360 370 485
С255 (from 2 mm to 3,9 mm) 250 370 380 500
С255 (from 4 mm to 10 mm) 240 370 380 500
С255 (more 10 mm to 20 mm) 240 360 370 485
С255 (more 20 to 40 mm) 230 360 370 485
С345 (more 2 to 10 mm) 340 480 490 645
С345 (more 10 to 20 mm) 320 460 470 620
С345 (more 20 to 40 mm) 300 450 460 605
С345 (more 40 to 60 mm) 280 440 450 595
С345 (more 60 to 80 mm) 270 430 440 580
С345 (more 80 to 160 mm) 260 420 430 565
С345К (from 4 to 10 mm) 340 460 470 620
С355 (more 8 to 16 mm) 350 460 470 620
С355 (more 16 to 40 mm) 340 460 470 620
С355 (more 40 to 60 mm) 330 460 470 620
С355 (more 60 to 80 mm) 320 460 470 620
С355 (more 80 to 100 mm) 310 460 470 620
С355 (more 100 to 160 mm) 285 460 470 620
С355-1 (from 8 mm to 16 mm) 350 460 470 620
С355-1 (more 16 to 40 mm) 340 460 470 620
С355-1 (more 40 to 50 mm) 330 460 470 620
С355-К (from 8 to 16 mm) 350 460 470 620
С355-К (more 16 to 40 mm) 340 460 470 620
С355-К (more 40 to 50 mm) 330 460 470 620
С355П (from 8 mm to 16 mm incl.) 350 460 470 620
С355П (from 16 mm to 40 mm) 340 460 470 620
С390 (from 8 mm to 50 mm incl.) 380 505 520 670
С390-1 (from 8 mm to 50 mm incl.) 380 505 520 670
С440 (from 8 mm to 50 mm incl.) 430 525 540 710
С550 (from 8 mm to 50 mm incl.) 525 625 640
С590 (from 8 mm to 50 mm incl.) 575 670 685
С690 (from 8 mm to 50 mm incl.) 650 745 785

Appendix 6.

Abn, Strength class

d, mm Ab, cm2 Rbun Rbyn Rbs Rbt
cm2 of bolts
16 2.01 1.57 5.6 500 300 210 225
18 2.54 1.92 5.8 500 400 210 -
20 3.14 2.45 8.8 830 664 332 451
22 3.8 3.03 10.9 1040 936 416 561
24 4.52 3.53 12.9 1220 1098 427 -
27 5.72 4.59
30 7.06 5.61
36 10.17 8.16
42 13.85 11.2
48 18.09 14.72

Appendix 7.
Kind of welding material R wf , N/mm2
Э42 180
Э42А 180
Э46 200
Э46А 200
Э50 215
Э50А 215
Э60 240
Э70 280
Э85 340
Св-08 180
Св-08А 180
Св-08ГА 200
Св-08Г2С 215
Св-10ГА 215
ПП-АН-8 215
ПП-АН-3 215
Св-08Г2С* 240
Св-10НМА 240
Св-10Г2 240
Св-10ХГ2cmА 280
Св-08ХН2ГМЮ 280


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