Sustainable Coffee Production: June 2017
Sustainable Coffee Production: June 2017
Sustainable Coffee Production: June 2017
9 14,603
1 author:
Sarada Krishnan
Denver Botanic Gardens
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
Development of the global strategy for conservation of coffee genetic resources View project
All content following this page was uploaded by Sarada Krishnan on 26 September 2017.
The economics of coffee production has changed in recent years, with prices on the
international market declining and the cost of inputs increasing. At the same time, the
demand for specialty coffee is at an all-time high. In order to make coffee production
sustainable, attention should be paid to improving the quality of coffee by engaging in
sustainable, environmentally friendly cultivation practices, which ultimately can claim
higher net returns.
Keywords: coffee, coffee berry borer, coffee leaf rust, coffee berry disease, sustainability, coffee value chain,
coffee genetic resources, climate change
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The first botanical description of the coffee tree was in 1713, under the name of
Jasminum arabicanum, by Antoine de Jussieu, who studied a single plant grown at the
botanic garden of Amsterdam. The species was later classified under the genus Coffea as
Coffea arabica by Linnaeus in 1737 (Charrier & Berthaud, 1985). Since then, many other
Coffea species have been discovered and described through extensive taxonomic work;
more recently, through molecular studies, the genus Psilanthus has been subsumed into
Coffea (Charrier & Berthaud, 1985; Davis et al., 2011; Wintgens, 2009).
A tropical woody genus, Coffea belongs to the Rubiaceae family. The primary center of
origin of C. arabica is the highlands of southwestern Ethiopia and the Boma plateau of
South Sudan, with wild populations also reported in Mount Marsabit in Kenya (Meyer,
1965; Thomas, 1942). C. canephora has a much wider distribution, from West to East Africa
in Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Cote d’Ivoire, Liberia, Nigeria, Cabinda, Cameroon,
Congo, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, Sudan, South
Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda and to the south to Angola (Davis et al., 2006).
Coffea arabica is an allotetraploid (2n = 4x = 44) that originated from two different
diploid (2n = 2x = 22) wild ancestors, C. canephora and C. eugenioides S. Moore or
ecotypes related to these two species (Lashermes et al., 1999). Due to the nature of its
origin, reproductive biology, and evolution, and due to the narrow gene pool from which it
spread around the world, Arabica coffee has very low genetic diversity (Anthony et al.,
2002; Lashermes et al., 1999; Vega et al., 2008). It is self-compatible and mostly reproduces
by self-fertilization, which occurs in about 90% of the flowers (Fazuoli et al., 2000).
The Arabica coffee tree is a small tree with the potential in the wild to reach 9 to 12
meters in height, growing at an altitude of 1,300 to 2,000 meters above sea level. From
seed germination to first fruit production, the coffee plant takes about three years, when
it reaches full maturity. The fruit of coffee is known as a cherry and the seed inside is
known as the bean. The fruit is comprised of the epicarp (skin), mesocarp (pulp),
endocarp (parchment), integument (silverskin), endosperm (bean), and embryo. The tree
has an open branching system with a main vertical (orthotropic) stem from which arise
primary plagiotropic branches from “head of series” buds. From primary branches arise
secondary branches, followed by tertiary and quaternary branches. The four to six serial
buds generate either flowers or orthotropic suckers. The leaves are opposite, dark green,
shiny, and waxed. The flower consists of white, five-lobed corolla, a calyx, five stamens,
and the pistil. The ovary at the base of the corolla consists of two ovules, which when
fertilized become two coffee beans (Wintgens, 2009).
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The history of coffee consumption begins in Ethiopia, where the local people have been
drinking coffee for many centuries. From its center of origin in Ethiopia, coffee made its
way to Yemen, possibly around the 6th century, with the first record of consumption as a
beverage by practitioners of Sufism around 1450. From Yemen, coffee spread to Cairo,
Damascus, and Istanbul, leading to the birth of the coffeehouse. Following this,
coffeehouses opened in Europe, the first one in Venice in 1645 and in Oxford in 1650. The
first coffeehouse in the United States opened in Boston in 1689. The tradition of
coffeehouses as meeting places where news, political debate, and ideas are exchanged
still continues (Vega, 2008). The opening of the first “Peet’s Coffee & Tea” shop in San
Francisco in 1966 was probably one of the significant changes in coffee consumption,
causing the expansion of the specialty coffee industry in the United States. This was
followed by the opening of the first Starbucks store in Pike’s Place in Seattle in 1971. In
1974, Erna Knutsen coined the phrase “specialty coffee” to describe the high-end, green
coffees of limited quantities she sold to small roasters; the coffees were sourced from
specific geographic microclimates and had unique flavor profiles. The growth of the
specialty coffee industry led to the formation of the Specialty Coffee Association of
America (SCAA) in 1982. Today, SCAA is the largest coffee trade organization, with nearly
2,500 company members (SCAA, 2016). In the early stages of the specialty coffee industry
development, there was a lack of definition of what specialty coffee was and how to
quantify it. In 2009, the SCAA published revised quality standards for specialty coffee. To
qualify as specialty, the coffee had to meet a minimum cupping score of 80 out of a 100-
point scoring system (Steiman, 2013).
Cultivation of coffee was started by the Dutch East India Company in Java using seeds
obtained from Mocha in Yemen in the 1690s. From Java, plants were taken to the
Amsterdam Botanical Garden in 1706, from which a plant was taken to France in 1713;
this plant was used by Antoine de Jussieu in first describing coffee. In 1720, one plant
made its way from France to the French colony of Martinique in the Caribbean. From
Martinique, coffee spread throughout the Caribbean islands: Haiti (1725), Guadeloupe
(1726), Jamaica (1730), Cuba (1748), and Puerto Rico (1755). Around the same time, the
Dutch introduced plants from Amsterdam to their South American colony in Suriname (in
1718); from there, coffee was introduced to French Guiana in 1719 and Brazil in 1727.
This was the basis of the “Typica” genetic line of coffee. The “Bourbon” genetic line
originated from coffee trees introduced from Mocha in Yemen to Bourbon (Reunion)
Islands in 1715 and 1718 (Anthony et al., 2002; Vega, 2008). The French later introduced
coffee cultivation in Ceylon (Sri Lanka) in 1740 and Ceylon become a major producer of
coffee. In 1869, Ceylon’s thriving coffee industry was devastated by a fungal disease, the
coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix), leading to the replacement of coffee by tea in Ceylon
by the 1900s (Damania, 2003).
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In an effort to prevent the loss of coffee genetic resources and to enlarge the genetic base
of coffee for future crop improvement, several international institutions, such as the
United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and others, have initiated many
collecting missions to various African countries since the 1960s. The emphasis has been
on collecting C. arabica germplasm because of its economic importance, but a number of
noncultivated species were also collected (as cited in Engelmann et al., 2007; Krishnan, 2013;
Vega et al., 2008). In addition to these international collecting missions, local researchers
within origin countries have performed their own collecting missions, such as in Ethiopia
(Labouisse et al., 2008), Madagascar, and Cote d’Ivoire. Coffea field gene banks were
established in several countries as a result of the collecting missions; the gene banks hold
accessions from the collecting missions as well as cultivated plants selected in plantations
and breeding centers. The 1998 FAO report, State of the World’s Plant Genetic Resources,
documented 21,087 coffee accessions conserved worldwide (Anthony et al., 2007). The FAO
World Information and Early Warning System (WIEWS) Coffea Germplasm Report (2009–
2011) is the most comprehensive inventory of coffee germplasm held in living collections.
In 2009, Dulloo et al. did an inventory of limited gene banks, reporting 41,915 accessions
in field gene bank collections worldwide. In 2016, the Global Crop Diversity Trust, in
partnership with World Coffee Research, led the development of the Global Conservation
Strategy for Coffee Genetic Resources, which was scheduled for completion in early
Worldwide, an estimated 125 million people are dependent on coffee for their livelihoods
(Osorio, 2002), with more than 50 countries producing and exporting coffee, almost all in
the developing world (Lewin et al., 2004; NCA, 2017). Like any commodity trade, the coffee
trade has been characterized by boom and bust cycles since the 1880s, mainly due to an
imbalance of supply and demand. In the early 20th century, attempts to stabilize coffee
prices rested on efforts of individual countries, especially Brazil. Through the
“valorization” scheme of 1905–1908, Brazil bought and stored large amounts of coffee
and administered a tax policy imposing new levies on coffee hectarage that was aimed at
driving production down and prices up (Thurston, 2013A). In the 1930s, when the coffee
market collapsed, Brazil, the largest producer, responded by burning coffee or dumping it
into the ocean. In the following decades, the price of coffee has alternately soared and
dived, with the market hitting the lowest at 40 cents per pound in New York, while
farmers’ production costs amounted to about 70 cents a pound. This has led to poverty
and food insecurity in countries where the majority of coffee producers are subsistence
farmers (Osorio, 2002; Thurston, 2013B).
Significant transformation of the world coffee market occurred since the latter half of the
20th century. During the period between 1965 and 1989, the coffee market was
regulated, with relatively high price levels, because upward and downward trends were
corrected through the implementation of export quotas. The free-market period, which
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began in 1990, had two subperiods of significantly low price levels, 1989 to 1993 and
1999 to 2004, the latter being the longest period of low prices ever recorded (ICO, 2014).
Coffee production is generally characterized by considerable instability, with a large crop
one year followed by a smaller crop the next. In the world coffee market, as is the case
for many commodities, price volatility is a major concern for all stakeholders. In
exporting countries, price volatility leads to instability in producer incomes and
uncertainty of export earnings and tax revenues. In importing countries, price volatility
affects profit margins for roasters, traders, and stockholders (ICO, 2014). All these factors
make the coffee crop less attractive throughout the supply chain, especially to growers,
who will seek other, more remunerative crops to replace coffee. Despite these challenges,
world coffee production has grown steadily since the 1960s, although it will be difficult to
maintain this trend due to the continued rise in production costs, problems related to
climate change, and the higher incidence of pests and diseases (ICO, 2014).
To illustrate the global scale of coffee production and consumption, Tables 1 and 2 give the
figures for the total world coffee production, export, and consumption from 2006 to 2015
and the statistics for the top ten coffee producers of the world for 2015, respectively.
Coffee production, export, and consumption have steadily increased since 2006 (Table 1).
The top ten producers account for about 88% of total global coffee production and
exports. Among the top ten producers, Brazil, Vietnam, and Colombia together produce
and export almost 60% of the global total (Table 2).
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Table 1. Total World Coffee Production, Export, and Consumption from 2006 to 2015
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Table 2. World’s Top Ten Coffee Producers—Production, Export and Proportions of World Production and Export During 2015
Country Production (1,000 Percent of World Exports (1,000 60-kg Percent of World
60-kg bags) Production bags) Exports
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Note: *Export statistics are for the period October 2015 to July 2016.
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Sixty-five percent of the world’s coffee is consumed by just 17% of the world’s population
(Lewin et al., 2004). This provides tremendous opportunity for market expansion through
promotion of coffee consumption in both producing and consuming countries. Table 3
provides statistics on imports by the top ten leading importing countries. The top ten
countries account for about 81% of total imports, with the United States importing almost
a quarter of the total imports, followed by Germany at 18%.
Table 3. World’s Top Ten Coffee Importers During 2013, the Latest Year with Complete
Brazil continues to be the world’s largest coffee producer, and due to use of mechanized
harvesting, it has achieved much higher productivity than with hand-picking (Thurston,
2013A). Colombia, which used to be the second largest producer, has been replaced by
Vietnam, a producer of robusta coffee, and Ethiopia’s production has been surpassed by
Indonesia’s (Table 2). In nearly all coffee-exporting countries, dependence on coffee as the
main foreign export earner has fallen, although coffee is still extremely important in the
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economy of many countries. A major concern throughout the coffee industry is the small
percentage of the total value of coffee realized by the producers and producing countries.
A 2006 report estimated that exporting countries earned only 7% of the total market
value of coffee. In addition to the cost of production incurred by the producing countries,
which include cost of fertilizers, pesticides, transportation, etc., the increase in the value
of coffee also comes from costs incurred by the consuming countries, such as advertising,
wages, rents, insurance, utilities, transportation, etc. (Thurston, 2013A). Like all other
agricultural commodities, coffee has an uncertain market future. Price volatility, dictated
by supply and demand, and climate events affect the economics of the coffee trade.
Crop Production
Coffee-producing areas are located in latitudes between 22º N and 26º S. The
environmental factors affecting coffee growth and productivity are temperature, water
availability, intensity of sunshine, wind, soil type, and land topography (Descroix &
Snoeck, 2009). Optimal temperatures for growing Arabica coffee are 18ºC during the night
and 22ºC during the day, although tolerated extremes extend from 15ºC up to 30º C.
Robusta coffee can tolerate slightly higher temperatures, with optimal temperatures
between 22 and 28ºC (Descroix & Snoeck, 2009). Water availability, in the form of rainfall
and atmospheric humidity, affects growth of coffee. Most coffee-growing regions are
typically rain-fed, since land topography is not conducive to installation of irrigation
systems. For Arabica growth, annual rainfall of 1,400 to 2,000 mm is favorable, and for
robusta, it is 2,000 to 2,500 mm. Rainfall below 800 to 1,000 mm for Arabica and 1,200
mm for robusta can result in poor productivity (Descroix & Snoeck, 2009). The best relative
humidity for robusta is 70% to 75% and for Arabica it is around 60%. Natural or artificial
shade is provided to coffee plants in cultivation to recreate their original forest
environment, although sunlight-tolerant varieties have been developed for increased
productivity. However, shade still remains useful, especially to mitigate the effects of
extreme high and low temperatures (Descroix & Snoeck, 2009). Strong winds affect the
growth of coffee, with significant damage caused by cyclones. Regions frequently
impacted by cyclones include Madagascar, the Philippines, the Caribbean, Vietnam, and
Hawaii. The best soils for coffee growing include alluvial and colluvial soils with texture,
as in volcanic formations, and good drainage. Soil depth of at least 2 m is required for
taproot growth and development (Descroix & Snoeck, 2009). Although flat lands or slightly
rolling hills are best suited for coffee growing, they are not always available in many
coffee-growing regions due to the natural topography of the land. Flat areas allow for
mechanization. On steep slopes, mechanization is difficult and production becomes
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A coffee plant starts producing flowers 3 to 4 years after planting, with full productivity
achieved in 5 to 7 years. Productivity starts diminishing after about 20 years, although
with proper handling, the trees can bear fruit for about 50 years or so. The time elapse
between flowering and maturation of coffee berries varies depending on variety, climatic
conditions, agricultural practices, etc. Typically, Arabica coffee takes about 6 to 9 months
and robusta coffee takes about 9 to 11 months (Wintgens, 2009). Inputs like fertilizer and
pesticides maximize coffee productivity.
A characteristic of coffee production is the biennial pattern of fruit bearing by the trees,
with high yield in alternate years. In high-bearing years, in order to support their heavy
fruit production, the trees sacrifice new growth production. The following year this is
compensated for by reduced fruit bearing. The biennial bearing phenomenon is more
common in unshaded production systems with deficient management. In well-managed
systems with adequate fertilization and proper pruning, biennial bearing is less
pronounced (Wintgens, 2009).
Once coffee berries are harvested, they are processed by one of two methods: the wet
method or the dry method. Processing converts the coffee cherries to green beans, which
is what is ultimately roasted, ground, and consumed. The wet process is more time,
resource, and labor intensive. The cherries are sorted by immersion in water. The bad
cherries float to the top and are discarded. Those that sink are the good, ripe cherries,
which are further processed by pulping (removal of pulp) and drying. In the dry method,
the cherries are directly dried, either naturally in sunshine or using mechanical dryers.
Once the coffee is dried, through a process called hulling, the outer parchment layer (and
the dried pulp in the case of dry-processed coffee) is removed. Polishing, which is an
optional processing method, removes the silverskin, the layer beneath the parchment
layer. The green beans are then color sorted and graded for size. The ideal moisture
content of dried green beans is about 12%. Drying to below a 9% moisture content can
result in shrunken, distorted beans.
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borer. Very few coffee-producing countries are still free of it. Its presence in Hawaii was
confirmed in 2010; Papua New Guinea and Nepal still remain free of the pest (CABI, 2016).
The adult female borers cut a characteristic hole (Figure 1) at the blossom end of large
green berries about eight weeks after flowering, and then they deposit their eggs in
internal galleries. The larvae, upon hatching, feed on the seed. A single berry may be
infested with up to 20 larvae. Many infested immature berries fall off the trees. Yield and
quality of marketable product are significantly reduced; in heavy infestations, borers have
been known to attack 100% of berries. The insect remains inside the berry most of its life,
making it difficult to control (CABI, 2016; Crowe, 2009; Vega et al., 2009, 2012).
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The coffee leaf miner, L. coffeella, was first introduced to Brazil around 1851, probably on
nursery stock imported from the Antilles and Bourbon Island. It is a monophagous pest
that attacks only coffee plants (as cited in Filho, 2006). Infested coffee has large, irregular,
brown spots on the upper surface of the leaf, which reduces the leaf’s photosynthetic
area. Rubbing or exposing the spots reveals fresh mines and small whitish caterpillars
(Figure 2). Mined leaves shed prematurely. Loss in productivity is mainly due to leaf loss.
Chemical control of the pest, although effective, increases cost of production and has
associated environmental risks. Coffee cultivars with resistance to the pest have been and
continue to be developed through classic breeding and molecular selection techniques. In
Brazil, varieties resistant to L. coffeella have been developed using genes from C.
racemosa (Filho, 2006; Filho et al., 1999).
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From an economic viewpoint, nematodes are significant in Latin America because they
limit coffee production. In many regions, the nematode problem is amplified by their
association with fungi, leading to fungal infections of the plants, causing physiological
alterations. The most common fungi are Fusarium spp. and Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn, both
pathogenic in coffee during early stages of planting. Methods of control include
disinfecting soil as a preventative measure, control of weedy hosts, pruning to strengthen
root system, removal of dead plants, organic fertilization to stimulate root growth and
improve nutrition, genetic resistance through breeding, grafting on resistant root stocks,
chemical control, biological control, and use of antagonistic plants (Castillo et al., 2009).
While standard Arabica cultivars are highly susceptible to M exigua, several accessions of
C. canephora have exhibited a high level of resistance, including the interspecific hybrid
—Timor Hybrid (as cited in Bertrand et al., 2001; Noir et al., 2003).
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The first observable symptoms occur on the upper surface of the leaves as small, pale
yellow spots. The spots gradually increase in diameter, and masses of orange uredospores
are seen on the undersurfaces of the leaves (Figures 3 and 4). The centers of the spots
eventually turn brown and dry, while the margins continue to produce uredospores and to
expand. They eventually cover significant areas of the limb. The leaf rust results in loss of
physiological activity, which causes the leaves to fall. Severe infection can cause branches
to wither completely. Uredospores can be spread by both wind and rain, with splashing
rain serving as an important means of local dispersal. Long-range dispersal is primarily
by wind. Good cultural management is key in achieving control of the disease, although
many factors dictate cultural methods, such as varieties grown, soil characteristics,
amount and distribution of rainfall, etc. Chemical control using copper-based products is
effective if applied at regular intervals as a preventative measure. A disadvantage of
copper-based fungicide, in addition to cost, is that it accumulates in the soil and can
reach levels toxic to plants and other organisms (Amerson, 2000; Muller et al., 2009).
Taking economics and minimization of chemical input for disease management into
consideration, the most viable and effective option is the development and cultivation of
tolerant coffee varieties. Hence, breeding for varieties resistant to coffee leaf rust has
been one of the highest priorities in many countries (Prakash et al., 2004). Prakash et al.
(2011) have successfully applied marker-assisted selection (MAS) to achieve durable leaf
rust resistance. Using two sequence-characterized amplified regions (SCAR) markers
closely linked to the rust- resistant SH3 gene (Sat244 and BA-124-12K-f), they were able
to distinguish the presence or absence of the SH3 gene using the C. arabica cultivar S.
795, a cultivar derived from S.26, a spontaneous hybrid of C. arabica and C. liberica. The
marker Sat244 was more efficient in distinguishing the homozygous and heterozygous
status of the SH3 gene. This study was the first report of the successful use of MAS for
breeding for coffee leaf rust resistance.
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Control of the disease can be achieved through an integrated cultivation approach, with
chemical control linked to improved cultivation practices and genetic control (Muller et
al., 2009). It is reported that CBD resistance appears to be complete in C. canephora and
partial in C. arabica (Silva et al., 2006). Breeding for CBD resistance in C. arabica was
initiated in response to severe disease epidemics about 35 to 40 years ago in Kenya,
Ethiopia, and Tanzania, with release of resistant cultivars to coffee growers since 1985
(van der Vossen & Walyaro, 2009). Under field and laboratory conditions, differences in
resistance of coffee trees to CBD have been observed, with higher resistance in Geisha
10, Blue Mountain, K7, Rume Sudan, and progenies of Hibrido de Timor than in Harar
and Bourbon in Kenya (Silva et al., 2006).
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Control measures include use of copper-based fungicides alternating with use of modern
triazoles with systemic effect. Practicing good cultural methods, such as weed control,
pruning, and shade control, is necessary to prevent the disease and to reduce disease
intensity. The economic impact of the disease has been relatively low, and hence very
limited research has been done on developing resistance varieties (Muller et al., 2009).
Symptoms include yellowing of leaves, which dry and fall, then branches die, which
finally leads to withering and death of the entire tree within a few months. Plant death is
caused by blockage of water and sap circulation due to colonization of the sap vessels by
the fungal mycelium. Infection can set in any time from the cotyledon stage to maturity.
Control of the disease through chemical treatment is not efficiently possible. Spread and
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Environmental Sustainability
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that mimics a natural forest will harbor birds and other wildlife. Advantages of utilizing a
shaded system include providing viable habitat, enhancing biodiversity, sustaining
biological control agents, such as birds and bats, and enhancing pollinators of the coffee
itself (Rice, 2013).
Coltro et al. (2006) conducted a life cycle assessment (LCA) of the environmental profile of
green coffee production in Brazil. The study was done to understand detailed production
inventory data (life cycle inventory—LCI) and to identify potential environmental impacts
of tillage in order to generate ways to reduce impacts and to improve environmental
sustainability. Results of the study showed that, for production of 1,000 kg of green coffee
in Brazil, the inputs required were 11,400 kg of water, 94 kg of diesel, 270 kg of
fertilizers and NPK, 900 kg of total fertilizers, 620 kg of correctives (such as limestone to
correct soil acidity), and 10 kg of pesticides. The study provided important results for
better correlation of agricultural practices and potential environmental impacts of coffee.
Another LCA, conducted on a farm in Guatemala, showed that the bulk of the
environmental impact of producing coffee was in transportation. When impacts due to
other coffee processes, such as roasting and brewing, were compared, the farming of
coffee was a small percentage of the overall impact (Salinas, 2008). Understanding the LCI
of agricultural products is a fundamental step in understanding potential environmental
impacts in order to establish the basis for product sustainability (Coltro et al., 2006).
Environmental profiles differ with different agricultural practices, and they should not be
generalized for different coffee-growing regions.
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Coffee is a truly global commodity, with the coffee value chain comprising a host of
participants, from the producers to intermediary players to the final consumer. The
breadth and intimacy among the various actors of the coffee supply chain make the sector
one of critical importance for sustainable development at the local, regional, and global
levels (IISD, 2003). The global coffee value chain has been transformed dramatically since
the 1990s due to deregulation, evolving corporate strategies, and new consumption
patterns (Ponte, 2004). Consumers are more discerning about the coffee products they
choose for consumption, and they have numerous combinations to choose from with
respect to sustainability (such as fair trade, organic, and shade grown) and specialty
types (such as coffee variety, origin, brewing and grinding methods, packaging, and
In the coffee industry, sustainability has become a hot topic. Sustainability developed
within the North American specialty coffee industry, although Europe developed the first
forms of sustainable coffee through the fair-trade movement (Ponte, 2004). Several
initiatives have been created to address specific aspects of sustainability related to the
coffee sector, addressing issues related to social, economic, and environmental problems.
Several of the initiatives focus on providing a structure for implementing, administering,
and monitoring social and environmental standards throughout the product chain,
particularly at the production level (IISD, 2003). This has led to conferring of certification
and labeling for easy identification and product choice by the consumer. Table 4 lists the
different types of sustainability initiatives that have been implemented in the coffee
sector (although the table is not all-inclusive).
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Fair trade Fair Trade Labeling Focus on poverty Global; narrow target High; premium for
Organizations alleviation; guaranteed groups covering only social and economic
International (FLO) minimum price paid to small-scale producers aspects; third-party
and associated fair registered small-farmer certification and
trade guarantee organizations monitoring of
organizations standards
Bird friendly Smithsonian Migratory Preserve habitats of Standards applied only High; premium for
Bird Center (SMBC) migratory songbirds, to Latin American environmental aspects;
with minimum countries so far; third-party certification
standards for targets are narrow,
vegetation cover and addressing only
species diversity to organic and shade-
obtain use of label; grown coffee
emphasis on songbirds producers
and organic shade-
grown coffee
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Eco-OK Rainforest Alliance Focus on biodiversity Latin American High; premium for
conservation, countries only; environmental aspects;
improving midrange, with big and third-party certification
environmental and medium-size estates of
social conditions in shade-grown coffee
tropical agriculture; producers only, as well
emphasis on as some cooperatives
protection, shade,
basic labor and living
conditions, and
community relations
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Utz Kapeh Utz Kapeh Foundation Emphasis on creating Mainly in Latin Medium across all
(Ahold Coffee Company transparency along the America, but growing pillars of sustainability;
in cooperation with supply chain and in Asia and Africa; third-party certification
Guatemalan coffee rewarding responsible producers of all sizes
suppliers) coffee producers using and production types
good agricultural
practices; standards on
protection and
management, and labor
and living conditions
Nespresso AAA Nestle Focus on sourcing Narrow; high-quality Medium across all
Sustainable Quality high-quality Nespresso-only coffee pillars of sustainability;
sustainable coffee in a growers third-party verification
way that is respectful
of the environment and
farming communities
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Starbucks C.A.F.E. Starbucks Emphasis on high- Narrow; high-quality Medium across all
(Coffee and Farmer quality coffee that is Starbucks-only coffee pillars of sustainability;
Equity) Practices sustainably grown, growers third-party verification
with good social and
minimizing negative
environmental impact
The Common Code for Multistakeholder Provide a baseline Broad; producers of all Low; baseline across
the Coffee Community (government/industry): standard, with sizes and production all pillars of
(4C) Kraft Foods, Jacobs opportunities for types sustainability; third-
Kaffee, Nestle, German stepping up from the party verification
Development Agency sustainability baseline
(GTZ) to more demanding
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Although these initiatives have the objective of being transparent and verifiable, the
biggest challenges have been the growth in the number of initiatives and the lack of
cooperation between initiatives, which pose a threat to their ability to meet standards on
a broad scale (IISD, 2003) and create confusion among consumers. In addition, institutional
and project-based initiatives launched by industry, NGOs, and governments add to the
confusion and are limited in their ability to address macroeconomic problems and lack
consistency across initiatives. Hence, clear, transparent, and flexible sustainability
criteria need to be established with a multistakeholder mechanism for establishing and
administering the implementation at the international level. This will ensure a trade-
neutral path toward sustainable development within the coffee sector and better
collaboration and coordination between existing initiatives, thereby improving the
adoption rate of sustainable practices throughout the sector. Through integration of
economic sustainability with social and environmental sustainability, there is a need and
an opportunity to improve coffee-sector sustainability through the adoption of
multilateral, multistakeholder, market-based approaches (IISD, 2003).
Drawing from the existing initiatives, the International Institute for Sustainable
Development has identified five principles for sustainable development, providing a broad
foundation for an integrated approach within the coffee sector (IISD, 2003):
The Future
Coffee genetic resources are under threat due to loss of the forest ecosystems housing
these valuable gene pools (Gole et al., 2002). Some of the threats contributing to the
erosion of coffee genetic diversity include human population pressures, volatile coffee
markets, and global climate change. Conservation of coffee germplasm as seeds is not a
viable option due to the recalcitrant/intermediate storage behavior of seeds (Dulloo et al.,
1998; Ellis et al., 1990). Hence, coffee is conserved in field gene banks (Engelmann et al.,
2007). Conservation of coffee genetic resources should take into account complementary
methods of in situ (in their natural habitat) and other ex situ (outside their natural
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habitat) conservation methods. Krishnan (2013) articulated the urgent need to develop a
comprehensive strategy for the conservation of coffee genetic resources through a
thorough evaluation of existing germplasm.
In the coming decades, climate change will have a huge impact on coffee production,
especially C. arabica, which is a climate-sensitive species. Noticeable effects of climate
change, such as a hotter climate and less and more erratic precipitation, have already
been documented in coffee-producing regions. In recent years, droughts have become
more frequent in coffee regions and they are expected to increase in severity during the
21st century. The changes in temperature and rainfall will lead to a decrease in areas
suitable for coffee cultivation, moving the crop up the altitudinal gradient, and will lead
to increased incidences of pests and diseases, expanding the altitudinal range in which
pests and diseases can survive. Direct impacts of climate change will result in stressed
growth of coffee trees, limited flowering and berry development, poor yield, and poor
quality of the coffee beans. Severe outbreaks and spread of diseases (such as leaf rust,
coffee berry disease, wilt, leaf blight), insects (coffee berry borer, leaf miners, scales),
and nematodes will be experienced—the coffee leaf rust epidemic of Central America in
2012/2013 being an example.
The imminent danger of the effects of climate change warrants the conservation of coffee
ecosystems through reduction of deforestation and forest degradation (Kufa, 2010). Using
locality analysis and bioclimatic modeling of indigenous Arabica coffee via distribution
data, Davis et al. (2012) predicted a 65% to almost 100% reduction in the number of
bioclimatically suitable localities by the year 2080. When an area analysis was used, the
reduction in suitable bioclimatic space ranged from 38% to 90% by 2080.
In Central America, since 2000, the area affected by coffee berry borer has gradually
increased (Laderach et al., 2010). In certain areas, in addition to drought, severe
hurricanes will most likely become more frequent (Schroth et al., 2009). Schroth et al.
(2009) identified a comprehensive strategy that will sustain biodiversity, ecosystem
services, and livelihoods in the face of climate change. The strategy includes promotion of
biodiversity-friendly coffee-growing and coffee-processing practices, incentives for forest
conservation and restoration, diversification of revenue sources, integrated fire
management, market expansion to develop a demand for sustainably produced coffee,
crop insurance programs for smallholder farmers, and strengthening capacity for
adaptive resource management. Developing adaptation strategies will be critical in
sustaining the coffee economy and livelihoods in many countries. The key to this lies in
utilizing the varied coffee genetic resources in order to develop varieties with drought
stress tolerances and pest and disease resistances.
In 2016, World Coffee Research and the Global Crop Diversity Trust spearheaded the
development of the Global Conservation Strategy for Coffee Genetic Resources. World
Coffee Research (WCR) is a collaborative, not-for-profit 501(c)5 research organization
with the mission to grow, protect, and enhance supplies of quality coffee while improving
the livelihoods of the families who produce it. The program is funded and driven by the
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global coffee industry, guided by producers, and executed by coffee scientists around the
world. The Global Crop Diversity Trust (The Crop Trust) is an international organization
working to safeguard crop diversity, forever. The Crop Trust is an essential funding
element of the United Nation’s International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food
and Agriculture (ITPGRFA), an agreement that includes 135 countries.
Suggested Readings
Engelmann, F., Dulloo, M. E., Astorga, C., Dussert, S., & Anthony, F. (Eds.). (2007).
Complementary strategies for ex situ conservation of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) genetic
resources. A case study in CATIE, Costa Rica. Topical Reviews in Agricultural
Biodiversity. Rome: Bioversity International.
Thurston, R. W., Morris, J., & Steiman, S. (Eds.). (2013). Coffee: A comprehensive guide to
the bean, the beverage, and the industry. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Amerson, P. A. (2000). Coffee rust. The Plant Health Instructor.
Anthony, F., Combes, M. C., Astorga, C., Bertrand, B., Graziosi, G., & Lashermes, P.
(2002). The origin of cultivated Coffea arabica L. varieties revealed by AFLP and SSR
markers. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 104, 894–900.
Anthony, F., Dussert, S., & Dulloo, E. (2007). Coffee genetic resources. In F. Engelmann,
M. E. Dulloo, C. Astorga, S. Dussert, & F. Anthony (Eds.), Conserving coffee genetic
resources: Complementary strategies for ex situ conservation of coffee (Coffea arabica L.)
genetic resources. A case study in CATIE, Costa Rica (pp. 12–22). Rome: Bioversity
Anzueto, F., Bertrand, B., Sarah, J. L., Eskes, A. B., & Decazy, B. (2001). Resistance to
Meloidogyne incognita in Ethiopian Coffea arabica accessions. Euphytica, 118, 1–8.
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Bertrand, B., Anthony, F., & Lashermes, P. (2001). Breeding for resistance to Meloidogyne
exigua in Coffea arabica by introgression of resistance genes of Coffea canephora. Plant
Pathology, 50, 637–643.
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Charrier, A., & Berthaud, J. (1985). Botanical classification of coffee. In M. N. Clifford &
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Coltro, L., Moural, A. L., Oliveira, P. A. P. L. V., Baddini, J. P. O. A., & Kletecke, R. M.
(2006). Environmental profile of Brazilian green coffee. International Journal of Life Cycle
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Sarada Krishnan
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