Pirelli'S: What's New at

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What’s New at

ISSUE 15 – AUGUST 2017

Pirelli’s Who Has

IN THE NEWS The Best Pie?
Each year, Pirelli’s vies for the title of “best Pizzeria in Town” in
the annual restaurant competition hosted by the Stonington
Herald. To vote, just visit the paper’s website at
and click the “vote” button!

Pirelli’s Annual
Jessica Rizzo is a sweet 11-year-old who loves o ride her horse
and dreams of being a veterinarian when she grows up. She
loves to play at school with friends and go shopping with her big Eating contest
sister. Our good friend Jessica has her own unique burden,
though Jessica is diabetic. At a very young age, she learned that
she would need to change her diet and regulate her insulin.

Here at Pirelli’s Pizza, we heard Jessica’s story and wanted to

help her raise money for her team in the annual walk to stop
diabetes. That’s why we’ve designed the new Jessica pizza. This
vegetarian pie has mushroom, mozzarella, and breaded
eggplant on traditional crust. Order a Jessica’s pizza, and 25% of
the proceeds will go to her team! It’s that time of the year again! On December 12, come in to test
your tummy and take on the “super Sicilian,” a hefty hunk of pie
“We’ve been coming to Pirelli’s for as long as I can remember, that weighs in at three pounds and is loaded with all of our
and it’s really cool to have my own pizza on the menu.” Said heartiest toppings. Finish in 15 minutes to get your face on
Jessica. “I’m so excited to surprise all the other families at the
Pirelli’s wall of fame! Register by December 5 to reserve a spot.
walk with the donation in October.”
Many will enter, few will win.

Pirelli’s Annual
Eating contest
IN THE NEWS Once a year, we add a new customer-submitted pizza to the
From December 18-24, bring in five non-perishable food items, menu. We’ll be accepting submissions from now until January
and get a side order of breadsticks and marinara for free! Help 15. The Pirelli’s staff will vote on the top five recipes and then
Pirelli’s provide a holiday feast to those in need this season. cook each one. The pizzas will have a one-month trial period on
the menu where customers will get to pick their favorite. The
winning pie will be added to the menu.

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