Hvac For Auditorium

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Process of designing efficient, emission free HVAC systems with its

components for 1000 seats auditorium

Article · November 2016

DOI: 10.1016/j.psra.2016.09.010


2 1,569

2 authors:

Rutvik Lathia Jaymin Mistry

Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology Charotar University of Science and Technology


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Pacific Science Review A: Natural Science and Engineering 18 (2016) 109e122

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Pacific Science Review A: Natural Science and Engineering

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . j o u r n a l s . e l s e v i e r . c o m / p a c i fi c - s c i e n c e -

Process of designing efficient, emission free HVAC systems with its

components for 1000 seats auditorium
Rutvik Lathia*, Jaymin Mistry
Chandubhai S Patel Institute of Technology, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Systems (HVAC) are applied for primarily cooling purpose as
Received 6 July 2016 well as to maintain quality of air. Since, most of the HVAC company has lack of data for the designing
Received in revised form purpose e leads to uncomforting. Less standardization in designing criteria of HVAC Systems (Except
8 September 2016
ASHRAE which provides data for refrigeration systems) leads to write this paper. There is no any sources
Accepted 12 September 2016
available that can exactly says how to design an energy efficient HVAC Systems. This paper provides the
Available online 23 November 2016
mathematical aspects for designing the HVAC Systems. This paper includes the process of designing HVAC
with components by using mathematical framework e confirmed by software. This paper provides proper
HVAC systems
selection of capacity of systems and life cycle cost analysis too. For the simplicity of understanding, we
Auditorium have provided a demonstration with the example of 1000 seats auditorium situated at Vadodara, Gujarat.
GWP As the result of this designing, we got an emission free HVAC Systems with low GWP (Global Warming
ODP Potential) and ODP (Ozone Depletion Potential) e providing best comfort condition with reduction trunk
Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) duct arrangement and low life cycle cost. However production side of the Ducting Systems will become
Life Cycle Cost Analysis more expensive and complex due to numbers of joints and duct sizes but after applying it properly e
better performance and less frictional losses lead the system to high Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER).
Copyright © 2016, Far Eastern Federal University, Kangnam University, Dalian University of Technology,
Kokushikan University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

1. Introduction unusual climatic changes seen in recent years [2] has caused an
increased demand for heating and cooling technologies, which is
HVAC- Heating, Ventilating and Air conditioning, is a branch of what HVAC systems do and so these systems have a wide appli-
mechanical engineering that is concerned with achieving both in- cability ahead.
door and vehicular human comfort by providing adequate and HVAC design is a critical component and if performed carefully,
acceptable heat and fresh air. Apart from residential applications, energy efficient system at affordable cost can be developed.
the HVAC system is also very important and essential in many in- Although, designing an HVAC system is a complex task since there
dustries and laboratories in cold storage and preservation purposes, are various parameters which need to be taken care. There pa-
pre-cooling and Pasteurization of milk, in various manufacturing rameters include the selection of proper tonnage and specifications
processes in rubber industries, textile industries, etc. It involves the because, if not selected properly, then the required comfort cannot
process of exchanging or replacing air in any place to provide high be achieved and the design efforts are wasted.
quality indoor air, which involves temperature control, oxygen
replenishment, and removal of moisture, odours, smoke, heat, dust, 2. Location details
etc. from the air.
With rise in temperature because of global warming [1], the HVAC systems depend on the larger number of factors, oh which
increase in the unavailable energy (increase in entropy) and the location specific climate conditions is the most important.
Therefore, for the proper design conditions, we use standard
* Corresponding author. Chandubhai S Patel Institute of Technology, Department climate data. Climate is mostly dry in India, so, we consider the
of Mechanical Engineering, Charotar University of Science and Technology
summer as a design condition. Cold northerly winds are respon-
(CHARUSAT), Changa-Valetava Road, Gujarat, India.
E-mail address: rutviklathia@gmail.com (R. Lathia).
sible for a mild chill in winter and the southwest monsoon brings a
Peer review under responsibility of Far Eastern Federal University, Kangnam humid climate from mid- June to mid- September.
University, Dalian University of Technology, Kokushikan University. Table 1 shows the temperature details of Vadodara [3,4].

2405-8823/Copyright © 2016, Far Eastern Federal University, Kangnam University, Dalian University of Technology, Kokushikan University. Production and hosting by Elsevier
B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
110 R. Lathia, J. Mistry / Pacific Science Review A: Natural Science and Engineering 18 (2016) 109e122

3) Heat gain due to people

Abbreviations 4) Heat gain due to lighting
5) Heat gain due to appliances
HVAC Heating, Ventilating and Air conditioning
DBT Dry Bulb Temperature 4.1. Heat gain through walls and roof
WBT Wet Bulb Temperature
%RH Relative Humidity Heat gain through the walls and roof is given by …
CLTD Cooling Load Temperature Difference
RCC Reinforced Cement Concrete Q ¼ U  A  ðCLTDÞ
SC Shading Coefficient
SHGF Solar Heat Gain Factor
U ¼ overall heat transfer coefficient
ACR Air Change Rate
A ¼ area of the walls and roof through which heat is passing
VCR Vapour Compression Refrigeration
CLTD ¼ cooling load temperature difference
VAR Vapour Absorption Refrigeration
As seen from the equation, the heat transfer is dependent on U,
LieBr LithiumeBromide
A and CLTD.
ODP Ozone Depletion Potential
GWP Global Worming Potential
LCC Life Cycle Cost 4.1.1. Overall heat transfer coefficient (U)
EER Energy Efficiency Ratio Heat gain through the walls and roof is dependent on overall
heat transfer coefficient (U), which can be written as [9].
1 1 l l 1
¼ þ 1 þ 2 þ
U h1 k1 k2 h2
Table 1
Outside and inside conditions for Vadodara.
U ¼ overall heat transfer coefficient (W/m2K)
Condition Outside ( C) Inside ( C) h1 ¼ outdoor convective heat transfer coefficient (W/m2K)
DBT 43.33 23.83 h2 ¼ indoor convective heat transfer coefficient (W/km2K)
WBT 26.4 17.77 l1 and l2 ¼ thickness of layers (m)
%RH 37 55
k ¼ conductive heat transfer coefficient (W/mK)
Daily range 19  C
Values of conductive heat transfer coefficient for the different
types of materials are as described below. While as the construction
of walls are as shown in Fig. 2.
3. Building plan
 Galvanised iron ¼ 61.06 W/mK
The orientation and planning of a building has a significant ef-  Brick ¼ 1.32 W/mK
fect on the space heat gain, which must be considered for the  Fibreglass ¼ 0.04 W/mK
optimal design of an auditorium. The plan view as well as the  RCC ¼ 1.58 W/mK
section and side elevation of an auditorium for 1000 people is  Gypsum board ¼ 0.17 W/mK
shown in Figs. 1 and 2, respectively, and the electrical designing of
the auditorium is shown in Fig. 3. These designs are developed Values of h for the different conditions are
according to energy conscious building design [5,6]. Table 2 shows
the lighting systems in the auditorium.  Outside condition ¼ 22.7 W/m2K at 12 km/hr wind speed
 Inside e Vertical Heat flowing down ¼ 6.13 W/m2K
4. Load calculation
So, that for the wall and roof (Ceiling) construction as shown in
To find the tonnage capacity of the HVAC system, a load calcu- Fig. 2, the values of the overall heat transfer coefficient (U) are
lation is required. Load is the amount of heat transfer to the system
which must be removed to obtain the desired comfort and tem- W
1Þ Wall  0:566
perature levels. It also provides information for equipment selec- m2 K
tion, system sizing and system design. There are two types of loads: W
2Þ Roof  0:312
m2 K
1) Cooling load-cooling load calculations are carried out to esti-
mate the heat gain of the building in the summer to arrive at the
required cooling capacities.
2) Heating load-heating load calculations are carried out to esti- 4.1.2. Area
mate the heat loss from the building in the winter to arrive at The area of walls and roof are major factors which affect the heat
required heating capacities. transfer. Table 3 shows the area of different orientated walls and the
As discussed previously, our main intention is to design the
HVAC system for summer, which requires calculating the cooling 4.1.3. CLTD (cooling load temperature difference)
load. For cooling load calculations, the system must be divided into The CLTD is a theoretical temperature difference that accounts
several parts such as [7,8]. for the combined effects of the inside and outside air temp differ-
ence, daily temperature range, solar radiation and heat storage in
1) Heat gain through the walls and roof. the construction assembly/building mass. It is affected by orienta-
2) Heat gain through the windows and doors tion, tilt, month, day, hour, and latitude.
R. Lathia, J. Mistry / Pacific Science Review A: Natural Science and Engineering 18 (2016) 109e122 111

Fig. 1. Plan view of auditorium.

The CLTD data are dependent on the orientation of wall and the Using this transformation equation and the atmosphere of
sun. The working hours of auditorium are from 9:00 to 18:00, so Vadodara, Table 5 gives the modified CLTDadj.
required data of the CLTD are also given from 9:00 to 18:00 [7,10]. So, using the equation of heat gain through the wall, the heat
Here, Table 4 shows the available CLTD values only for 24 N, so gain through structure at different times is given by
for the conversion to the local CLTD, the conversion factor should be
used, which is given by [11]. Q ¼ U  A  ðCLTDÞ
Here, at 18:00 o'clock, the heat gain becomes maximum so that
CLTDadj ¼ CLTDTable þ ð25­TiÞ þ ðTav  29Þ for better comfort, the maximum heat gain condition must be taken
into a consideration. According to Table 6,
Ti ¼ inside temperature ¼ 23.88  C
Tav ¼ outside dry bulb temperature e (daily range/2) ¼ 33.83  C Q STRUCTURE ¼ 56995:26 W
112 R. Lathia, J. Mistry / Pacific Science Review A: Natural Science and Engineering 18 (2016) 109e122

Fig. 2. Side and section view of an auditorium with material details.

4.2. Heat gain through the windows and doors people who are performing on the stage is 20. So, heat gain due to
people can be calculated and is given in Table 8 [13].
Heat gain through transparent windows is typical because The sensible heat and latent heat is given by …
windows directly transfer solar radiation to the building. In the case
of the auditorium in this work, doors are made of glass so it will Q s ¼ 71800 W
behave such as a window. The heat transfer equation through the Q l ¼ 53200 W
windows is given as [12]. Q PEOPLE ¼ Q s þ Q l ¼ 125000 W


4.4. Heat gain due to lighting
Qw ¼ Heat transfer through glass windows (doors)
Lighting and HVAC are deeply interconnected. Lighting effects
SC ¼ Shading Coefficient
increase the heat gain and result in an increase in discomfort. As a
SHGF ¼ Solar Heat Gain Factor
result, lighting must be carefully situated in the auditorium. Ac-
U ¼ Overall heat transfer coefficient
cording to the ASHRAE hand book, lighting requirements are 1 W/
CLTD ¼ Cooling load temperature difference
SF [3]. Based on this value, we have designed the lighting as shown
Auditorium has doors of single glass plate with dimensions of
in Fig. 3. The Heat gain due to lighting is given by [13,14].
6 m  12 m with an SC of 0.95. We get maximum heat at 18 O'clock,
So, for the maximum design conditions, the SHGF and CLTD value Q LIGHTING ¼ W*FU *FS
must be from the same time. The recommended values for that
time and the total heat transferred are shown in Table 7. here,
The maximum heat gain through the door is W ¼ Total wattage of light ¼ 22,186 W
FU ¼ Usage factor (used wattage /installed wattage) ¼ 1
Q W ¼ 12295:65 W
FS ¼ Special allowance (ballast factor) ¼ 1.25

Q LIGHTING ¼ 27587:68 W
4.3. Heat gain due to people

Peoples are the main source of sensible as well as latent heat. 4.5. Heat gain due to appliances
The internal heat gain by people is higher than the other heat gain
sources. As we are considering a 1000 seat auditorium, the Appliances, such as speakers, projectors and exhaust fans, have
maximum number of people who are seated is 1000 and number of a significant effect on the load. Therefore, appliance loads must be
R. Lathia, J. Mistry / Pacific Science Review A: Natural Science and Engineering 18 (2016) 109e122 113

Fig. 3. Lighting details.

4.6. Total heat gain

Table 2
Lighting system in the auditorium.
Name No. Watt Total watt(W) þQ APPLIANCES þ 10%
PAR-36 6 1000 6000 Q SENSIBLE ¼ 187361:45 W
PAR-64 12 1000 12,000
Flood light 2 500 1000 Along with,
LED light (audience) 83 12 996
LED light (Hallway) 68 10 680 Q latent ¼ 58520 W
Ventilation fan 9 50 450
Tube light 15 60 900 here, we know that the equations cannot give us correct value each
Fan 4 40 160
time, and there will be a minor heat gain which cannot be
accounted for, so a 10% safety factor must be added to the theo-
retical value [12].
taken into a consideration and is given by the total wattage of the
installed appliances. Q ¼ Q SENSIBLE þ Q latent ¼ 245881:45 W ¼ 70 T:R:

Q APPLIANCES ¼ W  Usage Factor Therefore, a 70 ton refrigeration system is required to maintain

Q APPLIANCES ¼ 1650 W the inside atmosphere at normal comfort levels.
114 R. Lathia, J. Mistry / Pacific Science Review A: Natural Science and Engineering 18 (2016) 109e122

Table 3
Walls and roofs.


Area (m2) 462.832 33.892 216.612 33.892 462.832 65.292 657.504 65.292 2064.58

Table 4
CLTD values in  C for 24 N.

Wall Hour

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

N 4.44 6.11 7.77 8.88 10.55 11.66 13.32 14.43 16.10 16.65
NE 13.88 18.87 21.09 21.09 19.98 19.43 18.32 17.76 17.21 16.10
E 16.10 21.65 24.98 25.53 23.87 22.20 20.54 19.43 18.32 16.65
SE 9.44 13.88 17.21 18.87 19.43 18.87 18.32 17.76 17.21 16.10
S 1.11 2.78 5.00 7.22 9.99 12.21 13.88 14.43 14.43 14.43
SW 1.67 3.33 5.00 7.22 9.44 13.32 17.76 22.20 25.53 26.64
W 1.67 3.33 5.00 7.22 9.44 13.32 18.87 25.53 31.08 34.41
NW 1.67 3.33 5.00 7.22 9.44 12.21 16.65 21.65 26.64 29.97
ROOF 5.55 7.77 11.10 14.99 19.43 23.87 27.20 29.97 32.19 32.19

Table 5
Adjusted CLTD for Vadodara in  C.

Wall Hour

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

N 10.39 12.06 13.72 14.83 16.50 17.61 19.27 20.38 22.05 22.60
NE 19.83 24.82 27.04 27.04 25.93 25.38 24.27 23.71 23.16 22.05
E 22.05 27.60 30.93 31.48 29.82 28.15 26.49 25.38 24.27 22.60
SE 15.39 19.83 23.16 24.82 25.38 24.82 24.27 23.71 23.16 22.05
S 7.06 8.73 10.95 13.17 15.94 18.16 19.83 20.38 20.38 20.38
SW 7.62 9.28 10.95 13.17 15.39 19.27 23.71 28.15 31.48 32.59
W 7.62 9.28 10.95 13.17 15.39 19.27 24.82 31.48 37.03 40.36
NW 7.62 9.28 10.95 13.17 15.39 18.16 22.60 27.60 32.59 35.92
Roof 11.50 13.72 17.05 20.94 25.38 29.82 33.15 35.92 38.14 38.14

Table 6
Heat gain through the wall and roof in Watts.

wall Hour

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

N 2721.79 3157.96 3594.13 3884.91 4321.08 4611.86 5048.03 5338.80 5774.97 5920.36
NE 380.30 476.12 518.70 518.70 497.41 486.77 465.47 454.83 444.18 422.89
E 2702.77 3383.21 3791.48 3859.52 3655.39 3451.26 3247.12 3111.04 2974.95 2770.81
SE 295.13 380.30 444.18 476.12 486.77 476.12 465.47 454.83 444.18 422.89
S 1849.46 2285.63 2867.18 3448.74 4175.69 4757.25 5193.41 5338.80 5338.80 5338.80
SW 281.41 342.94 404.48 486.52 568.56 712.13 876.21 1040.29 1163.35 1204.37
W 2833.90 3453.53 4073.15 4899.32 5725.49 7171.28 9236.70 11715.20 13780.61 15019.86
NW 281.41 342.94 404.48 486.52 568.56 671.11 835.19 1019.78 1204.37 1327.43
Roof 7407.71 8837.72 10982.74 13485.26 16345.28 19205.30 21350.32 23137.83 24567.84 24567.84
Total 18753.89 22660.36 27080.52 31545.61 36344.21 41543.06 46717.92 51611.39 55693.26 56995.26

Table 7
Heat transferred through glass doors in watts.
QSensible ¼ Total sensible heat load ¼ 187361.45 W
Glass door SHGF SC CLTD Area (m2) U Heat transferred r ¼ Density of air ¼ 1.2 kg/m3
N 120 0.95 12.7 8 5.57 1477.91 V ¼ Volume of air movement per second (m3/s)
S 190 0.95 12.7 8 5.57 2009.91 Cp ¼ Specific heat of air ¼ 1.0216 kJ/kg  k
NE 530 0.95 12.7 8 5.57 4593.91
TI ¼ Inside temperature ¼ 23.83  C
SE 480 0.95 12.7 8 5.57 4213.91
Total 12295.65
TS ¼ Supply air temperature ¼ 13  C
The volume of the air per second that passes through the duct
work is

5. Flow rate calculation V ¼ 14:11 m3 =sz15 m3 =s

Then, the Air Change Rate (how many times air needs to be
The flow rate of air is given by [14,15]
change per second) is given by [16,17]
Q Sensible ¼ M  CP  ðTI  TS Þ
Q Sensible ¼ rV  CP  ðTI  TS Þ ACR ¼ V=Vr
R. Lathia, J. Mistry / Pacific Science Review A: Natural Science and Engineering 18 (2016) 109e122 115

Table 8
Sensible and latent heat gain.

Activity of person Sensible heat per person Latent heat per person Number of people Total sensible heat (W) Total latent heat (W)

Writing 70 50 1000 70,000 50,000

Dancing 90 160 20 1800 3200
Total heat 71,800 53,200

here, discharge and velocity cannot remain the same as the calculation
ACR ¼ Air Change Range (1/s) due to the constant plenum. In addition, there will be a chance of a
V ¼ Volume of air required per second (m3/s) ¼ 15 m3/s reverse effective pressure, which could result in a negative pressure
Vr ¼ volume of room (m3) ¼ 12957.96 m3 that will create at branching instead of discharge it and will suck
the indoor air.
ACR ¼ 0:002 1=s In the reductioduct diameter, we keep the air velocity as 8 m/s.
According to the ACR required in every zone and the volume of Fritzche equation is given as [20,21]
the rooms, the required flow rate can be obtained as given in
0:014 22LðVÞ1:852  
Table 9. pf ¼ 1:269
in N=m2

6. Duct Design We know that V ¼ Q/A ¼ 4Q/лD2 so,

There are many theories which define the size of the duct sys- 0:222 43LðQ Þ1:852
tem including pf ¼ N=m2
 equal friction
 static regains D3:704 ¼ 1:5656*ðQ =VÞ1:852
 total pressure
So, for the main duct
 velocity reduction
Q ¼ inlet discharge ¼ 15 m3/s
 constant velocity
V ¼ inlet velocity ¼ 8 m/s
D ¼ main duct diameter (m)
From these methods, we elect to use the equal friction method
because it gives us more correct values to keep the discharge D ¼ 1:545 m
constant. In the equal friction method, the system is sized for a Pf =L ¼ 0:384 N=m2 =m
constant pressure loss per unit length of duct [18]. The equal fric-
tion method can be used for the design of supply and extract the The pressure loss due to friction will be same as the above for all
resulting duct systems. branches according to the equal frictional pressure drop method
For the branch design arrangement, there are mainly two types [3,11].
of methods
6.1. Duct design table
 Reducing plenum method
 Reducing trunk method 6.1.1. Supply duct
As we chose the reduction trump method, we have to tabulate
The reducing plenum method is widely used. In the reducing the data in Table 10. Here, the data shown is only for the supply
plenum method, a single plenum will have extended up to 15e20 duct, as and is also illustrated in Fig. 4.
feet. Branching is done on the plenum with no plenum reduction In Table 10, we calculated each branch diameter, including the
being done after a branch. It is easier to install and provides a cost main duct, and found the length and total pressure losses in the
reduction. However, there are some problems such as a lack in the ducts. As we can see, the main duct always reduces after branching,
proper arrangement leading to a chance of discomfort because the but the length of the main duct is always approximately 4 m.

Table 9
Room type and required flow rate for the Duct design.

Sr. no Type Volume (m3) ACR (1/s) Qty Flow rate (m3/s)

1 Make up room (men) 110.25 0.0011 1 0.121

2 Make up room (women) 110.25 0.0011 1 0.121
3 Storage 187.77 0.0007 1 0.131
6 Seating to ceiling (auditorium) 7434.25 0.0012 1 8.921
4 Light room 52.95 0.0009 1 0.048
5 Washroom (auditorium) 146.23 0.0012 4 0.702
6 stage 2614.59 0.0014 1 3.660
7 Running passage (auditorium) 700 0.0007 2 0.980
8 Running passage (behind stage) 283.5 0.0007 1 0.198
9 Washroom (Men) 89.74 0.0012 1 0.108
10 Washroom (women) 89.74 0.0012 1 0.108
Total 15.099
116 R. Lathia, J. Mistry / Pacific Science Review A: Natural Science and Engineering 18 (2016) 109e122

Table 10
Supply duct sizing.

Branch no. Required discharge (m3/s) PF/L D(m) V (m/s) L (m) PF (N/m2) Velocity pressure (N/m2) Friction factor (f) Joint constant K Loss due to joints (N/m2)

1 (M) 15.096 0.384 1.550 8.00 6.5 2.496 38.42 0.002 0.05 1.92
2 0.070 0.384 0.210 2.03 2 0.768 2.48 0.039 2.33 5.76
3 (M) 15.026 0.384 1.547 7.99 4.6 1.766 38.32 0.003 0.05 1.92
4 0.343 0.384 0.379 3.05 6.2 2.381 5.57 0.017 1.03 5.76
5 (M) 14.683 0.384 1.534 7.95 1.3 0.499 37.88 0.003 0.05 1.92
6 0.343 0.384 0.379 3.05 6.7 2.573 5.57 0.017 1.03 5.76
7 (M) 14.340 0.384 1.521 7.90 6 2.304 37.42 0.003 0.05 1.92
8 0.343 0.384 0.379 3.05 5.5 2.112 5.57 0.017 1.03 5.76
9 0.070 0.384 0.210 2.03 6.7 2.573 2.48 0.039 2.33 5.76
10 (M) 13.927 0.384 1.504 7.84 7.8 2.995 36.87 0.003 0.05 1.92
11 0.070 0.384 0.210 2.03 6.7 2.573 2.48 0.039 2.33 5.76
12 (M) 13.857 0.384 1.501 7.83 3.7 1.421 36.77 0.003 0.05 1.92
13 0.343 0.384 0.379 3.05 4 1.536 5.57 0.017 1.03 5.76
14 0.175 0.384 0.295 2.57 4.3 1.651 3.95 0.024 1.46 5.76
15 (M) 13.339 0.384 1.480 7.75 2.1 0.806 36.07 0.003 0.05 1.92
16 1.372 0.384 0.635 4.34 13.5 5.184 11.30 0.008 0.51 5.76
17 0.343 0.384 0.379 3.05 2.8 1.075 5.57 0.017 1.03 5.76
18 1.029 0.384 0.570 4.03 3.6 1.382 9.76 0.010 0.59 5.76
19 0.343 0.384 0.379 3.05 2.6 0.998 5.57 0.017 1.03 5.76
20 0.686 0.384 0.490 3.64 4.8 1.843 7.94 0.012 0.73 5.76
21 0.343 0.384 0.379 3.05 2.6 0.998 5.57 0.017 1.03 5.76
22 0.343 0.384 0.379 3.05 5.5 2.112 5.57 0.017 1.03 5.76
23 0.070 0.384 0.210 2.03 0.7 0.269 2.48 0.039 2.33 5.76
24 (M) 11.897 0.384 1.418 7.53 3 1.152 34.02 0.003 0.06 1.92
25 0.343 0.384 0.379 3.05 7.5 2.880 5.57 0.017 1.03 5.76
26 (M) 11.554 0.384 1.403 7.47 2.3 0.883 33.52 0.003 0.06 1.92
27 0.175 0.384 0.295 2.57 4.4 1.690 3.95 0.024 1.46 5.76
28 0.343 0.384 0.379 3.05 4.8 1.843 5.57 0.017 1.03 5.76
29 (M) 11.036 0.384 1.379 7.39 4.7 1.805 32.74 0.003 0.06 1.92
30 0.070 0.384 0.210 2.03 0.7 0.269 2.48 0.039 2.33 5.76
31 (M) 10.966 0.384 1.376 7.38 2.4 0.922 32.63 0.003 0.06 1.92
32 0.343 0.384 0.379 3.05 5.2 1.997 5.57 0.017 1.03 5.76
33 (M) 10.623 0.384 1.360 7.32 3.6 1.382 32.11 0.003 0.06 1.92
34 0.343 0.384 0.379 3.05 4.8 1.843 5.57 0.017 1.03 5.76
35 0.070 0.384 0.210 2.03 0.7 0.269 2.48 0.039 2.33 5.76
36 (M) 10.210 0.384 1.340 7.24 6.1 2.342 31.47 0.003 0.06 1.92
37 0.070 0.384 0.210 2.03 0.7 0.269 2.48 0.039 2.33 5.76
38 0.523 0.384 0.443 3.39 4.8 1.843 6.91 0.014 0.83 5.76
39 (M) 9.617 0.384 1.310 7.13 9.1 3.494 30.52 0.003 0.06 1.92
40 0.131 0.384 0.265 2.38 2.6 0.998 3.41 0.028 1.69 5.76
41 (M) 9.486 0.384 1.304 7.11 4.8 1.843 30.31 0.003 0.06 1.92
42 0.523 0.384 0.443 3.39 3 1.152 6.91 0.014 0.83 5.76
43 0.066 0.384 0.205 2.00 0.15 0.058 2.40 0.040 2.40 5.76
44 (M) 8.897 0.384 1.273 6.99 3.9 1.498 29.33 0.003 0.07 1.92
45 0.523 0.384 0.443 3.39 3.7 1.421 6.91 0.014 0.83 5.76
46 (M) 8.374 0.384 1.245 6.88 1.1 0.422 28.44 0.003 0.07 1.92
47 0.108 0.384 0.246 2.27 1.8 0.691 3.09 0.031 1.86 5.76
48 (M) 8.266 0.384 1.239 6.86 3.3 1.267 28.25 0.003 0.07 1.92
49 0.523 0.384 0.443 3.39 6.7 2.573 6.91 0.014 0.83 5.76
50 0.066 0.384 0.205 2.00 3.8 1.459 2.40 0.040 2.40 5.76
51 (M) 7.677 0.384 1.205 6.73 1.7 0.653 27.21 0.004 0.07 1.92
52 0.108 0.384 0.246 2.27 1.8 0.691 3.09 0.031 1.86 5.76
53 (M) 7.569 0.384 1.199 6.71 0.9 0.346 27.01 0.004 0.07 1.92
54 0.523 0.384 0.443 3.39 3.7 1.421 6.91 0.014 0.83 5.76
55 (M) 7.046 0.384 1.167 6.59 3.4 1.306 26.04 0.004 0.07 1.92
56 0.121 0.384 0.257 2.34 1.8 0.691 3.27 0.029 1.76 5.76
57 (M) 6.925 0.384 1.160 6.56 2.2 0.845 25.81 0.004 0.07 1.92
58 0.523 0.384 0.443 3.39 3.1 1.190 6.91 0.014 0.83 5.76
59 0.066 0.384 0.205 2.00 0.15 0.058 2.40 0.040 2.40 5.76
60 (M) 6.336 0.384 1.122 6.41 5.8 2.227 24.67 0.004 0.08 1.92
61 0.121 0.384 0.257 2.34 1.9 0.730 3.27 0.029 1.76 5.76
62 (M) 6.215 0.384 1.114 6.38 6.6 2.534 24.43 0.004 0.08 1.92
63 0.523 0.384 0.443 3.39 7.4 2.842 6.91 0.014 0.83 5.76
64 0.070 0.384 0.210 2.03 0.7 0.269 2.48 0.039 2.33 5.76
65 (M) 5.622 0.384 1.073 6.22 7.5 2.880 23.21 0.004 0.08 1.92
66 0.343 0.384 0.379 3.05 5 1.920 5.57 0.017 1.03 5.76
67 0.070 0.384 0.210 2.03 0.7 0.269 2.48 0.039 2.33 5.76
68 (M) 5.209 0.384 1.043 6.10 2.7 1.037 22.32 0.004 0.09 1.92
69 0.343 0.384 0.379 3.05 6.1 2.342 5.57 0.017 1.03 5.76
70 (M) 4.866 0.384 1.017 5.99 4.4 1.690 21.56 0.004 0.09 1.92
71 0.070 0.384 0.210 2.03 0.7 0.269 2.48 0.039 2.33 5.76
72 (M) 4.796 0.384 1.011 5.97 2.3 0.883 21.40 0.004 0.09 1.92
73 2.058 0.384 0.738 4.81 14.2 5.453 13.90 0.007 0.41 5.76
74 0.343 0.384 0.379 3.05 2.3 0.883 5.57 0.017 1.03 5.76
R. Lathia, J. Mistry / Pacific Science Review A: Natural Science and Engineering 18 (2016) 109e122 117

Table 10 (continued )

Branch no. Required discharge (m3/s) PF/L D(m) V (m/s) L (m) PF (N/m2) Velocity pressure (N/m2) Friction factor (f) Joint constant K Loss due to joints (N/m2)

75 1.715 0.384 0.690 4.59 1.4 0.538 12.66 0.008 0.45 5.76
76 0.343 0.384 0.379 3.05 1.7 0.653 5.57 0.017 1.03 5.76
77 1.372 0.384 0.635 4.34 2.4 0.922 11.30 0.008 0.51 5.76
78 0.343 0.384 0.379 3.05 3.5 1.344 5.57 0.017 1.03 5.76
79 1.029 0.384 0.570 4.03 3.2 1.229 9.76 0.010 0.59 5.76
80 0.343 0.384 0.379 3.05 1.9 0.730 5.57 0.017 1.03 5.76
81 0.686 0.384 0.490 3.64 2.2 0.845 7.94 0.012 0.73 5.76
82 0.343 0.384 0.379 3.05 3.6 1.382 5.57 0.017 1.03 5.76
83 0.343 0.384 0.379 3.05 3.7 1.421 5.57 0.017 1.03 5.76
84 (M) 2.738 0.384 0.821 5.18 2.3 0.883 16.08 0.006 0.12 1.92
85 0.175 0.384 0.295 2.57 4.3 1.651 3.95 0.024 1.46 5.76
86 0.343 0.384 0.379 3.05 5.8 2.227 5.57 0.017 1.03 5.76
87 (M) 2.220 0.384 0.759 4.91 3.6 1.382 14.45 0.007 0.13 1.92
88 0.070 0.384 0.210 2.03 0.7 0.269 2.48 0.039 2.33 5.76
89 0.343 0.384 0.379 3.05 9.5 3.648 5.57 0.017 1.03 5.76
90 (M) 1.807 0.384 0.703 4.66 2.1 0.806 13.01 0.007 0.15 1.92
91 0.175 0.384 0.295 2.57 4.3 1.651 3.95 0.024 1.46 5.76
92 0.343 0.384 0.379 3.05 4.3 1.651 5.57 0.017 1.03 5.76
93 (M) 1.289 0.384 0.620 4.27 5.5 2.112 10.95 0.009 0.18 1.92
94 0.070 0.384 0.210 2.03 0.7 0.269 2.48 0.039 2.33 5.76
95 (M) 1.219 0.384 0.607 4.21 3.5 1.344 10.64 0.009 0.18 1.92
96 0.343 0.384 0.379 3.05 5.7 2.189 5.57 0.017 1.03 5.76
97 (M) 0.876 0.384 0.537 3.87 6.7 2.573 8.99 0.011 0.21 1.92
98 0.343 0.384 0.379 3.05 6.3 2.419 5.57 0.017 1.03 5.76
99 0.070 0.384 0.210 2.03 0.7 0.269 2.48 0.039 2.33 5.76
100 (M) 0.463 0.384 0.423 3.29 2.5 0.960 6.49 0.015 0.30 1.92
101 0.391 0.384 0.398 3.15 1.7 0.653 5.96 0.016 0.97 5.76
102 0.343 0.384 0.379 3.05 5.1 1.958 5.57 0.017 1.03 5.76
103 0.048 0.384 0.182 1.85 5.2 1.997 2.04 0.047 2.82 5.76
104 (M) 0.072 0.384 0.212 2.05 4.2 1.613 2.51 0.038 0.76 1.92
TOTAL 405.2 155.597 1288.99 460.8

Here, (M) represents the main duct.

Therefore, the reduction trunk method can be considered as a here,

reduction plenum method in our case. The cost remains approxi- Ps ¼ Power required to drive a fan (W)
mately the same for both methods, so we chose the reduction trunk Dps ¼ Static pressure loss ¼ pressure loss due to friction þ loss
method for a better comfort system. due to joints
¼ 155.59 þ 460.8 ¼ 616.39 N/m2
6.1.2. Return duct Q ¼ Discharge rate ¼ 15 m3/s
The return duct is required in every HVAC system maintains n ¼ efficiency of fan ¼ 0.85
both the indoor pressure and the air quality. We located the return
duct only at the auditorium and not in the other locations. Because Psupply ¼ 10:87 kW
the main requirement of the air is only for the auditorium and to For the return duct,
maintain a good quality of the air wasted, the air must be constantly
ejected from the indoor environment. Q ¼ 5:48 m3 =s
According to the ASHRAE handbook, the required fresh air flow
is 7.15 m3/s and we supplied total air flow of 12.58 m3/s n ¼ 0.85
(stage þ seating). remove total of (12.58e7.15) 5.43 m3/s has to be
removed by the return duct. Dps ¼ 113:724 þ 80:19 ¼ 193:92 N=m2
In the same process as the supply duct, we fixed the velocity of
the main return duct at 8 m/s. Using the Fritzche equation we Preturn ¼ 1:25 kW
determined the main return duct diameter and calculated associ-
ated divided branches.
As shown in Table 11, we have tabulated the data for the return duct 7. Cycle selection and explanation
as shown below, which was acquired the same way as supply duct.
There are many cycles, such as Vapour Compression Refrigera-
D ¼ 0:934 m tion Cycle (VCRC), Vapour Absorption Refrigeration Cycle (VARC),
Pf =L ¼ 0:729 N=m2 =m LithiumeBromide (LieBr) cssycle, etc.

As we can see from the supply and return duct sizing data, the
fan must be designed for the supply air conditioning. 7.1. Vapour compression refrigeration cycle
Therefore, the power required for the fan is given by [14,22].
A simple VCR Cycle consists of following components:
Ps ¼ rg  Q  H=n 1) compressor, 2) condenser, 3) expansion valve, and 4)
Ps ¼ Dps Q =n evaporator.
118 R. Lathia, J. Mistry / Pacific Science Review A: Natural Science and Engineering 18 (2016) 109e122

Fig. 4. Duct design.

The schematic diagram of the arrangement is shown in Fig. 5. 7.2. Vapour absorption refrigeration cycle
The low temperature, low pressure vapour at state 1 is compressed
by a compressor to a high temperature and pressure vapour at state Some liquids, such as water, have a great affinity for absorbing
2. This vapour is condensed into high pressure vapour at state 3 in large quantities of certain vapours, such as ammonia (NH3), which
the condenser and then passes through the expansion valve. Here, greatly reduces the total volume. The absorption refrigeration
the vapour is throttled down to a low pressure liquid and passed on system differs fundamentally from the vapour compression system,
to an evaporator, where it absorbs heat from the surroundings from but only in the method of compressing the refrigerant. An absorber,
the circulating fluid (being refrigerated) and vaporizes into a low generator and pump in the absorption system replace the
pressure vapour at state 2. This cycle operates with help of an en- compressor of a vapour compression system.
gine driven compressor and requires significant shaft power from The main benefit of using this system is that it does not require
the engine. high grade work energy, so it is quiet in operation. In addition, since
R. Lathia, J. Mistry / Pacific Science Review A: Natural Science and Engineering 18 (2016) 109e122 119

Table 11
Return duct sizing.

Branch no. Discharge (m3/s) PF/L D (m) V (m/s) L (m) PF (N/m2) Velocity pressure (N/m2) f K joint Joint Losses (N/m2)

1 5.480 0.729 0.934 8.00 34 24.786 38.362 0.005 0.095 3.645

2 0.783 0.729 0.453 4.87 17 12.393 14.216 0.013 0.769 10.935
3 0.783 0.729 0.453 4.87 17 12.393 14.216 0.013 0.769 10.935
4 3.914 0.729 0.824 7.34 6 4.374 32.310 0.006 0.113 3.645
5 0.783 0.729 0.453 4.87 17 12.393 14.216 0.013 0.769 10.935
6 0.783 0.729 0.453 4.87 17 12.393 14.216 0.013 0.769 10.935
7 2.348 0.729 0.681 6.44 9 6.561 24.895 0.007 0.146 3.645
8 0.783 0.729 0.453 4.87 14 10.206 14.216 0.013 0.769 10.935
9 0.783 0.729 0.453 4.87 14 10.206 14.216 0.013 0.769 10.935
10 0.783 0.729 0.453 4.87 11 8.019 14.216 0.013 0.256 3.645
Total 156 113.724 195.080 80.190

ii) The liquid refrigerant evaporates into the mixture of liquid and
vapour as its pressure reduces. The density of the vapour is
less than that of the liquid. Hence, the average density of the
refrigerant decreases as it flows in the tube. The mass flow
rate and the tube diameter (or area) are constant, and the
velocity of the refrigerant increases since the increase in ve-
locity or acceleration of the refrigerant also requires a pressure

The refrigerant at very low pressure and temperature enters the

evaporator and produces the cooling effect. In the VCR cycle this
Fig. 5. VCR system.
refrigerant is displaced by the compressor, but in the VAR cycle, the
absorber is a vessel consisting of water that acts as the absorbent
we decided to use solar energy, the VCR system cannot be used for the previous absorbed refrigerant. Thus, the absorber consists of
because the compressor consumes too much power initially to the weak solution of the refrigerant (ammonia) and absorbent
start. Hence we decided to use the VAR system. (water). When the ammonia from the evaporator enters the
Fig. 6 shows the schematic diagram of a vapour absorption absorber, it is absorbed by the absorbent due to the pressure inside
system. Ammonia vapour is produced in the generator at high the absorber further reduces, leading to more flow of the refrig-
pressure from a strong solution of NH3 by external heating. The erant from the evaporator to the absorber. At high temperature, the
water vapour carried with ammonia is removed in the rectifier and water absorbs less ammonia, hence, it is cooled by the external
only the dehydrated ammonia gas enters the condenser. The high coolant to increase the ammonia absorption capacity. The initial
pressure NH3 vapour is then condensed in the condenser. The flow of the refrigerant from the evaporator to the absorber occurs
cooled NH3 solution is passed through a throttle valve and the because the vapour pressure of the refrigerant-absorbent in the
pressure and temperature of the refrigerant are reduced below the absorber is lower than the vapour pressure of the refrigerant in the
temperature to be maintained in the evaporator. The low temper- evaporator. The vapour pressure of the refrigerant-absorbent inside
ature refrigerant enters the evaporator and absorbs the required the absorbent determines the pressure on low-pressure side of the
heat and leaves it as saturated vapour. system and the vaporizing temperature of the refrigerant inside the
As with the traditional condenser of the vapour compression evaporator. The refrigerant flows to the absorber, which acts as the
cycle, the refrigerant enters the condenser at high pressure and vacuum part of the refrigeration cycle.
temperature and becomes condensed. Capillary tubes range from This cycle is operated with help of a heat supply from the
0.5 mm to 3 mm with lengths ranging from 1 m to 6 m. The pres- generator, and a pump is needed for the circulation of the refrig-
sure reduction in a capillary tube occurs due to the following two erant and absorber solution. Conventionally, heat is supplied
factors: through a coal fired boiler, and unconventionally by other gaseous
fuelled boilers, but they can create pollution by emitting harmful
i) The refrigerant must overcome the frictional resistance gases and the setup of gas pipelines is almost as economical as a
caused by the tube walls, which leads to some pressure solar water heater installation. So, to make the system eco-friendly,
drop. we have supplied heat from a solar heater.

8. Designing of components of VARS

The pressure to be maintained in the condenser for changing the

phase of ammonia vapours into ammonia liquid depends on type
and temperature of the condensing medium used [23e25].
In this system, forced air is used as a condensing medium. Water
is available at a temperature of 26  C i.e., condensing temperature is
Tc ¼ 26  C.
For condensing ammonia vapours at 26  C, the corresponding
pressure required can be noted from the refrigeration table of
ammonia (R-717).
Fig. 6. VAR system. In this way, the condenser pressure is fixed at (pc) ¼ 10.34 bar.
120 R. Lathia, J. Mistry / Pacific Science Review A: Natural Science and Engineering 18 (2016) 109e122

From the enthalpy table and pressure for the NH3, enthalpies From the above equations and the diameter and length available
can be listed as below [8]: in the marketplace, we performed the calculations for a diameter of
h1 ¼ 1593.9 kJ/kg, h2 ¼ 90 kJ/kg, h3 ¼ 90 kJ/kg, h4 ¼ 260 kJ/kg, 1.2 cm, 1.4 cm, 1.8 cm, 2.0 cm and 2.4 cm. From all the results we
h5 ¼ 260 kJ/kg, h6 ¼ 1626.6 kJ/kg, h7 ¼ 460.82 kJ/kg, h8 ¼ 460.82 kJ/kg. take the following dimensions for the condenser coil.
The capacity of the system is of 70 ton, giving
d ¼ 0:024 m
Q e ¼ m1 ðh1  h8Þ ¼ 210*70 ¼ 14700 kJ=kg l ¼ 196 m
m1 ¼ 14700=ð1609  460Þ ¼ 12:79 kg=min:
Now, from the H em chart for NH3 taking X2 ¼ 0.5 kJ/min and
X1 ¼ 0.1 kJ/min, 8.3. Evaporator design
From the mass conservation equation
For design of evaporator coil, we can use same design consid-
m1 x1 þ m5 x5 ¼ m2 x2 erations as were used in the condenser coil.
m2 ¼ 32:425 kg=min
m5 ¼ 19:455 kg=min Q E ¼ U  A  DT
Q E ¼ U  p  d  l  DT
now, m1 ¼ m6 ¼ m7 ¼ m8 ¼ 12.79 kg/min
Taking d ¼ 0.020 m

m2 ¼ m3 ¼ 32:425 kg=min 14700*1000

m4 ¼ m5 ¼ 19:455 kg=min ¼ 400*p*0:024*1*19:45
From the energy conservation equation, l ¼ 417:87 m
The approximate length of the pipe is 420 m. Taking the total
Q a ¼ m1 h1 þ m5 h5  m2 h2
number of passes as 60, the length of one pass will approximately
Q a ¼ 22811:633 KJ=min
be 8 m.
here, Qg is the heat supplied to the generator and Qd is the heat
removed from water. Therefore, 8.4. Solar plant generator design

Q g  Q d ¼ m1 ðh6  h3 Þ For an eco-friendly system, we are using a solar plant so that the
electricity use will be minimum and the operating cost can be
And Q d ¼ m1 ðh1  h4 Þ reduced [26]. Since the solar plant efficiency is dependent on the
Q g ¼ m6 h 6 þ m4 h 4  m3 h 3 Reynolds number and the Nusselt number of the heat transfer [27],
Therefore; Q g ¼ 23237:052 kJ=min there is only a small effect on the nature of the solar collector. Since
our design directly supplies steam that is imparted on the gener-
From the equation of the Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER), ator, these factors can be neglected. Flowing fluid as water allows
 for considerable, key improvements in the heat transfer capabilities
Energy Efficiency RatioðEERÞ ¼ Q e Q g
have could be made. As a result, an important need still exists to
EER ¼ 0:632
develop new strategies to develop the effective heat transfer be-
haviours of conventional heat transfer fluids [28,29] and as for
improved heat transfer, we take the pipe of water with roughness
8.1. Absorber design
wedge angles of 15 [30].
The approximate volume of the generator is taken as 300
To design the absorber, our requirement is 70 ton so we take the
L¼ 0.3 m3
volume to be nearly 105 L.

V ¼ 0:25*P  d2 *l
V ¼ 0:25  P  d2  l
Taking the relation of the diameter and the length as l ¼ 2  d
From various combinations of the length and diameter, we find
several possible dimensions for the absorber. For our case, we will
take the dimensions as
0:3 ¼ 0:25*P*2*d3
d ¼ 0:57 m
Diameter d ¼ 0:4 m Taking d ¼ 0.6 m so l ¼ 1.2 m.
Length ¼ 0:8 m

Table 12
8.2. Condenser design Installation cost.

Unit Cost in $.
For the design of the condenser coil, we can take the heat
Machine cost (Duct work þ labour) 52,000
transfer equations into consideration as below Cooling tower 5000
Cooling water pump 1000
Q c ¼ U  A  DT Chilled water pump 750
LT hot water pump 350
Q c ¼ U  p  d  l  DT HT hot water pump 350
151201000 Solar plant 50,000
¼ 340*p*d*1*50 Total 109,450
R. Lathia, J. Mistry / Pacific Science Review A: Natural Science and Engineering 18 (2016) 109e122 121

Table 13
-Electricity cost for 23 years.

Unit kW hour Days kwh/Year price rate ($)/kwh total cost for 23 years

Refrigerant pump 0.28 9 100 252 0.1 25.2 579.6

Solution pump 1.3 9 100 1170 0.1 117 2691
Cooling water pump 6.9 9 100 6210 0.1 621 14,283
Chilled water pump 6.9 9 100 6210 0.1 621 14,283
LT hot water pump 0.9 9 100 810 0.1 81 1863
HT hot water pump 0.9 9 100 810 0.1 81 1863
Fan (Supply þ Return) 12.12 9 100 10,908 0.1 1090.8 25,088.4
Total 29.3 26,370 2637 60,651

9.4. Replacement cost

Table 14
Replacement costs.
For the entire life cycle, there is no consideration for cooling
Unit for 10 years' cost ($) for 23 years' cost ($)
towers and chillers in the replacement cost because the lifetime of
Refrigerant pump 80 160 these are same as the analysis period. The service life for all the
Solution pump 450 900 pumps is 10 years. All figures are converted from Indian Rupees to
Cooling water pump 1000 2000
US $. There will be a replacement twice during the 23 year opera-
Chilled water pump 750 1500
LT hot water pump 350 700 tion. The value obtained for the replacement cost from Table 14 is
HT hot water pump 350 700 $11,960 over 23 years.
Fan (Supply þ Return) 3000 6000
Total 5980 11,960
9.5. Total life cycle cost (LCC)

The required heat to the generator is provided with solar energy.

The energy absorbed by the collector plate is given by LCC ¼ Installation cost þ Electricity cost þ Maintenance cost
þReplacement cost
Q ¼ K*S*A LCC ¼ 210811 $:

10. Direct and indirect emission
K ¼ efficiency of the collector plate ¼ 0.8
S ¼ average solar heat falling on Earth's Surface ¼ 250 W/m2
10.1. Direct
A ¼ Area of collector plates

Q g ¼ 23237:052 KJ=min ¼ 387284:2 W=s Since, we have used a solar collector water heater to run the
¼ 0:8*250*A generator, there are no direct emissions from this system, so it is
A ¼ 1936:421 m2 completely eco-friendly. The only leakage would be that of our
refrigerant eNH3. Since this leakage is negligible, it can be
Hence, the solar collectors are to be installed with 1936.421 m2 neglected and the ODP (Ozone Depletion Potential) and GWP
of area near to the auditorium. (Global Worming Potential) of NH3 is very low, so that it would not
adversely affect the environment.
9. Life cycle cost analysis
10.2. Indirect
For the life cycle cost analysis of the HVAC system, we are
considering a 23 year life cycle. The fife cycle cost analysis includes
The only electricity that we are using in our system is for the
the installation cost, maintenance cost, annual electricity cost,
pumps and fans. The total units consumed by these fans and pumps
replacement cost, and salvage cost, and all of the costs are con-
per year are 26,370 units (As discussed above).
verted from Indian Rupees to US $ [31].
For 1 unit, 6.89551  104 metric tons of CO2 is emitted in the
atmosphere. Hence, the total indirect emission for 26,370 units is
9.1. Installation cost 18.18 metric tons of CO2 [32,33]. Otherwise, there is not any indirect
As per market conditions, we have derived the approximate
installation cost for the whole HVAC system as shown in Table 12.

9.2. Electricity cost Climate change and energy waste e increasing the entropy of
the system e are among the largest problems facing the world
For electricity cost analysis, we considered 9 working hours and today [1,2]. This HVAC system is considered to be one of the most
100 operational days in a year tabulated as Table 13. promising energy saving systems with a low life cycle cost. This
paper provides an essential framework of designing the load
9.3. Maintenance cost calculation to the component sizing. For comfort conditioning, the
reduction in trunk method for the duct sizing gives most appro-
Maintenance costs of the VARS and VCRS are the labour and priate flow rates for the conditioned air giving proper cooling in the
material expense required to maintain the system in suitable use summer. Most importantly, the best HVAC systems cannot be
condition. The total annual maintenance cost of VAR is around designed according to the design of a building, but the building has
$1,250 leading to $28,750 over 23 years of operation. to be designed with respect to the HVAC systems.
122 R. Lathia, J. Mistry / Pacific Science Review A: Natural Science and Engineering 18 (2016) 109e122

Acknowledgements [12] R. Miller, M.R. Miller, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, McGrow-Hill, New
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[13] A.A. Bell, HVAC e Equation, Data and Rules of Thumb, McGraw-Hill, New
We would like to acknowledge our mentors Asst. Prof. Hardik York, 2007.
Patel and Asst. Prof. Bhavin Mehta of Mechanical Engineering [14] R. Hammon, HVAC Design Guide, California Energy Commission, California, 2005.
Department, CSPIT, CHARUSAT for providing us a valuable knowl- [15] C. Faye, J.D.P. McQuiston, J.D. Spitler, Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning
Analysis and Design, John Wiley & Sons, United States of America, 2005.
edge and help to complete this HVAC design article. We also [16] F. Porges, HVAC e Engineer's Handbook, Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford, 2001.
acknowledge Editor and Reviewer for their valuable comments on [17] W. Roger, P.E. Haines, HVAC Systems Design Handbook, McGraw-Hill, New
this article. York, 2010.
[18] V.C. Thomas, Engineering Design Basis e Ductwork Design Program, Owings
& Merrill, Skidmore, 1998, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.09.150.
[20] P.L. Ballaney, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Khanna Publishers, Delhi, 2002.
References [21] R.S. Khurmi, J.K. Gupta, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, S. Chand & Com-
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